1Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it>
2Copyright (C) 2010-2016 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com)
3See below for the copying conditions.
6Configuration of the Parma Polyhedra Library
12 1. The Standard Thing (configure, make, make install)
13 2. Using the Right Version of GMP
14 3. Using the Right C and C++ Compilers
15 4. Enabling the Use of Alternative Coefficient Types
16 5. Configuring the Language Interfaces
17 6. Configuring for Optimized Performance
18 7. Advanced Performance Tuning
19 8. Configuring for Debugging
20 9. Programs that Come with the Library
2110. Using the Git Sources
241. The Standard Thing (configure, make, make install)
27In an ideal situation (i.e., on a more or less standard Un*x
28environment, with the right C++ compiler to compile the core library
29as well as the right compilers to compile all the enabled language
30interfaces, with the GMP library installed in a standard place and
31provided the user is satisfied with all the options we chose as
32defaults), a source distribution of the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL)
33can be unpacked, configured, built and installed with the following,
34well-known procedure:
36  $ tar jxf ppl-x.y.tar.bz2
37  $ ./configure
38  $ make
39  $ su
40  Password: <root password>
41  $ make install
43After successful completion of these steps the PPL is completely
44installed on the system and can be used as expected.
46On the other hand, the PPL `configure' shell script provides many
47options to customize the build and installation process.  The
48`INSTALL' file gives a detailed description of the non PPL-specific
49aspects of the configuration, compilation and installation process and
50describes the basic options of the `configure' script.  For a compact
51summary of all the available configuration options, run the command
53  $ ./configure --help
55The PPL-specific aspects of the configuration, compilation and
56installation process are discussed in the following sections.
592. Using the Right Version of GMP
62In order to use this version of the PPL you must make sure that:
64(1) GMP version 4.1.3 or later is installed on your system;
65(2) that this version was compiled with the C++ interface enabled;
66(3) that this C++ interface was compiled with the same compiler
67    version with which you will compile the PPL;
68(4) that your C and C++ compilers and your linker will find _that_
69    version of GMP and not others that may be present in your system.
71Some binary distributions of GMP may contain a version that was compiled
72with the C++ interface disabled, or compiled with a C++ compiler
73implementing a different ABI than the compiler you will use to compile
74the PPL.  In these (increasingly rare) cases the only reliable way to
75ensure points (1), (2) and (3) above is to visit GMP's home page at
77  http://gmplib.org/
79and download the last available version.  Then decide where to install
80it and call this place in your file system <GMP prefix>.  Then, unless
81you have special needs, you can invoke the GMP's configure script with
82the options
84  --prefix=<GMP prefix> --enable-cxx
86If the C++ compiler you will use to compile the PPL is not the default
87on your system then, in order to satisfy point (3) above, you should
88set the `CXX', `CXXFLAGS' and `CXXCPP' environment variables so as to
89use the intended compiler with the intended options.  See the file
90`INSTALL.autoconf' in the GMP distribution for more on this subject.
92If you want to use the PPL ability to recover from out-of-memory
93situations, you should use a version of GMP compiled with GCC (which
94implies you should then compile also the PPL with GCC) using the
95`-fexceptions' option.  To build such a version, you can use the
96`CPPFLAGS' environment variable, so that it contains (among possibly
97other compiler options) `-fexceptions'.  Again, see `INSTALL.autoconf'
98in the GMP distribution for more on using environment variables to
99influence the configure script.
101In order to achieve point (4) above, if the directory <GMP prefix>
102is not standard for your compiler and/or for your linker, you will
103have to make sure the configure script of the PPL is invoked with,
104among others, the option
106  --with-gmp=<GMP prefix>
108If you use shared libraries, consult the documentation of your dynamic
109linker/loader (`man ld.so' will do on most Un*x-like systems) to see
110how to make sure that GMP's shared library will be found at run-time
111(setting the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to
112"<GMP prefix>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" or
113"<GMP prefix>/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" is the most commonly used
116It is also possible to use a non-installed build of GMP.  In order to
117do that you should configure the PPL with, among others, the option
119  --with-gmp-build=<GMP build directory>
1223. Using the Right C and C++ Compilers
125The configure script of the PPL, as you can see by using its `--help'
126option, besides recognizing `CC', `CXX', `CFLAGS', `CXXFLAGS' and
127other environment variables, provides four switches with which you can
128select the compilers and compilers' options to use for building the
129library.  These switches are
131  --with-cc=XXX           use XXX as the C compiler
132  --with-cxx=XXX          use XXX as the C++ compiler
133  --with-cflags=XXX       add XXX to the options for the C compiler
134  --with-cxxflags=XXX     add XXX to the options for the C++ compiler
136Among other things, the ability to specify the C and C++ compilation
137flags allows you to use special compilation options ---such as
138`-fno-threadsafe-statics'--- that, while not safe for general use,
139may be adequate for your particular application.
141Let us take the occasion to stress, once again, the fact that you
142must use exactly the same C++ compiler to compile the C++ interface of GMP,
143the PPL and your application, if it uses the C++ interface of the PPL.
144It should be noted that no version of GCC prior to 4.0.3 is known to
145reliably compile PPL 0.10.
147Here is an example of a configuration that uses the Intel C/C++ compiler
148version 11.1.x.  Assuming you have configured GMP with a command like
150  CC=icc CXX=icpc /path/to/gmp-5.0.1/configure --enable-cxx \
151    --prefix=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072 \
152    --libdir=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64
154you can configure the PPL with a command like
156  /path/to/ppl-x.y/configure --with-cxx=icpc --with-cc=icc \
157    --with-cxxflags=-pch \
158    --with-gmp=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072
160Notice that the `--with-cxxflags' option is not essential here and is
161only included to show how extra compiler options can be passed to the
162configure script.
164As another example, here is how you can compile the PPL with
165Comeau C/C++  First configure GMP with a command like
167  CXX=como /path/to/gmp-5.0.1/configure --enable-cxx \
168    --disable-shared --prefix=/opt/comeau/local
170Then you can configure the PPL with a command like
172  /path/to/ppl/configure --with-cc="como --c" --with-cxx="como -tused" \
173    --with-cxxflags="-g++ --remarks --long_long \
174    --display_error_number --diag_suppress 340,401,679" \
175    --disable-shared --with-gmp=/opt/comeau/local
177Notice the use of the option `--disable-shared' both in the configuration
178of GMP and the configuration of the PPL.  This is due to the fact that
179Comeau C/C++ does not support shared libraries.
1824. Enabling the Use of Alternative Coefficient Types
185When speed is important and the numerical coefficients involved are
186likely to be small, you can configure the PPL to use checked native
187integers (8, 16, 32 or 64 bits wide) for the representation of the
188coefficients.  This is a safe strategy since, when using checked
189native integers, the library also performs systematic (yet efficient)
190overflow detection and, in case of overflow, an exception is raised.
191To enable the use of various kinds of coefficients, you can use
192the configure option
194  --enable-coefficients=TYPE
196where TYPE is one of
198  mpz,              use GMP unbounded integers (default);
199  checked-int8,     use  8-bit checked integers;
200  checked-int16,    use 16-bit checked integers;
201  checked-int32,    use 32-bit checked integers;
202  checked-int64,    use 64-bit checked integers.
204When using checked integers it is also wise to increase the
205optimization level, since their efficiency largely depends on the
206compiler and on the optimization options used.  See below for how
207to do that (in later releases we may try to make the choice of the
208optimization options automatic).
210If you want to test the overhead of checked integers with respect
211to plain, unchecked native integers and you are really sure of what
212you are doing, you may be interested to know that these additional
213choices for TYPE are available:
215  native-int8,     use  8-bit *unchecked* integers;
216  native-int16,    use 16-bit *unchecked* integers;
217  native-int32,    use 32-bit *unchecked* integers;
218  native-int64,    use 64-bit *unchecked* integers.
2215. Configuring the Language Interfaces
224The PPL comes equipped with interfaces for several programming
225languages.  Some of these interfaces are enabled by default,
226meaning that, if the configuration script finds support for
227a certain programming language, these interfaces are compiled
228(with `make') and installed (with `make install').
229The set of enabled interface can be customized with the configure option
231  --enable-interfaces=INTERFACES
233The INTERFACES argument can be
235  none,            no language interface is enabled;
236  all,             all language interfaces are enabled;
238or any space-separated list of interface specifiers chosen among
240  cxx,             the C++ interface;
241  c,               the C interface;
242  java,            the Java interface;
243  ocaml,           the OCaml interface;
244  ciao_prolog,     the Ciao Prolog interface;
245  gnu_prolog,      the GNU Prolog interface;
246  sicstus_prolog,  the SICStus Prolog interface;
247  swi_prolog,      the SWI-Prolog interface;
248  xsb_prolog,      the XSB interface;
249  yap_prolog,      the YAP interface.
251Note that, in order to build any interface different from the C++ one,
252a recent enough version of GNU M4 is required (the configuration script
253searches for one and gives an error if it cannot find it).
255The instantiations for the domains for interfaces other than the main
256C++ interface can be customized via the `instantiations' option for
257the PPL `configure' shell script which is described below. Some
258interfaces depend on language implementations that are somewhat
259problematic, either because they tend to be installed in rather
260unpredictable places, or because some published versions have bugs
261that prevent the PPL interface to run correctly.  In these cases,
262information is given in a README.* file.  Presently we have:
264  README.java,
265  README.ocaml,
266  README.gprolog,
267  README.swiprolog,
268  README.yap.
270For the Java interface, the `--with-java=DIR' configure option allows
271to select the Java SDK root directory.  We have tested the Java interface
272with the Java SE Development Kit 6 and OpenJDK 1.6.
274For the OCaml interface, the `--with-mlgmp=DIR' configure option allows
275to specify the installation directory of the ML GMP package (which allows
276to use GMP numbers in OCaml programs).  By default, ML GMP is searched
277in the `gmp' subdirectory of the OCaml standard library directory.
279The C++ interface provides access to all the numerical abstractions
280provided by the PPL.  The majority of these (we are talking about
281hundreds of different numerical abstractions) are provided by means
282of C++ templates.  The other languages interfaced to the PPL, except
283Java, do not have this facility.  Moreover, at the time of writing
284we do not know if and to which extent C++ templates can be mapped
285onto Java generics.  As a result, for all the language interfaces
286but the C++ one, the instantiation of the template-based numerical
287abstractions must be done at library-compile-time (instead of
288application-compile-time).  A small set of instantiations is enabled
289by default.  Currently this set is given by
291  Polyhedron (which stands for both C_Polyhedron and NNC_Polyhedron),
292  Grid,
293  Rational_Box,
294  BD_Shape<mpz_class>,
295  BD_Shape<mpq_class>,
296  Octagonal_Shape<mpz_class>,
297  Octagonal_Shape<mpq_class>,
298  Constraints_Product<C_Polyhedron, Grid>,
299  Pointset_Powerset<C_Polyhedron>,
300  Pointset_Powerset<NNC_Polyhedron>,
302plus, if the host architecture supports double precision floating point
303numbers conforming to the IEEE 754 standard,
305  Double_Box,
306  BD_Shape<double>,
307  Octagonal_Shape<double>.
309To enable a different set of instantiations, the configure option
311  --enable-instantiations=INSTANTIATIONS
313The list of of possibilities for the `INSTANTIATIONS' argument can be
314obtained by omitting the argument, i.e., with the configure option
316  --enable-instantiations
318Note that the stand-alone `Polyhedron' instantiation must be specified
319without any topology `C_' or `NNC_' as they are added automatically
320and both the domains `C_Polyhedron' and `NNC_Polyhedron' will be
3246. Configuring for Optimized Performance
327By default, the PPL is compiled with all the optimizations provided
328by the compiler that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff (a.k.a.
329-O2 optimization).  The same optimization level can be obtained by
330using the configure options
332  --enable-optimization
334  --enable-optimization=standard
336You can try to squeeze more speed from your compiler by using the
337`--enable-optimization=speed' compiler option (a.k.a. -O3
338optimization): this is recommended if you use the checked integers
339coefficients, even though it does not come with an 100% guarantee of
340extra performance.  With the `--enable-optimization=sspeed'
341optimization even more optimization is requested, possibly at the cost
342of making debugging impossible on some machines.  The
343`--enable-optimization=size' configure option instructs the compiler
344to optimize for size and for speed, but only for speed improvements do
345not increase code size.
347Further optimization can be requested at the expense of portability
348of the generated code.  This can be achieved by means of the configure option
350  --enable-arch[=ARCH]
352If the ARCH argument is omitted the configure script attempts to
353detect the architecture of the system.  Allowed values for ARCH can be
354found in the documentation of the `-march' option of the used C/C++
357For floating point computations, the option
359  --enable-fpmath=INSTRUCTION_SET
361allows for selecting, on the IA32 and x86_64, the floating point instruction
362set.  The allowed values for INSTRUCTION_SET are `sse', `sse2', `387,
363`sse+387', and `sse2+387', `default', and `no'.  The latter option, which
364is equivalent to specifying `--disable-fpmath', has the effect of disabling
365all floating point computation and, consequently, all the numerical
366abstractions based on floating point numbers.
368On the other hand, there are configure options to request lesser
369degrees of optimization for the sake of debugging.  These are,
370in decreasing order of optimization, `--enable-optimization=mild'
371(a.k.a. -O1 optimization), `--enable-optimization=no' or, equivalently
372`--disable-optimization', and `--enable-optimization=zero'
373(a.k.a. -O0 optimization).  See below for more information on the
374configure options that are useful for debugging purposes.
3777. Advanced Performance Tuning
380Starting from version 1.0, the library fully supports two different
381representations for rows (i.e., sequences of coefficients):
383  - the "dense" representation is an array-like representation tailored
384    to sequences having most of their coefficients different from zero;
386  - the "sparse" representation saves memory space (as well as CPU
387    cycles) when most of the coefficients in the sequence are zero.
389A generic interface allows for a seamless interaction between the
390dense and the sparse row representation. Most library entities (linear
391expressions, constraints, generators, congruences, and their systems)
392can be built using either representation, specified as a constructor's
393argument. Reasonable default values for the row representation are
394provided for each library entity, automatically leading to significant
395memory space savings even in old client/library code, e.g., when
396dealing with constraint systems describing weakly relational
397abstractions such as boxes and octagonal shapes.
399If desired, these default values can be customized to user's needs by
400changing just a few lines of library code. For instance, the
401constraint systems stored inside C_Polyhedron and NNC_Polyhedron
402objects can be made to use the sparse representation by just changing
403the following line in Polyhedron_defs.hh:
405  static const Representation default_con_sys_repr = DENSE;
407to become
409  static const Representation default_con_sys_repr = SPARSE;
4128. Configuring for Debugging
415By default, the PPL is configured with debugging information enabled.
416In case you are absolutely, definitely, positively sure that you will
417not need to engage in debugging sessions and wish to save some little
418disk space and compilation time/memory you can configure with the
419`--disable-debugging' option.
421When the results you obtain with the PPL surprise you and make you think
422there might be a bug somewhere, it is a good idea to build a version
423of the library using the `--enable-assertions' configure option.  This
424causes many run-time assertions to be checked and often result in the
425easier identification of bugs in your application or the library itself.
426Even more run-time assertions can be enabled with the
427`--enable-more-assertions': this causes some PPL objects to carry
428additional data fields for the purpose of making extra checks possible.
429Of course, this breaks the ABI of the library, so you should recompile
430the part of your application that depends on the PPL.
432If you are disappointed by performance of the library and would like
433to check where the computation time is being spent, you can use the
434`--enable-profiling' option to generate a version that writes profile
435information suitable for the `gprof' analysis program.
437The `--enable-valgrind-tests' causes most of the tests run by `make check'
438under Valgrind's Memcheck tool.  This will show you if the library has
439memory leaks.  At release time, we guarantee that Memcheck does not
440reveal any memory leak for tests using the C++ and the C interfaces.
441We are not able to make a similar guarantee for other interfaces because
442the corresponding language implementations (e.g., OCaml and SWI-Prolog)
443purposely do not deallocate all memory on exit.
445In order to assess the coverage of the PPL test suite, the
446`--enable-coverage' configure option is provided.  This causes instrumented
447code to be used in conjunction with the `gcov' coverage testing tool.
4509. Programs that Come with the Library
453The PPL is shipped with two programs that are interesting per se, and
454allow to sanity-check the build as well as to obtain performance
455comparisons.  The first such program is `ppl_lpsol', which offers some
456of the functionality of GLPK's `glpsol' using the service of the
457PPL, including its simplex solver.  Since `ppl_lpsol' uses GLPK's
458input routines, it is only built if a suitable version of GLPK is
459available.  If you prefer `ppl_lpsol' not to be built, use the
460configure option
462  --disable-ppl_lpsol
464Another program that is built by default and is used for regression
465testing and build validation is `ppl_lcdd'.  This is a program for
466vertex/facet enumeration, accepting the same input format as the
467similar programs shipped with cddlib and lrslib.  If you prefer `ppl_lcdd'
468not to be built, use the configure option
470  --disable-ppl_lcdd
472Disabling these programs will shorten the compilation time by a few
473seconds, and the time spent in `make check' by a dozen of minutes.
474In exchange, you will give up an important opportunity to discover
475whether the version of PPL you have built has been miscompiled.
47810. Using the Git Sources
481If you use the Git sources, then you need recent versions of Autoconf
482Automake and Libtool installed.  After a `git clone' or `git pull'
483you should run the `autoreconf' command.  In case you have fiddled
484around with some of the configuration files, or if you have problems
485you cannot explain otherwise, use `autoreconf -f'.
490Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it>
491Copyright (C) 2010-2016 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com)
493This document describes the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL).
495Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
496under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
497or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
498with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
499The license is included, in various formats, in the `doc' subdirectory
500of each distribution of the PPL in files named `fdl.*'.
502The PPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
503under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
504Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
505option) any later version.  The license is included, in various
506formats, in the `doc' subdirectory of each distribution of the PPL in
507files named `gpl.*'.
509The PPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
510ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
511FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
512for more details.
514If you have not received a copy of one or both the above mentioned
515licenses along with the PPL, write to the Free Software Foundation,
516Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
518For the most up-to-date information see the Parma Polyhedra Library
519site: http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/ .