1 //===- Utils.cpp ---- Utilities for affine dialect transformation ---------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements miscellaneous transformation utilities for the Affine
10 // dialect.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/Utils.h"
15 #include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
16 #include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
17 #include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/IntegerSet.h"
19 #include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
23 using namespace mlir;
25 /// Promotes the `then` or the `else` block of `ifOp` (depending on whether
26 /// `elseBlock` is false or true) into `ifOp`'s containing block, and discards
27 /// the rest of the op.
promoteIfBlock(AffineIfOp ifOp,bool elseBlock)28 static void promoteIfBlock(AffineIfOp ifOp, bool elseBlock) {
29   if (elseBlock)
30     assert(ifOp.hasElse() && "else block expected");
32   Block *destBlock = ifOp.getOperation()->getBlock();
33   Block *srcBlock = elseBlock ? ifOp.getElseBlock() : ifOp.getThenBlock();
34   destBlock->getOperations().splice(
35       Block::iterator(ifOp), srcBlock->getOperations(), srcBlock->begin(),
36       std::prev(srcBlock->end()));
37   ifOp.erase();
38 }
40 /// Returns the outermost affine.for/parallel op that the `ifOp` is invariant
41 /// on. The `ifOp` could be hoisted and placed right before such an operation.
42 /// This method assumes that the ifOp has been canonicalized (to be correct and
43 /// effective).
getOutermostInvariantForOp(AffineIfOp ifOp)44 static Operation *getOutermostInvariantForOp(AffineIfOp ifOp) {
45   // Walk up the parents past all for op that this conditional is invariant on.
46   auto ifOperands = ifOp.getOperands();
47   auto res = ifOp.getOperation();
48   while (!isa<FuncOp>(res->getParentOp())) {
49     auto *parentOp = res->getParentOp();
50     if (auto forOp = dyn_cast<AffineForOp>(parentOp)) {
51       if (llvm::is_contained(ifOperands, forOp.getInductionVar()))
52         break;
53     } else if (auto parallelOp = dyn_cast<AffineParallelOp>(parentOp)) {
54       for (auto iv : parallelOp.getIVs())
55         if (llvm::is_contained(ifOperands, iv))
56           break;
57     } else if (!isa<AffineIfOp>(parentOp)) {
58       // Won't walk up past anything other than affine.for/if ops.
59       break;
60     }
61     // You can always hoist up past any affine.if ops.
62     res = parentOp;
63   }
64   return res;
65 }
67 /// A helper for the mechanics of mlir::hoistAffineIfOp. Hoists `ifOp` just over
68 /// `hoistOverOp`. Returns the new hoisted op if any hoisting happened,
69 /// otherwise the same `ifOp`.
hoistAffineIfOp(AffineIfOp ifOp,Operation * hoistOverOp)70 static AffineIfOp hoistAffineIfOp(AffineIfOp ifOp, Operation *hoistOverOp) {
71   // No hoisting to do.
72   if (hoistOverOp == ifOp)
73     return ifOp;
75   // Create the hoisted 'if' first. Then, clone the op we are hoisting over for
76   // the else block. Then drop the else block of the original 'if' in the 'then'
77   // branch while promoting its then block, and analogously drop the 'then'
78   // block of the original 'if' from the 'else' branch while promoting its else
79   // block.
80   BlockAndValueMapping operandMap;
81   OpBuilder b(hoistOverOp);
82   auto hoistedIfOp = b.create<AffineIfOp>(ifOp.getLoc(), ifOp.getIntegerSet(),
83                                           ifOp.getOperands(),
84                                           /*elseBlock=*/true);
86   // Create a clone of hoistOverOp to use for the else branch of the hoisted
87   // conditional. The else block may get optimized away if empty.
88   Operation *hoistOverOpClone = nullptr;
89   // We use this unique name to identify/find  `ifOp`'s clone in the else
90   // version.
91   Identifier idForIfOp = b.getIdentifier("__mlir_if_hoisting");
92   operandMap.clear();
93   b.setInsertionPointAfter(hoistOverOp);
94   // We'll set an attribute to identify this op in a clone of this sub-tree.
95   ifOp.setAttr(idForIfOp, b.getBoolAttr(true));
96   hoistOverOpClone = b.clone(*hoistOverOp, operandMap);
98   // Promote the 'then' block of the original affine.if in the then version.
99   promoteIfBlock(ifOp, /*elseBlock=*/false);
101   // Move the then version to the hoisted if op's 'then' block.
102   auto *thenBlock = hoistedIfOp.getThenBlock();
103   thenBlock->getOperations().splice(thenBlock->begin(),
104                                     hoistOverOp->getBlock()->getOperations(),
105                                     Block::iterator(hoistOverOp));
107   // Find the clone of the original affine.if op in the else version.
108   AffineIfOp ifCloneInElse;
109   hoistOverOpClone->walk([&](AffineIfOp ifClone) {
110     if (!ifClone.getAttr(idForIfOp))
111       return WalkResult::advance();
112     ifCloneInElse = ifClone;
113     return WalkResult::interrupt();
114   });
115   assert(ifCloneInElse && "if op clone should exist");
116   // For the else block, promote the else block of the original 'if' if it had
117   // one; otherwise, the op itself is to be erased.
118   if (!ifCloneInElse.hasElse())
119     ifCloneInElse.erase();
120   else
121     promoteIfBlock(ifCloneInElse, /*elseBlock=*/true);
123   // Move the else version into the else block of the hoisted if op.
124   auto *elseBlock = hoistedIfOp.getElseBlock();
125   elseBlock->getOperations().splice(
126       elseBlock->begin(), hoistOverOpClone->getBlock()->getOperations(),
127       Block::iterator(hoistOverOpClone));
129   return hoistedIfOp;
130 }
132 /// Replace affine.for with a 1-d affine.parallel and clone the former's body
133 /// into the latter while remapping values.
affineParallelize(AffineForOp forOp)134 void mlir::affineParallelize(AffineForOp forOp) {
135   Location loc = forOp.getLoc();
136   OpBuilder outsideBuilder(forOp);
137   // Creating empty 1-D affine.parallel op.
138   AffineParallelOp newPloop = outsideBuilder.create<AffineParallelOp>(
139       loc, llvm::None, llvm::None, forOp.getLowerBoundMap(),
140       forOp.getLowerBoundOperands(), forOp.getUpperBoundMap(),
141       forOp.getUpperBoundOperands());
142   // Steal the body of the old affine for op and erase it.
143   newPloop.region().takeBody(forOp.region());
144   forOp.erase();
145 }
147 // Returns success if any hoisting happened.
hoistAffineIfOp(AffineIfOp ifOp,bool * folded)148 LogicalResult mlir::hoistAffineIfOp(AffineIfOp ifOp, bool *folded) {
149   // Bail out early if the ifOp returns a result.  TODO: Consider how to
150   // properly support this case.
151   if (ifOp.getNumResults() != 0)
152     return failure();
154   // Apply canonicalization patterns and folding - this is necessary for the
155   // hoisting check to be correct (operands should be composed), and to be more
156   // effective (no unused operands). Since the pattern rewriter's folding is
157   // entangled with application of patterns, we may fold/end up erasing the op,
158   // in which case we return with `folded` being set.
159   OwningRewritePatternList patterns;
160   AffineIfOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(patterns, ifOp.getContext());
161   bool erased;
162   applyOpPatternsAndFold(ifOp, patterns, &erased);
163   if (erased) {
164     if (folded)
165       *folded = true;
166     return failure();
167   }
168   if (folded)
169     *folded = false;
171   // The folding above should have ensured this, but the affine.if's
172   // canonicalization is missing composition of affine.applys into it.
173   assert(llvm::all_of(ifOp.getOperands(),
174                       [](Value v) {
175                         return isTopLevelValue(v) || isForInductionVar(v);
176                       }) &&
177          "operands not composed");
179   // We are going hoist as high as possible.
180   // TODO: this could be customized in the future.
181   auto *hoistOverOp = getOutermostInvariantForOp(ifOp);
183   AffineIfOp hoistedIfOp = ::hoistAffineIfOp(ifOp, hoistOverOp);
184   // Nothing to hoist over.
185   if (hoistedIfOp == ifOp)
186     return failure();
188   // Canonicalize to remove dead else blocks (happens whenever an 'if' moves up
189   // a sequence of affine.fors that are all perfectly nested).
190   applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(
191       hoistedIfOp.getParentWithTrait<OpTrait::IsIsolatedFromAbove>(),
192       std::move(patterns));
194   return success();
195 }