1 //! # libgit2 bindings for Rust
2 //!
3 //! This library contains bindings to the [libgit2][1] C library which is used
4 //! to manage git repositories. The library itself is a work in progress and is
5 //! likely lacking some bindings here and there, so be warned.
6 //!
7 //! [1]: https://libgit2.github.com/
8 //!
9 //! The git2-rs library strives to be as close to libgit2 as possible, but also
10 //! strives to make using libgit2 as safe as possible. All resource management
11 //! is automatic as well as adding strong types to all interfaces (including
12 //! `Result`)
13 //!
14 //! ## Creating a `Repository`
15 //!
16 //! The `Repository` is the source from which almost all other objects in git-rs
17 //! are spawned. A repository can be created through opening, initializing, or
18 //! cloning.
19 //!
20 //! ### Initializing a new repository
21 //!
22 //! The `init` method will create a new repository, assuming one does not
23 //! already exist.
24 //!
25 //! ```no_run
26 //! # #![allow(unstable)]
27 //! use git2::Repository;
28 //!
29 //! let repo = match Repository::init("/path/to/a/repo") {
30 //!     Ok(repo) => repo,
31 //!     Err(e) => panic!("failed to init: {}", e),
32 //! };
33 //! ```
34 //!
35 //! ### Opening an existing repository
36 //!
37 //! ```no_run
38 //! # #![allow(unstable)]
39 //! use git2::Repository;
40 //!
41 //! let repo = match Repository::open("/path/to/a/repo") {
42 //!     Ok(repo) => repo,
43 //!     Err(e) => panic!("failed to open: {}", e),
44 //! };
45 //! ```
46 //!
47 //! ### Cloning an existing repository
48 //!
49 //! ```no_run
50 //! # #![allow(unstable)]
51 //! use git2::Repository;
52 //!
53 //! let url = "https://github.com/alexcrichton/git2-rs";
54 //! let repo = match Repository::clone(url, "/path/to/a/repo") {
55 //!     Ok(repo) => repo,
56 //!     Err(e) => panic!("failed to clone: {}", e),
57 //! };
58 //! ```
59 //!
60 //! To clone using SSH, refer to [RepoBuilder](./build/struct.RepoBuilder.html).
61 //!
62 //! ## Working with a `Repository`
63 //!
64 //! All derivative objects, references, etc are attached to the lifetime of the
65 //! source `Repository`, to ensure that they do not outlive the repository
66 //! itself.
68 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/git2/0.13")]
69 #![allow(trivial_numeric_casts, trivial_casts)]
70 #![deny(missing_docs)]
71 #![warn(rust_2018_idioms)]
72 #![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
74 use bitflags::bitflags;
75 use libgit2_sys as raw;
77 use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
78 use std::fmt;
79 use std::str;
80 use std::sync::Once;
82 pub use crate::apply::{ApplyLocation, ApplyOptions};
83 pub use crate::attr::AttrValue;
84 pub use crate::blame::{Blame, BlameHunk, BlameIter, BlameOptions};
85 pub use crate::blob::{Blob, BlobWriter};
86 pub use crate::branch::{Branch, Branches};
87 pub use crate::buf::Buf;
88 pub use crate::cherrypick::CherrypickOptions;
89 pub use crate::commit::{Commit, Parents};
90 pub use crate::config::{Config, ConfigEntries, ConfigEntry};
91 pub use crate::cred::{Cred, CredentialHelper};
92 pub use crate::describe::{Describe, DescribeFormatOptions, DescribeOptions};
93 pub use crate::diff::{Deltas, Diff, DiffDelta, DiffFile, DiffOptions};
94 pub use crate::diff::{DiffBinary, DiffBinaryFile, DiffBinaryKind};
95 pub use crate::diff::{DiffFindOptions, DiffHunk, DiffLine, DiffLineType, DiffStats};
96 pub use crate::error::Error;
97 pub use crate::index::{
98     Index, IndexConflict, IndexConflicts, IndexEntries, IndexEntry, IndexMatchedPath,
99 };
100 pub use crate::indexer::{IndexerProgress, Progress};
101 pub use crate::mailmap::Mailmap;
102 pub use crate::mempack::Mempack;
103 pub use crate::merge::{AnnotatedCommit, MergeOptions};
104 pub use crate::message::{message_prettify, DEFAULT_COMMENT_CHAR};
105 pub use crate::note::{Note, Notes};
106 pub use crate::object::Object;
107 pub use crate::odb::{Odb, OdbObject, OdbPackwriter, OdbReader, OdbWriter};
108 pub use crate::oid::Oid;
109 pub use crate::packbuilder::{PackBuilder, PackBuilderStage};
110 pub use crate::patch::Patch;
111 pub use crate::pathspec::{Pathspec, PathspecFailedEntries, PathspecMatchList};
112 pub use crate::pathspec::{PathspecDiffEntries, PathspecEntries};
113 pub use crate::proxy_options::ProxyOptions;
114 pub use crate::rebase::{Rebase, RebaseOperation, RebaseOperationType, RebaseOptions};
115 pub use crate::reference::{Reference, ReferenceNames, References};
116 pub use crate::reflog::{Reflog, ReflogEntry, ReflogIter};
117 pub use crate::refspec::Refspec;
118 pub use crate::remote::{
119     FetchOptions, PushOptions, Refspecs, Remote, RemoteConnection, RemoteHead,
120 };
121 pub use crate::remote_callbacks::{Credentials, RemoteCallbacks};
122 pub use crate::remote_callbacks::{TransportMessage, UpdateTips};
123 pub use crate::repo::{Repository, RepositoryInitOptions};
124 pub use crate::revert::RevertOptions;
125 pub use crate::revspec::Revspec;
126 pub use crate::revwalk::Revwalk;
127 pub use crate::signature::Signature;
128 pub use crate::stash::{StashApplyOptions, StashApplyProgressCb, StashCb};
129 pub use crate::status::{StatusEntry, StatusIter, StatusOptions, StatusShow, Statuses};
130 pub use crate::submodule::{Submodule, SubmoduleUpdateOptions};
131 pub use crate::tag::Tag;
132 pub use crate::time::{IndexTime, Time};
133 pub use crate::tracing::{trace_set, TraceLevel};
134 pub use crate::transaction::Transaction;
135 pub use crate::tree::{Tree, TreeEntry, TreeIter, TreeWalkMode, TreeWalkResult};
136 pub use crate::treebuilder::TreeBuilder;
137 pub use crate::util::IntoCString;
138 pub use crate::version::Version;
139 pub use crate::worktree::{Worktree, WorktreeAddOptions, WorktreeLockStatus, WorktreePruneOptions};
141 // Create a convinience method on bitflag struct which checks the given flag
142 macro_rules! is_bit_set {
143     ($name:ident, $flag:expr) => {
144         #[allow(missing_docs)]
145         pub fn $name(&self) -> bool {
146             self.intersects($flag)
147         }
148     };
149 }
151 /// An enumeration of possible errors that can happen when working with a git
152 /// repository.
153 // Note: We omit a few native error codes, as they are unlikely to be propagated
154 // to the library user. Currently:
155 //
158 // * GIT_RETRY
159 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Copy)]
160 pub enum ErrorCode {
161     /// Generic error
162     GenericError,
163     /// Requested object could not be found
164     NotFound,
165     /// Object exists preventing operation
166     Exists,
167     /// More than one object matches
168     Ambiguous,
169     /// Output buffer too short to hold data
170     BufSize,
171     /// User-generated error
172     User,
173     /// Operation not allowed on bare repository
174     BareRepo,
175     /// HEAD refers to branch with no commits
176     UnbornBranch,
177     /// Merge in progress prevented operation
178     Unmerged,
179     /// Reference was not fast-forwardable
180     NotFastForward,
181     /// Name/ref spec was not in a valid format
182     InvalidSpec,
183     /// Checkout conflicts prevented operation
184     Conflict,
185     /// Lock file prevented operation
186     Locked,
187     /// Reference value does not match expected
188     Modified,
189     /// Authentication error
190     Auth,
191     /// Server certificate is invalid
192     Certificate,
193     /// Patch/merge has already been applied
194     Applied,
195     /// The requested peel operation is not possible
196     Peel,
197     /// Unexpected EOF
198     Eof,
199     /// Invalid operation or input
200     Invalid,
201     /// Uncommitted changes in index prevented operation
202     Uncommitted,
203     /// Operation was not valid for a directory
204     Directory,
205     /// A merge conflict exists and cannot continue
206     MergeConflict,
207     /// Hashsum mismatch in object
208     HashsumMismatch,
209     /// Unsaved changes in the index would be overwritten
210     IndexDirty,
211     /// Patch application failed
212     ApplyFail,
213 }
215 /// An enumeration of possible categories of things that can have
216 /// errors when working with a git repository.
217 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Copy)]
218 pub enum ErrorClass {
219     /// Uncategorized
220     None,
221     /// Out of memory or insufficient allocated space
222     NoMemory,
223     /// Syscall or standard system library error
224     Os,
225     /// Invalid input
226     Invalid,
227     /// Error resolving or manipulating a reference
228     Reference,
229     /// ZLib failure
230     Zlib,
231     /// Bad repository state
232     Repository,
233     /// Bad configuration
234     Config,
235     /// Regex failure
236     Regex,
237     /// Bad object
238     Odb,
239     /// Invalid index data
240     Index,
241     /// Error creating or obtaining an object
242     Object,
243     /// Network error
244     Net,
245     /// Error manpulating a tag
246     Tag,
247     /// Invalid value in tree
248     Tree,
249     /// Hashing or packing error
250     Indexer,
251     /// Error from SSL
252     Ssl,
253     /// Error involing submodules
254     Submodule,
255     /// Threading error
256     Thread,
257     /// Error manipulating a stash
258     Stash,
259     /// Checkout failure
260     Checkout,
261     /// Invalid FETCH_HEAD
262     FetchHead,
263     /// Merge failure
264     Merge,
265     /// SSH failure
266     Ssh,
267     /// Error manipulating filters
268     Filter,
269     /// Error reverting commit
270     Revert,
271     /// Error from a user callback
272     Callback,
273     /// Error cherry-picking commit
274     CherryPick,
275     /// Can't describe object
276     Describe,
277     /// Error during rebase
278     Rebase,
279     /// Filesystem-related error
280     Filesystem,
281     /// Invalid patch data
282     Patch,
283     /// Error involving worktrees
284     Worktree,
285     /// Hash library error or SHA-1 collision
286     Sha1,
287     /// HTTP error
288     Http,
289 }
291 /// A listing of the possible states that a repository can be in.
292 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Copy)]
293 #[allow(missing_docs)]
294 pub enum RepositoryState {
295     Clean,
296     Merge,
297     Revert,
298     RevertSequence,
299     CherryPick,
300     CherryPickSequence,
301     Bisect,
302     Rebase,
303     RebaseInteractive,
304     RebaseMerge,
305     ApplyMailbox,
306     ApplyMailboxOrRebase,
307 }
309 /// An enumeration of the possible directions for a remote.
310 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
311 pub enum Direction {
312     /// Data will be fetched (read) from this remote.
313     Fetch,
314     /// Data will be pushed (written) to this remote.
315     Push,
316 }
318 /// An enumeration of the operations that can be performed for the `reset`
319 /// method on a `Repository`.
320 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
321 pub enum ResetType {
322     /// Move the head to the given commit.
323     Soft,
324     /// Soft plus reset the index to the commit.
325     Mixed,
326     /// Mixed plus changes in the working tree are discarded.
327     Hard,
328 }
330 /// An enumeration all possible kinds objects may have.
331 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
332 pub enum ObjectType {
333     /// Any kind of git object
334     Any,
335     /// An object which corresponds to a git commit
336     Commit,
337     /// An object which corresponds to a git tree
338     Tree,
339     /// An object which corresponds to a git blob
340     Blob,
341     /// An object which corresponds to a git tag
342     Tag,
343 }
345 /// An enumeration of all possile kinds of references.
346 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
347 pub enum ReferenceType {
348     /// A reference which points at an object id.
349     Direct,
351     /// A reference which points at another reference.
352     Symbolic,
353 }
355 /// An enumeration for the possible types of branches
356 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
357 pub enum BranchType {
358     /// A local branch not on a remote.
359     Local,
360     /// A branch for a remote.
361     Remote,
362 }
364 /// An enumeration of the possible priority levels of a config file.
365 ///
366 /// The levels corresponding to the escalation logic (higher to lower) when
367 /// searching for config entries.
368 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
369 pub enum ConfigLevel {
370     /// System-wide on Windows, for compatibility with portable git
371     ProgramData = 1,
372     /// System-wide configuration file, e.g. /etc/gitconfig
373     System,
374     /// XDG-compatible configuration file, e.g. ~/.config/git/config
375     XDG,
376     /// User-specific configuration, e.g. ~/.gitconfig
377     Global,
378     /// Repository specific config, e.g. $PWD/.git/config
379     Local,
380     /// Application specific configuration file
381     App,
382     /// Highest level available
383     Highest = -1,
384 }
386 /// Merge file favor options for `MergeOptions` instruct the file-level
387 /// merging functionality how to deal with conflicting regions of the files.
388 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
389 pub enum FileFavor {
390     /// When a region of a file is changed in both branches, a conflict will be
391     /// recorded in the index so that git_checkout can produce a merge file with
392     /// conflict markers in the working directory. This is the default.
393     Normal,
394     /// When a region of a file is changed in both branches, the file created
395     /// in the index will contain the "ours" side of any conflicting region.
396     /// The index will not record a conflict.
397     Ours,
398     /// When a region of a file is changed in both branches, the file created
399     /// in the index will contain the "theirs" side of any conflicting region.
400     /// The index will not record a conflict.
401     Theirs,
402     /// When a region of a file is changed in both branches, the file created
403     /// in the index will contain each unique line from each side, which has
404     /// the result of combining both files. The index will not record a conflict.
405     Union,
406 }
408 bitflags! {
409     /// Orderings that may be specified for Revwalk iteration.
410     pub struct Sort: u32 {
411         /// Sort the repository contents in no particular ordering.
412         ///
413         /// This sorting is arbitrary, implementation-specific, and subject to
414         /// change at any time. This is the default sorting for new walkers.
415         const NONE = raw::GIT_SORT_NONE as u32;
417         /// Sort the repository contents in topological order (children before
418         /// parents).
419         ///
420         /// This sorting mode can be combined with time sorting.
421         const TOPOLOGICAL = raw::GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL as u32;
423         /// Sort the repository contents by commit time.
424         ///
425         /// This sorting mode can be combined with topological sorting.
426         const TIME = raw::GIT_SORT_TIME as u32;
428         /// Iterate through the repository contents in reverse order.
429         ///
430         /// This sorting mode can be combined with any others.
431         const REVERSE = raw::GIT_SORT_REVERSE as u32;
432     }
433 }
435 impl Sort {
436     is_bit_set!(is_none, Sort::NONE);
437     is_bit_set!(is_topological, Sort::TOPOLOGICAL);
438     is_bit_set!(is_time, Sort::TIME);
439     is_bit_set!(is_reverse, Sort::REVERSE);
440 }
442 bitflags! {
443     /// Types of credentials that can be requested by a credential callback.
444     pub struct CredentialType: u32 {
445         #[allow(missing_docs)]
447         #[allow(missing_docs)]
448         const SSH_KEY = raw::GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_KEY as u32;
449         #[allow(missing_docs)]
450         const SSH_MEMORY = raw::GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_MEMORY as u32;
451         #[allow(missing_docs)]
452         const SSH_CUSTOM = raw::GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_CUSTOM as u32;
453         #[allow(missing_docs)]
454         const DEFAULT = raw::GIT_CREDTYPE_DEFAULT as u32;
455         #[allow(missing_docs)]
457         #[allow(missing_docs)]
458         const USERNAME = raw::GIT_CREDTYPE_USERNAME as u32;
459     }
460 }
462 impl CredentialType {
463     is_bit_set!(is_user_pass_plaintext, CredentialType::USER_PASS_PLAINTEXT);
464     is_bit_set!(is_ssh_key, CredentialType::SSH_KEY);
465     is_bit_set!(is_ssh_memory, CredentialType::SSH_MEMORY);
466     is_bit_set!(is_ssh_custom, CredentialType::SSH_CUSTOM);
467     is_bit_set!(is_default, CredentialType::DEFAULT);
468     is_bit_set!(is_ssh_interactive, CredentialType::SSH_INTERACTIVE);
469     is_bit_set!(is_username, CredentialType::USERNAME);
470 }
472 impl Default for CredentialType {
default() -> Self473     fn default() -> Self {
474         CredentialType::DEFAULT
475     }
476 }
478 bitflags! {
479     /// Flags for the `flags` field of an IndexEntry.
480     pub struct IndexEntryFlag: u16 {
481         /// Set when the `extended_flags` field is valid.
482         const EXTENDED = raw::GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_EXTENDED as u16;
483         /// "Assume valid" flag
484         const VALID = raw::GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_VALID as u16;
485     }
486 }
488 impl IndexEntryFlag {
489     is_bit_set!(is_extended, IndexEntryFlag::EXTENDED);
490     is_bit_set!(is_valid, IndexEntryFlag::VALID);
491 }
493 bitflags! {
494     /// Flags for the `extended_flags` field of an IndexEntry.
495     pub struct IndexEntryExtendedFlag: u16 {
496         /// An "intent to add" entry from "git add -N"
497         const INTENT_TO_ADD = raw::GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_INTENT_TO_ADD as u16;
498         /// Skip the associated worktree file, for sparse checkouts
499         const SKIP_WORKTREE = raw::GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_SKIP_WORKTREE as u16;
501         #[allow(missing_docs)]
502         const UPTODATE = raw::GIT_INDEX_ENTRY_UPTODATE as u16;
503     }
504 }
506 impl IndexEntryExtendedFlag {
507     is_bit_set!(is_intent_to_add, IndexEntryExtendedFlag::INTENT_TO_ADD);
508     is_bit_set!(is_skip_worktree, IndexEntryExtendedFlag::SKIP_WORKTREE);
509     is_bit_set!(is_up_to_date, IndexEntryExtendedFlag::UPTODATE);
510 }
512 bitflags! {
513     /// Flags for APIs that add files matching pathspec
514     pub struct IndexAddOption: u32 {
515         #[allow(missing_docs)]
516         const DEFAULT = raw::GIT_INDEX_ADD_DEFAULT as u32;
517         #[allow(missing_docs)]
518         const FORCE = raw::GIT_INDEX_ADD_FORCE as u32;
519         #[allow(missing_docs)]
520         const DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH =
521                 raw::GIT_INDEX_ADD_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH as u32;
522         #[allow(missing_docs)]
523         const CHECK_PATHSPEC = raw::GIT_INDEX_ADD_CHECK_PATHSPEC as u32;
524     }
525 }
527 impl IndexAddOption {
528     is_bit_set!(is_default, IndexAddOption::DEFAULT);
529     is_bit_set!(is_force, IndexAddOption::FORCE);
530     is_bit_set!(
531         is_disable_pathspec_match,
532         IndexAddOption::DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH
533     );
534     is_bit_set!(is_check_pathspec, IndexAddOption::CHECK_PATHSPEC);
535 }
537 impl Default for IndexAddOption {
default() -> Self538     fn default() -> Self {
539         IndexAddOption::DEFAULT
540     }
541 }
543 bitflags! {
544     /// Flags for `Repository::open_ext`
545     pub struct RepositoryOpenFlags: u32 {
546         /// Only open the specified path; don't walk upward searching.
547         const NO_SEARCH = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH as u32;
548         /// Search across filesystem boundaries.
549         const CROSS_FS = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_CROSS_FS as u32;
550         /// Force opening as bare repository, and defer loading its config.
551         const BARE = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE as u32;
552         /// Don't try appending `/.git` to the specified repository path.
553         const NO_DOTGIT = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_DOTGIT as u32;
554         /// Respect environment variables like `$GIT_DIR`.
555         const FROM_ENV = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV as u32;
556     }
557 }
559 impl RepositoryOpenFlags {
560     is_bit_set!(is_no_search, RepositoryOpenFlags::NO_SEARCH);
561     is_bit_set!(is_cross_fs, RepositoryOpenFlags::CROSS_FS);
562     is_bit_set!(is_bare, RepositoryOpenFlags::BARE);
563     is_bit_set!(is_no_dotgit, RepositoryOpenFlags::NO_DOTGIT);
564     is_bit_set!(is_from_env, RepositoryOpenFlags::FROM_ENV);
565 }
567 bitflags! {
568     /// Flags for the return value of `Repository::revparse`
569     pub struct RevparseMode: u32 {
570         /// The spec targeted a single object
571         const SINGLE = raw::GIT_REVPARSE_SINGLE as u32;
572         /// The spec targeted a range of commits
573         const RANGE = raw::GIT_REVPARSE_RANGE as u32;
574         /// The spec used the `...` operator, which invokes special semantics.
575         const MERGE_BASE = raw::GIT_REVPARSE_MERGE_BASE as u32;
576     }
577 }
579 impl RevparseMode {
580     is_bit_set!(is_no_single, RevparseMode::SINGLE);
581     is_bit_set!(is_range, RevparseMode::RANGE);
582     is_bit_set!(is_merge_base, RevparseMode::MERGE_BASE);
583 }
585 bitflags! {
586     /// The results of `merge_analysis` indicating the merge opportunities.
587     pub struct MergeAnalysis: u32 {
588         /// No merge is possible.
589         const ANALYSIS_NONE = raw::GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_NONE as u32;
590         /// A "normal" merge; both HEAD and the given merge input have diverged
591         /// from their common ancestor. The divergent commits must be merged.
592         const ANALYSIS_NORMAL = raw::GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_NORMAL as u32;
593         /// All given merge inputs are reachable from HEAD, meaning the
594         /// repository is up-to-date and no merge needs to be performed.
595         const ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE = raw::GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE as u32;
596         /// The given merge input is a fast-forward from HEAD and no merge
597         /// needs to be performed.  Instead, the client can check out the
598         /// given merge input.
600         /// The HEAD of the current repository is "unborn" and does not point to
601         /// a valid commit.  No merge can be performed, but the caller may wish
602         /// to simply set HEAD to the target commit(s).
603         const ANALYSIS_UNBORN = raw::GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UNBORN as u32;
604     }
605 }
607 impl MergeAnalysis {
608     is_bit_set!(is_none, MergeAnalysis::ANALYSIS_NONE);
609     is_bit_set!(is_normal, MergeAnalysis::ANALYSIS_NORMAL);
610     is_bit_set!(is_up_to_date, MergeAnalysis::ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE);
611     is_bit_set!(is_fast_forward, MergeAnalysis::ANALYSIS_FASTFORWARD);
612     is_bit_set!(is_unborn, MergeAnalysis::ANALYSIS_UNBORN);
613 }
615 bitflags! {
616     /// The user's stated preference for merges.
617     pub struct MergePreference: u32 {
618         /// No configuration was found that suggests a preferred behavior for
619         /// merge.
620         const NONE = raw::GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_NONE as u32;
621         /// There is a `merge.ff=false` configuration setting, suggesting that
622         /// the user does not want to allow a fast-forward merge.
624         /// There is a `merge.ff=only` configuration setting, suggesting that
625         /// the user only wants fast-forward merges.
627     }
628 }
630 impl MergePreference {
631     is_bit_set!(is_none, MergePreference::NONE);
632     is_bit_set!(is_no_fast_forward, MergePreference::NO_FAST_FORWARD);
633     is_bit_set!(is_fastforward_only, MergePreference::FASTFORWARD_ONLY);
634 }
636 #[cfg(test)]
637 #[macro_use]
638 mod test;
639 #[macro_use]
640 mod panic;
641 mod attr;
642 mod call;
643 mod util;
645 pub mod build;
646 pub mod cert;
647 pub mod oid_array;
648 pub mod opts;
649 pub mod string_array;
650 pub mod transport;
652 mod apply;
653 mod blame;
654 mod blob;
655 mod branch;
656 mod buf;
657 mod cherrypick;
658 mod commit;
659 mod config;
660 mod cred;
661 mod describe;
662 mod diff;
663 mod error;
664 mod index;
665 mod indexer;
666 mod mailmap;
667 mod mempack;
668 mod merge;
669 mod message;
670 mod note;
671 mod object;
672 mod odb;
673 mod oid;
674 mod packbuilder;
675 mod patch;
676 mod pathspec;
677 mod proxy_options;
678 mod rebase;
679 mod reference;
680 mod reflog;
681 mod refspec;
682 mod remote;
683 mod remote_callbacks;
684 mod repo;
685 mod revert;
686 mod revspec;
687 mod revwalk;
688 mod signature;
689 mod stash;
690 mod status;
691 mod submodule;
692 mod tag;
693 mod tagforeach;
694 mod time;
695 mod tracing;
696 mod transaction;
697 mod tree;
698 mod treebuilder;
699 mod version;
700 mod worktree;
init()702 fn init() {
703     static INIT: Once = Once::new();
705     INIT.call_once(|| {
706         openssl_env_init();
707     });
709     raw::init();
710 }
712 #[cfg(all(
713     unix,
714     not(target_os = "macos"),
715     not(target_os = "ios"),
716     feature = "https"
717 ))]
openssl_env_init()718 fn openssl_env_init() {
719     // Currently, libgit2 leverages OpenSSL for SSL support when cloning
720     // repositories over HTTPS. This means that we're picking up an OpenSSL
721     // dependency on non-Windows platforms (where it has its own HTTPS
722     // subsystem). As a result, we need to link to OpenSSL.
723     //
724     // Now actually *linking* to OpenSSL isn't so hard. We just need to make
725     // sure to use pkg-config to discover any relevant system dependencies for
726     // differences between distributions like CentOS and Ubuntu. The actual
727     // trickiness comes about when we start *distributing* the resulting
728     // binaries. Currently Cargo is distributed in binary form as nightlies,
729     // which means we're distributing a binary with OpenSSL linked in.
730     //
731     // For historical reasons, the Linux nightly builder is running a CentOS
732     // distribution in order to have as much ABI compatibility with other
733     // distributions as possible. Sadly, however, this compatibility does not
734     // extend to OpenSSL. Currently OpenSSL has two major versions, 0.9 and 1.0,
735     // which are incompatible (many ABI differences). The CentOS builder we
736     // build on has version 1.0, as do most distributions today. Some still have
737     // 0.9, however. This means that if we are to distribute the binaries built
738     // by the CentOS machine, we would only be compatible with OpenSSL 1.0 and
739     // we would fail to run (a dynamic linker error at runtime) on systems with
740     // only 9.8 installed (hopefully).
741     //
742     // But wait, the plot thickens! Apparently CentOS has dubbed their OpenSSL
743     // library as `libssl.so.10`, notably the `10` is included at the end. On
744     // the other hand Ubuntu, for example, only distributes `libssl.so`. This
745     // means that the binaries created at CentOS are hard-wired to probe for a
746     // file called `libssl.so.10` at runtime (using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH), which
747     // will not be found on ubuntu. The conclusion of this is that binaries
748     // built on CentOS cannot be distributed to Ubuntu and run successfully.
749     //
750     // There are a number of sneaky things we could do, including, but not
751     // limited to:
752     //
753     // 1. Create a shim program which runs "just before" cargo runs. The
754     //    responsibility of this shim program would be to locate `libssl.so`,
755     //    whatever it's called, on the current system, make sure there's a
756     //    symlink *somewhere* called `libssl.so.10`, and then set up
757     //    LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run the actual cargo.
758     //
759     //    This approach definitely seems unconventional, and is borderline
760     //    overkill for this problem. It's also dubious if we can find a
761     //    libssl.so reliably on the target system.
762     //
763     // 2. Somehow re-work the CentOS installation so that the linked-against
764     //    library is called libssl.so instead of libssl.so.10
765     //
766     //    The problem with this approach is that systems with 0.9 installed will
767     //    start to silently fail, due to also having libraries called libssl.so
768     //    (probably symlinked under a more appropriate version).
769     //
770     // 3. Compile Cargo against both OpenSSL 1.0 *and* OpenSSL 0.9, and
771     //    distribute both. Also make sure that the linked-against name of the
772     //    library is `libssl.so`. At runtime we determine which version is
773     //    installed, and we then the appropriate binary.
774     //
775     //    This approach clearly has drawbacks in terms of infrastructure and
776     //    feasibility.
777     //
778     // 4. Build a nightly of Cargo for each distribution we'd like to support.
779     //    You would then pick the appropriate Cargo nightly to install locally.
780     //
781     // So, with all this in mind, the decision was made to *statically* link
782     // OpenSSL. This solves any problem of relying on a downstream OpenSSL
783     // version being available. This does, however, open a can of worms related
784     // to security issues. It's generally a good idea to dynamically link
785     // OpenSSL as you'll get security updates over time without having to do
786     // anything (the system administrator will update the local openssl
787     // package). By statically linking, we're forfeiting this feature.
788     //
789     // The conclusion was made it is likely appropriate for the Cargo nightlies
790     // to statically link OpenSSL, but highly encourage distributions and
791     // packagers of Cargo to dynamically link OpenSSL. Packagers are targeting
792     // one system and are distributing to only that system, so none of the
793     // problems mentioned above would arise.
794     //
795     // In order to support this, a new package was made: openssl-static-sys.
796     // This package currently performs a fairly simple task:
797     //
798     // 1. Run pkg-config to discover where openssl is installed.
799     // 2. If openssl is installed in a nonstandard location, *and* static copies
800     //    of the libraries are available, copy them to $OUT_DIR.
801     //
802     // This library will bring in libssl.a and libcrypto.a into the local build,
803     // allowing them to be picked up by this crate. This allows us to configure
804     // our own buildbots to have pkg-config point to these local pre-built
805     // copies of a static OpenSSL (with very few dependencies) while allowing
806     // most other builds of Cargo to naturally dynamically link OpenSSL.
807     //
808     // So in summary, if you're with me so far, we've statically linked OpenSSL
809     // to the Cargo binary (or any binary, for that matter) and we're ready to
810     // distribute it to *all* linux distributions. Remember that our original
811     // intent for openssl was for HTTPS support, which implies that we need some
812     // for of CA certificate store to validate certificates. This is normally
813     // installed in a standard system location.
814     //
815     // Unfortunately, as one might imagine, OpenSSL is configured for where this
816     // standard location is at *build time*, but it often varies widely
817     // per-system. Consequently, it was discovered that OpenSSL will respect the
818     // SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR environment variables in order to assist
819     // in discovering the location of this file (hurray!).
820     //
821     // So, finally getting to the point, this function solely exists to support
822     // our static builds of OpenSSL by probing for the "standard system
823     // location" of certificates and setting relevant environment variable to
824     // point to them.
825     //
826     // Ah, and as a final note, this is only a problem on Linux, not on OS X. On
827     // OS X the OpenSSL binaries are stable enough that we can just rely on
828     // dynamic linkage (plus they have some weird modifications to OpenSSL which
829     // means we wouldn't want to link statically).
830     openssl_probe::init_ssl_cert_env_vars();
831 }
833 #[cfg(any(
834     windows,
835     target_os = "macos",
836     target_os = "ios",
837     not(feature = "https")
838 ))]
openssl_env_init()839 fn openssl_env_init() {}
opt_bytes<'a, T>(_anchor: &'a T, c: *const libc::c_char) -> Option<&'a [u8]>841 unsafe fn opt_bytes<'a, T>(_anchor: &'a T, c: *const libc::c_char) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
842     if c.is_null() {
843         None
844     } else {
845         Some(CStr::from_ptr(c).to_bytes())
846     }
847 }
opt_cstr<T: IntoCString>(o: Option<T>) -> Result<Option<CString>, Error>849 fn opt_cstr<T: IntoCString>(o: Option<T>) -> Result<Option<CString>, Error> {
850     match o {
851         Some(s) => s.into_c_string().map(Some),
852         None => Ok(None),
853     }
854 }
856 impl ObjectType {
857     /// Convert an object type to its string representation.
str(&self) -> &'static str858     pub fn str(&self) -> &'static str {
859         unsafe {
860             let ptr = call!(raw::git_object_type2string(*self)) as *const _;
861             let data = CStr::from_ptr(ptr).to_bytes();
862             str::from_utf8(data).unwrap()
863         }
864     }
866     /// Determine if the given git_object_t is a valid loose object type.
is_loose(&self) -> bool867     pub fn is_loose(&self) -> bool {
868         unsafe { call!(raw::git_object_typeisloose(*self)) == 1 }
869     }
871     /// Convert a raw git_object_t to an ObjectType
from_raw(raw: raw::git_object_t) -> Option<ObjectType>872     pub fn from_raw(raw: raw::git_object_t) -> Option<ObjectType> {
873         match raw {
874             raw::GIT_OBJECT_ANY => Some(ObjectType::Any),
875             raw::GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT => Some(ObjectType::Commit),
876             raw::GIT_OBJECT_TREE => Some(ObjectType::Tree),
877             raw::GIT_OBJECT_BLOB => Some(ObjectType::Blob),
878             raw::GIT_OBJECT_TAG => Some(ObjectType::Tag),
879             _ => None,
880         }
881     }
883     /// Convert this kind into its raw representation
raw(&self) -> raw::git_object_t884     pub fn raw(&self) -> raw::git_object_t {
885         call::convert(self)
886     }
888     /// Convert a string object type representation to its object type.
from_str(s: &str) -> Option<ObjectType>889     pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<ObjectType> {
890         let raw = unsafe { call!(raw::git_object_string2type(CString::new(s).unwrap())) };
891         ObjectType::from_raw(raw)
892     }
893 }
895 impl fmt::Display for ObjectType {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result896     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
897         self.str().fmt(f)
898     }
899 }
901 impl ReferenceType {
902     /// Convert an object type to its string representation.
str(&self) -> &'static str903     pub fn str(&self) -> &'static str {
904         match self {
905             ReferenceType::Direct => "direct",
906             ReferenceType::Symbolic => "symbolic",
907         }
908     }
910     /// Convert a raw git_reference_t to a ReferenceType.
from_raw(raw: raw::git_reference_t) -> Option<ReferenceType>911     pub fn from_raw(raw: raw::git_reference_t) -> Option<ReferenceType> {
912         match raw {
913             raw::GIT_REFERENCE_DIRECT => Some(ReferenceType::Direct),
914             raw::GIT_REFERENCE_SYMBOLIC => Some(ReferenceType::Symbolic),
915             _ => None,
916         }
917     }
918 }
920 impl fmt::Display for ReferenceType {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result921     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
922         self.str().fmt(f)
923     }
924 }
926 impl ConfigLevel {
927     /// Converts a raw configuration level to a ConfigLevel
from_raw(raw: raw::git_config_level_t) -> ConfigLevel928     pub fn from_raw(raw: raw::git_config_level_t) -> ConfigLevel {
929         match raw {
930             raw::GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_PROGRAMDATA => ConfigLevel::ProgramData,
931             raw::GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_SYSTEM => ConfigLevel::System,
932             raw::GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_XDG => ConfigLevel::XDG,
933             raw::GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_GLOBAL => ConfigLevel::Global,
934             raw::GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_LOCAL => ConfigLevel::Local,
935             raw::GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_APP => ConfigLevel::App,
936             raw::GIT_CONFIG_HIGHEST_LEVEL => ConfigLevel::Highest,
937             n => panic!("unknown config level: {}", n),
938         }
939     }
940 }
942 impl SubmoduleIgnore {
943     /// Converts a [`raw::git_submodule_ignore_t`] to a [`SubmoduleIgnore`]
from_raw(raw: raw::git_submodule_ignore_t) -> Self944     pub fn from_raw(raw: raw::git_submodule_ignore_t) -> Self {
945         match raw {
946             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNSPECIFIED => SubmoduleIgnore::Unspecified,
947             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE => SubmoduleIgnore::None,
948             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNTRACKED => SubmoduleIgnore::Untracked,
949             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_DIRTY => SubmoduleIgnore::Dirty,
950             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL => SubmoduleIgnore::All,
951             n => panic!("unknown submodule ignore rule: {}", n),
952         }
953     }
954 }
956 impl SubmoduleUpdate {
957     /// Converts a [`raw::git_submodule_update_t`] to a [`SubmoduleUpdate`]
from_raw(raw: raw::git_submodule_update_t) -> Self958     pub fn from_raw(raw: raw::git_submodule_update_t) -> Self {
959         match raw {
960             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT => SubmoduleUpdate::Checkout,
961             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_REBASE => SubmoduleUpdate::Rebase,
962             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_MERGE => SubmoduleUpdate::Merge,
963             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_NONE => SubmoduleUpdate::None,
964             raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_DEFAULT => SubmoduleUpdate::Default,
965             n => panic!("unknown submodule update strategy: {}", n),
966         }
967     }
968 }
970 bitflags! {
971     /// Status flags for a single file
972     ///
973     /// A combination of these values will be returned to indicate the status of
974     /// a file.  Status compares the working directory, the index, and the
975     /// current HEAD of the repository.  The `STATUS_INDEX_*` set of flags
976     /// represents the status of file in the index relative to the HEAD, and the
977     /// `STATUS_WT_*` set of flags represent the status of the file in the
978     /// working directory relative to the index.
979     pub struct Status: u32 {
980         #[allow(missing_docs)]
981         const CURRENT = raw::GIT_STATUS_CURRENT as u32;
983         #[allow(missing_docs)]
984         const INDEX_NEW = raw::GIT_STATUS_INDEX_NEW as u32;
985         #[allow(missing_docs)]
986         const INDEX_MODIFIED = raw::GIT_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED as u32;
987         #[allow(missing_docs)]
988         const INDEX_DELETED = raw::GIT_STATUS_INDEX_DELETED as u32;
989         #[allow(missing_docs)]
990         const INDEX_RENAMED = raw::GIT_STATUS_INDEX_RENAMED as u32;
991         #[allow(missing_docs)]
994         #[allow(missing_docs)]
995         const WT_NEW = raw::GIT_STATUS_WT_NEW as u32;
996         #[allow(missing_docs)]
997         const WT_MODIFIED = raw::GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED as u32;
998         #[allow(missing_docs)]
999         const WT_DELETED = raw::GIT_STATUS_WT_DELETED as u32;
1000         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1001         const WT_TYPECHANGE = raw::GIT_STATUS_WT_TYPECHANGE as u32;
1002         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1003         const WT_RENAMED = raw::GIT_STATUS_WT_RENAMED as u32;
1005         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1006         const IGNORED = raw::GIT_STATUS_IGNORED as u32;
1007         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1008         const CONFLICTED = raw::GIT_STATUS_CONFLICTED as u32;
1009     }
1010 }
1012 impl Status {
1013     is_bit_set!(is_index_new, Status::INDEX_NEW);
1014     is_bit_set!(is_index_modified, Status::INDEX_MODIFIED);
1015     is_bit_set!(is_index_deleted, Status::INDEX_DELETED);
1016     is_bit_set!(is_index_renamed, Status::INDEX_RENAMED);
1017     is_bit_set!(is_index_typechange, Status::INDEX_TYPECHANGE);
1018     is_bit_set!(is_wt_new, Status::WT_NEW);
1019     is_bit_set!(is_wt_modified, Status::WT_MODIFIED);
1020     is_bit_set!(is_wt_deleted, Status::WT_DELETED);
1021     is_bit_set!(is_wt_typechange, Status::WT_TYPECHANGE);
1022     is_bit_set!(is_wt_renamed, Status::WT_RENAMED);
1023     is_bit_set!(is_ignored, Status::IGNORED);
1024     is_bit_set!(is_conflicted, Status::CONFLICTED);
1025 }
1027 bitflags! {
1028     /// Mode options for RepositoryInitOptions
1029     pub struct RepositoryInitMode: u32 {
1030         /// Use permissions configured by umask - the default
1031         const SHARED_UMASK = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_SHARED_UMASK as u32;
1032         /// Use `--shared=group` behavior, chmod'ing the new repo to be
1033         /// group writable and \"g+sx\" for sticky group assignment
1034         const SHARED_GROUP = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_SHARED_GROUP as u32;
1035         /// Use `--shared=all` behavior, adding world readability.
1036         const SHARED_ALL = raw::GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_SHARED_ALL as u32;
1037     }
1038 }
1040 impl RepositoryInitMode {
1041     is_bit_set!(is_shared_umask, RepositoryInitMode::SHARED_UMASK);
1042     is_bit_set!(is_shared_group, RepositoryInitMode::SHARED_GROUP);
1043     is_bit_set!(is_shared_all, RepositoryInitMode::SHARED_ALL);
1044 }
1046 /// What type of change is described by a `DiffDelta`?
1047 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
1048 pub enum Delta {
1049     /// No changes
1050     Unmodified,
1051     /// Entry does not exist in old version
1052     Added,
1053     /// Entry does not exist in new version
1054     Deleted,
1055     /// Entry content changed between old and new
1056     Modified,
1057     /// Entry was renamed between old and new
1058     Renamed,
1059     /// Entry was copied from another old entry
1060     Copied,
1061     /// Entry is ignored item in workdir
1062     Ignored,
1063     /// Entry is untracked item in workdir
1064     Untracked,
1065     /// Type of entry changed between old and new
1066     Typechange,
1067     /// Entry is unreadable
1068     Unreadable,
1069     /// Entry in the index is conflicted
1070     Conflicted,
1071 }
1073 /// Valid modes for index and tree entries.
1074 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
1075 pub enum FileMode {
1076     /// Unreadable
1077     Unreadable,
1078     /// Tree
1079     Tree,
1080     /// Blob
1081     Blob,
1082     /// Blob executable
1083     BlobExecutable,
1084     /// Link
1085     Link,
1086     /// Commit
1087     Commit,
1088 }
1090 impl From<FileMode> for i32 {
from(mode: FileMode) -> i321091     fn from(mode: FileMode) -> i32 {
1092         match mode {
1093             FileMode::Unreadable => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_UNREADABLE as i32,
1094             FileMode::Tree => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_TREE as i32,
1095             FileMode::Blob => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB as i32,
1096             FileMode::BlobExecutable => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB_EXECUTABLE as i32,
1097             FileMode::Link => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_LINK as i32,
1098             FileMode::Commit => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT as i32,
1099         }
1100     }
1101 }
1103 impl From<FileMode> for u32 {
from(mode: FileMode) -> u321104     fn from(mode: FileMode) -> u32 {
1105         match mode {
1106             FileMode::Unreadable => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_UNREADABLE as u32,
1107             FileMode::Tree => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_TREE as u32,
1108             FileMode::Blob => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB as u32,
1109             FileMode::BlobExecutable => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB_EXECUTABLE as u32,
1110             FileMode::Link => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_LINK as u32,
1111             FileMode::Commit => raw::GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT as u32,
1112         }
1113     }
1114 }
1116 bitflags! {
1117     /// Return codes for submodule status.
1118     ///
1119     /// A combination of these flags will be returned to describe the status of a
1120     /// submodule.  Depending on the "ignore" property of the submodule, some of
1121     /// the flags may never be returned because they indicate changes that are
1122     /// supposed to be ignored.
1123     ///
1124     /// Submodule info is contained in 4 places: the HEAD tree, the index, config
1125     /// files (both .git/config and .gitmodules), and the working directory.  Any
1126     /// or all of those places might be missing information about the submodule
1127     /// depending on what state the repo is in.  We consider all four places to
1128     /// build the combination of status flags.
1129     ///
1130     /// There are four values that are not really status, but give basic info
1131     /// about what sources of submodule data are available.  These will be
1132     /// returned even if ignore is set to "ALL".
1133     ///
1134     /// * IN_HEAD   - superproject head contains submodule
1135     /// * IN_INDEX  - superproject index contains submodule
1136     /// * IN_CONFIG - superproject gitmodules has submodule
1137     /// * IN_WD     - superproject workdir has submodule
1138     ///
1139     /// The following values will be returned so long as ignore is not "ALL".
1140     ///
1141     /// * INDEX_ADDED       - in index, not in head
1142     /// * INDEX_DELETED     - in head, not in index
1143     /// * INDEX_MODIFIED    - index and head don't match
1144     /// * WD_UNINITIALIZED  - workdir contains empty directory
1145     /// * WD_ADDED          - in workdir, not index
1146     /// * WD_DELETED        - in index, not workdir
1147     /// * WD_MODIFIED       - index and workdir head don't match
1148     ///
1149     /// The following can only be returned if ignore is "NONE" or "UNTRACKED".
1150     ///
1151     /// * WD_INDEX_MODIFIED - submodule workdir index is dirty
1152     /// * WD_WD_MODIFIED    - submodule workdir has modified files
1153     ///
1154     /// Lastly, the following will only be returned for ignore "NONE".
1155     ///
1156     /// * WD_UNTRACKED      - wd contains untracked files
1157     pub struct SubmoduleStatus: u32 {
1158         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1159         const IN_HEAD = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_HEAD as u32;
1160         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1161         const IN_INDEX = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_INDEX as u32;
1162         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1163         const IN_CONFIG = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_CONFIG as u32;
1164         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1165         const IN_WD = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD as u32;
1166         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1167         const INDEX_ADDED = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_ADDED as u32;
1168         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1170         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1172         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1173         const WD_UNINITIALIZED =
1174                 raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNINITIALIZED as u32;
1175         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1176         const WD_ADDED = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_ADDED as u32;
1177         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1178         const WD_DELETED = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_DELETED as u32;
1179         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1180         const WD_MODIFIED = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_MODIFIED as u32;
1181         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1182         const WD_INDEX_MODIFIED =
1183                 raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_INDEX_MODIFIED as u32;
1184         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1185         const WD_WD_MODIFIED = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_WD_MODIFIED as u32;
1186         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1187         const WD_UNTRACKED = raw::GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNTRACKED as u32;
1188     }
1189 }
1191 impl SubmoduleStatus {
1192     is_bit_set!(is_in_head, SubmoduleStatus::IN_HEAD);
1193     is_bit_set!(is_in_index, SubmoduleStatus::IN_INDEX);
1194     is_bit_set!(is_in_config, SubmoduleStatus::IN_CONFIG);
1195     is_bit_set!(is_in_wd, SubmoduleStatus::IN_WD);
1196     is_bit_set!(is_index_added, SubmoduleStatus::INDEX_ADDED);
1197     is_bit_set!(is_index_deleted, SubmoduleStatus::INDEX_DELETED);
1198     is_bit_set!(is_index_modified, SubmoduleStatus::INDEX_MODIFIED);
1199     is_bit_set!(is_wd_uninitialized, SubmoduleStatus::WD_UNINITIALIZED);
1200     is_bit_set!(is_wd_added, SubmoduleStatus::WD_ADDED);
1201     is_bit_set!(is_wd_deleted, SubmoduleStatus::WD_DELETED);
1202     is_bit_set!(is_wd_modified, SubmoduleStatus::WD_MODIFIED);
1203     is_bit_set!(is_wd_wd_modified, SubmoduleStatus::WD_WD_MODIFIED);
1204     is_bit_set!(is_wd_untracked, SubmoduleStatus::WD_UNTRACKED);
1205 }
1207 /// Submodule ignore values
1208 ///
1209 /// These values represent settings for the `submodule.$name.ignore`
1210 /// configuration value which says how deeply to look at the working
1211 /// directory when getting the submodule status.
1212 #[derive(Debug)]
1213 pub enum SubmoduleIgnore {
1214     /// Use the submodule's configuration
1215     Unspecified,
1216     /// Any change or untracked file is considered dirty
1217     None,
1218     /// Only dirty if tracked files have changed
1219     Untracked,
1220     /// Only dirty if HEAD has moved
1221     Dirty,
1222     /// Never dirty
1223     All,
1224 }
1226 /// Submodule update values
1227 ///
1228 /// These values represent settings for the `submodule.$name.update`
1229 /// configuration value which says how to handle `git submodule update`
1230 /// for this submodule. The value is usually set in the ".gitmodules"
1231 /// file and copied to ".git/config" when the submodule is initialized.
1232 #[derive(Debug)]
1233 pub enum SubmoduleUpdate {
1234     /// The default; when a submodule is updated, checkout the new detached
1235     /// HEAD to the submodule directory.
1236     Checkout,
1237     /// Update by rebasing the current checked out branch onto the commit from
1238     /// the superproject.
1239     Rebase,
1240     /// Update by merging the commit in the superproject into the current
1241     /// checkout out branch of the submodule.
1242     Merge,
1243     /// Do not update this submodule even when the commit in the superproject
1244     /// is updated.
1245     None,
1246     /// Not used except as static initializer when we don't want any particular
1247     /// update rule to be specified.
1248     Default,
1249 }
1251 bitflags! {
1252     /// ...
1253     pub struct PathspecFlags: u32 {
1254         /// Use the default pathspec matching configuration.
1255         const DEFAULT = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_DEFAULT as u32;
1256         /// Force matching to ignore case, otherwise matching will use native
1257         /// case sensitivity fo the platform filesystem.
1258         const IGNORE_CASE = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_IGNORE_CASE as u32;
1259         /// Force case sensitive matches, otherwise match will use the native
1260         /// case sensitivity of the platform filesystem.
1261         const USE_CASE = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_USE_CASE as u32;
1262         /// Disable glob patterns and just use simple string comparison for
1263         /// matching.
1264         const NO_GLOB = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_NO_GLOB as u32;
1265         /// Means that match functions return the error code `NotFound` if no
1266         /// matches are found. By default no matches is a success.
1267         const NO_MATCH_ERROR = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_NO_MATCH_ERROR as u32;
1268         /// Means that the list returned should track which patterns matched
1269         /// which files so that at the end of the match we can identify patterns
1270         /// that did not match any files.
1271         const FIND_FAILURES = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_FIND_FAILURES as u32;
1272         /// Means that the list returned does not need to keep the actual
1273         /// matching filenames. Use this to just test if there were any matches
1274         /// at all or in combination with `PATHSPEC_FAILURES` to validate a
1275         /// pathspec.
1276         const FAILURES_ONLY = raw::GIT_PATHSPEC_FAILURES_ONLY as u32;
1277     }
1278 }
1280 impl PathspecFlags {
1281     is_bit_set!(is_default, PathspecFlags::DEFAULT);
1282     is_bit_set!(is_ignore_case, PathspecFlags::IGNORE_CASE);
1283     is_bit_set!(is_use_case, PathspecFlags::USE_CASE);
1284     is_bit_set!(is_no_glob, PathspecFlags::NO_GLOB);
1285     is_bit_set!(is_no_match_error, PathspecFlags::NO_MATCH_ERROR);
1286     is_bit_set!(is_find_failures, PathspecFlags::FIND_FAILURES);
1287     is_bit_set!(is_failures_only, PathspecFlags::FAILURES_ONLY);
1288 }
1290 impl Default for PathspecFlags {
default() -> Self1291     fn default() -> Self {
1292         PathspecFlags::DEFAULT
1293     }
1294 }
1296 bitflags! {
1297     /// Types of notifications emitted from checkouts.
1298     pub struct CheckoutNotificationType: u32 {
1299         /// Notification about a conflict.
1300         const CONFLICT = raw::GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT as u32;
1301         /// Notification about a dirty file.
1302         const DIRTY = raw::GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_DIRTY as u32;
1303         /// Notification about an updated file.
1304         const UPDATED = raw::GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UPDATED as u32;
1305         /// Notification about an untracked file.
1306         const UNTRACKED = raw::GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UNTRACKED as u32;
1307         /// Notification about an ignored file.
1308         const IGNORED = raw::GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_IGNORED as u32;
1309     }
1310 }
1312 impl CheckoutNotificationType {
1313     is_bit_set!(is_conflict, CheckoutNotificationType::CONFLICT);
1314     is_bit_set!(is_dirty, CheckoutNotificationType::DIRTY);
1315     is_bit_set!(is_updated, CheckoutNotificationType::UPDATED);
1316     is_bit_set!(is_untracked, CheckoutNotificationType::UNTRACKED);
1317     is_bit_set!(is_ignored, CheckoutNotificationType::IGNORED);
1318 }
1320 /// Possible output formats for diff data
1321 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
1322 pub enum DiffFormat {
1323     /// full git diff
1324     Patch,
1325     /// just the headers of the patch
1326     PatchHeader,
1327     /// like git diff --raw
1328     Raw,
1329     /// like git diff --name-only
1330     NameOnly,
1331     /// like git diff --name-status
1332     NameStatus,
1333     /// git diff as used by git patch-id
1334     PatchId,
1335 }
1337 bitflags! {
1338     /// Formatting options for diff stats
1339     pub struct DiffStatsFormat: raw::git_diff_stats_format_t {
1340         /// Don't generate any stats
1341         const NONE = raw::GIT_DIFF_STATS_NONE;
1342         /// Equivalent of `--stat` in git
1343         const FULL = raw::GIT_DIFF_STATS_FULL;
1344         /// Equivalent of `--shortstat` in git
1345         const SHORT = raw::GIT_DIFF_STATS_SHORT;
1346         /// Equivalent of `--numstat` in git
1347         const NUMBER = raw::GIT_DIFF_STATS_NUMBER;
1348         /// Extended header information such as creations, renames and mode
1349         /// changes, equivalent of `--summary` in git
1351     }
1352 }
1354 impl DiffStatsFormat {
1355     is_bit_set!(is_none, DiffStatsFormat::NONE);
1356     is_bit_set!(is_full, DiffStatsFormat::FULL);
1357     is_bit_set!(is_short, DiffStatsFormat::SHORT);
1358     is_bit_set!(is_number, DiffStatsFormat::NUMBER);
1359     is_bit_set!(is_include_summary, DiffStatsFormat::INCLUDE_SUMMARY);
1360 }
1362 /// Automatic tag following options.
1363 pub enum AutotagOption {
1364     /// Use the setting from the remote's configuration
1365     Unspecified,
1366     /// Ask the server for tags pointing to objects we're already downloading
1367     Auto,
1368     /// Don't ask for any tags beyond the refspecs
1369     None,
1370     /// Ask for all the tags
1371     All,
1372 }
1374 /// Configuration for how pruning is done on a fetch
1375 pub enum FetchPrune {
1376     /// Use the setting from the configuration
1377     Unspecified,
1378     /// Force pruning on
1379     On,
1380     /// Force pruning off
1381     Off,
1382 }
1384 #[allow(missing_docs)]
1385 #[derive(Debug)]
1386 pub enum StashApplyProgress {
1387     /// None
1388     None,
1389     /// Loading the stashed data from the object database
1390     LoadingStash,
1391     /// The stored index is being analyzed
1392     AnalyzeIndex,
1393     /// The modified files are being analyzed
1394     AnalyzeModified,
1395     /// The untracked and ignored files are being analyzed
1396     AnalyzeUntracked,
1397     /// The untracked files are being written to disk
1398     CheckoutUntracked,
1399     /// The modified files are being written to disk
1400     CheckoutModified,
1401     /// The stash was applied successfully
1402     Done,
1403 }
1405 bitflags! {
1406     #[allow(missing_docs)]
1407     pub struct StashApplyFlags: u32 {
1408         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1409         const DEFAULT = raw::GIT_STASH_APPLY_DEFAULT as u32;
1410         /// Try to reinstate not only the working tree's changes,
1411         /// but also the index's changes.
1413     }
1414 }
1416 impl StashApplyFlags {
1417     is_bit_set!(is_default, StashApplyFlags::DEFAULT);
1418     is_bit_set!(is_reinstate_index, StashApplyFlags::REINSTATE_INDEX);
1419 }
1421 impl Default for StashApplyFlags {
default() -> Self1422     fn default() -> Self {
1423         StashApplyFlags::DEFAULT
1424     }
1425 }
1427 bitflags! {
1428     #[allow(missing_docs)]
1429     pub struct StashFlags: u32 {
1430         #[allow(missing_docs)]
1431         const DEFAULT = raw::GIT_STASH_DEFAULT as u32;
1432         /// All changes already added to the index are left intact in
1433         /// the working directory
1434         const KEEP_INDEX = raw::GIT_STASH_KEEP_INDEX as u32;
1435         /// All untracked files are also stashed and then cleaned up
1436         /// from the working directory
1438         /// All ignored files are also stashed and then cleaned up from
1439         /// the working directory
1440         const INCLUDE_IGNORED = raw::GIT_STASH_INCLUDE_IGNORED as u32;
1441     }
1442 }
1444 impl StashFlags {
1445     is_bit_set!(is_default, StashFlags::DEFAULT);
1446     is_bit_set!(is_keep_index, StashFlags::KEEP_INDEX);
1447     is_bit_set!(is_include_untracked, StashFlags::INCLUDE_UNTRACKED);
1448     is_bit_set!(is_include_ignored, StashFlags::INCLUDE_IGNORED);
1449 }
1451 impl Default for StashFlags {
default() -> Self1452     fn default() -> Self {
1453         StashFlags::DEFAULT
1454     }
1455 }
1457 bitflags! {
1458     #[allow(missing_docs)]
1459     pub struct AttrCheckFlags: u32 {
1460         /// Check the working directory, then the index.
1461         const FILE_THEN_INDEX = raw::GIT_ATTR_CHECK_FILE_THEN_INDEX as u32;
1462         /// Check the index, then the working directory.
1463         const INDEX_THEN_FILE = raw::GIT_ATTR_CHECK_INDEX_THEN_FILE as u32;
1464         /// Check the index only.
1465         const INDEX_ONLY = raw::GIT_ATTR_CHECK_INDEX_ONLY as u32;
1466         /// Do not use the system gitattributes file.
1467         const NO_SYSTEM = raw::GIT_ATTR_CHECK_NO_SYSTEM as u32;
1468     }
1469 }
1471 impl Default for AttrCheckFlags {
default() -> Self1472     fn default() -> Self {
1473         AttrCheckFlags::FILE_THEN_INDEX
1474     }
1475 }
1477 bitflags! {
1478     #[allow(missing_docs)]
1479     pub struct DiffFlags: u32 {
1480         /// File(s) treated as binary data.
1481         const BINARY = raw::GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY as u32;
1482         /// File(s) treated as text data.
1483         const NOT_BINARY = raw::GIT_DIFF_FLAG_NOT_BINARY as u32;
1484         /// `id` value is known correct.
1485         const VALID_ID = raw::GIT_DIFF_FLAG_VALID_ID as u32;
1486         /// File exists at this side of the delta.
1487         const EXISTS = raw::GIT_DIFF_FLAG_EXISTS as u32;
1488     }
1489 }
1491 impl DiffFlags {
1492     is_bit_set!(is_binary, DiffFlags::BINARY);
1493     is_bit_set!(is_not_binary, DiffFlags::NOT_BINARY);
1494     is_bit_set!(has_valid_id, DiffFlags::VALID_ID);
1495     is_bit_set!(exists, DiffFlags::EXISTS);
1496 }
1498 bitflags! {
1499     /// Options for [`Reference::normalize_name`].
1500     pub struct ReferenceFormat: u32 {
1501         /// No particular normalization.
1502         const NORMAL = raw::GIT_REFERENCE_FORMAT_NORMAL as u32;
1503         /// Constrol whether one-level refname are accepted (i.e., refnames that
1504         /// do not contain multiple `/`-separated components). Those are
1505         /// expected to be written only using uppercase letters and underscore
1506         /// (e.g. `HEAD`, `FETCH_HEAD`).
1508         /// Interpret the provided name as a reference pattern for a refspec (as
1509         /// used with remote repositories). If this option is enabled, the name
1510         /// is allowed to contain a single `*` in place of a full pathname
1511         /// components (e.g., `foo/*/bar` but not `foo/bar*`).
1513         /// Interpret the name as part of a refspec in shorthand form so the
1514         /// `ALLOW_ONELEVEL` naming rules aren't enforced and `main` becomes a
1515         /// valid name.
1517     }
1518 }
1520 impl ReferenceFormat {
1521     is_bit_set!(is_allow_onelevel, ReferenceFormat::ALLOW_ONELEVEL);
1522     is_bit_set!(is_refspec_pattern, ReferenceFormat::REFSPEC_PATTERN);
1523     is_bit_set!(is_refspec_shorthand, ReferenceFormat::REFSPEC_SHORTHAND);
1524 }
1526 impl Default for ReferenceFormat {
default() -> Self1527     fn default() -> Self {
1528         ReferenceFormat::NORMAL
1529     }
1530 }
1532 #[cfg(test)]
1533 mod tests {
1534     use super::{FileMode, ObjectType};
1536     #[test]
convert()1537     fn convert() {
1538         assert_eq!(ObjectType::Blob.str(), "blob");
1539         assert_eq!(ObjectType::from_str("blob"), Some(ObjectType::Blob));
1540         assert!(ObjectType::Blob.is_loose());
1541     }
1543     #[test]
convert_filemode()1544     fn convert_filemode() {
1545         assert_eq!(i32::from(FileMode::Blob), 0o100644);
1546         assert_eq!(i32::from(FileMode::BlobExecutable), 0o100755);
1547         assert_eq!(u32::from(FileMode::Blob), 0o100644);
1548         assert_eq!(u32::from(FileMode::BlobExecutable), 0o100755);
1549     }
1550 }