1 //===-- lib/Evaluate/designate.cpp ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "flang/Evaluate/fold-designator.h"
10 #include "flang/Semantics/tools.h"
12 namespace Fortran::evaluate {
16 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
17     const Symbol &symbol, ConstantSubscript which) {
18   if (semantics::IsPointer(symbol) || semantics::IsAllocatable(symbol)) {
19     // A pointer may appear as a DATA statement object if it is the
20     // rightmost symbol in a designator and has no subscripts.
21     // An allocatable may appear if its initializer is NULL().
22     if (which > 0) {
23       isEmpty_ = true;
24     } else {
25       return OffsetSymbol{symbol, symbol.size()};
26     }
27   } else if (symbol.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>() &&
28       !IsNamedConstant(symbol)) {
29     if (auto type{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
30       if (auto bytes{type->MeasureSizeInBytes()}) {
31         if (auto extents{GetConstantExtents(context_, symbol)}) {
32           OffsetSymbol result{symbol, *bytes};
33           auto stride{static_cast<ConstantSubscript>(*bytes)};
34           for (auto extent : *extents) {
35             if (extent == 0) {
36               return std::nullopt;
37             }
38             auto quotient{which / extent};
39             auto remainder{which - extent * quotient};
40             result.Augment(stride * remainder);
41             which = quotient;
42             stride *= extent;
43           }
44           if (which > 0) {
45             isEmpty_ = true;
46           } else {
47             return std::move(result);
48           }
49         }
50       }
51     }
52   }
53   return std::nullopt;
54 }
FoldDesignator(const ArrayRef & x,ConstantSubscript which)56 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
57     const ArrayRef &x, ConstantSubscript which) {
58   const Symbol &array{x.base().GetLastSymbol()};
59   if (auto type{DynamicType::From(array)}) {
60     if (auto bytes{type->MeasureSizeInBytes()}) {
61       if (auto extents{GetConstantExtents(context_, array)}) {
62         Shape lbs{GetLowerBounds(context_, x.base())};
63         if (auto lowerBounds{AsConstantExtents(context_, lbs)}) {
64           std::optional<OffsetSymbol> result;
65           if (!x.base().IsSymbol() &&
66               x.base().GetComponent().base().Rank() > 0) {
67             // A(:)%B(1) - apply elementNumber_ to base
68             result = FoldDesignator(x.base(), which);
69             which = 0;
70           } else { // A(1)%B(:) - apply elementNumber_ to subscripts
71             result = FoldDesignator(x.base(), 0);
72           }
73           if (!result) {
74             return std::nullopt;
75           }
76           auto stride{static_cast<ConstantSubscript>(*bytes)};
77           int dim{0};
78           for (const Subscript &subscript : x.subscript()) {
79             ConstantSubscript lower{lowerBounds->at(dim)};
80             ConstantSubscript extent{extents->at(dim)};
81             ConstantSubscript upper{lower + extent - 1};
82             if (!std::visit(
83                     common::visitors{
84                         [&](const IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr &expr) {
85                           auto folded{
86                               Fold(context_, common::Clone(expr.value()))};
87                           if (auto value{UnwrapConstantValue<SubscriptInteger>(
88                                   folded)}) {
89                             CHECK(value->Rank() <= 1);
90                             if (value->size() != 0) {
91                               // Apply subscript, possibly vector-valued
92                               auto quotient{which / value->size()};
93                               auto remainder{which - value->size() * quotient};
94                               ConstantSubscript at{
95                                   value->values().at(remainder).ToInt64()};
96                               if (at < lower || at > upper) {
97                                 isOutOfRange_ = true;
98                               }
99                               result->Augment((at - lower) * stride);
100                               which = quotient;
101                               return true;
102                             }
103                           }
104                           return false;
105                         },
106                         [&](const Triplet &triplet) {
107                           auto start{ToInt64(Fold(context_,
108                               triplet.lower().value_or(ExtentExpr{lower})))};
109                           auto end{ToInt64(Fold(context_,
110                               triplet.upper().value_or(ExtentExpr{upper})))};
111                           auto step{ToInt64(Fold(context_, triplet.stride()))};
112                           if (start && end && step && *step != 0) {
113                             ConstantSubscript range{
114                                 (*end - *start + *step) / *step};
115                             if (range > 0) {
116                               auto quotient{which / range};
117                               auto remainder{which - range * quotient};
118                               auto j{*start + remainder * *step};
119                               result->Augment((j - lower) * stride);
120                               which = quotient;
121                               return true;
122                             }
123                           }
124                           return false;
125                         },
126                     },
127                     subscript.u)) {
128               return std::nullopt;
129             }
130             ++dim;
131             stride *= extent;
132           }
133           if (which > 0) {
134             isEmpty_ = true;
135           } else {
136             return result;
137           }
138         }
139       }
140     }
141   }
142   return std::nullopt;
143 }
FoldDesignator(const Component & component,ConstantSubscript which)145 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
146     const Component &component, ConstantSubscript which) {
147   const Symbol &comp{component.GetLastSymbol()};
148   const DataRef &base{component.base()};
149   std::optional<OffsetSymbol> result, baseResult;
150   if (base.Rank() == 0) { // A%X(:) - apply "which" to component
151     baseResult = FoldDesignator(base, 0);
152     result = FoldDesignator(comp, which);
153   } else { // A(:)%X - apply "which" to base
154     baseResult = FoldDesignator(base, which);
155     result = FoldDesignator(comp, 0);
156   }
157   if (result && baseResult) {
158     result->set_symbol(baseResult->symbol());
159     result->Augment(baseResult->offset() + comp.offset());
160     return result;
161   } else {
162     return std::nullopt;
163   }
164 }
FoldDesignator(const ComplexPart & z,ConstantSubscript which)166 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
167     const ComplexPart &z, ConstantSubscript which) {
168   if (auto result{FoldDesignator(z.complex(), which)}) {
169     result->set_size(result->size() >> 1);
170     if (z.part() == ComplexPart::Part::IM) {
171       result->Augment(result->size());
172     }
173     return result;
174   } else {
175     return std::nullopt;
176   }
177 }
FoldDesignator(const DataRef & dataRef,ConstantSubscript which)179 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
180     const DataRef &dataRef, ConstantSubscript which) {
181   return std::visit(
182       [&](const auto &x) { return FoldDesignator(x, which); }, dataRef.u);
183 }
FoldDesignator(const NamedEntity & entity,ConstantSubscript which)185 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
186     const NamedEntity &entity, ConstantSubscript which) {
187   return entity.IsSymbol() ? FoldDesignator(entity.GetLastSymbol(), which)
188                            : FoldDesignator(entity.GetComponent(), which);
189 }
FoldDesignator(const CoarrayRef &,ConstantSubscript)191 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
192     const CoarrayRef &, ConstantSubscript) {
193   return std::nullopt;
194 }
FoldDesignator(const ProcedureDesignator & proc,ConstantSubscript which)196 std::optional<OffsetSymbol> DesignatorFolder::FoldDesignator(
197     const ProcedureDesignator &proc, ConstantSubscript which) {
198   if (const Symbol * symbol{proc.GetSymbol()}) {
199     if (const Component * component{proc.GetComponent()}) {
200       return FoldDesignator(*component, which);
201     } else if (which > 0) {
202       isEmpty_ = true;
203     } else {
204       return FoldDesignator(*symbol, 0);
205     }
206   }
207   return std::nullopt;
208 }
210 // Conversions of offset symbols (back) to Designators
212 // Reconstructs subscripts.
213 // "offset" is decremented in place to hold remaining component offset.
OffsetToArrayRef(FoldingContext & context,NamedEntity && entity,const Shape & shape,const DynamicType & elementType,ConstantSubscript & offset)214 static std::optional<ArrayRef> OffsetToArrayRef(FoldingContext &context,
215     NamedEntity &&entity, const Shape &shape, const DynamicType &elementType,
216     ConstantSubscript &offset) {
217   auto extents{AsConstantExtents(context, shape)};
218   Shape lbs{GetLowerBounds(context, entity)};
219   auto lower{AsConstantExtents(context, lbs)};
220   auto elementBytes{elementType.MeasureSizeInBytes()};
221   if (!extents || !lower || !elementBytes || *elementBytes <= 0) {
222     return std::nullopt;
223   }
224   int rank{GetRank(shape)};
225   CHECK(extents->size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(rank) &&
226       lower->size() == extents->size());
227   auto element{offset / *elementBytes};
228   std::vector<Subscript> subscripts;
229   auto at{element};
230   for (int dim{0}; dim + 1 < rank; ++dim) {
231     auto extent{(*extents)[dim]};
232     if (extent <= 0) {
233       return std::nullopt;
234     }
235     auto quotient{at / extent};
236     auto remainder{at - quotient * extent};
237     subscripts.emplace_back(ExtentExpr{(*lower)[dim] + remainder});
238     at = quotient;
239   }
240   // This final subscript might be out of range for use in error reporting.
241   subscripts.emplace_back(ExtentExpr{(*lower)[rank - 1] + at});
242   offset -= element * *elementBytes;
243   return ArrayRef{std::move(entity), std::move(subscripts)};
244 }
246 // Maps an offset back to a component, when unambiguous.
OffsetToUniqueComponent(const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec & spec,ConstantSubscript offset)247 static const Symbol *OffsetToUniqueComponent(
248     const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &spec, ConstantSubscript offset) {
249   const Symbol *result{nullptr};
250   if (const semantics::Scope * scope{spec.scope()}) {
251     for (const auto &pair : *scope) {
252       const Symbol &component{*pair.second};
253       if (offset >= static_cast<ConstantSubscript>(component.offset()) &&
254           offset < static_cast<ConstantSubscript>(
255                        component.offset() + component.size())) {
256         if (result) {
257           return nullptr; // MAP overlap or error recovery
258         }
259         result = &component;
260       }
261     }
262   }
263   return result;
264 }
266 // Converts an offset into subscripts &/or component references.  Recursive.
267 // Any remaining offset is left in place in the "offset" reference argument.
OffsetToDataRef(FoldingContext & context,NamedEntity && entity,ConstantSubscript & offset,std::size_t size)268 static std::optional<DataRef> OffsetToDataRef(FoldingContext &context,
269     NamedEntity &&entity, ConstantSubscript &offset, std::size_t size) {
270   const Symbol &symbol{entity.GetLastSymbol()};
271   if (IsAllocatableOrPointer(symbol)) {
272     return entity.IsSymbol() ? DataRef{symbol}
273                              : DataRef{std::move(entity.GetComponent())};
274   }
275   std::optional<DataRef> result;
276   if (std::optional<DynamicType> type{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
277     if (!type->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
278       if (std::optional<Shape> shape{GetShape(context, symbol)}) {
279         if (GetRank(*shape) > 0) {
280           if (auto aref{OffsetToArrayRef(
281                   context, std::move(entity), *shape, *type, offset)}) {
282             result = DataRef{std::move(*aref)};
283           }
284         } else {
285           result = entity.IsSymbol()
286               ? DataRef{symbol}
287               : DataRef{std::move(entity.GetComponent())};
288         }
289         if (result && type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived &&
290             size < result->GetLastSymbol().size()) {
291           if (const Symbol *
292               component{OffsetToUniqueComponent(
293                   type->GetDerivedTypeSpec(), offset)}) {
294             offset -= component->offset();
295             return OffsetToDataRef(context,
296                 NamedEntity{Component{std::move(*result), *component}}, offset,
297                 size);
298           }
299           result.reset();
300         }
301       }
302     }
303   }
304   return result;
305 }
307 // Reconstructs a Designator from a symbol, an offset, and a size.
OffsetToDesignator(FoldingContext & context,const Symbol & baseSymbol,ConstantSubscript offset,std::size_t size)308 std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> OffsetToDesignator(FoldingContext &context,
309     const Symbol &baseSymbol, ConstantSubscript offset, std::size_t size) {
310   CHECK(offset >= 0);
311   if (std::optional<DataRef> dataRef{
312           OffsetToDataRef(context, NamedEntity{baseSymbol}, offset, size)}) {
313     const Symbol &symbol{dataRef->GetLastSymbol()};
314     if (auto type{DynamicType::From(symbol)}) {
315       if (std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> result{
316               TypedWrapper<Designator>(*type, std::move(*dataRef))}) {
317         if (IsAllocatableOrPointer(symbol)) {
318         } else if (auto elementBytes{type->MeasureSizeInBytes()}) {
319           if (auto *zExpr{std::get_if<Expr<SomeComplex>>(&result->u)}) {
320             if (size * 2 > *elementBytes) {
321               return result;
322             } else if (offset == 0 ||
323                 offset * 2 == static_cast<ConstantSubscript>(*elementBytes)) {
324               // Pick a COMPLEX component
325               auto part{
326                   offset == 0 ? ComplexPart::Part::RE : ComplexPart::Part::IM};
327               return std::visit(
328                   [&](const auto &z) -> std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> {
329                     using PartType = typename ResultType<decltype(z)>::Part;
330                     return AsGenericExpr(Designator<PartType>{ComplexPart{
331                         ExtractDataRef(std::move(*zExpr)).value(), part}});
332                   },
333                   zExpr->u);
334             }
335           } else if (auto *cExpr{
336                          std::get_if<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(&result->u)}) {
337             if (offset > 0 || size != *elementBytes) {
338               // Select a substring
339               return std::visit(
340                   [&](const auto &x) -> std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> {
341                     using T = typename std::decay_t<decltype(x)>::Result;
342                     return AsGenericExpr(Designator<T>{
343                         Substring{ExtractDataRef(std::move(*cExpr)).value(),
344                             std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>{
345                                 1 + (offset / T::kind)},
346                             std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>{
347                                 1 + ((offset + size - 1) / T::kind)}}});
348                   },
349                   cExpr->u);
350             }
351           }
352         }
353         if (offset == 0) {
354           return result;
355         }
356       }
357     }
358   }
359   return std::nullopt;
360 }
OffsetToDesignator(FoldingContext & context,const OffsetSymbol & offsetSymbol)362 std::optional<Expr<SomeType>> OffsetToDesignator(
363     FoldingContext &context, const OffsetSymbol &offsetSymbol) {
364   return OffsetToDesignator(context, offsetSymbol.symbol(),
365       offsetSymbol.offset(), offsetSymbol.size());
366 }
From(FoldingContext & context,const Expr<SomeType> & expr)368 ConstantObjectPointer ConstantObjectPointer::From(
369     FoldingContext &context, const Expr<SomeType> &expr) {
370   auto extents{GetConstantExtents(context, expr)};
371   CHECK(extents);
372   std::size_t elements{TotalElementCount(*extents)};
373   CHECK(elements > 0);
374   int rank{GetRank(*extents)};
375   ConstantSubscripts at(rank, 1);
376   ConstantObjectPointer::Dimensions dimensions(rank);
377   for (int j{0}; j < rank; ++j) {
378     dimensions[j].extent = (*extents)[j];
379   }
380   DesignatorFolder designatorFolder{context};
381   const Symbol *symbol{nullptr};
382   ConstantSubscript baseOffset{0};
383   std::size_t elementSize{0};
384   for (std::size_t j{0}; j < elements; ++j) {
385     auto folded{designatorFolder.FoldDesignator(expr)};
386     CHECK(folded);
387     if (j == 0) {
388       symbol = &folded->symbol();
389       baseOffset = folded->offset();
390       elementSize = folded->size();
391     } else {
392       CHECK(symbol == &folded->symbol());
393       CHECK(elementSize == folded->size());
394     }
395     int twoDim{-1};
396     for (int k{0}; k < rank; ++k) {
397       if (at[k] == 2 && twoDim == -1) {
398         twoDim = k;
399       } else if (at[k] != 1) {
400         twoDim = -2;
401       }
402     }
403     if (twoDim >= 0) {
404       // Exactly one subscript is a 2 and the rest are 1.
405       dimensions[twoDim].byteStride = folded->offset() - baseOffset;
406     }
407     ConstantSubscript checkOffset{baseOffset};
408     for (int k{0}; k < rank; ++k) {
409       checkOffset += (at[k] - 1) * dimensions[twoDim].byteStride;
410     }
411     CHECK(checkOffset == folded->offset());
412     CHECK(IncrementSubscripts(at, *extents) == (j + 1 < elements));
413   }
414   CHECK(!designatorFolder.FoldDesignator(expr));
415   return ConstantObjectPointer{
416       DEREF(symbol), elementSize, std::move(dimensions)};
417 }
418 } // namespace Fortran::evaluate