1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass     #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift         #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase         #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns       #-}
10{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
12{-| This module provides internal pretty-printing utilities which are used by
13    other modules but are not part of the public facing API
16module Dhall.Pretty.Internal (
17      Ann(..)
18    , annToAnsiStyle
19    , prettyExpr
20    , prettySrcExpr
22    , CharacterSet(..)
23    , detectCharacterSet
24    , prettyCharacterSet
25    , prettyImportExpression
27    , prettyVar
28    , pretty_
29    , escapeText_
30    , escapeEnvironmentVariable
31    , prettyEnvironmentVariable
33    , prettyConst
34    , escapeLabel
35    , prettyLabel
36    , prettyAnyLabel
37    , prettyLabels
38    , prettyNatural
39    , prettyNumber
40    , prettyInt
41    , prettyDouble
42    , prettyToStrictText
43    , prettyToString
44    , layout
45    , layoutOpts
47    , docToStrictText
49    , builtin
50    , keyword
51    , literal
52    , operator
54    , colon
55    , comma
56    , dot
57    , equals
58    , forall
59    , label
60    , lambda
61    , langle
62    , lbrace
63    , lbracket
64    , lparen
65    , pipe
66    , rangle
67    , rarrow
68    , rbrace
69    , rbracket
70    , rparen
71    ) where
73import Control.DeepSeq            (NFData)
74import Data.Aeson                 (FromJSON (..), Value (String))
75import Data.Aeson.Types           (typeMismatch, unexpected)
76import Data.Data                  (Data)
77import Data.Foldable
78import Data.List.NonEmpty         (NonEmpty (..))
79import Data.Text                  (Text)
80import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc  (Doc, Pretty, space)
81import Dhall.Map                  (Map)
82import Dhall.Optics               (cosmosOf, foldOf, to)
83import Dhall.Src                  (Src (..))
84import Dhall.Syntax
85import GHC.Generics               (Generic)
86import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
87import Numeric.Natural            (Natural)
89import qualified Data.Char
90import qualified Data.HashSet
91import qualified Data.List
92import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty                        as NonEmpty
93import qualified Data.Maybe
94import qualified Data.Text                                 as Text
95import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc                 as Pretty
96import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.String   as Pretty
97import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Terminal
98import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text     as Pretty
99import qualified Dhall.Map                                 as Map
101{-| Annotation type used to tag elements in a pretty-printed document for
102    syntax highlighting purposes
104data Ann
105  = Keyword     -- ^ Used for syntactic keywords
106  | Syntax      -- ^ Syntax punctuation such as commas, parenthesis, and braces
107  | Label       -- ^ Record labels
108  | Literal     -- ^ Literals such as integers and strings
109  | Builtin     -- ^ Builtin types and values
110  | Operator    -- ^ Operators
111  deriving Show
113{-| Convert annotations to their corresponding color for syntax highlighting
114    purposes
116annToAnsiStyle :: Ann -> Terminal.AnsiStyle
117annToAnsiStyle Keyword  = Terminal.bold <> Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Green
118annToAnsiStyle Syntax   = Terminal.bold <> Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Green
119annToAnsiStyle Label    = mempty
120annToAnsiStyle Literal  = Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Magenta
121annToAnsiStyle Builtin  = Terminal.underlined
122annToAnsiStyle Operator = Terminal.bold <> Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Green
124-- | This type determines whether to render code as `ASCII` or `Unicode`
125data CharacterSet = ASCII | Unicode
126    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Generic, Lift, NFData)
128-- | Since ASCII is a subset of Unicode, if either argument is Unicode, the
129-- result is Unicode
130instance Semigroup CharacterSet where
131    Unicode <> _ = Unicode
132    _ <> other = other
134instance Monoid CharacterSet where
135    mempty = ASCII
137instance FromJSON CharacterSet where
138  parseJSON (String "unicode") = pure Unicode
139  parseJSON (String "ascii") = pure ASCII
140  parseJSON v@(String _) = unexpected v
141  parseJSON v = typeMismatch "String" v
143-- | Detect which character set is used for the syntax of an expression
144-- If any parts of the expression uses the Unicode syntax, the whole expression
145-- is deemed to be using the Unicode syntax.
146detectCharacterSet :: Expr Src a -> CharacterSet
147detectCharacterSet = foldOf (cosmosOf subExpressions . to exprToCharacterSet)
148  where
149    exprToCharacterSet = \case
150        Embed _ -> mempty -- Don't go down the embed route, otherwise: <<loop>>
151        Lam (Just Unicode) _ _ -> Unicode
152        Pi (Just Unicode) _ _ _ -> Unicode
153        Combine (Just Unicode) _ _ _ -> Unicode
154        CombineTypes (Just Unicode) _ _ -> Unicode
155        Prefer (Just Unicode) _ _ _ -> Unicode
156        _ -> mempty
158-- | Pretty print an expression
159prettyExpr :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc Ann
160prettyExpr = prettySrcExpr . denote
162prettySrcExpr :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
163prettySrcExpr = prettyCharacterSet Unicode
165{-| Internal utility for pretty-printing, used when generating element lists
166    to supply to `enclose` or `enclose'`.  This utility indicates that the
167    compact represent is the same as the multi-line representation for each
168    element
170duplicate :: a -> (a, a)
171duplicate x = (x, x)
173isWhitespace :: Char -> Bool
174isWhitespace c =
175    case c of
176        ' '  -> True
177        '\n' -> True
178        '\t' -> True
179        '\r' -> True
180        _    -> False
182{-| Used to render inline `Src` spans preserved by the syntax tree
184    >>> let unusedSourcePos = Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos "" (Text.Megaparsec.mkPos 1) (Text.Megaparsec.mkPos 1)
185    >>> let nonEmptySrc = Src unusedSourcePos unusedSourcePos "-- Documentation for x\n"
186    >>> "let" <> " " <> renderSrc id (Just nonEmptySrc) <> "x = 1 in x"
187    let -- Documentation for x
188        x = 1 in x
189    >>> let emptySrc = Src unusedSourcePos unusedSourcePos "      "
190    >>> "let" <> " " <> renderSrc id (Just emptySrc) <> "x = 1 in x"
191    let x = 1 in x
192    >>> "let" <> " " <> renderSrc id Nothing <> "x = 1 in x"
193    let x = 1 in x
196    :: (Text -> Text)
197    -- ^ Used to preprocess the comment string (e.g. to strip whitespace)
198    -> Maybe Src
199    -- ^ Source span to render (if present)
200    -> Doc Ann
201renderSrc strip (Just (Src {..}))
202    | not (Text.all isWhitespace srcText) =
203        renderComment (strip srcText)
204renderSrc _ _ =
205    mempty
207{-| Render a comment.
209    Any preprocessing, such as whitespace stripping, needs to be handled by the
210    caller, see e.g. 'renderSrc'.
212    See the documentation for 'renderSrc' for examples.
214renderComment :: Text -> Doc Ann
215renderComment text =
216    Pretty.align (Pretty.concatWith f newLines <> suffix)
217  where
218    horizontalSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
220    suffix =
221        if Text.null text || Text.last text == '\n'
222        then mempty
223        else " "
225    oldLines = Text.splitOn "\n" text
227    spacePrefix = Text.takeWhile horizontalSpace
229    commonPrefix a b = case Text.commonPrefixes a b of
230        Nothing        -> ""
231        Just (c, _, _) -> c
233    sharedSpacePrefix []       = ""
234    sharedSpacePrefix (l : ls) = foldl' commonPrefix (spacePrefix l) ls
236    blank = Text.all horizontalSpace
238    newLines =
239        case oldLines of
240            [] ->
241               []
242            l0 : ls ->
243                let sharedPrefix =
244                        sharedSpacePrefix (filter (not . blank) ls)
246                    perLine l =
247                        case Text.stripPrefix sharedPrefix l of
248                            Nothing -> Pretty.pretty l
249                            Just l' -> Pretty.pretty l'
251                in  Pretty.pretty l0 : map perLine ls
253    f x y = x <> Pretty.hardline <> y
255{-| This is a variant of 'renderSrc' with the following differences:
257      * The 'srcText' is stripped of all whitespace at the start and the end.
258      * When the stripped 'srcText' is empty, the result is 'Nothing'.
260renderSrcMaybe :: Maybe Src -> Maybe (Doc Ann)
261renderSrcMaybe (Just Src{..}) =
262    case Text.dropAround isWhitespace srcText of
263        "" -> Nothing
264        t  -> Just (renderComment t)
265renderSrcMaybe _ = Nothing
267{-| @
268    'containsComment' mSrc ≡ 'Data.Maybe.isJust' ('renderSrcMaybe' mSrc)
269    @
271containsComment :: Maybe Src -> Bool
272containsComment Nothing        = False
273containsComment (Just Src{..}) = not (Text.all isWhitespace srcText)
275-- Annotation helpers
276keyword, syntax, label, literal, builtin, operator :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
277keyword  = Pretty.annotate Keyword
278syntax   = Pretty.annotate Syntax
279label    = Pretty.annotate Label
280literal  = Pretty.annotate Literal
281builtin  = Pretty.annotate Builtin
282operator = Pretty.annotate Operator
284comma, lbracket, rbracket, langle, rangle, lbrace, rbrace, lparen, rparen, pipe, dollar, colon, equals, dot :: Doc Ann
285comma    = syntax Pretty.comma
286lbracket = syntax Pretty.lbracket
287rbracket = syntax Pretty.rbracket
288langle   = syntax Pretty.langle
289rangle   = syntax Pretty.rangle
290lbrace   = syntax Pretty.lbrace
291rbrace   = syntax Pretty.rbrace
292lparen   = syntax Pretty.lparen
293rparen   = syntax Pretty.rparen
294pipe     = syntax Pretty.pipe
295dollar   = syntax "$"
296colon    = syntax ":"
297equals   = syntax "="
298dot      = syntax "."
300lambda :: CharacterSet -> Doc Ann
301lambda Unicode = syntax "λ"
302lambda ASCII   = syntax "\\"
304forall :: CharacterSet -> Doc Ann
305forall Unicode = syntax "∀"
306forall ASCII   = syntax "forall "
308rarrow :: CharacterSet -> Doc Ann
309rarrow Unicode = syntax "→"
310rarrow ASCII   = syntax "->"
312doubleColon :: Doc Ann
313doubleColon = syntax "::"
315-- | Pretty-print a list
316list :: [Doc Ann] -> Doc Ann
317list   [] = lbracket <> rbracket
318list docs =
319    enclose
320        (lbracket <> space)
321        (lbracket <> space)
322        (comma <> space)
323        (comma <> space)
324        (space <> rbracket)
325        rbracket
326        (fmap duplicate docs)
328-- | Pretty-print union types and literals
329angles :: [(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann
330angles   [] = langle <> rangle
331angles docs =
332    enclose
333        (langle <> space)
334        (langle <> space)
335        (space <> pipe <> space)
336        (pipe <> space)
337        (space <> rangle)
338        rangle
339        docs
341-- | Pretty-print record types and literals
342braces :: [(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann
343braces   [] = lbrace <> rbrace
344braces docs =
345    enclose
346        (lbrace <> space)
347        (lbrace <> space)
348        (comma <> space)
349        (comma <> space)
350        (space <> rbrace)
351        rbrace
352        docs
354hangingBraces :: Int -> [(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann
355hangingBraces _ [] =
356    lbrace <> rbrace
357hangingBraces n docs =
358    Pretty.group
359        (Pretty.flatAlt
360            (  lbrace
361            <> Pretty.hardline
362            <> Pretty.indent n
363               ( mconcat (map (combineLong separator) docsLong)
364               <> rbrace
365               )
366            )
367            (mconcat (zipWith (<>) (beginShort : repeat separator) docsShort) <> space <> rbrace)
368        )
369  where
370    separator = comma <> space
372    docsShort = fmap fst docs
374    docsLong = fmap snd docs
376    beginShort = lbrace <> space
378    combineLong x y = x <> y <> Pretty.hardline
380unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
381unsnoc       []   = Nothing
382unsnoc (x0 : xs0) = Just (go id x0 xs0)
383  where
384    go diffXs x      []  = (diffXs [], x)
385    go diffXs x (y : ys) = go (diffXs . (x:)) y ys
387-- | Pretty-print anonymous functions and function types
388arrows :: CharacterSet -> [ Doc Ann ] -> Doc Ann
389arrows characterSet docs = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
390  where
391    long = Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline docs'))
392      where
393        docs' = case unsnoc docs of
394            Nothing -> docs
396            Just (init_, last_) -> init' ++ [ last' ]
397              where
398                 appendArrow doc = doc <> space <> rarrow characterSet
400                 init' = map appendArrow init_
402                 last' = space <> space <> last_
404    short = mconcat (Data.List.intersperse separator docs)
405      where
406        separator = space <> rarrow characterSet <> space
408combine :: CharacterSet -> Text
409combine ASCII   = "/\\"
410combine Unicode = "∧"
412combineTypes :: CharacterSet -> Text
413combineTypes ASCII   = "//\\\\"
414combineTypes Unicode = "⩓"
416prefer :: CharacterSet -> Text
417prefer ASCII   = "//"
418prefer Unicode = "⫽"
420equivalent :: CharacterSet -> Text
421equivalent ASCII   = "==="
422equivalent Unicode = "≡"
424{-| Format an expression that holds a variable number of elements, such as a
425    list, record, or union
428    :: Doc ann
429    -- ^ Beginning document for compact representation
430    -> Doc ann
431    -- ^ Beginning document for multi-line representation
432    -> Doc ann
433    -- ^ Separator for compact representation
434    -> Doc ann
435    -- ^ Separator for multi-line representation
436    -> Doc ann
437    -- ^ Ending document for compact representation
438    -> Doc ann
439    -- ^ Ending document for multi-line representation
440    -> [(Doc ann, Doc ann)]
441    -- ^ Elements to format, each of which is a pair: @(compact, multi-line)@
442    -> Doc ann
443enclose beginShort _         _        _       endShort _       []   =
444    beginShort <> endShort
445enclose beginShort beginLong sepShort sepLong endShort endLong docs =
446    Pretty.group
447        (Pretty.flatAlt
448            (Pretty.align
449                (mconcat (zipWith combineLong (beginLong : repeat sepLong) docsLong) <> endLong)
450            )
451            (mconcat (zipWith combineShort (beginShort : repeat sepShort) docsShort) <> endShort)
452        )
453  where
454    docsShort = fmap fst docs
456    docsLong = fmap snd docs
458    combineLong x y = x <> y <> Pretty.hardline
460    combineShort x y = x <> y
462{-| Format an expression that holds a variable number of elements without a
463    trailing document such as nested `let`, nested lambdas, or nested `forall`s
466    :: Doc ann
467    -- ^ Beginning document for compact representation
468    -> Doc ann
469    -- ^ Beginning document for multi-line representation
470    -> Doc ann
471    -- ^ Separator for compact representation
472    -> Doc ann
473    -- ^ Separator for multi-line representation
474    -> [(Doc ann, Doc ann)]
475    -- ^ Elements to format, each of which is a pair: @(compact, multi-line)@
476    -> Doc ann
477enclose' beginShort beginLong sepShort sepLong docs =
478    Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
479  where
480    longLines = zipWith (<>) (beginLong : repeat sepLong) docsLong
482    long =
483        Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline longLines))
485    short = mconcat (zipWith (<>) (beginShort : repeat sepShort) docsShort)
487    docsShort = fmap fst docs
489    docsLong = fmap snd docs
491alpha :: Char -> Bool
492alpha c = ('\x41' <= c && c <= '\x5A') || ('\x61' <= c && c <= '\x7A')
494digit :: Char -> Bool
495digit c = '\x30' <= c && c <= '\x39'
497alphaNum :: Char -> Bool
498alphaNum c = alpha c || digit c
500headCharacter :: Char -> Bool
501headCharacter c = alpha c || c == '_'
503tailCharacter :: Char -> Bool
504tailCharacter c = alphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '/'
506-- | Escape a label if it is not valid when unquoted
507escapeLabel :: Bool -> Text -> Text
508escapeLabel allowReserved l =
509    case Text.uncons l of
510        Just (h, t)
511            | headCharacter h && Text.all tailCharacter t && (notReservedIdentifier || (allowReserved && someOrNotLanguageKeyword))
512                -> l
513        _       -> "`" <> l <> "`"
514    where
515        notReservedIdentifier = not (Data.HashSet.member l reservedIdentifiers)
516        someOrNotLanguageKeyword = l == "Some" || not (Data.HashSet.member l reservedKeywords)
518prettyLabelShared :: Bool -> Text -> Doc Ann
519prettyLabelShared b l = label (Pretty.pretty (escapeLabel b l))
521prettyLabel :: Text -> Doc Ann
522prettyLabel = prettyLabelShared False
524prettyAnyLabel :: Text -> Doc Ann
525prettyAnyLabel = prettyLabelShared True
527prettyAnyLabels :: Foldable list => list (Maybe Src, Text, Maybe Src) -> Doc Ann
528prettyAnyLabels keys = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
529  where
530    short = (mconcat . Pretty.punctuate dot . map prettyKey . toList) keys
532    long =
533        case map prettyKey (toList keys) of
534            []       -> mempty
535            [doc]    -> doc
536            doc:docs ->
537                  Pretty.align
538                . mconcat
539                . Pretty.punctuate (Pretty.hardline <> ". ")
540                $ Pretty.indent 2 doc : docs
542    prettyKey (mSrc0, key, mSrc1) =
543          Pretty.align
544        . mconcat
545        . Pretty.punctuate Pretty.hardline
546        . Data.Maybe.catMaybes
547        $ [ renderSrcMaybe mSrc0
548          , Just (prettyAnyLabel key)
549          , renderSrcMaybe mSrc1
550          ]
552prettyLabels :: [Text] -> Doc Ann
553prettyLabels a
554    | null a    = lbrace <> rbrace
555    | otherwise = braces (map (duplicate . prettyAnyLabel) a)
557prettyNumber :: Integer -> Doc Ann
558prettyNumber = literal . Pretty.pretty
560prettyInt :: Int -> Doc Ann
561prettyInt = literal . Pretty.pretty
563prettyNatural :: Natural -> Doc Ann
564prettyNatural = literal . Pretty.pretty
566prettyDouble :: Double -> Doc Ann
567prettyDouble = literal . Pretty.pretty
569prettyConst :: Const -> Doc Ann
570prettyConst Type = builtin "Type"
571prettyConst Kind = builtin "Kind"
572prettyConst Sort = builtin "Sort"
574prettyVar :: Var -> Doc Ann
575prettyVar (V x 0) = label (Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyLabel x))
576prettyVar (V x n) = label (Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyLabel x <> "@" <> prettyInt n))
578prettyEnvironmentVariable :: Text -> Doc ann
579prettyEnvironmentVariable t = Pretty.pretty (escapeEnvironmentVariable t)
581preserveSource :: Expr Src a -> Maybe (Doc Ann)
582preserveSource (Note Src{..} (DoubleLit  {})) = Just (Pretty.pretty srcText)
583preserveSource (Note Src{..} (IntegerLit {})) = Just (Pretty.pretty srcText)
584preserveSource (Note Src{..} (NaturalLit {})) = Just (Pretty.pretty srcText)
585preserveSource  _                             = Nothing
587-- | Escape an environment variable if not a valid Bash environment variable
588escapeEnvironmentVariable :: Text -> Text
589escapeEnvironmentVariable t
590  | validBashEnvVar t = t
591  | otherwise         = "\"" <> escapeText_ t <> "\""
592  where
593    validBashEnvVar v = case Text.uncons v of
594        Nothing      -> False
595        Just (c, v') ->
596                (alpha c || c == '_')
597            &&  Text.all (\c' -> alphaNum c' || c' == '_') v'
599{-  There is a close correspondence between the pretty-printers in 'prettyCharacterSet'
600    and the sub-parsers in 'Dhall.Parser.Expression.parsers'.  Most pretty-printers are
601    named after the corresponding parser and the relationship between pretty-printers
602    exactly matches the relationship between parsers.  This leads to the nice emergent
603    property of automatically getting all the parentheses and precedences right.
605    This approach has one major disadvantage: you can get an infinite loop if
606    you add a new constructor to the syntax tree without adding a matching
607    case the corresponding builder.
610{-| Pretty-print an 'Expr' using the given 'CharacterSet'.
612'prettyCharacterSet' largely ignores 'Note's. 'Note's do however matter for
613the layout of let-blocks:
615>>> let inner = Let (Binding Nothing "x" Nothing Nothing Nothing (NaturalLit 1)) (Var (V "x" 0)) :: Expr Src ()
616>>> prettyCharacterSet ASCII (Let (Binding Nothing "y" Nothing Nothing Nothing (NaturalLit 2)) inner)
617let y = 2 let x = 1 in x
618>>> prettyCharacterSet ASCII (Let (Binding Nothing "y" Nothing Nothing Nothing (NaturalLit 2)) (Note (Src unusedSourcePos unusedSourcePos "") inner))
619let y = 2 in let x = 1 in x
621This means the structure of parsed let-blocks is preserved.
623prettyCharacterSet :: Pretty a => CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
624prettyCharacterSet characterSet = prettyCompleteExpression
625  where
626    PrettyPrinters{..} = prettyPrinters characterSet
628-- Mainly used by the `Pretty` instance for `Import`
629prettyImportExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
630prettyImportExpression = prettyImportExpression_
631  where
632    PrettyPrinters{..} = prettyPrinters Unicode
634data PrettyPrinters a = PrettyPrinters
635    { prettyCompleteExpression :: Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
636    , prettyImportExpression_  :: Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
637    }
639prettyPrinters :: Pretty a => CharacterSet -> PrettyPrinters a
640prettyPrinters characterSet =
641    PrettyPrinters{..}
642  where
643    prettyCompleteExpression expression =
644        Pretty.group (prettyExpression expression)
646    prettyExpression a0@(Lam _ _ _) =
647        arrows characterSet (docs a0)
648      where
649        docs (Lam _ (FunctionBinding { functionBindingVariable = a, functionBindingAnnotation = b }) c) =
650            Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c
651          where
652            long =  (lambda characterSet <> space)
653                <>  Pretty.align
654                    (   (lparen <> space)
655                    <>  prettyLabel a
656                    <>  Pretty.hardline
657                    <>  (colon <> space)
658                    <>  prettyExpression b
659                    <>  Pretty.hardline
660                    <>  rparen
661                    )
663            short = (lambda characterSet <> lparen)
664                <>  prettyLabel a
665                <>  (space <> colon <> space)
666                <>  prettyExpression b
667                <>  rparen
668        docs c
669            | Just doc <- preserveSource c =
670                [ doc ]
671            | Note _ d <- c =
672                docs d
673            | otherwise =
674                [ prettyExpression c ]
675    prettyExpression a0@(BoolIf _ _ _) =
676        Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
677      where
678        prefixesLong =
679                ""
680            :   cycle
681                    [ keyword "then" <> "  "
682                    , keyword "else" <> "  "
683                    ]
685        prefixesShort =
686                ""
687            :   cycle
688                    [ space <> keyword "then" <> space
689                    , space <> keyword "else" <> space
690                    ]
692        longLines = zipWith (<>) prefixesLong (docsLong True a0)
694        long =
695            Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline longLines))
697        short = mconcat (zipWith (<>) prefixesShort (docsShort a0))
699        docsLong initial (BoolIf a b c) =
700            docLong ++ docsLong False c
701          where
702            padding
703                | initial   = "   "
704                | otherwise = mempty
706            docLong =
707                [   keyword "if" <> padding <> " " <> prettyExpression a
708                ,   prettyExpression b
709                ]
710        docsLong initial c
711            | Just doc <- preserveSource c =
712                [ doc ]
713            | Note _ d <- c =
714                docsLong initial d
715            | otherwise =
716                [ prettyExpression c ]
718        docsShort (BoolIf a b c) =
719            docShort ++ docsShort c
720          where
721            docShort =
722                [   keyword "if" <> " " <> prettyExpression a
723                ,   prettyExpression b
724                ]
725        docsShort c
726            | Just doc <- preserveSource c =
727                [ doc ]
728            | Note _ d <- c =
729                docsShort d
730            | otherwise =
731                [ prettyExpression c ]
732    prettyExpression (Let a0 b0) =
733        enclose' "" "" space Pretty.hardline
734            (fmap (duplicate . docA) (toList as) ++ [ docB ])
735      where
736        MultiLet as b = multiLet a0 b0
738        isSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
739        stripSpaces =
740            Text.dropAround isSpace
741          . Text.intercalate "\n"
742          . map (Text.dropWhileEnd isSpace)
743          . Text.splitOn "\n"
745        -- Strip a single newline character. Needed to ensure idempotency in
746        -- cases where we add hard line breaks.
747        stripNewline t =
748            case Text.uncons t' of
749                Just ('\n', t'') -> stripSpaces t''
750                _ -> t'
751          where t' = stripSpaces t
753        docA (Binding src0 c src1 Nothing src2 e) =
754            Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
755          where
756            long =  keyword "let" <> space
757                <>  Pretty.align
758                    (   renderSrc stripSpaces src0
759                    <>  prettyLabel c <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src1
760                    <>  equals <> Pretty.hardline <> renderSrc stripNewline src2
761                    <>  "  " <> prettyExpression e
762                    )
764            short = keyword "let" <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src0
765                <>  prettyLabel c <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src1
766                <>  equals <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src2
767                <>  prettyExpression e
768        docA (Binding src0 c src1 (Just (src3, d)) src2 e) =
769                keyword "let" <> space
770            <>  Pretty.align
771                (   renderSrc stripSpaces src0
772                <>  prettyLabel c <> Pretty.hardline <> renderSrc stripNewline src1
773                <>  colon <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src3 <> prettyExpression d <> Pretty.hardline
774                <>  equals <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src2
775                <>  prettyExpression e
776                )
778        docB =
779            ( keyword "in" <> " " <> prettyExpression b
780            , keyword "in" <> "  "  <> prettyExpression b
781            )
782    prettyExpression a0@(Pi _ _ _ _) =
783        arrows characterSet (docs a0)
784      where
785        docs (Pi _ "_" b c) = prettyOperatorExpression b : docs c
786        docs (Pi _ a   b c) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c
787          where
788            long =  forall characterSet <> space
789                <>  Pretty.align
790                    (   lparen <> space
791                    <>  prettyLabel a
792                    <>  Pretty.hardline
793                    <>  colon <> space
794                    <>  prettyExpression b
795                    <>  Pretty.hardline
796                    <>  rparen
797                    )
799            short = forall characterSet <> lparen
800                <>  prettyLabel a
801                <>  space <> colon <> space
802                <>  prettyExpression b
803                <>  rparen
804        docs c
805            | Just doc <- preserveSource c =
806                [ doc ]
807            | Note _ d <- c =
808                docs d
809            | otherwise =
810                [ prettyExpression c ]
811    prettyExpression (With (Dhall.Syntax.shallowDenote -> a) b c) =
812            case a of
813                With{} ->
814                    -- Don't parenthesize an inner with-expression
815                    prettyExpression a
816                _ ->
817                    prettyImportExpression_ a
818        <>  Pretty.flatAlt long short
819      where
820        short = " " <> keyword "with" <> " " <> update
822        long =  Pretty.hardline
823            <>  "  "
824            <>  Pretty.align (keyword "with" <> " " <> update)
826        (update, _) =
827            prettyKeyValue prettyOperatorExpression equals (makeKeyValue b c)
828    prettyExpression (Assert a) =
829        Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
830      where
831        short = keyword "assert" <> " " <> colon <> " " <> prettyExpression a
833        long =
834            Pretty.align
835            (  "  " <> keyword "assert"
836            <> Pretty.hardline <> colon <> " " <> prettyExpression a
837            )
838    prettyExpression a
839        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
840            doc
841        | Note _ b <- a =
842            prettyExpression b
843        | otherwise =
844            prettyAnnotatedExpression a
846    prettyAnnotatedExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
847    prettyAnnotatedExpression (Merge a b (Just c)) =
848        Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
849      where
850        long =
851            Pretty.align
852                (   keyword "merge"
853                <>  Pretty.hardline
854                <>  Pretty.indent 2 (prettyImportExpression_ a)
855                <>  Pretty.hardline
856                <>  Pretty.indent 2 (prettyImportExpression_ b)
857                <>  Pretty.hardline
858                <>  colon <> space
859                <>  prettyApplicationExpression c
860                )
862        short = keyword "merge" <> space
863            <>  prettyImportExpression_ a
864            <>  " "
865            <>  prettyImportExpression_ b
866            <>  space <> colon <> space
867            <>  prettyApplicationExpression c
868    prettyAnnotatedExpression (ToMap a (Just b)) =
869        Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
870      where
871        long =
872            Pretty.align
873                (   keyword "toMap"
874                <>  Pretty.hardline
875                <>  Pretty.indent 2 (prettyImportExpression_ a)
876                <>  Pretty.hardline
877                <>  colon <> space
878                <>  prettyApplicationExpression b
879                )
881        short = keyword "toMap" <> space
882            <>  prettyImportExpression_ a
883            <>  space <> colon <> space
884            <>  prettyApplicationExpression b
885    prettyAnnotatedExpression a0@(Annot _ _) =
886        enclose'
887            ""
888            "  "
889            (" " <> colon <> " ")
890            (colon <> space)
891            (fmap duplicate (docs a0))
892      where
893        docs (Annot a b) = prettyOperatorExpression a : docs b
894        docs a
895            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
896                [ doc ]
897            | Note _ b <- a =
898                docs b
899            | otherwise =
900                [ prettyExpression a ]
901    prettyAnnotatedExpression (ListLit (Just a) b) =
902            list (map prettyExpression (Data.Foldable.toList b))
903        <>  " : "
904        <>  prettyApplicationExpression a
905    prettyAnnotatedExpression a
906        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
907            doc
908        | Note _ b <- a =
909            prettyAnnotatedExpression b
910        | otherwise =
911            prettyOperatorExpression a
913    prettyOperatorExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
914    prettyOperatorExpression = prettyEquivalentExpression
916    prettyOperator :: Text -> [Doc Ann] -> Doc Ann
917    prettyOperator op docs =
918        enclose'
919            ""
920            prefix
921            (" " <> operator (Pretty.pretty op) <> " ")
922            (operator (Pretty.pretty op) <> spacer)
923            (reverse (fmap duplicate docs))
924      where
925        prefix = if Text.length op == 1 then "  " else "    "
927        spacer = if Text.length op == 1 then " "  else "  "
929    prettyEquivalentExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
930    prettyEquivalentExpression a0@(Equivalent _ _) =
931        prettyOperator (equivalent characterSet) (docs a0)
932      where
933        docs (Equivalent a b) = prettyImportAltExpression b : docs a
934        docs a
935            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
936                [ doc ]
937            | Note _ b <- a =
938                docs b
939            | otherwise =
940                [ prettyImportAltExpression a ]
941    prettyEquivalentExpression a
942        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
943            doc
944        | Note _ b <- a =
945            prettyEquivalentExpression b
946        | otherwise =
947            prettyImportAltExpression a
949    prettyImportAltExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
950    prettyImportAltExpression a0@(ImportAlt _ _) =
951        prettyOperator "?" (docs a0)
952      where
953        docs (ImportAlt a b) = prettyOrExpression b : docs a
954        docs a
955            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
956                [ doc ]
957            | Note _ b <- a =
958                docs b
959            | otherwise =
960                [ prettyOrExpression a ]
961    prettyImportAltExpression a
962        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
963            doc
964        | Note _ b <- a =
965            prettyImportAltExpression b
966        | otherwise =
967            prettyOrExpression a
969    prettyOrExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
970    prettyOrExpression a0@(BoolOr _ _) =
971        prettyOperator "||" (docs a0)
972      where
973        docs (BoolOr a b) = prettyPlusExpression b : docs a
974        docs a
975            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
976                [ doc ]
977            | Note _ b <- a =
978                docs b
979            | otherwise =
980                [ prettyPlusExpression a ]
981    prettyOrExpression a
982        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
983            doc
984        | Note _ b <- a =
985            prettyOrExpression b
986        | otherwise =
987            prettyPlusExpression a
989    prettyPlusExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
990    prettyPlusExpression a0@(NaturalPlus _ _) =
991        prettyOperator "+" (docs a0)
992      where
993        docs (NaturalPlus a b) = prettyTextAppendExpression b : docs a
994        docs a
995            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
996                [ doc ]
997            | Note _ b <- a =
998                docs b
999            | otherwise =
1000                [ prettyTextAppendExpression a ]
1001    prettyPlusExpression a
1002        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1003            doc
1004        | Note _ b <- a =
1005            prettyPlusExpression b
1006        | otherwise =
1007            prettyTextAppendExpression a
1009    prettyTextAppendExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1010    prettyTextAppendExpression a0@(TextAppend _ _) =
1011        prettyOperator "++" (docs a0)
1012      where
1013        docs (TextAppend a b) = prettyListAppendExpression b : docs a
1014        docs a
1015            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1016                [ doc ]
1017            | Note _ b <- a =
1018                docs b
1019            | otherwise =
1020                [ prettyListAppendExpression a ]
1021    prettyTextAppendExpression a
1022        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1023            doc
1024        | Note _ b <- a =
1025            prettyTextAppendExpression b
1026        | otherwise =
1027            prettyListAppendExpression a
1029    prettyListAppendExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1030    prettyListAppendExpression a0@(ListAppend _ _) =
1031        prettyOperator "#" (docs a0)
1032      where
1033        docs (ListAppend a b) = prettyAndExpression b : docs a
1034        docs a
1035            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1036                [ doc ]
1037            | Note _ b <- a =
1038                docs b
1039            | otherwise =
1040                [ prettyAndExpression a ]
1041    prettyListAppendExpression a
1042        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1043            doc
1044        | Note _ b <- a =
1045            prettyListAppendExpression b
1046        | otherwise =
1047            prettyAndExpression a
1049    prettyAndExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1050    prettyAndExpression a0@(BoolAnd _ _) =
1051        prettyOperator "&&" (docs a0)
1052      where
1053        docs (BoolAnd a b) = prettyCombineExpression b : docs a
1054        docs a
1055            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1056                [ doc ]
1057            | Note _ b <- a =
1058                docs b
1059            | otherwise =
1060                [ prettyCombineExpression a ]
1061    prettyAndExpression a
1062        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1063            doc
1064        | Note _ b <- a =
1065            prettyAndExpression b
1066        | otherwise =
1067            prettyCombineExpression a
1069    prettyCombineExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1070    prettyCombineExpression a0@(Combine _ _ _ _) =
1071        prettyOperator (combine characterSet) (docs a0)
1072      where
1073        docs (Combine _ _ a b) = prettyPreferExpression b : docs a
1074        docs a
1075            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1076                [ doc ]
1077            | Note _ b <- a =
1078                docs b
1079            | otherwise =
1080                [ prettyPreferExpression a ]
1081    prettyCombineExpression a
1082        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1083            doc
1084        | Note _ b <- a =
1085            prettyCombineExpression b
1086        | otherwise =
1087            prettyPreferExpression a
1089    prettyPreferExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1090    prettyPreferExpression a0@(Prefer {}) =
1091        prettyOperator (prefer characterSet) (docs a0)
1092      where
1093        docs (Prefer _ _ a b) = prettyCombineTypesExpression b : docs a
1094        docs a
1095            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1096                [ doc ]
1097            | Note _ b <- a =
1098                docs b
1099            | otherwise =
1100                [ prettyCombineTypesExpression a ]
1101    prettyPreferExpression a
1102        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1103            doc
1104        | Note _ b <- a =
1105            prettyPreferExpression b
1106        | otherwise =
1107            prettyCombineTypesExpression a
1109    prettyCombineTypesExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1110    prettyCombineTypesExpression a0@(CombineTypes _ _ _) =
1111        prettyOperator (combineTypes characterSet) (docs a0)
1112      where
1113        docs (CombineTypes _ a b) = prettyTimesExpression b : docs a
1114        docs a
1115            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1116                [ doc ]
1117            | Note _ b <- a =
1118                docs b
1119            | otherwise =
1120                [ prettyTimesExpression a ]
1121    prettyCombineTypesExpression a
1122        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1123            doc
1124        | Note _ b <- a =
1125            prettyCombineTypesExpression b
1126        | otherwise =
1127            prettyTimesExpression a
1129    prettyTimesExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1130    prettyTimesExpression a0@(NaturalTimes _ _) =
1131        prettyOperator "*" (docs a0)
1132      where
1133        docs (NaturalTimes a b) = prettyEqualExpression b : docs a
1134        docs a
1135            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1136                [ doc ]
1137            | Note _ b <- a =
1138                docs b
1139            | otherwise =
1140                [ prettyEqualExpression a ]
1141    prettyTimesExpression a
1142        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1143            doc
1144        | Note _ b <- a =
1145            prettyTimesExpression b
1146        | otherwise =
1147            prettyEqualExpression a
1149    prettyEqualExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1150    prettyEqualExpression a0@(BoolEQ _ _) =
1151        prettyOperator "==" (docs a0)
1152      where
1153        docs (BoolEQ a b) = prettyNotEqualExpression b : docs a
1154        docs a
1155            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1156                [ doc ]
1157            | Note _ b <- a =
1158                docs b
1159            | otherwise =
1160                [ prettyNotEqualExpression a ]
1161    prettyEqualExpression a
1162        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1163            doc
1164        | Note _ b <- a =
1165            prettyEqualExpression b
1166        | otherwise =
1167            prettyNotEqualExpression a
1169    prettyNotEqualExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1170    prettyNotEqualExpression a0@(BoolNE _ _) =
1171        prettyOperator "!=" (docs a0)
1172      where
1173        docs (BoolNE a b) = prettyApplicationExpression b : docs a
1174        docs a
1175            | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1176                [ doc ]
1177            | Note _ b <- a =
1178                docs b
1179            | otherwise =
1180                [ prettyApplicationExpression a ]
1181    prettyNotEqualExpression a
1182        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1183            doc
1184        | Note _ b <- a =
1185            prettyNotEqualExpression b
1186        | otherwise =
1187            prettyApplicationExpression a
1189    prettyApplicationExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1190    prettyApplicationExpression = go []
1191      where
1192        go args = \case
1193            App a b           -> go (b : args) a
1194            Some a            -> app (builtin "Some") (a : args)
1195            Merge a b Nothing -> app (keyword "merge") (a : b : args)
1196            ToMap a Nothing   -> app (keyword "toMap") (a : args)
1197            e | Note _ b <- e ->
1198                  go args b
1199              | null args ->
1200                  prettyImportExpression_ e -- just a performance optimization
1201              | Just doc <- preserveSource e ->
1202                  app doc args
1203              | otherwise ->
1204                  app (prettyImportExpression_ e) args
1206        app f args =
1207            enclose'
1208                "" "" " " ""
1209                ( duplicate f
1210                : map (fmap (Pretty.indent 2) . duplicate . prettyImportExpression_) args
1211                )
1213    prettyImportExpression_ :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1214    prettyImportExpression_ (Embed a) =
1215        Pretty.pretty a
1216    prettyImportExpression_ a
1217        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1218            doc
1219        | Note _ b <- a =
1220            prettyImportExpression_ b
1221        | otherwise =
1222            prettyCompletionExpression a
1224    prettyCompletionExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1225    prettyCompletionExpression (RecordCompletion a b) =
1226        case shallowDenote b of
1227            RecordLit kvs ->
1228                Pretty.align
1229                    (   prettySelectorExpression a
1230                    <>  doubleColon
1231                    <>  prettyCompletionLit 0 kvs
1232                    )
1233            _ ->    prettySelectorExpression a
1234                <>  doubleColon
1235                <>  prettySelectorExpression b
1236    prettyCompletionExpression a
1237        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1238            doc
1239        | Note _ b <- a =
1240            prettyCompletionExpression b
1241        | otherwise =
1242            prettySelectorExpression a
1244    prettySelectorExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1245    prettySelectorExpression (Field a (Dhall.Syntax.fieldSelectionLabel -> b)) =
1246        prettySelectorExpression a <> dot <> prettyAnyLabel b
1247    prettySelectorExpression (Project a (Left b)) =
1248        prettySelectorExpression a <> dot <> prettyLabels b
1249    prettySelectorExpression (Project a (Right b)) =
1250            prettySelectorExpression a
1251        <>  dot
1252        <>  lparen
1253        <>  prettyExpression b
1254        <>  rparen
1255    prettySelectorExpression a
1256        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1257            doc
1258        | Note _ b <- a =
1259            prettySelectorExpression b
1260        | otherwise =
1261            prettyPrimitiveExpression a
1263    prettyPrimitiveExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
1264    prettyPrimitiveExpression (Var a) =
1265        prettyVar a
1266    prettyPrimitiveExpression (Const k) =
1267        prettyConst k
1268    prettyPrimitiveExpression Bool =
1269        builtin "Bool"
1270    prettyPrimitiveExpression Natural =
1271        builtin "Natural"
1272    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalFold =
1273        builtin "Natural/fold"
1274    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalBuild =
1275        builtin "Natural/build"
1276    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalIsZero =
1277        builtin "Natural/isZero"
1278    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalEven =
1279        builtin "Natural/even"
1280    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalOdd =
1281        builtin "Natural/odd"
1282    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalToInteger =
1283        builtin "Natural/toInteger"
1284    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalShow =
1285        builtin "Natural/show"
1286    prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalSubtract =
1287        builtin "Natural/subtract"
1288    prettyPrimitiveExpression Integer =
1289        builtin "Integer"
1290    prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerClamp =
1291        builtin "Integer/clamp"
1292    prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerNegate =
1293        builtin "Integer/negate"
1294    prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerShow =
1295        builtin "Integer/show"
1296    prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerToDouble =
1297        builtin "Integer/toDouble"
1298    prettyPrimitiveExpression Double =
1299        builtin "Double"
1300    prettyPrimitiveExpression DoubleShow =
1301        builtin "Double/show"
1302    prettyPrimitiveExpression Text =
1303        builtin "Text"
1304    prettyPrimitiveExpression TextReplace =
1305        builtin "Text/replace"
1306    prettyPrimitiveExpression TextShow =
1307        builtin "Text/show"
1308    prettyPrimitiveExpression List =
1309        builtin "List"
1310    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListBuild =
1311        builtin "List/build"
1312    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListFold =
1313        builtin "List/fold"
1314    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListLength =
1315        builtin "List/length"
1316    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListHead =
1317        builtin "List/head"
1318    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListLast =
1319        builtin "List/last"
1320    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListIndexed =
1321        builtin "List/indexed"
1322    prettyPrimitiveExpression ListReverse =
1323        builtin "List/reverse"
1324    prettyPrimitiveExpression Optional =
1325        builtin "Optional"
1326    prettyPrimitiveExpression None =
1327        builtin "None"
1328    prettyPrimitiveExpression (BoolLit True) =
1329        builtin "True"
1330    prettyPrimitiveExpression (BoolLit False) =
1331        builtin "False"
1332    prettyPrimitiveExpression (IntegerLit a)
1333        | 0 <= a    = literal "+" <> prettyNumber a
1334        | otherwise = prettyNumber a
1335    prettyPrimitiveExpression (NaturalLit a) =
1336        prettyNatural a
1337    prettyPrimitiveExpression (DoubleLit (DhallDouble a)) =
1338        prettyDouble a
1339    prettyPrimitiveExpression (TextLit a) =
1340        prettyChunks a
1341    prettyPrimitiveExpression (Record a) =
1342        prettyRecord a
1343    prettyPrimitiveExpression (RecordLit a) =
1344        prettyRecordLit a
1345    prettyPrimitiveExpression (Union a) =
1346        prettyUnion a
1347    prettyPrimitiveExpression (ListLit Nothing b) =
1348        list (map prettyExpression (Data.Foldable.toList b))
1349    prettyPrimitiveExpression a
1350        | Just doc <- preserveSource a =
1351            doc
1352        | Note _ b <- a =
1353            prettyPrimitiveExpression b
1354        | otherwise =
1355            Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
1356      where
1357        long =
1358            Pretty.align
1359                (lparen <> space <> prettyExpression a <> Pretty.hardline <> rparen)
1361        short = lparen <> prettyExpression a <> rparen
1363    prettyKeyValue
1364        :: Pretty a
1365        => (Expr Src a -> Doc Ann)
1366        -> Doc Ann
1367        -> KeyValue Src a
1368        -> (Doc Ann, Doc Ann)
1369    prettyKeyValue prettyValue separator (KeyValue key mSrc val) =
1370        duplicate (Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short))
1371      where
1372        completion _T r =
1373                prettySelectorExpression _T
1374            <>  doubleColon
1375            <>  case shallowDenote r of
1376                    RecordLit kvs ->
1377                        prettyCompletionLit 2 kvs
1378                    _ ->
1379                        prettySelectorExpression r
1381        short = prettyAnyLabels key
1382            <>  " "
1383            <>  separator
1384            <>  " "
1385            <>  case renderSrcMaybe mSrc of
1386                    Nothing  -> mempty
1387                    Just doc -> doc <> Pretty.hardline
1388            <>  prettyValue val
1390        long =  Pretty.align
1391                    (   prettyAnyLabels key
1392                    <>  preSeparator
1393                    )
1394            <>  separator
1395            <>  case renderSrcMaybe mSrc of
1396                    Just doc ->
1397                            preComment
1398                        <>  Pretty.align
1399                                (   doc
1400                                <>  Pretty.hardline
1401                                <>  prettyValue val
1402                                )
1403                    Nothing ->
1404                        case shallowDenote val of
1405                            Some val' ->
1406                                    " "
1407                                <>  builtin "Some"
1408                                <>  case shallowDenote val' of
1409                                        RecordCompletion _T r ->
1410                                                " "
1411                                            <>  completion _T r
1413                                        RecordLit _ ->
1414                                                Pretty.hardline
1415                                            <>  "  "
1416                                            <>  prettyImportExpression_ val'
1418                                        ListLit _ xs
1419                                            | not (null xs) ->
1420                                                    Pretty.hardline
1421                                                <>  "  "
1422                                                <>  prettyImportExpression_ val'
1424                                        _ ->    Pretty.hardline
1425                                            <>  "    "
1426                                            <>  prettyImportExpression_ val'
1428                            ToMap val' Nothing ->
1429                                    " "
1430                                <>  keyword "toMap"
1431                                <>  case shallowDenote val' of
1432                                        RecordCompletion _T r ->
1433                                            completion _T r
1434                                        _ ->    Pretty.hardline
1435                                            <>  "    "
1436                                            <>  prettyImportExpression_ val'
1438                            RecordCompletion _T r ->
1439                                " " <> completion _T r
1441                            RecordLit _ ->
1442                                    Pretty.hardline
1443                                <>  "  "
1444                                <>  prettyValue val
1446                            ListLit _ xs
1447                                | not (null xs) ->
1448                                        Pretty.hardline
1449                                    <>  "  "
1450                                    <>  prettyValue val
1452                            _ ->
1453                                Pretty.group
1454                                    (   Pretty.flatAlt (Pretty.hardline <> "    ") " "
1455                                    <>  prettyValue val
1456                                    )
1457          where
1458            (preSeparator, preComment) =
1459                case key of
1460                    (_, _, mSrc2) :| [] | not (containsComment mSrc2) ->
1461                        (" ", Pretty.hardline <> "    ")
1462                    _ ->
1463                        (Pretty.hardline, " ")
1466    prettyRecord :: Pretty a => Map Text (RecordField Src a) -> Doc Ann
1467    prettyRecord =
1468          braces
1469        . map (prettyKeyValue prettyExpression colon . adapt)
1470        . Map.toList
1471      where
1472        adapt (key, RecordField mSrc0 val mSrc1 mSrc2) = KeyValue (pure (mSrc0, key, mSrc1)) mSrc2 val
1474    prettyRecordLit :: Pretty a => Map Text (RecordField Src a) -> Doc Ann
1475    prettyRecordLit = prettyRecordLike braces
1477    prettyCompletionLit :: Pretty a => Int -> Map Text (RecordField Src a) -> Doc Ann
1478    prettyCompletionLit = prettyRecordLike . hangingBraces
1480    prettyRecordLike
1481        :: Pretty a
1482        => ([(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann)
1483        -> Map Text (RecordField Src a)
1484        -> Doc Ann
1485    prettyRecordLike braceStyle a
1486        | Data.Foldable.null a =
1487            lbrace <> equals <> rbrace
1488        | otherwise =
1489            braceStyle (map prettyRecordEntry (consolidateRecordLiteral a))
1490      where
1491        prettyRecordEntry kv@(KeyValue keys mSrc2 val) =
1492            case keys of
1493                (mSrc0, key, mSrc1) :| []
1494                    | Var (V key' 0) <- Dhall.Syntax.shallowDenote val
1495                    , key == key'
1496                    , not (containsComment mSrc2) ->
1497                        duplicate (prettyAnyLabels [(mSrc0, key, mSrc1)])
1498                _ ->
1499                    prettyKeyValue prettyExpression equals kv
1501    prettyAlternative (key, Just val) =
1502        prettyKeyValue prettyExpression colon (makeKeyValue (pure key) val)
1503    prettyAlternative (key, Nothing) =
1504        duplicate (prettyAnyLabel key)
1506    prettyUnion :: Pretty a => Map Text (Maybe (Expr Src a)) -> Doc Ann
1507    prettyUnion =
1508        angles . map prettyAlternative . Map.toList
1510    prettyChunks :: Pretty a => Chunks Src a -> Doc Ann
1511    prettyChunks chunks@(Chunks a b)
1512        | anyText (== '\n') =
1513            if not (null a) || anyText (/= '\n')
1514            then long
1515            else Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)
1516        | otherwise =
1517            short
1518      where
1519        long =
1520            Pretty.align
1521            (   literal "''" <> Pretty.hardline
1522            <>  Pretty.align
1523                (foldMap prettyMultilineChunk a' <> prettyMultilineText b')
1524            <>  literal "''"
1525            )
1526          where
1527            Chunks a' b' = multilineChunks chunks
1529        short =
1530            literal "\"" <> foldMap prettyChunk a <> literal (prettyText b <> "\"")
1532        anyText predicate = any (\(text, _) -> Text.any predicate text) a || Text.any predicate b
1534        prettyMultilineChunk (c, d) =
1535                prettyMultilineText c
1536            <>  dollar
1537            <>  lbrace
1538            <>  prettyExpression d
1539            <>  rbrace
1541        prettyMultilineText text = mconcat docs
1542          where
1543            lines_ = Text.splitOn "\n" text
1545            -- Annotate only non-empty lines so trailing whitespace can be
1546            -- removed on empty ones.
1547            prettyLine line =
1548                (if Text.null line then id else literal)
1549                    (Pretty.pretty line)
1551            docs =
1552                Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline (map prettyLine lines_)
1554        prettyChunk (c, d) =
1555                prettyText c
1556            <>  syntax "${"
1557            <>  prettyExpression d
1558            <>  syntax rbrace
1560        prettyText t = literal (Pretty.pretty (escapeText_ t))
1563-- | Prepare 'Chunks' for multi-line formatting by escaping problematic
1564-- character sequences via string interpolations
1566-- >>> multilineChunks (Chunks [] "\n \tx")
1567-- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] " \t"))] "x"
1568-- >>> multilineChunks (Chunks [] "\n\NUL\b\f\t")
1569-- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] "\NUL\b\f"))] "\t"
1570multilineChunks :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1571multilineChunks =
1572     escapeSingleQuotedText
1573   . escapeTrailingSingleQuote
1574   . escapeControlCharacters
1575   . escapeSingleQuoteBeforeInterpolation
1576   . escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix
1578-- | Escape any leading whitespace shared by all lines
1580-- This ensures that significant shared leading whitespace is not stripped
1582-- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [] "\n \tx")
1583-- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] " \t"))] "x"
1584-- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [("\n",Var (V "x" 0))] " ")
1585-- Chunks [("\n",Var (V "x" 0))] " "
1586-- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [("\n ",Var (V "x" 0))] "")
1587-- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] " ")),("",Var (V "x" 0))] ""
1588-- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [("\n ",Var (V "x" 0))] "\n")
1589-- Chunks [("\n ",Var (V "x" 0))] "\n"
1590-- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [] " ")
1591-- Chunks [("",TextLit (Chunks [] " "))] ""
1592escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1593escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix literal_ = unlinesLiteral literals1594  where
1595    literals₀ = linesLiteral literal_
1597    sharedPrefix = longestSharedWhitespacePrefix literals1598
1599    stripPrefix = Text.drop (Text.length sharedPrefix)
1601    escapeSharedPrefix (Chunks [] prefix₀)
1602        | Text.isPrefixOf sharedPrefix prefix₀ =
1603            Chunks [ ("", TextLit (Chunks [] sharedPrefix)) ] prefix1604      where
1605        prefix₁ = stripPrefix prefix1606    escapeSharedPrefix (Chunks ((prefix₀, y) : xys) z)
1607        | Text.isPrefixOf sharedPrefix prefix₀ =
1608            Chunks (("", TextLit (Chunks [] sharedPrefix)) : (prefix₁, y) : xys) z
1609      where
1610        prefix₁ = stripPrefix prefix1611    escapeSharedPrefix line = line
1613    literals1614        | not (Text.null sharedPrefix) = fmap escapeSharedPrefix literals1615        | otherwise = literals1616
1617-- | Escape control characters by moving them into string interpolations
1619-- >>> escapeControlCharacters (Chunks [] "\n\NUL\b\f\t")
1620-- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] "\NUL\b\f"))] "\t"
1621escapeControlCharacters :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1622escapeControlCharacters = splitWith (splitOnPredicate predicate)
1623  where
1624    predicate c = Data.Char.isControl c && c /= ' ' && c /= '\t' && c /= '\n'
1626-- | Escape @'${@ correctly
1628-- See: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/2078
1629escapeSingleQuoteBeforeInterpolation :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1630escapeSingleQuoteBeforeInterpolation = splitWith f
1631  where
1632    f text =
1633        case Text.splitOn "'${" text of
1634            -- `splitOn` should never return an empty list, but just in case…
1635            []     -> mempty
1636            t : ts -> loop t ts
1638    loop head_ tail_ =
1639        case tail_ of
1640            [] ->
1641                Chunks [] head_
1642            newHead : newTail ->
1643                    Chunks [ (head_, TextLit (Chunks [] "'")) ] "${"
1644                <>  loop newHead newTail
1646{-| You can think of this as sort of like `concatMap` for `Chunks`
1648    Given a function that splits plain text into interpolated chunks, apply
1649    that function to each uninterpolated span to yield a new
1650    possibly-interpolated span, and flatten the results.
1652splitWith :: (Text -> Chunks s a) -> Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1653splitWith splitter (Chunks xys z) = mconcat (xys' ++ [ splitter z ])
1654  where
1655    xys' = do
1656        (x, y) <- xys
1658        [ splitter x, Chunks [ ("", y) ] "" ]
1660-- | Split `Data.Text.Text` into interpolated chunks, where all characters
1661-- matching the predicate are pushed into a string interpolation.
1663-- >>> splitOnPredicate (== 'x') ""
1664-- Chunks [] ""
1665-- >>> splitOnPredicate (== 'x') " xx "
1666-- Chunks [(" ",TextLit (Chunks [] "xx"))] " "
1667-- >>> splitOnPredicate (== 'x') "xx"
1668-- Chunks [("",TextLit (Chunks [] "xx"))] ""
1670-- prop> \(Fun _ p) s -> let {t = Text.pack s; Chunks xys z = splitOnPredicate p t} in foldMap (\(x, TextLit (Chunks [] y)) -> x <> y) xys <> z == t
1671splitOnPredicate :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Chunks s a
1672splitOnPredicate predicate text
1673    | Text.null b =
1674        Chunks [] a
1675    | otherwise =
1676        Chunks ((a, TextLit (Chunks [] c)) : e) f
1677  where
1678    (a, b) = Text.break predicate text
1680    (c, d) = Text.span predicate b
1682    Chunks e f = splitOnPredicate predicate d
1684-- | Escape a trailing single quote by moving it into a string interpolation
1686-- Otherwise the multiline-string would end with @'''@, which would be parsed
1687-- as an escaped @''@.
1689-- >>> escapeTrailingSingleQuote (Chunks [] "\n'")
1690-- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] "'"))] ""
1691escapeTrailingSingleQuote :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1692escapeTrailingSingleQuote chunks@(Chunks as b) =
1693    case Text.unsnoc b of
1694        Just (b', '\'') -> Chunks (as ++ [(b', TextLit (Chunks [] "'"))]) ""
1695        _               -> chunks
1697-- | Pretty-print a value
1698pretty_ :: Pretty a => a -> Text
1699pretty_ = prettyToStrictText
1701data KeyValue s a = KeyValue
1702    { _keyValueKeys  :: NonEmpty (Maybe s, Text, Maybe s)
1703    , _keyValueSrc   :: Maybe s
1704    , _keyValueValue :: Expr s a
1705    }
1707makeKeyValue :: NonEmpty Text -> Expr s a -> KeyValue s a
1708makeKeyValue keys expr = KeyValue (adapt <$> keys) Nothing expr
1709  where
1710    adapt key = (Nothing, key, Nothing)
1712{- This utility function converts
1713   `{ x = { y = { z = 1 } } }` to `{ x.y.z = 1 }`
1715consolidateRecordLiteral :: Map Text (RecordField Src a) -> [KeyValue Src a]
1716consolidateRecordLiteral = concatMap adapt . Map.toList
1717  where
1718    adapt :: (Text, RecordField Src a) -> [KeyValue Src a]
1719    adapt (key, RecordField mSrc0 val mSrc1 mSrc2)
1720        | not (containsComment mSrc2)
1721        , RecordLit m <- e
1722        , [ KeyValue keys mSrc2' val' ] <- concatMap adapt (Map.toList m) =
1723            [ KeyValue (NonEmpty.cons (mSrc0, key, mSrc1) keys) mSrc2' val' ]
1725        | Combine _ (Just _) l r <- e =
1726            adapt (key, makeRecordField l) <> adapt (key, makeRecordField r)
1727        | otherwise =
1728            [ KeyValue (pure (mSrc0, key, mSrc1)) mSrc2 val ]
1729      where
1730        e = shallowDenote val
1732-- | Escape a `Data.Text.Text` literal using Dhall's escaping rules for
1733--   single-quoted @Text@
1734escapeSingleQuotedText :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1735escapeSingleQuotedText = splitWith f
1736  where
1737    f inputText = Chunks [] outputText
1738      where
1739        outputText =
1740            Text.replace "${" "''${" (Text.replace "''" "'''" inputText)
1742{-| Escape a `Data.Text.Text` literal using Dhall's escaping rules
1744    Note that the result does not include surrounding quotes
1746escapeText_ :: Text -> Text
1747escapeText_ text = Text.concatMap adapt text
1748  where
1749    adapt c
1750        | '\x20' <= c && c <= '\x21'     = Text.singleton c
1751        -- '\x22' == '"'
1752        | '\x23' == c                    = Text.singleton c
1753        -- '\x24' == '$'
1754        | '\x25' <= c && c <= '\x5B'     = Text.singleton c
1755        -- '\x5C' == '\\'
1756        | '\x5D' <= c && c <= '\x10FFFF' = Text.singleton c
1757        | c == '"'                       = "\\\""
1758        | c == '$'                       = "\\$"
1759        | c == '\\'                      = "\\\\"
1760        | c == '\b'                      = "\\b"
1761        | c == '\f'                      = "\\f"
1762        | c == '\n'                      = "\\n"
1763        | c == '\r'                      = "\\r"
1764        | c == '\t'                      = "\\t"
1765        | otherwise                      = "\\u" <> showDigits (Data.Char.ord c)
1767    showDigits r0 = Text.pack (map showDigit [q1, q2, q3, r3])
1768      where
1769        (q1, r1) = r0 `quotRem` 4096
1770        (q2, r2) = r1 `quotRem`  256
1771        (q3, r3) = r2 `quotRem`   16
1773    showDigit n
1774        | n < 10    = Data.Char.chr (Data.Char.ord '0' + n)
1775        | otherwise = Data.Char.chr (Data.Char.ord 'A' + n - 10)
1777prettyToString :: Pretty a => a -> String
1778prettyToString =
1779    Pretty.renderString . layout . Pretty.pretty
1781docToStrictText :: Doc ann -> Text.Text
1782docToStrictText = Pretty.renderStrict . layout
1784prettyToStrictText :: Pretty a => a -> Text.Text
1785prettyToStrictText = docToStrictText . Pretty.pretty
1787-- | Layout using 'layoutOpts'
1789-- Tries hard to fit the document into 80 columns.
1791-- This also removes trailing space characters (@' '@) /unless/
1792-- they are enclosed in an annotation.
1793layout :: Pretty.Doc ann -> Pretty.SimpleDocStream ann
1794layout = Pretty.removeTrailingWhitespace . Pretty.layoutSmart layoutOpts
1796-- | Default layout options
1797layoutOpts :: Pretty.LayoutOptions
1798layoutOpts =
1799    Pretty.defaultLayoutOptions
1800        { Pretty.layoutPageWidth = Pretty.AvailablePerLine 80 1.0 }
1802{- $setup
1803>>> import Test.QuickCheck (Fun(..))