1 //=== unittests/CodeGen/IRMatchers.h - Match on the LLVM IR -----*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 /// \file
9 /// This file provides a simple mechanism for performing search operations over
10 /// IR including metadata and types. It allows writing complex search patterns
11 /// using understandable syntax. For instance, the code:
12 ///
13 /// \code
14 ///       const BasicBlock *BB = ...
15 ///       const Instruction *I = match(BB,
16 ///           MInstruction(Instruction::Store,
17 ///               MConstInt(4, 8),
18 ///               MMTuple(
19 ///                   MMTuple(
20 ///                       MMString("omnipotent char"),
21 ///                       MMTuple(
22 ///                           MMString("Simple C/C++ TBAA")),
23 ///                       MConstInt(0, 64)),
24 ///                   MSameAs(0),
25 ///                   MConstInt(0))));
26 /// \endcode
27 ///
28 /// searches the basic block BB for the 'store' instruction, first argument of
29 /// which is 'i8 4', and the attached metadata has an item described by the
30 /// given tree.
31 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
36 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
37 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
38 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
39 #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
40 #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
41 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
43 namespace llvm {
45 /// Keeps information about pending match queries.
46 ///
47 /// This class stores state of all unfinished match actions. It allows to
48 /// use queries like "this operand is the same as n-th operand", which are
49 /// hard to implement otherwise.
50 ///
51 class MatcherContext {
52 public:
54   /// Describes pending match query.
55   ///
56   /// The query is represented by the current entity being investigated (type,
57   /// value or metadata). If the entity is a member of a list (like arguments),
58   /// the query also keeps the entity number in that list.
59   ///
60   class Query {
61     PointerUnion3<const Value *, const Metadata *, const Type *> Entity;
62     unsigned OperandNo;
64   public:
Query(const Value * V,unsigned N)65     Query(const Value *V, unsigned N) : Entity(V), OperandNo(N) {}
Query(const Metadata * M,unsigned N)66     Query(const Metadata *M, unsigned N) : Entity(M), OperandNo(N) {}
Query(const Type * T,unsigned N)67     Query(const Type *T, unsigned N) : Entity(T), OperandNo(N) {}
69     template<typename T>
get()70     const T *get() const {
71       return Entity.dyn_cast<const T *>();
72     }
getOperandNo()74     unsigned getOperandNo() const { return OperandNo; }
75   };
77   template<typename T>
78   void push(const T *V, unsigned N = ~0) {
79     MatchStack.push_back(Query(V, N));
80   }
pop()82   void pop() { MatchStack.pop_back(); }
84   template<typename T>
top()85   const T *top() const { return MatchStack.back().get<T>(); }
size()87   size_t size() const { return MatchStack.size(); }
getOperandNo()89   unsigned getOperandNo() const { return MatchStack.back().getOperandNo(); }
91   /// Returns match query at the given offset from the top of queries.
92   ///
93   /// Offset 0 corresponds to the topmost query.
94   ///
getQuery(unsigned Offset)95   const Query &getQuery(unsigned Offset) const {
96     assert(MatchStack.size() > Offset);
97     return MatchStack[MatchStack.size() - 1 - Offset];
98   }
100 private:
101   SmallVector<Query, 8> MatchStack;
102 };
105 /// Base of all matcher classes.
106 ///
107 class Matcher {
108 public:
~Matcher()109   virtual ~Matcher() {}
111   /// Returns true if the entity on the top of the specified context satisfies
112   /// the matcher condition.
113   ///
114   virtual bool match(MatcherContext &MC) = 0;
115 };
118 /// Base class of matchers that test particular entity.
119 ///
120 template<typename T>
121 class EntityMatcher : public Matcher {
122 public:
match(MatcherContext & MC)123   bool match(MatcherContext &MC) override {
124     if (auto V = MC.top<T>())
125       return matchEntity(*V, MC);
126     return false;
127   }
128   virtual bool matchEntity(const T &M, MatcherContext &C) = 0;
129 };
132 /// Matcher that matches any entity of the specified kind.
133 ///
134 template<typename T>
135 class AnyMatcher : public EntityMatcher<T> {
136 public:
matchEntity(const T & M,MatcherContext & C)137   bool matchEntity(const T &M, MatcherContext &C) override { return true; }
138 };
141 /// Matcher that tests if the current entity satisfies the specified
142 /// condition.
143 ///
144 template<typename T>
145 class CondMatcher : public EntityMatcher<T> {
146   std::function<bool(const T &)> Condition;
147 public:
CondMatcher(std::function<bool (const T &)> C)148   CondMatcher(std::function<bool(const T &)> C) : Condition(C) {}
matchEntity(const T & V,MatcherContext & C)149   bool matchEntity(const T &V, MatcherContext &C) override {
150     return Condition(V);
151   }
152 };
155 /// Matcher that save pointer to the entity that satisfies condition of the
156 // specified matcher.
157 ///
158 template<typename T>
159 class SavingMatcher : public EntityMatcher<T> {
160   const T *&Var;
161   std::shared_ptr<Matcher> Next;
162 public:
SavingMatcher(const T * & V,std::shared_ptr<Matcher> N)163   SavingMatcher(const T *&V, std::shared_ptr<Matcher> N) : Var(V), Next(N) {}
matchEntity(const T & V,MatcherContext & C)164   bool matchEntity(const T &V, MatcherContext &C) override {
165     bool Result = Next->match(C);
166     if (Result)
167       Var = &V;
168     return Result;
169   }
170 };
173 /// Matcher that checks that the entity is identical to another entity in the
174 /// same container.
175 ///
176 class SameAsMatcher : public Matcher {
177   unsigned OpNo;
178 public:
SameAsMatcher(unsigned N)179   SameAsMatcher(unsigned N) : OpNo(N) {}
match(MatcherContext & C)180   bool match(MatcherContext &C) override {
181     if (C.getOperandNo() != ~0U) {
182       // Handle all known containers here.
183       const MatcherContext::Query &StackRec = C.getQuery(1);
184       if (const Metadata *MR = StackRec.get<Metadata>()) {
185         if (const auto *MT = dyn_cast<MDTuple>(MR)) {
186           if (OpNo < MT->getNumOperands())
187             return C.top<Metadata>() == MT->getOperand(OpNo).get();
188           return false;
189         }
190         llvm_unreachable("Unknown metadata container");
191       }
192       if (const Value *VR = StackRec.get<Value>()) {
193         if (const auto *Insn = dyn_cast<Instruction>(VR)) {
194           if (OpNo < Insn->getNumOperands())
195             return C.top<Value>() == Insn->getOperand(OpNo);
196           return false;
197         }
198         llvm_unreachable("Unknown value container");
199       }
200       llvm_unreachable("Unknown type container");
201     }
202     return false;
203   }
204 };
207 /// Matcher that tests if the entity is a constant integer.
208 ///
209 class ConstantIntMatcher : public Matcher {
210   uint64_t IntValue;
211   unsigned Width;
212 public:
IntValue(V)213   ConstantIntMatcher(uint64_t V, unsigned W = 0) : IntValue(V), Width(W) {}
match(MatcherContext & Ctx)214   bool match(MatcherContext &Ctx) override {
215     if (const Value *V = Ctx.top<Value>()) {
216       if (const auto *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(V))
217         return (Width == 0 || CI->getBitWidth() == Width) &&
218                CI->getLimitedValue() == IntValue;
219     }
220     if (const Metadata *M = Ctx.top<Metadata>()) {
221       if (const auto *MT = dyn_cast<ValueAsMetadata>(M))
222         if (const auto *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(MT->getValue()))
223           return (Width == 0 || C->getBitWidth() == Width) &&
224                  C->getLimitedValue() == IntValue;
225     }
226     return false;
227   }
228 };
231 /// Value matcher tuned to test instructions.
232 ///
233 class InstructionMatcher : public EntityMatcher<Value> {
234   SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<Matcher>, 8> OperandMatchers;
235   std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> MetaMatcher = nullptr;
236   unsigned Code;
237 public:
InstructionMatcher(unsigned C)238   InstructionMatcher(unsigned C) : Code(C) {}
push(std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> M)240   void push(std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> M) {
241     assert(!MetaMatcher && "Only one metadata matcher may be specified");
242     MetaMatcher = M;
243   }
push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> V)244   void push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> V) { OperandMatchers.push_back(V); }
245   template<typename... Args>
push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> V,Args...A)246   void push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> V, Args... A) {
247     push(V);
248     push(A...);
249   }
matchInstruction(const Instruction & I)251   virtual bool matchInstruction(const Instruction &I) {
252     return I.getOpcode() == Code;
253   }
matchEntity(const Value & V,MatcherContext & C)255   bool matchEntity(const Value &V, MatcherContext &C) override {
256     if (const auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(&V)) {
257       if (!matchInstruction(*I))
258         return false;
259       if (OperandMatchers.size() > I->getNumOperands())
260         return false;
261       for (unsigned N = 0, E = OperandMatchers.size(); N != E; ++N) {
262         C.push(I->getOperand(N), N);
263         if (!OperandMatchers[N]->match(C)) {
264           C.pop();
265           return false;
266         }
267         C.pop();
268       }
269       if (MetaMatcher) {
270         SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 8> MDs;
271         I->getAllMetadata(MDs);
272         bool Found = false;
273         for (auto Item : MDs) {
274           C.push(Item.second);
275           if (MetaMatcher->match(C)) {
276             Found = true;
277             C.pop();
278             break;
279           }
280           C.pop();
281         }
282         return Found;
283       }
284       return true;
285     }
286     return false;
287   }
288 };
291 /// Matcher that tests type of the current value using the specified
292 /// type matcher.
293 ///
294 class ValueTypeMatcher : public EntityMatcher<Value> {
295   std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>> TyM;
296 public:
ValueTypeMatcher(std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>> T)297   ValueTypeMatcher(std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>> T) : TyM(T) {}
ValueTypeMatcher(const Type * T)298   ValueTypeMatcher(const Type *T)
299     : TyM(new CondMatcher<Type>([T](const Type &Ty) -> bool {
300                                   return &Ty == T;
301                                 })) {}
matchEntity(const Value & V,MatcherContext & Ctx)302   bool matchEntity(const Value &V, MatcherContext &Ctx) override {
303     Type *Ty = V.getType();
304     Ctx.push(Ty);
305     bool Res = TyM->match(Ctx);
306     Ctx.pop();
307     return Res;
308   }
309 };
312 /// Matcher that matches string metadata.
313 ///
314 class NameMetaMatcher : public EntityMatcher<Metadata> {
315   StringRef Name;
316 public:
NameMetaMatcher(StringRef N)317   NameMetaMatcher(StringRef N) : Name(N) {}
matchEntity(const Metadata & M,MatcherContext & C)318   bool matchEntity(const Metadata &M, MatcherContext &C) override {
319     if (auto *MDS = dyn_cast<MDString>(&M))
320       return MDS->getString().equals(Name);
321     return false;
322   }
323 };
326 /// Matcher that matches metadata tuples.
327 ///
328 class MTupleMatcher : public EntityMatcher<Metadata> {
329   SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<Matcher>, 4> Operands;
330 public:
push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M)331   void push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M) { Operands.push_back(M); }
332   template<typename... Args>
push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M,Args...A)333   void push(std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M, Args... A) {
334     push(M);
335     push(A...);
336   }
matchEntity(const Metadata & M,MatcherContext & C)337   bool matchEntity(const Metadata &M, MatcherContext &C) override {
338     if (const auto *MT = dyn_cast<MDTuple>(&M)) {
339       if (MT->getNumOperands() != Operands.size())
340         return false;
341       for (unsigned I = 0, E = MT->getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) {
342         const MDOperand &Op = MT->getOperand(I);
343         C.push(Op.get(), I);
344         if (!Operands[I]->match(C)) {
345           C.pop();
346           return false;
347         }
348         C.pop();
349       }
350       return true;
351     }
352     return false;
353   }
354 };
357 // Helper function used to construct matchers.
MSameAs(unsigned N)359 std::shared_ptr<Matcher> MSameAs(unsigned N) {
360   return std::shared_ptr<Matcher>(new SameAsMatcher(N));
361 }
363 template<typename... T>
MInstruction(unsigned C,T...Args)364 std::shared_ptr<InstructionMatcher> MInstruction(unsigned C, T... Args) {
365   auto Result = new InstructionMatcher(C);
366   Result->push(Args...);
367   return std::shared_ptr<InstructionMatcher>(Result);
368 }
370 std::shared_ptr<Matcher> MConstInt(uint64_t V, unsigned W = 0) {
371   return std::shared_ptr<Matcher>(new ConstantIntMatcher(V, W));
372 }
374 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Value>>
MValType(std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>> T)375  MValType(std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>> T) {
376   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Value>>(new ValueTypeMatcher(T));
377 }
MValType(const Type * T)379 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Value>> MValType(const Type *T) {
380   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Value>>(new ValueTypeMatcher(T));
381 }
383 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>>
MType(std::function<bool (const Type &)> C)384 MType(std::function<bool(const Type &)> C) {
385   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Type>>(new CondMatcher<Type>(C));
386 }
MMAny()388 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> MMAny() {
389   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>>(new AnyMatcher<Metadata>);
390 }
392 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>>
MMSave(const Metadata * & V,std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> M)393 MMSave(const Metadata *&V, std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> M) {
394   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>>(
395       new SavingMatcher<Metadata>(V, M));
396 }
398 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>>
MMString(const char * Name)399 MMString(const char *Name) {
400   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>>(new NameMetaMatcher(Name));
401 }
403 template<typename... T>
MMTuple(T...Args)404 std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>> MMTuple(T... Args) {
405   auto Res = new MTupleMatcher();
406   Res->push(Args...);
407   return std::shared_ptr<EntityMatcher<Metadata>>(Res);
408 }
411 /// Looks for the instruction that satisfies condition of the specified
412 /// matcher inside the given basic block.
413 /// \returns Pointer to the found instruction or nullptr if such instruction
414 ///          was not found.
415 ///
match(const BasicBlock * BB,std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M)416 const Instruction *match(const BasicBlock *BB, std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M) {
417   MatcherContext MC;
418   for (const auto &I : *BB) {
419     MC.push(&I);
420     if (M->match(MC))
421       return &I;
422     MC.pop();
423   }
424   assert(MC.size() == 0);
425   return nullptr;
426 }
429 /// Looks for the instruction that satisfies condition of the specified
430 /// matcher starting from the specified instruction inside the same basic block.
431 ///
432 /// The given instruction is not checked.
433 ///
matchNext(const Instruction * I,std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M)434 const Instruction *matchNext(const Instruction *I, std::shared_ptr<Matcher> M) {
435   if (!I)
436     return nullptr;
437   MatcherContext MC;
438   const BasicBlock *BB = I->getParent();
439   if (!BB)
440     return nullptr;
441   for (auto P = ++BasicBlock::const_iterator(I), E = BB->end(); P != E; ++P) {
442     MC.push(&*P);
443     if (M->match(MC))
444       return &*P;
445     MC.pop();
446   }
447   assert(MC.size() == 0);
448   return nullptr;
449 }
451 }
452 #endif