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READMEH A D06-Oct-20151.3 KiB3729

hwloc-annotate.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9190

hwloc-annotate.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.6 KiB7069

hwloc-assembler.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9190

hwloc-assembler.vcxproj.filtersH A D07-Oct-20142.6 KiB7069

hwloc-bind.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9291

hwloc-bind.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.7 KiB7372

hwloc-calc.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9291

hwloc-calc.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.7 KiB7372

hwloc-diff.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.7 KiB9089

hwloc-diff.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.5 KiB6766

hwloc-distances.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9190

hwloc-distances.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.6 KiB7069

hwloc-distrib.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9190

hwloc-distrib.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.6 KiB7069

hwloc-info.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.8 KiB9291

hwloc-info.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.7 KiB7372

hwloc-patch.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20154.7 KiB9089

hwloc-patch.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20152.5 KiB6766

hwloc.slnH A D21-Aug-20167.5 KiB122120

hwloc_config.hH A D13-Apr-20161.3 KiB5329

libhwloc.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-201512.7 KiB239238

libhwloc.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20154.4 KiB124123

lstopo-no-graphics.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20155.2 KiB9897

lstopo-no-graphics.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20153.3 KiB9190

lstopo-win.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20155.4 KiB10099

lstopo-win.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20153.4 KiB9493

lstopo.vcxprojH A D06-Oct-20155.3 KiB9998

lstopo.vcxproj.filtersH A D06-Oct-20153.4 KiB9493

private_config.hH A D13-Dec-201819.5 KiB69587

static-components.hH A D17-Mar-2014796 1817


1This Visual Studio support is experimental.
2Thanks to Eloi Gaudry for contributing the first draft of files.
5No PlatformToolset is specified, so that the default target is always
6used during build.
7That means your build may not be compatible with older systems.
8Enforce a specific toolset before building if needed.
11hwloc-assembler-remote is not built because it requires a hardwired
12path to hwloc-assembler and it uses ssh.
14hwloc-compress-dir not built because needs work.
16hwloc-gather-topology is Linux specific.
18hwloc-ps is not built because it does nothing on Windows anyway.
19Possible code proposed by Eloi Gaudry:
20  // Get the process list snapshot
21  HANDLE hProcessSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
22  // Initialize the process entry structure
23  PROCESSENTRY32 ProcessEntry = { 0 } ;
24  ProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(ProcessEntry);
25  // Get the first process info
26  if (Process32First( hProcessSnapShot, &ProcessEntry)) {
27    do {
28      HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID) ;
29      if (hProcess) {
30        std::cerr << ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID << "(" << ProcessEntry.szExeFile << ")" << std::endl ;
31      }
32      // check the PROCESSENTRY32 for other members.
33    } while (Process32Next(hProcessSnapShot, &ProcessEntry));
34    // Close the handle
35    CloseHandle( hProcessSnapShot ) ;
36  }