1 //===-LTO.cpp - LLVM Link Time Optimizer ----------------------------------===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file implements functions and classes used to support LTO.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "llvm/LTO/LTO.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
16 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
17 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
18 #include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeReader.h"
19 #include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriter.h"
20 #include "llvm/CodeGen/Analysis.h"
21 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
22 #include "llvm/IR/AutoUpgrade.h"
23 #include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticPrinter.h"
24 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
25 #include "llvm/IR/Mangler.h"
26 #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
27 #include "llvm/LTO/LTOBackend.h"
28 #include "llvm/LTO/SummaryBasedOptimizations.h"
29 #include "llvm/Linker/IRMover.h"
30 #include "llvm/Object/IRObjectFile.h"
31 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
32 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
33 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
34 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
35 #include "llvm/Support/SHA1.h"
36 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
37 #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
38 #include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h"
39 #include "llvm/Support/Threading.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/VCSRevision.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
42 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
43 #include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
44 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
45 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
46 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/FunctionImportUtils.h"
47 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/SplitModule.h"
49 #include <set>
51 using namespace llvm;
52 using namespace lto;
53 using namespace object;
55 #define DEBUG_TYPE "lto"
57 static cl::opt<bool>
58     DumpThinCGSCCs("dump-thin-cg-sccs", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
59                    cl::desc("Dump the SCCs in the ThinLTO index's callgraph"));
61 /// Enable global value internalization in LTO.
62 cl::opt<bool> EnableLTOInternalization(
63     "enable-lto-internalization", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
64     cl::desc("Enable global value internalization in LTO"));
66 // Computes a unique hash for the Module considering the current list of
67 // export/import and other global analysis results.
68 // The hash is produced in \p Key.
computeLTOCacheKey(SmallString<40> & Key,const Config & Conf,const ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,StringRef ModuleID,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList,const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy & ExportList,const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> & ResolvedODR,const GVSummaryMapTy & DefinedGlobals,const std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> & CfiFunctionDefs,const std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> & CfiFunctionDecls)69 void llvm::computeLTOCacheKey(
70     SmallString<40> &Key, const Config &Conf, const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
71     StringRef ModuleID, const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
72     const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
73     const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> &ResolvedODR,
74     const GVSummaryMapTy &DefinedGlobals,
75     const std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> &CfiFunctionDefs,
76     const std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> &CfiFunctionDecls) {
77   // Compute the unique hash for this entry.
78   // This is based on the current compiler version, the module itself, the
79   // export list, the hash for every single module in the import list, the
80   // list of ResolvedODR for the module, and the list of preserved symbols.
81   SHA1 Hasher;
83   // Start with the compiler revision
84   Hasher.update(LLVM_VERSION_STRING);
86   Hasher.update(LLVM_REVISION);
87 #endif
89   // Include the parts of the LTO configuration that affect code generation.
90   auto AddString = [&](StringRef Str) {
91     Hasher.update(Str);
92     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>{0});
93   };
94   auto AddUnsigned = [&](unsigned I) {
95     uint8_t Data[4];
96     Data[0] = I;
97     Data[1] = I >> 8;
98     Data[2] = I >> 16;
99     Data[3] = I >> 24;
100     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>{Data, 4});
101   };
102   auto AddUint64 = [&](uint64_t I) {
103     uint8_t Data[8];
104     Data[0] = I;
105     Data[1] = I >> 8;
106     Data[2] = I >> 16;
107     Data[3] = I >> 24;
108     Data[4] = I >> 32;
109     Data[5] = I >> 40;
110     Data[6] = I >> 48;
111     Data[7] = I >> 56;
112     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>{Data, 8});
113   };
114   AddString(Conf.CPU);
115   // FIXME: Hash more of Options. For now all clients initialize Options from
116   // command-line flags (which is unsupported in production), but may set
117   // RelaxELFRelocations. The clang driver can also pass FunctionSections,
118   // DataSections and DebuggerTuning via command line flags.
119   AddUnsigned(Conf.Options.RelaxELFRelocations);
120   AddUnsigned(Conf.Options.FunctionSections);
121   AddUnsigned(Conf.Options.DataSections);
122   AddUnsigned((unsigned)Conf.Options.DebuggerTuning);
123   for (auto &A : Conf.MAttrs)
124     AddString(A);
125   if (Conf.RelocModel)
126     AddUnsigned(*Conf.RelocModel);
127   else
128     AddUnsigned(-1);
129   if (Conf.CodeModel)
130     AddUnsigned(*Conf.CodeModel);
131   else
132     AddUnsigned(-1);
133   AddUnsigned(Conf.CGOptLevel);
134   AddUnsigned(Conf.CGFileType);
135   AddUnsigned(Conf.OptLevel);
136   AddUnsigned(Conf.UseNewPM);
137   AddUnsigned(Conf.Freestanding);
138   AddString(Conf.OptPipeline);
139   AddString(Conf.AAPipeline);
140   AddString(Conf.OverrideTriple);
141   AddString(Conf.DefaultTriple);
142   AddString(Conf.DwoDir);
144   // Include the hash for the current module
145   auto ModHash = Index.getModuleHash(ModuleID);
146   Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>((uint8_t *)&ModHash[0], sizeof(ModHash)));
147   for (auto F : ExportList)
148     // The export list can impact the internalization, be conservative here
149     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>((uint8_t *)&F, sizeof(F)));
151   // Include the hash for every module we import functions from. The set of
152   // imported symbols for each module may affect code generation and is
153   // sensitive to link order, so include that as well.
154   for (auto &Entry : ImportList) {
155     auto ModHash = Index.getModuleHash(Entry.first());
156     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>((uint8_t *)&ModHash[0], sizeof(ModHash)));
158     AddUint64(Entry.second.size());
159     for (auto &Fn : Entry.second)
160       AddUint64(Fn);
161   }
163   // Include the hash for the resolved ODR.
164   for (auto &Entry : ResolvedODR) {
165     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>((const uint8_t *)&Entry.first,
166                                     sizeof(GlobalValue::GUID)));
167     Hasher.update(ArrayRef<uint8_t>((const uint8_t *)&Entry.second,
168                                     sizeof(GlobalValue::LinkageTypes)));
169   }
171   // Members of CfiFunctionDefs and CfiFunctionDecls that are referenced or
172   // defined in this module.
173   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> UsedCfiDefs;
174   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> UsedCfiDecls;
176   // Typeids used in this module.
177   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> UsedTypeIds;
179   auto AddUsedCfiGlobal = [&](GlobalValue::GUID ValueGUID) {
180     if (CfiFunctionDefs.count(ValueGUID))
181       UsedCfiDefs.insert(ValueGUID);
182     if (CfiFunctionDecls.count(ValueGUID))
183       UsedCfiDecls.insert(ValueGUID);
184   };
186   auto AddUsedThings = [&](GlobalValueSummary *GS) {
187     if (!GS) return;
188     AddUnsigned(GS->isLive());
189     for (const ValueInfo &VI : GS->refs()) {
190       AddUnsigned(VI.isDSOLocal());
191       AddUsedCfiGlobal(VI.getGUID());
192     }
193     if (auto *GVS = dyn_cast<GlobalVarSummary>(GS))
194       AddUnsigned(GVS->isReadOnly());
195     if (auto *FS = dyn_cast<FunctionSummary>(GS)) {
196       for (auto &TT : FS->type_tests())
197         UsedTypeIds.insert(TT);
198       for (auto &TT : FS->type_test_assume_vcalls())
199         UsedTypeIds.insert(TT.GUID);
200       for (auto &TT : FS->type_checked_load_vcalls())
201         UsedTypeIds.insert(TT.GUID);
202       for (auto &TT : FS->type_test_assume_const_vcalls())
203         UsedTypeIds.insert(TT.VFunc.GUID);
204       for (auto &TT : FS->type_checked_load_const_vcalls())
205         UsedTypeIds.insert(TT.VFunc.GUID);
206       for (auto &ET : FS->calls()) {
207         AddUnsigned(ET.first.isDSOLocal());
208         AddUsedCfiGlobal(ET.first.getGUID());
209       }
210     }
211   };
213   // Include the hash for the linkage type to reflect internalization and weak
214   // resolution, and collect any used type identifier resolutions.
215   for (auto &GS : DefinedGlobals) {
216     GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage = GS.second->linkage();
217     Hasher.update(
218         ArrayRef<uint8_t>((const uint8_t *)&Linkage, sizeof(Linkage)));
219     AddUsedCfiGlobal(GS.first);
220     AddUsedThings(GS.second);
221   }
223   // Imported functions may introduce new uses of type identifier resolutions,
224   // so we need to collect their used resolutions as well.
225   for (auto &ImpM : ImportList)
226     for (auto &ImpF : ImpM.second) {
227       GlobalValueSummary *S = Index.findSummaryInModule(ImpF, ImpM.first());
228       AddUsedThings(S);
229       // If this is an alias, we also care about any types/etc. that the aliasee
230       // may reference.
231       if (auto *AS = dyn_cast_or_null<AliasSummary>(S))
232         AddUsedThings(AS->getBaseObject());
233     }
235   auto AddTypeIdSummary = [&](StringRef TId, const TypeIdSummary &S) {
236     AddString(TId);
238     AddUnsigned(S.TTRes.TheKind);
239     AddUnsigned(S.TTRes.SizeM1BitWidth);
241     AddUint64(S.TTRes.AlignLog2);
242     AddUint64(S.TTRes.SizeM1);
243     AddUint64(S.TTRes.BitMask);
244     AddUint64(S.TTRes.InlineBits);
246     AddUint64(S.WPDRes.size());
247     for (auto &WPD : S.WPDRes) {
248       AddUnsigned(WPD.first);
249       AddUnsigned(WPD.second.TheKind);
250       AddString(WPD.second.SingleImplName);
252       AddUint64(WPD.second.ResByArg.size());
253       for (auto &ByArg : WPD.second.ResByArg) {
254         AddUint64(ByArg.first.size());
255         for (uint64_t Arg : ByArg.first)
256           AddUint64(Arg);
257         AddUnsigned(ByArg.second.TheKind);
258         AddUint64(ByArg.second.Info);
259         AddUnsigned(ByArg.second.Byte);
260         AddUnsigned(ByArg.second.Bit);
261       }
262     }
263   };
265   // Include the hash for all type identifiers used by this module.
266   for (GlobalValue::GUID TId : UsedTypeIds) {
267     auto TidIter = Index.typeIds().equal_range(TId);
268     for (auto It = TidIter.first; It != TidIter.second; ++It)
269       AddTypeIdSummary(It->second.first, It->second.second);
270   }
272   AddUnsigned(UsedCfiDefs.size());
273   for (auto &V : UsedCfiDefs)
274     AddUint64(V);
276   AddUnsigned(UsedCfiDecls.size());
277   for (auto &V : UsedCfiDecls)
278     AddUint64(V);
280   if (!Conf.SampleProfile.empty()) {
281     auto FileOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Conf.SampleProfile);
282     if (FileOrErr) {
283       Hasher.update(FileOrErr.get()->getBuffer());
285       if (!Conf.ProfileRemapping.empty()) {
286         FileOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Conf.ProfileRemapping);
287         if (FileOrErr)
288           Hasher.update(FileOrErr.get()->getBuffer());
289       }
290     }
291   }
293   Key = toHex(Hasher.result());
294 }
thinLTOResolvePrevailingGUID(GlobalValueSummaryList & GVSummaryList,GlobalValue::GUID GUID,DenseSet<GlobalValueSummary * > & GlobalInvolvedWithAlias,function_ref<bool (GlobalValue::GUID,const GlobalValueSummary *)> isPrevailing,function_ref<void (StringRef,GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes)> recordNewLinkage)296 static void thinLTOResolvePrevailingGUID(
297     GlobalValueSummaryList &GVSummaryList, GlobalValue::GUID GUID,
298     DenseSet<GlobalValueSummary *> &GlobalInvolvedWithAlias,
299     function_ref<bool(GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *)>
300         isPrevailing,
301     function_ref<void(StringRef, GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes)>
302         recordNewLinkage) {
303   for (auto &S : GVSummaryList) {
304     GlobalValue::LinkageTypes OriginalLinkage = S->linkage();
305     // Ignore local and appending linkage values since the linker
306     // doesn't resolve them.
307     if (GlobalValue::isLocalLinkage(OriginalLinkage) ||
308         GlobalValue::isAppendingLinkage(S->linkage()))
309       continue;
310     // We need to emit only one of these. The prevailing module will keep it,
311     // but turned into a weak, while the others will drop it when possible.
312     // This is both a compile-time optimization and a correctness
313     // transformation. This is necessary for correctness when we have exported
314     // a reference - we need to convert the linkonce to weak to
315     // ensure a copy is kept to satisfy the exported reference.
316     // FIXME: We may want to split the compile time and correctness
317     // aspects into separate routines.
318     if (isPrevailing(GUID, S.get())) {
319       if (GlobalValue::isLinkOnceLinkage(OriginalLinkage))
320         S->setLinkage(GlobalValue::getWeakLinkage(
321             GlobalValue::isLinkOnceODRLinkage(OriginalLinkage)));
322     }
323     // Alias and aliasee can't be turned into available_externally.
324     else if (!isa<AliasSummary>(S.get()) &&
325              !GlobalInvolvedWithAlias.count(S.get()))
326       S->setLinkage(GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage);
327     if (S->linkage() != OriginalLinkage)
328       recordNewLinkage(S->modulePath(), GUID, S->linkage());
329   }
330 }
332 /// Resolve linkage for prevailing symbols in the \p Index.
333 //
334 // We'd like to drop these functions if they are no longer referenced in the
335 // current module. However there is a chance that another module is still
336 // referencing them because of the import. We make sure we always emit at least
337 // one copy.
thinLTOResolvePrevailingInIndex(ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,function_ref<bool (GlobalValue::GUID,const GlobalValueSummary *)> isPrevailing,function_ref<void (StringRef,GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes)> recordNewLinkage)338 void llvm::thinLTOResolvePrevailingInIndex(
339     ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
340     function_ref<bool(GlobalValue::GUID, const GlobalValueSummary *)>
341         isPrevailing,
342     function_ref<void(StringRef, GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes)>
343         recordNewLinkage) {
344   // We won't optimize the globals that are referenced by an alias for now
345   // Ideally we should turn the alias into a global and duplicate the definition
346   // when needed.
347   DenseSet<GlobalValueSummary *> GlobalInvolvedWithAlias;
348   for (auto &I : Index)
349     for (auto &S : I.second.SummaryList)
350       if (auto AS = dyn_cast<AliasSummary>(S.get()))
351         GlobalInvolvedWithAlias.insert(&AS->getAliasee());
353   for (auto &I : Index)
354     thinLTOResolvePrevailingGUID(I.second.SummaryList, I.first,
355                                  GlobalInvolvedWithAlias, isPrevailing,
356                                  recordNewLinkage);
357 }
thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteGUID(GlobalValueSummaryList & GVSummaryList,GlobalValue::GUID GUID,function_ref<bool (StringRef,GlobalValue::GUID)> isExported)359 static void thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteGUID(
360     GlobalValueSummaryList &GVSummaryList, GlobalValue::GUID GUID,
361     function_ref<bool(StringRef, GlobalValue::GUID)> isExported) {
362   for (auto &S : GVSummaryList) {
363     if (isExported(S->modulePath(), GUID)) {
364       if (GlobalValue::isLocalLinkage(S->linkage()))
365         S->setLinkage(GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
366     } else if (EnableLTOInternalization &&
367                // Ignore local and appending linkage values since the linker
368                // doesn't resolve them.
369                !GlobalValue::isLocalLinkage(S->linkage()) &&
370                S->linkage() != GlobalValue::AppendingLinkage &&
371                // We can't internalize available_externally globals because this
372                // can break function pointer equality.
373                S->linkage() != GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage)
374       S->setLinkage(GlobalValue::InternalLinkage);
375   }
376 }
378 // Update the linkages in the given \p Index to mark exported values
379 // as external and non-exported values as internal.
thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteInIndex(ModuleSummaryIndex & Index,function_ref<bool (StringRef,GlobalValue::GUID)> isExported)380 void llvm::thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteInIndex(
381     ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
382     function_ref<bool(StringRef, GlobalValue::GUID)> isExported) {
383   for (auto &I : Index)
384     thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteGUID(I.second.SummaryList, I.first, isExported);
385 }
387 // Requires a destructor for std::vector<InputModule>.
388 InputFile::~InputFile() = default;
create(MemoryBufferRef Object)390 Expected<std::unique_ptr<InputFile>> InputFile::create(MemoryBufferRef Object) {
391   std::unique_ptr<InputFile> File(new InputFile);
393   Expected<IRSymtabFile> FOrErr = readIRSymtab(Object);
394   if (!FOrErr)
395     return FOrErr.takeError();
397   File->TargetTriple = FOrErr->TheReader.getTargetTriple();
398   File->SourceFileName = FOrErr->TheReader.getSourceFileName();
399   File->COFFLinkerOpts = FOrErr->TheReader.getCOFFLinkerOpts();
400   File->ComdatTable = FOrErr->TheReader.getComdatTable();
402   for (unsigned I = 0; I != FOrErr->Mods.size(); ++I) {
403     size_t Begin = File->Symbols.size();
404     for (const irsymtab::Reader::SymbolRef &Sym :
405          FOrErr->TheReader.module_symbols(I))
406       // Skip symbols that are irrelevant to LTO. Note that this condition needs
407       // to match the one in Skip() in LTO::addRegularLTO().
408       if (Sym.isGlobal() && !Sym.isFormatSpecific())
409         File->Symbols.push_back(Sym);
410     File->ModuleSymIndices.push_back({Begin, File->Symbols.size()});
411   }
413   File->Mods = FOrErr->Mods;
414   File->Strtab = std::move(FOrErr->Strtab);
415   return std::move(File);
416 }
getName() const418 StringRef InputFile::getName() const {
419   return Mods[0].getModuleIdentifier();
420 }
RegularLTOState(unsigned ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel,Config & Conf)422 LTO::RegularLTOState::RegularLTOState(unsigned ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel,
423                                       Config &Conf)
424     : ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel(ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel),
425       Ctx(Conf), CombinedModule(llvm::make_unique<Module>("ld-temp.o", Ctx)),
426       Mover(llvm::make_unique<IRMover>(*CombinedModule)) {}
ThinLTOState(ThinBackend Backend)428 LTO::ThinLTOState::ThinLTOState(ThinBackend Backend)
429     : Backend(Backend), CombinedIndex(/*HaveGVs*/ false) {
430   if (!Backend)
431     this->Backend =
432         createInProcessThinBackend(llvm::heavyweight_hardware_concurrency());
433 }
LTO(Config Conf,ThinBackend Backend,unsigned ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel)435 LTO::LTO(Config Conf, ThinBackend Backend,
436          unsigned ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel)
437     : Conf(std::move(Conf)),
438       RegularLTO(ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel, this->Conf),
439       ThinLTO(std::move(Backend)) {}
441 // Requires a destructor for MapVector<BitcodeModule>.
442 LTO::~LTO() = default;
444 // Add the symbols in the given module to the GlobalResolutions map, and resolve
445 // their partitions.
addModuleToGlobalRes(ArrayRef<InputFile::Symbol> Syms,ArrayRef<SymbolResolution> Res,unsigned Partition,bool InSummary)446 void LTO::addModuleToGlobalRes(ArrayRef<InputFile::Symbol> Syms,
447                                ArrayRef<SymbolResolution> Res,
448                                unsigned Partition, bool InSummary) {
449   auto *ResI = Res.begin();
450   auto *ResE = Res.end();
451   (void)ResE;
452   for (const InputFile::Symbol &Sym : Syms) {
453     assert(ResI != ResE);
454     SymbolResolution Res = *ResI++;
456     StringRef Name = Sym.getName();
457     Triple TT(RegularLTO.CombinedModule->getTargetTriple());
458     // Strip the __imp_ prefix from COFF dllimport symbols (similar to the
459     // way they are handled by lld), otherwise we can end up with two
460     // global resolutions (one with and one for a copy of the symbol without).
461     if (TT.isOSBinFormatCOFF() && Name.startswith("__imp_"))
462       Name = Name.substr(strlen("__imp_"));
463     auto &GlobalRes = GlobalResolutions[Name];
464     GlobalRes.UnnamedAddr &= Sym.isUnnamedAddr();
465     if (Res.Prevailing) {
466       assert(!GlobalRes.Prevailing &&
467              "Multiple prevailing defs are not allowed");
468       GlobalRes.Prevailing = true;
469       GlobalRes.IRName = Sym.getIRName();
470     } else if (!GlobalRes.Prevailing && GlobalRes.IRName.empty()) {
471       // Sometimes it can be two copies of symbol in a module and prevailing
472       // symbol can have no IR name. That might happen if symbol is defined in
473       // module level inline asm block. In case we have multiple modules with
474       // the same symbol we want to use IR name of the prevailing symbol.
475       // Otherwise, if we haven't seen a prevailing symbol, set the name so that
476       // we can later use it to check if there is any prevailing copy in IR.
477       GlobalRes.IRName = Sym.getIRName();
478     }
480     // Set the partition to external if we know it is re-defined by the linker
481     // with -defsym or -wrap options, used elsewhere, e.g. it is visible to a
482     // regular object, is referenced from llvm.compiler_used, or was already
483     // recorded as being referenced from a different partition.
484     if (Res.LinkerRedefined || Res.VisibleToRegularObj || Sym.isUsed() ||
485         (GlobalRes.Partition != GlobalResolution::Unknown &&
486          GlobalRes.Partition != Partition)) {
487       GlobalRes.Partition = GlobalResolution::External;
488     } else
489       // First recorded reference, save the current partition.
490       GlobalRes.Partition = Partition;
492     // Flag as visible outside of summary if visible from a regular object or
493     // from a module that does not have a summary.
494     GlobalRes.VisibleOutsideSummary |=
495         (Res.VisibleToRegularObj || Sym.isUsed() || !InSummary);
496   }
497 }
writeToResolutionFile(raw_ostream & OS,InputFile * Input,ArrayRef<SymbolResolution> Res)499 static void writeToResolutionFile(raw_ostream &OS, InputFile *Input,
500                                   ArrayRef<SymbolResolution> Res) {
501   StringRef Path = Input->getName();
502   OS << Path << '\n';
503   auto ResI = Res.begin();
504   for (const InputFile::Symbol &Sym : Input->symbols()) {
505     assert(ResI != Res.end());
506     SymbolResolution Res = *ResI++;
508     OS << "-r=" << Path << ',' << Sym.getName() << ',';
509     if (Res.Prevailing)
510       OS << 'p';
511     if (Res.FinalDefinitionInLinkageUnit)
512       OS << 'l';
513     if (Res.VisibleToRegularObj)
514       OS << 'x';
515     if (Res.LinkerRedefined)
516       OS << 'r';
517     OS << '\n';
518   }
519   OS.flush();
520   assert(ResI == Res.end());
521 }
add(std::unique_ptr<InputFile> Input,ArrayRef<SymbolResolution> Res)523 Error LTO::add(std::unique_ptr<InputFile> Input,
524                ArrayRef<SymbolResolution> Res) {
525   assert(!CalledGetMaxTasks);
527   if (Conf.ResolutionFile)
528     writeToResolutionFile(*Conf.ResolutionFile, Input.get(), Res);
530   if (RegularLTO.CombinedModule->getTargetTriple().empty())
531     RegularLTO.CombinedModule->setTargetTriple(Input->getTargetTriple());
533   const SymbolResolution *ResI = Res.begin();
534   for (unsigned I = 0; I != Input->Mods.size(); ++I)
535     if (Error Err = addModule(*Input, I, ResI, Res.end()))
536       return Err;
538   assert(ResI == Res.end());
539   return Error::success();
540 }
addModule(InputFile & Input,unsigned ModI,const SymbolResolution * & ResI,const SymbolResolution * ResE)542 Error LTO::addModule(InputFile &Input, unsigned ModI,
543                      const SymbolResolution *&ResI,
544                      const SymbolResolution *ResE) {
545   Expected<BitcodeLTOInfo> LTOInfo = Input.Mods[ModI].getLTOInfo();
546   if (!LTOInfo)
547     return LTOInfo.takeError();
549   if (EnableSplitLTOUnit.hasValue()) {
550     // If only some modules were split, flag this in the index so that
551     // we can skip or error on optimizations that need consistently split
552     // modules (whole program devirt and lower type tests).
553     if (EnableSplitLTOUnit.getValue() != LTOInfo->EnableSplitLTOUnit)
554       ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.setPartiallySplitLTOUnits();
555   } else
556     EnableSplitLTOUnit = LTOInfo->EnableSplitLTOUnit;
558   BitcodeModule BM = Input.Mods[ModI];
559   auto ModSyms = Input.module_symbols(ModI);
560   addModuleToGlobalRes(ModSyms, {ResI, ResE},
561                        LTOInfo->IsThinLTO ? ThinLTO.ModuleMap.size() + 1 : 0,
562                        LTOInfo->HasSummary);
564   if (LTOInfo->IsThinLTO)
565     return addThinLTO(BM, ModSyms, ResI, ResE);
567   Expected<RegularLTOState::AddedModule> ModOrErr =
568       addRegularLTO(BM, ModSyms, ResI, ResE);
569   if (!ModOrErr)
570     return ModOrErr.takeError();
572   if (!LTOInfo->HasSummary)
573     return linkRegularLTO(std::move(*ModOrErr), /*LivenessFromIndex=*/false);
575   // Regular LTO module summaries are added to a dummy module that represents
576   // the combined regular LTO module.
577   if (Error Err = BM.readSummary(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, "", -1ull))
578     return Err;
579   RegularLTO.ModsWithSummaries.push_back(std::move(*ModOrErr));
580   return Error::success();
581 }
583 // Checks whether the given global value is in a non-prevailing comdat
584 // (comdat containing values the linker indicated were not prevailing,
585 // which we then dropped to available_externally), and if so, removes
586 // it from the comdat. This is called for all global values to ensure the
587 // comdat is empty rather than leaving an incomplete comdat. It is needed for
588 // regular LTO modules, in case we are in a mixed-LTO mode (both regular
589 // and thin LTO modules) compilation. Since the regular LTO module will be
590 // linked first in the final native link, we want to make sure the linker
591 // doesn't select any of these incomplete comdats that would be left
592 // in the regular LTO module without this cleanup.
593 static void
handleNonPrevailingComdat(GlobalValue & GV,std::set<const Comdat * > & NonPrevailingComdats)594 handleNonPrevailingComdat(GlobalValue &GV,
595                           std::set<const Comdat *> &NonPrevailingComdats) {
596   Comdat *C = GV.getComdat();
597   if (!C)
598     return;
600   if (!NonPrevailingComdats.count(C))
601     return;
603   // Additionally need to drop externally visible global values from the comdat
604   // to available_externally, so that there aren't multiply defined linker
605   // errors.
606   if (!GV.hasLocalLinkage())
607     GV.setLinkage(GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage);
609   if (auto GO = dyn_cast<GlobalObject>(&GV))
610     GO->setComdat(nullptr);
611 }
613 // Add a regular LTO object to the link.
614 // The resulting module needs to be linked into the combined LTO module with
615 // linkRegularLTO.
616 Expected<LTO::RegularLTOState::AddedModule>
addRegularLTO(BitcodeModule BM,ArrayRef<InputFile::Symbol> Syms,const SymbolResolution * & ResI,const SymbolResolution * ResE)617 LTO::addRegularLTO(BitcodeModule BM, ArrayRef<InputFile::Symbol> Syms,
618                    const SymbolResolution *&ResI,
619                    const SymbolResolution *ResE) {
620   RegularLTOState::AddedModule Mod;
621   Expected<std::unique_ptr<Module>> MOrErr =
622       BM.getLazyModule(RegularLTO.Ctx, /*ShouldLazyLoadMetadata*/ true,
623                        /*IsImporting*/ false);
624   if (!MOrErr)
625     return MOrErr.takeError();
626   Module &M = **MOrErr;
627   Mod.M = std::move(*MOrErr);
629   if (Error Err = M.materializeMetadata())
630     return std::move(Err);
631   UpgradeDebugInfo(M);
633   ModuleSymbolTable SymTab;
634   SymTab.addModule(&M);
636   for (GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals())
637     if (GV.hasAppendingLinkage())
638       Mod.Keep.push_back(&GV);
640   DenseSet<GlobalObject *> AliasedGlobals;
641   for (auto &GA : M.aliases())
642     if (GlobalObject *GO = GA.getBaseObject())
643       AliasedGlobals.insert(GO);
645   // In this function we need IR GlobalValues matching the symbols in Syms
646   // (which is not backed by a module), so we need to enumerate them in the same
647   // order. The symbol enumeration order of a ModuleSymbolTable intentionally
648   // matches the order of an irsymtab, but when we read the irsymtab in
649   // InputFile::create we omit some symbols that are irrelevant to LTO. The
650   // Skip() function skips the same symbols from the module as InputFile does
651   // from the symbol table.
652   auto MsymI = SymTab.symbols().begin(), MsymE = SymTab.symbols().end();
653   auto Skip = [&]() {
654     while (MsymI != MsymE) {
655       auto Flags = SymTab.getSymbolFlags(*MsymI);
656       if ((Flags & object::BasicSymbolRef::SF_Global) &&
657           !(Flags & object::BasicSymbolRef::SF_FormatSpecific))
658         return;
659       ++MsymI;
660     }
661   };
662   Skip();
664   std::set<const Comdat *> NonPrevailingComdats;
665   for (const InputFile::Symbol &Sym : Syms) {
666     assert(ResI != ResE);
667     SymbolResolution Res = *ResI++;
669     assert(MsymI != MsymE);
670     ModuleSymbolTable::Symbol Msym = *MsymI++;
671     Skip();
673     if (GlobalValue *GV = Msym.dyn_cast<GlobalValue *>()) {
674       if (Res.Prevailing) {
675         if (Sym.isUndefined())
676           continue;
677         Mod.Keep.push_back(GV);
678         // For symbols re-defined with linker -wrap and -defsym options,
679         // set the linkage to weak to inhibit IPO. The linkage will be
680         // restored by the linker.
681         if (Res.LinkerRedefined)
682           GV->setLinkage(GlobalValue::WeakAnyLinkage);
684         GlobalValue::LinkageTypes OriginalLinkage = GV->getLinkage();
685         if (GlobalValue::isLinkOnceLinkage(OriginalLinkage))
686           GV->setLinkage(GlobalValue::getWeakLinkage(
687               GlobalValue::isLinkOnceODRLinkage(OriginalLinkage)));
688       } else if (isa<GlobalObject>(GV) &&
689                  (GV->hasLinkOnceODRLinkage() || GV->hasWeakODRLinkage() ||
690                   GV->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage()) &&
691                  !AliasedGlobals.count(cast<GlobalObject>(GV))) {
692         // Any of the above three types of linkage indicates that the
693         // chosen prevailing symbol will have the same semantics as this copy of
694         // the symbol, so we may be able to link it with available_externally
695         // linkage. We will decide later whether to do that when we link this
696         // module (in linkRegularLTO), based on whether it is undefined.
697         Mod.Keep.push_back(GV);
698         GV->setLinkage(GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage);
699         if (GV->hasComdat())
700           NonPrevailingComdats.insert(GV->getComdat());
701         cast<GlobalObject>(GV)->setComdat(nullptr);
702       }
704       // Set the 'local' flag based on the linker resolution for this symbol.
705       if (Res.FinalDefinitionInLinkageUnit) {
706         GV->setDSOLocal(true);
707         if (GV->hasDLLImportStorageClass())
708           GV->setDLLStorageClass(GlobalValue::DLLStorageClassTypes::
709                                  DefaultStorageClass);
710       }
711     }
712     // Common resolution: collect the maximum size/alignment over all commons.
713     // We also record if we see an instance of a common as prevailing, so that
714     // if none is prevailing we can ignore it later.
715     if (Sym.isCommon()) {
716       // FIXME: We should figure out what to do about commons defined by asm.
717       // For now they aren't reported correctly by ModuleSymbolTable.
718       auto &CommonRes = RegularLTO.Commons[Sym.getIRName()];
719       CommonRes.Size = std::max(CommonRes.Size, Sym.getCommonSize());
720       CommonRes.Align = std::max(CommonRes.Align, Sym.getCommonAlignment());
721       CommonRes.Prevailing |= Res.Prevailing;
722     }
724   }
725   if (!M.getComdatSymbolTable().empty())
726     for (GlobalValue &GV : M.global_values())
727       handleNonPrevailingComdat(GV, NonPrevailingComdats);
728   assert(MsymI == MsymE);
729   return std::move(Mod);
730 }
linkRegularLTO(RegularLTOState::AddedModule Mod,bool LivenessFromIndex)732 Error LTO::linkRegularLTO(RegularLTOState::AddedModule Mod,
733                           bool LivenessFromIndex) {
734   std::vector<GlobalValue *> Keep;
735   for (GlobalValue *GV : Mod.Keep) {
736     if (LivenessFromIndex && !ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.isGUIDLive(GV->getGUID()))
737       continue;
739     if (!GV->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage()) {
740       Keep.push_back(GV);
741       continue;
742     }
744     // Only link available_externally definitions if we don't already have a
745     // definition.
746     GlobalValue *CombinedGV =
747         RegularLTO.CombinedModule->getNamedValue(GV->getName());
748     if (CombinedGV && !CombinedGV->isDeclaration())
749       continue;
751     Keep.push_back(GV);
752   }
754   return RegularLTO.Mover->move(std::move(Mod.M), Keep,
755                                 [](GlobalValue &, IRMover::ValueAdder) {},
756                                 /* IsPerformingImport */ false);
757 }
759 // Add a ThinLTO module to the link.
addThinLTO(BitcodeModule BM,ArrayRef<InputFile::Symbol> Syms,const SymbolResolution * & ResI,const SymbolResolution * ResE)760 Error LTO::addThinLTO(BitcodeModule BM, ArrayRef<InputFile::Symbol> Syms,
761                       const SymbolResolution *&ResI,
762                       const SymbolResolution *ResE) {
763   if (Error Err =
764           BM.readSummary(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, BM.getModuleIdentifier(),
765                          ThinLTO.ModuleMap.size()))
766     return Err;
768   for (const InputFile::Symbol &Sym : Syms) {
769     assert(ResI != ResE);
770     SymbolResolution Res = *ResI++;
772     if (!Sym.getIRName().empty()) {
773       auto GUID = GlobalValue::getGUID(GlobalValue::getGlobalIdentifier(
774           Sym.getIRName(), GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, ""));
775       if (Res.Prevailing) {
776         ThinLTO.PrevailingModuleForGUID[GUID] = BM.getModuleIdentifier();
778         // For linker redefined symbols (via --wrap or --defsym) we want to
779         // switch the linkage to `weak` to prevent IPOs from happening.
780         // Find the summary in the module for this very GV and record the new
781         // linkage so that we can switch it when we import the GV.
782         if (Res.LinkerRedefined)
783           if (auto S = ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.findSummaryInModule(
784                   GUID, BM.getModuleIdentifier()))
785             S->setLinkage(GlobalValue::WeakAnyLinkage);
786       }
788       // If the linker resolved the symbol to a local definition then mark it
789       // as local in the summary for the module we are adding.
790       if (Res.FinalDefinitionInLinkageUnit) {
791         if (auto S = ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.findSummaryInModule(
792                 GUID, BM.getModuleIdentifier())) {
793           S->setDSOLocal(true);
794         }
795       }
796     }
797   }
799   if (!ThinLTO.ModuleMap.insert({BM.getModuleIdentifier(), BM}).second)
800     return make_error<StringError>(
801         "Expected at most one ThinLTO module per bitcode file",
802         inconvertibleErrorCode());
804   return Error::success();
805 }
getMaxTasks() const807 unsigned LTO::getMaxTasks() const {
808   CalledGetMaxTasks = true;
809   return RegularLTO.ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel + ThinLTO.ModuleMap.size();
810 }
run(AddStreamFn AddStream,NativeObjectCache Cache)812 Error LTO::run(AddStreamFn AddStream, NativeObjectCache Cache) {
813   // Compute "dead" symbols, we don't want to import/export these!
814   DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> GUIDPreservedSymbols;
815   DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, PrevailingType> GUIDPrevailingResolutions;
816   for (auto &Res : GlobalResolutions) {
817     // Normally resolution have IR name of symbol. We can do nothing here
818     // otherwise. See comments in GlobalResolution struct for more details.
819     if (Res.second.IRName.empty())
820       continue;
822     GlobalValue::GUID GUID = GlobalValue::getGUID(
823         GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(Res.second.IRName));
825     if (Res.second.VisibleOutsideSummary && Res.second.Prevailing)
826       GUIDPreservedSymbols.insert(GlobalValue::getGUID(
827           GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(Res.second.IRName)));
829     GUIDPrevailingResolutions[GUID] =
830         Res.second.Prevailing ? PrevailingType::Yes : PrevailingType::No;
831   }
833   auto isPrevailing = [&](GlobalValue::GUID G) {
834     auto It = GUIDPrevailingResolutions.find(G);
835     if (It == GUIDPrevailingResolutions.end())
836       return PrevailingType::Unknown;
837     return It->second;
838   };
839   computeDeadSymbolsWithConstProp(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, GUIDPreservedSymbols,
840                                   isPrevailing, Conf.OptLevel > 0);
842   // Setup output file to emit statistics.
843   std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> StatsFile = nullptr;
844   if (!Conf.StatsFile.empty()) {
845     EnableStatistics(false);
846     std::error_code EC;
847     StatsFile =
848         llvm::make_unique<ToolOutputFile>(Conf.StatsFile, EC, sys::fs::F_None);
849     if (EC)
850       return errorCodeToError(EC);
851     StatsFile->keep();
852   }
854   Error Result = runRegularLTO(AddStream);
855   if (!Result)
856     Result = runThinLTO(AddStream, Cache);
858   if (StatsFile)
859     PrintStatisticsJSON(StatsFile->os());
861   return Result;
862 }
runRegularLTO(AddStreamFn AddStream)864 Error LTO::runRegularLTO(AddStreamFn AddStream) {
865   for (auto &M : RegularLTO.ModsWithSummaries)
866     if (Error Err = linkRegularLTO(std::move(M),
867                                    /*LivenessFromIndex=*/true))
868       return Err;
870   // Make sure commons have the right size/alignment: we kept the largest from
871   // all the prevailing when adding the inputs, and we apply it here.
872   const DataLayout &DL = RegularLTO.CombinedModule->getDataLayout();
873   for (auto &I : RegularLTO.Commons) {
874     if (!I.second.Prevailing)
875       // Don't do anything if no instance of this common was prevailing.
876       continue;
877     GlobalVariable *OldGV = RegularLTO.CombinedModule->getNamedGlobal(I.first);
878     if (OldGV && DL.getTypeAllocSize(OldGV->getValueType()) == I.second.Size) {
879       // Don't create a new global if the type is already correct, just make
880       // sure the alignment is correct.
881       OldGV->setAlignment(I.second.Align);
882       continue;
883     }
884     ArrayType *Ty =
885         ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(RegularLTO.Ctx), I.second.Size);
886     auto *GV = new GlobalVariable(*RegularLTO.CombinedModule, Ty, false,
887                                   GlobalValue::CommonLinkage,
888                                   ConstantAggregateZero::get(Ty), "");
889     GV->setAlignment(I.second.Align);
890     if (OldGV) {
891       OldGV->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(GV, OldGV->getType()));
892       GV->takeName(OldGV);
893       OldGV->eraseFromParent();
894     } else {
895       GV->setName(I.first);
896     }
897   }
899   if (Conf.PreOptModuleHook &&
900       !Conf.PreOptModuleHook(0, *RegularLTO.CombinedModule))
901     return Error::success();
903   if (!Conf.CodeGenOnly) {
904     for (const auto &R : GlobalResolutions) {
905       if (!R.second.isPrevailingIRSymbol())
906         continue;
907       if (R.second.Partition != 0 &&
908           R.second.Partition != GlobalResolution::External)
909         continue;
911       GlobalValue *GV =
912           RegularLTO.CombinedModule->getNamedValue(R.second.IRName);
913       // Ignore symbols defined in other partitions.
914       // Also skip declarations, which are not allowed to have internal linkage.
915       if (!GV || GV->hasLocalLinkage() || GV->isDeclaration())
916         continue;
917       GV->setUnnamedAddr(R.second.UnnamedAddr ? GlobalValue::UnnamedAddr::Global
918                                               : GlobalValue::UnnamedAddr::None);
919       if (EnableLTOInternalization && R.second.Partition == 0)
920         GV->setLinkage(GlobalValue::InternalLinkage);
921     }
923     if (Conf.PostInternalizeModuleHook &&
924         !Conf.PostInternalizeModuleHook(0, *RegularLTO.CombinedModule))
925       return Error::success();
926   }
927   return backend(Conf, AddStream, RegularLTO.ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel,
928                  std::move(RegularLTO.CombinedModule), ThinLTO.CombinedIndex);
929 }
931 /// This class defines the interface to the ThinLTO backend.
932 class lto::ThinBackendProc {
933 protected:
934   Config &Conf;
935   ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex;
936   const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries;
938 public:
ThinBackendProc(Config & Conf,ModuleSummaryIndex & CombinedIndex,const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> & ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries)939   ThinBackendProc(Config &Conf, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
940                   const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries)
941       : Conf(Conf), CombinedIndex(CombinedIndex),
942         ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries) {}
~ThinBackendProc()944   virtual ~ThinBackendProc() {}
945   virtual Error start(
946       unsigned Task, BitcodeModule BM,
947       const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
948       const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
949       const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> &ResolvedODR,
950       MapVector<StringRef, BitcodeModule> &ModuleMap) = 0;
951   virtual Error wait() = 0;
952 };
954 namespace {
955 class InProcessThinBackend : public ThinBackendProc {
956   ThreadPool BackendThreadPool;
957   AddStreamFn AddStream;
958   NativeObjectCache Cache;
959   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> CfiFunctionDefs;
960   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> CfiFunctionDecls;
962   Optional<Error> Err;
963   std::mutex ErrMu;
965 public:
InProcessThinBackend(Config & Conf,ModuleSummaryIndex & CombinedIndex,unsigned ThinLTOParallelismLevel,const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> & ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,AddStreamFn AddStream,NativeObjectCache Cache)966   InProcessThinBackend(
967       Config &Conf, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
968       unsigned ThinLTOParallelismLevel,
969       const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
970       AddStreamFn AddStream, NativeObjectCache Cache)
971       : ThinBackendProc(Conf, CombinedIndex, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries),
972         BackendThreadPool(ThinLTOParallelismLevel),
973         AddStream(std::move(AddStream)), Cache(std::move(Cache)) {
974     for (auto &Name : CombinedIndex.cfiFunctionDefs())
975       CfiFunctionDefs.insert(
976           GlobalValue::getGUID(GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(Name)));
977     for (auto &Name : CombinedIndex.cfiFunctionDecls())
978       CfiFunctionDecls.insert(
979           GlobalValue::getGUID(GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(Name)));
980   }
runThinLTOBackendThread(AddStreamFn AddStream,NativeObjectCache Cache,unsigned Task,BitcodeModule BM,ModuleSummaryIndex & CombinedIndex,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList,const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy & ExportList,const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> & ResolvedODR,const GVSummaryMapTy & DefinedGlobals,MapVector<StringRef,BitcodeModule> & ModuleMap)982   Error runThinLTOBackendThread(
983       AddStreamFn AddStream, NativeObjectCache Cache, unsigned Task,
984       BitcodeModule BM, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
985       const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
986       const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
987       const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> &ResolvedODR,
988       const GVSummaryMapTy &DefinedGlobals,
989       MapVector<StringRef, BitcodeModule> &ModuleMap) {
990     auto RunThinBackend = [&](AddStreamFn AddStream) {
991       LTOLLVMContext BackendContext(Conf);
992       Expected<std::unique_ptr<Module>> MOrErr = BM.parseModule(BackendContext);
993       if (!MOrErr)
994         return MOrErr.takeError();
996       return thinBackend(Conf, Task, AddStream, **MOrErr, CombinedIndex,
997                          ImportList, DefinedGlobals, ModuleMap);
998     };
1000     auto ModuleID = BM.getModuleIdentifier();
1002     if (!Cache || !CombinedIndex.modulePaths().count(ModuleID) ||
1003         all_of(CombinedIndex.getModuleHash(ModuleID),
1004                [](uint32_t V) { return V == 0; }))
1005       // Cache disabled or no entry for this module in the combined index or
1006       // no module hash.
1007       return RunThinBackend(AddStream);
1009     SmallString<40> Key;
1010     // The module may be cached, this helps handling it.
1011     computeLTOCacheKey(Key, Conf, CombinedIndex, ModuleID, ImportList,
1012                        ExportList, ResolvedODR, DefinedGlobals, CfiFunctionDefs,
1013                        CfiFunctionDecls);
1014     if (AddStreamFn CacheAddStream = Cache(Task, Key))
1015       return RunThinBackend(CacheAddStream);
1017     return Error::success();
1018   }
start(unsigned Task,BitcodeModule BM,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList,const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy & ExportList,const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> & ResolvedODR,MapVector<StringRef,BitcodeModule> & ModuleMap)1020   Error start(
1021       unsigned Task, BitcodeModule BM,
1022       const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
1023       const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
1024       const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> &ResolvedODR,
1025       MapVector<StringRef, BitcodeModule> &ModuleMap) override {
1026     StringRef ModulePath = BM.getModuleIdentifier();
1027     assert(ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries.count(ModulePath));
1028     const GVSummaryMapTy &DefinedGlobals =
1029         ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries.find(ModulePath)->second;
1030     BackendThreadPool.async(
1031         [=](BitcodeModule BM, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
1032             const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
1033             const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
1034             const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>
1035                 &ResolvedODR,
1036             const GVSummaryMapTy &DefinedGlobals,
1037             MapVector<StringRef, BitcodeModule> &ModuleMap) {
1038           Error E = runThinLTOBackendThread(
1039               AddStream, Cache, Task, BM, CombinedIndex, ImportList, ExportList,
1040               ResolvedODR, DefinedGlobals, ModuleMap);
1041           if (E) {
1042             std::unique_lock<std::mutex> L(ErrMu);
1043             if (Err)
1044               Err = joinErrors(std::move(*Err), std::move(E));
1045             else
1046               Err = std::move(E);
1047           }
1048         },
1049         BM, std::ref(CombinedIndex), std::ref(ImportList), std::ref(ExportList),
1050         std::ref(ResolvedODR), std::ref(DefinedGlobals), std::ref(ModuleMap));
1051     return Error::success();
1052   }
wait()1054   Error wait() override {
1055     BackendThreadPool.wait();
1056     if (Err)
1057       return std::move(*Err);
1058     else
1059       return Error::success();
1060   }
1061 };
1062 } // end anonymous namespace
createInProcessThinBackend(unsigned ParallelismLevel)1064 ThinBackend lto::createInProcessThinBackend(unsigned ParallelismLevel) {
1065   return [=](Config &Conf, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
1066              const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1067              AddStreamFn AddStream, NativeObjectCache Cache) {
1068     return llvm::make_unique<InProcessThinBackend>(
1069         Conf, CombinedIndex, ParallelismLevel, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1070         AddStream, Cache);
1071   };
1072 }
1074 // Given the original \p Path to an output file, replace any path
1075 // prefix matching \p OldPrefix with \p NewPrefix. Also, create the
1076 // resulting directory if it does not yet exist.
getThinLTOOutputFile(const std::string & Path,const std::string & OldPrefix,const std::string & NewPrefix)1077 std::string lto::getThinLTOOutputFile(const std::string &Path,
1078                                       const std::string &OldPrefix,
1079                                       const std::string &NewPrefix) {
1080   if (OldPrefix.empty() && NewPrefix.empty())
1081     return Path;
1082   SmallString<128> NewPath(Path);
1083   llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix(NewPath, OldPrefix, NewPrefix);
1084   StringRef ParentPath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(NewPath.str());
1085   if (!ParentPath.empty()) {
1086     // Make sure the new directory exists, creating it if necessary.
1087     if (std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(ParentPath))
1088       llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create directory '" << ParentPath
1089                    << "': " << EC.message() << '\n';
1090   }
1091   return NewPath.str();
1092 }
1094 namespace {
1095 class WriteIndexesThinBackend : public ThinBackendProc {
1096   std::string OldPrefix, NewPrefix;
1097   bool ShouldEmitImportsFiles;
1098   raw_fd_ostream *LinkedObjectsFile;
1099   lto::IndexWriteCallback OnWrite;
1101 public:
WriteIndexesThinBackend(Config & Conf,ModuleSummaryIndex & CombinedIndex,const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> & ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,std::string OldPrefix,std::string NewPrefix,bool ShouldEmitImportsFiles,raw_fd_ostream * LinkedObjectsFile,lto::IndexWriteCallback OnWrite)1102   WriteIndexesThinBackend(
1103       Config &Conf, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
1104       const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1105       std::string OldPrefix, std::string NewPrefix, bool ShouldEmitImportsFiles,
1106       raw_fd_ostream *LinkedObjectsFile, lto::IndexWriteCallback OnWrite)
1107       : ThinBackendProc(Conf, CombinedIndex, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries),
1108         OldPrefix(OldPrefix), NewPrefix(NewPrefix),
1109         ShouldEmitImportsFiles(ShouldEmitImportsFiles),
1110         LinkedObjectsFile(LinkedObjectsFile), OnWrite(OnWrite) {}
start(unsigned Task,BitcodeModule BM,const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy & ImportList,const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy & ExportList,const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID,GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> & ResolvedODR,MapVector<StringRef,BitcodeModule> & ModuleMap)1112   Error start(
1113       unsigned Task, BitcodeModule BM,
1114       const FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy &ImportList,
1115       const FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy &ExportList,
1116       const std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes> &ResolvedODR,
1117       MapVector<StringRef, BitcodeModule> &ModuleMap) override {
1118     StringRef ModulePath = BM.getModuleIdentifier();
1119     std::string NewModulePath =
1120         getThinLTOOutputFile(ModulePath, OldPrefix, NewPrefix);
1122     if (LinkedObjectsFile)
1123       *LinkedObjectsFile << NewModulePath << '\n';
1125     std::map<std::string, GVSummaryMapTy> ModuleToSummariesForIndex;
1126     gatherImportedSummariesForModule(ModulePath, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1127                                      ImportList, ModuleToSummariesForIndex);
1129     std::error_code EC;
1130     raw_fd_ostream OS(NewModulePath + ".thinlto.bc", EC,
1131                       sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_None);
1132     if (EC)
1133       return errorCodeToError(EC);
1134     WriteIndexToFile(CombinedIndex, OS, &ModuleToSummariesForIndex);
1136     if (ShouldEmitImportsFiles) {
1137       EC = EmitImportsFiles(ModulePath, NewModulePath + ".imports",
1138                             ModuleToSummariesForIndex);
1139       if (EC)
1140         return errorCodeToError(EC);
1141     }
1143     if (OnWrite)
1144       OnWrite(ModulePath);
1145     return Error::success();
1146   }
wait()1148   Error wait() override { return Error::success(); }
1149 };
1150 } // end anonymous namespace
createWriteIndexesThinBackend(std::string OldPrefix,std::string NewPrefix,bool ShouldEmitImportsFiles,raw_fd_ostream * LinkedObjectsFile,IndexWriteCallback OnWrite)1152 ThinBackend lto::createWriteIndexesThinBackend(
1153     std::string OldPrefix, std::string NewPrefix, bool ShouldEmitImportsFiles,
1154     raw_fd_ostream *LinkedObjectsFile, IndexWriteCallback OnWrite) {
1155   return [=](Config &Conf, ModuleSummaryIndex &CombinedIndex,
1156              const StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy> &ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1157              AddStreamFn AddStream, NativeObjectCache Cache) {
1158     return llvm::make_unique<WriteIndexesThinBackend>(
1159         Conf, CombinedIndex, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries, OldPrefix, NewPrefix,
1160         ShouldEmitImportsFiles, LinkedObjectsFile, OnWrite);
1161   };
1162 }
runThinLTO(AddStreamFn AddStream,NativeObjectCache Cache)1164 Error LTO::runThinLTO(AddStreamFn AddStream, NativeObjectCache Cache) {
1165   if (ThinLTO.ModuleMap.empty())
1166     return Error::success();
1168   if (Conf.CombinedIndexHook && !Conf.CombinedIndexHook(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex))
1169     return Error::success();
1171   // Collect for each module the list of function it defines (GUID ->
1172   // Summary).
1173   StringMap<GVSummaryMapTy>
1174       ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries(ThinLTO.ModuleMap.size());
1175   ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.collectDefinedGVSummariesPerModule(
1176       ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries);
1177   // Create entries for any modules that didn't have any GV summaries
1178   // (either they didn't have any GVs to start with, or we suppressed
1179   // generation of the summaries because they e.g. had inline assembly
1180   // uses that couldn't be promoted/renamed on export). This is so
1181   // InProcessThinBackend::start can still launch a backend thread, which
1182   // is passed the map of summaries for the module, without any special
1183   // handling for this case.
1184   for (auto &Mod : ThinLTO.ModuleMap)
1185     if (!ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries.count(Mod.first))
1186       ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries.try_emplace(Mod.first);
1188   // Synthesize entry counts for functions in the CombinedIndex.
1189   computeSyntheticCounts(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex);
1191   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ImportMapTy> ImportLists(
1192       ThinLTO.ModuleMap.size());
1193   StringMap<FunctionImporter::ExportSetTy> ExportLists(
1194       ThinLTO.ModuleMap.size());
1195   StringMap<std::map<GlobalValue::GUID, GlobalValue::LinkageTypes>> ResolvedODR;
1197   if (DumpThinCGSCCs)
1198     ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.dumpSCCs(outs());
1200   if (Conf.OptLevel > 0)
1201     ComputeCrossModuleImport(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1202                              ImportLists, ExportLists);
1204   // Figure out which symbols need to be internalized. This also needs to happen
1205   // at -O0 because summary-based DCE is implemented using internalization, and
1206   // we must apply DCE consistently with the full LTO module in order to avoid
1207   // undefined references during the final link.
1208   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> ExportedGUIDs;
1209   for (auto &Res : GlobalResolutions) {
1210     // If the symbol does not have external references or it is not prevailing,
1211     // then not need to mark it as exported from a ThinLTO partition.
1212     if (Res.second.Partition != GlobalResolution::External ||
1213         !Res.second.isPrevailingIRSymbol())
1214       continue;
1215     auto GUID = GlobalValue::getGUID(
1216         GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(Res.second.IRName));
1217     // Mark exported unless index-based analysis determined it to be dead.
1218     if (ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.isGUIDLive(GUID))
1219       ExportedGUIDs.insert(GUID);
1220   }
1222   // Any functions referenced by the jump table in the regular LTO object must
1223   // be exported.
1224   for (auto &Def : ThinLTO.CombinedIndex.cfiFunctionDefs())
1225     ExportedGUIDs.insert(
1226         GlobalValue::getGUID(GlobalValue::dropLLVMManglingEscape(Def)));
1228   auto isExported = [&](StringRef ModuleIdentifier, GlobalValue::GUID GUID) {
1229     const auto &ExportList = ExportLists.find(ModuleIdentifier);
1230     return (ExportList != ExportLists.end() &&
1231             ExportList->second.count(GUID)) ||
1232            ExportedGUIDs.count(GUID);
1233   };
1234   thinLTOInternalizeAndPromoteInIndex(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, isExported);
1236   auto isPrevailing = [&](GlobalValue::GUID GUID,
1237                           const GlobalValueSummary *S) {
1238     return ThinLTO.PrevailingModuleForGUID[GUID] == S->modulePath();
1239   };
1240   auto recordNewLinkage = [&](StringRef ModuleIdentifier,
1241                               GlobalValue::GUID GUID,
1242                               GlobalValue::LinkageTypes NewLinkage) {
1243     ResolvedODR[ModuleIdentifier][GUID] = NewLinkage;
1244   };
1245   thinLTOResolvePrevailingInIndex(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, isPrevailing,
1246                                   recordNewLinkage);
1248   std::unique_ptr<ThinBackendProc> BackendProc =
1249       ThinLTO.Backend(Conf, ThinLTO.CombinedIndex, ModuleToDefinedGVSummaries,
1250                       AddStream, Cache);
1252   // Tasks 0 through ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel-1 are reserved for combined
1253   // module and parallel code generation partitions.
1254   unsigned Task = RegularLTO.ParallelCodeGenParallelismLevel;
1255   for (auto &Mod : ThinLTO.ModuleMap) {
1256     if (Error E = BackendProc->start(Task, Mod.second, ImportLists[Mod.first],
1257                                      ExportLists[Mod.first],
1258                                      ResolvedODR[Mod.first], ThinLTO.ModuleMap))
1259       return E;
1260     ++Task;
1261   }
1263   return BackendProc->wait();
1264 }
1266 Expected<std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile>>
setupOptimizationRemarks(LLVMContext & Context,StringRef LTORemarksFilename,bool LTOPassRemarksWithHotness,int Count)1267 lto::setupOptimizationRemarks(LLVMContext &Context,
1268                               StringRef LTORemarksFilename,
1269                               bool LTOPassRemarksWithHotness, int Count) {
1270   if (LTOPassRemarksWithHotness)
1271     Context.setDiagnosticsHotnessRequested(true);
1272   if (LTORemarksFilename.empty())
1273     return nullptr;
1275   std::string Filename = LTORemarksFilename;
1276   if (Count != -1)
1277     Filename += ".thin." + llvm::utostr(Count) + ".yaml";
1279   std::error_code EC;
1280   auto DiagnosticFile =
1281       llvm::make_unique<ToolOutputFile>(Filename, EC, sys::fs::F_None);
1282   if (EC)
1283     return errorCodeToError(EC);
1284   Context.setDiagnosticsOutputFile(
1285       llvm::make_unique<yaml::Output>(DiagnosticFile->os()));
1286   DiagnosticFile->keep();
1287   return std::move(DiagnosticFile);
1288 }