1 //===-- SIModeRegister.cpp - Mode Register --------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 /// \file
9 /// This pass inserts changes to the Mode register settings as required.
10 /// Note that currently it only deals with the Double Precision Floating Point
11 /// rounding mode setting, but is intended to be generic enough to be easily
12 /// expanded.
13 ///
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
15 //
16 #include "AMDGPU.h"
17 #include "GCNSubtarget.h"
18 #include "MCTargetDesc/AMDGPUMCTargetDesc.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
20 #include <queue>
22 #define DEBUG_TYPE "si-mode-register"
24 STATISTIC(NumSetregInserted, "Number of setreg of mode register inserted.");
26 using namespace llvm;
28 struct Status {
29   // Mask is a bitmask where a '1' indicates the corresponding Mode bit has a
30   // known value
31   unsigned Mask;
32   unsigned Mode;
StatusStatus34   Status() : Mask(0), Mode(0){};
StatusStatus36   Status(unsigned NewMask, unsigned NewMode) : Mask(NewMask), Mode(NewMode) {
37     Mode &= Mask;
38   };
40   // merge two status values such that only values that don't conflict are
41   // preserved
mergeStatus42   Status merge(const Status &S) const {
43     return Status((Mask | S.Mask), ((Mode & ~S.Mask) | (S.Mode & S.Mask)));
44   }
46   // merge an unknown value by using the unknown value's mask to remove bits
47   // from the result
mergeUnknownStatus48   Status mergeUnknown(unsigned newMask) {
49     return Status(Mask & ~newMask, Mode & ~newMask);
50   }
52   // intersect two Status values to produce a mode and mask that is a subset
53   // of both values
intersectStatus54   Status intersect(const Status &S) const {
55     unsigned NewMask = (Mask & S.Mask) & (Mode ^ ~S.Mode);
56     unsigned NewMode = (Mode & NewMask);
57     return Status(NewMask, NewMode);
58   }
60   // produce the delta required to change the Mode to the required Mode
deltaStatus61   Status delta(const Status &S) const {
62     return Status((S.Mask & (Mode ^ S.Mode)) | (~Mask & S.Mask), S.Mode);
63   }
operator ==Status65   bool operator==(const Status &S) const {
66     return (Mask == S.Mask) && (Mode == S.Mode);
67   }
operator !=Status69   bool operator!=(const Status &S) const { return !(*this == S); }
isCompatibleStatus71   bool isCompatible(Status &S) {
72     return ((Mask & S.Mask) == S.Mask) && ((Mode & S.Mask) == S.Mode);
73   }
isCombinableStatus75   bool isCombinable(Status &S) { return !(Mask & S.Mask) || isCompatible(S); }
76 };
78 class BlockData {
79 public:
80   // The Status that represents the mode register settings required by the
81   // FirstInsertionPoint (if any) in this block. Calculated in Phase 1.
82   Status Require;
84   // The Status that represents the net changes to the Mode register made by
85   // this block, Calculated in Phase 1.
86   Status Change;
88   // The Status that represents the mode register settings on exit from this
89   // block. Calculated in Phase 2.
90   Status Exit;
92   // The Status that represents the intersection of exit Mode register settings
93   // from all predecessor blocks. Calculated in Phase 2, and used by Phase 3.
94   Status Pred;
96   // In Phase 1 we record the first instruction that has a mode requirement,
97   // which is used in Phase 3 if we need to insert a mode change.
98   MachineInstr *FirstInsertionPoint;
100   // A flag to indicate whether an Exit value has been set (we can't tell by
101   // examining the Exit value itself as all values may be valid results).
102   bool ExitSet;
BlockData()104   BlockData() : FirstInsertionPoint(nullptr), ExitSet(false){};
105 };
107 namespace {
109 class SIModeRegister : public MachineFunctionPass {
110 public:
111   static char ID;
113   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BlockData>> BlockInfo;
114   std::queue<MachineBasicBlock *> Phase2List;
116   // The default mode register setting currently only caters for the floating
117   // point double precision rounding mode.
118   // We currently assume the default rounding mode is Round to Nearest
119   // NOTE: this should come from a per function rounding mode setting once such
120   // a setting exists.
121   unsigned DefaultMode = FP_ROUND_ROUND_TO_NEAREST;
122   Status DefaultStatus =
123       Status(FP_ROUND_MODE_DP(0x3), FP_ROUND_MODE_DP(DefaultMode));
125   bool Changed = false;
127 public:
SIModeRegister()128   SIModeRegister() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {}
130   bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage & AU) const132   void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
133     AU.setPreservesCFG();
134     MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
135   }
137   void processBlockPhase1(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, const SIInstrInfo *TII);
139   void processBlockPhase2(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, const SIInstrInfo *TII);
141   void processBlockPhase3(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, const SIInstrInfo *TII);
143   Status getInstructionMode(MachineInstr &MI, const SIInstrInfo *TII);
145   void insertSetreg(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineInstr *I,
146                     const SIInstrInfo *TII, Status InstrMode);
147 };
148 } // End anonymous namespace.
151                 "Insert required mode register values", false, false)
153 char SIModeRegister::ID = 0;
155 char &llvm::SIModeRegisterID = SIModeRegister::ID;
createSIModeRegisterPass()157 FunctionPass *llvm::createSIModeRegisterPass() { return new SIModeRegister(); }
159 // Determine the Mode register setting required for this instruction.
160 // Instructions which don't use the Mode register return a null Status.
161 // Note this currently only deals with instructions that use the floating point
162 // double precision setting.
getInstructionMode(MachineInstr & MI,const SIInstrInfo * TII)163 Status SIModeRegister::getInstructionMode(MachineInstr &MI,
164                                           const SIInstrInfo *TII) {
165   if (TII->usesFPDPRounding(MI)) {
166     switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
167     case AMDGPU::V_INTERP_P1LL_F16:
168     case AMDGPU::V_INTERP_P1LV_F16:
169     case AMDGPU::V_INTERP_P2_F16:
170       // f16 interpolation instructions need double precision round to zero
171       return Status(FP_ROUND_MODE_DP(3),
172                     FP_ROUND_MODE_DP(FP_ROUND_ROUND_TO_ZERO));
173     default:
174       return DefaultStatus;
175     }
176   }
177   return Status();
178 }
180 // Insert a setreg instruction to update the Mode register.
181 // It is possible (though unlikely) for an instruction to require a change to
182 // the value of disjoint parts of the Mode register when we don't know the
183 // value of the intervening bits. In that case we need to use more than one
184 // setreg instruction.
insertSetreg(MachineBasicBlock & MBB,MachineInstr * MI,const SIInstrInfo * TII,Status InstrMode)185 void SIModeRegister::insertSetreg(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineInstr *MI,
186                                   const SIInstrInfo *TII, Status InstrMode) {
187   while (InstrMode.Mask) {
188     unsigned Offset = countTrailingZeros<unsigned>(InstrMode.Mask);
189     unsigned Width = countTrailingOnes<unsigned>(InstrMode.Mask >> Offset);
190     unsigned Value = (InstrMode.Mode >> Offset) & ((1 << Width) - 1);
191     BuildMI(MBB, MI, 0, TII->get(AMDGPU::S_SETREG_IMM32_B32))
192         .addImm(Value)
193         .addImm(((Width - 1) << AMDGPU::Hwreg::WIDTH_M1_SHIFT_) |
194                 (Offset << AMDGPU::Hwreg::OFFSET_SHIFT_) |
195                 (AMDGPU::Hwreg::ID_MODE << AMDGPU::Hwreg::ID_SHIFT_));
196     ++NumSetregInserted;
197     Changed = true;
198     InstrMode.Mask &= ~(((1 << Width) - 1) << Offset);
199   }
200 }
202 // In Phase 1 we iterate through the instructions of the block and for each
203 // instruction we get its mode usage. If the instruction uses the Mode register
204 // we:
205 // - update the Change status, which tracks the changes to the Mode register
206 //   made by this block
207 // - if this instruction's requirements are compatible with the current setting
208 //   of the Mode register we merge the modes
209 // - if it isn't compatible and an InsertionPoint isn't set, then we set the
210 //   InsertionPoint to the current instruction, and we remember the current
211 //   mode
212 // - if it isn't compatible and InsertionPoint is set we insert a seteg before
213 //   that instruction (unless this instruction forms part of the block's
214 //   entry requirements in which case the insertion is deferred until Phase 3
215 //   when predecessor exit values are known), and move the insertion point to
216 //   this instruction
217 // - if this is a setreg instruction we treat it as an incompatible instruction.
218 //   This is sub-optimal but avoids some nasty corner cases, and is expected to
219 //   occur very rarely.
220 // - on exit we have set the Require, Change, and initial Exit modes.
processBlockPhase1(MachineBasicBlock & MBB,const SIInstrInfo * TII)221 void SIModeRegister::processBlockPhase1(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
222                                         const SIInstrInfo *TII) {
223   auto NewInfo = std::make_unique<BlockData>();
224   MachineInstr *InsertionPoint = nullptr;
225   // RequirePending is used to indicate whether we are collecting the initial
226   // requirements for the block, and need to defer the first InsertionPoint to
227   // Phase 3. It is set to false once we have set FirstInsertionPoint, or when
228   // we discover an explict setreg that means this block doesn't have any
229   // initial requirements.
230   bool RequirePending = true;
231   Status IPChange;
232   for (MachineInstr &MI : MBB) {
233     Status InstrMode = getInstructionMode(MI, TII);
234     if (MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::S_SETREG_B32 ||
235         MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::S_SETREG_B32_mode ||
236         MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::S_SETREG_IMM32_B32 ||
237         MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::S_SETREG_IMM32_B32_mode) {
238       // We preserve any explicit mode register setreg instruction we encounter,
239       // as we assume it has been inserted by a higher authority (this is
240       // likely to be a very rare occurrence).
241       unsigned Dst = TII->getNamedOperand(MI, AMDGPU::OpName::simm16)->getImm();
242       if (((Dst & AMDGPU::Hwreg::ID_MASK_) >> AMDGPU::Hwreg::ID_SHIFT_) !=
243           AMDGPU::Hwreg::ID_MODE)
244         continue;
246       unsigned Width = ((Dst & AMDGPU::Hwreg::WIDTH_M1_MASK_) >>
247                         AMDGPU::Hwreg::WIDTH_M1_SHIFT_) +
248                        1;
249       unsigned Offset =
250           (Dst & AMDGPU::Hwreg::OFFSET_MASK_) >> AMDGPU::Hwreg::OFFSET_SHIFT_;
251       unsigned Mask = ((1 << Width) - 1) << Offset;
253       // If an InsertionPoint is set we will insert a setreg there.
254       if (InsertionPoint) {
255         insertSetreg(MBB, InsertionPoint, TII, IPChange.delta(NewInfo->Change));
256         InsertionPoint = nullptr;
257       }
258       // If this is an immediate then we know the value being set, but if it is
259       // not an immediate then we treat the modified bits of the mode register
260       // as unknown.
261       if (MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::S_SETREG_IMM32_B32 ||
262           MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::S_SETREG_IMM32_B32_mode) {
263         unsigned Val = TII->getNamedOperand(MI, AMDGPU::OpName::imm)->getImm();
264         unsigned Mode = (Val << Offset) & Mask;
265         Status Setreg = Status(Mask, Mode);
266         // If we haven't already set the initial requirements for the block we
267         // don't need to as the requirements start from this explicit setreg.
268         RequirePending = false;
269         NewInfo->Change = NewInfo->Change.merge(Setreg);
270       } else {
271         NewInfo->Change = NewInfo->Change.mergeUnknown(Mask);
272       }
273     } else if (!NewInfo->Change.isCompatible(InstrMode)) {
274       // This instruction uses the Mode register and its requirements aren't
275       // compatible with the current mode.
276       if (InsertionPoint) {
277         // If the required mode change cannot be included in the current
278         // InsertionPoint changes, we need a setreg and start a new
279         // InsertionPoint.
280         if (!IPChange.delta(NewInfo->Change).isCombinable(InstrMode)) {
281           if (RequirePending) {
282             // This is the first insertionPoint in the block so we will defer
283             // the insertion of the setreg to Phase 3 where we know whether or
284             // not it is actually needed.
285             NewInfo->FirstInsertionPoint = InsertionPoint;
286             NewInfo->Require = NewInfo->Change;
287             RequirePending = false;
288           } else {
289             insertSetreg(MBB, InsertionPoint, TII,
290                          IPChange.delta(NewInfo->Change));
291             IPChange = NewInfo->Change;
292           }
293           // Set the new InsertionPoint
294           InsertionPoint = &MI;
295         }
296         NewInfo->Change = NewInfo->Change.merge(InstrMode);
297       } else {
298         // No InsertionPoint is currently set - this is either the first in
299         // the block or we have previously seen an explicit setreg.
300         InsertionPoint = &MI;
301         IPChange = NewInfo->Change;
302         NewInfo->Change = NewInfo->Change.merge(InstrMode);
303       }
304     }
305   }
306   if (RequirePending) {
307     // If we haven't yet set the initial requirements for the block we set them
308     // now.
309     NewInfo->FirstInsertionPoint = InsertionPoint;
310     NewInfo->Require = NewInfo->Change;
311   } else if (InsertionPoint) {
312     // We need to insert a setreg at the InsertionPoint
313     insertSetreg(MBB, InsertionPoint, TII, IPChange.delta(NewInfo->Change));
314   }
315   NewInfo->Exit = NewInfo->Change;
316   BlockInfo[MBB.getNumber()] = std::move(NewInfo);
317 }
319 // In Phase 2 we revisit each block and calculate the common Mode register
320 // value provided by all predecessor blocks. If the Exit value for the block
321 // is changed, then we add the successor blocks to the worklist so that the
322 // exit value is propagated.
processBlockPhase2(MachineBasicBlock & MBB,const SIInstrInfo * TII)323 void SIModeRegister::processBlockPhase2(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
324                                         const SIInstrInfo *TII) {
325   bool RevisitRequired = false;
326   bool ExitSet = false;
327   unsigned ThisBlock = MBB.getNumber();
328   if (MBB.pred_empty()) {
329     // There are no predecessors, so use the default starting status.
330     BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred = DefaultStatus;
331     ExitSet = true;
332   } else {
333     // Build a status that is common to all the predecessors by intersecting
334     // all the predecessor exit status values.
335     // Mask bits (which represent the Mode bits with a known value) can only be
336     // added by explicit SETREG instructions or the initial default value -
337     // the intersection process may remove Mask bits.
338     // If we find a predecessor that has not yet had an exit value determined
339     // (this can happen for example if a block is its own predecessor) we defer
340     // use of that value as the Mask will be all zero, and we will revisit this
341     // block again later (unless the only predecessor without an exit value is
342     // this block).
343     MachineBasicBlock::pred_iterator P = MBB.pred_begin(), E = MBB.pred_end();
344     MachineBasicBlock &PB = *(*P);
345     unsigned PredBlock = PB.getNumber();
346     if ((ThisBlock == PredBlock) && (std::next(P) == E)) {
347       BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred = DefaultStatus;
348       ExitSet = true;
349     } else if (BlockInfo[PredBlock]->ExitSet) {
350       BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred = BlockInfo[PredBlock]->Exit;
351       ExitSet = true;
352     } else if (PredBlock != ThisBlock)
353       RevisitRequired = true;
355     for (P = std::next(P); P != E; P = std::next(P)) {
356       MachineBasicBlock *Pred = *P;
357       unsigned PredBlock = Pred->getNumber();
358       if (BlockInfo[PredBlock]->ExitSet) {
359         if (BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->ExitSet) {
360           BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred =
361               BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred.intersect(BlockInfo[PredBlock]->Exit);
362         } else {
363           BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred = BlockInfo[PredBlock]->Exit;
364         }
365         ExitSet = true;
366       } else if (PredBlock != ThisBlock)
367         RevisitRequired = true;
368     }
369   }
370   Status TmpStatus =
371       BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred.merge(BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Change);
372   if (BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Exit != TmpStatus) {
373     BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Exit = TmpStatus;
374     // Add the successors to the work list so we can propagate the changed exit
375     // status.
376     for (MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator S = MBB.succ_begin(),
377                                           E = MBB.succ_end();
378          S != E; S = std::next(S)) {
379       MachineBasicBlock &B = *(*S);
380       Phase2List.push(&B);
381     }
382   }
383   BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->ExitSet = ExitSet;
384   if (RevisitRequired)
385     Phase2List.push(&MBB);
386 }
388 // In Phase 3 we revisit each block and if it has an insertion point defined we
389 // check whether the predecessor mode meets the block's entry requirements. If
390 // not we insert an appropriate setreg instruction to modify the Mode register.
processBlockPhase3(MachineBasicBlock & MBB,const SIInstrInfo * TII)391 void SIModeRegister::processBlockPhase3(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
392                                         const SIInstrInfo *TII) {
393   unsigned ThisBlock = MBB.getNumber();
394   if (!BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred.isCompatible(BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Require)) {
395     Status Delta =
396         BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Pred.delta(BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->Require);
397     if (BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->FirstInsertionPoint)
398       insertSetreg(MBB, BlockInfo[ThisBlock]->FirstInsertionPoint, TII, Delta);
399     else
400       insertSetreg(MBB, &MBB.instr_front(), TII, Delta);
401   }
402 }
runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction & MF)404 bool SIModeRegister::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
405   BlockInfo.resize(MF.getNumBlockIDs());
406   const GCNSubtarget &ST = MF.getSubtarget<GCNSubtarget>();
407   const SIInstrInfo *TII = ST.getInstrInfo();
409   // Processing is performed in a number of phases
411   // Phase 1 - determine the initial mode required by each block, and add setreg
412   // instructions for intra block requirements.
413   for (MachineBasicBlock &BB : MF)
414     processBlockPhase1(BB, TII);
416   // Phase 2 - determine the exit mode from each block. We add all blocks to the
417   // list here, but will also add any that need to be revisited during Phase 2
418   // processing.
419   for (MachineBasicBlock &BB : MF)
420     Phase2List.push(&BB);
421   while (!Phase2List.empty()) {
422     processBlockPhase2(*Phase2List.front(), TII);
423     Phase2List.pop();
424   }
426   // Phase 3 - add an initial setreg to each block where the required entry mode
427   // is not satisfied by the exit mode of all its predecessors.
428   for (MachineBasicBlock &BB : MF)
429     processBlockPhase3(BB, TII);
431   BlockInfo.clear();
433   return Changed;
434 }