1 /*-
2  * Free/Libre Near Field Communication (NFC) library
3  *
4  * Libnfc historical contributors:
5  * Copyright (C) 2009      Roel Verdult
6  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Romuald Conty
7  * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Romain Tartière
8  * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Philippe Teuwen
9  * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Ludovic Rousseau
10  * See AUTHORS file for a more comprehensive list of contributors.
11  * Additional contributors of this file:
12  *
13  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
15  * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
16  * option) any later version.
17  *
18  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
20  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
21  * more details.
22  *
23  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
24  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
25  *
26  */
28 /**
29  * @file uart.c
30  * @brief UART driver
31  */
33 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
34 #  include "config.h"
35 #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
37 #include "uart.h"
39 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
40 #include <sys/select.h>
41 #include <sys/stat.h>
42 #include <sys/time.h>
43 #include <sys/types.h>
44 #include <ctype.h>
45 #include <dirent.h>
46 #include <errno.h>
47 #include <fcntl.h>
48 #include <limits.h>
49 #include <stdio.h>
50 #include <termios.h>
51 #include <unistd.h>
52 #include <stdlib.h>
54 #include <nfc/nfc.h>
55 #include "nfc-internal.h"
58 #define LOG_CATEGORY "libnfc.bus.uart"
60 #ifndef _WIN32
61 // Needed by sleep() under Unix
62 #  include <unistd.h>
63 #  include <time.h>
64 #  define msleep(x) do { \
65     struct timespec xsleep; \
66     xsleep.tv_sec = x / 1000; \
67     xsleep.tv_nsec = (x - xsleep.tv_sec * 1000) * 1000 * 1000; \
68     nanosleep(&xsleep, NULL); \
69   } while (0)
70 #else
71 // Needed by Sleep() under Windows
72 #  include <winbase.h>
73 #  define msleep Sleep
74 #endif
76 #  if defined(__APPLE__)
77 const char *serial_ports_device_radix[] = { "tty.SLAB_USBtoUART", "tty.usbserial-", NULL };
78 #  elif defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
79 const char *serial_ports_device_radix[] = { "cuaU", "cuau", NULL };
80 #  elif defined (__linux__)
81 const char *serial_ports_device_radix[] = { "ttyUSB", "ttyS", "ttyACM", "ttyAMA", "ttyO", NULL };
82 #  else
83 #    error "Can't determine serial string for your system"
84 #  endif
86 // Work-around to claim uart interface using the c_iflag (software input processing) from the termios struct
87 #  define CCLAIMED 0x80000000
89 struct serial_port_unix {
90   int 			fd; 			// Serial port file descriptor
91   struct termios 	termios_backup; 	// Terminal info before using the port
92   struct termios 	termios_new; 		// Terminal info during the transaction
93 };
95 #define UART_DATA( X ) ((struct serial_port_unix *) X)
97 void uart_close_ext(const serial_port sp, const bool restore_termios);
99 serial_port
uart_open(const char * pcPortName)100 uart_open(const char *pcPortName)
101 {
102   struct serial_port_unix *sp = malloc(sizeof(struct serial_port_unix));
104   if (sp == 0)
105     return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT;
107   sp->fd = open(pcPortName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
108   if (sp->fd == -1) {
109     uart_close_ext(sp, false);
110     return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT;
111   }
113   if (tcgetattr(sp->fd, &sp->termios_backup) == -1) {
114     uart_close_ext(sp, false);
115     return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT;
116   }
117   // Make sure the port is not claimed already
118   if (sp->termios_backup.c_iflag & CCLAIMED) {
119     uart_close_ext(sp, false);
120     return CLAIMED_SERIAL_PORT;
121   }
122   // Copy the old terminal info struct
123   sp->termios_new = sp->termios_backup;
125   sp->termios_new.c_cflag = CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
126   sp->termios_new.c_iflag = CCLAIMED | IGNPAR;
127   sp->termios_new.c_oflag = 0;
128   sp->termios_new.c_lflag = 0;
130   sp->termios_new.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;     // block until n bytes are received
131   sp->termios_new.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;    // block until a timer expires (n * 100 mSec.)
133   if (tcsetattr(sp->fd, TCSANOW, &sp->termios_new) == -1) {
134     uart_close_ext(sp, true);
135     return INVALID_SERIAL_PORT;
136   }
137   return sp;
138 }
140 void
uart_flush_input(serial_port sp,bool wait)141 uart_flush_input(serial_port sp, bool wait)
142 {
143   // flush commands may seem to be without effect
144   // if asked too quickly after previous event, cf comments below
145   // therefore a "wait" argument allows now to wait before flushing
146   // I believe that now the byte-eater part is not required anymore --Phil
147   if (wait) {
148     msleep(50); // 50 ms
149   }
151   // This line seems to produce absolutely no effect on my system (GNU/Linux 2.6.35)
152   tcflush(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, TCIFLUSH);
153   // So, I wrote this byte-eater
154   // Retrieve the count of the incoming bytes
155   int available_bytes_count = 0;
156   int res;
157   res = ioctl(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, FIONREAD, &available_bytes_count);
158   if (res != 0) {
159     return;
160   }
161   if (available_bytes_count == 0) {
162     return;
163   }
164   char *rx = malloc(available_bytes_count);
165   if (!rx) {
166     perror("malloc");
167     return;
168   }
169   // There is something available, read the data
170   if (read(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, rx, available_bytes_count) < 0) {
171     perror("uart read");
172     free(rx);
173     return;
174   }
175   log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "%d bytes have eaten.", available_bytes_count);
176   free(rx);
177 }
179 void
uart_set_speed(serial_port sp,const uint32_t uiPortSpeed)180 uart_set_speed(serial_port sp, const uint32_t uiPortSpeed)
181 {
182   log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Serial port speed requested to be set to %d bauds.", uiPortSpeed);
184   // Portability note: on some systems, B9600 != 9600 so we have to do
185   // uint32_t <=> speed_t associations by hand.
186   speed_t stPortSpeed = B9600;
187   switch (uiPortSpeed) {
188     case 9600:
189       stPortSpeed = B9600;
190       break;
191     case 19200:
192       stPortSpeed = B19200;
193       break;
194     case 38400:
195       stPortSpeed = B38400;
196       break;
197 #  ifdef B57600
198     case 57600:
199       stPortSpeed = B57600;
200       break;
201 #  endif
202 #  ifdef B115200
203     case 115200:
204       stPortSpeed = B115200;
205       break;
206 #  endif
207 #  ifdef B230400
208     case 230400:
209       stPortSpeed = B230400;
210       break;
211 #  endif
212 #  ifdef B460800
213     case 460800:
214       stPortSpeed = B460800;
215       break;
216 #  endif
217     default:
218       log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "Unable to set serial port speed to %d bauds. Speed value must be one of those defined in termios(3).",
219               uiPortSpeed);
220       return;
221   };
223   // Set port speed (Input and Output)
224   cfsetispeed(&(UART_DATA(sp)->termios_new), stPortSpeed);
225   cfsetospeed(&(UART_DATA(sp)->termios_new), stPortSpeed);
226   if (tcsetattr(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, TCSADRAIN, &(UART_DATA(sp)->termios_new)) == -1) {
227     log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to apply new speed settings.");
228   }
229 }
231 uint32_t
uart_get_speed(serial_port sp)232 uart_get_speed(serial_port sp)
233 {
234   uint32_t uiPortSpeed = 0;
235   switch (cfgetispeed(&UART_DATA(sp)->termios_new)) {
236     case B9600:
237       uiPortSpeed = 9600;
238       break;
239     case B19200:
240       uiPortSpeed = 19200;
241       break;
242     case B38400:
243       uiPortSpeed = 38400;
244       break;
245 #  ifdef B57600
246     case B57600:
247       uiPortSpeed = 57600;
248       break;
249 #  endif
250 #  ifdef B115200
251     case B115200:
252       uiPortSpeed = 115200;
253       break;
254 #  endif
255 #  ifdef B230400
256     case B230400:
257       uiPortSpeed = 230400;
258       break;
259 #  endif
260 #  ifdef B460800
261     case B460800:
262       uiPortSpeed = 460800;
263       break;
264 #  endif
265   }
267   return uiPortSpeed;
268 }
270 void
uart_close_ext(const serial_port sp,const bool restore_termios)271 uart_close_ext(const serial_port sp, const bool restore_termios)
272 {
273   if (UART_DATA(sp)->fd >= 0) {
274     if (restore_termios)
275       tcsetattr(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, TCSANOW, &UART_DATA(sp)->termios_backup);
276     close(UART_DATA(sp)->fd);
277   }
278   free(sp);
279 }
281 void
uart_close(const serial_port sp)282 uart_close(const serial_port sp)
283 {
284   uart_close_ext(sp, true);
285 }
287 /**
288  * @brief Receive data from UART and copy data to \a pbtRx
289  *
290  * @return 0 on success, otherwise driver error code
291  */
292 int
uart_receive(serial_port sp,uint8_t * pbtRx,const size_t szRx,void * abort_p,int timeout)293 uart_receive(serial_port sp, uint8_t *pbtRx, const size_t szRx, void *abort_p, int timeout)
294 {
295   int iAbortFd = abort_p ? *((int *)abort_p) : 0;
296   int received_bytes_count = 0;
297   int available_bytes_count = 0;
298   const int expected_bytes_count = (int)szRx;
299   int res;
300   fd_set rfds;
301   do {
302 select:
303     // Reset file descriptor
304     FD_ZERO(&rfds);
305     FD_SET(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, &rfds);
307     if (iAbortFd) {
308       FD_SET(iAbortFd, &rfds);
309     }
311     struct timeval timeout_tv;
312     if (timeout > 0) {
313       timeout_tv.tv_sec = (timeout / 1000);
314       timeout_tv.tv_usec = ((timeout % 1000) * 1000);
315     }
317     res = select(MAX(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, iAbortFd) + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, timeout ? &timeout_tv : NULL);
319     if ((res < 0) && (EINTR == errno)) {
320       // The system call was interupted by a signal and a signal handler was
321       // run.  Restart the interupted system call.
322       goto select;
323     }
325     // Read error
326     if (res < 0) {
327       log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Error: %s", strerror(errno));
328       return NFC_EIO;
329     }
330     // Read time-out
331     if (res == 0) {
332       log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "%s", "Timeout!");
333       return NFC_ETIMEOUT;
334     }
336     if (FD_ISSET(iAbortFd, &rfds)) {
337       // Abort requested
338       log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "%s", "Abort!");
339       close(iAbortFd);
340       return NFC_EOPABORTED;
341     }
343     // Retrieve the count of the incoming bytes
344     res = ioctl(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, FIONREAD, &available_bytes_count);
345     if (res != 0) {
346       return NFC_EIO;
347     }
348     // There is something available, read the data
349     res = read(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, pbtRx + received_bytes_count, MIN(available_bytes_count, (expected_bytes_count - received_bytes_count)));
350     // Stop if the OS has some troubles reading the data
351     if (res <= 0) {
352       return NFC_EIO;
353     }
354     received_bytes_count += res;
356   } while (expected_bytes_count > received_bytes_count);
357   LOG_HEX(LOG_GROUP, "RX", pbtRx, szRx);
358   return NFC_SUCCESS;
359 }
361 /**
362  * @brief Send \a pbtTx content to UART
363  *
364  * @return 0 on success, otherwise a driver error is returned
365  */
366 int
uart_send(serial_port sp,const uint8_t * pbtTx,const size_t szTx,int timeout)367 uart_send(serial_port sp, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTx, int timeout)
368 {
369   (void) timeout;
370   LOG_HEX(LOG_GROUP, "TX", pbtTx, szTx);
371   if ((int) szTx == write(UART_DATA(sp)->fd, pbtTx, szTx))
372     return NFC_SUCCESS;
373   else
374     return NFC_EIO;
375 }
377 char **
uart_list_ports(void)378 uart_list_ports(void)
379 {
380   char **res = malloc(sizeof(char *));
381   if (!res) {
382     perror("malloc");
383     return res;
384   }
385   size_t szRes = 1;
387   res[0] = NULL;
388   DIR *dir;
389   if ((dir = opendir("/dev")) == NULL) {
390     perror("opendir error: /dev");
391     return res;
392   }
393   struct dirent entry;
394   struct dirent *result;
395   while ((readdir_r(dir, &entry, &result) == 0) && (result != NULL)) {
396 #if !defined(__APPLE__)
397     if (!isdigit(entry.d_name[strlen(entry.d_name) - 1]))
398       continue;
399 #endif
400     const char **p = serial_ports_device_radix;
401     while (*p) {
402       if (!strncmp(entry.d_name, *p, strlen(*p))) {
403         char **res2 = realloc(res, (szRes + 1) * sizeof(char *));
404         if (!res2) {
405           perror("malloc");
406           goto oom;
407         }
408         res = res2;
409         if (!(res[szRes - 1] = malloc(6 + strlen(entry.d_name)))) {
410           perror("malloc");
411           goto oom;
412         }
413         sprintf(res[szRes - 1], "/dev/%s", entry.d_name);
415         szRes++;
416         res[szRes - 1] = NULL;
417       }
418       p++;
419     }
420   }
421 oom:
422   closedir(dir);
424   return res;
425 }