1 //===--- IncludeFixer.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "IncludeFixer.h"
10 #include "AST.h"
11 #include "Diagnostics.h"
12 #include "SourceCode.h"
13 #include "index/Index.h"
14 #include "index/Symbol.h"
15 #include "support/Logger.h"
16 #include "support/Trace.h"
17 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
18 #include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
19 #include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
20 #include "clang/AST/NestedNameSpecifier.h"
21 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
22 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
23 #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticSema.h"
24 #include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
25 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
26 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
27 #include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
28 #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
29 #include "clang/Sema/DeclSpec.h"
30 #include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
31 #include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
32 #include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
33 #include "clang/Sema/TypoCorrection.h"
34 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
35 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
36 #include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
37 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
38 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
39 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
40 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
43 #include <algorithm>
44 #include <set>
45 #include <string>
46 #include <vector>
48 namespace clang {
49 namespace clangd {
fix(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,const clang::Diagnostic & Info) const51 std::vector<Fix> IncludeFixer::fix(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
52                                    const clang::Diagnostic &Info) const {
53   switch (Info.getID()) {
54   case diag::err_incomplete_nested_name_spec:
55   case diag::err_incomplete_base_class:
56   case diag::err_incomplete_member_access:
57   case diag::err_incomplete_type:
58   case diag::err_typecheck_decl_incomplete_type:
59   case diag::err_typecheck_incomplete_tag:
60   case diag::err_invalid_incomplete_type_use:
61   case diag::err_sizeof_alignof_incomplete_or_sizeless_type:
62   case diag::err_for_range_incomplete_type:
63   case diag::err_func_def_incomplete_result:
64   case diag::err_field_incomplete_or_sizeless:
65     // Incomplete type diagnostics should have a QualType argument for the
66     // incomplete type.
67     for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < Info.getNumArgs(); ++Idx) {
68       if (Info.getArgKind(Idx) == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype) {
69         auto QT = QualType::getFromOpaquePtr((void *)Info.getRawArg(Idx));
70         if (const Type *T = QT.getTypePtrOrNull())
71           if (T->isIncompleteType())
72             return fixIncompleteType(*T);
73       }
74     }
75     break;
76   case diag::err_unknown_typename:
77   case diag::err_unknown_typename_suggest:
78   case diag::err_typename_nested_not_found:
79   case diag::err_no_template:
80   case diag::err_no_template_suggest:
81   case diag::err_undeclared_use:
82   case diag::err_undeclared_use_suggest:
83   case diag::err_undeclared_var_use:
84   case diag::err_undeclared_var_use_suggest:
85   case diag::err_no_member: // Could be no member in namespace.
86   case diag::err_no_member_suggest:
87   case diag::err_no_member_template:
88   case diag::err_no_member_template_suggest:
89     if (LastUnresolvedName) {
90       // Try to fix unresolved name caused by missing declaration.
91       // E.g.
92       //   clang::SourceManager SM;
93       //          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
94       //          UnresolvedName
95       //   or
96       //   namespace clang {  SourceManager SM; }
97       //                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
98       //                      UnresolvedName
99       // We only attempt to recover a diagnostic if it has the same location as
100       // the last seen unresolved name.
101       if (DiagLevel >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error &&
102           LastUnresolvedName->Loc == Info.getLocation())
103         return fixUnresolvedName();
104     }
105   }
106   return {};
107 }
fixIncompleteType(const Type & T) const109 std::vector<Fix> IncludeFixer::fixIncompleteType(const Type &T) const {
110   // Only handle incomplete TagDecl type.
111   const TagDecl *TD = T.getAsTagDecl();
112   if (!TD)
113     return {};
114   std::string TypeName = printQualifiedName(*TD);
115   trace::Span Tracer("Fix include for incomplete type");
116   SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "type", TypeName);
117   vlog("Trying to fix include for incomplete type {0}", TypeName);
119   auto ID = getSymbolID(TD);
120   if (!ID)
121     return {};
122   llvm::Optional<const SymbolSlab *> Symbols = lookupCached(ID);
123   if (!Symbols)
124     return {};
125   const SymbolSlab &Syms = **Symbols;
126   std::vector<Fix> Fixes;
127   if (!Syms.empty()) {
128     auto &Matched = *Syms.begin();
129     if (!Matched.IncludeHeaders.empty() && Matched.Definition &&
130         Matched.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI == Matched.Definition.FileURI)
131       Fixes = fixesForSymbols(Syms);
132   }
133   return Fixes;
134 }
fixesForSymbols(const SymbolSlab & Syms) const136 std::vector<Fix> IncludeFixer::fixesForSymbols(const SymbolSlab &Syms) const {
137   auto Inserted = [&](const Symbol &Sym, llvm::StringRef Header)
138       -> llvm::Expected<std::pair<std::string, bool>> {
139     auto ResolvedDeclaring =
140         URI::resolve(Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI, File);
141     if (!ResolvedDeclaring)
142       return ResolvedDeclaring.takeError();
143     auto ResolvedInserted = toHeaderFile(Header, File);
144     if (!ResolvedInserted)
145       return ResolvedInserted.takeError();
146     auto Spelled = Inserter->calculateIncludePath(*ResolvedInserted, File);
147     if (!Spelled)
148       return error("Header not on include path");
149     return std::make_pair(
150         std::move(*Spelled),
151         Inserter->shouldInsertInclude(*ResolvedDeclaring, *ResolvedInserted));
152   };
154   std::vector<Fix> Fixes;
155   // Deduplicate fixes by include headers. This doesn't distinguish symbols in
156   // different scopes from the same header, but this case should be rare and is
157   // thus ignored.
158   llvm::StringSet<> InsertedHeaders;
159   for (const auto &Sym : Syms) {
160     for (const auto &Inc : getRankedIncludes(Sym)) {
161       if (auto ToInclude = Inserted(Sym, Inc)) {
162         if (ToInclude->second) {
163           auto I = InsertedHeaders.try_emplace(ToInclude->first);
164           if (!I.second)
165             continue;
166           if (auto Edit = Inserter->insert(ToInclude->first))
167             Fixes.push_back(Fix{std::string(llvm::formatv(
168                                     "Add include {0} for symbol {1}{2}",
169                                     ToInclude->first, Sym.Scope, Sym.Name)),
170                                 {std::move(*Edit)}});
171         }
172       } else {
173         vlog("Failed to calculate include insertion for {0} into {1}: {2}", Inc,
174              File, ToInclude.takeError());
175       }
176     }
177   }
178   return Fixes;
179 }
181 // Returns the identifiers qualified by an unresolved name. \p Loc is the
182 // start location of the unresolved name. For the example below, this returns
183 // "::X::Y" that is qualified by unresolved name "clangd":
184 //     clang::clangd::X::Y
185 //            ~
qualifiedByUnresolved(const SourceManager & SM,SourceLocation Loc,const LangOptions & LangOpts)186 llvm::Optional<std::string> qualifiedByUnresolved(const SourceManager &SM,
187                                                   SourceLocation Loc,
188                                                   const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
189   std::string Result;
191   SourceLocation NextLoc = Loc;
192   while (auto CCTok = Lexer::findNextToken(NextLoc, SM, LangOpts)) {
193     if (!CCTok->is(tok::coloncolon))
194       break;
195     auto IDTok = Lexer::findNextToken(CCTok->getLocation(), SM, LangOpts);
196     if (!IDTok || !IDTok->is(tok::raw_identifier))
197       break;
198     Result.append(("::" + IDTok->getRawIdentifier()).str());
199     NextLoc = IDTok->getLocation();
200   }
201   if (Result.empty())
202     return llvm::None;
203   return Result;
204 }
206 // An unresolved name and its scope information that can be extracted cheaply.
207 struct CheapUnresolvedName {
208   std::string Name;
209   // This is the part of what was typed that was resolved, and it's in its
210   // resolved form not its typed form (think `namespace clang { clangd::x }` -->
211   // `clang::clangd::`).
212   llvm::Optional<std::string> ResolvedScope;
214   // Unresolved part of the scope. When the unresolved name is a specifier, we
215   // use the name that comes after it as the alternative name to resolve and use
216   // the specifier as the extra scope in the accessible scopes.
217   llvm::Optional<std::string> UnresolvedScope;
218 };
220 // Extracts unresolved name and scope information around \p Unresolved.
221 // FIXME: try to merge this with the scope-wrangling code in CodeComplete.
extractUnresolvedNameCheaply(const SourceManager & SM,const DeclarationNameInfo & Unresolved,CXXScopeSpec * SS,const LangOptions & LangOpts,bool UnresolvedIsSpecifier)222 llvm::Optional<CheapUnresolvedName> extractUnresolvedNameCheaply(
223     const SourceManager &SM, const DeclarationNameInfo &Unresolved,
224     CXXScopeSpec *SS, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool UnresolvedIsSpecifier) {
225   bool Invalid = false;
226   llvm::StringRef Code = SM.getBufferData(
227       SM.getDecomposedLoc(Unresolved.getBeginLoc()).first, &Invalid);
228   if (Invalid)
229     return llvm::None;
230   CheapUnresolvedName Result;
231   Result.Name = Unresolved.getAsString();
232   if (SS && SS->isNotEmpty()) { // "::" or "ns::"
233     if (auto *Nested = SS->getScopeRep()) {
234       if (Nested->getKind() == NestedNameSpecifier::Global)
235         Result.ResolvedScope = "";
236       else if (const auto *NS = Nested->getAsNamespace()) {
237         auto SpecifiedNS = printNamespaceScope(*NS);
239         // Check the specifier spelled in the source.
240         // If the resolved scope doesn't end with the spelled scope. The
241         // resolved scope can come from a sema typo correction. For example,
242         // sema assumes that "clangd::" is a typo of "clang::" and uses
243         // "clang::" as the specified scope in:
244         //     namespace clang { clangd::X; }
245         // In this case, we use the "typo" specifier as extra scope instead
246         // of using the scope assumed by sema.
247         auto B = SM.getFileOffset(SS->getBeginLoc());
248         auto E = SM.getFileOffset(SS->getEndLoc());
249         std::string Spelling = (Code.substr(B, E - B) + "::").str();
250         if (llvm::StringRef(SpecifiedNS).endswith(Spelling))
251           Result.ResolvedScope = SpecifiedNS;
252         else
253           Result.UnresolvedScope = Spelling;
254       } else if (const auto *ANS = Nested->getAsNamespaceAlias()) {
255         Result.ResolvedScope = printNamespaceScope(*ANS->getNamespace());
256       } else {
257         // We don't fix symbols in scopes that are not top-level e.g. class
258         // members, as we don't collect includes for them.
259         return llvm::None;
260       }
261     }
262   }
264   if (UnresolvedIsSpecifier) {
265     // If the unresolved name is a specifier e.g.
266     //      clang::clangd::X
267     //             ~~~~~~
268     // We try to resolve clang::clangd::X instead of clang::clangd.
269     // FIXME: We won't be able to fix include if the specifier is what we
270     // should resolve (e.g. it's a class scope specifier). Collecting include
271     // headers for nested types could make this work.
273     // Not using the end location as it doesn't always point to the end of
274     // identifier.
275     if (auto QualifiedByUnresolved =
276             qualifiedByUnresolved(SM, Unresolved.getBeginLoc(), LangOpts)) {
277       auto Split = splitQualifiedName(*QualifiedByUnresolved);
278       if (!Result.UnresolvedScope)
279         Result.UnresolvedScope.emplace();
280       // If UnresolvedSpecifiedScope is already set, we simply append the
281       // extra scope. Suppose the unresolved name is "index" in the following
282       // example:
283       //   namespace clang {  clangd::index::X; }
284       //                      ~~~~~~  ~~~~~
285       // "clangd::" is assumed to be clang:: by Sema, and we would have used
286       // it as extra scope. With "index" being a specifier, we append "index::"
287       // to the extra scope.
288       Result.UnresolvedScope->append((Result.Name + Split.first).str());
289       Result.Name = std::string(Split.second);
290     }
291   }
292   return Result;
293 }
295 /// Returns all namespace scopes that the unqualified lookup would visit.
296 std::vector<std::string>
collectAccessibleScopes(Sema & Sem,const DeclarationNameInfo & Typo,Scope * S,Sema::LookupNameKind LookupKind)297 collectAccessibleScopes(Sema &Sem, const DeclarationNameInfo &Typo, Scope *S,
298                         Sema::LookupNameKind LookupKind) {
299   // Collects contexts visited during a Sema name lookup.
300   struct VisitedContextCollector : public VisibleDeclConsumer {
301     VisitedContextCollector(std::vector<std::string> &Out) : Out(Out) {}
302     void EnteredContext(DeclContext *Ctx) override {
303       if (llvm::isa<NamespaceDecl>(Ctx))
304         Out.push_back(printNamespaceScope(*Ctx));
305     }
306     void FoundDecl(NamedDecl *ND, NamedDecl *Hiding, DeclContext *Ctx,
307                    bool InBaseClass) override {}
308     std::vector<std::string> &Out;
309   };
311   std::vector<std::string> Scopes;
312   Scopes.push_back("");
313   VisitedContextCollector Collector(Scopes);
314   Sem.LookupVisibleDecls(S, LookupKind, Collector,
315                          /*IncludeGlobalScope=*/false,
316                          /*LoadExternal=*/false);
317   std::sort(Scopes.begin(), Scopes.end());
318   Scopes.erase(std::unique(Scopes.begin(), Scopes.end()), Scopes.end());
319   return Scopes;
320 }
322 class IncludeFixer::UnresolvedNameRecorder : public ExternalSemaSource {
323 public:
UnresolvedNameRecorder(llvm::Optional<UnresolvedName> & LastUnresolvedName)324   UnresolvedNameRecorder(llvm::Optional<UnresolvedName> &LastUnresolvedName)
325       : LastUnresolvedName(LastUnresolvedName) {}
InitializeSema(Sema & S)327   void InitializeSema(Sema &S) override { this->SemaPtr = &S; }
329   // Captures the latest typo and treat it as an unresolved name that can
330   // potentially be fixed by adding #includes.
CorrectTypo(const DeclarationNameInfo & Typo,int LookupKind,Scope * S,CXXScopeSpec * SS,CorrectionCandidateCallback & CCC,DeclContext * MemberContext,bool EnteringContext,const ObjCObjectPointerType * OPT)331   TypoCorrection CorrectTypo(const DeclarationNameInfo &Typo, int LookupKind,
332                              Scope *S, CXXScopeSpec *SS,
333                              CorrectionCandidateCallback &CCC,
334                              DeclContext *MemberContext, bool EnteringContext,
335                              const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT) override {
336     assert(SemaPtr && "Sema must have been set.");
337     if (SemaPtr->isSFINAEContext())
338       return TypoCorrection();
339     if (!isInsideMainFile(Typo.getLoc(), SemaPtr->SourceMgr))
340       return clang::TypoCorrection();
342     auto Extracted = extractUnresolvedNameCheaply(
343         SemaPtr->SourceMgr, Typo, SS, SemaPtr->LangOpts,
344         static_cast<Sema::LookupNameKind>(LookupKind) ==
345             Sema::LookupNameKind::LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
346     if (!Extracted)
347       return TypoCorrection();
349     UnresolvedName Unresolved;
350     Unresolved.Name = Extracted->Name;
351     Unresolved.Loc = Typo.getBeginLoc();
352     if (!Extracted->ResolvedScope && !S) // Give up if no scope available.
353       return TypoCorrection();
355     if (Extracted->ResolvedScope)
356       Unresolved.Scopes.push_back(*Extracted->ResolvedScope);
357     else // no qualifier or qualifier is unresolved.
358       Unresolved.Scopes = collectAccessibleScopes(
359           *SemaPtr, Typo, S, static_cast<Sema::LookupNameKind>(LookupKind));
361     if (Extracted->UnresolvedScope) {
362       for (std::string &Scope : Unresolved.Scopes)
363         Scope += *Extracted->UnresolvedScope;
364     }
366     LastUnresolvedName = std::move(Unresolved);
368     // Never return a valid correction to try to recover. Our suggested fixes
369     // always require a rebuild.
370     return TypoCorrection();
371   }
373 private:
374   Sema *SemaPtr = nullptr;
376   llvm::Optional<UnresolvedName> &LastUnresolvedName;
377 };
379 llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<ExternalSemaSource>
unresolvedNameRecorder()380 IncludeFixer::unresolvedNameRecorder() {
381   return new UnresolvedNameRecorder(LastUnresolvedName);
382 }
fixUnresolvedName() const384 std::vector<Fix> IncludeFixer::fixUnresolvedName() const {
385   assert(LastUnresolvedName.hasValue());
386   auto &Unresolved = *LastUnresolvedName;
387   vlog("Trying to fix unresolved name \"{0}\" in scopes: [{1}]",
388        Unresolved.Name, llvm::join(Unresolved.Scopes, ", "));
390   FuzzyFindRequest Req;
391   Req.AnyScope = false;
392   Req.Query = Unresolved.Name;
393   Req.Scopes = Unresolved.Scopes;
394   Req.RestrictForCodeCompletion = true;
395   Req.Limit = 100;
397   if (llvm::Optional<const SymbolSlab *> Syms = fuzzyFindCached(Req))
398     return fixesForSymbols(**Syms);
400   return {};
401 }
403 llvm::Optional<const SymbolSlab *>
fuzzyFindCached(const FuzzyFindRequest & Req) const404 IncludeFixer::fuzzyFindCached(const FuzzyFindRequest &Req) const {
405   auto ReqStr = llvm::formatv("{0}", toJSON(Req)).str();
406   auto I = FuzzyFindCache.find(ReqStr);
407   if (I != FuzzyFindCache.end())
408     return &I->second;
410   if (IndexRequestCount >= IndexRequestLimit)
411     return llvm::None;
412   IndexRequestCount++;
414   SymbolSlab::Builder Matches;
415   Index.fuzzyFind(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) {
416     if (Sym.Name != Req.Query)
417       return;
418     if (!Sym.IncludeHeaders.empty())
419       Matches.insert(Sym);
420   });
421   auto Syms = std::move(Matches).build();
422   auto E = FuzzyFindCache.try_emplace(ReqStr, std::move(Syms));
423   return &E.first->second;
424 }
426 llvm::Optional<const SymbolSlab *>
lookupCached(const SymbolID & ID) const427 IncludeFixer::lookupCached(const SymbolID &ID) const {
428   LookupRequest Req;
429   Req.IDs.insert(ID);
431   auto I = LookupCache.find(ID);
432   if (I != LookupCache.end())
433     return &I->second;
435   if (IndexRequestCount >= IndexRequestLimit)
436     return llvm::None;
437   IndexRequestCount++;
439   // FIXME: consider batching the requests for all diagnostics.
440   SymbolSlab::Builder Matches;
441   Index.lookup(Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) { Matches.insert(Sym); });
442   auto Syms = std::move(Matches).build();
444   std::vector<Fix> Fixes;
445   if (!Syms.empty()) {
446     auto &Matched = *Syms.begin();
447     if (!Matched.IncludeHeaders.empty() && Matched.Definition &&
448         Matched.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI == Matched.Definition.FileURI)
449       Fixes = fixesForSymbols(Syms);
450   }
451   auto E = LookupCache.try_emplace(ID, std::move(Syms));
452   return &E.first->second;
453 }
455 } // namespace clangd
456 } // namespace clang