1 /*
2 Copyright 2019-2022 René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
3 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
5 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 */
8 #include <lyra/lyra.hpp>
9 #include "mini_test.hpp"
main()11 int main()
12 {
13     using namespace lyra;
14     bfg::mini_test::scope test;
15     bool show_help = false;
16     struct Config
17     {
18         int seed = 0;
19         std::string name;
20         std::vector<std::string> tests;
21         bool flag = false;
22         double value = 0;
23     } config;
24     auto parser
25         = help( show_help )
26         | opt( config.seed, "time|value" )
27             ["--rng-seed"]["-r"]
28             ("set a specific seed for random numbers" )
29         | opt( config.name, "name" )
30             ["-n"]["--name"]
31             ( "the name to use" )
32         | opt( config.flag )
33             ["-f"]["--flag"]
34             ( "a flag to set" )
35         | opt( [&]( double value ){ config.value = value; }, "number" )
36             ["-d"]["--double"]
37             ( "just some number" )
38         | arg( config.tests, "test name|tags|pattern" )
39             ( "which test or tests to use" );
41     show_help = false;
42     config = Config();
43     {
44         auto result = parser.parse( { "TestApp", "-n", "Bill", "-d=123.45", "-f", "test1", "test2" } );
45         test
46             (REQUIRE( result ))
47             (REQUIRE( result.value().type() == parser_result_type::matched ))
48             (REQUIRE( config.name == "Bill" ))
49             (REQUIRE( config.value == 123.45 ))
50             (REQUIRE( (config.tests == std::vector<std::string> { "test1", "test2" }) ))
51             (REQUIRE( show_help == false ))
52             ;
53     }
54     show_help = false;
55     config = Config();
56     {
57         auto result = parser.parse( { "TestApp", "-?", "-n=NotSet" } );
58         test
59             (REQUIRE( result ))
60             (REQUIRE( result.value().type() == parser_result_type::short_circuit_all ))
61             (REQUIRE( config.name == "" )) // We should never have processed -n:NotSet
62             (REQUIRE( show_help == true ))
63             ;
64     }
66     return test;
67 }