1 // -*- c++ -*-
2 //                          Package   : omniidl
3 // idltype.cc               Created on: 1999/10/21
4 //			    Author    : Duncan Grisby (dpg1)
5 //
6 //    Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
7 //
8 //  This file is part of omniidl.
9 //
10 //  omniidl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 //  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 //  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 //  (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 //  General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 //  along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
22 //
23 // Description:
24 //
25 //   Type objects
27 #include <idltype.h>
28 #include <idlast.h>
29 #include <idlerr.h>
31 const char*
32 IdlType::
kindAsString() const33 kindAsString() const
34 {
35   switch(kind_) {
36   case tk_null:               return "null";
37   case tk_void:               return "void";
38   case tk_short:              return "short";
39   case tk_long:               return "long";
40   case tk_ushort:             return "unsigned short";
41   case tk_ulong:              return "unsigned long";
42   case tk_float:              return "float";
43   case tk_double:             return "double";
44   case tk_boolean:            return "boolean";
45   case tk_char:               return "char";
46   case tk_octet:              return "octet";
47   case tk_any:                return "any";
48   case tk_TypeCode:           return "CORBA::TypeCode";
49   case tk_Principal:          return "CORBA::Principal";
50   case tk_objref:             return "interface";
51   case tk_struct:             return "struct";
52   case tk_union:              return "union";
53   case tk_enum:               return "enum";
54   case tk_string:             return "string";
55   case tk_sequence:           return "sequence";
56   case tk_array:              return "array";
57   case tk_alias:              return "typedef";
58   case tk_except:             return "exception";
59   case tk_longlong:           return "long long";
60   case tk_ulonglong:          return "unsigned long long";
61   case tk_longdouble:         return "long double";
62   case tk_wchar:              return "wchar";
63   case tk_wstring:            return "wstring";
64   case tk_fixed:              return "fixed";
65   case tk_value:              return "value";
66   case tk_value_box:          return "value box";
67   case tk_native:             return "native";
68   case tk_abstract_interface: return "abstract interface";
69   case tk_local_interface:    return "local interface";
70   case ot_structforward:      return "forward struct";
71   case ot_unionforward:       return "forward union";
72   }
73   assert(0);
74   return ""; // To keep MSVC happy
75 }
77 IdlType*
78 IdlType::
unalias()79 unalias()
80 {
81   IdlType* t = this;
82   while (t && t->kind() == tk_alias) {
83     if (((Declarator*)((DeclaredType*)t)->decl())->sizes()) break;
84     t = ((Declarator*)((DeclaredType*)t)->decl())->alias()->aliasType();
85   }
86   return t;
87 }
90 IdlType*
91 IdlType::
scopedNameToType(const char * file,int line,const ScopedName * sn)92 scopedNameToType(const char* file, int line, const ScopedName* sn)
93 {
94   const Scope::Entry* se = Scope::current()->findForUse(sn, file, line);
96   if (se) {
97     if (se->kind() == Scope::Entry::E_DECL) {
98       IdlType *t = se->idltype();
99       if (t) return t;
100     }
101     char* ssn = sn->toString();
102     IdlError(file, line, "'%s' is not a type", ssn);
103     IdlErrorCont(se->file(), se->line(), "('%s' declared here)", ssn);
104     delete [] ssn;
105   }
106   return 0;
107 }
109 // Static type object pointers
110 IDL_Boolean    IdlType::initialised_             = 0;
111 BaseType*      BaseType::nullType                = 0;
112 BaseType*      BaseType::voidType                = 0;
113 BaseType*      BaseType::shortType               = 0;
114 BaseType*      BaseType::longType                = 0;
115 BaseType*      BaseType::ushortType              = 0;
116 BaseType*      BaseType::ulongType               = 0;
117 BaseType*      BaseType::floatType               = 0;
118 BaseType*      BaseType::doubleType              = 0;
119 BaseType*      BaseType::booleanType             = 0;
120 BaseType*      BaseType::charType                = 0;
121 BaseType*      BaseType::octetType               = 0;
122 BaseType*      BaseType::anyType                 = 0;
123 BaseType*      BaseType::TypeCodeType            = 0;
124 BaseType*      BaseType::PrincipalType           = 0;
125 BaseType*      BaseType::longlongType            = 0;
126 BaseType*      BaseType::ulonglongType           = 0;
127 BaseType*      BaseType::longdoubleType          = 0;
128 BaseType*      BaseType::wcharType               = 0;
129 StringType*    StringType::unboundedStringType   = 0;
130 WStringType*   WStringType::unboundedWStringType = 0;
131 DeclaredType*  DeclaredType::corbaObjectType     = 0;
134 void
135 IdlType::
init()136 init()
137 {
138   if (!initialised_) {
139     BaseType::nullType                = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_null);
140     BaseType::voidType                = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_void);
141     BaseType::shortType               = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_short);
142     BaseType::longType                = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_long);
143     BaseType::ushortType              = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_ushort);
144     BaseType::ulongType               = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_ulong);
145     BaseType::floatType               = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_float);
146     BaseType::doubleType              = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_double);
147     BaseType::booleanType             = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_boolean);
148     BaseType::charType                = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_char);
149     BaseType::octetType               = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_octet);
150     BaseType::anyType                 = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_any);
151     BaseType::TypeCodeType            = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_TypeCode);
152     BaseType::PrincipalType           = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_Principal);
153     BaseType::longlongType            = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_longlong);
154     BaseType::ulonglongType           = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_ulonglong);
155     BaseType::longdoubleType          = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_longdouble);
156     BaseType::wcharType               = new BaseType(IdlType::tk_wchar);
157     StringType::unboundedStringType   = new StringType(0);
158     WStringType::unboundedWStringType = new WStringType(0);
159     DeclaredType::corbaObjectType     = new DeclaredType(IdlType::tk_objref,
160 							 0, 0);
161     initialised_ = 1;
162   }
163 }