1-- |
2-- Module      : Network.TLS.Util.ASN1
3-- License     : BSD-style
4-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
5-- Stability   : experimental
6-- Portability : unknown
8-- ASN1 utils for TLS
10module Network.TLS.Util.ASN1
11    ( decodeASN1Object
12    , encodeASN1Object
13    ) where
15import Network.TLS.Imports
16import Data.ASN1.Types (fromASN1, toASN1, ASN1Object)
17import Data.ASN1.Encoding (decodeASN1', encodeASN1')
18import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER(..))
20-- | Attempt to decode a bytestring representing
21-- an DER ASN.1 serialized object into the object.
22decodeASN1Object :: ASN1Object a
23                 => String
24                 -> ByteString
25                 -> Either String a
26decodeASN1Object name bs =
27    case decodeASN1' DER bs of
28        Left e     -> Left (name ++ ": cannot decode ASN1: " ++ show e)
29        Right asn1 -> case fromASN1 asn1 of
30                            Left e      -> Left (name ++ ": cannot parse ASN1: " ++ show e)
31                            Right (d,_) -> Right d
33-- | Encode an ASN.1 Object to the DER serialized bytestring
34encodeASN1Object :: ASN1Object a
35                 => a
36                 -> ByteString
37encodeASN1Object obj = encodeASN1' DER $ toASN1 obj []