1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * Project: libLAS -- C/C++ read/write library for LAS LIDAR data
4  * Purpose: LAS translation to MonetDB binary format with optional configuration
5  * Author:  Romulo Goncalves r.goncalves@esciencecenter.nl
6             Oscar Martinez Rubi o.rubi@esciencecenter.nl
7  ***************************************************************************
8  * This tool has been developed by the Netherlands eScience Center
9  * (https://www.esciencecenter.nl/)
10  *
11  * Copyright (c) 2016, Romulo Goncalves r.goncalves@esciencecenter.nl
12  *
13  * See LICENSE.txt in this source distribution for more information.
14  **************************************************************************/
15 #include <sys/stat.h>
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <pthread.h>
20 #include <assert.h>
22 #include "liblas.h"
23 #include "lascommon.h"
25 #include <limits.h>
26 #include <inttypes.h>
27 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__GNU__)
29 #include <endian.h>
30 #include <unistd.h>
31 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
33 #include <unistd.h>
34 #	include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
36 #	define htobe16(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt16(x)
37 #	define htole16(x) OSSwapHostToLittleInt16(x)
38 #	define be16toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt16(x)
39 #	define le16toh(x) OSSwapLittleToHostInt16(x)
41 #	define htobe32(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt32(x)
42 #	define htole32(x) OSSwapHostToLittleInt32(x)
43 #	define be32toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt32(x)
44 #	define le32toh(x) OSSwapLittleToHostInt32(x)
46 #	define htobe64(x) OSSwapHostToBigInt64(x)
47 #	define htole64(x) OSSwapHostToLittleInt64(x)
48 #	define be64toh(x) OSSwapBigToHostInt64(x)
49 #	define le64toh(x) OSSwapLittleToHostInt64(x)
51 #	define __BYTE_ORDER    BYTE_ORDER
52 #	define __BIG_ENDIAN    BIG_ENDIAN
54 #	define __PDP_ENDIAN    PDP_ENDIAN
56 #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
58 #include <unistd.h>
59 #	include <sys/endian.h>
61 #elif defined(__NetBSD__)
63 #	include <sys/endian.h>
65 #	define be16toh(x) betoh16(x)
66 #	define le16toh(x) letoh16(x)
68 #	define be32toh(x) betoh32(x)
69 #	define le32toh(x) letoh32(x)
71 #	define be64toh(x) betoh64(x)
72 #	define le64toh(x) letoh64(x)
74 #elif defined(__WINDOWS__)
76 #	include <winsock2.h>
77 #	include <sys/param.h>
81 #		define htobe16(x) htons(x)
82 #		define htole16(x) (x)
83 #		define be16toh(x) ntohs(x)
84 #		define le16toh(x) (x)
86 #		define htobe32(x) htonl(x)
87 #		define htole32(x) (x)
88 #		define be32toh(x) ntohl(x)
89 #		define le32toh(x) (x)
91 #		define htobe64(x) htonll(x)
92 #		define htole64(x) (x)
93 #		define be64toh(x) ntohll(x)
94 #		define le64toh(x) (x)
98 		/* that would be xbox 360 */
99 #		define htobe16(x) (x)
100 #		define htole16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
101 #		define be16toh(x) (x)
102 #		define le16toh(x) __builtin_bswap16(x)
104 #		define htobe32(x) (x)
105 #		define htole32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
106 #		define be32toh(x) (x)
107 #		define le32toh(x) __builtin_bswap32(x)
109 #		define htobe64(x) (x)
110 #		define htole64(x) __builtin_bswap64(x)
111 #		define be64toh(x) (x)
112 #		define le64toh(x) __builtin_bswap64(x)
114 #	else
116 #		error byte order not supported
118 #	endif
120 #	define __BYTE_ORDER    BYTE_ORDER
121 #	define __BIG_ENDIAN    BIG_ENDIAN
123 #	define __PDP_ENDIAN    PDP_ENDIAN
125 #else
127 #	error platform not supported
129 #endif
131 #include <math.h>
133 #ifndef _BSD_SOURCE
134 #define _BSD_SOURCE
135 #endif
137 #define boolean short
138 #define int64_t long long int
140 #define NUM_OF_ENTRIES      21
142 #define DEFAULT_NUM_INPUT_FILES 2000
143 #define TOLERANCE 0.0000001
144 #define MAX_INT_31 2147483648.0
146 #define set_lock(lock, s) \
147 { MT_lock_set(&lock, s);}
148 #define unset_lock(node, lock, s) \
149 { MT_lock_unset(&lock, s);}
154 void print_header(FILE *file, LASHeaderH header, const char* file_name);
usage()156 void usage()
157 {
158     fprintf(stderr,"----------------------------------------------------------\n");
159     fprintf(stderr,"    las2col (version %s) usage:\n", LAS_GetVersion());
160     fprintf(stderr,"----------------------------------------------------------\n");
161     fprintf(stderr,"\n");
163     fprintf(stderr,"Convert a las/laz file into columnar format (binary) of MonetDB, outputs for each entry a file <output_prefix>_col_<entry_name>.dat:\n");
164     fprintf(stderr,"  las2col -i <input_file> -o <output_prefix>\n");
165     fprintf(stderr,"\n");
167     fprintf(stderr,"Convert a list of las/laz files (still outputs for each entry a file <output_prefix>_col_<entry_name>.dat):\n");
168     fprintf(stderr,"  las2col -i <las_file_1> -i <las_file_2> -o <output_prefix>\n");
169     fprintf(stderr,"Alternatively:\n");
170     fprintf(stderr,"  las2col -f <file_with_the_list_las/laz_files> -o <output_prefix>\n");
171     fprintf(stderr,"\n");
173     fprintf(stderr,"Convert a list of las/laz files using <num_read_threads> threads (default is 1):\n");
174     fprintf(stderr,"  las2col -f <file_with_the_list_las/laz_files> -o <output_prefix> --num_read_threads <number_of_threads>\n");
175     fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
177     fprintf(stderr,"----------------------------------------------------------\n");
178     fprintf(stderr," The '--parse txyz' flag specifies which entries of the LAS/LAZ\n");
179     fprintf(stderr," will be extracted (default is --parse xyz). For example, 'txyzia'\n");
180     fprintf(stderr," means that six columnar (binary) MonetDB files will be generated,\n");
181     fprintf(stderr," the first one containing all gpstime values, \n");
182     fprintf(stderr," the next three containing values for x, y, and\n");
183     fprintf(stderr," z coordinates, the next one with intensity values\n");
184     fprintf(stderr," and the last one with scan angle values.\n");
185     fprintf(stderr," The supported entries are:\n");
186     fprintf(stderr,"   t - gpstime as double\n");
187     fprintf(stderr,"   x - x coordinate as double\n");
188     fprintf(stderr,"   y - y coordinate as double\n");
189     fprintf(stderr,"   z - z coordinate as double\n");
190     fprintf(stderr,"   X - x coordinate as decimal(<num_digits_unscaled_max_x>,<num_digits_scale_x>)\n");
191     fprintf(stderr,"   Y - y coordinate as decimal(<num_digits_unscaled_max_y>,<num_digits_scale_y>)\n");
192     fprintf(stderr,"   Z - z coordinate as decimal(<num_digits_unscaled_max_z>,<num_digits_scale_z>)\n");
193     fprintf(stderr,"   a - scan angle as tinyint\n");
194     fprintf(stderr,"   i - intensity as smallint\n");
195     fprintf(stderr,"   n - number of returns for given pulse as smallint\n");
196     fprintf(stderr,"   r - number of this return as smallint\n");
197     fprintf(stderr,"   c - classification number as tinyint\n");
198     fprintf(stderr,"   u - user data as tinyint\n");
199     fprintf(stderr,"   p - point source ID as smallint\n");
200     fprintf(stderr,"   e - edge of flight line as smallint\n");
201     fprintf(stderr,"   d - direction of scan flag as smallint\n");
202     fprintf(stderr,"   R - red channel of RGB color as smallint\n");
203     fprintf(stderr,"   G - green channel of RGB color as smallint\n");
204     fprintf(stderr,"   B - blue channel of RGB color as smallint\n");
205     fprintf(stderr,"   M - vertex index number as integer\n");
206     fprintf(stderr,"   k - Morton 2D code using X and Y (unscaled and no offset) as bigint\n\n");
208     fprintf(stderr," The '--moffset 8600000,40000000' flag specifies a global offset in X and Y \n");
209     fprintf(stderr," to be used when computing the Morton 2D code. Values must be unscaled \n\n");
211     fprintf(stderr," The '--check 0.01,0.01' flag checks suitability to compute Morton 2D codes \n");
212     fprintf(stderr," It checks specified scale matches the one in input file. \n");
213     fprintf(stderr," If moffset is provided it also checks that obtained Morton 2D codes \n");
214     fprintf(stderr," will be consistent, i.e. global X,Y within [0,2^31] \n\n");
216     fprintf(stderr,"----------------------------------------------------------\n");
218     fprintf(stderr," After generating the columnar files, import them in MonetDB. Example: \n");
219     fprintf(stderr,"   mclient <db_name> -s \"COPY BINARY INTO flat FROM ('<full_parent_path>/out_col_x.dat','<full_parent_path>/out_col_y.dat','<full_parent_path>/out_col_z.dat')\"\n");
220     fprintf(stderr," Note that full paths of the columnar files MUST be used. Also note that a table called flat has to be created in a MonetDB DB beforehand. The table must have \n");
221     fprintf(stderr," the columns in the same order as specified by the --parse option, and the column types must be the ones specified above. Example: \n");
222     fprintf(stderr,"   mclient <db_name> -s \"create table flat (x double, y double, z double)\"\n");
223     fprintf(stderr," Note that for decimal entries (XYZ) the column definition at table-creation time must be decimal(<num_digits_unscaled_max>,<num_digits_scale>)\n");
224     fprintf(stderr," For example, if the maximum X value of a file (or a list of files) is 638982.55, then the X definition when creating the table is decimal(8,2). Example:\n");
225     fprintf(stderr,"   mclient <db_name> -s \"create table flat (x decimal(8,2), y decimal(8,2), z decimal(8,2))\"\n");
226 }
228 /*Global structures*/
229 #define MT_Lock pthread_mutex_t
230 #define MT_set_lock(p) pthread_mutex_lock(p)
231 #define MT_unset_lock(p) pthread_mutex_unlock(p)
232 #define MT_lock_init(p) pthread_mutex_init(p,NULL)
233 #define MT_lock_destroy(p) pthread_mutex_destroy(p)
235 #define MT_Cond pthread_cond_t
236 #define MT_cond_wait(p,t) pthread_cond_wait(p,t)
237 #define MT_cond_init(p) pthread_cond_init(p,NULL)
238 #define MT_cond_destroy(p) pthread_cond_destroy(p)
240 typedef void (*f_ptr)( void );
242 MT_Lock dataLock;
243 MT_Cond mainCond, writeTCond, readCond;
244 int entries[NUM_OF_ENTRIES];
245 double (*entriesFuncD[NUM_OF_ENTRIES])();
246 int (*entriesFuncI[NUM_OF_ENTRIES])();
247 short (*entriesFuncS[NUM_OF_ENTRIES])();
248 char (*entriesFuncC[NUM_OF_ENTRIES])();
249 int entriesType[NUM_OF_ENTRIES];
250 char **files_name_in = NULL;
251 int files_in_index = 0 ;
252 int skip_invalid = FALSE;
253 int verbose = TRUE;
254 struct writeT **data = NULL;
255 struct writeT *dataWriteT = NULL;
256 int stop;
258 typedef enum {
259     ENTRY_x,
260     ENTRY_y,
261     ENTRY_z,
262     ENTRY_X,
263     ENTRY_Y,
264     ENTRY_Z,
265     ENTRY_t,
266     ENTRY_i,
267     ENTRY_a,
268     ENTRY_r,
269     ENTRY_c,
270     ENTRY_u,
271     ENTRY_n,
272     ENTRY_R,
273     ENTRY_G,
274     ENTRY_B,
275     ENTRY_M,
276     ENTRY_p,
277     ENTRY_e,
278     ENTRY_d,
279     ENTRY_k
280 } ENTRIES;
282 struct writeThreadArgs {
283     int id;
284     FILE *out;
285 };
287 struct writeT {
288     long num_points;
289     char* values;
290     int type;
291 };
293 struct readThreadArgs {
294     int id;
295     int num_read_threads;
296     int num_of_entries;
297     int check;
298     int64_t global_offset_x;
299     int64_t global_offset_y;
300     double scale_x;
301     double scale_y;
302 };
writeFile(void * arg)304 void* writeFile(void *arg) {
305     int i = 0;
306     struct writeThreadArgs *wTA = (struct writeThreadArgs*) arg;
308     /*Obtain lock over data to get the pointer*/
309     while (stop == 0) {
310         MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
311         while ((stop == 0) && (dataWriteT == NULL || (dataWriteT && dataWriteT[wTA->id].values == NULL))) {
312             /*Sleep and wait for data to be read*/
313             MT_cond_wait(&writeTCond,&dataLock);
314         }
315         //Release the lock
316         MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
318         if (stop) {
319             return NULL;
320         }
322         fwrite(dataWriteT[wTA->id].values, dataWriteT[wTA->id].type, dataWriteT[wTA->id].num_points, wTA->out);
323         //for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
324         //    printf("%d\n", dataWriteT[wTA->id].values[i]);
325         MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
326         free(dataWriteT[wTA->id].values);
327         dataWriteT[wTA->id].values = NULL;
328         MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
329         fflush(wTA->out);
331         /*Wake up the main*/
332         pthread_cond_broadcast(&mainCond);
333     }
334     return NULL;
335 }
readFile(void * arg)337 void* readFile(void *arg) {
338     struct readThreadArgs *rTA = (struct readThreadArgs*) arg;
339     LASReaderH reader = NULL;
340     LASHeaderH header = NULL;
341     LASPointH p = NULL;
342     unsigned int index = 0;
343     int read_index = 0;
344     char *file_name_in = NULL;
345     int i, j;
347     while(1) {
348         file_name_in = NULL;
349         /*Get next file to read*/
350         MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
351         file_name_in = files_name_in[files_in_index];
352         if (file_name_in == NULL) {
353             MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
354             return NULL;
355         }
356         read_index = (files_in_index % rTA->num_read_threads);
357         files_in_index++;
359         struct writeT *dataWriteTT = (struct writeT*) malloc(sizeof(struct writeT)*rTA->num_of_entries);
360         /*Lets read the data*/
361         reader = LASReader_Create(file_name_in);
362         if (!reader) {
363             LASError_Print("Unable to read file");
364             MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
365             exit(1);
366         }
367         MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
369         header = LASReader_GetHeader(reader);
370         if (!header) {
371             LASError_Print("Unable to fetch header for file");
372             exit(1);
373         }
375         if (verbose)
376         {
377             print_header(stderr, header, file_name_in);
378         }
380         /*Allocate arrays for the columns*/
381 	long num_points = LASHeader_GetPointRecordsCount(header);
382 	for (i = 0; i < rTA->num_of_entries; i++) {
383 		dataWriteTT[i].num_points = num_points;
384 		dataWriteTT[i].values = malloc(entriesType[i]*num_points);
385 		dataWriteTT[i].type = entriesType[i];
386 	}
388 	/*Changes for Oscar's new Morton code function*/
389 	//unsigned int factorX = (unsigned int) (LASHeader_GetOffsetX(header) / LASHeader_GetScaleX(header));
390 	//unsigned int factorY = (unsigned int) (LASHeader_GetOffsetY(header) / LASHeader_GetScaleY(header));
392     /*Compute factors to add to X and Y and cehck sanity of generated codes*/
393     double file_scale_x = LASHeader_GetScaleX(header);
394     double file_scale_y = LASHeader_GetScaleY(header);
395     double file_scale_z = LASHeader_GetScaleZ(header);
396     //printf("The scales are x:%lf y:%lf z:%lf\n", file_scale_x, file_scale_y, file_scale_z);
398 	/* scaled offsets to add for the morton encoding */
399 	int64_t factorX =  ((int64_t) (LASHeader_GetOffsetX(header) / file_scale_x)) - rTA->global_offset_x;
400 	int64_t factorY =  ((int64_t) (LASHeader_GetOffsetY(header) / file_scale_y)) - rTA->global_offset_y;
402 	if (rTA->check)
403 	{
404 	        // Check specified scales are like in the LAS file
405 		if (fabs(rTA->scale_x - file_scale_x) > TOLERANCE){
406 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: x scale in input file (%lf) does not match specified x scale (%lf)\n",file_scale_x, rTA->scale_x);
407 			exit(1);
408 		}
409 		if (fabs(rTA->scale_y - file_scale_y) > TOLERANCE){
410 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: y scale in input file (%lf) does not match specified y scale (%lf)\n",file_scale_y, rTA->scale_y);
411 			exit(1);
412 		}
413 		/* Check that the extent of the file (taking into account the global offset)
414 		 * is within 0,2^31 */
415 		double check_min_x = 1.0 + LASHeader_GetMinX(header) - (((double) rTA->global_offset_x) * rTA->scale_x);
416 		if (check_min_x < TOLERANCE) {
417 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Specied X global offset is too large. (MinX - (GlobalX*ScaleX)) < 0\n");
418 			exit(1);
419 		}
420 		double check_min_y = 1.0 + LASHeader_GetMinY(header) - (((double) rTA->global_offset_y) * rTA->scale_y);
421 		if (check_min_y < TOLERANCE) {
422 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Specied Y global offset is too large. (MinY - (GlobalY*ScaleY)) < 0\n");
423 			exit(1);
424 		}
425 		double check_max_x = LASHeader_GetMaxX(header) - (((double) rTA->global_offset_x) * rTA->scale_x);
426 		if (check_max_x > (MAX_INT_31 * rTA->scale_x)) {
427 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Specied X global offset is too small. (MaxX - (GlobalX*ScaleX)) > (2^31)*ScaleX\n");
428 			exit(1);
429 		}
430 		double check_max_y = LASHeader_GetMaxY(header) - (((double) rTA->global_offset_y) * rTA->scale_y);
431 		if (check_max_y > (MAX_INT_31 * rTA->scale_y)) {
432 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Specied Y global offset is too small. (MaxY - (GlobalY*ScaleY)) > (2^31)*ScaleY\n");
433 			exit(1);
434 		}
435 	}
437         p = LASReader_GetNextPoint(reader);
438         index = 0;
439         while (p)
440         {
441             if (skip_invalid && !LASPoint_IsValid(p)) {
442                 if (verbose) {
443                     LASError_Print("Skipping writing invalid point...");
444                 }
445                 p = LASReader_GetNextPoint(reader);
446                 index -=1;
447                 continue;
448             }
450             LASColorH color = NULL;
451             for (j = 0; j < rTA->num_of_entries; j++) {
452                 uint64_t res;
453                 switch (entries[j]) {
454                     case ENTRY_x:
455                     case ENTRY_y:
456                     case ENTRY_z:
457                     case ENTRY_t:
458                         ((double*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncD[j](p);
459                         //printf(" Point is:%lf\n", ((double*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index]);
460                         break;
461                     case ENTRY_X:
462                         ((int*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncD[j](p) / file_scale_x;
463                         break;
464                     case ENTRY_Y:
465                         ((int*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncD[j](p) / file_scale_y;
466                         break;
467                     case ENTRY_Z:
468                         ((int*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncD[j](p) / file_scale_z;
469                         break;
470                     case ENTRY_i:
471                     case ENTRY_r:
472                     case ENTRY_n:
473                     case ENTRY_p:
474                     case ENTRY_e:
475                     case ENTRY_d:
476                         ((short*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncS[j](p);
477                         break;
478                     case ENTRY_a:
479                     case ENTRY_c:
480                     case ENTRY_u:
481                         ((char*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncC[j](p);
482                         break;
483                     case ENTRY_k:
484                         entriesFuncD[j](&res, p, factorX, factorY);
485                         ((int64_t*)dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = res;
486                         break;
487                     case ENTRY_R:
488                     case ENTRY_G:
489                     case ENTRY_B:
490                         color = (color == NULL) ? LASPoint_GetColor(p) : color;
491                         ((unsigned short*) dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = entriesFuncS[j](color);;
492                         break;
493                     case ENTRY_M:
494                         ((unsigned int*)dataWriteTT[j].values)[index] = index;
495                         break;
496                     default:
497                         LASError_Print("las2col:readFile: Invalid Entry.");
498                 }
499             }
500             if (color != NULL)
501                 LASColor_Destroy(color);
503             p = LASReader_GetNextPoint(reader);
504             index +=1;
505         }
506         if (verbose)
507             printf("Num of points:%d %ld for file:%s \n", index, num_points, file_name_in);
509         /*Give the data to the writer threads*/
510         MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
511         LASHeader_Destroy(header);
512         header = NULL;
513         LASReader_Destroy(reader);
514 	    reader = NULL;
516         /*TODO: make sure you are not overtaking other reading threads*/
517         while (data[read_index] != NULL) {
518             MT_cond_wait(&readCond, &dataLock);
519         }
520         data[read_index] = dataWriteTT;
521         /*Wake up the main*/
522         pthread_cond_broadcast(&mainCond);
523         MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
525     }
526     return NULL;
527 }
doesFileExist(const char * filename)529 int doesFileExist(const char *filename) {
530     struct stat st;
531     int result = stat(filename, &st);
532     return result == 0;
533 }
EncodeMorton2D_1(unsigned int rawx,unsigned int rawy)535 int64_t EncodeMorton2D_1(unsigned int rawx, unsigned int rawy){
536     int64_t answer = 0;
537     int64_t i;
538     for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(int64_t)* CHAR_BIT)/2; ++i) {
539         answer |= ((rawy & ((int64_t)1 << i)) << i) | ((rawx & ((int64_t)1 << i)) << (i + 1));
540     }
541     return answer;
542 }
Expand1(uint32_t a)544 uint64_t Expand1(uint32_t a)
545 {
546 	uint64_t b = a & 0x7fffffff;               // b = ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0edc ba98 7654 3210 fedc ba98 7654 3210
547 	b = (b ^ (b <<  16)) & 0x0000ffff0000ffff; // b = ---- ---- ---- ---- 0edc ba98 7654 3210 ---- ---- ---- ---- fedc ba98 7654 3210
548 	b = (b ^ (b <<  8))  & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff; // b = ---- ---- 0edc ba98 ---- ---- 7654 3210 ---- ---- fedc ba98 ---- ---- 7654 3210
549 	b = (b ^ (b <<  4))  & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; // b = ---- 0edc ---- ba98 ---- 7654 ---- 3210 ---- fedc ---- ba98 ---- 7654 ---- 3210
550 	b = (b ^ (b <<  2))  & 0x3333333333333333; // b = --0e --dc --ba --98 --76 --54 --32 --10 --fe --dc --ba --98 --76 --54 --32 --10
551 	b = (b ^ (b <<  1))  & 0x5555555555555555; // b = -0-e -d-c -b-a -9-8 -7-6 -5-4 -3-2 -1-0 -f-e -d-c -b-a -9-8 -7-6 -5-4 -3-2 -1-0
552 	return b;
553 }
morton2D_encode(int64_t * answer,LASPointH p,unsigned int factorX,unsigned int factorY)555 int64_t morton2D_encode(int64_t *answer, LASPointH p, unsigned int factorX, unsigned int factorY){
556     unsigned int rawx = ((unsigned int) LASPoint_GetRawX(p)) + factorX;
557     unsigned int rawy = ((unsigned int) LASPoint_GetRawY(p)) + factorY;
558     *answer = EncodeMorton2D_1(rawx, rawy);
559     return *answer;
560 }
562 /*Changes for Oscar's new Morton code function*/
morton2D_encodeOscar(uint64_t * answer,LASPointH p,unsigned int factorX,unsigned int factorY)563 uint64_t morton2D_encodeOscar(uint64_t *answer, LASPointH p, unsigned int factorX, unsigned int factorY){
564 	uint32_t x = (uint32_t) (((int64_t) LASPoint_GetRawX(p)) + factorX);
565 	uint32_t y = (uint32_t) (((int64_t) LASPoint_GetRawY(p)) + factorY);
566 	*answer = (Expand1(x) << 1) + Expand1(y);
568     return *answer;
569 }
S64(const char * s)571 int64_t S64(const char *s) {
572 	int64_t i;
573 	char c ;
574 	int scanned = sscanf(s, "lld%" SCNd64 "%c", &i, &c);
575 	if (scanned == 1) return i;
576 	fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: parsing string to int64_t.\n");
577 	exit(1);
578 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])580 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
581 {
582     /*Initialize the catalog locks*/
583     MT_lock_init(&dataLock);
584     MT_cond_init(&mainCond);
585     MT_cond_init(&writeTCond);
586     MT_cond_init(&readCond);
588     char* file_name_in = 0;
589     char* file_name_out = 0;
590     char separator_sign = ' ';
591     char* parse_string = "xyz";
592     char* buffer;
593     char printstring[256];
594     LASReaderH reader = NULL;
595     LASHeaderH header = NULL;
596     LASPointH p = NULL;
597     FILE** files_out = NULL;
598     int len, j;
599     int64_t mortonkey = 0;
600     int num_files_in = 0, num_files, num_of_entries=0, check = 0, num_read_threads = DEFAULT_NUM_READ_THREADS;
601     int i;
602     pthread_t *writeThreads = NULL;
603     pthread_t *readThreads = NULL;
604     struct readThreadArgs *dataRead = NULL;
605     boolean input_file = FALSE;
606     int64_t global_offset_x = 0;
607     int64_t global_offset_y = 0;
608     double scale_x;
609     double scale_y;
612     if (argc == 1) {
613         usage();
614         exit(0);
615     }
617     /*Allocate space for input files*/
618     files_name_in = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*DEFAULT_NUM_INPUT_FILES);
620     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
621     {
622         if (    strcmp(argv[i],"-h") == 0 ||
623                 strcmp(argv[i],"-help") == 0 ||
624                 strcmp(argv[i],"--help") == 0
625            )
626         {
627             usage();
628             exit(0);
629         }
630         else if (   strcmp(argv[i],"-v") == 0 ||
631                 strcmp(argv[i],"--verbose") == 0
632                 )
633         {
634             verbose = TRUE;
635         }
636         else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--num_read_threads") == 0)
637         {
638             num_read_threads = atoi(argv[++i]);
639         }
640         else if (   strcmp(argv[i],"-s") == 0 ||
641                 strcmp(argv[i],"--skip_invalid") == 0
642                 )
643         {
644             skip_invalid = TRUE;
645         }
646         else if (   strcmp(argv[i], "--parse") == 0 ||
647                 strcmp(argv[i], "-parse") == 0
648                 )
649         {
650             i++;
651             if ( (parse_string = argv[i]) == NULL) {
652                 usage();
653                 exit(0);
654             }
655         }
656         else if (   strcmp(argv[i], "--moffset") == 0 ||
657                 strcmp(argv[i], "-moffset") == 0
658                 )
659         {
660             i++;
661             buffer = strtok (argv[i], ",");
662             j = 0;
663             while (buffer) {
664                 if (j == 0) {
665                     global_offset_x = S64(buffer);
666                 }
667                 else if (j == 1) {
668                     global_offset_y = S64(buffer);
669                 }
670                 j++;
671                 buffer = strtok (NULL, ",");
672                 while (buffer && *buffer == '\040')
673                     buffer++;
674             }
675             if (j != 2){
676                 fprintf(stderr, "Only two int64_t are required in moffset option!\n");
677                 exit(1);
678             }
680         }
681         else if (   strcmp(argv[i], "--check") == 0 ||
682                 strcmp(argv[i], "-check") == 0
683                 )
684         {
685             i++;
686             check = 1;
687             buffer = strtok (argv[i], ",");
688             j = 0;
689             while (buffer) {
690                 if (j == 0) {
691                     sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &scale_x);
692                 }
693                 else if (j == 1) {
694                     sscanf(buffer, "%lf", &scale_y);
695                 }
696                 j++;
697                 buffer = strtok (NULL, ",");
698                 while (buffer && *buffer == '\040')
699                     buffer++;
700             }
701             if (j != 2){
702                 fprintf(stderr, "Only two doubles are required in moffset option!\n");
703                 exit(1);
704             }
705         }
706         else if (   strcmp(argv[i],"--input") == 0  ||
707                 strcmp(argv[i],"-input") == 0   ||
708                 strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0       ||
709                 strcmp(argv[i],"-in") == 0
710                 )
711         {
712             i++;
713             files_name_in[num_files_in++] = argv[i];
715             if (num_files_in % DEFAULT_NUM_INPUT_FILES)
716                 files_name_in = (char**) realloc(files_name_in, (num_files_in*2)*sizeof(char*));
717         }
718         else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--file") == 0  ||
719                 strcmp(argv[i],"-file") == 0   ||
720                 strcmp(argv[i],"-f") == 0
721                 )
722         {
723             i++;
724             int read;
725             char line_buffer[BUFSIZ];
726             FILE* in = NULL;
728             in = fopen(argv[i], "r");
729             if (!in) {
730                 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: the path for file containing the input files is invalid %s\n", argv[i]);
731                 exit(1);
732             }
733             while (fgets(line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), in)) {
734                 line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer)-1]='\0';
735                 files_name_in[num_files_in++] = strdup(line_buffer);
737                 if (num_files_in % DEFAULT_NUM_INPUT_FILES)
738                     files_name_in = (char**) realloc(files_name_in, (num_files_in*2)*sizeof(char*));
739             }
740             fclose(in);
741             input_file = TRUE;
742         }
743         else if (   strcmp(argv[i],"--output") == 0  ||
744                     strcmp(argv[i],"--out") == 0     ||
745                     strcmp(argv[i],"-out") == 0     ||
746                     strcmp(argv[i],"-o") == 0
747                 )
748         {
749             i++;
750             file_name_out = argv[i];
751         }
752         else
753         {
754             fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown argument '%s'\n",argv[i]);
755             usage();
756             exit(1);
757         }
758     } /* end looping through argc/argv */
759     num_of_entries = strlen(parse_string);
761     if (num_files_in == 0)
762     {
763         LASError_Print("No input filename was specified");
764         usage();
765         exit(1);
766     }
767     files_name_in[num_files_in] = NULL;
768     num_files = num_files_in;
770     if (file_name_out == 0){
771       LASError_Print("No output prefix was specified");
772       usage();
773       exit(1);
774     }
776     /*Entries metadata*/
777     i = 0;
778     for (;;)
779     {
780         switch (parse_string[i])
781         {
782                 /* // the morton code on xy */
783             case 'k':
784                 entries[i] = ENTRY_k;
785                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(int64_t);
786 	            /*Changes for Oscar's new Morton code function*/
787                 //entriesFunc[i] = (void*)morton2D_encode;
788                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)morton2D_encodeOscar;
789                 break;
790                 /* // the x coordinate  double*/
791             case 'x':
792                 entries[i] = ENTRY_x;
793                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(double);
794                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetX;
795                 break;
796                 /* // the y coordinate double*/
797             case 'y':
798                 entries[i] = ENTRY_y;
799                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(double);
800                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetY;
801                 break;
802                 /* // the z coordinate double*/
803             case 'z':
804                 entries[i] = ENTRY_z;
805                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(double);
806                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetZ;
807                 break;
808                 /* // the X coordinate decimal*/
809             case 'X':
810                 entries[i] = ENTRY_X;
811                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(int);
812                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetX;
813                 break;
814                 /* // the y coordinate decimal*/
815             case 'Y':
816                 entries[i] = ENTRY_Y;
817                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(int);
818                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetY;
819                 break;
820                 /* // the z coordinate decimal*/
821             case 'Z':
822                 entries[i] = ENTRY_Z;
823                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(int);
824                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetZ;
825                 break;
826                 /* // the gps-time */
827             case 't':
828                 entries[i] = ENTRY_t;
829                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(double);
830                 entriesFuncD[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetTime;
831                 break;
832                 /* // the intensity */
833             case 'i':
834                 entries[i] = ENTRY_i;
835                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(unsigned short);
836                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetIntensity;
837                 break;
838                 /* the scan angle */
839             case 'a':
840                 entries[i] = ENTRY_a;
841                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(char);
842                 entriesFuncC[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetScanAngleRank;
843                 break;
844                 /* the number of the return */
845             case 'r':
846                 entries[i] = ENTRY_r;
847                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(short);
848                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetReturnNumber;
849                 break;
850                 /* the classification */
851             case 'c':
852                 entries[i] = ENTRY_c;
853                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(char);
854                 entriesFuncC[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetClassification;
855                 break;
856                 /* the user data */
857             case 'u':
858                 entries[i] = ENTRY_u;
859                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(char);
860                 entriesFuncC[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetUserData;
861                 break;
862                 /* the number of returns of given pulse */
863             case 'n':
864                 entries[i] = ENTRY_n;
865                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(short);
866                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetNumberOfReturns;
867                 break;
868                 /* the red channel color */
869             case 'R':
870                 entries[i] = ENTRY_R;
871                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(unsigned short);
872                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASColor_GetRed;
873                 break;
874                 /* the green channel color */
875             case 'G':
876                 entries[i] = ENTRY_G;
877                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(unsigned short);
878                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASColor_GetGreen;
879                 break;
880                 /* the blue channel color */
881             case 'B':
882                 entries[i] = ENTRY_B;
883                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(unsigned short);
884                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASColor_GetBlue;
885                 break;
886             case 'M':
887                 entries[i] = ENTRY_M;
888                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(int);
889                 break;
890             case 'p':
891                 entries[i] = ENTRY_p;
892                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(short);
893                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetPointSourceId;
894                 break;
895                 /* the edge of flight line flag */
896             case 'e':
897                 entries[i] = ENTRY_e;
898                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(short);
899                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetFlightLineEdge;
900                 break;
901                 /* the direction of scan flag */
902             case 'd':
903                 entries[i] = ENTRY_d;
904                 entriesType[i] = sizeof(short);
905                 entriesFuncS[i] = (void*)LASPoint_GetScanDirection;
906                 break;
907         }
908         i++;
909         if (parse_string[i] == 0)
910         {
911             break;
912         }
913     }
915     /*Prepare the output files*/
916     if (file_name_out == NULL)
917     {
918         len = (int)strlen(file_name_in);
919         file_name_out = LASCopyString(file_name_in);
920         if (file_name_out[len-3] == '.' && file_name_out[len-2] == 'g' && file_name_out[len-1] == 'z')
921         {
922             len = len - 4;
923         }
924         while (len > 0 && file_name_out[len] != '.')
925         {
926             len--;
927         }
928         file_name_out[len] = '\0';
929     }
931     char *str = malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(file_name_out)+12));
932     files_out = (FILE**) malloc(sizeof(FILE*)*num_of_entries);
933     for (i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
934         sprintf(str, "%s_col_%c.dat", file_name_out, parse_string[i]);
935         if(doesFileExist(str)) {
936             remove(str);
937         }
939         files_out[i] = fopen(str, "wb");
941         if (files_out[i] == 0) {
942             LASError_Print("Could not open file for write");
943             usage();
944             exit(1);
945         }
946     }
947     free(str);
949     /*Initialize structures for the reading threads*/
950     //data = (struct writeT**) malloc(num_read_threads*sizeof(struct writeT*)); //Malloc is more efficient than calloc
951     data = (struct writeT**) calloc(num_read_threads, sizeof(struct writeT*));
953     dataRead = (struct readThreadArgs*) malloc(sizeof(struct readThreadArgs)*num_read_threads);
954     /* Launch read Threads */
955     stop = 0;
956     readThreads = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)*num_read_threads);
957     for (i=0; i < num_read_threads; i++) {
958         dataRead[i].id = i;
959         dataRead[i].num_read_threads = num_read_threads;
960         dataRead[i].num_of_entries = num_of_entries;
961         dataRead[i].check = check;
962         dataRead[i].global_offset_x = global_offset_x;
963         dataRead[i].global_offset_y = global_offset_y;
964         dataRead[i].scale_x = scale_x;
965         dataRead[i].scale_y = scale_y;
966         pthread_create(&readThreads[i], NULL, readFile, (void*)dataRead);
967     }
969     int writeIndex = 0;
970     writeThreads = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)*num_of_entries);
972     /* Launch Threads */
973     struct writeThreadArgs *dataWrite = (struct writeThreadArgs *) malloc(sizeof(struct writeThreadArgs) *num_of_entries);
974     for (i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
975         dataWrite[i].id = i;
976         dataWrite[i].out = files_out[i];
977         pthread_create(&writeThreads[i], NULL, writeFile, (void*)(&dataWrite[i]));
978     }
979     sleep(1);
980     //Do we need to comment this one out!?
981     int done = 0;
982     while (num_files) {
983         /*Obtain lock over data to get the pointer*/
984         MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
985         dataWriteT = data[writeIndex];
986         while (dataWriteT == NULL) {
987             /*Sleep and wait for data to be read*/
988             MT_cond_wait(&mainCond,&dataLock);
989             dataWriteT = data[writeIndex];
990         }
991         data[writeIndex] = NULL;
992         //Release the lock
994         /*Tell the write threads there is new data*/
995         pthread_cond_broadcast(&writeTCond);
997         /*Tell the read threads there is a new buf empty*/
998         pthread_cond_broadcast(&readCond);
999         MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
1001         /*Keep looping*/
1002         writeIndex++;
1003         writeIndex = (writeIndex % num_read_threads);
1005         MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
1006         while (done == 0) {
1007             /*Sleep and wait for data to be read*/
1008             MT_cond_wait(&mainCond,&dataLock);
1009             done = 1;
1010             for (i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1011                 if (dataWriteT[i].values != NULL) {
1012                     done = 0;
1013                     break;
1014                 }
1015             }
1016         }
1017         num_files--;
1018         if (verbose)
1019             printf("Files to go %d\n", num_files);
1020         free(dataWriteT);
1021         dataWriteT = NULL;
1022         done = 0;
1023         MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
1024     }
1026     /*Tell the write threads to exit*/
1027     MT_set_lock(&dataLock);
1028     stop = 1;
1029     pthread_cond_broadcast(&writeTCond);
1030     MT_unset_lock(&dataLock);
1032     /* Wait for Threads to Finish */
1033     for (i=0; i<num_of_entries; i++) {
1034         pthread_join(writeThreads[i], NULL);
1035     }
1036     free(dataWrite);
1037     free(writeThreads);
1039     MT_cond_destroy(&readCond);
1040     MT_cond_destroy(&writeTCond);
1041     MT_cond_destroy(&mainCond);
1042     MT_lock_destroy(&dataLock);
1044     for (i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1045         fflush(files_out[i]);
1046         if (verbose)
1047             printf("close file %d\n", i);
1048         fsync(files_out[i]);
1049         fclose(files_out[i]);
1050     }
1051     free(files_out);
1052     if (input_file) {
1053         for (i=0 ; i < num_files_in; i++)
1054             free(files_name_in[i]);
1056         free(files_name_in);
1057     }
1059     free(dataRead);
1061     if (readThreads)
1062         free(readThreads);
1064     return 0;
1065 }