1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
3 // PR4364
4 template<class T> struct a { // expected-note {{here}}
ba5   T b() {
6     return typename T::x();
7   }
8 };
9 struct B {
10   typedef B x;
11 };
c()12 B c() {
13   a<B> x;
14   return x.b();
15 }
17 // Some extra tests for invalid cases
btest218 template<class T> struct test2 { T b() { return typename T::a; } }; // expected-error{{expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction}}
btest319 template<class T> struct test3 { T b() { return typename a; } }; // expected-error{{expected a qualified name after 'typename'}}
btest420 template<class T> struct test4 { T b() { return typename ::a; } }; // expected-error{{refers to non-type member}} expected-error{{expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction}}
22 // PR12884
23 namespace PR12884_original {
24   template <typename T> struct A {
25     struct B {
26       template <typename U> struct X {};
27       typedef int arg;
28     };
29     struct C {
30       typedef B::X<typename B::arg> x; // expected-error {{missing 'typename'}}
31     };
32   };
34   template <> struct A<int>::B {
35     template <int N> struct X {};
36     static const int arg = 0;
37   };
39   A<int>::C::x a;
40 }
41 namespace PR12884_half_fixed {
42   template <typename T> struct A {
43     struct B {
44       template <typename U> struct X {};
45       typedef int arg;
46     };
47     struct C {
48       typedef typename B::X<typename B::arg> x; // expected-error {{use 'template'}} expected-error {{refers to non-type}}
49     };
50   };
52   template <> struct A<int>::B {
53     template <int N> struct X {};
54     static const int arg = 0; // expected-note {{here}}
55   };
57   A<int>::C::x a; // expected-note {{here}}
58 }
59 namespace PR12884_fixed {
60   template <typename T> struct A {
61     struct B {
62       template <typename U> struct X {};
63       typedef int arg;
64     };
65     struct C {
66       typedef typename B::template X<B::arg> x;
67     };
68   };
70   template <> struct A<int>::B {
71     template <int N> struct X {};
72     static const int arg = 0;
73   };
75   A<int>::C::x a; // ok
76 }