1 /*************************************************************************
2   *                                                                       *
3   * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith.       *
4   * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org          *
5   *                                                                       *
6   * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
7   * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
8   *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
9   *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
10   *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
11   *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
12   *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
13   *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
14   *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
15   *                                                                       *
16   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
17   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
19   * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
20   *                                                                       *
21   *************************************************************************/
22 //234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
23 //        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
25 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 // This file create unit test for some of the functions found in:
27 // ode/src/joint.cpp
28 //
29 //
30 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 #include <algorithm>
32 #include <UnitTest++.h>
33 #include <ode/ode.h>
34 #include "../ode/src/config.h"
35 #include "../ode/src/joints/joints.h"
38 /*
39  * Tests for contact friction
40  */
SUITE(JointContact)42 SUITE(JointContact)
43 {
44     struct ContactSetup
45     {
46         dWorldID world;
47         dBodyID body1;
48         dBodyID body2;
49         dJointID joint;
51         ContactSetup()
52         {
53             world = dWorldCreate();
54             body1 = dBodyCreate(world);
55             body2 = dBodyCreate(world);
57             dBodySetPosition(body1, -1, 0, 0);
58             dBodySetPosition(body2,  1, 0, 0);
59         }
61         ~ContactSetup()
62         {
63             dBodyDestroy(body1);
64             dBodyDestroy(body2);
65             dWorldDestroy(world);
66         }
67     };
69     TEST_FIXTURE(ContactSetup,
70                  test_ZeroMu)
71     {
72         dxJoint::Info1 info1;
73         dxJoint::Info2Descr info2;
74         dReal dummy_J[3][12] = {{0}};
75         dReal dummy_c[3];
76         dReal dummy_cfm[3];
77         dReal dummy_lo[3];
78         dReal dummy_hi[3];
79         int dummy_findex[3];
81         dReal info2_fps = 100;
82         dReal info2_erp = 0;
83         info2.J1l = dummy_J[0];
84         info2.J1a = dummy_J[0] + 3;
85         info2.J2l = dummy_J[0] + 6;
86         info2.J2a = dummy_J[0] + 9;
87         info2.rowskip = 12;
88         info2.c = dummy_c;
89         info2.cfm = dummy_cfm;
90         info2.lo = dummy_lo;
91         info2.hi = dummy_hi;
92         info2.findex = dummy_findex;
94 #define ZERO_ALL do {                                           \
95             memset(dummy_J, 0, sizeof dummy_J);                 \
96             memset(dummy_c, 0, sizeof dummy_c);                 \
97             memset(dummy_cfm, 0, sizeof dummy_cfm);             \
98             memset(dummy_lo, 0, sizeof dummy_lo);               \
99             memset(dummy_hi, 0, sizeof dummy_hi);               \
100             std::fill(dummy_findex, dummy_findex+3, -1);;       \
101         }                                                       \
102         while (0)
104         dContact contact;
105         contact.surface.mode = dContactMu2 | dContactFDir1 | dContactApprox1;
107         contact.geom.pos[0] = 0;
108         contact.geom.pos[1] = 0;
109         contact.geom.pos[2] = 0;
111         // normal points into body1
112         contact.geom.normal[0] = -1;
113         contact.geom.normal[1] = 0;
114         contact.geom.normal[2] = 0;
116         contact.geom.depth = 0;
118         contact.geom.g1 = 0;
119         contact.geom.g2 = 0;
121         // we ask for fdir1 = +Y, so fdir2 = normal x fdir1 = -Z
122         contact.fdir1[0] = 0;
123         contact.fdir1[1] = 1;
124         contact.fdir1[2] = 0;
126         /*
127          * First, test with mu = 0, mu2 = 1
128          * Because there is no friction on the first direction (+Y) the body
129          * is allowed to translate in the Y axis and rotate around the Z axis.
130          *
131          * That is, the only constraint will be for the second dir (-Z):
132          * so J[1] = [  0  0 -1    0  1  0    0  0  1    0  1  0 ]
133          */
134         contact.surface.mu = 0;
135         contact.surface.mu2 = 1;
136         joint = dJointCreateContact(world, 0, &contact);
137         dJointAttach(joint, body1, body2);
138         joint->getInfo1(&info1);
139         CHECK_EQUAL(2, (int)info1.m);
140         ZERO_ALL;
141         joint->getInfo2(info2_fps, info2_erp, &info2);
142         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][0], 1e-6);
143         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][1], 1e-6);
144         CHECK_CLOSE(-1, dummy_J[1][2], 1e-6);
145         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][3], 1e-6);
146         CHECK_CLOSE(1, dummy_J[1][4], 1e-6);
147         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][5], 1e-6);
148         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][6], 1e-6);
149         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][7], 1e-6);
150         CHECK_CLOSE(1, dummy_J[1][8], 1e-6);
151         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][9], 1e-6);
152         CHECK_CLOSE(1, dummy_J[1][10], 1e-6);
153         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][11], 1e-6);
154         CHECK_EQUAL(0, dummy_findex[1]); // because of dContactApprox1
155         dJointDestroy(joint);
158         /*
159          * Now try with no frictino in the second direction. The Jacobian should look like:
160          * J[1] = [  0  1  0    0  0  1    0 -1  0    0  0  1 ]
161          */
162         // try again, with zero mu2
163         contact.surface.mu = 1;
164         contact.surface.mu2 = 0;
165         joint = dJointCreateContact(world, 0, &contact);
166         dJointAttach(joint, body1, body2);
167         joint->getInfo1(&info1);
168         CHECK_EQUAL(2, (int)info1.m);
169         ZERO_ALL;
170         joint->getInfo2(info2_fps, info2_erp, &info2);
171         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][0], 1e-6);
172         CHECK_CLOSE(1, dummy_J[1][1], 1e-6);
173         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][2], 1e-6);
174         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][3], 1e-6);
175         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][4], 1e-6);
176         CHECK_CLOSE(1, dummy_J[1][5], 1e-6);
177         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][6], 1e-6);
178         CHECK_CLOSE(-1, dummy_J[1][7], 1e-6);
179         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][8], 1e-6);
180         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][9], 1e-6);
181         CHECK_CLOSE(0, dummy_J[1][10], 1e-6);
182         CHECK_CLOSE(1, dummy_J[1][11], 1e-6);
183         CHECK_EQUAL(0, dummy_findex[1]);  // because of dContactApprox1
184         dJointDestroy(joint);
185     }
187 }