1 //===-ThinLTOCodeGenerator.cpp - LLVM Link Time Optimizer -----------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements the Thin Link Time Optimization library. This library is
10 // intended to be used by linker to optimize code at link time.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "llvm/LTO/legacy/ThinLTOCodeGenerator.h"
15 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
19 #include "llvm/Analysis/ModuleSummaryAnalysis.h"
20 #include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileSummaryInfo.h"
21 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
22 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
23 #include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeReader.h"
24 #include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriter.h"
25 #include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriterPass.h"
26 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
27 #include "llvm/IR/DebugInfo.h"
28 #include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticPrinter.h"
29 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
30 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
31 #include "llvm/IR/Mangler.h"
32 #include "llvm/IR/PassTimingInfo.h"
33 #include "llvm/IR/RemarkStreamer.h"
34 #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
35 #include "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h"
36 #include "llvm/LTO/LTO.h"
37 #include "llvm/LTO/SummaryBasedOptimizations.h"
38 #include "llvm/MC/SubtargetFeature.h"
39 #include "llvm/Object/IRObjectFile.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/CachePruning.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/SHA1.h"
46 #include "llvm/Support/SmallVectorMemoryBuffer.h"
47 #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
48 #include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h"
49 #include "llvm/Support/Threading.h"
50 #include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
51 #include "llvm/Support/VCSRevision.h"
52 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
53 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
54 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/FunctionImport.h"
55 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/Internalize.h"
56 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
57 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.h"
58 #include "llvm/Transforms/ObjCARC.h"
59 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/FunctionImportUtils.h"
61 #include <numeric>
63 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
64 #include <unistd.h>
65 #else
66 #include <io.h>
67 #endif
69 using namespace llvm;
71 #define DEBUG_TYPE "thinlto"
73 namespace llvm {
74 // Flags -discard-value-names, defined in LTOCodeGenerator.cpp
75 extern cl::opt<bool> LTODiscardValueNames;
76 extern cl::opt<std::string> RemarksFilename;
77 extern cl::opt<std::string> RemarksPasses;
78 extern cl::opt<bool> RemarksWithHotness;
79 extern cl::opt<std::string> RemarksFormat;
80 }
82 namespace {
84 static cl::opt<int>
85     ThreadCount("threads", cl::init(llvm::heavyweight_hardware_concurrency()));
87 // Simple helper to save temporary files for debug.
saveTempBitcode(const Module & TheModule,StringRef TempDir,unsigned count,StringRef Suffix)88 static void saveTempBitcode(const Module &TheModule, StringRef TempDir,
89                             unsigned count, StringRef Suffix) {
90   if (TempDir.empty())
91     return;
92   // User asked to save temps, let dump the bitcode file after import.
93   std::string SaveTempPath = (TempDir + llvm::Twine(count) + Suffix).str();
94   std::error_code EC;
95   raw_fd_ostream OS(SaveTempPath, EC, sys::fs::OF_None);
96   if (EC)
97     report_fatal_error(Twine("Failed to open ") + SaveTempPath +
98                        " to save optimized bitcode\n");
99   WriteBitcodeToFile(TheModule, OS, /* ShouldPreserveUseListOrder */ true);
100 }
102 static const GlobalValueSummary *
getFirstDefinitionForLinker(const GlobalValueSummaryList & GVSummaryList)103 getFirstDefinitionForLinker(const GlobalValueSummaryList &GVSummaryList) {
104   // If there is any strong definition anywhere, get it.
105   auto StrongDefForLinker = llvm::find_if(
106       GVSummaryList, [](const std::unique_ptr<GlobalValueSummary> &Summary) {
107         auto Linkage = Summary->linkage();
108         return !GlobalValue::isAvailableExternallyLinkage(Linkage) &&
109                !GlobalValue::isWeakForLinker(Linkage);
110       });
111   if (StrongDefForLinker != GVSummaryList.end())
112     return StrongDefForLinker->get();
113   // Get the first *linker visible* definition for this global in the summary
114   // list.
115   auto FirstDefForLinker = llvm::find_if(
116       GVSummaryList, [](const std::unique_ptr<GlobalValueSummary> &Summary) {
117         auto Linkage = Summary->linkage();
118         return !GlobalValue::isAvailableExternallyLinkage(Linkage);
119       });
120   // Extern templates can be emitted as available_externally.
121   if (FirstDefForLinker == GVSummaryList.end())
122     return nullptr;
123   return FirstDefForLinker->get();
124 }
126 // Populate map of GUID to the prevailing copy for any multiply defined
127 // symbols. Currently assume first copy is prevailing, or any strong
128 // definition. Can be refined with Linker information in the future.
computePrevailingCopies(const ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID,const GlobalValueSummary * > & PrevailingCopy)129 static void computePrevailingCopies(
130     const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
131     DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *> &PrevailingCopy) {
132   auto HasMultipleCopies = [&](const GlobalValueSummaryList &GVSummaryList) {
133     return GVSummaryList.size() > 1;
134   };
136   for (auto &I : Index) {
137     if (HasMultipleCopies(I.second.SummaryList))
138       PrevailingCopy[I.first] =
139           getFirstDefinitionForLinker(I.second.SummaryList);
140   }
141 }
143 static StringMap<lto::InputFile *>
generateModuleMap(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<lto::InputFile>> & Modules)144 generateModuleMap(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<lto::InputFile>> &Modules) {
145   StringMap<lto::InputFile *> ModuleMap;
146   for (auto &M : Modules) {
147     assert(ModuleMap.find(M->getName()) == ModuleMap.end() &&
148            "Expect unique Buffer Identifier");
149     ModuleMap[M->getName()] = M.get();
150   }
151   return ModuleMap;
152 }
promoteModule(Module & TheModule,const ModuleSummaryIndex & Index)154 static void promoteModule(Module &TheModule, const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index) {
155   if (renameModuleForThinLTO(TheModule, Index))
156     report_fatal_error("renameModuleForThinLTO failed");
157 }
159 namespace {
160 class ThinLTODiagnosticInfo : public DiagnosticInfo {
161   const Twine &Msg;
162 public:
ThinLTODiagnosticInfo(const Twine & DiagMsg,DiagnosticSeverity Severity=DS_Error)163   ThinLTODiagnosticInfo(const Twine &DiagMsg,
164                         DiagnosticSeverity Severity = DS_Error)
165       : DiagnosticInfo(DK_Linker, Severity), Msg(DiagMsg) {}
print(DiagnosticPrinter & DP) const166   void print(DiagnosticPrinter &DP) const override { DP << Msg; }
167 };
168 }
170 /// Verify the module and strip broken debug info.
verifyLoadedModule(Module & TheModule)171 static void verifyLoadedModule(Module &TheModule) {
172   bool BrokenDebugInfo = false;
173   if (verifyModule(TheModule, &dbgs(), &BrokenDebugInfo))
174     report_fatal_error("Broken module found, compilation aborted!");
175   if (BrokenDebugInfo) {
176     TheModule.getContext().diagnose(ThinLTODiagnosticInfo(
177         "Invalid debug info found, debug info will be stripped", DS_Warning));
178     StripDebugInfo(TheModule);
179   }
180 }
loadModuleFromInput(lto::InputFile * Input,LLVMContext & Context,bool Lazy,bool IsImporting)182 static std::unique_ptr<Module> loadModuleFromInput(lto::InputFile *Input,
183                                                    LLVMContext &Context,
184                                                    bool Lazy,
185                                                    bool IsImporting) {
186   auto &Mod = Input->getSingleBitcodeModule();
187   SMDiagnostic Err;
188   Expected<std::unique_ptr<Module>> ModuleOrErr =
189       Lazy ? Mod.getLazyModule(Context,
190                                /* ShouldLazyLoadMetadata */ true, IsImporting)
191            : Mod.parseModule(Context);
192   if (!ModuleOrErr) {
193     handleAllErrors(ModuleOrErr.takeError(), [&](ErrorInfoBase &EIB) {
194       SMDiagnostic Err = SMDiagnostic(Mod.getModuleIdentifier(),
195                                       SourceMgr::DK_Error, EIB.message());
196       Err.print("ThinLTO", errs());
197     });
198     report_fatal_error("Can't load module, abort.");
199   }
200   if (!Lazy)
201     verifyLoadedModule(*ModuleOrErr.get());
202   return std::move(*ModuleOrErr);
203 }
205 static void
crossImportIntoModule(Module & TheModule,const ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,StringMap<lto::InputFile * > & ModuleMap,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList)206 crossImportIntoModule(Module &TheModule, const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
207                       StringMap<lto::InputFile*> &ModuleMap,
208                       const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList) {
209   auto Loader = [&](StringRef Identifier) {
210     auto &Input = ModuleMap[Identifier];
211     return loadModuleFromInput(Input, TheModule.getContext(),
212                                /*Lazy=*/true, /*IsImporting*/ true);
213   };
215   FunctionImporter Importer(Index, Loader);
216   Expected<bool> Result = Importer.importFunctions(TheModule, ImportList);
217   if (!Result) {
218     handleAllErrors(Result.takeError(), [&](ErrorInfoBase &EIB) {
219       SMDiagnostic Err = SMDiagnostic(TheModule.getModuleIdentifier(),
220                                       SourceMgr::DK_Error, EIB.message());
221       Err.print("ThinLTO", errs());
222     });
223     report_fatal_error("importFunctions failed");
224   }
225   // Verify again after cross-importing.
226   verifyLoadedModule(TheModule);
227 }
optimizeModule(Module & TheModule,TargetMachine & TM,unsigned OptLevel,bool Freestanding,ModuleSummaryIndex * Index)229 static void optimizeModule(Module &TheModule, TargetMachine &TM,
230                            unsigned OptLevel, bool Freestanding,
231                            ModuleSummaryIndex *Index) {
232   // Populate the PassManager
233   PassManagerBuilder PMB;
234   PMB.LibraryInfo = new TargetLibraryInfoImpl(TM.getTargetTriple());
235   if (Freestanding)
236     PMB.LibraryInfo->disableAllFunctions();
237   PMB.Inliner = createFunctionInliningPass();
238   // FIXME: should get it from the bitcode?
239   PMB.OptLevel = OptLevel;
240   PMB.LoopVectorize = true;
241   PMB.SLPVectorize = true;
242   // Already did this in verifyLoadedModule().
243   PMB.VerifyInput = false;
244   PMB.VerifyOutput = false;
245   PMB.ImportSummary = Index;
247   legacy::PassManager PM;
249   // Add the TTI (required to inform the vectorizer about register size for
250   // instance)
251   PM.add(createTargetTransformInfoWrapperPass(TM.getTargetIRAnalysis()));
253   // Add optimizations
254   PMB.populateThinLTOPassManager(PM);
256   PM.run(TheModule);
257 }
259 static void
addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(const lto::InputFile & File,DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> & PreservedGUID)260 addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(const lto::InputFile &File,
261                              DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &PreservedGUID) {
262   for (const auto &Sym : File.symbols()) {
263     if (Sym.isUsed())
264       PreservedGUID.insert(GlobalValue::getGUID(Sym.getIRName()));
265   }
266 }
268 // Convert the PreservedSymbols map from "Name" based to "GUID" based.
269 static DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID>
computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(const StringSet<> & PreservedSymbols,const Triple & TheTriple)270 computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(const StringSet<> &PreservedSymbols,
271                             const Triple &TheTriple) {
272   DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> GUIDPreservedSymbols(PreservedSymbols.size());
273   for (auto &Entry : PreservedSymbols) {
274     StringRef Name = Entry.first();
275     if (TheTriple.isOSBinFormatMachO() && Name.size() > 0 && Name[0] == '_')
276       Name = Name.drop_front();
277     GUIDPreservedSymbols.insert(GlobalValue::getGUID(Name));
278   }
279   return GUIDPreservedSymbols;
280 }
codegenModule(Module & TheModule,TargetMachine & TM)282 std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> codegenModule(Module &TheModule,
283                                             TargetMachine &TM) {
284   SmallVector<char, 128> OutputBuffer;
286   // CodeGen
287   {
288     raw_svector_ostream OS(OutputBuffer);
289     legacy::PassManager PM;
291     // If the bitcode files contain ARC code and were compiled with optimization,
292     // the ObjCARCContractPass must be run, so do it unconditionally here.
293     PM.add(createObjCARCContractPass());
295     // Setup the codegen now.
296     if (TM.addPassesToEmitFile(PM, OS, nullptr, CGFT_ObjectFile,
297                                /* DisableVerify */ true))
298       report_fatal_error("Failed to setup codegen");
300     // Run codegen now. resulting binary is in OutputBuffer.
301     PM.run(TheModule);
302   }
303   return std::make_unique<SmallVectorMemoryBuffer>(std::move(OutputBuffer));
304 }
306 /// Manage caching for a single Module.
307 class ModuleCacheEntry {
308   SmallString<128> EntryPath;
310 public:
311   // Create a cache entry. This compute a unique hash for the Module considering
312   // the current list of export/import, and offer an interface to query to
313   // access the content in the cache.
ModuleCacheEntry(StringRef CachePath,const ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,StringRef ModuleID,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList,const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy & ExportList,const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> & ResolvedODR,const GVSummaryMapTy & DefinedGVSummaries,unsigned OptLevel,bool Freestanding,const TargetMachineBuilder & TMBuilder)314   ModuleCacheEntry(
315       StringRef CachePath, const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index, StringRef ModuleID,
316       const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
317       const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
318       const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> &ResolvedODR,
319       const GVSummaryMapTy &DefinedGVSummaries, unsigned OptLevel,
320       bool Freestanding, const TargetMachineBuilder &TMBuilder) {
321     if (CachePath.empty())
322       return;
324     if (!Index.modulePaths().count(ModuleID))
325       // The module does not have an entry, it can't have a hash at all
326       return;
328     if (all_of(Index.getModuleHash(ModuleID),
329                [](uint32_t V) { return V == 0; }))
330       // No hash entry, no caching!
331       return;
333     llvm::lto::Config Conf;
334     Conf.OptLevel = OptLevel;
335     Conf.Options = TMBuilder.Options;
336     Conf.CPU = TMBuilder.MCpu;
337     Conf.MAttrs.push_back(TMBuilder.MAttr);
338     Conf.RelocModel = TMBuilder.RelocModel;
339     Conf.CGOptLevel = TMBuilder.CGOptLevel;
340     Conf.Freestanding = Freestanding;
341     SmallString<40> Key;
342     computeLTOCacheKey(Key, Conf, Index, ModuleID, ImportList, ExportList,
343                        ResolvedODR, DefinedGVSummaries);
345     // This choice of file name allows the cache to be pruned (see pruneCache()
346     // in include/llvm/Support/CachePruning.h).
347     sys::path::append(EntryPath, CachePath, "llvmcache-" + Key);
348   }
350   // Access the path to this entry in the cache.
getEntryPath()351   StringRef getEntryPath() { return EntryPath; }
353   // Try loading the buffer for this cache entry.
tryLoadingBuffer()354   ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> tryLoadingBuffer() {
355     if (EntryPath.empty())
356       return std::error_code();
357     SmallString<64> ResultPath;
358     Expected<sys::fs::file_t> FDOrErr = sys::fs::openNativeFileForRead(
359         Twine(EntryPath), sys::fs::OF_UpdateAtime, &ResultPath);
360     if (!FDOrErr)
361       return errorToErrorCode(FDOrErr.takeError());
362     ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> MBOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getOpenFile(
363         *FDOrErr, EntryPath, /*FileSize=*/-1, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false);
364     sys::fs::closeFile(*FDOrErr);
365     return MBOrErr;
366   }
368   // Cache the Produced object file
write(const MemoryBuffer & OutputBuffer)369   void write(const MemoryBuffer &OutputBuffer) {
370     if (EntryPath.empty())
371       return;
373     // Write to a temporary to avoid race condition
374     SmallString<128> TempFilename;
375     SmallString<128> CachePath(EntryPath);
376     llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(CachePath);
377     sys::path::append(TempFilename, CachePath, "Thin-%%%%%%.tmp.o");
379     if (auto Err = handleErrors(
380             llvm::writeFileAtomically(TempFilename, EntryPath,
381                                       OutputBuffer.getBuffer()),
382             [](const llvm::AtomicFileWriteError &E) {
383               std::string ErrorMsgBuffer;
384               llvm::raw_string_ostream S(ErrorMsgBuffer);
385               E.log(S);
387               if (E.Error ==
388                   llvm::atomic_write_error::failed_to_create_uniq_file) {
389                 errs() << "Error: " << ErrorMsgBuffer << "\n";
390                 report_fatal_error("ThinLTO: Can't get a temporary file");
391               }
392             })) {
393       // FIXME
394       consumeError(std::move(Err));
395     }
396   }
397 };
399 static std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>
ProcessThinLTOModule(Module & TheModule,ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,StringMap<lto::InputFile * > & ModuleMap,TargetMachine & TM,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList,const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy & ExportList,const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> & GUIDPreservedSymbols,const GVSummaryMapTy & DefinedGlobals,const ThinLTOCodeGenerator::CachingOptions & CacheOptions,bool DisableCodeGen,StringRef SaveTempsDir,bool Freestanding,unsigned OptLevel,unsigned count)400 ProcessThinLTOModule(Module &TheModule, ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
401                      StringMap<lto::InputFile *> &ModuleMap, TargetMachine &TM,
402                      const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
403                      const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
404                      const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &GUIDPreservedSymbols,
405                      const GVSummaryMapTy &DefinedGlobals,
406                      const ThinLTOCodeGenerator::CachingOptions &CacheOptions,
407                      bool DisableCodeGen, StringRef SaveTempsDir,
408                      bool Freestanding, unsigned OptLevel, unsigned count) {
410   // "Benchmark"-like optimization: single-source case
411   bool SingleModule = (ModuleMap.size() == 1);
413   if (!SingleModule) {
414     promoteModule(TheModule, Index);
416     // Apply summary-based prevailing-symbol resolution decisions.
417     thinLTOResolvePrevailingInModule(TheModule, DefinedGlobals);
419     // Save temps: after promotion.
420     saveTempBitcode(TheModule, SaveTempsDir, count, ".1.promoted.bc");
421   }
423   // Be friendly and don't nuke totally the module when the client didn't
424   // supply anything to preserve.
425   if (!ExportList.empty() || !GUIDPreservedSymbols.empty()) {
426     // Apply summary-based internalization decisions.
427     thinLTOInternalizeModule(TheModule, DefinedGlobals);
428   }
430   // Save internalized bitcode
431   saveTempBitcode(TheModule, SaveTempsDir, count, ".2.internalized.bc");
433   if (!SingleModule) {
434     crossImportIntoModule(TheModule, Index, ModuleMap, ImportList);
436     // Save temps: after cross-module import.
437     saveTempBitcode(TheModule, SaveTempsDir, count, ".3.imported.bc");
438   }
440   optimizeModule(TheModule, TM, OptLevel, Freestanding, &Index);
442   saveTempBitcode(TheModule, SaveTempsDir, count, ".4.opt.bc");
444   if (DisableCodeGen) {
445     // Configured to stop before CodeGen, serialize the bitcode and return.
446     SmallVector<char, 128> OutputBuffer;
447     {
448       raw_svector_ostream OS(OutputBuffer);
449       ProfileSummaryInfo PSI(TheModule);
450       auto Index = buildModuleSummaryIndex(TheModule, nullptr, &PSI);
451       WriteBitcodeToFile(TheModule, OS, true, &Index);
452     }
453     return std::make_unique<SmallVectorMemoryBuffer>(std::move(OutputBuffer));
454   }
456   return codegenModule(TheModule, TM);
457 }
459 /// Resolve prevailing symbols. Record resolutions in the \p ResolvedODR map
460 /// for caching, and in the \p Index for application during the ThinLTO
461 /// backends. This is needed for correctness for exported symbols (ensure
462 /// at least one copy kept) and a compile-time optimization (to drop duplicate
463 /// copies when possible).
resolvePrevailingInIndex(ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,StringMap<std::map<GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>> & ResolvedODR,const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> & GUIDPreservedSymbols,const DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID,const GlobalValueSummary * > & PrevailingCopy)464 static void resolvePrevailingInIndex(
465     ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
466     StringMap<std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>>
467         &ResolvedODR,
468     const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &GUIDPreservedSymbols,
469     const DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *>
470         &PrevailingCopy) {
472   auto isPrevailing = [&](GlobalValue::GUID GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *S) {
473     const auto &Prevailing = PrevailingCopy.find(GUID);
474     // Not in map means that there was only one copy, which must be prevailing.
475     if (Prevailing == PrevailingCopy.end())
476       return true;
477     return Prevailing->second == S;
478   };
480   auto recordNewLinkage = [&](StringRef ModuleIdentifier,
481                               GlobalValue::GUID GUID,
482                               GlobalValue::LinkageTypes NewLinkage) {
483     ResolvedODR[ModuleIdentifier][GUID] = NewLinkage;
484   };
486   thinLTOResolvePrevailingInIndex(Index, isPrevailing, recordNewLinkage,
487                                   GUIDPreservedSymbols);
488 }
490 // Initialize the TargetMachine builder for a given Triple
initTMBuilder(TargetMachineBuilder & TMBuilder,const Triple & TheTriple)491 static void initTMBuilder(TargetMachineBuilder &TMBuilder,
492                           const Triple &TheTriple) {
493   // Set a default CPU for Darwin triples (copied from LTOCodeGenerator).
494   // FIXME this looks pretty terrible...
495   if (TMBuilder.MCpu.empty() && TheTriple.isOSDarwin()) {
496     if (TheTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86_64)
497       TMBuilder.MCpu = "core2";
498     else if (TheTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86)
499       TMBuilder.MCpu = "yonah";
500     else if (TheTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64 ||
501              TheTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64_32)
502       TMBuilder.MCpu = "cyclone";
503   }
504   TMBuilder.TheTriple = std::move(TheTriple);
505 }
507 } // end anonymous namespace
addModule(StringRef Identifier,StringRef Data)509 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::addModule(StringRef Identifier, StringRef Data) {
510   MemoryBufferRef Buffer(Data, Identifier);
512   auto InputOrError = lto::InputFile::create(Buffer);
513   if (!InputOrError)
514     report_fatal_error("ThinLTO cannot create input file: " +
515                        toString(InputOrError.takeError()));
517   auto TripleStr = (*InputOrError)->getTargetTriple();
518   Triple TheTriple(TripleStr);
520   if (Modules.empty())
521     initTMBuilder(TMBuilder, Triple(TheTriple));
522   else if (TMBuilder.TheTriple != TheTriple) {
523     if (!TMBuilder.TheTriple.isCompatibleWith(TheTriple))
524       report_fatal_error("ThinLTO modules with incompatible triples not "
525                          "supported");
526     initTMBuilder(TMBuilder, Triple(TMBuilder.TheTriple.merge(TheTriple)));
527   }
529   Modules.emplace_back(std::move(*InputOrError));
530 }
preserveSymbol(StringRef Name)532 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::preserveSymbol(StringRef Name) {
533   PreservedSymbols.insert(Name);
534 }
crossReferenceSymbol(StringRef Name)536 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::crossReferenceSymbol(StringRef Name) {
537   // FIXME: At the moment, we don't take advantage of this extra information,
538   // we're conservatively considering cross-references as preserved.
539   //  CrossReferencedSymbols.insert(Name);
540   PreservedSymbols.insert(Name);
541 }
543 // TargetMachine factory
create() const544 std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TargetMachineBuilder::create() const {
545   std::string ErrMsg;
546   const Target *TheTarget =
547       TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(TheTriple.str(), ErrMsg);
548   if (!TheTarget) {
549     report_fatal_error("Can't load target for this Triple: " + ErrMsg);
550   }
552   // Use MAttr as the default set of features.
553   SubtargetFeatures Features(MAttr);
554   Features.getDefaultSubtargetFeatures(TheTriple);
555   std::string FeatureStr = Features.getString();
557   return std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine>(
558       TheTarget->createTargetMachine(TheTriple.str(), MCpu, FeatureStr, Options,
559                                      RelocModel, None, CGOptLevel));
560 }
562 /**
563  * Produce the combined summary index from all the bitcode files:
564  * "thin-link".
565  */
linkCombinedIndex()566 std::unique_ptr<ModuleSummaryIndex> ThinLTOCodeGenerator::linkCombinedIndex() {
567   std::unique_ptr<ModuleSummaryIndex> CombinedIndex =
568       std::make_unique<ModuleSummaryIndex>(/*HaveGVs=*/false);
569   uint64_t NextModuleId = 0;
570   for (auto &Mod : Modules) {
571     auto &M = Mod->getSingleBitcodeModule();
572     if (Error Err =
573             M.readSummary(*CombinedIndex, Mod->getName(), NextModuleId++)) {
574       // FIXME diagnose
575       logAllUnhandledErrors(
576           std::move(Err), errs(),
577           "error: can't create module summary index for buffer: ");
578       return nullptr;
579     }
580   }
581   return CombinedIndex;
582 }
584 namespace {
585 struct IsExported {
586   const StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> &ExportLists;
587   const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &GUIDPreservedSymbols;
IsExported__anon9ad760780d11::IsExported589   IsExported(const StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> &ExportLists,
590              const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &GUIDPreservedSymbols)
591       : ExportLists(ExportLists), GUIDPreservedSymbols(GUIDPreservedSymbols) {}
operator ()__anon9ad760780d11::IsExported593   bool operator()(StringRef ModuleIdentifier, ValueInfo VI) const {
594     const auto &ExportList = ExportLists.find(ModuleIdentifier);
595     return (ExportList != ExportLists.end() && ExportList->second.count(VI)) ||
596            GUIDPreservedSymbols.count(VI.getGUID());
597   }
598 };
600 struct IsPrevailing {
601   const DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *> &PrevailingCopy;
IsPrevailing__anon9ad760780d11::IsPrevailing602   IsPrevailing(const DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *>
603                    &PrevailingCopy)
604       : PrevailingCopy(PrevailingCopy) {}
operator ()__anon9ad760780d11::IsPrevailing606   bool operator()(GlobalValue::GUID GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *S) const {
607     const auto &Prevailing = PrevailingCopy.find(GUID);
608     // Not in map means that there was only one copy, which must be prevailing.
609     if (Prevailing == PrevailingCopy.end())
610       return true;
611     return Prevailing->second == S;
612   };
613 };
614 } // namespace
computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> & GUIDPreservedSymbols)616 static void computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(
617     ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
618     const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &GUIDPreservedSymbols) {
619   // We have no symbols resolution available. And can't do any better now in the
620   // case where the prevailing symbol is in a native object. It can be refined
621   // with linker information in the future.
622   auto isPrevailing = [&](GlobalValue::GUID G) {
623     return PrevailingType::Unknown;
624   };
625   computeDeadSymbolsWithConstProp(Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols, isPrevailing,
626                                   /* ImportEnabled = */ true);
627 }
629 /**
630  * Perform promotion and renaming of exported internal functions.
631  * Index is updated to reflect linkage changes from weak resolution.
632  */
promote(Module & TheModule,ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,const lto::InputFile & File)633 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::promote(Module &TheModule, ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
634                                    const lto::InputFile &File) {
635   auto ModuleCount = Index.modulePaths().size();
636   auto ModuleIdentifier = TheModule.getModuleIdentifier();
638   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary).
639   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries;
640   Index.collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
642   // Convert the preserved symbols set from string to GUID
643   auto GUIDPreservedSymbols = computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(
644       PreservedSymbols, Triple(TheModule.getTargetTriple()));
646   // Add used symbol to the preserved symbols.
647   addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(File, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
649   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
650   computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
652   // Generate import/export list
653   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(ModuleCount);
654   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(ModuleCount);
655   ComputeCrossModuleImport(Index, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, ImportLists,
656                            ExportLists);
658   DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *> PrevailingCopy;
659   computePrevailingCopies(Index, PrevailingCopy);
661   // Resolve prevailing symbols
662   StringMap<std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>> ResolvedODR;
663   resolvePrevailingInIndex(Index, ResolvedODR, GUIDPreservedSymbols,
664                            PrevailingCopy);
666   thinLTOResolvePrevailingInModule(
667       TheModule, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[ModuleIdentifier]);
669   // Promote the exported values in the index, so that they are promoted
670   // in the module.
671   thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteInIndex(
672       Index, IsExported(ExportLists, GUIDPreservedSymbols),
673       IsPrevailing(PrevailingCopy));
675   promoteModule(TheModule, Index);
676 }
678 /**
679  * Perform cross-module importing for the module identified by ModuleIdentifier.
680  */
crossModuleImport(Module & TheModule,ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,const lto::InputFile & File)681 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::crossModuleImport(Module &TheModule,
682                                              ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
683                                              const lto::InputFile &File) {
684   auto ModuleMap = generateModuleMap(Modules);
685   auto ModuleCount = Index.modulePaths().size();
687   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary).
688   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ModuleCount);
689   Index.collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
691   // Convert the preserved symbols set from string to GUID
692   auto GUIDPreservedSymbols = computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(
693       PreservedSymbols, Triple(TheModule.getTargetTriple()));
695   addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(File, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
697   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
698   computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
700   // Generate import/export list
701   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(ModuleCount);
702   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(ModuleCount);
703   ComputeCrossModuleImport(Index, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, ImportLists,
704                            ExportLists);
705   auto &ImportList = ImportLists[TheModule.getModuleIdentifier()];
707   crossImportIntoModule(TheModule, Index, ModuleMap, ImportList);
708 }
710 /**
711  * Compute the list of summaries needed for importing into module.
712  */
gatherImportedSummariesForModule(Module & TheModule,ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,std::map<std::string,GVSummaryMapTy> & ModuleToSummariesForIndex,const lto::InputFile & File)713 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::gatherImportedSummariesForModule(
714     Module &TheModule, ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
715     std::map<std::string, GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToSummariesForIndex,
716     const lto::InputFile &File) {
717   auto ModuleCount = Index.modulePaths().size();
718   auto ModuleIdentifier = TheModule.getModuleIdentifier();
720   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary).
721   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ModuleCount);
722   Index.collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
724   // Convert the preserved symbols set from string to GUID
725   auto GUIDPreservedSymbols = computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(
726       PreservedSymbols, Triple(TheModule.getTargetTriple()));
728   addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(File, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
730   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
731   computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
733   // Generate import/export list
734   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(ModuleCount);
735   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(ModuleCount);
736   ComputeCrossModuleImport(Index, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, ImportLists,
737                            ExportLists);
739   llvm::gatherImportedSummariesForModule(
740       ModuleIdentifier, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
741       ImportLists[ModuleIdentifier], ModuleToSummariesForIndex);
742 }
744 /**
745  * Emit the list of files needed for importing into module.
746  */
emitImports(Module & TheModule,StringRef OutputName,ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,const lto::InputFile & File)747 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::emitImports(Module &TheModule, StringRef OutputName,
748                                        ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
749                                        const lto::InputFile &File) {
750   auto ModuleCount = Index.modulePaths().size();
751   auto ModuleIdentifier = TheModule.getModuleIdentifier();
753   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary).
754   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ModuleCount);
755   Index.collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
757   // Convert the preserved symbols set from string to GUID
758   auto GUIDPreservedSymbols = computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(
759       PreservedSymbols, Triple(TheModule.getTargetTriple()));
761   addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(File, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
763   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
764   computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
766   // Generate import/export list
767   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(ModuleCount);
768   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(ModuleCount);
769   ComputeCrossModuleImport(Index, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, ImportLists,
770                            ExportLists);
772   std::map<std::string, GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToSummariesForIndex;
773   llvm::gatherImportedSummariesForModule(
774       ModuleIdentifier, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
775       ImportLists[ModuleIdentifier], ModuleToSummariesForIndex);
777   std::error_code EC;
778   if ((EC = EmitImportsFiles(ModuleIdentifier, OutputName,
779                              ModuleToSummariesForIndex)))
780     report_fatal_error(Twine("Failed to open ") + OutputName +
781                        " to save imports lists\n");
782 }
784 /**
785  * Perform internalization. Runs promote and internalization together.
786  * Index is updated to reflect linkage changes.
787  */
internalize(Module & TheModule,ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,const lto::InputFile & File)788 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::internalize(Module &TheModule,
789                                        ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
790                                        const lto::InputFile &File) {
791   initTMBuilder(TMBuilder, Triple(TheModule.getTargetTriple()));
792   auto ModuleCount = Index.modulePaths().size();
793   auto ModuleIdentifier = TheModule.getModuleIdentifier();
795   // Convert the preserved symbols set from string to GUID
796   auto GUIDPreservedSymbols =
797       computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(PreservedSymbols, TMBuilder.TheTriple);
799   addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(File, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
801   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary).
802   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ModuleCount);
803   Index.collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
805   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
806   computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
808   // Generate import/export list
809   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(ModuleCount);
810   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(ModuleCount);
811   ComputeCrossModuleImport(Index, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, ImportLists,
812                            ExportLists);
813   auto &ExportList = ExportLists[ModuleIdentifier];
815   // Be friendly and don't nuke totally the module when the client didn't
816   // supply anything to preserve.
817   if (ExportList.empty() && GUIDPreservedSymbols.empty())
818     return;
820   DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *> PrevailingCopy;
821   computePrevailingCopies(Index, PrevailingCopy);
823   // Resolve prevailing symbols
824   StringMap<std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>> ResolvedODR;
825   resolvePrevailingInIndex(Index, ResolvedODR, GUIDPreservedSymbols,
826                            PrevailingCopy);
828   // Promote the exported values in the index, so that they are promoted
829   // in the module.
830   thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteInIndex(
831       Index, IsExported(ExportLists, GUIDPreservedSymbols),
832       IsPrevailing(PrevailingCopy));
834   promoteModule(TheModule, Index);
836   // Internalization
837   thinLTOResolvePrevailingInModule(
838       TheModule, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[ModuleIdentifier]);
840   thinLTOInternalizeModule(TheModule,
841                            ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[ModuleIdentifier]);
842 }
844 /**
845  * Perform post-importing ThinLTO optimizations.
846  */
optimize(Module & TheModule)847 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::optimize(Module &TheModule) {
848   initTMBuilder(TMBuilder, Triple(TheModule.getTargetTriple()));
850   // Optimize now
851   optimizeModule(TheModule, *TMBuilder.create(), OptLevel, Freestanding,
852                  nullptr);
853 }
855 /// Write out the generated object file, either from CacheEntryPath or from
856 /// OutputBuffer, preferring hard-link when possible.
857 /// Returns the path to the generated file in SavedObjectsDirectoryPath.
858 std::string
writeGeneratedObject(int count,StringRef CacheEntryPath,const MemoryBuffer & OutputBuffer)859 ThinLTOCodeGenerator::writeGeneratedObject(int count, StringRef CacheEntryPath,
860                                            const MemoryBuffer &OutputBuffer) {
861   auto ArchName = TMBuilder.TheTriple.getArchName();
862   SmallString<128> OutputPath(SavedObjectsDirectoryPath);
863   llvm::sys::path::append(OutputPath,
864                           Twine(count) + "." + ArchName + ".thinlto.o");
865   OutputPath.c_str(); // Ensure the string is null terminated.
866   if (sys::fs::exists(OutputPath))
867     sys::fs::remove(OutputPath);
869   // We don't return a memory buffer to the linker, just a list of files.
870   if (!CacheEntryPath.empty()) {
871     // Cache is enabled, hard-link the entry (or copy if hard-link fails).
872     auto Err = sys::fs::create_hard_link(CacheEntryPath, OutputPath);
873     if (!Err)
874       return OutputPath.str();
875     // Hard linking failed, try to copy.
876     Err = sys::fs::copy_file(CacheEntryPath, OutputPath);
877     if (!Err)
878       return OutputPath.str();
879     // Copy failed (could be because the CacheEntry was removed from the cache
880     // in the meantime by another process), fall back and try to write down the
881     // buffer to the output.
882     errs() << "error: can't link or copy from cached entry '" << CacheEntryPath
883            << "' to '" << OutputPath << "'\n";
884   }
885   // No cache entry, just write out the buffer.
886   std::error_code Err;
887   raw_fd_ostream OS(OutputPath, Err, sys::fs::OF_None);
888   if (Err)
889     report_fatal_error("Can't open output '" + OutputPath + "'\n");
890   OS << OutputBuffer.getBuffer();
891   return OutputPath.str();
892 }
894 // Main entry point for the ThinLTO processing
run()895 void ThinLTOCodeGenerator::run() {
896   // Prepare the resulting object vector
897   assert(ProducedBinaries.empty() && "The generator should not be reused");
898   if (SavedObjectsDirectoryPath.empty())
899     ProducedBinaries.resize(Modules.size());
900   else {
901     sys::fs::create_directories(SavedObjectsDirectoryPath);
902     bool IsDir;
903     sys::fs::is_directory(SavedObjectsDirectoryPath, IsDir);
904     if (!IsDir)
905       report_fatal_error("Unexistent dir: '" + SavedObjectsDirectoryPath + "'");
906     ProducedBinaryFiles.resize(Modules.size());
907   }
909   if (CodeGenOnly) {
910     // Perform only parallel codegen and return.
911     ThreadPool Pool;
912     int count = 0;
913     for (auto &Mod : Modules) {
914       Pool.async([&](int count) {
915         LLVMContext Context;
916         Context.setDiscardValueNames(LTODiscardValueNames);
918         // Parse module now
919         auto TheModule = loadModuleFromInput(Mod.get(), Context, false,
920                                              /*IsImporting*/ false);
922         // CodeGen
923         auto OutputBuffer = codegenModule(*TheModule, *TMBuilder.create());
924         if (SavedObjectsDirectoryPath.empty())
925           ProducedBinaries[count] = std::move(OutputBuffer);
926         else
927           ProducedBinaryFiles[count] =
928               writeGeneratedObject(count, "", *OutputBuffer);
929       }, count++);
930     }
932     return;
933   }
935   // Sequential linking phase
936   auto Index = linkCombinedIndex();
938   // Save temps: index.
939   if (!SaveTempsDir.empty()) {
940     auto SaveTempPath = SaveTempsDir + "index.bc";
941     std::error_code EC;
942     raw_fd_ostream OS(SaveTempPath, EC, sys::fs::OF_None);
943     if (EC)
944       report_fatal_error(Twine("Failed to open ") + SaveTempPath +
945                          " to save optimized bitcode\n");
946     WriteIndexToFile(*Index, OS);
947   }
950   // Prepare the module map.
951   auto ModuleMap = generateModuleMap(Modules);
952   auto ModuleCount = Modules.size();
954   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID -> Summary).
955   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ModuleCount);
956   Index->collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
958   // Convert the preserved symbols set from string to GUID, this is needed for
959   // computing the caching hash and the internalization.
960   auto GUIDPreservedSymbols =
961       computeGUIDPreservedSymbols(PreservedSymbols, TMBuilder.TheTriple);
963   // Add used symbol from inputs to the preserved symbols.
964   for (const auto &M : Modules)
965     addUsedSymbolToPreservedGUID(*M, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
967   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
968   computeDeadSymbolsInIndex(*Index, GUIDPreservedSymbols);
970   // Synthesize entry counts for functions in the combined index.
971   computeSyntheticCounts(*Index);
973   // Perform index-based WPD. This will return immediately if there are
974   // no index entries in the typeIdMetadata map (e.g. if we are instead
975   // performing IR-based WPD in hybrid regular/thin LTO mode).
976   std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> LocalWPDTargetsMap;
977   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> ExportedGUIDs;
978   runWholeProgramDevirtOnIndex(*Index, ExportedGUIDs, LocalWPDTargetsMap);
979   for (auto GUID : ExportedGUIDs)
980     GUIDPreservedSymbols.insert(GUID);
982   // Collect the import/export lists for all modules from the call-graph in the
983   // combined index.
984   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(ModuleCount);
985   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(ModuleCount);
986   ComputeCrossModuleImport(*Index, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, ImportLists,
987                            ExportLists);
989   // We use a std::map here to be able to have a defined ordering when
990   // producing a hash for the cache entry.
991   // FIXME: we should be able to compute the caching hash for the entry based
992   // on the index, and nuke this map.
993   StringMap<std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>> ResolvedODR;
995   DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *> PrevailingCopy;
996   computePrevailingCopies(*Index, PrevailingCopy);
998   // Resolve prevailing symbols, this has to be computed early because it
999   // impacts the caching.
1000   resolvePrevailingInIndex(*Index, ResolvedODR, GUIDPreservedSymbols,
1001                            PrevailingCopy);
1003   // Use global summary-based analysis to identify symbols that can be
1004   // internalized (because they aren't exported or preserved as per callback).
1005   // Changes are made in the index, consumed in the ThinLTO backends.
1006   updateIndexWPDForExports(*Index,
1007                            IsExported(ExportLists, GUIDPreservedSymbols),
1008                            LocalWPDTargetsMap);
1009   thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteInIndex(
1010       *Index, IsExported(ExportLists, GUIDPreservedSymbols),
1011       IsPrevailing(PrevailingCopy));
1013   // Make sure that every module has an entry in the ExportLists, ImportList,
1014   // GVSummary and ResolvedODR maps to enable threaded access to these maps
1015   // below.
1016   for (auto &Module : Modules) {
1017     auto ModuleIdentifier = Module->getName();
1018     ExportLists[ModuleIdentifier];
1019     ImportLists[ModuleIdentifier];
1020     ResolvedODR[ModuleIdentifier];
1021     ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[ModuleIdentifier];
1022   }
1024   // Compute the ordering we will process the inputs: the rough heuristic here
1025   // is to sort them per size so that the largest module get schedule as soon as
1026   // possible. This is purely a compile-time optimization.
1027   std::vector<int> ModulesOrdering;
1028   ModulesOrdering.resize(Modules.size());
1029   std::iota(ModulesOrdering.begin(), ModulesOrdering.end(), 0);
1030   llvm::sort(ModulesOrdering, [&](int LeftIndex, int RightIndex) {
1031     auto LSize =
1032         Modules[LeftIndex]->getSingleBitcodeModule().getBuffer().size();
1033     auto RSize =
1034         Modules[RightIndex]->getSingleBitcodeModule().getBuffer().size();
1035     return LSize > RSize;
1036   });
1038   // Parallel optimizer + codegen
1039   {
1040     ThreadPool Pool(ThreadCount);
1041     for (auto IndexCount : ModulesOrdering) {
1042       auto &Mod = Modules[IndexCount];
1043       Pool.async([&](int count) {
1044         auto ModuleIdentifier = Mod->getName();
1045         auto &ExportList = ExportLists[ModuleIdentifier];
1047         auto &DefinedGVSummaries = ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[ModuleIdentifier];
1049         // The module may be cached, this helps handling it.
1050         ModuleCacheEntry CacheEntry(CacheOptions.Path, *Index, ModuleIdentifier,
1051                                     ImportLists[ModuleIdentifier], ExportList,
1052                                     ResolvedODR[ModuleIdentifier],
1053                                     DefinedGVSummaries, OptLevel, Freestanding,
1054                                     TMBuilder);
1055         auto CacheEntryPath = CacheEntry.getEntryPath();
1057         {
1058           auto ErrOrBuffer = CacheEntry.tryLoadingBuffer();
1059           LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cache " << (ErrOrBuffer ? "hit" : "miss")
1060                             << " '" << CacheEntryPath << "' for buffer "
1061                             << count << " " << ModuleIdentifier << "\n");
1063           if (ErrOrBuffer) {
1064             // Cache Hit!
1065             if (SavedObjectsDirectoryPath.empty())
1066               ProducedBinaries[count] = std::move(ErrOrBuffer.get());
1067             else
1068               ProducedBinaryFiles[count] = writeGeneratedObject(
1069                   count, CacheEntryPath, *ErrOrBuffer.get());
1070             return;
1071           }
1072         }
1074         LLVMContext Context;
1075         Context.setDiscardValueNames(LTODiscardValueNames);
1076         Context.enableDebugTypeODRUniquing();
1077         auto DiagFileOrErr = lto::setupOptimizationRemarks(
1078             Context, RemarksFilename, RemarksPasses, RemarksFormat,
1079             RemarksWithHotness, count);
1080         if (!DiagFileOrErr) {
1081           errs() << "Error: " << toString(DiagFileOrErr.takeError()) << "\n";
1082           report_fatal_error("ThinLTO: Can't get an output file for the "
1083                              "remarks");
1084         }
1086         // Parse module now
1087         auto TheModule = loadModuleFromInput(Mod.get(), Context, false,
1088                                              /*IsImporting*/ false);
1090         // Save temps: original file.
1091         saveTempBitcode(*TheModule, SaveTempsDir, count, ".0.original.bc");
1093         auto &ImportList = ImportLists[ModuleIdentifier];
1094         // Run the main process now, and generates a binary
1095         auto OutputBuffer = ProcessThinLTOModule(
1096             *TheModule, *Index, ModuleMap, *TMBuilder.create(), ImportList,
1097             ExportList, GUIDPreservedSymbols,
1098             ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries[ModuleIdentifier], CacheOptions,
1099             DisableCodeGen, SaveTempsDir, Freestanding, OptLevel, count);
1101         // Commit to the cache (if enabled)
1102         CacheEntry.write(*OutputBuffer);
1104         if (SavedObjectsDirectoryPath.empty()) {
1105           // We need to generated a memory buffer for the linker.
1106           if (!CacheEntryPath.empty()) {
1107             // When cache is enabled, reload from the cache if possible.
1108             // Releasing the buffer from the heap and reloading it from the
1109             // cache file with mmap helps us to lower memory pressure.
1110             // The freed memory can be used for the next input file.
1111             // The final binary link will read from the VFS cache (hopefully!)
1112             // or from disk (if the memory pressure was too high).
1113             auto ReloadedBufferOrErr = CacheEntry.tryLoadingBuffer();
1114             if (auto EC = ReloadedBufferOrErr.getError()) {
1115               // On error, keep the preexisting buffer and print a diagnostic.
1116               errs() << "error: can't reload cached file '" << CacheEntryPath
1117                      << "': " << EC.message() << "\n";
1118             } else {
1119               OutputBuffer = std::move(*ReloadedBufferOrErr);
1120             }
1121           }
1122           ProducedBinaries[count] = std::move(OutputBuffer);
1123           return;
1124         }
1125         ProducedBinaryFiles[count] = writeGeneratedObject(
1126             count, CacheEntryPath, *OutputBuffer);
1127       }, IndexCount);
1128     }
1129   }
1131   pruneCache(CacheOptions.Path, CacheOptions.Policy);
1133   // If statistics were requested, print them out now.
1134   if (llvm::AreStatisticsEnabled())
1135     llvm::PrintStatistics();
1136   reportAndResetTimings();
1137 }