1 /* Checks if a file consists of line of strictly monotonically
2  * increasing numbers. An expected start and end number may
3  * be set.
4  *
5  * Params
6  * -f<filename> file to process, if not given stdin is processed.
7  * -s<starting number> -e<ending number>
8  * default for s is 0. -e should be given (else it is also 0)
9  * -d may be specified, in which case duplicate messages are permitted.
10  * -m number of messages permitted to be missing without triggering a
11  *    failure. This is necessary for some failover tests, where it is
12  *    impossible to totally guard against messagt loss. By default, NO
13  *    message is permitted to be lost.
14  * -T anticipate truncation (which means specified payload length may be
15  *    more than actual payload (which may have been truncated)
16  * -i increment between messages (default: 1). Can be used for tests which
17  *    intentionally leave consistent gaps in the message numbering.
18  *
19  * Part of the testbench for rsyslog.
20  *
21  * Copyright 2009-2018 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
22  *
23  * This file is part of rsyslog.
24  *
25  * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
26  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
27  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
28  * (at your option) any later version.
29  *
30  * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
31  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
33  * GNU General Public License for more details.
34  *
35  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
36  * along with Rsyslog.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
37  *
38  * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
39  */
40 #include "config.h"
41 #include <stdio.h>
42 #include <stdlib.h>
43 #include <string.h>
44 #if defined(_AIX)
45 	#include  <unistd.h>
46 #else
47 	#include <getopt.h>
48 #endif
main(int argc,char * argv[])50 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
51 {
52 	FILE *fp;
53 	int val;
54 	int i;
55 	int ret = 0;
56 	int scanfOK;
57 	int verbose = 0;
58 	int bHaveExtraData = 0;
59 	int bAnticipateTruncation = 0;
60 	int dupsPermitted = 0;
61 	int start = 0, end = 0;
62 	int opt;
63 	int lostok = 0; /* how many messages are OK to be lost? */
64 	int nDups = 0;
65 	int increment = 1;
66 	int reachedEOF;
67 	int edLen;	/* length of extra data */
68 	static char edBuf[500*1024]; /* buffer for extra data (pretty large to be on the save side...) */
69 	static char ioBuf[sizeof(edBuf)+1024];
70 	char *file = NULL;
72 	while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:e:f:ds:vm:ET")) != EOF) {
73 		switch((char)opt) {
74 		case 'f':
75 			file = optarg;
76 			break;
77 		case 'd':
78 			dupsPermitted = 1;
79 			break;
80 		case 'i':
81 			increment = atoi(optarg);
82 			break;
83 		case 'e':
84 			end = atoi(optarg);
85 			break;
86 		case 's':
87 			start = atoi(optarg);
88 			break;
89 		case 'v':
90 			++verbose;
91 			break;
92 		case 'm':
93 			lostok = atoi(optarg);
94 			break;
95 		case 'E':
96 			bHaveExtraData = 1;
97 			break;
98 		case 'T':
99 			bAnticipateTruncation = 1;
100 			break;
101 		default:printf("Invalid call of chkseq, optchar='%c'\n", opt);
102 			printf("Usage: chkseq file -sstart -eend -d -E\n");
103 			exit(1);
104 		}
105 	}
107 	if(start > end) {
108 		printf("start must be less than or equal end!\n");
109 		exit(1);
110 	}
112 	if(verbose) {
113 		printf("chkseq: start %d, end %d\n", start, end);
114 	}
116 	/* read file */
117 	if(file == NULL) {
118 		fp = stdin;
119 	} else {
120 		fp = fopen(file, "r");
121 	}
122 	if(fp == NULL) {
123 		printf("error opening file '%s'\n", file);
124 		perror(file);
125 		exit(1);
126 	}
128 	for(i = start ; i < end+1 ; i += increment) {
129 		if(bHaveExtraData) {
130 			if(fgets(ioBuf, sizeof(ioBuf), fp) == NULL) {
131 				scanfOK = 0;
132 			} else {
133 				scanfOK = sscanf(ioBuf, "%d,%d,%s\n", &val, &edLen, edBuf) == 3 ? 1 : 0;
134 			}
135 			if(edLen != (int) strlen(edBuf)) {
136 				if (bAnticipateTruncation == 1) {
137 					if (edLen < (int) strlen(edBuf)) {
138 						 printf("extra data length specified %d, but actually is %ld in"
139 							" record %d (truncation was anticipated, but payload should"
140 							" have been smaller than data-length, not larger)\n",
141 							edLen, (long) strlen(edBuf), i);
142 						exit(1);
143 					}
144 				} else {
145 					printf("extra data length specified %d, but actually is %ld in record %d\n",
146 						   edLen, (long) strlen(edBuf), i);
147 					exit(1);
148 				}
149 			}
150 		} else {
151 			if(fgets(ioBuf, sizeof(ioBuf), fp) == NULL) {
152 				scanfOK = 0;
153 			} else {
154 				scanfOK = sscanf(ioBuf, "%d\n", &val) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
155 			}
156 		}
157 		if(!scanfOK) {
158 			printf("scanf error in index i=%d\n", i);
159 			exit(1);
160 		}
161 		while(val > i && lostok > 0) {
162 			--lostok;
163 			printf("message %d missing (ok due to -m [now %d])\n", i, lostok);
164 			++i;
165 		}
166 		if(val != i) {
167 			if(val == i - 1 && dupsPermitted) {
168 				--i;
169 				++nDups;
170 			} else {
171 				printf("read value %d, but expected value %d\n", val, i);
172 				exit(1);
173 			}
174 		}
175 	}
177 	if(i - 1 != end) {
178 		printf("only %d records in file, expected %d\n", i - 1, end);
179 		exit(1);
180 	}
182 	int c = getc(fp);
183 	if(c == EOF) {
184 		reachedEOF = 1;
185 	} else {
186 		ungetc(c, fp);
187 		/* if duplicates are permitted, we need to do a final check if we have duplicates at the
188 		 * end of file.
189 		 */
190 		if(dupsPermitted) {
191 			i = end;
192 			while(!feof(fp)) {
193 				if(bHaveExtraData) {
194 					if(fgets(ioBuf, sizeof(ioBuf), fp) == NULL) {
195 						scanfOK = 0;
196 					} else {
197 						scanfOK = sscanf(ioBuf, "%d,%d,%s\n", &val,
198 							&edLen, edBuf) == 3 ? 1 : 0;
199 					}
200 					if(edLen != (int) strlen(edBuf)) {
201 						if (bAnticipateTruncation == 1) {
202 							if (edLen < (int) strlen(edBuf)) {
203 								 printf("extra data length specified %d, but "
204 									"actually is %ld in record %d (truncation was"
205 									" anticipated, but payload should have been "
206 									"smaller than data-length, not larger)\n",
207 									edLen, (long) strlen(edBuf), i);
208 								exit(1);
209 							}
210 						} else {
211 							 printf("extra data length specified %d, but actually "
212 								"is %ld in record %d\n",
213 								edLen, (long) strlen(edBuf), i);
214 							exit(1);
215 						}
216 					}
217 				} else {
218 					if(fgets(ioBuf, sizeof(ioBuf), fp) == NULL) {
219 						scanfOK = 0;
220 					} else {
221 						scanfOK = sscanf(ioBuf, "%d\n", &val) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
222 					}
223 				}
225 				if(val != i) {
226 					reachedEOF = 0;
227 					goto breakIF;
228 				}
229 			}
230 			reachedEOF = feof(fp) ? 1 : 0;
231 		} else {
232 			reachedEOF = 0;
233 		}
234 	}
236 breakIF:
237 	if(nDups != 0)
238 		printf("info: had %d duplicates (this is no error)\n", nDups);
240 	if(!reachedEOF) {
241 		printf("end of processing, but NOT end of file! First line of extra data is:\n");
242 		for(c = fgetc(fp) ; c != '\n' && c != EOF ; c = fgetc(fp))
243 			putchar(c);
244 		putchar('\n');
245 		exit(1);
246 	}
248 	exit(ret);
249 }