1{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes  #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns         #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase           #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms      #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving   #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}
13{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O #-}
15{-| Eval-apply environment machine with conversion checking and quoting to
16    normal forms. Fairly similar to GHCI's STG machine algorithmically, but much
17    simpler, with no known call optimization or environment trimming.
19    Potential optimizations without changing Expr:
21    * In conversion checking, get non-shadowing variables not by linear
22      Env-walking, but by keeping track of Env size, and generating names which
23      are known to be illegal as source-level names (to rule out shadowing).
25    * Use HashMap Text chunks for large let-definitions blocks. "Large" vs
26      "Small" is fairly cheap to determine at evaluation time.
28    Potential optimizations with changing Expr:
30    * Use actual full de Bruijn indices in Var instead of Text counting indices.
31      Then, we'd switch to full de Bruijn levels in Val as well, and use proper
32      constant time non-shadowing name generation.
35module Dhall.Eval (
36    judgmentallyEqual
37  , normalize
38  , alphaNormalize
39  , eval
40  , quote
41  , envNames
42  , countNames
43  , conv
44  , toVHPi
45  , Closure(..)
46  , Names(..)
47  , Environment(..)
48  , Val(..)
49  , (~>)
50  , textShow
51  ) where
53import Data.Bifunctor     (first)
54import Data.Foldable      (foldr', toList)
55import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
56import Data.Sequence      (Seq, ViewL (..), ViewR (..))
57import Data.Text          (Text)
58import Data.Void          (Void)
59import Dhall.Map          (Map)
60import Dhall.Set          (Set)
61import GHC.Natural        (Natural)
62import Prelude            hiding (succ)
64import Dhall.Syntax
65    ( Binding (..)
66    , Chunks (..)
67    , Const (..)
68    , DhallDouble (..)
69    , Expr (..)
70    , FunctionBinding (..)
71    , PreferAnnotation (..)
72    , RecordField (..)
73    , Var (..)
74    )
76import qualified Data.Char
77import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence
78import qualified Data.Set
79import qualified Data.Text     as Text
80import qualified Dhall.Map     as Map
81import qualified Dhall.Set
82import qualified Dhall.Syntax  as Syntax
83import qualified Text.Printf
85data Environment a
86    = Empty
87    | Skip   !(Environment a) {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
88    | Extend !(Environment a) {-# UNPACK #-} !Text (Val a)
90deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (Environment a)
92errorMsg :: String
93errorMsg = unlines
94  [ _ERROR <> ": Compiler bug                                                        "
95  , "                                                                                "
96  , "An ill-typed expression was encountered during normalization.                   "
97  , "Explanation: This error message means that there is a bug in the Dhall compiler."
98  , "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you would like to see this problem fixed   "
99  , "then you should report the bug at:                                              "
100  , "                                                                                "
101  , "https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues                              "
102  ]
103  where
104    _ERROR :: String
105    _ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
108data Closure a = Closure !Text !(Environment a) !(Expr Void a)
110deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (Closure a)
112data VChunks a = VChunks ![(Text, Val a)] !Text
114deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (VChunks a)
116instance Semigroup (VChunks a) where
117  VChunks xys z <> VChunks [] z' = VChunks xys (z <> z')
118  VChunks xys z <> VChunks ((x', y'):xys') z' = VChunks (xys ++ (z <> x', y'):xys') z'
120instance Monoid (VChunks a) where
121  mempty = VChunks [] mempty
123{-| Some information is lost when `eval` converts a `Lam` or a built-in function
124    from the `Expr` type to a `VHLam` of the `Val` type and `quote` needs that
125    information in order to reconstruct an equivalent `Expr`.  This `HLamInfo`
126    type holds that extra information necessary to perform that reconstruction
128data HLamInfo a
129  = Prim
130  -- ^ Don't store any information
131  | Typed !Text (Val a)
132  -- ^ Store the original name and type of the variable bound by the `Lam`
133  | NaturalSubtractZero
134  -- ^ The original function was a @Natural/subtract 0@.  We need to preserve
135  --   this information in case the @Natural/subtract@ ends up not being fully
136  --   saturated, in which case we need to recover the unsaturated built-in
138deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (HLamInfo a)
140pattern VPrim :: (Val a -> Val a) -> Val a
141pattern VPrim f = VHLam Prim f
143toVHPi :: Eq a => Val a -> Maybe (Text, Val a, Val a -> Val a)
144toVHPi (VPi a b@(Closure x _ _)) = Just (x, a, instantiate b)
145toVHPi (VHPi x a b             ) = Just (x, a, b)
146toVHPi  _                        = Nothing
147{-# INLINABLE toVHPi #-}
149data Val a
150    = VConst !Const
151    | VVar !Text !Int
152    | VPrimVar
153    | VApp !(Val a) !(Val a)
155    | VLam (Val a) {-# UNPACK #-} !(Closure a)
156    | VHLam !(HLamInfo a) !(Val a -> Val a)
158    | VPi (Val a) {-# UNPACK #-} !(Closure a)
159    | VHPi !Text (Val a) !(Val a -> Val a)
161    | VBool
162    | VBoolLit !Bool
163    | VBoolAnd !(Val a) !(Val a)
164    | VBoolOr !(Val a) !(Val a)
165    | VBoolEQ !(Val a) !(Val a)
166    | VBoolNE !(Val a) !(Val a)
167    | VBoolIf !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
169    | VNatural
170    | VNaturalLit !Natural
171    | VNaturalFold !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
172    | VNaturalBuild !(Val a)
173    | VNaturalIsZero !(Val a)
174    | VNaturalEven !(Val a)
175    | VNaturalOdd !(Val a)
176    | VNaturalToInteger !(Val a)
177    | VNaturalShow !(Val a)
178    | VNaturalSubtract !(Val a) !(Val a)
179    | VNaturalPlus !(Val a) !(Val a)
180    | VNaturalTimes !(Val a) !(Val a)
182    | VInteger
183    | VIntegerLit !Integer
184    | VIntegerClamp !(Val a)
185    | VIntegerNegate !(Val a)
186    | VIntegerShow !(Val a)
187    | VIntegerToDouble !(Val a)
189    | VDouble
190    | VDoubleLit !DhallDouble
191    | VDoubleShow !(Val a)
193    | VText
194    | VTextLit !(VChunks a)
195    | VTextAppend !(Val a) !(Val a)
196    | VTextShow !(Val a)
197    | VTextReplace !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
199    | VList !(Val a)
200    | VListLit !(Maybe (Val a)) !(Seq (Val a))
201    | VListAppend !(Val a) !(Val a)
202    | VListBuild   (Val a) !(Val a)
203    | VListFold    (Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
204    | VListLength  (Val a) !(Val a)
205    | VListHead    (Val a) !(Val a)
206    | VListLast    (Val a) !(Val a)
207    | VListIndexed (Val a) !(Val a)
208    | VListReverse (Val a) !(Val a)
210    | VOptional (Val a)
211    | VSome (Val a)
212    | VNone (Val a)
213    | VRecord !(Map Text (Val a))
214    | VRecordLit !(Map Text (Val a))
215    | VUnion !(Map Text (Maybe (Val a)))
216    | VCombine !(Maybe Text) !(Val a) !(Val a)
217    | VCombineTypes !(Val a) !(Val a)
218    | VPrefer !(Val a) !(Val a)
219    | VMerge !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Maybe (Val a))
220    | VToMap !(Val a) !(Maybe (Val a))
221    | VField !(Val a) !Text
222    | VInject !(Map Text (Maybe (Val a))) !Text !(Maybe (Val a))
223    | VProject !(Val a) !(Either (Set Text) (Val a))
224    | VAssert !(Val a)
225    | VEquivalent !(Val a) !(Val a)
226    | VWith !(Val a) (NonEmpty Text) !(Val a)
227    | VEmbed a
229-- | For use with "Text.Show.Functions".
230deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (Val a)
232(~>) :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
233(~>) a b = VHPi "_" a (\_ -> b)
234{-# INLINE (~>) #-}
236infixr 5 ~>
238countEnvironment :: Text -> Environment a -> Int
239countEnvironment x = go (0 :: Int)
240  where
241    go !acc Empty             = acc
242    go  acc (Skip env x'    ) = go (if x == x' then acc + 1 else acc) env
243    go  acc (Extend env x' _) = go (if x == x' then acc + 1 else acc) env
245instantiate :: Eq a => Closure a -> Val a -> Val a
246instantiate (Closure x env t) !u = eval (Extend env x u) t
247{-# INLINE instantiate #-}
249-- Out-of-env variables have negative de Bruijn levels.
250vVar :: Environment a -> Var -> Val a
251vVar env0 (V x i0) = go env0 i0
252  where
253    go (Extend env x' v) i
254        | x == x' =
255            if i == 0 then v else go env (i - 1)
256        | otherwise =
257            go env i
258    go (Skip env x') i
259        | x == x' =
260            if i == 0 then VVar x (countEnvironment x env) else go env (i - 1)
261        | otherwise =
262            go env i
263    go Empty i =
264        VVar x (negate i - 1)
266vApp :: Eq a => Val a -> Val a -> Val a
267vApp !t !u =
268    case t of
269        VLam _ t'  -> instantiate t' u
270        VHLam _ t' -> t' u
271        t'        -> VApp t' u
272{-# INLINE vApp #-}
274vPrefer :: Eq a => Environment a -> Val a -> Val a -> Val a
275vPrefer env t u =
276    case (t, u) of
277        (VRecordLit m, u') | null m ->
278            u'
279        (t', VRecordLit m) | null m ->
280            t'
281        (VRecordLit m, VRecordLit m') ->
282            VRecordLit (Map.union m' m)
283        (t', u') | conv env t' u' ->
284            t'
285        (t', u') ->
286            VPrefer t' u'
287{-# INLINE vPrefer #-}
289vCombine :: Maybe Text -> Val a -> Val a -> Val a
290vCombine mk t u =
291    case (t, u) of
292        (VRecordLit m, u') | null m ->
293            u'
294        (t', VRecordLit m) | null m ->
295            t'
296        (VRecordLit m, VRecordLit m') ->
297            VRecordLit (Map.unionWith (vCombine Nothing) m m')
298        (t', u') ->
299            VCombine mk t' u'
301vCombineTypes :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
302vCombineTypes t u =
303    case (t, u) of
304        (VRecord m, u') | null m ->
305            u'
306        (t', VRecord m) | null m ->
307            t'
308        (VRecord m, VRecord m') ->
309            VRecord (Map.unionWith vCombineTypes m m')
310        (t', u') ->
311            VCombineTypes t' u'
313vListAppend :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
314vListAppend t u =
315    case (t, u) of
316        (VListLit _ xs, u') | null xs ->
317            u'
318        (t', VListLit _ ys) | null ys ->
319            t'
320        (VListLit t' xs, VListLit _ ys) ->
321            VListLit t' (xs <> ys)
322        (t', u') ->
323            VListAppend t' u'
324{-# INLINE vListAppend #-}
326vNaturalPlus :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
327vNaturalPlus t u =
328    case (t, u) of
329        (VNaturalLit 0, u') ->
330            u'
331        (t', VNaturalLit 0) ->
332            t'
333        (VNaturalLit m, VNaturalLit n) ->
334            VNaturalLit (m + n)
335        (t', u') ->
336            VNaturalPlus t' u'
337{-# INLINE vNaturalPlus #-}
339vField :: Val a -> Text -> Val a
340vField t0 k = go t0
341  where
342    go = \case
343        VUnion m -> case Map.lookup k m of
344            Just (Just _) -> VPrim $ \ ~u -> VInject m k (Just u)
345            Just Nothing  -> VInject m k Nothing
346            _             -> error errorMsg
347        VRecordLit m
348            | Just v <- Map.lookup k m -> v
349            | otherwise -> error errorMsg
350        VProject t _ -> go t
351        VPrefer (VRecordLit m) r -> case Map.lookup k m of
352            Just v -> VField (VPrefer (singletonVRecordLit v) r) k
353            Nothing -> go r
354        VPrefer l (VRecordLit m) -> case Map.lookup k m of
355            Just v -> v
356            Nothing -> go l
357        VCombine mk (VRecordLit m) r -> case Map.lookup k m of
358            Just v -> VField (VCombine mk (singletonVRecordLit v) r) k
359            Nothing -> go r
360        VCombine mk l (VRecordLit m) -> case Map.lookup k m of
361            Just v -> VField (VCombine mk l (singletonVRecordLit v)) k
362            Nothing -> go l
363        t -> VField t k
365    singletonVRecordLit v = VRecordLit (Map.singleton k v)
366{-# INLINE vField #-}
368vTextReplace :: Text -> Val a -> Text -> VChunks a
369vTextReplace needle replacement haystack = go haystack
370  where
371    go t
372        | Text.null suffix = VChunks [] t
373        | otherwise =
374            let remainder = Text.drop (Text.length needle) suffix
376                rest = go remainder
378            in  case replacement of
379                    VTextLit replacementChunks ->
380                        VChunks [] prefix <> replacementChunks <> rest
381                    _ ->
382                        VChunks [(prefix, replacement)] "" <> rest
383      where
384        (prefix, suffix) = Text.breakOn needle t
386vProjectByFields :: Eq a => Environment a -> Val a -> Set Text -> Val a
387vProjectByFields env t ks =
388    if null ks
389        then VRecordLit mempty
390        else case t of
391            VRecordLit kvs ->
392                let kvs' = Map.restrictKeys kvs (Dhall.Set.toSet ks)
393                in  VRecordLit kvs'
394            VProject t' _ ->
395                vProjectByFields env t' ks
396            VPrefer l (VRecordLit kvs) ->
397                let ksSet = Dhall.Set.toSet ks
399                    kvs' = Map.restrictKeys kvs ksSet
401                    ks' =
402                        Dhall.Set.fromSet
403                            (Data.Set.difference ksSet (Map.keysSet kvs'))
405                in  vPrefer env (vProjectByFields env l ks') (VRecordLit kvs')
406            t' ->
407                VProject t' (Left ks)
409vWith :: Val a -> NonEmpty Text -> Val a -> Val a
410vWith (VRecordLit kvs) (k  :| []     ) v = VRecordLit (Map.insert k  v  kvs)
411vWith (VRecordLit kvs) (k₀ :| k₁ : ks) v = VRecordLit (Map.insert kekvs)
412  where
413    e₁ =
414        case Map.lookup kkvs of
415            Nothing  -> VRecordLit mempty
416            Just e' -> e₁'
418    e₂ = vWith e₁ (k₁ :| ks) v
419vWith eks v₀ = VWith eks v420
421eval :: forall a. Eq a => Environment a -> Expr Void a -> Val a
422eval !env t0 =
423    case t0 of
424        Const k ->
425            VConst k
426        Var v ->
427            vVar env v
428        Lam _ (FunctionBinding { functionBindingVariable = x, functionBindingAnnotation = a }) t ->
429            VLam (eval env a) (Closure x env t)
430        Pi _ x a b ->
431            VPi (eval env a) (Closure x env b)
432        App t u ->
433            vApp (eval env t) (eval env u)
434        Let (Binding _ x _ _mA _ a) b ->
435            let !env' = Extend env x (eval env a)
436            in  eval env' b
437        Annot t _ ->
438            eval env t
439        Bool ->
440            VBool
441        BoolLit b ->
442            VBoolLit b
443        BoolAnd t u ->
444            case (eval env t, eval env u) of
445                (VBoolLit True, u')       -> u'
446                (VBoolLit False, _)       -> VBoolLit False
447                (t', VBoolLit True)       -> t'
448                (_ , VBoolLit False)      -> VBoolLit False
449                (t', u') | conv env t' u' -> t'
450                (t', u')                  -> VBoolAnd t' u'
451        BoolOr t u ->
452            case (eval env t, eval env u) of
453                (VBoolLit False, u')      -> u'
454                (VBoolLit True, _)        -> VBoolLit True
455                (t', VBoolLit False)      -> t'
456                (_ , VBoolLit True)       -> VBoolLit True
457                (t', u') | conv env t' u' -> t'
458                (t', u')                  -> VBoolOr t' u'
459        BoolEQ t u ->
460            case (eval env t, eval env u) of
461                (VBoolLit True, u')       -> u'
462                (t', VBoolLit True)       -> t'
463                (t', u') | conv env t' u' -> VBoolLit True
464                (t', u')                  -> VBoolEQ t' u'
465        BoolNE t u ->
466            case (eval env t, eval env u) of
467                (VBoolLit False, u')      -> u'
468                (t', VBoolLit False)      -> t'
469                (t', u') | conv env t' u' -> VBoolLit False
470                (t', u')                  -> VBoolNE t' u'
471        BoolIf b t f ->
472            case (eval env b, eval env t, eval env f) of
473                (VBoolLit True,  t', _ )            -> t'
474                (VBoolLit False, _ , f')            -> f'
475                (b', VBoolLit True, VBoolLit False) -> b'
476                (_, t', f') | conv env t' f'        -> t'
477                (b', t', f')                        -> VBoolIf b' t' f'
478        Natural ->
479            VNatural
480        NaturalLit n ->
481            VNaturalLit n
482        NaturalFold ->
483            VPrim $ \n ->
484            VPrim $ \natural ->
485            VPrim $ \succ ->
486            VPrim $ \zero ->
487            let inert = VNaturalFold n natural succ zero
488            in  case zero of
489                VPrimVar -> inert
490                _ -> case succ of
491                    VPrimVar -> inert
492                    _ -> case natural of
493                        VPrimVar -> inert
494                        _ -> case n of
495                            VNaturalLit n' ->
496                                -- Use an `Integer` for the loop, due to the
497                                -- following issue:
498                                --
499                                -- https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs/issues/782
500                                let go !acc 0 = acc
501                                    go  acc m = go (vApp succ acc) (m - 1)
502                                in  go zero (fromIntegral n' :: Integer)
503                            _ -> inert
504        NaturalBuild ->
505            VPrim $ \case
506                VPrimVar ->
507                    VNaturalBuild VPrimVar
508                t ->       t
509                    `vApp` VNatural
510                    `vApp` VHLam (Typed "n" VNatural) (\n -> vNaturalPlus n (VNaturalLit 1))
511                    `vApp` VNaturalLit 0
513        NaturalIsZero -> VPrim $ \case
514            VNaturalLit n -> VBoolLit (n == 0)
515            n             -> VNaturalIsZero n
516        NaturalEven -> VPrim $ \case
517            VNaturalLit n -> VBoolLit (even n)
518            n             -> VNaturalEven n
519        NaturalOdd -> VPrim $ \case
520            VNaturalLit n -> VBoolLit (odd n)
521            n             -> VNaturalOdd n
522        NaturalToInteger -> VPrim $ \case
523            VNaturalLit n -> VIntegerLit (fromIntegral n)
524            n             -> VNaturalToInteger n
525        NaturalShow -> VPrim $ \case
526            VNaturalLit n -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack (show n)))
527            n             -> VNaturalShow n
528        NaturalSubtract -> VPrim $ \case
529            VNaturalLit 0 ->
530                VHLam NaturalSubtractZero id
531            x@(VNaturalLit m) ->
532                VPrim $ \case
533                    VNaturalLit n
534                        | n >= m ->
535                            -- Use an `Integer` for the subtraction, due to the
536                            -- following issue:
537                            --
538                            -- https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs/issues/782
539                            VNaturalLit (fromIntegral (subtract (fromIntegral m :: Integer) (fromIntegral n :: Integer)))
540                        | otherwise -> VNaturalLit 0
541                    y -> VNaturalSubtract x y
542            x ->
543                VPrim $ \case
544                    VNaturalLit 0    -> VNaturalLit 0
545                    y | conv env x y -> VNaturalLit 0
546                    y                -> VNaturalSubtract x y
547        NaturalPlus t u ->
548            vNaturalPlus (eval env t) (eval env u)
549        NaturalTimes t u ->
550            case (eval env t, eval env u) of
551                (VNaturalLit 1, u'           ) -> u'
552                (t'           , VNaturalLit 1) -> t'
553                (VNaturalLit 0, _            ) -> VNaturalLit 0
554                (_            , VNaturalLit 0) -> VNaturalLit 0
555                (VNaturalLit m, VNaturalLit n) -> VNaturalLit (m * n)
556                (t'           , u'           ) -> VNaturalTimes t' u'
557        Integer ->
558            VInteger
559        IntegerLit n ->
560            VIntegerLit n
561        IntegerClamp ->
562            VPrim $ \case
563                VIntegerLit n
564                    | 0 <= n    -> VNaturalLit (fromInteger n)
565                    | otherwise -> VNaturalLit 0
566                n -> VIntegerClamp n
567        IntegerNegate ->
568            VPrim $ \case
569                VIntegerLit n -> VIntegerLit (negate n)
570                n             -> VIntegerNegate n
571        IntegerShow ->
572            VPrim $ \case
573                VIntegerLit n
574                    | 0 <= n    -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack ('+':show n)))
575                    | otherwise -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack (show n)))
576                n -> VIntegerShow n
577        IntegerToDouble ->
578            VPrim $ \case
579                VIntegerLit n -> VDoubleLit (DhallDouble (read (show n)))
580                -- `(read . show)` is used instead of `fromInteger`
581                -- because `read` uses the correct rounding rule.
582                -- See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17231.
583                n             -> VIntegerToDouble n
584        Double ->
585            VDouble
586        DoubleLit n ->
587            VDoubleLit n
588        DoubleShow ->
589            VPrim $ \case
590                VDoubleLit (DhallDouble n) -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack (show n)))
591                n                          -> VDoubleShow n
592        Text ->
593            VText
594        TextLit cs ->
595            case evalChunks cs of
596                VChunks [("", t)] "" -> t
597                vcs                  -> VTextLit vcs
598        TextAppend t u ->
599            eval env (TextLit (Chunks [("", t), ("", u)] ""))
600        TextShow ->
601            VPrim $ \case
602                VTextLit (VChunks [] x) -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (textShow x))
603                t                       -> VTextShow t
604        TextReplace ->
605            VPrim $ \needle ->
606            VPrim $ \replacement ->
607            VPrim $ \haystack ->
608                case needle of
609                    VTextLit (VChunks [] "") ->
610                        haystack
611                    VTextLit (VChunks [] needleText) ->
612                        case haystack of
613                            VTextLit (VChunks [] haystackText) ->
614                                case replacement of
615                                    VTextLit (VChunks [] replacementText) ->
616                                        VTextLit $ VChunks []
617                                            (Text.replace
618                                                needleText
619                                                replacementText
620                                                haystackText
621                                            )
622                                    _ ->
623                                        VTextLit
624                                            (vTextReplace
625                                                needleText
626                                                replacement
627                                                haystackText
628                                            )
629                            _ ->
630                                VTextReplace needle replacement haystack
631                    _ ->
632                        VTextReplace needle replacement haystack
633        List ->
634            VPrim VList
635        ListLit ma ts ->
636            VListLit (fmap (eval env) ma) (fmap (eval env) ts)
637        ListAppend t u ->
638            vListAppend (eval env t) (eval env u)
639        ListBuild ->
640            VPrim $ \a ->
641            VPrim $ \case
642                VPrimVar ->
643                    VListBuild a VPrimVar
644                t ->       t
645                    `vApp` VList a
646                    `vApp` VHLam (Typed "a" a) (\x ->
647                           VHLam (Typed "as" (VList a)) (\as ->
648                           vListAppend (VListLit Nothing (pure x)) as))
649                    `vApp` VListLit (Just (VList a)) mempty
651        ListFold ->
652            VPrim $ \a ->
653            VPrim $ \as ->
654            VPrim $ \list ->
655            VPrim $ \cons ->
656            VPrim $ \nil ->
657            let inert = VListFold a as list cons nil
658            in  case nil of
659                VPrimVar -> inert
660                _ -> case cons of
661                    VPrimVar -> inert
662                    _ -> case list of
663                        VPrimVar -> inert
664                        _ -> case a of
665                            VPrimVar -> inert
666                            _ -> case as of
667                                VListLit _ as' ->
668                                    foldr' (\x b -> cons `vApp` x `vApp` b) nil as'
669                                _ -> inert
670        ListLength ->
671            VPrim $ \ a ->
672            VPrim $ \case
673                VListLit _ as -> VNaturalLit (fromIntegral (Sequence.length as))
674                as            -> VListLength a as
675        ListHead ->
676            VPrim $ \ a ->
677            VPrim $ \case
678                VListLit _ as ->
679                    case Sequence.viewl as of
680                        y :< _ -> VSome y
681                        _      -> VNone a
682                as ->
683                    VListHead a as
684        ListLast ->
685            VPrim $ \ a ->
686            VPrim $ \case
687                VListLit _ as ->
688                    case Sequence.viewr as of
689                        _ :> t -> VSome t
690                        _      -> VNone a
691                as -> VListLast a as
692        ListIndexed ->
693            VPrim $ \ a ->
694            VPrim $ \case
695                VListLit _ as ->
696                    let a' =
697                            if null as
698                            then Just (VList (VRecord (Map.unorderedFromList [("index", VNatural), ("value", a)])))
699                            else Nothing
701                        as' =
702                            Sequence.mapWithIndex
703                                (\i t ->
704                                    VRecordLit
705                                        (Map.unorderedFromList
706                                            [ ("index", VNaturalLit (fromIntegral i))
707                                            , ("value", t)
708                                            ]
709                                        )
710                                )
711                                as
713                        in  VListLit a' as'
714                t ->
715                    VListIndexed a t
716        ListReverse ->
717            VPrim $ \ ~a ->
718            VPrim $ \case
719                VListLit t as | null as ->
720                    VListLit t as
721                VListLit _ as ->
722                    VListLit Nothing (Sequence.reverse as)
723                t ->
724                    VListReverse a t
725        Optional ->
726            VPrim VOptional
727        Some t ->
728            VSome (eval env t)
729        None ->
730            VPrim $ \ ~a -> VNone a
731        Record kts ->
732            VRecord (Map.sort (eval env . recordFieldValue <$> kts))
733        RecordLit kts ->
734            VRecordLit (Map.sort (eval env . recordFieldValue <$> kts))
735        Union kts ->
736            VUnion (Map.sort (fmap (fmap (eval env)) kts))
737        Combine _ mk t u ->
738            vCombine mk (eval env t) (eval env u)
739        CombineTypes _ t u ->
740            vCombineTypes (eval env t) (eval env u)
741        Prefer _ _ t u ->
742            vPrefer env (eval env t) (eval env u)
743        RecordCompletion t u ->
744            eval env (Annot (Prefer mempty PreferFromCompletion (Field t def) u) (Field t typ))
745          where
746            def = Syntax.makeFieldSelection "default"
747            typ = Syntax.makeFieldSelection "Type"
748        Merge x y ma ->
749            case (eval env x, eval env y, fmap (eval env) ma) of
750                (VRecordLit m, VInject _ k mt, _)
751                    | Just f <- Map.lookup k m -> maybe f (vApp f) mt
752                    | otherwise                -> error errorMsg
753                (VRecordLit m, VSome t, _)
754                    | Just f <- Map.lookup "Some" m -> vApp f t
755                    | otherwise                     -> error errorMsg
756                (VRecordLit m, VNone _, _)
757                    | Just t <- Map.lookup "None" m -> t
758                    | otherwise                     -> error errorMsg
759                (x', y', ma') -> VMerge x' y' ma'
760        ToMap x ma ->
761            case (eval env x, fmap (eval env) ma) of
762                (VRecordLit m, ma'@(Just _)) | null m ->
763                    VListLit ma' Sequence.empty
764                (VRecordLit m, _) ->
765                    let entry (k, v) =
766                            VRecordLit
767                                (Map.unorderedFromList
768                                    [ ("mapKey", VTextLit $ VChunks [] k)
769                                    , ("mapValue", v)
770                                    ]
771                                )
773                        s = (Sequence.fromList . map entry . Map.toAscList) m
775                    in  VListLit Nothing s
776                (x', ma') ->
777                    VToMap x' ma'
778        Field t (Syntax.fieldSelectionLabel -> k) ->
779            vField (eval env t) k
780        Project t (Left ks) ->
781            vProjectByFields env (eval env t) (Dhall.Set.sort (Dhall.Set.fromList ks))
782        Project t (Right e) ->
783            case eval env e of
784                VRecord kts ->
785                    vProjectByFields env (eval env t) (Dhall.Set.fromSet (Map.keysSet kts))
786                e' ->
787                    VProject (eval env t) (Right e')
788        Assert t ->
789            VAssert (eval env t)
790        Equivalent t u ->
791            VEquivalent (eval env t) (eval env u)
792        With eks v ->
793            vWith (eval env e₀) ks (eval env v)
794        Note _ e ->
795            eval env e
796        ImportAlt t _ ->
797            eval env t
798        Embed a ->
799            VEmbed a
800  where
801    evalChunks :: Chunks Void a -> VChunks a
802    evalChunks (Chunks xys z) = foldr' cons nil xys
803      where
804        cons (x, t) vcs =
805            case eval env t of
806                VTextLit vcs' -> VChunks [] x <> vcs' <> vcs
807                t'            -> VChunks [(x, t')] mempty <> vcs
809        nil = VChunks [] z
810    {-# INLINE evalChunks #-}
812eqListBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
813eqListBy f = go
814  where
815    go (x:xs) (y:ys) | f x y = go xs ys
816    go [] [] = True
817    go _  _  = False
818{-# INLINE eqListBy #-}
820eqMapsBy :: Ord k => (v -> v -> Bool) -> Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool
821eqMapsBy f mL mR =
822    Map.size mL == Map.size mR
823    && eqListBy eq (Map.toAscList mL) (Map.toAscList mR)
824  where
825    eq (kL, vL) (kR, vR) = kL == kR && f vL vR
826{-# INLINE eqMapsBy #-}
828eqMaybeBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool
829eqMaybeBy f = go
830  where
831    go (Just x) (Just y) = f x y
832    go Nothing  Nothing  = True
833    go _        _        = False
834{-# INLINE eqMaybeBy #-}
836-- | Utility that powers the @Text/show@ built-in
837textShow :: Text -> Text
838textShow text = "\"" <> Text.concatMap f text <> "\""
839  where
840    f '"'  = "\\\""
841    f '$'  = "\\u0024"
842    f '\\' = "\\\\"
843    f '\b' = "\\b"
844    f '\n' = "\\n"
845    f '\r' = "\\r"
846    f '\t' = "\\t"
847    f '\f' = "\\f"
848    f c | c <= '\x1F' = Text.pack (Text.Printf.printf "\\u%04x" (Data.Char.ord c))
849        | otherwise   = Text.singleton c
851conv :: forall a. Eq a => Environment a -> Val a -> Val a -> Bool
852conv !env t0 t0' =
853    case (t0, t0') of
854        (VConst k, VConst k') ->
855            k == k'
856        (VVar x i, VVar x' i') ->
857            x == x' && i == i'
858        (VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)), VLam _ t' ) ->
859            convSkip x (instantiate t v) (instantiate t' v)
860        (VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)), VHLam _ t') ->
861            convSkip x (instantiate t v) (t' v)
862        (VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)), t'        ) ->
863            convSkip x (instantiate t v) (vApp t' v)
864        (VHLam _ t, VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t'))) ->
865            convSkip x (t v) (instantiate t' v)
866        (VHLam _ t, VHLam _ t'                    ) ->
867            let (x, v) = fresh "x" in convSkip x (t v) (t' v)
868        (VHLam _ t, t'                            ) ->
869            let (x, v) = fresh "x" in convSkip x (t v) (vApp t' v)
870        (t, VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t'))) ->
871            convSkip x (vApp t v) (instantiate t' v)
872        (t, VHLam _ t'  ) ->
873            let (x, v) = fresh "x" in convSkip x (vApp t v) (t' v)
874        (VApp t u, VApp t' u') ->
875            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
876        (VPi a b, VPi a' (freshClosure -> (x, v, b'))) ->
877            conv env a a' && convSkip x (instantiate b v) (instantiate b' v)
878        (VPi a b, VHPi (fresh -> (x, v)) a' b') ->
879            conv env a a' && convSkip x (instantiate b v) (b' v)
880        (VHPi _ a b, VPi a' (freshClosure -> (x, v, b'))) ->
881            conv env a a' && convSkip x (b v) (instantiate b' v)
882        (VHPi _ a b, VHPi (fresh -> (x, v)) a' b') ->
883            conv env a a' && convSkip x (b v) (b' v)
884        (VBool, VBool) ->
885            True
886        (VBoolLit b, VBoolLit b') ->
887            b == b'
888        (VBoolAnd t u, VBoolAnd t' u') ->
889            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
890        (VBoolOr t u, VBoolOr t' u') ->
891            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
892        (VBoolEQ t u, VBoolEQ t' u') ->
893            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
894        (VBoolNE t u, VBoolNE t' u') ->
895            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
896        (VBoolIf t u v, VBoolIf t' u' v') ->
897            conv env t t' && conv env u u' && conv env v v'
898        (VNatural, VNatural) ->
899            True
900        (VNaturalLit n, VNaturalLit n') ->
901            n == n'
902        (VNaturalFold t _ u v, VNaturalFold t' _ u' v') ->
903            conv env t t' && conv env u u' && conv env v v'
904        (VNaturalBuild t, VNaturalBuild t') ->
905            conv env t t'
906        (VNaturalIsZero t, VNaturalIsZero t') ->
907            conv env t t'
908        (VNaturalEven t, VNaturalEven t') ->
909            conv env t t'
910        (VNaturalOdd t, VNaturalOdd t') ->
911            conv env t t'
912        (VNaturalToInteger t, VNaturalToInteger t') ->
913            conv env t t'
914        (VNaturalShow t, VNaturalShow t') ->
915            conv env t t'
916        (VNaturalSubtract x y, VNaturalSubtract x' y') ->
917            conv env x x' && conv env y y'
918        (VNaturalPlus t u, VNaturalPlus t' u') ->
919            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
920        (VNaturalTimes t u, VNaturalTimes t' u') ->
921            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
922        (VInteger, VInteger) ->
923            True
924        (VIntegerLit t, VIntegerLit t') ->
925            t == t'
926        (VIntegerClamp t, VIntegerClamp t') ->
927            conv env t t'
928        (VIntegerNegate t, VIntegerNegate t') ->
929            conv env t t'
930        (VIntegerShow t, VIntegerShow t') ->
931            conv env t t'
932        (VIntegerToDouble t, VIntegerToDouble t') ->
933            conv env t t'
934        (VDouble, VDouble) ->
935            True
936        (VDoubleLit n, VDoubleLit n') ->
937            n == n'
938        (VDoubleShow t, VDoubleShow t') ->
939            conv env t t'
940        (VText, VText) ->
941            True
942        (VTextLit cs, VTextLit cs') ->
943            convChunks cs cs'
944        (VTextAppend t u, VTextAppend t' u') ->
945            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
946        (VTextShow t, VTextShow t') ->
947            conv env t t'
948        (VTextReplace a b c, VTextReplace a' b' c') ->
949            conv env a a' && conv env b b' && conv env c c'
950        (VList a, VList a') ->
951            conv env a a'
952        (VListLit _ xs, VListLit _ xs') ->
953            eqListBy (conv env) (toList xs) (toList xs')
954        (VListAppend t u, VListAppend t' u') ->
955            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
956        (VListBuild _ t, VListBuild _ t') ->
957            conv env t t'
958        (VListLength a t, VListLength a' t') ->
959            conv env a a' && conv env t t'
960        (VListHead _ t, VListHead _ t') ->
961            conv env t t'
962        (VListLast _ t, VListLast _ t') ->
963            conv env t t'
964        (VListIndexed _ t, VListIndexed _ t') ->
965            conv env t t'
966        (VListReverse _ t, VListReverse _ t') ->
967            conv env t t'
968        (VListFold a l _ t u, VListFold a' l' _ t' u') ->
969            conv env a a' && conv env l l' && conv env t t' && conv env u u'
970        (VOptional a, VOptional a') ->
971            conv env a a'
972        (VSome t, VSome t') ->
973            conv env t t'
974        (VNone _, VNone _) ->
975            True
976        (VRecord m, VRecord m') ->
977            eqMapsBy (conv env) m m'
978        (VRecordLit m, VRecordLit m') ->
979            eqMapsBy (conv env) m m'
980        (VUnion m, VUnion m') ->
981            eqMapsBy (eqMaybeBy (conv env)) m m'
982        (VCombine _ t u, VCombine _ t' u') ->
983            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
984        (VCombineTypes t u, VCombineTypes t' u') ->
985            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
986        (VPrefer t u, VPrefer t' u') ->
987            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
988        (VMerge t u _, VMerge t' u' _) ->
989            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
990        (VToMap t _, VToMap t' _) ->
991            conv env t t'
992        (VField t k, VField t' k') ->
993            conv env t t' && k == k'
994        (VProject t (Left ks), VProject t' (Left ks')) ->
995            conv env t t' && ks == ks'
996        (VProject t (Right e), VProject t' (Right e')) ->
997            conv env t t' && conv env e e'
998        (VAssert t, VAssert t') ->
999            conv env t t'
1000        (VEquivalent t u, VEquivalent t' u') ->
1001            conv env t t' && conv env u u'
1002        (VInject m k mt, VInject m' k' mt') ->
1003            eqMapsBy (eqMaybeBy (conv env)) m m' && k == k' && eqMaybeBy (conv env) mt mt'
1004        (VEmbed a, VEmbed a') ->
1005            a == a'
1006        (_, _) ->
1007            False
1008  where
1009    fresh :: Text -> (Text, Val a)
1010    fresh x = (x, VVar x (countEnvironment x env))
1011    {-# INLINE fresh #-}
1013    freshClosure :: Closure a -> (Text, Val a, Closure a)
1014    freshClosure closure@(Closure x _ _) = (x, snd (fresh x), closure)
1015    {-# INLINE freshClosure #-}
1017    convChunks :: VChunks a -> VChunks a -> Bool
1018    convChunks (VChunks xys z) (VChunks xys' z') =
1019      eqListBy (\(x, y) (x', y') -> x == x' && conv env y y') xys xys' && z == z'
1020    {-# INLINE convChunks #-}
1022    convSkip :: Text -> Val a -> Val a -> Bool
1023    convSkip x = conv (Skip env x)
1024    {-# INLINE convSkip #-}
1026judgmentallyEqual :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a -> Bool
1027judgmentallyEqual (Syntax.denote -> t) (Syntax.denote -> u) =
1028    conv Empty (eval Empty t) (eval Empty u)
1029{-# INLINABLE judgmentallyEqual #-}
1031data Names
1032  = EmptyNames
1033  | Bind !Names {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
1034  deriving Show
1036envNames :: Environment a -> Names
1037envNames Empty = EmptyNames
1038envNames (Skip   env x  ) = Bind (envNames env) x
1039envNames (Extend env x _) = Bind (envNames env) x
1041countNames :: Text -> Names -> Int
1042countNames x = go 0
1043  where
1044    go !acc EmptyNames         = acc
1045    go  acc (Bind env x') = go (if x == x' then acc + 1 else acc) env
1047-- | Quote a value into beta-normal form.
1048quote :: forall a. Eq a => Names -> Val a -> Expr Void a
1049quote !env !t0 =
1050    case t0 of
1051        VConst k ->
1052            Const k
1053        VVar !x !i ->
1054            Var (V x (countNames x env - i - 1))
1055        VApp t u ->
1056            quote env t `qApp` u
1057        VLam a (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)) ->
1058            Lam
1059                mempty
1060                (Syntax.makeFunctionBinding x (quote env a))
1061                (quoteBind x (instantiate t v))
1062        VHLam i t ->
1063            case i of
1064                Typed (fresh -> (x, v)) a ->
1065                    Lam
1066                        mempty
1067                        (Syntax.makeFunctionBinding x (quote env a))
1068                        (quoteBind x (t v))
1069                Prim                      -> quote env (t VPrimVar)
1070                NaturalSubtractZero       -> App NaturalSubtract (NaturalLit 0)
1072        VPi a (freshClosure -> (x, v, b)) ->
1073            Pi mempty x (quote env a) (quoteBind x (instantiate b v))
1074        VHPi (fresh -> (x, v)) a b ->
1075            Pi mempty x (quote env a) (quoteBind x (b v))
1076        VBool ->
1077            Bool
1078        VBoolLit b ->
1079            BoolLit b
1080        VBoolAnd t u ->
1081            BoolAnd (quote env t) (quote env u)
1082        VBoolOr t u ->
1083            BoolOr (quote env t) (quote env u)
1084        VBoolEQ t u ->
1085            BoolEQ (quote env t) (quote env u)
1086        VBoolNE t u ->
1087            BoolNE (quote env t) (quote env u)
1088        VBoolIf t u v ->
1089            BoolIf (quote env t) (quote env u) (quote env v)
1090        VNatural ->
1091            Natural
1092        VNaturalLit n ->
1093            NaturalLit n
1094        VNaturalFold a t u v ->
1095            NaturalFold `qApp` a `qApp` t `qApp` u `qApp` v
1096        VNaturalBuild t ->
1097            NaturalBuild `qApp` t
1098        VNaturalIsZero t ->
1099            NaturalIsZero `qApp` t
1100        VNaturalEven t ->
1101            NaturalEven `qApp` t
1102        VNaturalOdd t ->
1103            NaturalOdd `qApp` t
1104        VNaturalToInteger t ->
1105            NaturalToInteger `qApp` t
1106        VNaturalShow t ->
1107            NaturalShow `qApp` t
1108        VNaturalPlus t u ->
1109            NaturalPlus (quote env t) (quote env u)
1110        VNaturalTimes t u ->
1111            NaturalTimes (quote env t) (quote env u)
1112        VNaturalSubtract x y ->
1113            NaturalSubtract `qApp` x `qApp` y
1114        VInteger ->
1115            Integer
1116        VIntegerLit n ->
1117            IntegerLit n
1118        VIntegerClamp t ->
1119            IntegerClamp `qApp` t
1120        VIntegerNegate t ->
1121            IntegerNegate `qApp` t
1122        VIntegerShow t ->
1123            IntegerShow `qApp` t
1124        VIntegerToDouble t ->
1125            IntegerToDouble `qApp` t
1126        VDouble ->
1127            Double
1128        VDoubleLit n ->
1129            DoubleLit n
1130        VDoubleShow t ->
1131            DoubleShow `qApp` t
1132        VText ->
1133            Text
1134        VTextLit (VChunks xys z) ->
1135            TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap (quote env)) xys) z)
1136        VTextAppend t u ->
1137            TextAppend (quote env t) (quote env u)
1138        VTextShow t ->
1139            TextShow `qApp` t
1140        VTextReplace a b c ->
1141            TextReplace `qApp` a `qApp` b `qApp` c
1142        VList t ->
1143            List `qApp` t
1144        VListLit ma ts ->
1145            ListLit (fmap (quote env) ma) (fmap (quote env) ts)
1146        VListAppend t u ->
1147            ListAppend (quote env t) (quote env u)
1148        VListBuild a t ->
1149            ListBuild `qApp` a `qApp` t
1150        VListFold a l t u v ->
1151            ListFold `qApp` a `qApp` l `qApp` t `qApp` u `qApp` v
1152        VListLength a t ->
1153            ListLength `qApp` a `qApp` t
1154        VListHead a t ->
1155            ListHead `qApp` a `qApp` t
1156        VListLast a t ->
1157            ListLast `qApp` a `qApp` t
1158        VListIndexed a t ->
1159            ListIndexed `qApp` a `qApp` t
1160        VListReverse a t ->
1161            ListReverse `qApp` a `qApp` t
1162        VOptional a ->
1163            Optional `qApp` a
1164        VSome t ->
1165            Some (quote env t)
1166        VNone t ->
1167            None `qApp` t
1168        VRecord m ->
1169            Record (fmap quoteRecordField m)
1170        VRecordLit m ->
1171            RecordLit (fmap quoteRecordField m)
1172        VUnion m ->
1173            Union (fmap (fmap (quote env)) m)
1174        VCombine mk t u ->
1175            Combine mempty mk (quote env t) (quote env u)
1176        VCombineTypes t u ->
1177            CombineTypes mempty (quote env t) (quote env u)
1178        VPrefer t u ->
1179            Prefer mempty PreferFromSource (quote env t) (quote env u)
1180        VMerge t u ma ->
1181            Merge (quote env t) (quote env u) (fmap (quote env) ma)
1182        VToMap t ma ->
1183            ToMap (quote env t) (fmap (quote env) ma)
1184        VField t k ->
1185            Field (quote env t) $ Syntax.makeFieldSelection k
1186        VProject t p ->
1187            Project (quote env t) (first Dhall.Set.toList (fmap (quote env) p))
1188        VAssert t ->
1189            Assert (quote env t)
1190        VEquivalent t u ->
1191            Equivalent (quote env t) (quote env u)
1192        VWith e ks v ->
1193            With (quote env e) ks (quote env v)
1194        VInject m k Nothing ->
1195            Field (Union (fmap (fmap (quote env)) m)) $ Syntax.makeFieldSelection k
1196        VInject m k (Just t) ->
1197            Field (Union (fmap (fmap (quote env)) m)) (Syntax.makeFieldSelection k) `qApp` t
1198        VEmbed a ->
1199            Embed a
1200        VPrimVar ->
1201            error errorMsg
1202  where
1203    fresh :: Text -> (Text, Val a)
1204    fresh x = (x, VVar x (countNames x env))
1205    {-# INLINE fresh #-}
1207    freshClosure :: Closure a -> (Text, Val a, Closure a)
1208    freshClosure closure@(Closure x _ _) = (x, snd (fresh x), closure)
1209    {-# INLINE freshClosure #-}
1211    quoteBind :: Text -> Val a -> Expr Void a
1212    quoteBind x = quote (Bind env x)
1213    {-# INLINE quoteBind #-}
1215    qApp :: Expr Void a -> Val a -> Expr Void a
1216    qApp t VPrimVar = t
1217    qApp t u        = App t (quote env u)
1218    {-# INLINE qApp #-}
1220    quoteRecordField :: Val a -> RecordField Void a
1221    quoteRecordField = Syntax.makeRecordField . quote env
1222    {-# INLINE quoteRecordField #-}
1224-- | Normalize an expression in an environment of values. Any variable pointing out of
1225--   the environment is treated as opaque free variable.
1226nf :: Eq a => Environment a -> Expr s a -> Expr t a
1227nf !env = Syntax.renote . quote (envNames env) . eval env . Syntax.denote
1229normalize :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
1230normalize = nf Empty
1231{-# INLINABLE normalize #-}
1233alphaNormalize :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
1234alphaNormalize = goEnv EmptyNames
1235  where
1236    goVar :: Names -> Text -> Int -> Expr s a
1237    goVar e topX topI = go 0 e topI
1238      where
1239        go !acc (Bind env x) !i
1240          | x == topX = if i == 0 then Var (V "_" acc) else go (acc + 1) env (i - 1)
1241          | otherwise = go (acc + 1) env i
1242        go _ EmptyNames i = Var (V topX i)
1244    goEnv :: Names -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
1245    goEnv !e0 t0 =
1246        case t0 of
1247            Const k ->
1248                Const k
1249            Var (V x i) ->
1250                goVar e0 x i
1251            Lam cs (FunctionBinding src0 x src1 src2 t) u ->
1252                Lam cs (FunctionBinding src0 "_" src1 src2 (go t)) (goBind x u)
1253            Pi cs x a b ->
1254                Pi cs "_" (go a) (goBind x b)
1255            App t u ->
1256                App (go t) (go u)
1257            Let (Binding src0 x src1 mA src2 a) b ->
1258                Let (Binding src0 "_" src1 (fmap (fmap go) mA) src2 (go a)) (goBind x b)
1259            Annot t u ->
1260                Annot (go t) (go u)
1261            Bool ->
1262                Bool
1263            BoolLit b ->
1264                BoolLit b
1265            BoolAnd t u ->
1266                BoolAnd (go t) (go u)
1267            BoolOr t u ->
1268                BoolOr  (go t) (go u)
1269            BoolEQ t u ->
1270                BoolEQ  (go t) (go u)
1271            BoolNE t u ->
1272                BoolNE  (go t) (go u)
1273            BoolIf b t f ->
1274                BoolIf  (go b) (go t) (go f)
1275            Natural ->
1276                Natural
1277            NaturalLit n ->
1278                NaturalLit n
1279            NaturalFold ->
1280                NaturalFold
1281            NaturalBuild ->
1282                NaturalBuild
1283            NaturalIsZero ->
1284                NaturalIsZero
1285            NaturalEven ->
1286                NaturalEven
1287            NaturalOdd ->
1288                NaturalOdd
1289            NaturalToInteger ->
1290                NaturalToInteger
1291            NaturalShow ->
1292                NaturalShow
1293            NaturalSubtract ->
1294                NaturalSubtract
1295            NaturalPlus t u ->
1296                NaturalPlus (go t) (go u)
1297            NaturalTimes t u ->
1298                NaturalTimes (go t) (go u)
1299            Integer ->
1300                Integer
1301            IntegerLit n ->
1302                IntegerLit n
1303            IntegerClamp ->
1304                IntegerClamp
1305            IntegerNegate ->
1306                IntegerNegate
1307            IntegerShow ->
1308                IntegerShow
1309            IntegerToDouble ->
1310                IntegerToDouble
1311            Double ->
1312                Double
1313            DoubleLit n ->
1314                DoubleLit n
1315            DoubleShow ->
1316                DoubleShow
1317            Text ->
1318                Text
1319            TextLit cs ->
1320                TextLit (goChunks cs)
1321            TextAppend t u ->
1322                TextAppend (go t) (go u)
1323            TextShow ->
1324                TextShow
1325            TextReplace ->
1326                TextReplace
1327            List ->
1328                List
1329            ListLit ma ts ->
1330                ListLit (fmap go ma) (fmap go ts)
1331            ListAppend t u ->
1332                ListAppend (go t) (go u)
1333            ListBuild ->
1334                ListBuild
1335            ListFold ->
1336                ListFold
1337            ListLength ->
1338                ListLength
1339            ListHead ->
1340                ListHead
1341            ListLast ->
1342                ListLast
1343            ListIndexed ->
1344                ListIndexed
1345            ListReverse ->
1346                ListReverse
1347            Optional ->
1348                Optional
1349            Some t ->
1350                Some (go t)
1351            None ->
1352                None
1353            Record kts ->
1354                Record (goRecordField <$> kts)
1355            RecordLit kts ->
1356                RecordLit (goRecordField <$> kts)
1357            Union kts ->
1358                Union (fmap (fmap go) kts)
1359            Combine cs m t u ->
1360                Combine cs m (go t) (go u)
1361            CombineTypes cs t u ->
1362                CombineTypes cs (go t) (go u)
1363            Prefer cs b t u ->
1364                Prefer cs b (go t) (go u)
1365            RecordCompletion t u ->
1366                RecordCompletion (go t) (go u)
1367            Merge x y ma ->
1368                Merge (go x) (go y) (fmap go ma)
1369            ToMap x ma ->
1370                ToMap (go x) (fmap go ma)
1371            Field t k ->
1372                Field (go t) k
1373            Project t ks ->
1374                Project (go t) (fmap go ks)
1375            Assert t ->
1376                Assert (go t)
1377            Equivalent t u ->
1378                Equivalent (go t) (go u)
1379            With e k v ->
1380                With (go e) k (go v)
1381            Note s e ->
1382                Note s (go e)
1383            ImportAlt t u ->
1384                ImportAlt (go t) (go u)
1385            Embed a ->
1386                Embed a
1387      where
1388        go                     = goEnv e0
1389        goBind x               = goEnv (Bind e0 x)
1390        goChunks (Chunks ts x) = Chunks (fmap (fmap go) ts) x
1391        goRecordField (RecordField s0 e s1 s2) = RecordField s0 (go e) s1 s2