1classdef (Abstract) UserException < Ice.Exception
2    % UserException   Summary of UserException
3    %
4    % Base class for Slice user exceptions.
5    %
6    % UserException Methods:
7    %   ice_getSlicedData - Obtain the SlicedData object that contains the
8    %     marshaled state of any slices for unknown exception types.
10    % Copyright (c) ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
12    methods
13        function obj = UserException(id, msg)
14            obj = obj@Ice.Exception(id, msg)
15        end
16        % ice_getSlicedData - Obtain the SlicedData object that contains the
17        %   marshaled state of any slices for unknown exception types.
18        %
19        % Returns (Ice.SlicedData) - The marshaled state of any slices for
20        %   unknown exception types.
22        function r = ice_getSlicedData(obj)
23            r = [];
24        end
25    end
26    methods(Hidden=true)
27        function obj = iceRead(obj, is)
28            is.startException();
29            obj = obj.iceReadImpl(is);
30            is.endException(false);
31        end
32        function obj = icePostUnmarshal(obj)
33            %
34            % Overridden by subclasses that have class members.
35            %
36        end
37    end
38    methods(Abstract,Access=protected)
39        obj = iceReadImpl(obj, is)
40    end