1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
2{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-imports #-}
4-- | A simple script to do some very basic timing of the RNGs.
6module Main where
8import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure)
9import System.Environment
10import System.Random
11import System.CPUTime  (getCPUTime)
12import System.CPUTime.Rdtsc
13import System.Console.GetOpt
15import GHC.Conc
16import Control.Concurrent
17import Control.Monad
18import Control.Exception
20import Data.IORef
21import Data.Word
22import Data.List hiding (last,sum)
23import Data.Int
24import Data.List.Split  hiding (split)
25import Text.Printf
27import Foreign.Ptr
28import Foreign.C.Types
29import Foreign.ForeignPtr
30import Foreign.Storable (peek,poke)
32import Prelude  hiding (last,sum)
33import BinSearch
36-- Miscellaneous helpers:
38-- Readable large integer printing:
39commaint :: Show a => a -> String
40commaint n = reverse $ concat $ intersperse "," $ chunk 3 $ reverse (show n)
42padleft :: Int -> String -> String
43padleft n str | length str >= n = str
44padleft n str | otherwise       = take (n - length str) (repeat ' ') ++ str
46padright :: Int -> String -> String
47padright n str | length str >= n = str
48padright n str | otherwise       = str ++ take (n - length str) (repeat ' ')
50fmt_num :: (RealFrac a, PrintfArg a) => a -> String
51fmt_num n =
52  if n < 100
53    then printf "%.2f" n
54    else commaint (round n :: Integer)
57-- Measure clock frequency, spinning rather than sleeping to try to
58-- stay on the same core.
59measureFreq :: IO Int64
60measureFreq = do
61  let second = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 -- picoseconds are annoying
62  t1 <- rdtsc
63  start <- getCPUTime
64  let loop !n !last = do
65        t2 <- rdtsc
66        when (t2 < last) $ putStrLn $ "COUNTERS WRAPPED " ++ show (last, t2)
67        cput <- getCPUTime
68        if cput - start < second
69          then loop (n + 1) t2
70          else return (n, t2)
71  (n, t2) <- loop 0 t1
72  putStrLn $ "  Approx getCPUTime calls per second: " ++ commaint (n :: Int64)
73  when (t2 < t1) $
74    putStrLn $
75    "WARNING: rdtsc not monotonically increasing, first " ++
76    show t1 ++ " then " ++ show t2 ++ " on the same OS thread"
77  return $ fromIntegral (t2 - t1)
81-- Test overheads without actually generating any random numbers:
82data NoopRNG = NoopRNG
83instance RandomGen NoopRNG where
84  next g = (0, g)
85  genRange _ = (0, 0)
86  split g = (g, g)
88-- An RNG generating only 0 or 1:
89data BinRNG = BinRNG StdGen
90instance RandomGen BinRNG where
91  next (BinRNG g) = (x `mod` 2, BinRNG g')
92    where
93      (x, g') = next g
94  genRange _ = (0, 1)
95  split (BinRNG g) = (BinRNG g1, BinRNG g2)
96    where
97      (g1, g2) = split g
101-- Drivers to get random numbers repeatedly.
103type Kern = Int -> Ptr Int -> IO ()
105-- [2011.01.28] Changing this to take "count" and "accumulator ptr" as arguments:
106-- foreign import ccall "cbits/c_test.c" blast_rands :: Kern
107-- foreign import ccall "cbits/c_test.c" store_loop  :: Kern
108-- foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.hs" rand :: IO Int
110{-# INLINE timeit #-}
111timeit :: (Random a, RandomGen g) => Int -> Int64 -> String -> g -> (g -> (a,g)) -> IO ()
112timeit numthreads freq msg gen nxt = do
113  counters <- forM [1 .. numthreads] (const $ newIORef (1 :: Int64))
114  tids <- forM counters $ \counter -> forkIO $ infloop counter (nxt gen)
115  threadDelay (1000 * 1000) -- One second
116  mapM_ killThread tids
117  finals <- mapM readIORef counters
118  let mean :: Double =
119        fromIntegral (foldl1 (+) finals) / fromIntegral numthreads
120      cycles_per :: Double = fromIntegral freq / mean
121  printResult (round mean :: Int64) msg cycles_per
122  where
123    infloop !counter (!_, !g) = do
124      incr counter
125      infloop counter (nxt g)
126    incr !counter
127          -- modifyIORef counter (+1) -- Not strict enough!
128     = do
129      c <- readIORef counter
130      let c' = c + 1
131      _ <- evaluate c'
132      writeIORef counter c'
135-- This function times an IO function on one or more threads.  Rather
136-- than running a fixed number of iterations, it uses a binary search
137-- to find out how many iterations can be completed in a second.
138timeit_foreign :: Int -> Int64 -> String -> (Int -> Ptr Int -> IO ()) -> IO Int64
139timeit_foreign numthreads freq msg ffn = do
140  ptr :: ForeignPtr Int <- mallocForeignPtr
141  let kern =
142        if numthreads == 1
143          then ffn
144          else replicate_kernel numthreads ffn
145      wrapped n = withForeignPtr ptr (kern $ fromIntegral n)
146  (n, t) <- binSearch False 1 (1.0, 1.05) wrapped
147  let total_per_second = round $ fromIntegral n * (1 / t)
148      cycles_per = fromIntegral freq * t / fromIntegral n
149  printResult total_per_second msg cycles_per
150  return total_per_second
151     -- This lifts a C kernel to operate simultaneously on N threads.
152  where
153    replicate_kernel :: Int -> Kern -> Kern
154    replicate_kernel nthreads kern n ptr = do
155      ptrs <- forM [1 .. nthreads] (const mallocForeignPtr)
156      tmpchan <- newChan
157       -- let childwork = ceiling$ fromIntegral n / fromIntegral nthreads
158      let childwork = n -- Keep it the same.. interested in per-thread throughput.
159       -- Fork/join pattern:
160      forM_ ptrs $ \pt ->
161        forkIO $
162        withForeignPtr pt $ \p -> do
163          kern (fromIntegral childwork) p
164          result <- peek p
165          writeChan tmpchan result
166      results <- forM [1 .. nthreads] $ \_ -> readChan tmpchan
167       -- Meaningless semantics here... sum the child ptrs and write to the input one:
168      poke ptr (foldl1 (+) results)
171printResult ::  Int64 -> String -> Double -> IO ()
172printResult total msg cycles_per =
173  putStrLn $
174  "    " ++
175  padleft 11 (commaint total) ++
176  " randoms generated " ++
177  padright 27 ("[" ++ msg ++ "]") ++
178  " ~ " ++ fmt_num cycles_per ++ " cycles/int"
181-- Main Script
183data Flag = NoC | Help
184  deriving (Show, Eq)
186options :: [OptDescr Flag]
187options =
188   [ Option ['h']  ["help"]  (NoArg Help)  "print program help"
189   , Option []     ["noC"]   (NoArg NoC)   "omit C benchmarks, haskell only"
190   ]
192main :: IO ()
193main = do
194  argv <- getArgs
195  let (opts,_,other) = getOpt Permute options argv
197  unless (null other) $ do
198    putStrLn "ERROR: Unrecognized options: "
199    mapM_ putStr other
200    exitFailure
202  when (Help `elem` opts) $ do
203    putStr $ usageInfo "Benchmark random number generation" options
204    exitSuccess
206  putStrLn "\nHow many random numbers can we generate in a second on one thread?"
208  t1 <- rdtsc
209  t2 <- rdtsc
210  putStrLn ("  Cost of rdtsc (ffi call):    " ++ show (t2 - t1))
212  freq <- measureFreq
213  putStrLn $ "  Approx clock frequency:  " ++ commaint freq
215  let randInt     = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int,g)
216      randWord16  = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Word16,g)
217      randFloat   = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Float,g)
218      randCFloat  = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CFloat,g)
219      randDouble  = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Double,g)
220      randCDouble = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (CDouble,g)
221      randInteger = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Integer,g)
222      randBool    = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Bool,g)
223      randChar    = random :: RandomGen g => g -> (Char,g)
225      gen = mkStdGen 23852358661234
226      gamut th = do
227        putStrLn "  First, timing System.Random.next:"
228        timeit th freq "constant zero gen"      NoopRNG next
229        timeit th freq "System.Random stdGen/next" gen  next
231        putStrLn "\n  Second, timing System.Random.random at different types:"
232        timeit th freq "System.Random Ints"     gen   randInt
233        timeit th freq "System.Random Word16"   gen   randWord16
234        timeit th freq "System.Random Floats"   gen   randFloat
235        timeit th freq "System.Random CFloats"  gen   randCFloat
236        timeit th freq "System.Random Doubles"  gen   randDouble
237        timeit th freq "System.Random CDoubles" gen   randCDouble
238        timeit th freq "System.Random Integers" gen   randInteger
239        timeit th freq "System.Random Bools"    gen   randBool
240        timeit th freq "System.Random Chars"    gen   randChar
242        putStrLn "\n  Next timing range-restricted System.Random.randomR:"
243        timeit th freq "System.Random Ints"     gen   (randomR (-100, 100::Int))
244        timeit th freq "System.Random Word16s"  gen   (randomR ( 100, 300::Word16))
245        timeit th freq "System.Random Floats"   gen   (randomR (-100, 100::Float))
246        timeit th freq "System.Random CFloats"  gen   (randomR (-100, 100::CFloat))
247        timeit th freq "System.Random Doubles"  gen   (randomR (-100, 100::Double))
248        timeit th freq "System.Random CDoubles" gen   (randomR (-100, 100::CDouble))
249        timeit th freq "System.Random Integers" gen   (randomR (-100, 100::Integer))
250        timeit th freq "System.Random Bools"    gen   (randomR (False, True::Bool))
251        timeit th freq "System.Random Chars"    gen   (randomR ('a', 'z'))
252        timeit th freq "System.Random BIG Integers" gen (randomR (0, (2::Integer) ^ (5000::Int)))
254 --       when (not$ NoC `elem` opts) $ do
255 --	  putStrLn$ "  Comparison to C's rand():"
256 --	  timeit_foreign th freq "ptr store in C loop"   store_loop
257 --	  timeit_foreign th freq "rand/store in C loop"  blast_rands
258 --	  timeit_foreign th freq "rand in Haskell loop" (\n ptr -> forM_ [1..n]$ \_ -> rand )
259 --	  timeit_foreign th freq "rand/store in Haskell loop"  (\n ptr -> forM_ [1..n]$ \_ -> do n <- rand; poke ptr n )
260 --	  return ()
262  -- Test with 1 thread and numCapabilities threads:
263  gamut 1
264  when (numCapabilities > 1) $ do
265    putStrLn $ "\nNow "++ show numCapabilities ++" threads, reporting mean randoms-per-second-per-thread:"
266    void $ gamut numCapabilities
268  putStrLn "Finished."