1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE libraries
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2012 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Thiago Macieira <thiago@kde.org>
6     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7 */
9 #ifndef KDIRNOTIFY_H
10 #define KDIRNOTIFY_H
12 #include "kiocore_export.h"
13 #include <QByteArray>
14 #ifdef QT_DBUS_LIB
15 #include <QDBusAbstractInterface>
16 #include <QList>
17 #include <QMap>
18 #include <QObject>
19 #include <QString>
20 #include <QStringList>
21 #include <QVariant>
23 class QDBusConnection;
25 /**
26  * \class OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface kdirnotify.h KDirNotify
27  *
28  * \brief Proxy class for interface org.kde.KDirNotify.
29  *
30  * KDirNotify can be used to inform KIO about changes in real or virtual file systems.
31  * Classes like KDirModel connect to the signals as in the following example to
32  * be able to keep caches up-to-date.
33  *
34  * \code
35  * kdirnotify = new org::kde::KDirNotify(QString(), QString(), QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
36  * connect(kdirnotify, &KDirNotify::FileRenamedWithLocalPath,
37  *         this, [this](const QString &src, const QString &dst, const QString &dstPath) {
38  *     slotFileRenamed(src, dst, dstPath);
39  * });
40  *
41  * connect(kdirnotify, &KDirNotify::FilesAdded,
42  *         this, [this](const QString &directory) { slotFilesAdded(directory); });
43  *
44  * connect(kdirnotify, &KDirNotify::FilesChanged,
45  *         this, [this](const QStringList &fileList) { slotFilesChanged(fileList); });
46  *
47  * connect(kdirnotify, &KDirNotify::FilesRemoved,
48  *         this, [this](const QStringList &fileList) { slotFilesRemoved(fileList); });
49  * \endcode
50  *
51  * Especially noteworthy are the empty strings for both \p service and \p path. That
52  * way the client will connect to signals emitted by any application.
53  *
54  * The second usage is to actually emit the signals. For that emitFileRenamed() and friends are
55  * to be used.
56  */
57 class KIOCORE_EXPORT OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface : public QDBusAbstractInterface
58 {
59     Q_OBJECT
60 public:
staticInterfaceName()61     static inline const char *staticInterfaceName()
62     {
63         return "org.kde.KDirNotify";
64     }
66 public:
67     /**
68      * Create a new KDirNotify interface.
69      *
70      * \param service The service whose signals one wants to listed to. Use an empty
71      * string to connect to all services/applications.
72      * \param path The path to the D-Bus object whose signals one wants to listed to.
73      * Use an empty string to connect to signals from all objects.
74      * \param connection Typically QDBusConnection::sessionBus().
75      * \param parent The parent QObject.
76      */
77     OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface(const QString &service,
78                               const QString &path,
79                               const QDBusConnection &connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(),
80                               QObject *parent = nullptr);
82     /**
83      * Destructor.
84      */
85     ~OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface() override;
87 public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS
89     void FileRenamed(const QString &src, const QString &dst);
90     void FileRenamedWithLocalPath(const QString &src, const QString &dst, const QString &dstPath);
91     void FileMoved(const QString &src, const QString &dst);
92     void FilesAdded(const QString &directory);
93     void FilesChanged(const QStringList &fileList);
94     void FilesRemoved(const QStringList &fileList);
95     void enteredDirectory(const QString &url);
96     void leftDirectory(const QString &url);
98 public:
99     static void emitFileRenamed(const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dst);
100     /**
101      * \param src The old URL of the file that has been renamed.
102      * \param dst The new URL of the file after it was renamed.
103      * \param dstPath The local path of the file after it was renamed. This may be empty
104      * and should otherwise be used to update UDS_LOCAL_PATH.
105      * @since 5.20
106      */
107     static void emitFileRenamedWithLocalPath(const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dst, const QString &dstPath);
108     static void emitFileMoved(const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dst);
109     static void emitFilesAdded(const QUrl &directory);
110     static void emitFilesChanged(const QList<QUrl> &fileList);
111     static void emitFilesRemoved(const QList<QUrl> &fileList);
112     static void emitEnteredDirectory(const QUrl &url);
113     static void emitLeftDirectory(const QUrl &url);
114 };
116 namespace org
117 {
118 namespace kde
119 {
120 typedef ::OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface KDirNotify;
121 }
122 }
123 #endif
124 #endif