2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
6Utility functions on @Core@ syntax
11-- | Commonly useful utilities for manipulating the Core language
12module GHC.Core.Utils (
13        -- * Constructing expressions
14        mkCast,
15        mkTick, mkTicks, mkTickNoHNF, tickHNFArgs,
16        bindNonRec, needsCaseBinding,
17        mkAltExpr, mkDefaultCase, mkSingleAltCase,
19        -- * Taking expressions apart
20        findDefault, addDefault, findAlt, isDefaultAlt,
21        mergeAlts, trimConArgs,
22        filterAlts, combineIdenticalAlts, refineDefaultAlt,
23        scaleAltsBy,
25        -- * Properties of expressions
26        exprType, coreAltType, coreAltsType, mkLamType, mkLamTypes,
27        mkFunctionType,
28        isExprLevPoly,
29        exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, getIdFromTrivialExpr, exprIsDeadEnd,
30        getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe,
31        exprIsCheap, exprIsExpandable, exprIsCheapX, CheapAppFun,
32        exprIsHNF, exprOkForSpeculation, exprOkForSideEffects, exprIsWorkFree,
33        exprIsConLike,
34        isCheapApp, isExpandableApp,
35        exprIsTickedString, exprIsTickedString_maybe,
36        exprIsTopLevelBindable,
37        altsAreExhaustive,
39        -- * Equality
40        cheapEqExpr, cheapEqExpr', eqExpr,
41        diffExpr, diffBinds,
43        -- * Lambdas and eta reduction
44        tryEtaReduce, zapLamBndrs,
46        -- * Manipulating data constructors and types
47        exprToType, exprToCoercion_maybe,
48        applyTypeToArgs, applyTypeToArg,
49        dataConRepInstPat, dataConRepFSInstPat,
50        isEmptyTy,
52        -- * Working with ticks
53        stripTicksTop, stripTicksTopE, stripTicksTopT,
54        stripTicksE, stripTicksT,
56        -- * StaticPtr
57        collectMakeStaticArgs,
59        -- * Join points
60        isJoinBind,
62        -- * unsafeEqualityProof
63        isUnsafeEqualityProof,
65        -- * Dumping stuff
66        dumpIdInfoOfProgram
67    ) where
69#include "GhclibHsVersions.h"
71import GHC.Prelude
72import GHC.Platform
74import GHC.Driver.Ppr
76import GHC.Core
77import GHC.Builtin.Names (absentErrorIdKey, makeStaticName, unsafeEqualityProofName)
78import GHC.Core.Ppr
79import GHC.Core.FVs( exprFreeVars )
80import GHC.Types.Var
81import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
82import GHC.Types.Var.Env
83import GHC.Types.Var.Set
84import GHC.Types.Name
85import GHC.Types.Literal
86import GHC.Types.Tickish
87import GHC.Core.DataCon
88import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
89import GHC.Types.Id
90import GHC.Types.Id.Info
91import GHC.Core.Type as Type
92import GHC.Core.Predicate
93import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep( TyCoBinder(..), TyBinder )
94import GHC.Core.Coercion
95import GHC.Core.TyCon
96import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
97import GHC.Types.Unique
98import GHC.Utils.Outputable
99import GHC.Utils.Panic
100import GHC.Data.FastString
101import GHC.Data.Maybe
102import GHC.Data.List.SetOps( minusList )
103import GHC.Types.Basic     ( Arity, FullArgCount )
104import GHC.Utils.Misc
105import GHC.Data.Pair
106import Data.ByteString     ( ByteString )
107import Data.Function       ( on )
108import Data.List           ( sort, sortBy, partition, zipWith4, mapAccumL )
109import Data.Ord            ( comparing )
110import GHC.Data.OrdList
111import qualified Data.Set as Set
112import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
116*                                                                      *
117\subsection{Find the type of a Core atom/expression}
118*                                                                      *
122exprType :: CoreExpr -> Type
123-- ^ Recover the type of a well-typed Core expression. Fails when
124-- applied to the actual 'GHC.Core.Type' expression as it cannot
125-- really be said to have a type
126exprType (Var var)           = idType var
127exprType (Lit lit)           = literalType lit
128exprType (Coercion co)       = coercionType co
129exprType (Let bind body)
130  | NonRec tv rhs <- bind    -- See Note [Type bindings]
131  , Type ty <- rhs           = substTyWithUnchecked [tv] [ty] (exprType body)
132  | otherwise                = exprType body
133exprType (Case _ _ ty _)     = ty
134exprType (Cast _ co)         = pSnd (coercionKind co)
135exprType (Tick _ e)          = exprType e
136exprType (Lam binder expr)   = mkLamType binder (exprType expr)
137exprType e@(App _ _)
138  = case collectArgs e of
139        (fun, args) -> applyTypeToArgs e (exprType fun) args
141exprType other = pprPanic "exprType" (pprCoreExpr other)
143coreAltType :: CoreAlt -> Type
144-- ^ Returns the type of the alternatives right hand side
145coreAltType alt@(Alt _ bs rhs)
146  = case occCheckExpand bs rhs_ty of
147      -- Note [Existential variables and silly type synonyms]
148      Just ty -> ty
149      Nothing -> pprPanic "coreAltType" (pprCoreAlt alt $$ ppr rhs_ty)
150  where
151    rhs_ty = exprType rhs
153coreAltsType :: [CoreAlt] -> Type
154-- ^ Returns the type of the first alternative, which should be the same as for all alternatives
155coreAltsType (alt:_) = coreAltType alt
156coreAltsType []      = panic "corAltsType"
158mkLamType  :: Var -> Type -> Type
159-- ^ Makes a @(->)@ type or an implicit forall type, depending
160-- on whether it is given a type variable or a term variable.
161-- This is used, for example, when producing the type of a lambda.
162-- Always uses Inferred binders.
163mkLamTypes :: [Var] -> Type -> Type
164-- ^ 'mkLamType' for multiple type or value arguments
166mkLamType v body_ty
167   | isTyVar v
168   = mkForAllTy v Inferred body_ty
170   | isCoVar v
171   , v `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfType body_ty
172   = mkForAllTy v Required body_ty
174   | otherwise
175   = mkFunctionType (varMult v) (varType v) body_ty
177mkFunctionType :: Mult -> Type -> Type -> Type
178-- This one works out the AnonArgFlag from the argument type
179-- See GHC.Types.Var Note [AnonArgFlag]
180mkFunctionType mult arg_ty res_ty
181   | isPredTy arg_ty -- See GHC.Types.Var Note [AnonArgFlag]
182   = ASSERT(eqType mult Many)
183     mkInvisFunTy mult arg_ty res_ty
185   | otherwise
186   = mkVisFunTy mult arg_ty res_ty
188mkLamTypes vs ty = foldr mkLamType ty vs
190-- | Is this expression levity polymorphic? This should be the
191-- same as saying (isKindLevPoly . typeKind . exprType) but
192-- much faster.
193isExprLevPoly :: CoreExpr -> Bool
194isExprLevPoly = go
195  where
196   go (Var _)                      = False  -- no levity-polymorphic binders
197   go (Lit _)                      = False  -- no levity-polymorphic literals
198   go e@(App f _) | not (go_app f) = False
199                  | otherwise      = check_type e
200   go (Lam _ _)                    = False
201   go (Let _ e)                    = go e
202   go e@(Case {})                  = check_type e -- checking type is fast
203   go e@(Cast {})                  = check_type e
204   go (Tick _ e)                   = go e
205   go e@(Type {})                  = pprPanic "isExprLevPoly ty" (ppr e)
206   go (Coercion {})                = False  -- this case can happen in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels
208   check_type = isTypeLevPoly . exprType  -- slow approach
210      -- if the function is a variable (common case), check its
211      -- levityInfo. This might mean we don't need to look up and compute
212      -- on the type. Spec of these functions: return False if there is
213      -- no possibility, ever, of this expression becoming levity polymorphic,
214      -- no matter what it's applied to; return True otherwise.
215      -- returning True is always safe. See also Note [Levity info] in
216      -- IdInfo
217   go_app (Var id)        = not (isNeverLevPolyId id)
218   go_app (Lit _)         = False
219   go_app (App f _)       = go_app f
220   go_app (Lam _ e)       = go_app e
221   go_app (Let _ e)       = go_app e
222   go_app (Case _ _ ty _) = resultIsLevPoly ty
223   go_app (Cast _ co)     = resultIsLevPoly (coercionRKind co)
224   go_app (Tick _ e)      = go_app e
225   go_app e@(Type {})     = pprPanic "isExprLevPoly app ty" (ppr e)
226   go_app e@(Coercion {}) = pprPanic "isExprLevPoly app co" (ppr e)
230Note [Type bindings]
232Core does allow type bindings, although such bindings are
233not much used, except in the output of the desugarer.
235     let a = Int in (\x:a. x)
236Given this, exprType must be careful to substitute 'a' in the
237result type (#8522).
239Note [Existential variables and silly type synonyms]
242        data T = forall a. T (Funny a)
243        type Funny a = Bool
244        f :: T -> Bool
245        f (T x) = x
247Now, the type of 'x' is (Funny a), where 'a' is existentially quantified.
248That means that 'exprType' and 'coreAltsType' may give a result that *appears*
249to mention an out-of-scope type variable.  See #3409 for a more real-world
252Various possibilities suggest themselves:
254 - Ignore the problem, and make Lint not complain about such variables
256 - Expand all type synonyms (or at least all those that discard arguments)
257      This is tricky, because at least for top-level things we want to
258      retain the type the user originally specified.
260 - Expand synonyms on the fly, when the problem arises. That is what
261   we are doing here.  It's not too expensive, I think.
263Note that there might be existentially quantified coercion variables, too.
266-- Not defined with applyTypeToArg because you can't print from GHC.Core.
267applyTypeToArgs :: CoreExpr -> Type -> [CoreExpr] -> Type
268-- ^ A more efficient version of 'applyTypeToArg' when we have several arguments.
269-- The first argument is just for debugging, and gives some context
270applyTypeToArgs e op_ty args
271  = go op_ty args
272  where
273    go op_ty []                   = op_ty
274    go op_ty (Type ty : args)     = go_ty_args op_ty [ty] args
275    go op_ty (Coercion co : args) = go_ty_args op_ty [mkCoercionTy co] args
276    go op_ty (_ : args)           | Just (_, _, res_ty) <- splitFunTy_maybe op_ty
277                                  = go res_ty args
278    go _ args = pprPanic "applyTypeToArgs" (panic_msg args)
280    -- go_ty_args: accumulate type arguments so we can
281    -- instantiate all at once with piResultTys
282    go_ty_args op_ty rev_tys (Type ty : args)
283       = go_ty_args op_ty (ty:rev_tys) args
284    go_ty_args op_ty rev_tys (Coercion co : args)
285       = go_ty_args op_ty (mkCoercionTy co : rev_tys) args
286    go_ty_args op_ty rev_tys args
287       = go (piResultTys op_ty (reverse rev_tys)) args
289    panic_msg as = vcat [ text "Expression:" <+> pprCoreExpr e
290                     , text "Type:" <+> ppr op_ty
291                     , text "Args:" <+> ppr args
292                     , text "Args':" <+> ppr as ]
297*                                                                      *
298\subsection{Attaching notes}
299*                                                                      *
303-- | Wrap the given expression in the coercion safely, dropping
304-- identity coercions and coalescing nested coercions
305mkCast :: CoreExpr -> CoercionR -> CoreExpr
306mkCast e co
307  | ASSERT2( coercionRole co == Representational
308           , text "coercion" <+> ppr co <+> ptext (sLit "passed to mkCast")
309             <+> ppr e <+> text "has wrong role" <+> ppr (coercionRole co) )
310    isReflCo co
311  = e
313mkCast (Coercion e_co) co
314  | isCoVarType (coercionRKind co)
315       -- The guard here checks that g has a (~#) on both sides,
316       -- otherwise decomposeCo fails.  Can in principle happen
317       -- with unsafeCoerce
318  = Coercion (mkCoCast e_co co)
320mkCast (Cast expr co2) co
321  = WARN(let { from_ty = coercionLKind co;
322               to_ty2  = coercionRKind co2 } in
323            not (from_ty `eqType` to_ty2),
324             vcat ([ text "expr:" <+> ppr expr
325                   , text "co2:" <+> ppr co2
326                   , text "co:" <+> ppr co ]) )
327    mkCast expr (mkTransCo co2 co)
329mkCast (Tick t expr) co
330   = Tick t (mkCast expr co)
332mkCast expr co
333  = let from_ty = coercionLKind co in
334    WARN( not (from_ty `eqType` exprType expr),
335          text "Trying to coerce" <+> text "(" <> ppr expr
336          $$ text "::" <+> ppr (exprType expr) <> text ")"
337          $$ ppr co $$ ppr (coercionType co)
338          $$ callStackDoc )
339    (Cast expr co)
341-- | Wraps the given expression in the source annotation, dropping the
342-- annotation if possible.
343mkTick :: CoreTickish -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
344mkTick t orig_expr = mkTick' id id orig_expr
345 where
346  -- Some ticks (cost-centres) can be split in two, with the
347  -- non-counting part having laxer placement properties.
348  canSplit = tickishCanSplit t && tickishPlace (mkNoCount t) /= tickishPlace t
350  mkTick' :: (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- ^ apply after adding tick (float through)
351          -> (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- ^ apply before adding tick (float with)
352          -> CoreExpr               -- ^ current expression
353          -> CoreExpr
354  mkTick' top rest expr = case expr of
356    -- Cost centre ticks should never be reordered relative to each
357    -- other. Therefore we can stop whenever two collide.
358    Tick t2 e
359      | ProfNote{} <- t2, ProfNote{} <- t -> top $ Tick t $ rest expr
361    -- Otherwise we assume that ticks of different placements float
362    -- through each other.
363      | tickishPlace t2 /= tickishPlace t -> mkTick' (top . Tick t2) rest e
365    -- For annotations this is where we make sure to not introduce
366    -- redundant ticks.
367      | tickishContains t t2              -> mkTick' top rest e
368      | tickishContains t2 t              -> orig_expr
369      | otherwise                         -> mkTick' top (rest . Tick t2) e
371    -- Ticks don't care about types, so we just float all ticks
372    -- through them. Note that it's not enough to check for these
373    -- cases top-level. While mkTick will never produce Core with type
374    -- expressions below ticks, such constructs can be the result of
375    -- unfoldings. We therefore make an effort to put everything into
376    -- the right place no matter what we start with.
377    Cast e co   -> mkTick' (top . flip Cast co) rest e
378    Coercion co -> Coercion co
380    Lam x e
381      -- Always float through type lambdas. Even for non-type lambdas,
382      -- floating is allowed for all but the most strict placement rule.
383      | not (isRuntimeVar x) || tickishPlace t /= PlaceRuntime
384      -> mkTick' (top . Lam x) rest e
386      -- If it is both counting and scoped, we split the tick into its
387      -- two components, often allowing us to keep the counting tick on
388      -- the outside of the lambda and push the scoped tick inside.
389      -- The point of this is that the counting tick can probably be
390      -- floated, and the lambda may then be in a position to be
391      -- beta-reduced.
392      | canSplit
393      -> top $ Tick (mkNoScope t) $ rest $ Lam x $ mkTick (mkNoCount t) e
395    App f arg
396      -- Always float through type applications.
397      | not (isRuntimeArg arg)
398      -> mkTick' (top . flip App arg) rest f
400      -- We can also float through constructor applications, placement
401      -- permitting. Again we can split.
402      | isSaturatedConApp expr && (tickishPlace t==PlaceCostCentre || canSplit)
403      -> if tickishPlace t == PlaceCostCentre
404         then top $ rest $ tickHNFArgs t expr
405         else top $ Tick (mkNoScope t) $ rest $ tickHNFArgs (mkNoCount t) expr
407    Var x
408      | notFunction && tickishPlace t == PlaceCostCentre
409      -> orig_expr
410      | notFunction && canSplit
411      -> top $ Tick (mkNoScope t) $ rest expr
412      where
413        -- SCCs can be eliminated on variables provided the variable
414        -- is not a function.  In these cases the SCC makes no difference:
415        -- the cost of evaluating the variable will be attributed to its
416        -- definition site.  When the variable refers to a function, however,
417        -- an SCC annotation on the variable affects the cost-centre stack
418        -- when the function is called, so we must retain those.
419        notFunction = not (isFunTy (idType x))
421    Lit{}
422      | tickishPlace t == PlaceCostCentre
423      -> orig_expr
425    -- Catch-all: Annotate where we stand
426    _any -> top $ Tick t $ rest expr
428mkTicks :: [CoreTickish] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
429mkTicks ticks expr = foldr mkTick expr ticks
431isSaturatedConApp :: CoreExpr -> Bool
432isSaturatedConApp e = go e []
433  where go (App f a) as = go f (a:as)
434        go (Var fun) args
435           = isConLikeId fun && idArity fun == valArgCount args
436        go (Cast f _) as = go f as
437        go _ _ = False
439mkTickNoHNF :: CoreTickish -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
440mkTickNoHNF t e
441  | exprIsHNF e = tickHNFArgs t e
442  | otherwise   = mkTick t e
444-- push a tick into the arguments of a HNF (call or constructor app)
445tickHNFArgs :: CoreTickish -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
446tickHNFArgs t e = push t e
447 where
448  push t (App f (Type u)) = App (push t f) (Type u)
449  push t (App f arg) = App (push t f) (mkTick t arg)
450  push _t e = e
452-- | Strip ticks satisfying a predicate from top of an expression
453stripTicksTop :: (CoreTickish -> Bool) -> Expr b -> ([CoreTickish], Expr b)
454stripTicksTop p = go []
455  where go ts (Tick t e) | p t = go (t:ts) e
456        go ts other            = (reverse ts, other)
458-- | Strip ticks satisfying a predicate from top of an expression,
459-- returning the remaining expression
460stripTicksTopE :: (CoreTickish -> Bool) -> Expr b -> Expr b
461stripTicksTopE p = go
462  where go (Tick t e) | p t = go e
463        go other            = other
465-- | Strip ticks satisfying a predicate from top of an expression,
466-- returning the ticks
467stripTicksTopT :: (CoreTickish -> Bool) -> Expr b -> [CoreTickish]
468stripTicksTopT p = go []
469  where go ts (Tick t e) | p t = go (t:ts) e
470        go ts _                = ts
472-- | Completely strip ticks satisfying a predicate from an
473-- expression. Note this is O(n) in the size of the expression!
474stripTicksE :: (CoreTickish -> Bool) -> Expr b -> Expr b
475stripTicksE p expr = go expr
476  where go (App e a)        = App (go e) (go a)
477        go (Lam b e)        = Lam b (go e)
478        go (Let b e)        = Let (go_bs b) (go e)
479        go (Case e b t as)  = Case (go e) b t (map go_a as)
480        go (Cast e c)       = Cast (go e) c
481        go (Tick t e)
482          | p t             = go e
483          | otherwise       = Tick t (go e)
484        go other            = other
485        go_bs (NonRec b e)  = NonRec b (go e)
486        go_bs (Rec bs)      = Rec (map go_b bs)
487        go_b (b, e)         = (b, go e)
488        go_a (Alt c bs e)   = Alt c bs (go e)
490stripTicksT :: (CoreTickish -> Bool) -> Expr b -> [CoreTickish]
491stripTicksT p expr = fromOL $ go expr
492  where go (App e a)        = go e `appOL` go a
493        go (Lam _ e)        = go e
494        go (Let b e)        = go_bs b `appOL` go e
495        go (Case e _ _ as)  = go e `appOL` concatOL (map go_a as)
496        go (Cast e _)       = go e
497        go (Tick t e)
498          | p t             = t `consOL` go e
499          | otherwise       = go e
500        go _                = nilOL
501        go_bs (NonRec _ e)  = go e
502        go_bs (Rec bs)      = concatOL (map go_b bs)
503        go_b (_, e)         = go e
504        go_a (Alt _ _ e)    = go e
508*                                                                      *
509\subsection{Other expression construction}
510*                                                                      *
514bindNonRec :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
515-- ^ @bindNonRec x r b@ produces either:
517-- > let x = r in b
519-- or:
521-- > case r of x { _DEFAULT_ -> b }
523-- depending on whether we have to use a @case@ or @let@
524-- binding for the expression (see 'needsCaseBinding').
525-- It's used by the desugarer to avoid building bindings
526-- that give Core Lint a heart attack, although actually
527-- the simplifier deals with them perfectly well. See
528-- also 'GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreLet'
529bindNonRec bndr rhs body
530  | isTyVar bndr                       = let_bind
531  | isCoVar bndr                       = if isCoArg rhs then let_bind
532    {- See Note [Binding coercions] -}                  else case_bind
533  | isJoinId bndr                      = let_bind
534  | needsCaseBinding (idType bndr) rhs = case_bind
535  | otherwise                          = let_bind
536  where
537    case_bind = mkDefaultCase rhs bndr body
538    let_bind  = Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body
540-- | Tests whether we have to use a @case@ rather than @let@ binding for this expression
541-- as per the invariants of 'CoreExpr': see "GHC.Core#let_app_invariant"
542needsCaseBinding :: Type -> CoreExpr -> Bool
543needsCaseBinding ty rhs = isUnliftedType ty && not (exprOkForSpeculation rhs)
544        -- Make a case expression instead of a let
545        -- These can arise either from the desugarer,
546        -- or from beta reductions: (\x.e) (x +# y)
548mkAltExpr :: AltCon     -- ^ Case alternative constructor
549          -> [CoreBndr] -- ^ Things bound by the pattern match
550          -> [Type]     -- ^ The type arguments to the case alternative
551          -> CoreExpr
552-- ^ This guy constructs the value that the scrutinee must have
553-- given that you are in one particular branch of a case
554mkAltExpr (DataAlt con) args inst_tys
555  = mkConApp con (map Type inst_tys ++ varsToCoreExprs args)
556mkAltExpr (LitAlt lit) [] []
557  = Lit lit
558mkAltExpr (LitAlt _) _ _ = panic "mkAltExpr LitAlt"
559mkAltExpr DEFAULT _ _ = panic "mkAltExpr DEFAULT"
561mkDefaultCase :: CoreExpr -> Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
562-- Make (case x of y { DEFAULT -> e }
563mkDefaultCase scrut case_bndr body
564  = Case scrut case_bndr (exprType body) [Alt DEFAULT [] body]
566mkSingleAltCase :: CoreExpr -> Id -> AltCon -> [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
567-- Use this function if possible, when building a case,
568-- because it ensures that the type on the Case itself
569-- doesn't mention variables bound by the case
570-- See Note [Care with the type of a case expression]
571mkSingleAltCase scrut case_bndr con bndrs body
572  = Case scrut case_bndr case_ty [Alt con bndrs body]
573  where
574    body_ty = exprType body
576    case_ty -- See Note [Care with the type of a case expression]
577      | Just body_ty' <- occCheckExpand bndrs body_ty
578      = body_ty'
580      | otherwise
581      = pprPanic "mkSingleAltCase" (ppr scrut $$ ppr bndrs $$ ppr body_ty)
583{- Note [Care with the type of a case expression]
585Consider a phantom type synonym
586   type S a = Int
587and we want to form the case expression
588   case x of K (a::*) -> (e :: S a)
590We must not make the type field of the case-expression (S a) because
591'a' isn't in scope.  Hence the call to occCheckExpand.  This caused
592issue #17056.
594NB: this situation can only arise with type synonyms, which can
595falsely "mention" type variables that aren't "really there", and which
596can be eliminated by expanding the synonym.
598Note [Binding coercions]
600Consider binding a CoVar, c = e.  Then, we must satisfy
601Note [Core type and coercion invariant] in GHC.Core,
602which allows only (Coercion co) on the RHS.
605*                                                                      *
606               Operations over case alternatives
607*                                                                      *
610The default alternative must be first, if it exists at all.
611This makes it easy to find, though it makes matching marginally harder.
614-- | Extract the default case alternative
615findDefault :: [Alt b] -> ([Alt b], Maybe (Expr b))
616findDefault (Alt DEFAULT args rhs : alts) = ASSERT( null args ) (alts, Just rhs)
617findDefault alts                          =                     (alts, Nothing)
619addDefault :: [Alt b] -> Maybe (Expr b) -> [Alt b]
620addDefault alts Nothing    = alts
621addDefault alts (Just rhs) = Alt DEFAULT [] rhs : alts
623isDefaultAlt :: Alt b -> Bool
624isDefaultAlt (Alt DEFAULT _ _) = True
625isDefaultAlt _                 = False
627-- | Find the case alternative corresponding to a particular
628-- constructor: panics if no such constructor exists
629findAlt :: AltCon -> [Alt b] -> Maybe (Alt b)
630    -- A "Nothing" result *is* legitimate
631    -- See Note [Unreachable code]
632findAlt con alts
633  = case alts of
634        (deflt@(Alt DEFAULT _ _):alts) -> go alts (Just deflt)
635        _                              -> go alts Nothing
636  where
637    go []                     deflt = deflt
638    go (alt@(Alt con1 _ _) : alts) deflt
639      = case con `cmpAltCon` con1 of
640          LT -> deflt   -- Missed it already; the alts are in increasing order
641          EQ -> Just alt
642          GT -> ASSERT( not (con1 == DEFAULT) ) go alts deflt
644{- Note [Unreachable code]
646It is possible (although unusual) for GHC to find a case expression
647that cannot match.  For example:
649     data Col = Red | Green | Blue
650     x = Red
651     f v = case x of
652              Red -> ...
653              _ -> ...(case x of { Green -> e1; Blue -> e2 })...
655Suppose that for some silly reason, x isn't substituted in the case
656expression.  (Perhaps there's a NOINLINE on it, or profiling SCC stuff
657gets in the way; cf #3118.)  Then the full-laziness pass might produce
660     x = Red
661     lvl = case x of { Green -> e1; Blue -> e2 })
662     f v = case x of
663             Red -> ...
664             _ -> ...lvl...
666Now if x gets inlined, we won't be able to find a matching alternative
667for 'Red'.  That's because 'lvl' is unreachable.  So rather than crashing
668we generate (error "Inaccessible alternative").
670Similar things can happen (augmented by GADTs) when the Simplifier
671filters down the matching alternatives in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.rebuildCase.
675mergeAlts :: [Alt a] -> [Alt a] -> [Alt a]
676-- ^ Merge alternatives preserving order; alternatives in
677-- the first argument shadow ones in the second
678mergeAlts [] as2 = as2
679mergeAlts as1 [] = as1
680mergeAlts (a1:as1) (a2:as2)
681  = case a1 `cmpAlt` a2 of
682        LT -> a1 : mergeAlts as1      (a2:as2)
683        EQ -> a1 : mergeAlts as1      as2       -- Discard a2
684        GT -> a2 : mergeAlts (a1:as1) as2
688trimConArgs :: AltCon -> [CoreArg] -> [CoreArg]
689-- ^ Given:
691-- > case (C a b x y) of
692-- >        C b x y -> ...
694-- We want to drop the leading type argument of the scrutinee
695-- leaving the arguments to match against the pattern
697trimConArgs DEFAULT      args = ASSERT( null args ) []
698trimConArgs (LitAlt _)   args = ASSERT( null args ) []
699trimConArgs (DataAlt dc) args = dropList (dataConUnivTyVars dc) args
701filterAlts :: TyCon                -- ^ Type constructor of scrutinee's type (used to prune possibilities)
702           -> [Type]               -- ^ And its type arguments
703           -> [AltCon]             -- ^ 'imposs_cons': constructors known to be impossible due to the form of the scrutinee
704           -> [Alt b] -- ^ Alternatives
705           -> ([AltCon], [Alt b])
706             -- Returns:
707             --  1. Constructors that will never be encountered by the
708             --     *default* case (if any).  A superset of imposs_cons
709             --  2. The new alternatives, trimmed by
710             --        a) remove imposs_cons
711             --        b) remove constructors which can't match because of GADTs
712             --
713             -- NB: the final list of alternatives may be empty:
714             -- This is a tricky corner case.  If the data type has no constructors,
715             -- which GHC allows, or if the imposs_cons covers all constructors (after taking
716             -- account of GADTs), then no alternatives can match.
717             --
718             -- If callers need to preserve the invariant that there is always at least one branch
719             -- in a "case" statement then they will need to manually add a dummy case branch that just
720             -- calls "error" or similar.
721filterAlts _tycon inst_tys imposs_cons alts
722  = (imposs_deflt_cons, addDefault trimmed_alts maybe_deflt)
723  where
724    (alts_wo_default, maybe_deflt) = findDefault alts
725    alt_cons = [con | Alt con _ _ <- alts_wo_default]
727    trimmed_alts = filterOut (impossible_alt inst_tys) alts_wo_default
729    imposs_cons_set = Set.fromList imposs_cons
730    imposs_deflt_cons =
731      imposs_cons ++ filterOut (`Set.member` imposs_cons_set) alt_cons
732         -- "imposs_deflt_cons" are handled
733         --   EITHER by the context,
734         --   OR by a non-DEFAULT branch in this case expression.
736    impossible_alt :: [Type] -> Alt b -> Bool
737    impossible_alt _ (Alt con _ _) | con `Set.member` imposs_cons_set = True
738    impossible_alt inst_tys (Alt (DataAlt con) _ _) = dataConCannotMatch inst_tys con
739    impossible_alt _  _                             = False
741-- | Refine the default alternative to a 'DataAlt', if there is a unique way to do so.
742-- See Note [Refine DEFAULT case alternatives]
743refineDefaultAlt :: [Unique]          -- ^ Uniques for constructing new binders
744                 -> Mult              -- ^ Multiplicity annotation of the case expression
745                 -> TyCon             -- ^ Type constructor of scrutinee's type
746                 -> [Type]            -- ^ Type arguments of scrutinee's type
747                 -> [AltCon]          -- ^ Constructors that cannot match the DEFAULT (if any)
748                 -> [CoreAlt]
749                 -> (Bool, [CoreAlt]) -- ^ 'True', if a default alt was replaced with a 'DataAlt'
750refineDefaultAlt us mult tycon tys imposs_deflt_cons all_alts
751  | Alt DEFAULT _ rhs : rest_alts <- all_alts
752  , isAlgTyCon tycon            -- It's a data type, tuple, or unboxed tuples.
753  , not (isNewTyCon tycon)      -- We can have a newtype, if we are just doing an eval:
754                                --      case x of { DEFAULT -> e }
755                                -- and we don't want to fill in a default for them!
756  , Just all_cons <- tyConDataCons_maybe tycon
757  , let imposs_data_cons = mkUniqSet [con | DataAlt con <- imposs_deflt_cons]
758                             -- We now know it's a data type, so we can use
759                             -- UniqSet rather than Set (more efficient)
760        impossible con   = con `elementOfUniqSet` imposs_data_cons
761                             || dataConCannotMatch tys con
762  = case filterOut impossible all_cons of
763       -- Eliminate the default alternative
764       -- altogether if it can't match:
765       []    -> (False, rest_alts)
767       -- It matches exactly one constructor, so fill it in:
768       [con] -> (True, mergeAlts rest_alts [Alt (DataAlt con) (ex_tvs ++ arg_ids) rhs])
769                       -- We need the mergeAlts to keep the alternatives in the right order
770             where
771                (ex_tvs, arg_ids) = dataConRepInstPat us mult con tys
773       -- It matches more than one, so do nothing
774       _  -> (False, all_alts)
776  | debugIsOn, isAlgTyCon tycon, null (tyConDataCons tycon)
777  , not (isFamilyTyCon tycon || isAbstractTyCon tycon)
778        -- Check for no data constructors
779        -- This can legitimately happen for abstract types and type families,
780        -- so don't report that
781  = (False, all_alts)
783  | otherwise      -- The common case
784  = (False, all_alts)
786{- Note [Refine DEFAULT case alternatives]
788refineDefaultAlt replaces the DEFAULT alt with a constructor if there
789is one possible value it could be.
791The simplest example being
792    foo :: () -> ()
793    foo x = case x of !_ -> ()
794which rewrites to
795    foo :: () -> ()
796    foo x = case x of () -> ()
798There are two reasons in general why replacing a DEFAULT alternative
799with a specific constructor is desirable.
8011. We can simplify inner expressions.  For example
803       data Foo = Foo1 ()
805       test :: Foo -> ()
806       test x = case x of
807                  DEFAULT -> mid (case x of
808                                    Foo1 x1 -> x1)
810   refineDefaultAlt fills in the DEFAULT here with `Foo ip1` and then
811   x becomes bound to `Foo ip1` so is inlined into the other case
812   which causes the KnownBranch optimisation to kick in. If we don't
813   refine DEFAULT to `Foo ip1`, we are left with both case expressions.
8152. combineIdenticalAlts does a better job. For exapple (Simon Jacobi)
816       data D = C0 | C1 | C2
818       case e of
819         DEFAULT -> e0
820         C0      -> e1
821         C1      -> e1
823   When we apply combineIdenticalAlts to this expression, it can't
824   combine the alts for C0 and C1, as we already have a default case.
825   But if we apply refineDefaultAlt first, we get
826       case e of
827         C0 -> e1
828         C1 -> e1
829         C2 -> e0
830   and combineIdenticalAlts can turn that into
831       case e of
832         DEFAULT -> e1
833         C2 -> e0
835   It isn't obvious that refineDefaultAlt does this but if you look
836   at its one call site in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils then the
837   `imposs_deflt_cons` argument is populated with constructors which
838   are matched elsewhere.
840Note [Combine identical alternatives]
842If several alternatives are identical, merge them into a single
843DEFAULT alternative.  I've occasionally seen this making a big
846     case e of               =====>     case e of
847       C _ -> f x                         D v -> ....v....
848       D v -> ....v....                   DEFAULT -> f x
849       DEFAULT -> f x
851The point is that we merge common RHSs, at least for the DEFAULT case.
852[One could do something more elaborate but I've never seen it needed.]
853To avoid an expensive test, we just merge branches equal to the *first*
854alternative; this picks up the common cases
855     a) all branches equal
856     b) some branches equal to the DEFAULT (which occurs first)
858The case where Combine Identical Alternatives transformation showed up
859was like this (base/Foreign/C/Err/Error.hs):
861        x | p `is` 1 -> e1
862          | p `is` 2 -> e2
863        ...etc...
865where @is@ was something like
867        p `is` n = p /= (-1) && p == n
869This gave rise to a horrible sequence of cases
871        case p of
872          (-1) -> $j p
873          1    -> e1
874          DEFAULT -> $j p
876and similarly in cascade for all the join points!
878Note [Combine identical alternatives: wrinkles]
881* It's important that we try to combine alternatives *before*
882  simplifying them, rather than after. Reason: because
883  Simplify.simplAlt may zap the occurrence info on the binders in the
884  alternatives, which in turn defeats combineIdenticalAlts use of
885  isDeadBinder (see #7360).
887  You can see this in the call to combineIdenticalAlts in
888  GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils.prepareAlts.  Here the alternatives have type InAlt
889  (the "In" meaning input) rather than OutAlt.
891* combineIdenticalAlts does not work well for nullary constructors
892      case x of y
893         []    -> f []
894         (_:_) -> f y
895  Here we won't see that [] and y are the same.  Sigh! This problem
896  is solved in CSE, in GHC.Core.Opt.CSE.combineAlts, which does a better version
897  of combineIdenticalAlts. But sadly it doesn't have the occurrence info we have
898  here.
899  See Note [Combine case alts: awkward corner] in GHC.Core.Opt.CSE).
901Note [Care with impossible-constructors when combining alternatives]
903Suppose we have (#10538)
904   data T = A | B | C | D
906      case x::T of   (Imposs-default-cons {A,B})
907         DEFAULT -> e1
908         A -> e2
909         B -> e1
911When calling combineIdentialAlts, we'll have computed that the
912"impossible constructors" for the DEFAULT alt is {A,B}, since if x is
913A or B we'll take the other alternatives.  But suppose we combine B
914into the DEFAULT, to get
916      case x::T of   (Imposs-default-cons {A})
917         DEFAULT -> e1
918         A -> e2
920Then we must be careful to trim the impossible constructors to just {A},
921else we risk compiling 'e1' wrong!
923Not only that, but we take care when there is no DEFAULT beforehand,
924because we are introducing one.  Consider
926   case x of   (Imposs-default-cons {A,B,C})
927     A -> e1
928     B -> e2
929     C -> e1
931Then when combining the A and C alternatives we get
933   case x of   (Imposs-default-cons {B})
934     DEFAULT -> e1
935     B -> e2
937Note that we have a new DEFAULT branch that we didn't have before.  So
938we need delete from the "impossible-default-constructors" all the
939known-con alternatives that we have eliminated. (In #11172 we
940missed the first one.)
944combineIdenticalAlts :: [AltCon]    -- Constructors that cannot match DEFAULT
945                     -> [CoreAlt]
946                     -> (Bool,      -- True <=> something happened
947                         [AltCon],  -- New constructors that cannot match DEFAULT
948                         [CoreAlt]) -- New alternatives
949-- See Note [Combine identical alternatives]
950-- True <=> we did some combining, result is a single DEFAULT alternative
951combineIdenticalAlts imposs_deflt_cons (Alt con1 bndrs1 rhs1 : rest_alts)
952  | all isDeadBinder bndrs1    -- Remember the default
953  , not (null elim_rest) -- alternative comes first
954  = (True, imposs_deflt_cons', deflt_alt : filtered_rest)
955  where
956    (elim_rest, filtered_rest) = partition identical_to_alt1 rest_alts
957    deflt_alt = Alt DEFAULT [] (mkTicks (concat tickss) rhs1)
959     -- See Note [Care with impossible-constructors when combining alternatives]
960    imposs_deflt_cons' = imposs_deflt_cons `minusList` elim_cons
961    elim_cons = elim_con1 ++ map (\(Alt con _ _) -> con) elim_rest
962    elim_con1 = case con1 of     -- Don't forget con1!
963                  DEFAULT -> []  -- See Note [
964                  _       -> [con1]
966    cheapEqTicked e1 e2 = cheapEqExpr' tickishFloatable e1 e2
967    identical_to_alt1 (Alt _con bndrs rhs)
968      = all isDeadBinder bndrs && rhs `cheapEqTicked` rhs1
969    tickss = map (\(Alt _ _ rhs) -> stripTicksT tickishFloatable rhs) elim_rest
971combineIdenticalAlts imposs_cons alts
972  = (False, imposs_cons, alts)
974-- Scales the multiplicity of the binders of a list of case alternatives. That
975-- is, in [C x1…xn -> u], the multiplicity of x1…xn is scaled.
976scaleAltsBy :: Mult -> [CoreAlt] -> [CoreAlt]
977scaleAltsBy w alts = map scaleAlt alts
978  where
979    scaleAlt :: CoreAlt -> CoreAlt
980    scaleAlt (Alt con bndrs rhs) = Alt con (map scaleBndr bndrs) rhs
982    scaleBndr :: CoreBndr -> CoreBndr
983    scaleBndr b = scaleVarBy w b
986{- *********************************************************************
987*                                                                      *
988             exprIsTrivial
989*                                                                      *
992Note [exprIsTrivial]
994@exprIsTrivial@ is true of expressions we are unconditionally happy to
995                duplicate; simple variables and constants, and type
996                applications.  Note that primop Ids aren't considered
997                trivial unless
999Note [Variables are trivial]
1001There used to be a gruesome test for (hasNoBinding v) in the
1002Var case:
1003        exprIsTrivial (Var v) | hasNoBinding v = idArity v == 0
1004The idea here is that a constructor worker, like \$wJust, is
1005really short for (\x -> \$wJust x), because \$wJust has no binding.
1006So it should be treated like a lambda.  Ditto unsaturated primops.
1007But now constructor workers are not "have-no-binding" Ids.  And
1008completely un-applied primops and foreign-call Ids are sufficiently
1009rare that I plan to allow them to be duplicated and put up with
1010saturating them.
1012Note [Tick trivial]
1014Ticks are only trivial if they are pure annotations. If we treat
1015"tick<n> x" as trivial, it will be inlined inside lambdas and the
1016entry count will be skewed, for example.  Furthermore "scc<n> x" will
1017turn into just "x" in mkTick.
1019Note [Empty case is trivial]
1021The expression (case (x::Int) Bool of {}) is just a type-changing
1022case used when we are sure that 'x' will not return.  See
1023Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core.
1025If the scrutinee is trivial, then so is the whole expression; and the
1026CoreToSTG pass in fact drops the case expression leaving only the
1029Having more trivial expressions is good.  Moreover, if we don't treat
1030it as trivial we may land up with let-bindings like
1031   let v = case x of {} in ...
1032and after CoreToSTG that gives
1033   let v = x in ...
1034and that confuses the code generator (#11155). So best to kill
1035it off at source.
1038exprIsTrivial :: CoreExpr -> Bool
1039-- If you modify this function, you may also
1040-- need to modify getIdFromTrivialExpr
1041exprIsTrivial (Var _)          = True        -- See Note [Variables are trivial]
1042exprIsTrivial (Type _)         = True
1043exprIsTrivial (Coercion _)     = True
1044exprIsTrivial (Lit lit)        = litIsTrivial lit
1045exprIsTrivial (App e arg)      = not (isRuntimeArg arg) && exprIsTrivial e
1046exprIsTrivial (Lam b e)        = not (isRuntimeVar b) && exprIsTrivial e
1047exprIsTrivial (Tick t e)       = not (tickishIsCode t) && exprIsTrivial e
1048                                 -- See Note [Tick trivial]
1049exprIsTrivial (Cast e _)       = exprIsTrivial e
1050exprIsTrivial (Case e _ _ [])  = exprIsTrivial e  -- See Note [Empty case is trivial]
1051exprIsTrivial _                = False
1054Note [getIdFromTrivialExpr]
1056When substituting in a breakpoint we need to strip away the type cruft
1057from a trivial expression and get back to the Id.  The invariant is
1058that the expression we're substituting was originally trivial
1059according to exprIsTrivial, AND the expression is not a literal.
1060See Note [substTickish] for how breakpoint substitution preserves
1061this extra invariant.
1063We also need this functionality in CorePrep to extract out Id of a
1064function which we are saturating.  However, in this case we don't know
1065if the variable actually refers to a literal; thus we use
1066'getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe' to handle this case.  See test
1067T12076lit for an example where this matters.
1070getIdFromTrivialExpr :: HasDebugCallStack => CoreExpr -> Id
1071getIdFromTrivialExpr e
1072    = fromMaybe (pprPanic "getIdFromTrivialExpr" (ppr e))
1073                (getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe e)
1075getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Id
1076-- See Note [getIdFromTrivialExpr]
1077-- Th equations for this should line up with those for exprIsTrivial
1078getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe e
1079  = go e
1080  where
1081    go (App f t) | not (isRuntimeArg t)   = go f
1082    go (Tick t e) | not (tickishIsCode t) = go e
1083    go (Cast e _)                         = go e
1084    go (Lam b e) | not (isRuntimeVar b)   = go e
1085    go (Case e _ _ [])                    = go e
1086    go (Var v) = Just v
1087    go _       = Nothing
1090exprIsDeadEnd is a very cheap and cheerful function; it may return
1091False for bottoming expressions, but it never costs much to ask.  See
1092also GHC.Core.Opt.Arity.exprBotStrictness_maybe, but that's a bit more
1096exprIsDeadEnd :: CoreExpr -> Bool
1097-- See Note [Bottoming expressions]
1098exprIsDeadEnd e
1099  | isEmptyTy (exprType e)
1100  = True
1101  | otherwise
1102  = go 0 e
1103  where
1104    go n (Var v)                 = isDeadEndId v &&  n >= idArity v
1105    go n (App e a) | isTypeArg a = go n e
1106                   | otherwise   = go (n+1) e
1107    go n (Tick _ e)              = go n e
1108    go n (Cast e _)              = go n e
1109    go n (Let _ e)               = go n e
1110    go n (Lam v e) | isTyVar v   = go n e
1111    go _ (Case _ _ _ alts)       = null alts
1112       -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core
1113    go _ _                       = False
1115{- Note [Bottoming expressions]
1117A bottoming expression is guaranteed to diverge, or raise an
1118exception.  We can test for it in two different ways, and exprIsDeadEnd
1119checks for both of these situations:
1121* Visibly-bottom computations.  For example
1122      (error Int "Hello")
1123  is visibly bottom.  The strictness analyser also finds out if
1124  a function diverges or raises an exception, and puts that info
1125  in its strictness signature.
1127* Empty types.  If a type is empty, its only inhabitant is bottom.
1128  For example:
1129      data T
1130      f :: T -> Bool
1131      f = \(x:t). case x of Bool {}
1132  Since T has no data constructors, the case alternatives are of course
1133  empty.  However note that 'x' is not bound to a visibly-bottom value;
1134  it's the *type* that tells us it's going to diverge.
1136A GADT may also be empty even though it has constructors:
1137        data T a where
1138          T1 :: a -> T Bool
1139          T2 :: T Int
1140        ...(case (x::T Char) of {})...
1141Here (T Char) is uninhabited.  A more realistic case is (Int ~ Bool),
1142which is likewise uninhabited.
1146*                                                                      *
1147             exprIsDupable
1148*                                                                      *
1151Note [exprIsDupable]
1153@exprIsDupable@ is true of expressions that can be duplicated at a modest
1154                cost in code size.  This will only happen in different case
1155                branches, so there's no issue about duplicating work.
1157                That is, exprIsDupable returns True of (f x) even if
1158                f is very very expensive to call.
1160                Its only purpose is to avoid fruitless let-binding
1161                and then inlining of case join points
1164exprIsDupable :: Platform -> CoreExpr -> Bool
1165exprIsDupable platform e
1166  = isJust (go dupAppSize e)
1167  where
1168    go :: Int -> CoreExpr -> Maybe Int
1169    go n (Type {})     = Just n
1170    go n (Coercion {}) = Just n
1171    go n (Var {})      = decrement n
1172    go n (Tick _ e)    = go n e
1173    go n (Cast e _)    = go n e
1174    go n (App f a) | Just n' <- go n a = go n' f
1175    go n (Lit lit) | litIsDupable platform lit = decrement n
1176    go _ _ = Nothing
1178    decrement :: Int -> Maybe Int
1179    decrement 0 = Nothing
1180    decrement n = Just (n-1)
1182dupAppSize :: Int
1183dupAppSize = 8   -- Size of term we are prepared to duplicate
1184                 -- This is *just* big enough to make test MethSharing
1185                 -- inline enough join points.  Really it should be
1186                 -- smaller, and could be if we fixed #4960.
1190*                                                                      *
1191             exprIsCheap, exprIsExpandable
1192*                                                                      *
1195Note [exprIsWorkFree]
1197exprIsWorkFree is used when deciding whether to inline something; we
1198don't inline it if doing so might duplicate work, by peeling off a
1199complete copy of the expression.  Here we do not want even to
1200duplicate a primop (#5623):
1201   eg   let x = a #+ b in x +# x
1202   we do not want to inline/duplicate x
1204Previously we were a bit more liberal, which led to the primop-duplicating
1205problem.  However, being more conservative did lead to a big regression in
1206one nofib benchmark, wheel-sieve1.  The situation looks like this:
1208   let noFactor_sZ3 :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Bool
1209       noFactor_sZ3 = case s_adJ of _ { GHC.Types.I# x_aRs ->
1210         case GHC.Prim.<=# x_aRs 2 of _ {
1211           GHC.Types.False -> notDivBy ps_adM qs_adN;
1212           GHC.Types.True -> lvl_r2Eb }}
1213       go = \x. ...(noFactor (I# y))....(go x')...
1215The function 'noFactor' is heap-allocated and then called.  Turns out
1216that 'notDivBy' is strict in its THIRD arg, but that is invisible to
1217the caller of noFactor, which therefore cannot do w/w and
1218heap-allocates noFactor's argument.  At the moment (May 12) we are just
1219going to put up with this, because the previous more aggressive inlining
1220(which treated 'noFactor' as work-free) was duplicating primops, which
1221in turn was making inner loops of array calculations runs slow (#5623)
1223Note [Case expressions are work-free]
1225Are case-expressions work-free?  Consider
1226    let v = case x of (p,q) -> p
1227        go = \y -> ...case v of ...
1228Should we inline 'v' at its use site inside the loop?  At the moment
1229we do.  I experimented with saying that case are *not* work-free, but
1230that increased allocation slightly.  It's a fairly small effect, and at
1231the moment we go for the slightly more aggressive version which treats
1232(case x of ....) as work-free if the alternatives are.
1234Moreover it improves arities of overloaded functions where
1235there is only dictionary selection (no construction) involved
1237Note [exprIsCheap]
1240See also Note [Interaction of exprIsCheap and lone variables] in GHC.Core.Unfold
1242@exprIsCheap@ looks at a Core expression and returns \tr{True} if
1243it is obviously in weak head normal form, or is cheap to get to WHNF.
1244[Note that that's not the same as exprIsDupable; an expression might be
1245big, and hence not dupable, but still cheap.]
1247By ``cheap'' we mean a computation we're willing to:
1248        push inside a lambda, or
1249        inline at more than one place
1250That might mean it gets evaluated more than once, instead of being
1251shared.  The main examples of things which aren't WHNF but are
1252``cheap'' are:
1254  *     case e of
1255          pi -> ei
1256        (where e, and all the ei are cheap)
1258  *     let x = e in b
1259        (where e and b are cheap)
1261  *     op x1 ... xn
1262        (where op is a cheap primitive operator)
1264  *     error "foo"
1265        (because we are happy to substitute it inside a lambda)
1267Notice that a variable is considered 'cheap': we can push it inside a lambda,
1268because sharing will make sure it is only evaluated once.
1270Note [exprIsCheap and exprIsHNF]
1272Note that exprIsHNF does not imply exprIsCheap.  Eg
1273        let x = fac 20 in Just x
1274This responds True to exprIsHNF (you can discard a seq), but
1275False to exprIsCheap.
1277Note [Arguments and let-bindings exprIsCheapX]
1279What predicate should we apply to the argument of an application, or the
1280RHS of a let-binding?
1282We used to say "exprIsTrivial arg" due to concerns about duplicating
1283nested constructor applications, but see #4978.  So now we just recursively
1284use exprIsCheapX.
1286We definitely want to treat let and app the same.  The principle here is
1288   let x = blah in f x
1289should behave equivalently to
1290   f blah
1292This in turn means that the 'letrec g' does not prevent eta expansion
1293in this (which it previously was):
1294    f = \x. let v = case x of
1295                      True -> letrec g = \w. blah
1296                              in g
1297                      False -> \x. x
1298            in \w. v True
1302exprIsWorkFree :: CoreExpr -> Bool   -- See Note [exprIsWorkFree]
1303exprIsWorkFree = exprIsCheapX isWorkFreeApp
1305exprIsCheap :: CoreExpr -> Bool
1306exprIsCheap = exprIsCheapX isCheapApp
1308exprIsCheapX :: CheapAppFun -> CoreExpr -> Bool
1309exprIsCheapX ok_app e
1310  = ok e
1311  where
1312    ok e = go 0 e
1314    -- n is the number of value arguments
1315    go n (Var v)                      = ok_app v n
1316    go _ (Lit {})                     = True
1317    go _ (Type {})                    = True
1318    go _ (Coercion {})                = True
1319    go n (Cast e _)                   = go n e
1320    go n (Case scrut _ _ alts)        = ok scrut &&
1321                                        and [ go n rhs | Alt _ _ rhs <- alts ]
1322    go n (Tick t e) | tickishCounts t = False
1323                    | otherwise       = go n e
1324    go n (Lam x e)  | isRuntimeVar x  = n==0 || go (n-1) e
1325                    | otherwise       = go n e
1326    go n (App f e)  | isRuntimeArg e  = go (n+1) f && ok e
1327                    | otherwise       = go n f
1328    go n (Let (NonRec _ r) e)         = go n e && ok r
1329    go n (Let (Rec prs) e)            = go n e && all (ok . snd) prs
1331      -- Case: see Note [Case expressions are work-free]
1332      -- App, Let: see Note [Arguments and let-bindings exprIsCheapX]
1335{- Note [exprIsExpandable]
1337An expression is "expandable" if we are willing to duplicate it, if doing
1338so might make a RULE or case-of-constructor fire.  Consider
1339   let x = (a,b)
1340       y = build g
1341   in ....(case x of (p,q) -> rhs)....(foldr k z y)....
1343We don't inline 'x' or 'y' (see Note [Lone variables] in GHC.Core.Unfold),
1344but we do want
1346 * the case-expression to simplify
1347   (via exprIsConApp_maybe, exprIsLiteral_maybe)
1349 * the foldr/build RULE to fire
1350   (by expanding the unfolding during rule matching)
1352So we classify the unfolding of a let-binding as "expandable" (via the
1353uf_expandable field) if we want to do this kind of on-the-fly
1354expansion.  Specifically:
1356* True of constructor applications (K a b)
1358* True of applications of a "CONLIKE" Id; see Note [CONLIKE pragma] in GHC.Types.Basic.
1359  (NB: exprIsCheap might not be true of this)
1361* False of case-expressions.  If we have
1362    let x = case ... in ...(case x of ...)...
1363  we won't simplify.  We have to inline x.  See #14688.
1365* False of let-expressions (same reason); and in any case we
1366  float lets out of an RHS if doing so will reveal an expandable
1367  application (see SimplEnv.doFloatFromRhs).
1369* Take care: exprIsExpandable should /not/ be true of primops.  I
1370  found this in test T5623a:
1371    let q = /\a. Ptr a (a +# b)
1372    in case q @ Float of Ptr v -> ...q...
1374  q's inlining should not be expandable, else exprIsConApp_maybe will
1375  say that (q @ Float) expands to (Ptr a (a +# b)), and that will
1376  duplicate the (a +# b) primop, which we should not do lightly.
1377  (It's quite hard to trigger this bug, but T13155 does so for GHC 8.0.)
1381exprIsExpandable :: CoreExpr -> Bool
1382-- See Note [exprIsExpandable]
1383exprIsExpandable e
1384  = ok e
1385  where
1386    ok e = go 0 e
1388    -- n is the number of value arguments
1389    go n (Var v)                      = isExpandableApp v n
1390    go _ (Lit {})                     = True
1391    go _ (Type {})                    = True
1392    go _ (Coercion {})                = True
1393    go n (Cast e _)                   = go n e
1394    go n (Tick t e) | tickishCounts t = False
1395                    | otherwise       = go n e
1396    go n (Lam x e)  | isRuntimeVar x  = n==0 || go (n-1) e
1397                    | otherwise       = go n e
1398    go n (App f e)  | isRuntimeArg e  = go (n+1) f && ok e
1399                    | otherwise       = go n f
1400    go _ (Case {})                    = False
1401    go _ (Let {})                     = False
1405type CheapAppFun = Id -> Arity -> Bool
1406  -- Is an application of this function to n *value* args
1407  -- always cheap, assuming the arguments are cheap?
1408  -- True mainly of data constructors, partial applications;
1409  -- but with minor variations:
1410  --    isWorkFreeApp
1411  --    isCheapApp
1413isWorkFreeApp :: CheapAppFun
1414isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args
1415  | n_val_args == 0           -- No value args
1416  = True
1417  | n_val_args < idArity fn   -- Partial application
1418  = True
1419  | otherwise
1420  = case idDetails fn of
1421      DataConWorkId {} -> True
1422      _                -> False
1424isCheapApp :: CheapAppFun
1425isCheapApp fn n_val_args
1426  | isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args = True
1427  | isDeadEndId fn              = True  -- See Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions]
1428  | otherwise
1429  = case idDetails fn of
1430      DataConWorkId {} -> True  -- Actually handled by isWorkFreeApp
1431      RecSelId {}      -> n_val_args == 1  -- See Note [Record selection]
1432      ClassOpId {}     -> n_val_args == 1
1433      PrimOpId op      -> primOpIsCheap op
1434      _                -> False
1435        -- In principle we should worry about primops
1436        -- that return a type variable, since the result
1437        -- might be applied to something, but I'm not going
1438        -- to bother to check the number of args
1440isExpandableApp :: CheapAppFun
1441isExpandableApp fn n_val_args
1442  | isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args = True
1443  | otherwise
1444  = case idDetails fn of
1445      RecSelId {}  -> n_val_args == 1  -- See Note [Record selection]
1446      ClassOpId {} -> n_val_args == 1
1447      PrimOpId {}  -> False
1448      _ | isDeadEndId fn     -> False
1449          -- See Note [isExpandableApp: bottoming functions]
1450        | isConLikeId fn     -> True
1451        | all_args_are_preds -> True
1452        | otherwise          -> False
1454  where
1455     -- See if all the arguments are PredTys (implicit params or classes)
1456     -- If so we'll regard it as expandable; see Note [Expandable overloadings]
1457     all_args_are_preds = all_pred_args n_val_args (idType fn)
1459     all_pred_args n_val_args ty
1460       | n_val_args == 0
1461       = True
1463       | Just (bndr, ty) <- splitPiTy_maybe ty
1464       = case bndr of
1465           Named {}        -> all_pred_args n_val_args ty
1466           Anon InvisArg _ -> all_pred_args (n_val_args-1) ty
1467           Anon VisArg _   -> False
1469       | otherwise
1470       = False
1472{- Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions]
1474I'm not sure why we have a special case for bottoming
1475functions in isCheapApp.  Maybe we don't need it.
1477Note [isExpandableApp: bottoming functions]
1479It's important that isExpandableApp does not respond True to bottoming
1480functions.  Recall  undefined :: HasCallStack => a
1481Suppose isExpandableApp responded True to (undefined d), and we had:
1483  x = undefined <dict-expr>
1485Then Simplify.prepareRhs would ANF the RHS:
1487  d = <dict-expr>
1488  x = undefined d
1490This is already bad: we gain nothing from having x bound to (undefined
1491var), unlike the case for data constructors.  Worse, we get the
1492simplifier loop described in OccurAnal Note [Cascading inlines].
1493Suppose x occurs just once; OccurAnal.occAnalNonRecRhs decides x will
1494certainly_inline; so we end up inlining d right back into x; but in
1495the end x doesn't inline because it is bottom (preInlineUnconditionally);
1496so the process repeats.. We could elaborate the certainly_inline logic
1497some more, but it's better just to treat bottoming bindings as
1498non-expandable, because ANFing them is a bad idea in the first place.
1500Note [Record selection]
1502I'm experimenting with making record selection
1503look cheap, so we will substitute it inside a
1504lambda.  Particularly for dictionary field selection.
1506BUT: Take care with (sel d x)!  The (sel d) might be cheap, but
1507there's no guarantee that (sel d x) will be too.  Hence (n_val_args == 1)
1509Note [Expandable overloadings]
1511Suppose the user wrote this
1512   {-# RULE  forall x. foo (negate x) = h x #-}
1513   f x = ....(foo (negate x))....
1514They'd expect the rule to fire. But since negate is overloaded, we might
1515get this:
1516    f = \d -> let n = negate d in \x -> ...foo (n x)...
1517So we treat the application of a function (negate in this case) to a
1518*dictionary* as expandable.  In effect, every function is CONLIKE when
1519it's applied only to dictionaries.
1523*                                                                      *
1524             exprOkForSpeculation
1525*                                                                      *
1530-- | 'exprOkForSpeculation' returns True of an expression that is:
1532--  * Safe to evaluate even if normal order eval might not
1533--    evaluate the expression at all, or
1535--  * Safe /not/ to evaluate even if normal order would do so
1537-- It is usually called on arguments of unlifted type, but not always
1538-- In particular, Simplify.rebuildCase calls it on lifted types
1539-- when a 'case' is a plain 'seq'. See the example in
1540-- Note [exprOkForSpeculation: case expressions] below
1542-- Precisely, it returns @True@ iff:
1543--  a) The expression guarantees to terminate,
1544--  b) soon,
1545--  c) without causing a write side effect (e.g. writing a mutable variable)
1546--  d) without throwing a Haskell exception
1547--  e) without risking an unchecked runtime exception (array out of bounds,
1548--     divide by zero)
1550-- For @exprOkForSideEffects@ the list is the same, but omitting (e).
1552-- Note that
1553--    exprIsHNF            implies exprOkForSpeculation
1554--    exprOkForSpeculation implies exprOkForSideEffects
1556-- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects] in "GHC.Builtin.PrimOps"
1557-- and Note [Transformations affected by can_fail and has_side_effects]
1559-- As an example of the considerations in this test, consider:
1561-- > let x = case y# +# 1# of { r# -> I# r# }
1562-- > in E
1564-- being translated to:
1566-- > case y# +# 1# of { r# ->
1567-- >    let x = I# r#
1568-- >    in E
1569-- > }
1571-- We can only do this if the @y + 1@ is ok for speculation: it has no
1572-- side effects, and can't diverge or raise an exception.
1574exprOkForSpeculation, exprOkForSideEffects :: CoreExpr -> Bool
1575exprOkForSpeculation = expr_ok primOpOkForSpeculation
1576exprOkForSideEffects = expr_ok primOpOkForSideEffects
1578expr_ok :: (PrimOp -> Bool) -> CoreExpr -> Bool
1579expr_ok _ (Lit _)      = True
1580expr_ok _ (Type _)     = True
1581expr_ok _ (Coercion _) = True
1583expr_ok primop_ok (Var v)    = app_ok primop_ok v []
1584expr_ok primop_ok (Cast e _) = expr_ok primop_ok e
1585expr_ok primop_ok (Lam b e)
1586                 | isTyVar b = expr_ok primop_ok  e
1587                 | otherwise = True
1589-- Tick annotations that *tick* cannot be speculated, because these
1590-- are meant to identify whether or not (and how often) the particular
1591-- source expression was evaluated at runtime.
1592expr_ok primop_ok (Tick tickish e)
1593   | tickishCounts tickish = False
1594   | otherwise             = expr_ok primop_ok e
1596expr_ok _ (Let {}) = False
1597  -- Lets can be stacked deeply, so just give up.
1598  -- In any case, the argument of exprOkForSpeculation is
1599  -- usually in a strict context, so any lets will have been
1600  -- floated away.
1602expr_ok primop_ok (Case scrut bndr _ alts)
1603  =  -- See Note [exprOkForSpeculation: case expressions]
1604     expr_ok primop_ok scrut
1605  && isUnliftedType (idType bndr)
1606  && all (\(Alt _ _ rhs) -> expr_ok primop_ok rhs) alts
1607  && altsAreExhaustive alts
1609expr_ok primop_ok other_expr
1610  | (expr, args) <- collectArgs other_expr
1611  = case stripTicksTopE (not . tickishCounts) expr of
1612        Var f   -> app_ok primop_ok f args
1613        -- 'LitRubbish' is the only literal that can occur in the head of an
1614        -- application and will not be matched by the above case (Var /= Lit).
1615        Lit lit -> ASSERT( isRubbishLit lit ) True
1616        _       -> False
1619app_ok :: (PrimOp -> Bool) -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Bool
1620app_ok primop_ok fun args
1621  = case idDetails fun of
1622      DFunId new_type ->  not new_type
1623         -- DFuns terminate, unless the dict is implemented
1624         -- with a newtype in which case they may not
1626      DataConWorkId {} -> True
1627                -- The strictness of the constructor has already
1628                -- been expressed by its "wrapper", so we don't need
1629                -- to take the arguments into account
1631      PrimOpId op
1632        | primOpIsDiv op
1633        , [arg1, Lit lit] <- args
1634        -> not (isZeroLit lit) && expr_ok primop_ok arg1
1635              -- Special case for dividing operations that fail
1636              -- In general they are NOT ok-for-speculation
1637              -- (which primop_ok will catch), but they ARE OK
1638              -- if the divisor is definitely non-zero.
1639              -- Often there is a literal divisor, and this
1640              -- can get rid of a thunk in an inner loop
1642        | SeqOp <- op  -- See Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp]
1643        -> False       --     for the special cases for SeqOp and DataToTagOp
1644        | DataToTagOp <- op
1645        -> False
1646        | KeepAliveOp <- op
1647        -> False
1649        | otherwise
1650        -> primop_ok op  -- Check the primop itself
1651        && and (zipWith primop_arg_ok arg_tys args)  -- Check the arguments
1653      _other -> isUnliftedType (idType fun)          -- c.f. the Var case of exprIsHNF
1654             || idArity fun > n_val_args             -- Partial apps
1655             -- NB: even in the nullary case, do /not/ check
1656             --     for evaluated-ness of the fun;
1657             --     see Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
1658             where
1659               n_val_args = valArgCount args
1660  where
1661    (arg_tys, _) = splitPiTys (idType fun)
1663    primop_arg_ok :: TyBinder -> CoreExpr -> Bool
1664    primop_arg_ok (Named _) _ = True   -- A type argument
1665    primop_arg_ok (Anon _ ty) arg      -- A term argument
1666       | isUnliftedType (scaledThing ty) = expr_ok primop_ok arg
1667       | otherwise         = True  -- See Note [Primops with lifted arguments]
1670altsAreExhaustive :: [Alt b] -> Bool
1671-- True  <=> the case alternatives are definitely exhaustive
1672-- False <=> they may or may not be
1673altsAreExhaustive []
1674  = False    -- Should not happen
1675altsAreExhaustive (Alt con1 _ _ : alts)
1676  = case con1 of
1677      DEFAULT   -> True
1678      LitAlt {} -> False
1679      DataAlt c -> alts `lengthIs` (tyConFamilySize (dataConTyCon c) - 1)
1680      -- It is possible to have an exhaustive case that does not
1681      -- enumerate all constructors, notably in a GADT match, but
1682      -- we behave conservatively here -- I don't think it's important
1683      -- enough to deserve special treatment
1685{- Note [exprOkForSpeculation: case expressions]
1687exprOkForSpeculation accepts very special case expressions.
1688Reason: (a ==# b) is ok-for-speculation, but the litEq rules
1689in GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold convert it (a ==# 3#) to
1690   case a of { DEFAULT -> 0#; 3# -> 1# }
1691for excellent reasons described in
1692  GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold Note [The litEq rule: converting equality to case].
1693So, annoyingly, we want that case expression to be
1694ok-for-speculation too. Bother.
1696But we restrict it sharply:
1698* We restrict it to unlifted scrutinees. Consider this:
1699     case x of y {
1700       DEFAULT -> ... (let v::Int# = case y of { True  -> e1
1701                                               ; False -> e2 }
1702                       in ...) ...
1704  Does the RHS of v satisfy the let/app invariant?  Previously we said
1705  yes, on the grounds that y is evaluated.  But the binder-swap done
1706  by GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels would transform the inner alternative to
1707     DEFAULT -> ... (let v::Int# = case x of { ... }
1708                     in ...) ....
1709  which does /not/ satisfy the let/app invariant, because x is
1710  not evaluated. See Note [Binder-swap during float-out]
1711  in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels.  To avoid this awkwardness it seems simpler
1712  to stick to unlifted scrutinees where the issue does not
1713  arise.
1715* We restrict it to exhaustive alternatives. A non-exhaustive
1716  case manifestly isn't ok-for-speculation. for example,
1717  this is a valid program (albeit a slightly dodgy one)
1718    let v = case x of { B -> ...; C -> ... }
1719    in case x of
1720         A -> ...
1721         _ ->  ...v...v....
1722  Should v be considered ok-for-speculation?  Its scrutinee may be
1723  evaluated, but the alternatives are incomplete so we should not
1724  evaluate it strictly.
1726  Now, all this is for lifted types, but it'd be the same for any
1727  finite unlifted type. We don't have many of them, but we might
1728  add unlifted algebraic types in due course.
1731----- Historical note: #15696: --------
1732  Previously GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels used exprOkForSpeculation to guide
1733  floating of single-alternative cases; it now uses exprIsHNF
1734  Note [Floating single-alternative cases].
1736  But in those days, consider
1737    case e of x { DEAFULT ->
1738      ...(case x of y
1739            A -> ...
1740            _ -> ...(case (case x of { B -> p; C -> p }) of
1741                       I# r -> blah)...
1742  If GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels considers the inner nested case as
1743  ok-for-speculation it can do case-floating (in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels).
1744  So we'd float to:
1745    case e of x { DEAFULT ->
1746    case (case x of { B -> p; C -> p }) of I# r ->
1747    ...(case x of y
1748            A -> ...
1749            _ -> ...blah...)...
1750  which is utterly bogus (seg fault); see #5453.
1752----- Historical note: #3717: --------
1753    foo :: Int -> Int
1754    foo 0 = 0
1755    foo n = (if n < 5 then 1 else 2) `seq` foo (n-1)
1757In earlier GHCs, we got this:
1758    T.$wfoo =
1759      \ (ww :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
1760        case ww of ds {
1761          __DEFAULT -> case (case <# ds 5 of _ {
1762                          GHC.Types.False -> lvl1;
1763                          GHC.Types.True -> lvl})
1764                       of _ { __DEFAULT ->
1765                       T.$wfoo (GHC.Prim.-# ds_XkE 1) };
1766          0 -> 0 }
1768Before join-points etc we could only get rid of two cases (which are
1769redundant) by recognising that the (case <# ds 5 of { ... }) is
1770ok-for-speculation, even though it has /lifted/ type.  But now join
1771points do the job nicely.
1772------- End of historical note ------------
1775Note [Primops with lifted arguments]
1777Is this ok-for-speculation (see #13027)?
1778   reallyUnsafePtrEq# a b
1779Well, yes.  The primop accepts lifted arguments and does not
1780evaluate them.  Indeed, in general primops are, well, primitive
1781and do not perform evaluation.
1783Bottom line:
1784  * In exprOkForSpeculation we simply ignore all lifted arguments.
1785  * In the rare case of primops that /do/ evaluate their arguments,
1786    (namely DataToTagOp and SeqOp) return False; see
1787    Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
1789Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp]
1791Most primops with lifted arguments don't evaluate them
1792(see Note [Primops with lifted arguments]), so we can ignore
1793that argument entirely when doing exprOkForSpeculation.
1795But DataToTagOp and SeqOp are exceptions to that rule.
1796For reasons described in Note [exprOkForSpeculation and
1797evaluated variables], we simply return False for them.
1799Not doing this made #5129 go bad.
1800Lots of discussion in #15696.
1802Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
1804Recall that
1805  seq#       :: forall a s. a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
1806  dataToTag# :: forall a.   a -> Int#
1807must always evaluate their first argument.
1809Now consider these examples:
1810 * case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....y.... }
1811   Should 'y' (alone) be considered ok-for-speculation?
1813 * case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....f (dataToTag# y)... }
1814   Should (dataToTag# y) be considered ok-for-spec?
1816You could argue 'yes', because in the case alternative we know that
1817'y' is evaluated.  But the binder-swap transformation, which is
1818extremely useful for float-out, changes these expressions to
1819   case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....x.... }
1820   case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....f (dataToTag# x)... }
1822And now the expression does not obey the let/app invariant!  Yikes!
1823Moreover we really might float (f (dataToTag# x)) outside the case,
1824and then it really, really doesn't obey the let/app invariant.
1826The solution is simple: exprOkForSpeculation does not try to take
1827advantage of the evaluated-ness of (lifted) variables.  And it returns
1828False (always) for DataToTagOp and SeqOp.
1830Note that exprIsHNF /can/ and does take advantage of evaluated-ness;
1831it doesn't have the trickiness of the let/app invariant to worry about.
1834*                                                                      *
1835             exprIsHNF, exprIsConLike
1836*                                                                      *
1840-- Note [exprIsHNF]             See also Note [exprIsCheap and exprIsHNF]
1841-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1842-- | exprIsHNF returns true for expressions that are certainly /already/
1843-- evaluated to /head/ normal form.  This is used to decide whether it's ok
1844-- to change:
1846-- > case x of _ -> e
1848--    into:
1850-- > e
1852-- and to decide whether it's safe to discard a 'seq'.
1854-- So, it does /not/ treat variables as evaluated, unless they say they are.
1855-- However, it /does/ treat partial applications and constructor applications
1856-- as values, even if their arguments are non-trivial, provided the argument
1857-- type is lifted. For example, both of these are values:
1859-- > (:) (f x) (map f xs)
1860-- > map (...redex...)
1862-- because 'seq' on such things completes immediately.
1864-- For unlifted argument types, we have to be careful:
1866-- > C (f x :: Int#)
1868-- Suppose @f x@ diverges; then @C (f x)@ is not a value. However this can't
1869-- happen: see "GHC.Core#let_app_invariant". This invariant states that arguments of
1870-- unboxed type must be ok-for-speculation (or trivial).
1871exprIsHNF :: CoreExpr -> Bool           -- True => Value-lambda, constructor, PAP
1872exprIsHNF = exprIsHNFlike isDataConWorkId isEvaldUnfolding
1874-- | Similar to 'exprIsHNF' but includes CONLIKE functions as well as
1875-- data constructors. Conlike arguments are considered interesting by the
1876-- inliner.
1877exprIsConLike :: CoreExpr -> Bool       -- True => lambda, conlike, PAP
1878exprIsConLike = exprIsHNFlike isConLikeId isConLikeUnfolding
1880-- | Returns true for values or value-like expressions. These are lambdas,
1881-- constructors / CONLIKE functions (as determined by the function argument)
1882-- or PAPs.
1884exprIsHNFlike :: (Var -> Bool) -> (Unfolding -> Bool) -> CoreExpr -> Bool
1885exprIsHNFlike is_con is_con_unf = is_hnf_like
1886  where
1887    is_hnf_like (Var v) -- NB: There are no value args at this point
1888      =  id_app_is_value v 0 -- Catches nullary constructors,
1889                             --      so that [] and () are values, for example
1890                             -- and (e.g.) primops that don't have unfoldings
1891      || is_con_unf (idUnfolding v)
1892        -- Check the thing's unfolding; it might be bound to a value
1893        --   or to a guaranteed-evaluated variable (isEvaldUnfolding)
1894        --   Contrast with Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
1895        -- We don't look through loop breakers here, which is a bit conservative
1896        -- but otherwise I worry that if an Id's unfolding is just itself,
1897        -- we could get an infinite loop
1899    is_hnf_like (Lit _)          = True
1900    is_hnf_like (Type _)         = True       -- Types are honorary Values;
1901                                              -- we don't mind copying them
1902    is_hnf_like (Coercion _)     = True       -- Same for coercions
1903    is_hnf_like (Lam b e)        = isRuntimeVar b || is_hnf_like e
1904    is_hnf_like (Tick tickish e) = not (tickishCounts tickish)
1905                                   && is_hnf_like e
1906                                      -- See Note [exprIsHNF Tick]
1907    is_hnf_like (Cast e _)       = is_hnf_like e
1908    is_hnf_like (App e a)
1909      | isValArg a               = app_is_value e 1
1910      | otherwise                = is_hnf_like e
1911    is_hnf_like (Let _ e)        = is_hnf_like e  -- Lazy let(rec)s don't affect us
1912    is_hnf_like _                = False
1914    -- 'n' is the number of value args to which the expression is applied
1915    -- And n>0: there is at least one value argument
1916    app_is_value :: CoreExpr -> Int -> Bool
1917    app_is_value (Var f)    nva = id_app_is_value f nva
1918    app_is_value (Tick _ f) nva = app_is_value f nva
1919    app_is_value (Cast f _) nva = app_is_value f nva
1920    app_is_value (App f a)  nva
1921      | isValArg a              = app_is_value f (nva + 1)
1922      | otherwise               = app_is_value f nva
1923    app_is_value _          _   = False
1925    id_app_is_value id n_val_args
1926       = is_con id
1927       || idArity id > n_val_args
1928       || id `hasKey` absentErrorIdKey  -- See Note [aBSENT_ERROR_ID] in GHC.Core.Make
1929                      -- absentError behaves like an honorary data constructor
1933Note [exprIsHNF Tick]
1935We can discard source annotations on HNFs as long as they aren't
1938  scc c (\x . e)    =>  \x . e
1939  scc c (C x1..xn)  =>  C x1..xn
1941So we regard these as HNFs.  Tick annotations that tick are not
1942regarded as HNF if the expression they surround is HNF, because the
1943tick is there to tell us that the expression was evaluated, so we
1944don't want to discard a seq on it.
1947-- | Can we bind this 'CoreExpr' at the top level?
1948exprIsTopLevelBindable :: CoreExpr -> Type -> Bool
1949-- See Note [Core top-level string literals]
1950-- Precondition: exprType expr = ty
1951-- Top-level literal strings can't even be wrapped in ticks
1952--   see Note [Core top-level string literals] in "GHC.Core"
1953exprIsTopLevelBindable expr ty
1954  = not (mightBeUnliftedType ty)
1955    -- Note that 'expr' may be levity polymorphic here consequently we must use
1956    -- 'mightBeUnliftedType' rather than 'isUnliftedType' as the latter would panic.
1957  || exprIsTickedString expr
1959-- | Check if the expression is zero or more Ticks wrapped around a literal
1960-- string.
1961exprIsTickedString :: CoreExpr -> Bool
1962exprIsTickedString = isJust . exprIsTickedString_maybe
1964-- | Extract a literal string from an expression that is zero or more Ticks
1965-- wrapped around a literal string. Returns Nothing if the expression has a
1966-- different shape.
1967-- Used to "look through" Ticks in places that need to handle literal strings.
1968exprIsTickedString_maybe :: CoreExpr -> Maybe ByteString
1969exprIsTickedString_maybe (Lit (LitString bs)) = Just bs
1970exprIsTickedString_maybe (Tick t e)
1971  -- we don't tick literals with CostCentre ticks, compare to mkTick
1972  | tickishPlace t == PlaceCostCentre = Nothing
1973  | otherwise = exprIsTickedString_maybe e
1974exprIsTickedString_maybe _ = Nothing
1978*                                                                      *
1979             Instantiating data constructors
1980*                                                                      *
1983These InstPat functions go here to avoid circularity between DataCon and Id
1986dataConRepInstPat   ::                 [Unique] -> Mult -> DataCon -> [Type] -> ([TyCoVar], [Id])
1987dataConRepFSInstPat :: [FastString] -> [Unique] -> Mult -> DataCon -> [Type] -> ([TyCoVar], [Id])
1989dataConRepInstPat   = dataConInstPat (repeat ((fsLit "ipv")))
1990dataConRepFSInstPat = dataConInstPat
1992dataConInstPat :: [FastString]          -- A long enough list of FSs to use for names
1993               -> [Unique]              -- An equally long list of uniques, at least one for each binder
1994               -> Mult                  -- The multiplicity annotation of the case expression: scales the multiplicity of variables
1995               -> DataCon
1996               -> [Type]                -- Types to instantiate the universally quantified tyvars
1997               -> ([TyCoVar], [Id])     -- Return instantiated variables
1998-- dataConInstPat arg_fun fss us mult con inst_tys returns a tuple
1999-- (ex_tvs, arg_ids),
2001--   ex_tvs are intended to be used as binders for existential type args
2003--   arg_ids are indended to be used as binders for value arguments,
2004--     and their types have been instantiated with inst_tys and ex_tys
2005--     The arg_ids include both evidence and
2006--     programmer-specified arguments (both after rep-ing)
2008-- Example.
2009--  The following constructor T1
2011--  data T a where
2012--    T1 :: forall b. Int -> b -> T(a,b)
2013--    ...
2015--  has representation type
2016--   forall a. forall a1. forall b. (a ~ (a1,b)) =>
2017--     Int -> b -> T a
2019--  dataConInstPat fss us T1 (a1',b') will return
2021--  ([a1'', b''], [c :: (a1', b')~(a1'', b''), x :: Int, y :: b''])
2023--  where the double-primed variables are created with the FastStrings and
2024--  Uniques given as fss and us
2025dataConInstPat fss uniqs mult con inst_tys
2026  = ASSERT( univ_tvs `equalLength` inst_tys )
2027    (ex_bndrs, arg_ids)
2028  where
2029    univ_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars con
2030    ex_tvs   = dataConExTyCoVars con
2031    arg_tys  = dataConRepArgTys con
2032    arg_strs = dataConRepStrictness con  -- 1-1 with arg_tys
2033    n_ex = length ex_tvs
2035      -- split the Uniques and FastStrings
2036    (ex_uniqs, id_uniqs) = splitAt n_ex uniqs
2037    (ex_fss,   id_fss)   = splitAt n_ex fss
2039      -- Make the instantiating substitution for universals
2040    univ_subst = zipTvSubst univ_tvs inst_tys
2042      -- Make existential type variables, applying and extending the substitution
2043    (full_subst, ex_bndrs) = mapAccumL mk_ex_var univ_subst
2044                                       (zip3 ex_tvs ex_fss ex_uniqs)
2046    mk_ex_var :: TCvSubst -> (TyCoVar, FastString, Unique) -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar)
2047    mk_ex_var subst (tv, fs, uniq) = (Type.extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tv
2048                                       new_tv
2049                                     , new_tv)
2050      where
2051        new_tv | isTyVar tv
2052               = mkTyVar (mkSysTvName uniq fs) kind
2053               | otherwise
2054               = mkCoVar (mkSystemVarName uniq fs) kind
2055        kind   = Type.substTyUnchecked subst (varType tv)
2057      -- Make value vars, instantiating types
2058    arg_ids = zipWith4 mk_id_var id_uniqs id_fss arg_tys arg_strs
2059    mk_id_var uniq fs (Scaled m ty) str
2060      = setCaseBndrEvald str $  -- See Note [Mark evaluated arguments]
2061        mkLocalIdOrCoVar name (mult `mkMultMul` m) (Type.substTy full_subst ty)
2062      where
2063        name = mkInternalName uniq (mkVarOccFS fs) noSrcSpan
2066Note [Mark evaluated arguments]
2068When pattern matching on a constructor with strict fields, the binder
2069can have an 'evaldUnfolding'.  Moreover, it *should* have one, so that
2070when loading an interface file unfolding like:
2071  data T = MkT !Int
2072  f x = case x of { MkT y -> let v::Int# = case y of I# n -> n+1
2073                             in ... }
2074we don't want Lint to complain.  The 'y' is evaluated, so the
2075case in the RHS of the binding for 'v' is fine.  But only if we
2076*know* that 'y' is evaluated.
2078c.f. add_evals in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.simplAlt
2081*                                                                      *
2082         Equality
2083*                                                                      *
2087-- | A cheap equality test which bales out fast!
2088--      If it returns @True@ the arguments are definitely equal,
2089--      otherwise, they may or may not be equal.
2090cheapEqExpr :: Expr b -> Expr b -> Bool
2091cheapEqExpr = cheapEqExpr' (const False)
2093-- | Cheap expression equality test, can ignore ticks by type.
2094cheapEqExpr' :: (CoreTickish -> Bool) -> Expr b -> Expr b -> Bool
2095{-# INLINE cheapEqExpr' #-}
2096cheapEqExpr' ignoreTick e1 e2
2097  = go e1 e2
2098  where
2099    go (Var v1)   (Var v2)         = v1 == v2
2100    go (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2)       = lit1 == lit2
2101    go (Type t1)  (Type t2)        = t1 `eqType` t2
2102    go (Coercion c1) (Coercion c2) = c1 `eqCoercion` c2
2103    go (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2)     = f1 `go` f2 && a1 `go` a2
2104    go (Cast e1 t1) (Cast e2 t2)   = e1 `go` e2 && t1 `eqCoercion` t2
2106    go (Tick t1 e1) e2 | ignoreTick t1 = go e1 e2
2107    go e1 (Tick t2 e2) | ignoreTick t2 = go e1 e2
2108    go (Tick t1 e1) (Tick t2 e2) = t1 == t2 && e1 `go` e2
2110    go _ _ = False
2114eqExpr :: InScopeSet -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Bool
2115-- Compares for equality, modulo alpha
2116eqExpr in_scope e1 e2
2117  = go (mkRnEnv2 in_scope) e1 e2
2118  where
2119    go env (Var v1) (Var v2)
2120      | rnOccL env v1 == rnOccR env v2
2121      = True
2123    go _   (Lit lit1)    (Lit lit2)      = lit1 == lit2
2124    go env (Type t1)    (Type t2)        = eqTypeX env t1 t2
2125    go env (Coercion co1) (Coercion co2) = eqCoercionX env co1 co2
2126    go env (Cast e1 co1) (Cast e2 co2) = eqCoercionX env co1 co2 && go env e1 e2
2127    go env (App f1 a1)   (App f2 a2)   = go env f1 f2 && go env a1 a2
2128    go env (Tick n1 e1)  (Tick n2 e2)  = eqTickish env n1 n2 && go env e1 e2
2130    go env (Lam b1 e1)  (Lam b2 e2)
2131      =  eqTypeX env (varType b1) (varType b2)   -- False for Id/TyVar combination
2132      && go (rnBndr2 env b1 b2) e1 e2
2134    go env (Let (NonRec v1 r1) e1) (Let (NonRec v2 r2) e2)
2135      =  go env r1 r2  -- No need to check binder types, since RHSs match
2136      && go (rnBndr2 env v1 v2) e1 e2
2138    go env (Let (Rec ps1) e1) (Let (Rec ps2) e2)
2139      = equalLength ps1 ps2
2140      && all2 (go env') rs1 rs2 && go env' e1 e2
2141      where
2142        (bs1,rs1) = unzip ps1
2143        (bs2,rs2) = unzip ps2
2144        env' = rnBndrs2 env bs1 bs2
2146    go env (Case e1 b1 t1 a1) (Case e2 b2 t2 a2)
2147      | null a1   -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Data.TrieMap
2148      = null a2 && go env e1 e2 && eqTypeX env t1 t2
2149      | otherwise
2150      =  go env e1 e2 && all2 (go_alt (rnBndr2 env b1 b2)) a1 a2
2152    go _ _ _ = False
2154    -----------
2155    go_alt env (Alt c1 bs1 e1) (Alt c2 bs2 e2)
2156      = c1 == c2 && go (rnBndrs2 env bs1 bs2) e1 e2
2158eqTickish :: RnEnv2 -> CoreTickish -> CoreTickish -> Bool
2159eqTickish env (Breakpoint lext lid lids) (Breakpoint rext rid rids)
2160      = lid == rid &&
2161        map (rnOccL env) lids == map (rnOccR env) rids &&
2162        lext == rext
2163eqTickish _ l r = l == r
2165-- | Finds differences between core expressions, modulo alpha and
2166-- renaming. Setting @top@ means that the @IdInfo@ of bindings will be
2167-- checked for differences as well.
2168diffExpr :: Bool -> RnEnv2 -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> [SDoc]
2169diffExpr _   env (Var v1)   (Var v2)   | rnOccL env v1 == rnOccR env v2 = []
2170diffExpr _   _   (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2) | lit1 == lit2                   = []
2171diffExpr _   env (Type t1)  (Type t2)  | eqTypeX env t1 t2              = []
2172diffExpr _   env (Coercion co1) (Coercion co2)
2173                                       | eqCoercionX env co1 co2        = []
2174diffExpr top env (Cast e1 co1)  (Cast e2 co2)
2175  | eqCoercionX env co1 co2                = diffExpr top env e1 e2
2176diffExpr top env (Tick n1 e1)   e2
2177  | not (tickishIsCode n1)                 = diffExpr top env e1 e2
2178diffExpr top env e1             (Tick n2 e2)
2179  | not (tickishIsCode n2)                 = diffExpr top env e1 e2
2180diffExpr top env (Tick n1 e1)   (Tick n2 e2)
2181  | eqTickish env n1 n2                    = diffExpr top env e1 e2
2182 -- The error message of failed pattern matches will contain
2183 -- generated names, which are allowed to differ.
2184diffExpr _   _   (App (App (Var absent) _) _)
2185                 (App (App (Var absent2) _) _)
2186  | isDeadEndId absent && isDeadEndId absent2 = []
2187diffExpr top env (App f1 a1)    (App f2 a2)
2188  = diffExpr top env f1 f2 ++ diffExpr top env a1 a2
2189diffExpr top env (Lam b1 e1)  (Lam b2 e2)
2190  | eqTypeX env (varType b1) (varType b2)   -- False for Id/TyVar combination
2191  = diffExpr top (rnBndr2 env b1 b2) e1 e2
2192diffExpr top env (Let bs1 e1) (Let bs2 e2)
2193  = let (ds, env') = diffBinds top env (flattenBinds [bs1]) (flattenBinds [bs2])
2194    in ds ++ diffExpr top env' e1 e2
2195diffExpr top env (Case e1 b1 t1 a1) (Case e2 b2 t2 a2)
2196  | equalLength a1 a2 && not (null a1) || eqTypeX env t1 t2
2197    -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Data.TrieMap
2198  = diffExpr top env e1 e2 ++ concat (zipWith diffAlt a1 a2)
2199  where env' = rnBndr2 env b1 b2
2200        diffAlt (Alt c1 bs1 e1) (Alt c2 bs2 e2)
2201          | c1 /= c2  = [text "alt-cons " <> ppr c1 <> text " /= " <> ppr c2]
2202          | otherwise = diffExpr top (rnBndrs2 env' bs1 bs2) e1 e2
2203diffExpr _  _ e1 e2
2204  = [fsep [ppr e1, text "/=", ppr e2]]
2206-- | Finds differences between core bindings, see @diffExpr@.
2208-- The main problem here is that while we expect the binds to have the
2209-- same order in both lists, this is not guaranteed. To do this
2210-- properly we'd either have to do some sort of unification or check
2211-- all possible mappings, which would be seriously expensive. So
2212-- instead we simply match single bindings as far as we can. This
2213-- leaves us just with mutually recursive and/or mismatching bindings,
2214-- which we then speculatively match by ordering them. It's by no means
2215-- perfect, but gets the job done well enough.
2216diffBinds :: Bool -> RnEnv2 -> [(Var, CoreExpr)] -> [(Var, CoreExpr)]
2217          -> ([SDoc], RnEnv2)
2218diffBinds top env binds1 = go (length binds1) env binds1
2219 where go _    env []     []
2220          = ([], env)
2221       go fuel env binds1 binds2
2222          -- No binds left to compare? Bail out early.
2223          | null binds1 || null binds2
2224          = (warn env binds1 binds2, env)
2225          -- Iterated over all binds without finding a match? Then
2226          -- try speculatively matching binders by order.
2227          | fuel == 0
2228          = if not $ env `inRnEnvL` fst (head binds1)
2229            then let env' = uncurry (rnBndrs2 env) $ unzip $
2230                            zip (sort $ map fst binds1) (sort $ map fst binds2)
2231                 in go (length binds1) env' binds1 binds2
2232            -- If we have already tried that, give up
2233            else (warn env binds1 binds2, env)
2234       go fuel env ((bndr1,expr1):binds1) binds2
2235          | let matchExpr (bndr,expr) =
2236                  (not top || null (diffIdInfo env bndr bndr1)) &&
2237                  null (diffExpr top (rnBndr2 env bndr1 bndr) expr1 expr)
2238          , (binds2l, (bndr2,_):binds2r) <- break matchExpr binds2
2239          = go (length binds1) (rnBndr2 env bndr1 bndr2)
2240                binds1 (binds2l ++ binds2r)
2241          | otherwise -- No match, so push back (FIXME O(n^2))
2242          = go (fuel-1) env (binds1++[(bndr1,expr1)]) binds2
2243       go _ _ _ _ = panic "diffBinds: impossible" -- GHC isn't smart enough
2245       -- We have tried everything, but couldn't find a good match. So
2246       -- now we just return the comparison results when we pair up
2247       -- the binds in a pseudo-random order.
2248       warn env binds1 binds2 =
2249         concatMap (uncurry (diffBind env)) (zip binds1' binds2') ++
2250         unmatched "unmatched left-hand:" (drop l binds1') ++
2251         unmatched "unmatched right-hand:" (drop l binds2')
2252        where binds1' = sortBy (comparing fst) binds1
2253              binds2' = sortBy (comparing fst) binds2
2254              l = min (length binds1') (length binds2')
2255       unmatched _   [] = []
2256       unmatched txt bs = [text txt $$ ppr (Rec bs)]
2257       diffBind env (bndr1,expr1) (bndr2,expr2)
2258         | ds@(_:_) <- diffExpr top env expr1 expr2
2259         = locBind "in binding" bndr1 bndr2 ds
2260         | otherwise
2261         = diffIdInfo env bndr1 bndr2
2263-- | Find differences in @IdInfo@. We will especially check whether
2264-- the unfoldings match, if present (see @diffUnfold@).
2265diffIdInfo :: RnEnv2 -> Var -> Var -> [SDoc]
2266diffIdInfo env bndr1 bndr2
2267  | arityInfo info1 == arityInfo info2
2268    && cafInfo info1 == cafInfo info2
2269    && oneShotInfo info1 == oneShotInfo info2
2270    && inlinePragInfo info1 == inlinePragInfo info2
2271    && occInfo info1 == occInfo info2
2272    && demandInfo info1 == demandInfo info2
2273    && callArityInfo info1 == callArityInfo info2
2274    && levityInfo info1 == levityInfo info2
2275  = locBind "in unfolding of" bndr1 bndr2 $
2276    diffUnfold env (unfoldingInfo info1) (unfoldingInfo info2)
2277  | otherwise
2278  = locBind "in Id info of" bndr1 bndr2
2279    [fsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr1, text "/=", pprBndr LetBind bndr2]]
2280  where info1 = idInfo bndr1; info2 = idInfo bndr2
2282-- | Find differences in unfoldings. Note that we will not check for
2283-- differences of @IdInfo@ in unfoldings, as this is generally
2284-- redundant, and can lead to an exponential blow-up in complexity.
2285diffUnfold :: RnEnv2 -> Unfolding -> Unfolding -> [SDoc]
2286diffUnfold _   NoUnfolding    NoUnfolding                 = []
2287diffUnfold _   BootUnfolding  BootUnfolding               = []
2288diffUnfold _   (OtherCon cs1) (OtherCon cs2) | cs1 == cs2 = []
2289diffUnfold env (DFunUnfolding bs1 c1 a1)
2290               (DFunUnfolding bs2 c2 a2)
2291  | c1 == c2 && equalLength bs1 bs2
2292  = concatMap (uncurry (diffExpr False env')) (zip a1 a2)
2293  where env' = rnBndrs2 env bs1 bs2
2294diffUnfold env (CoreUnfolding t1 _ _ v1 cl1 wf1 x1 g1)
2295               (CoreUnfolding t2 _ _ v2 cl2 wf2 x2 g2)
2296  | v1 == v2 && cl1 == cl2
2297    && wf1 == wf2 && x1 == x2 && g1 == g2
2298  = diffExpr False env t1 t2
2299diffUnfold _   uf1 uf2
2300  = [fsep [ppr uf1, text "/=", ppr uf2]]
2302-- | Add location information to diff messages
2303locBind :: String -> Var -> Var -> [SDoc] -> [SDoc]
2304locBind loc b1 b2 diffs = map addLoc diffs
2305  where addLoc d            = d $$ nest 2 (parens (text loc <+> bindLoc))
2306        bindLoc | b1 == b2  = ppr b1
2307                | otherwise = ppr b1 <> char '/' <> ppr b2
2311*                                                                      *
2312                Eta reduction
2313*                                                                      *
2316Note [Eta reduction conditions]
2318We try for eta reduction here, but *only* if we get all the way to an
2319trivial expression.  We don't want to remove extra lambdas unless we
2320are going to avoid allocating this thing altogether.
2322There are some particularly delicate points here:
2324* We want to eta-reduce if doing so leaves a trivial expression,
2325  *including* a cast.  For example
2326       \x. f |> co  -->  f |> co
2327  (provided co doesn't mention x)
2329* Eta reduction is not valid in general:
2330        \x. bot  /=  bot
2331  This matters, partly for old-fashioned correctness reasons but,
2332  worse, getting it wrong can yield a seg fault. Consider
2333        f = \x.f x
2334        h y = case (case y of { True -> f `seq` True; False -> False }) of
2335                True -> ...; False -> ...
2337  If we (unsoundly) eta-reduce f to get f=f, the strictness analyser
2338  says f=bottom, and replaces the (f `seq` True) with just
2339  (f `cast` unsafe-co).  BUT, as thing stand, 'f' got arity 1, and it
2340  *keeps* arity 1 (perhaps also wrongly).  So CorePrep eta-expands
2341  the definition again, so that it does not terminate after all.
2342  Result: seg-fault because the boolean case actually gets a function value.
2343  See #1947.
2345  So it's important to do the right thing.
2347* With linear types, eta-reduction can break type-checking:
2348        f :: A ⊸ B
2349        g :: A -> B
2350        g = \x. f x
2352  The above is correct, but eta-reducing g would yield g=f, the linter will
2353  complain that g and f don't have the same type.
2355* Note [Arity care]: we need to be careful if we just look at f's
2356  arity. Currently (Dec07), f's arity is visible in its own RHS (see
2357  Note [Arity robustness] in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Env) so we must *not* trust the
2358  arity when checking that 'f' is a value.  Otherwise we will
2359  eta-reduce
2360      f = \x. f x
2361  to
2362      f = f
2363  Which might change a terminating program (think (f `seq` e)) to a
2364  non-terminating one.  So we check for being a loop breaker first.
2366  However for GlobalIds we can look at the arity; and for primops we
2367  must, since they have no unfolding.
2369* Regardless of whether 'f' is a value, we always want to
2370  reduce (/\a -> f a) to f
2371  This came up in a RULE: foldr (build (/\a -> g a))
2372  did not match           foldr (build (/\b -> ...something complex...))
2373  The type checker can insert these eta-expanded versions,
2374  with both type and dictionary lambdas; hence the slightly
2375  ad-hoc isDictId
2377* Never *reduce* arity. For example
2378      f = \xy. g x y
2379  Then if h has arity 1 we don't want to eta-reduce because then
2380  f's arity would decrease, and that is bad
2382These delicacies are why we don't use exprIsTrivial and exprIsHNF here.
2385Note [Eta reduction with casted arguments]
2388    (\(x:t3). f (x |> g)) :: t3 -> t2
2389  where
2390    f :: t1 -> t2
2391    g :: t3 ~ t1
2392This should be eta-reduced to
2394    f |> (sym g -> t2)
2396So we need to accumulate a coercion, pushing it inward (past
2397variable arguments only) thus:
2398   f (x |> co_arg) |> co  -->  (f |> (sym co_arg -> co)) x
2399   f (x:t)         |> co  -->  (f |> (t -> co)) x
2400   f @ a           |> co  -->  (f |> (forall a.co)) @ a
2401   f @ (g:t1~t2)   |> co  -->  (f |> (t1~t2 => co)) @ (g:t1~t2)
2402These are the equations for ok_arg.
2404It's true that we could also hope to eta reduce these:
2405    (\xy. (f x |> g) y)
2406    (\xy. (f x y) |> g)
2407But the simplifier pushes those casts outwards, so we don't
2408need to address that here.
2411-- When updating this function, make sure to update
2412-- CorePrep.tryEtaReducePrep as well!
2413tryEtaReduce :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> Maybe CoreExpr
2414tryEtaReduce bndrs body
2415  = go (reverse bndrs) body (mkRepReflCo (exprType body))
2416  where
2417    incoming_arity = count isId bndrs
2419    go :: [Var]            -- Binders, innermost first, types [a3,a2,a1]
2420       -> CoreExpr         -- Of type tr
2421       -> Coercion         -- Of type tr ~ ts
2422       -> Maybe CoreExpr   -- Of type a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> ts
2423    -- See Note [Eta reduction with casted arguments]
2424    -- for why we have an accumulating coercion
2425    go [] fun co
2426      | ok_fun fun
2427      , let used_vars = exprFreeVars fun `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co
2428      , not (any (`elemVarSet` used_vars) bndrs)
2429      = Just (mkCast fun co)   -- Check for any of the binders free in the result
2430                               -- including the accumulated coercion
2432    go bs (Tick t e) co
2433      | tickishFloatable t
2434      = fmap (Tick t) $ go bs e co
2435      -- Float app ticks: \x -> Tick t (e x) ==> Tick t e
2437    go (b : bs) (App fun arg) co
2438      | Just (co', ticks) <- ok_arg b arg co (exprType fun)
2439      = fmap (flip (foldr mkTick) ticks) $ go bs fun co'
2440            -- Float arg ticks: \x -> e (Tick t x) ==> Tick t e
2442    go _ _ _  = Nothing         -- Failure!
2444    ---------------
2445    -- Note [Eta reduction conditions]
2446    ok_fun (App fun (Type {})) = ok_fun fun
2447    ok_fun (Cast fun _)        = ok_fun fun
2448    ok_fun (Tick _ expr)       = ok_fun expr
2449    ok_fun (Var fun_id)        = ok_fun_id fun_id || all ok_lam bndrs
2450    ok_fun _fun                = False
2452    ---------------
2453    ok_fun_id fun = fun_arity fun >= incoming_arity
2455    ---------------
2456    fun_arity fun             -- See Note [Arity care]
2457       | isLocalId fun
2458       , isStrongLoopBreaker (idOccInfo fun) = 0
2459       | arity > 0                           = arity
2460       | isEvaldUnfolding (idUnfolding fun)  = 1
2461            -- See Note [Eta reduction of an eval'd function]
2462       | otherwise                           = 0
2463       where
2464         arity = idArity fun
2466    ---------------
2467    ok_lam v = isTyVar v || isEvVar v
2469    ---------------
2470    ok_arg :: Var              -- Of type bndr_t
2471           -> CoreExpr         -- Of type arg_t
2472           -> Coercion         -- Of kind (t1~t2)
2473           -> Type             -- Type of the function to which the argument is applied
2474           -> Maybe (Coercion  -- Of type (arg_t -> t1 ~  bndr_t -> t2)
2475                               --   (and similarly for tyvars, coercion args)
2476                    , [CoreTickish])
2477    -- See Note [Eta reduction with casted arguments]
2478    ok_arg bndr (Type ty) co _
2479       | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe ty
2480       , bndr == tv  = Just (mkHomoForAllCos [tv] co, [])
2481    ok_arg bndr (Var v) co fun_ty
2482       | bndr == v
2483       , let mult = idMult bndr
2484       , Just (fun_mult, _, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
2485       , mult `eqType` fun_mult -- There is no change in multiplicity, otherwise we must abort
2486       = let reflCo = mkRepReflCo (idType bndr)
2487         in Just (mkFunCo Representational (multToCo mult) reflCo co, [])
2488    ok_arg bndr (Cast e co_arg) co fun_ty
2489       | (ticks, Var v) <- stripTicksTop tickishFloatable e
2490       , Just (fun_mult, _, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
2491       , bndr == v
2492       , fun_mult `eqType` idMult bndr
2493       = Just (mkFunCo Representational (multToCo fun_mult) (mkSymCo co_arg) co, ticks)
2494       -- The simplifier combines multiple casts into one,
2495       -- so we can have a simple-minded pattern match here
2496    ok_arg bndr (Tick t arg) co fun_ty
2497       | tickishFloatable t, Just (co', ticks) <- ok_arg bndr arg co fun_ty
2498       = Just (co', t:ticks)
2500    ok_arg _ _ _ _ = Nothing
2503Note [Eta reduction of an eval'd function]
2505In Haskell it is not true that    f = \x. f x
2506because f might be bottom, and 'seq' can distinguish them.
2508But it *is* true that   f = f `seq` \x. f x
2509and we'd like to simplify the latter to the former.  This amounts
2510to the rule that
2511  * when there is just *one* value argument,
2512  * f is not bottom
2513we can eta-reduce    \x. f x  ===>  f
2515This turned up in #7542.
2518{- *********************************************************************
2519*                                                                      *
2520                  Zapping lambda binders
2521*                                                                      *
2522********************************************************************* -}
2524zapLamBndrs :: FullArgCount -> [Var] -> [Var]
2525-- If (\xyz. t) appears under-applied to only two arguments,
2526-- we must zap the occ-info on x,y, because they appear under the \x
2527-- See Note [Occurrence analysis for lambda binders] in GHc.Core.Opt.OccurAnal
2529-- NB: both `arg_count` and `bndrs` include both type and value args/bndrs
2530zapLamBndrs arg_count bndrs
2531  | no_need_to_zap = bndrs
2532  | otherwise      = zap_em arg_count bndrs
2533  where
2534    no_need_to_zap = all isOneShotBndr (drop arg_count bndrs)
2536    zap_em :: FullArgCount -> [Var] -> [Var]
2537    zap_em 0 bs = bs
2538    zap_em _ [] = []
2539    zap_em n (b:bs) | isTyVar b = b              : zap_em (n-1) bs
2540                    | otherwise = zapLamIdInfo b : zap_em (n-1) bs
2543{- *********************************************************************
2544*                                                                      *
2545\subsection{Determining non-updatable right-hand-sides}
2546*                                                                      *
2549Top-level constructor applications can usually be allocated
2550statically, but they can't if the constructor, or any of the
2551arguments, come from another DLL (because we can't refer to static
2552labels in other DLLs).
2554If this happens we simply make the RHS into an updatable thunk,
2555and 'execute' it rather than allocating it statically.
2560*                                                                      *
2561\subsection{Type utilities}
2562*                                                                      *
2566-- | True if the type has no non-bottom elements, e.g. when it is an empty
2567-- datatype, or a GADT with non-satisfiable type parameters, e.g. Int :~: Bool.
2568-- See Note [Bottoming expressions]
2570-- See Note [No alternatives lint check] for another use of this function.
2571isEmptyTy :: Type -> Bool
2572isEmptyTy ty
2573    -- Data types where, given the particular type parameters, no data
2574    -- constructor matches, are empty.
2575    -- This includes data types with no constructors, e.g. Data.Void.Void.
2576    | Just (tc, inst_tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
2577    , Just dcs <- tyConDataCons_maybe tc
2578    , all (dataConCannotMatch inst_tys) dcs
2579    = True
2580    | otherwise
2581    = False
2586* StaticPtr
2591-- | @collectMakeStaticArgs (makeStatic t srcLoc e)@ yields
2592-- @Just (makeStatic, t, srcLoc, e)@.
2594-- Returns @Nothing@ for every other expression.
2596  :: CoreExpr -> Maybe (CoreExpr, Type, CoreExpr, CoreExpr)
2597collectMakeStaticArgs e
2598    | (fun@(Var b), [Type t, loc, arg], _) <- collectArgsTicks (const True) e
2599    , idName b == makeStaticName = Just (fun, t, loc, arg)
2600collectMakeStaticArgs _          = Nothing
2604*                                                                      *
2605\subsection{Join points}
2606*                                                                      *
2610-- | Does this binding bind a join point (or a recursive group of join points)?
2611isJoinBind :: CoreBind -> Bool
2612isJoinBind (NonRec b _)       = isJoinId b
2613isJoinBind (Rec ((b, _) : _)) = isJoinId b
2614isJoinBind _                  = False
2616dumpIdInfoOfProgram :: (IdInfo -> SDoc) -> CoreProgram -> SDoc
2617dumpIdInfoOfProgram ppr_id_info binds = vcat (map printId ids)
2618  where
2619  ids = sortBy (stableNameCmp `on` getName) (concatMap getIds binds)
2620  getIds (NonRec i _) = [ i ]
2621  getIds (Rec bs)     = map fst bs
2622  printId id | isExportedId id = ppr id <> colon <+> (ppr_id_info (idInfo id))
2623             | otherwise       = empty
2626{- *********************************************************************
2627*                                                                      *
2628             unsafeEqualityProof
2629*                                                                      *
2630********************************************************************* -}
2632isUnsafeEqualityProof :: CoreExpr -> Bool
2633-- See (U3) and (U4) in
2634-- Note [Implementing unsafeCoerce] in base:Unsafe.Coerce
2635isUnsafeEqualityProof e
2636  | Var v `App` Type _ `App` Type _ `App` Type _ <- e
2637  = idName v == unsafeEqualityProofName
2638  | otherwise
2639  = False