1 /*
2  *  Portable Agile C++ Classes (PACC)
3  *  Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Marc Parizeau
4  *  http://manitou.gel.ulaval.ca/~parizeau/PACC
5  *
6  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19  *
20  *  Contact:
21  *  Laboratoire de Vision et Systemes Numeriques
22  *  Departement de genie electrique et de genie informatique
23  *  Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada, G1K 7P4
24  *  http://vision.gel.ulaval.ca
25  *
26  */
28 /*!
29 * \file PACC/SVG/Types.hpp
30  * \brief Class definition for the basic SVG types.
31  * \author Marc Parizeau and Michel Fortin, Laboratoire de vision et systèmes numériques, Université Laval
32  * $Revision: $
33  * $Date: 2007/09/10 18:24:09 $
34  */
36 #ifndef PACC_SVG_Types_hpp_
37 #define PACC_SVG_Types_hpp_
39 #include <cmath>
40 #include <vector>
41 #include <string>
43 namespace PACC {
45 	namespace SVG {
47 		using namespace std;
49 		//! \brief Basic %SVG color string.
50 		//! \ingroup SVG
51 		class Color : public string {
52 		 public:
53 			/*!
54 			 * \brief  Constructor with color string.
55 			 * \param  inColorString  A string representing an" SVG color.
56 			 *
57 			 * Here are the valid" SVG colors formats:
58 			 *
59 			 * <table>
60 			 * <tr><th> Format          </th><th> Description             </th></tr>
61 			 * <tr><td> #rgb            </td><td> Three-digit RGB notation</td></tr>
62 			 * <tr><td> #rrggbb         </td><td> Six-digit RGB notation  </td></tr>
63 			 * <tr><td> rgb(R, G, B)    </td>
64 			 *           <td> Functional notation (integer from 0 to 255) </td></tr>
65 			 * <tr><td> rgb(R%, G%, B%) </td>
66 			 *                         <td> Functional notation (percent) </td></tr>
67 			 * <tr><td> &lt;colorname>  </td><td> Keyword                 </td></tr>
68 			 * </table>
69 			 *
70 			 * If you want to use a color name keyword, you should use constants
71 			 * defined in this class instead. If you need to use direct numerical
72 			 * values, you should use the RGBColor or Gray subclass to construct
73 			 * the appropriate string.
74 			 *
75 			 * \note   No string format validation is performed to ensure that it
76 			 *         conform to SVG specifications. Make sure of what you write.
77 			 */
Color(const string & inColorString)78 			explicit Color(const string &inColorString) : string(inColorString) {}
80 			/*!
81 			 * \name  Color Constants Keywords
82 			 *
83 			 * Borowed from
84 			 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords">SVG color
85 			 * keywords specifications</a>. Theses predefined colors should make
86 			 * your life easier.
87 			 */
88 			//@{
89 			static const Color cAliceBlue;      //!< "aliceblue" SVG color
90 			static const Color cAntiqueWhite;   //!< "antiquewhite" SVG color
91 			static const Color cAqua;           //!< "aqua" SVG color
92 			static const Color cAquaMarine;     //!< "aquamarine" SVG color
93 			static const Color cAzure;          //!< "azure" SVG color
94 			static const Color cBeige;          //!< "beige" SVG color
95 			static const Color cBisque;         //!< "bisque" SVG color
96 			static const Color cBlack;          //!< "black" SVG color
97 			static const Color cBlacheDalmond;  //!< "blanchedalmond" SVG color
98 			static const Color cBlue;           //!< "blue" SVG color
99 			static const Color cBlueViolet;     //!< "blueviolet" SVG color
100 			static const Color cBrown;          //!< "brown" SVG color
101 			static const Color cBurlyWood;      //!< "burlywood" SVG color
102 			static const Color cCadetBlue;      //!< "cadetblue" SVG color
103 			static const Color cChartreuse;     //!< "chartreuse" SVG color
104 			static const Color cChocolate;      //!< "chocolate" SVG color
105 			static const Color cCoral;          //!< "coral" SVG color
106 			static const Color cCornFlowerBlue; //!< "cornflowerblue" SVG color
107 			static const Color cCornSilk;       //!< "cornsilk" SVG color
108 			static const Color cCrimson;        //!< "crimson" SVG color
109 			static const Color cCyan;           //!< "cyan" SVG color
110 			static const Color cDarkBlue;       //!< "darkblue" SVG color
111 			static const Color cDarkCyan;       //!< "darkcyan" SVG color
112 			static const Color cDarkGoldenRod;  //!< "darkgoldenrod" SVG color
113 			static const Color cDarkGray;       //!< "darkgray" SVG color
114 			static const Color cDarkGreen;      //!< "darkgreen" SVG color
115 			static const Color cDarkGrey;       //!< "darkgrey" SVG color
116 			static const Color cDarkKhaki;      //!< "darkkhaki" SVG color
117 			static const Color cDarkMagenta;    //!< "darkmagenta" SVG color
118 			static const Color cDarkOliveGreen; //!< "darkolivegreen" SVG color
119 			static const Color cDarkOrange;     //!< "darkorange" SVG color
120 			static const Color cDarkOrchid;     //!< "darkorchid" SVG color
121 			static const Color cDarkRed;        //!< "darkred" SVG color
122 			static const Color cDarkSalmon;     //!< "darksalmon" SVG color
123 			static const Color cDarkSeaGreen;   //!< "darkseagreen" SVG color
124 			static const Color cDarkSlateBlue;  //!< "darkslateblue" SVG color
125 			static const Color cDarkSlateGray;  //!< "darkslategray" SVG color
126 			static const Color cDarkSlateGrey;  //!< "darkslategrey" SVG color
127 			static const Color cDarkTurquoise;  //!< "darkturquoise" SVG color
128 			static const Color cDarkViolet;     //!< "darkviolet" SVG color
129 			static const Color cDeepPink;       //!< "deeppink" SVG color
130 			static const Color cDeepSkyBlue;    //!< "deepskyblue" SVG color
131 			static const Color cDimGray;        //!< "dimgray" SVG color
132 			static const Color cDimGrey;        //!< "dimgrey" SVG color
133 			static const Color cDodgerBlue;     //!< "dodgerblue" SVG color
134 			static const Color cFireBrick;      //!< "firebrick" SVG color
135 			static const Color cFloralWhite;    //!< "floralwhite" SVG color
136 			static const Color cForestGreen;    //!< "forestgreen" SVG color
137 			static const Color cFuchsia;        //!< "fuchsia" SVG color
138 			static const Color cGainsboro;      //!< "gainsboro" SVG color
139 			static const Color cGostWhite;      //!< "ghostwhite" SVG color
140 			static const Color cGold;           //!< "gold" SVG color
141 			static const Color cGoldenRod;      //!< "goldenrod" SVG color
142 			static const Color cGray;           //!< "gray" SVG color
143 			static const Color cGrey;           //!< "grey" SVG color
144 			static const Color cGreen;          //!< "green" SVG color
145 			static const Color cGreenYellow;    //!< "greenyellow" SVG color
146 			static const Color cHoneyDew;       //!< "honeydew" SVG color
147 			static const Color cHotPink;        //!< "hotpink" SVG color
148 			static const Color cIndianRed;      //!< "indianred" SVG color
149 			static const Color cIndigo;         //!< "indigo" SVG color
150 			static const Color cIvory;          //!< "ivory" SVG color
151 			static const Color cKhaki;          //!< "khaki" SVG color
152 			static const Color cLavender;       //!< "lavender" SVG color
153 			static const Color cLavenderBlush;  //!< "lavenderblush" SVG color
154 			static const Color cLawnGreen;      //!< "lawngreen" SVG color
155 			static const Color cLemonChiffon;   //!< "lemonchiffon" SVG color
156 			static const Color cLightBlue;      //!< "lightblue" SVG color
157 			static const Color cLightCoral;     //!< "lightcoral" SVG color
158 			static const Color cLightCyan;      //!< "lightcyan" SVG color
159 			static const Color cLightGolderRodYellow; //!< "lightgoldenrodyellow" SVG color
160 			static const Color cLightGray;      //!< "lightgray" SVG color
161 			static const Color cLightGreen;     //!< "lightgreen" SVG color
162 			static const Color cLightGrey;      //!< "lightgrey" SVG color
163 			static const Color cLigntPink;      //!< "lightpink" SVG color
164 			static const Color cLightSalmon;    //!< "lightsalmon" SVG color
165 			static const Color cLightSeaGreen;  //!< "lightseagreen" SVG color
166 			static const Color cLightSkyBlue;   //!< "lightskyblue" SVG color
167 			static const Color cLightSlateGray; //!< "lightslategray" SVG color
168 			static const Color cLightSlateGrey; //!< "lightslategrey" SVG color
169 			static const Color cLightSteelBlue; //!< "lightsteelblue" SVG color
170 			static const Color cLightYellow;    //!< "lightyellow" SVG color
171 			static const Color cLime;           //!< "lime" SVG color
172 			static const Color cLimeGreen;      //!< "limegreen" SVG color
173 			static const Color cLinen;          //!< "linen" SVG color
174 			static const Color cMagenta;        //!< "magenta" SVG color
175 			static const Color cMaroon;         //!< "maroon" SVG color
176 			static const Color cMediumAquaMarine; //!< "mediumaquamarine" SVG color
177 			static const Color cMediumBlue;       //!< "mediumblue" SVG color
178 			static const Color cMediumOrchid;     //!< "mediumorchid" SVG color
179 			static const Color cMediumPurple;     //!< "mediumpurple" SVG color
180 			static const Color cMeidumSeaGreen;   //!< "mediumseagreen" SVG color
181 			static const Color cMediumSlateBlue;  //!< "mediumslateblue" SVG color
182 			static const Color cMediumSpringGreen;//!< "mediumspringgreen" SVG color
183 			static const Color cMediumTurquoise;  //!< "mediumturquoise" SVG color
184 			static const Color cMediumVioletRed;  //!< "mediumvioletred" SVG color
185 			static const Color cModNightBlue;   //!< "midnightblue" SVG color
186 			static const Color cMintCream;      //!< "mintcream" SVG color
187 			static const Color cMistyRose;      //!< "mistyrose" SVG color
188 			static const Color cMoccasin;       //!< "moccasin" SVG color
189 			static const Color cNavajoWhite;    //!< "navajowhite" SVG color
190 			static const Color cNavy;           //!< "navy" SVG color
191 			static const Color cOldLace;        //!< "oldlace" SVG color
192 			static const Color cOlive;          //!< "olive" SVG color
193 			static const Color cOliveDrab;      //!< "olivedrab" SVG color
194 			static const Color cOrange;         //!< "orange" SVG color
195 			static const Color cOrangered;      //!< "orangered" SVG color
196 			static const Color cOrchid;         //!< "orchid" SVG color
197 			static const Color cPaleGoldenRod;  //!< "palegoldenrod" SVG color
198 			static const Color cPaleGreen;      //!< "palegreen" SVG color
199 			static const Color cPaleTurquoise;  //!< "paleturquoise" SVG color
200 			static const Color cPaleVioletRed;  //!< "palevioletred" SVG color
201 			static const Color cPapayaWhip;     //!< "papayawhip" SVG color
202 			static const Color cPeachPuff;      //!< "peachpuff" SVG color
203 			static const Color cPeru;           //!< "peru" SVG color
204 			static const Color cPink;           //!< "pink" SVG color
205 			static const Color cPlum;           //!< "plum" SVG color
206 			static const Color cPowderBlue;     //!< "powderblue" SVG color
207 			static const Color cPurple;         //!< "purple" SVG color
208 			static const Color cRed;            //!< "red" SVG color
209 			static const Color cRosyBrown;      //!< "rosybrown" SVG color
210 			static const Color cRoyalBlue;      //!< "royalblue" SVG color
211 			static const Color cSaddleBrown;    //!< "saddlebrown" SVG color
212 			static const Color cSalmon;         //!< "salmon" SVG color
213 			static const Color cSandyBrown;     //!< "sandybrown" SVG color
214 			static const Color cSeaGreen;       //!< "seagreen" SVG color
215 			static const Color cSeaShell;       //!< "seashell" SVG color
216 			static const Color cSienna;         //!< "sienna" SVG color
217 			static const Color cSilver;         //!< "silver" SVG color
218 			static const Color cSkyBlue;        //!< "skyblue" SVG color
219 			static const Color cSlateBlue;      //!< "slateblue" SVG color
220 			static const Color cSlateGray;      //!< "slategray" SVG color
221 			static const Color cSlateGrey;      //!< "slategrey" SVG color
222 			static const Color cSnow;           //!< "snow" SVG color
223 			static const Color cSpringGreen;    //!< "springgreen" SVG color
224 			static const Color cSteelBlue;      //!< "steelblue" SVG color
225 			static const Color cTan;            //!< "tan" SVG color
226 			static const Color cTeal;           //!< "teal" SVG color
227 			static const Color cThistle;        //!< "thistle" SVG color
228 			static const Color cTomato;         //!< "tomato" SVG color
229 			static const Color cTurquoise;      //!< "turquoise" SVG color
230 			static const Color cViolet;         //!< "violet" SVG color
231 			static const Color cWheat;          //!< "wheat" SVG color
232 			static const Color cWhite;          //!< "white" SVG color
233 			static const Color cWhiteSmoke;     //!< "whitesmoke" SVG color
234 			static const Color cYellow;         //!< "yellow" SVG color
235 			static const Color cYellowGreen;    //!< "yellowgreen" SVG color
236 																					//@}
237 		};
239 		//! \brief Red, green, and blue color.
240 		//! \ingroup SVG
241 		class RGBColor : public Color {
242 		 public:
243 			//! Construct with components \c inRed, \c inGreen, and \c inBlue.
244 			RGBColor(float inRed, float inGreen, float inBlue);
245 		};
247 		//! \brief %Color as a shade of gray.
248 		//! \ingroup SVG
249 		class Gray : public RGBColor {
250 		 public:
251 			//! Construct gray color of intensity \c inLevel.
Gray(float inLevel)252 			Gray(float inLevel) : RGBColor(inLevel, inLevel, inLevel) {}
253 		};
255 		class PointList;
257 		//! \brief Position of graphic component.
258 		//! \ingroup SVG
259 		class Point {
260 		 public:
261 			//! Default constructor.
Point(void)262 			Point(void) : x(0), y(0) {}
264 			//! Construct with (\c inX,\c inY)..
Point(double inX,double inY)265 			Point(double inX, double inY) : x(inX), y(inY) {}
267 			//! return the angle with the origin.
getAngle(void) const268 			double getAngle(void) const {return atan2(y,x);}
270 			//! Return the distance from the origin.
getDistance(void) const271 			double getDistance(void) const {return sqrt(x*x+y*y);}
273 			//! Rotate by \c inAngle degrees.
rotate(double inAngle)274 			void rotate(double inAngle) {*this = Point(x*cos(inAngle)-y*sin(inAngle), x*sin(inAngle)+y*cos(inAngle));}
276 			//! Translate by offset (\c inDX,\c inDY).
translateBy(double inDX,double inDY)277 			void translateBy(double inDX, double inDY) {x += inDX; y += inDY;}
279 			//! Scale by factor \c inFactor
scaleBy(double inFactor)280 			void scaleBy(double inFactor) {x *= inFactor; y *= inFactor;}
282 			std::string getStringValue() const;
284 			//! Concatenate with point \c inPoint, and return new point list.
285 			PointList operator+(const Point &inPoint) const;
287 			//! Concatenate with point list \c inList and return new point list.
288 			PointList operator+(const PointList &inList) const;
290 			double x; //!< Horizontal coordinate.
291 			double y; //!< Vertical coordinate.
292 		};
294 		/*!\brief List of points.
295 		 * \ingroup SVG
296 		 *
297 		 * This class is a standard vector of point (std::vector<Point>) with some
298 		 * utility functions and + and += operators to facilitate the concatenation
299 		 * of point lists.
300 		 */
301 		class PointList : public vector<Point> {
302 		 public:
303 			//! Make an empty point list.
PointList()304 			PointList() {}
306 			//! Make a point list out of a single point \c inPoint.
PointList(const Point inPoint)307 			PointList(const Point inPoint) : std::vector<Point>(1, inPoint) {}
309 			//! Return the result of cancatenating this list with point list \c inList.
operator +(const PointList & inList) const310 			PointList operator+(const PointList &inList) const {return PointList(*this) += inList;}
312 			//! Append point list \c inList to this list.
operator +=(const PointList & inList)313 			PointList &operator+=(const PointList &inList) {
314 				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < inList.size(); i++ ) push_back(inList[i]);
315 				return *this;
316 			}
318 			//! Return the result of cancatenating this list with single point \c inPoint.
operator +(const Point & inPoint) const319 			PointList operator+(const Point &inPoint) const {return PointList(*this) += inPoint;}
321 			//! Append single point  \c inPoint to this list.
operator +=(const Point & inPoint)322 			PointList &operator+=(const Point &inPoint) {
323 				push_back(inPoint);
324 				return *this;
325 			}
327 			//! Return a string representation of this list.
328 			string getStringValue(void) const;
329 		};
331 		//! \brief %Size of graphic component.
332 		//! \ingroup SVG
333 		class Size {
334 		 public:
335 			//! Default constructor.
Size()336 			Size() : width(0), height(0) {}
338 			//! Construct with width \c inWidth and height \c inHeight.
Size(double inWidth,double inHeight)339 			Size(double inWidth, double inHeight) : width(inWidth), height(inHeight) {}
341 			//! Return length of diagonal.
getDiagonal(void) const342 			double getDiagonal(void) const {return sqrt(width*width + height*height);}
344 			//! Scale by factor \c inFactor.
scaleBy(float inFactor)345 			void scaleBy(float inFactor) {width *= inFactor; height *= inFactor;}
347 			string getStringValue(void) const;
349 			double width; //!< Width of graphic component.
350 			double height; //!< Height of graphic component.
351 		};
353 	} // end of SVG namespace
355 } // end of PACC namespace
357 #endif //PACC_SVG_Types_hpp_