1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.13.99 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -DUNDERALIGNED %s
2 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios10 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -DUNDERALIGNED %s
3 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-tvos10 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -DUNDERALIGNED %s
4 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-watchos4 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -DUNDERALIGNED %s
5 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm-linux-gnueabi -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions  -DUNDERALIGNED %s
6 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.14 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
7 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios12 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
8 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-tvos12 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
9 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-watchos5 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
10 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm-linux-androideabi -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
11 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64-linux-gnueabi -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
12 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple mipsel-linux-gnu -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
13 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple mips64el-linux-gnu -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
14 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple wasm32-unknown-unknown -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
15 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple wasm64-unknown-unknown -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions %s
16 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.14 -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -Wno-underaligned-exception-object -DNODIAG %s
17 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-windows-msvc -verify -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -DNODIAG %s
19 struct S0 {
20   S0();
21   int m;
22 };
24 struct Overaligned1 {
25   Overaligned1();
26   int __attribute__((aligned(16))) m;
27 };
29 struct __attribute__((aligned(16))) Overaligned2 {
30   Overaligned2();
31   int m;
32 };
34 struct Overaligned3 {
35   Overaligned3();
36   int __attribute__((aligned(64))) m;
37 };
test0()39 void test0() {
40   throw S0();
41 }
test1()43 void test1() {
44   throw Overaligned1();
45 }
test2()47 void test2() {
48   throw Overaligned2();
49 }
test3()51 void test3() {
52   throw Overaligned3();
53 }
55 #if defined(NODIAG)
56 // expected-no-diagnostics
57 #elif defined(UNDERALIGNED)
58 // expected-warning@-14 {{underaligned exception object thrown}}
59 // expected-note@-15 {{(16 bytes) is larger than the supported alignment of C++ exception objects on this target (8 bytes)}}
60 // expected-warning@-12 {{underaligned exception object thrown}}
61 // expected-note@-13 {{(16 bytes) is larger than the supported alignment of C++ exception objects on this target (8 bytes)}}
62 // expected-warning@-10 {{underaligned exception object thrown}}
63 // expected-note@-11 {{(64 bytes) is larger than the supported alignment of C++ exception objects on this target (8 bytes)}}
64 #else
65 // expected-warning@-13 {{underaligned exception object thrown}}
66 // expected-note@-14 {{(64 bytes) is larger than the supported alignment of C++ exception objects on this target (16 bytes)}}
67 #endif