1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE libraries
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Jacob R Rideout <kde@jacobrideout.net>
6     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7 */
12 #include <kcoreaddons_export.h>
14 #include <QFile>
15 #include <QList>
16 #include <QUrl>
18 #include <memory>
20 class KAutoSaveFilePrivate;
21 /**
22  * \class KAutoSaveFile kautosavefile.h <KAutoSaveFile>
23  *
24  * @brief Creates and manages a temporary "auto-save" file.
25  * Autosave files are temporary files that applications use to store
26  * the unsaved data in a file they have open for
27  * editing. KAutoSaveFile allows you to easily create and manage such
28  * files, as well as to recover the unsaved data left over by a
29  * crashed or otherwise gone process.
30  *
31  * Each KAutoSaveFile object is associated with one specific file that
32  * the application holds open. KAutoSaveFile is also a QObject, so it
33  * can be reparented to the actual opened file object, so as to manage
34  * the lifetime of the temporary file.
35  *
36  * Typical use consists of:
37  * - verifying whether stale autosave files exist for the opened file
38  * - deciding whether to recover the old, autosaved data
39  * - if not recovering, creating a KAutoSaveFile object for the opened file
40  * - during normal execution of the program, periodically save unsaved
41  *   data into the KAutoSaveFile file.
42  *
43  * KAutoSaveFile holds a lock on the autosave file, so it's safe to
44  * delete the file and recreate it later. Because of that, disposing
45  * of stale autosave files should be done with releaseLock(). No lock is
46  * held on the managed file.
47  *
48  * Examples:
49  * Opening a new file:
50  * @code
51  *   void Document::open(const QUrl &url)
52  *   {
53  *       // check whether autosave files exist:
54  *       const QList<KAutoSaveFile *> staleFiles = KAutoSaveFile::staleFiles(url);
55  *       if (!staleFiles.isEmpty()) {
56  *           if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(parent,
57  *                                          "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?",
58  *                                          "File Recovery",
59  *                                          "Recover", "Don't recover") == KMessage::Yes) {
60  *               recoverFiles(staleFiles);
61  *               return;
62  *           } else {
63  *               // remove the stale files
64  *               for (KAutoSaveFile *stale : staleFiles) {
65  *                   stale->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);
66  *                   delete stale;
67  *               }
68  *           }
69  *       }
70  *
71  *       // create new autosave object
72  *       m_autosave = new KAutoSaveFile(url, this);
73  *
74  *       // continue the process of opening file 'url'
75  *       ...
76  *   }
77  * @endcode
78  *
79  * The function recoverFiles could loop over the list of files and do this:
80  * @code
81  *   for (KAutoSaveFile *stale : staleFiles) {
82  *       if (!stale->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
83  *           // show an error message; we could not steal the lockfile
84  *           // maybe another application got to the file before us?
85  *           delete stale;
86  *           continue;
87  *       }
88  *       Document *doc = new Document;
89  *       doc->m_autosave = stale;
90  *       stale->setParent(doc); // reparent
91  *
92  *       doc->setUrl(stale->managedFile());
93  *       doc->setContents(stale->readAll());
94  *       doc->setState(Document::Modified); // mark it as modified and unsaved
95  *
96  *       documentManager->addDocument(doc);
97  *   }
98  * @endcode
99  *
100  * If the file is unsaved, periodically write the contents to the save file:
101  * @code
102  *   if (!m_autosave->isOpen() && !m_autosave->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
103  *       // show error: could not open the autosave file
104  *   }
105  *   m_autosave->write(contents());
106  * @endcode
107  *
108  * When the user saves the file, the autosaved file is no longer
109  * necessary and can be removed or emptied.
110  * @code
111  *    m_autosave->resize(0);    // leaves the file open
112  * @endcode
113  *
114  * @code
115  *    m_autosave->remove();     // closes the file
116  * @endcode
117  *
118  * @author Jacob R Rideout <kde@jacobrideout.net>
119  */
120 class KCOREADDONS_EXPORT KAutoSaveFile : public QFile
121 {
122     Q_OBJECT
123 public:
124     /**
125      * Constructs a KAutoSaveFile for file @p filename. The temporary
126      * file is not opened or created until actually needed. The file
127      * @p filename does not have to exist for KAutoSaveFile to be
128      * constructed (if it exists, it will not be touched).
129      *
130      * @param filename the filename that this KAutoSaveFile refers to
131      * @param parent the parent object
132      */
133     explicit KAutoSaveFile(const QUrl &filename, QObject *parent = nullptr);
135     /**
136      * @overload
137      * Constructs a KAutoSaveFile object. Note that you need to call
138      * setManagedFile() before calling open().
139      *
140      * @param parent the parent object
141      */
142     explicit KAutoSaveFile(QObject *parent = nullptr);
144     /**
145      * Destroys the KAutoSaveFile object, removes the autosave
146      * file and drops the lock being held (if any).
147      */
148     ~KAutoSaveFile() override;
150     /**
151      * Retrieves the URL of the file managed by KAutoSaveFile. This
152      * is the same URL that was given to setManagedFile() or the
153      * KAutoSaveFile constructor.
154      *
155      * This is the name of the real file being edited by the
156      * application. To get the name of the temporary file where data
157      * can be saved, use fileName() (after you have called open()).
158      */
159     QUrl managedFile() const;
161     /**
162      * Sets the URL of the file managed by KAutoSaveFile. This should
163      * be the name of the real file being edited by the application.
164      * If the file was previously set, this function calls releaseLock().
165      *
166      * @param filename the filename that this KAutoSaveFile refers to
167      */
168     void setManagedFile(const QUrl &filename);
170     /**
171      * Closes the autosave file resource and removes the lock
172      * file. The file name returned by fileName() will no longer be
173      * protected and can be overwritten by another application at any
174      * time. To obtain a new lock, call open() again.
175      *
176      * This function calls remove(), so the autosave temporary file
177      * will be removed too.
178      */
179     virtual void releaseLock();
181     /**
182      * Opens the autosave file and locks it if it wasn't already
183      * locked. The name of the temporary file where data can be saved
184      * to will be set by this function and can be retrieved with
185      * fileName(). It will not change unless releaseLock() is called. No
186      * other application will attempt to edit such a file either while
187      * the lock is held.
188      *
189      * @param openmode the mode that should be used to open the file,
190      *        probably QIODevice::ReadWrite
191      * @returns true if the file could be opened (= locked and
192      * created), false if the operation failed
193      */
194     bool open(OpenMode openmode) override;
196     /**
197      * Checks for stale autosave files for the file @p url. Returns a list
198      * of autosave files that contain autosaved data left behind by
199      * other instances of the application, due to crashing or
200      * otherwise uncleanly exiting.
201      *
202      * It is the application's job to determine what to do with such
203      * unsaved data. Generally, this is done by asking the user if he
204      * wants to see the recovered data, and then allowing the user to
205      * save if he wants to.
206      *
207      * If not given, the application name is obtained from
208      * QCoreApplication, so be sure to have set it correctly before
209      * calling this function.
210      *
211      * This function returns a list of unopened KAutoSaveFile
212      * objects. By calling open() on them, the application will steal
213      * the lock. Subsequent releaseLock() or deleting of the object will
214      * then erase the stale autosave file.
215      *
216      * The application owns all returned KAutoSaveFile objects and is
217      * responsible for deleting them when no longer needed. Remember that
218      * deleting the KAutoSaveFile will release the file lock and remove the
219      * stale autosave file.
220      */
221     static QList<KAutoSaveFile *> staleFiles(const QUrl &url, const QString &applicationName = QString());
223     /**
224      * Returns all stale autosave files left behind by crashed or
225      * otherwise gone instances of this application.
226      *
227      * If not given, the application name is obtained from
228      * QCoreApplication, so be sure to have set it correctly before
229      * calling this function.
230      *
231      * See staleFiles() for information on the returned objects.
232      *
233      * The application owns all returned KAutoSaveFile objects and is
234      * responsible for deleting them when no longer needed. Remember that
235      * deleting the KAutoSaveFile will release the file lock and remove the
236      * stale autosave file.
237      */
238     static QList<KAutoSaveFile *> allStaleFiles(const QString &applicationName = QString());
240 private:
241     Q_DISABLE_COPY(KAutoSaveFile)
242     friend class KAutoSaveFilePrivate;
243     std::unique_ptr<KAutoSaveFilePrivate> const d;
244 };
246 #endif // KAUTOSAVEFILE_H