1 /*
2  * dict.h
3  *
4  * Dictionary (hash table) Container classes.
5  *
6  * Portable Tools Library
7  *
8  * Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
9  *
10  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
11  * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
12  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
13  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
14  *
15  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
16  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
17  * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  * The Original Code is Portable Windows Library.
21  *
22  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
23  *
24  * Portions are Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
25  * All Rights Reserved.
26  *
27  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
28  *
29  * $Revision: 28056 $
30  * $Author: rjongbloed $
31  * $Date: 2012-07-18 03:21:10 -0500 (Wed, 18 Jul 2012) $
32  */
35 #ifndef PTLIB_DICT_H
36 #define PTLIB_DICT_H
38 #ifdef P_USE_PRAGMA
39 #pragma interface
40 #endif
42 #include <ptlib/array.h>
44 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
45 // PDictionary classes
47 /**This class is used when an ordinal index value is the key for <code>PSet</code>
48    and <code>PDictionary</code> classes.
49  */
50 class POrdinalKey : public PObject
51 {
52   PCLASSINFO(POrdinalKey, PObject);
54   public:
55   /**@name Construction */
56   //@{
57     /** Create a new key for ordinal index values.
58      */
59     PINLINE POrdinalKey(
60       PINDEX newKey = 0   ///< Ordinal index value to use as a key.
61     );
63     /**Operator to assign the ordinal.
64       */
65     PINLINE POrdinalKey & operator=(PINDEX);
66   //@}
68   /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
69   //@{
70     /// Create a duplicate of the POrdinalKey.
71     virtual PObject * Clone() const;
73     /* Get the relative rank of the ordinal index. This is a simpel comparison
74        of the objects PINDEX values.
76        @return
77        comparison of the two objects, <code>EqualTo</code> for same,
78        <code>LessThan</code> for \p obj logically less than the
79        object and <code>GreaterThan</code> for \p obj logically
80        greater than the object.
81      */
82     virtual Comparison Compare(const PObject & obj) const;
84     /**This function calculates a hash table index value for the implementation
85        of <code>PSet</code> and <code>PDictionary</code> classes.
87        @return
88        hash table bucket number.
89      */
90     virtual PINDEX HashFunction() const;
92     /**Output the ordinal index to the specified stream. This is identical to
93        outputting the PINDEX, i.e. integer, value.
95        @return
96        stream that the index was output to.
97      */
98     virtual void PrintOn(ostream & strm) const;
99   //@}
101   /**@name New functions for class */
102   //@{
103     /** Operator so that a POrdinalKey can be used as a PINDEX value.
104      */
105     PINLINE operator PINDEX() const;
107     /**Operator to pre-increment the ordinal.
108       */
109     PINLINE PINDEX operator++();
111     /**Operator to post-increment the ordinal.
112       */
113     PINLINE PINDEX operator++(int);
115     /**Operator to pre-decrement the ordinal.
116       */
117     PINLINE PINDEX operator--();
119     /**Operator to post-decrement the ordinal.
120       */
121     PINLINE PINDEX operator--(int);
123     /**Operator to add the ordinal.
124       */
125     PINLINE POrdinalKey & operator+=(PINDEX);
127     /**Operator to subtract from the ordinal.
128       */
129     PINLINE POrdinalKey & operator-=(PINDEX );
130   //@}
132   private:
133     PINDEX theKey;
134 };
137 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
139 // Member variables
140 struct PHashTableElement
141 {
142     PObject * key;
143     PObject * data;
144     PHashTableElement * next;
145     PHashTableElement * prev;
148 };
PDECLARE_BASEARRAY(PHashTableInfo,PHashTableElement *)150 PDECLARE_BASEARRAY(PHashTableInfo, PHashTableElement *)
151 #ifdef DOC_PLUS_PLUS
152 {
153 #endif
154   public:
155     virtual ~PHashTableInfo() { Destruct(); }
156     virtual void DestroyContents();
158     PINDEX AppendElement(PObject * key, PObject * data);
159     PObject * RemoveElement(const PObject & key);
160     PBoolean SetLastElementAt(PINDEX index, PHashTableElement * & lastElement);
161     PHashTableElement * GetElementAt(const PObject & key);
162     PINDEX GetElementsIndex(const PObject*obj,PBoolean byVal,PBoolean keys) const;
164     PBoolean deleteKeys;
166   typedef PHashTableElement Element;
167   friend class PHashTable;
168   friend class PAbstractSet;
169 };
172 /**The hash table class is the basis for implementing the <code>PSet</code> and
173    <code>PDictionary</code> classes.
175    The hash table allows for very fast searches for an object based on a "hash
176    function". This function yields an index into an array which is directly
177    looked up to locate the object. When two key values have the same hash
178    function value, then a linear search of a linked list is made to locate
179    the object. Thus the efficiency of the hash table is highly dependent on the
180    quality of the hash function for the data being used as keys.
181  */
182 class PHashTable : public PCollection
183 {
184   PCONTAINERINFO(PHashTable, PCollection);
186   public:
187   /**@name Construction */
188   //@{
189     /// Create a new, empty, hash table.
190     PHashTable();
191   //@}
193   /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
194   //@{
195     /**Get the relative rank of the two hash tables. Actally ranking hash
196        tables is really meaningless, so only equality is returned by the
197        comparison. Equality is only achieved if the two instances reference the
198        same hash table.
200        @return
201        comparison of the two objects, <code>EqualTo</code> if the same
202        reference and <code>GreaterThan</code> if not.
203      */
204     virtual Comparison Compare(
205       const PObject & obj   ///< Other PHashTable to compare against.
206     ) const;
207   //@}
210   /**@name Overrides from class PContainer */
211   //@{
212     /**This function is meaningless for hash table. The size of the collection
213        is determined by the addition and removal of objects. The size cannot be
214        set in any other way.
216        @return
217        Always true.
218      */
219     virtual PBoolean SetSize(
220       PINDEX newSize  ///< New size for the hash table, this is ignored.
221     );
222   //@}
225   /**@name New functions for class */
226   //@{
227     /**Determine if the value of the object is contained in the hash table. The
228        object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
229        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
230        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
232        @return
233        true if the object value is in the set.
234      */
235     PINLINE PBoolean AbstractContains(
236       const PObject & key   ///< Key to look for in the set.
237     ) const;
239     /**Get the key in the hash table at the ordinal index position.
241        The ordinal position in the hash table is determined by the hash values
242        of the keys and the order of insertion.
244        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
245        access is very fast.
247        This function is primarily used by the descendent template classes, or
248        macro, with the appropriate type conversion.
250        @return
251        reference to key at the index position.
252      */
253     virtual const PObject & AbstractGetKeyAt(
254       PINDEX index  ///< Ordinal position in the hash table.
255     ) const;
257     /**Get the data in the hash table at the ordinal index position.
259        The ordinal position in the hash table is determined by the hash values
260        of the keys and the order of insertion.
262        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
263        access is very fast.
265        This function is primarily used by the descendent template classes, or
266        macro, with the appropriate type conversion.
268        @return
269        reference to key at the index position.
270      */
271     virtual PObject & AbstractGetDataAt(
272       PINDEX index  ///< Ordinal position in the hash table.
273     ) const;
274   //@}
276     // The type below cannot be nested as DevStudio 2005 AUTOEXP.DAT doesn't like it
277     typedef PHashTableElement Element;
278     typedef PHashTableInfo Table;
279     PHashTableInfo * hashTable;
280 };
283 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
285 /** Abstract set of PObjects.
286  */
287 class PAbstractSet : public PHashTable
288 {
289   PCONTAINERINFO(PAbstractSet, PHashTable);
290   public:
291   /**@name Construction */
292   //@{
293     /**Create a new, empty, set.
295        Note that by default, objects placed into the list will be deleted when
296        removed or when all references to the list are destroyed.
297      */
298     PINLINE PAbstractSet();
299   //@}
301   /**@name Overrides from class PCollection */
302   //@{
303     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
304        the set then the object is \b not included. If the
305        <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the \p obj parameter
306        is also deleted.
308        @return
309        hash function value of the newly added object.
310      */
311     virtual PINDEX Append(
312       PObject * obj   ///< New object to place into the collection.
313     );
315     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
316        the set then the object is \b not included. If the
317        <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the \p obj parameter is
318        also deleted.
320        The object is always placed in the an ordinal position dependent on its
321        hash function. It is not placed at the specified position. The
322        \p before parameter is ignored.
324        @return
325        hash function value of the newly added object.
326      */
327     virtual PINDEX Insert(
328       const PObject & before,   ///< Object value to insert before.
329       PObject * obj             ///< New object to place into the collection.
330     );
332     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
333        the set then the object is \b not included. If the
334        <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the \p obj parameter is
335        also deleted.
337        The object is always placed in the an ordinal position dependent on its
338        hash function. It is not placed at the specified position. The
339        \p index parameter is ignored.
341        @return
342        hash function value of the newly added object.
343      */
344     virtual PINDEX InsertAt(
345       PINDEX index,   ///< Index position in collection to place the object.
346       PObject * obj   ///< New object to place into the collection.
347     );
349     /**Remove the object from the collection. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option
350        is set then the object is also deleted.
352        Note that the comparison for searching for the object in collection is
353        made by pointer, not by value. Thus the parameter must point to the
354        same instance of the object that is in the collection.
356        @return
357        true if the object was in the collection.
358      */
359     virtual PBoolean Remove(
360       const PObject * obj   ///< Existing object to remove from the collection.
361     );
363     /**Remove an object at the specified index. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code>
364        option is set then the object is also deleted.
366        @return
367        pointer to the object being removed, or NULL if it was deleted.
368      */
369     virtual PObject * RemoveAt(
370       PINDEX index   ///< Index position in collection to place the object.
371     );
373     /**This function is the same as PHashTable::AbstractGetKeyAt().
375        @return
376        Always NULL.
377      */
378     virtual PObject * GetAt(
379       PINDEX index  ///< Index position in the collection of the object.
380     ) const;
382     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
383        the set then the object is \b not included. If the
384        AllowDeleteObjects option is set then the \p obj parameter is
385        also deleted.
387        The object is always placed in the an ordinal position dependent on its
388        hash function. It is not placed at the specified position. The
389        \p index parameter is ignored.
391        @return
392        true if the object was successfully added.
393      */
394     virtual PBoolean SetAt(
395       PINDEX index,   ///< Index position in collection to set.
396       PObject * val   ///< New value to place into the collection.
397     );
399     /**Search the collection for the specific instance of the object. The
400        object pointers are compared, not the values. The hash table is used
401        to locate the entry.
403        Note that that will require value comparisons to be made to find the
404        equivalent entry and then a final check is made with the pointers to
405        see if they are the same instance.
407        @return
408        ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX .
409      */
410     virtual PINDEX GetObjectsIndex(
411       const PObject * obj   ///< Object to find.
412     ) const;
414     /**Search the collection for the specified value of the object. The object
415        values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
416        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
417        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
419        @return
420        ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
421      */
422     virtual PINDEX GetValuesIndex(
423       const PObject & obj   ///< Object to find equal value.
424     ) const;
426     /**Calculate union of sets.
427        Returns true if any new elements were added.
428       */
429     bool Union(
430       const PAbstractSet & set
431     );
433     /**Calculate intersection of sets.
434        Returns true if there is an intersection.
435       */
436     static bool Intersection(
437       const PAbstractSet & set1,
438       const PAbstractSet & set2,
439       PAbstractSet * intersection = NULL
440     );
441   //@}
442 };
445 /**This template class maps the <code>PAbstractSet</code> to a specific object type. The
446    functions in this class primarily do all the appropriate casting of types.
448    By default, objects placed into the set will \b not be deleted when
449    removed or when all references to the set are destroyed. This is different
450    from the default on most collection classes.
452    Note that if templates are not used the <code>PDECLARE_SET</code> macro will
453    simulate the template instantiation.
454  */
455 template <class T> class PSet : public PAbstractSet
456 {
457   PCLASSINFO(PSet, PAbstractSet);
459   public:
460   /**@name Construction */
461   //@{
462     /**Create a new, empty, dictionary. The parameter indicates whether to
463        delete objects that are removed from the set.
465        Note that by default, objects placed into the set will \b not be
466        deleted when removed or when all references to the set are destroyed.
467        This is different from the default on most collection classes.
468      */
469     inline PSet(PBoolean initialDeleteObjects = false)
PAbstractSet()470       : PAbstractSet() { AllowDeleteObjects(initialDeleteObjects); }
471   //@}
473   /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
474   //@{
475     /**Make a complete duplicate of the set. Note that all objects in the
476        array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the set.
477      */
Clone()478     virtual PObject * Clone() const
479       { return PNEW PSet(0, this); }
480   //@}
482   /**@name New functions for class */
483   //@{
484     /**Include the specified object into the set. If the objects value is
485        already in the set then the object is \b not included. If the
486        <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the \p obj parameter is
487        also deleted.
489        The object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in
490        the collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
491        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
492      */
Include(const T * obj)493     void Include(
494       const T * obj   // New object to include in the set.
495     ) { Append((PObject *)obj); }
497     /**Include the specified objects value into the set. If the objects value
498        is already in the set then the object is \b not included.
500        The object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in
501        the collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
502        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
503      */
504     PSet & operator+=(
505       const T & obj   // New object to include in the set.
506     ) { Append(obj.Clone()); return *this; }
508     /**Remove the object from the set. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set
509        then the object is also deleted.
511        The object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in
512        the collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
513        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
514      */
Exclude(const T * obj)515     void Exclude(
516       const T * obj   // New object to exclude in the set.
517     ) { Remove(obj); }
519     /**Remove the objects value from the set. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code>
520        option is set then the object is also deleted.
522        The object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in
523        the collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
524        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
525      */
526     PSet & operator-=(
527       const T & obj   // New object to exclude in the set.
528     ) { RemoveAt(GetValuesIndex(obj)); return *this; }
530     /**Determine if the value of the object is contained in the set. The
531        object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
532        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
533        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
535        @return
536        true if the object value is in the set.
537      */
Contains(const T & key)538     PBoolean Contains(
539       const T & key  ///< Key to look for in the set.
540     ) const { return AbstractContains(key); }
542     /**Determine if the value of the object is contained in the set. The
543        object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
544        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
545        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
547        @return
548        true if the object value is in the set.
549      */
550     PBoolean operator[](
551       const T & key  ///< Key to look for in the set.
552     ) const { return AbstractContains(key); }
554     /**Get the key in the set at the ordinal index position.
556        The ordinal position in the set is determined by the hash values of the
557        keys and the order of insertion.
559        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
560        access is very fast.
562        @return
563        reference to key at the index position.
564      */
GetKeyAt(PINDEX index)565     virtual const T & GetKeyAt(
566       PINDEX index    ///< Index of value to get.
567     ) const
568       { return (const T &)AbstractGetKeyAt(index); }
569   //@}
572   protected:
PSet(int dummy,const PSet * c)573     PSet(int dummy, const PSet * c)
574       : PAbstractSet(dummy, c)
575       { reference->deleteObjects = c->reference->deleteObjects; }
576 };
579 /**Declare set class.
580    This macro is used to declare a descendent of <code>PAbstractSet</code> class,
581    customised for a particular object type \b T. This macro closes the
582    class declaration off so no additional members can be added.
584    If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
585    of the <code>PSet</code> template class.
587    See the <code>PSet</code> class and <code>PDECLARE_SET</code> macro for more
588    information.
589  */
590 #define PSET(cls, T) typedef PSet<T> cls
593 /**Begin declaration of a set class.
594    This macro is used to declare a descendent of <code>PAbstractSet</code> class,
595    customised for a particular object type \b T.
597    If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
598    of the <code>PSet</code> template class. If templates are not being used then the
599    macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of types. The
600    resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either case.
602    See the <code>PSet</code> and <code>PAbstractSet</code> classes for more information.
603  */
604 #define PDECLARE_SET(cls, T, initDelObj) \
605   class cls : public PSet<T> { \
606     typedef PSet<T> BaseClass; PCLASSINFO(cls, BaseClass) \
607   protected: \
608     cls(int dummy, const cls * c) \
609       : BaseClass(dummy, c) { } \
610   public: \
611     cls(PBoolean initialDeleteObjects = initDelObj) \
612       : BaseClass(initialDeleteObjects) { } \
613     virtual PObject * Clone() const \
614       { return PNEW cls(0, this); } \
618 PDECLARE_SET(POrdinalSet, POrdinalKey, true)
619 };
622 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
624 /**An abstract dictionary container.
625 */
626 class PAbstractDictionary : public PHashTable
627 {
628   PCLASSINFO(PAbstractDictionary, PHashTable);
629   public:
630   /**@name Construction */
631   //@{
632     /**Create a new, empty, dictionary.
634        Note that by default, objects placed into the dictionary will be deleted
635        when removed or when all references to the dictionary are destroyed.
636      */
637     PINLINE PAbstractDictionary();
638   //@}
640   /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
641   //@{
642     /**Output the contents of the object to the stream. The exact output is
643        dependent on the exact semantics of the descendent class. This is
644        primarily used by the standard <code>operator<<</code> function.
646        The default behaviour is to print the class name.
647      */
648     virtual void PrintOn(
649       ostream &strm   ///< Stream to print the object into.
650     ) const;
651   //@}
653   /**@name Overrides from class PCollection */
654   //@{
655     /**Insert a new object into the dictionary. The semantics of this function
656        is different from that of the <code>PCollection</code> class. This function is
657        exactly equivalent to the <code>SetAt()</code> function that sets a data value at
658        the key value location.
660        @return
661        Always zero.
662      */
663     virtual PINDEX Insert(
664       const PObject & key,   ///< Object value to use as the key.
665       PObject * obj          ///< New object to place into the collection.
666     );
668     /**Insert a new object at the specified index. This function only applies
669        to derived classes whose key is PINDEX based.
671        @return
672        \p index parameter.
673      */
674     virtual PINDEX InsertAt(
675       PINDEX index,   ///< Index position in collection to place the object.
676       PObject * obj   ///< New object to place into the collection.
677     );
679     /**Remove an object at the specified index.  This function only applies
680        to derived classes whose key is PINDEX based. The returned pointer is
681        then removed using the <code>SetAt()</code> function to set that key value to NULL.
682        If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the object is also
683        deleted.
685        @return
686        pointer to the object being removed, or NULL if it was deleted.
687      */
688     virtual PObject * RemoveAt(
689       PINDEX index   ///< Index position in collection to place the object.
690     );
692     /**Set the object at the specified index to the new value. This function
693        only applies to derived classes whose key is PINDEX based. This will
694        overwrite the existing entry. If the AllowDeleteObjects() option is set
695        then the old object is also deleted.
697        @return
698        true if the object was successfully added.
699      */
700     virtual PBoolean SetAt(
701       PINDEX index,   ///< Index position in collection to set.
702       PObject * val   ///< New value to place into the collection.
703     );
705     /**Get the object at the specified index position. If the index was not in
706        the collection then NULL is returned.
708        @return
709        pointer to object at the specified index.
710      */
711     virtual PObject * GetAt(
712       PINDEX index  ///< Index position in the collection of the object.
713     ) const;
715     /**Search the collection for the specific instance of the object. The
716        object pointers are compared, not the values. The hash table is used
717        to locate the entry.
719        Note that that will require value comparisons to be made to find the
720        equivalent entry and then a final check is made with the pointers to
721        see if they are the same instance.
723        @return
724        ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
725      */
726     virtual PINDEX GetObjectsIndex(
727       const PObject * obj  ///< Object to find.
728     ) const;
730     /**Search the collection for the specified value of the object. The object
731        values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
732        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
733        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
735        @return
736        ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
737      */
738     virtual PINDEX GetValuesIndex(
739       const PObject & obj  ///< Object to find value of.
740     ) const;
741   //@}
744   /**@name New functions for class */
745   //@{
746     /**Set the data at the specified ordinal index position in the dictionary.
748        The ordinal position in the dictionary is determined by the hash values
749        of the keys and the order of insertion.
751        @return
752        true if the new object could be placed into the dictionary.
753      */
754     virtual PBoolean SetDataAt(
755       PINDEX index,   ///< Ordinal index in the dictionary.
756       PObject * obj   ///< New object to put into the dictionary.
757     );
759     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
760        the dictionary then the object is overrides the previous value. If the
761        AllowDeleteObjects option is set then the old object is also deleted.
763        The object is placed in the an ordinal position dependent on the keys
764        hash function. Subsequent searches use the hash function to speed access
765        to the data item.
767        @return
768        true if the object was successfully added.
769      */
770     virtual PBoolean AbstractSetAt(
771       const PObject & key,  ///< Key for position in dictionary to add object.
772       PObject * obj         ///< New object to put into the dictionary.
773     );
775     /**Get the object at the specified key position. If the key was not in the
776        collection then this function asserts.
778        This function is primarily for use by the operator[] function in the
779        descendent template classes.
781        @return
782        reference to object at the specified key.
783      */
784     virtual PObject & GetRefAt(
785       const PObject & key   ///< Key for position in dictionary to get object.
786     ) const;
788     /**Get the object at the specified key position. If the key was not in the
789        collection then NULL is returned.
791        @return
792        pointer to object at the specified key.
793      */
794     virtual PObject * AbstractGetAt(
795       const PObject & key   ///< Key for position in dictionary to get object.
796     ) const;
798     /**Get an array containing all the keys for the dictionary.
799       */
800     virtual void AbstractGetKeys(
801       PArrayObjects & keys
802     ) const;
803   //@}
805   protected:
806     PINLINE PAbstractDictionary(int dummy, const PAbstractDictionary * c);
808   private:
809     /**This function is meaningless and will assert.
811        @return
812        Always zero.
813      */
814     virtual PINDEX Append(
815       PObject * obj   ///< New object to place into the collection.
816     );
818     /**Remove the object from the collection. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option
819        is set then the object is also deleted.
821        Note that the comparison for searching for the object in collection is
822        made by pointer, not by value. Thus the parameter must point to the
823        same instance of the object that is in the collection.
825        @return
826        true if the object was in the collection.
827      */
828     virtual PBoolean Remove(
829       const PObject * obj   ///< Existing object to remove from the collection.
830     );
832 };
835 /**This template class maps the <code>PAbstractDictionary</code> to a specific key and data
836    types. The functions in this class primarily do all the appropriate casting
837    of types.
839    Note that if templates are not used the <code>PDECLARE_DICTIONARY</code> macro
840    will simulate the template instantiation.
841  */
842 template <class K, class D> class PDictionary : public PAbstractDictionary
843 {
844   PCLASSINFO(PDictionary, PAbstractDictionary);
846   public:
847   /**@name Construction */
848   //@{
849     /**Create a new, empty, dictionary.
851        Note that by default, objects placed into the dictionary will be
852        deleted when removed or when all references to the dictionary are
853        destroyed.
854      */
855     PDictionary()
856       : PAbstractDictionary() { }
857   //@}
859   /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
860   //@{
861     /**Make a complete duplicate of the dictionary. Note that all objects in
862        the array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the
863        dictionary.
864      */
865     virtual PObject * Clone() const
866       { return PNEW PDictionary(0, this); }
867   //@}
869   /**@name New functions for class */
870   //@{
871     /**Get the object contained in the dictionary at the \p key
872        position. The hash table is used to locate the data quickly via the
873        hash function provided by the \p key.
875        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
876        access is very fast.
878        @return
879        reference to the object indexed by the key.
880      */
881     D & operator[](
882       const K & key   ///< Key to look for in the dictionary.
883     ) const
884       { return (D &)GetRefAt(key); }
886     /**Determine if the value of the object is contained in the hash table. The
887        object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
888        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
889        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
891        @return
892        true if the object value is in the dictionary.
893      */
894     PBoolean Contains(
895       const K & key   ///< Key to look for in the dictionary.
896     ) const { return AbstractContains(key); }
898     /**Remove an object at the specified \p key. The returned pointer is then
899        removed using the <code>SetAt()</code> function to set that key value to
900        NULL. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the
901        object is also deleted.
903        @return
904        pointer to the object being removed, or NULL if the key was not
905        present in the dictionary. If the dictionary is set to delete objects
906        upon removal, the value -1 is returned if the key existed prior to removal
907        rather than returning an illegal pointer
908      */
909     virtual D * RemoveAt(
910       const K & key   ///< Key for position in dictionary to get object.
911     ) {
912         D * obj = GetAt(key); AbstractSetAt(key, NULL);
913         return reference->deleteObjects ? (obj ? (D *)-1 : NULL) : obj;
914       }
916     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
917        the dictionary then the object is overrides the previous value. If the
918        <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the old object is also deleted.
920        The object is placed in the an ordinal position dependent on the keys
921        hash function. Subsequent searches use the hash function to speed access
922        to the data item.
924        @return
925        true if the object was successfully added.
926      */
927     virtual PBoolean SetAt(
928       const K & key,  // Key for position in dictionary to add object.
929       D * obj         // New object to put into the dictionary.
930     ) { return AbstractSetAt(key, obj); }
932     /**Get the object at the specified key position. If the key was not in the
933        collection then NULL is returned.
935        @return
936        pointer to object at the specified key.
937      */
938     virtual D * GetAt(
939       const K & key   // Key for position in dictionary to get object.
940     ) const { return (D *)AbstractGetAt(key); }
942     /**Get the key in the dictionary at the ordinal index position.
944        The ordinal position in the dictionary is determined by the hash values
945        of the keys and the order of insertion.
947        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
948        access is very fast.
950        @return
951        reference to key at the index position.
952      */
953     const K & GetKeyAt(
954       PINDEX index  ///< Ordinal position in dictionary for key.
955     ) const
956       { return (const K &)AbstractGetKeyAt(index); }
958     /**Get the data in the dictionary at the ordinal index position.
960        The ordinal position in the dictionary is determined by the hash values
961        of the keys and the order of insertion.
963        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
964        access is very fast.
966        @return
967        reference to data at the index position.
968      */
969     D & GetDataAt(
970       PINDEX index  ///< Ordinal position in dictionary for data.
971     ) const
972       { return (D &)AbstractGetDataAt(index); }
974     /**Get an array containing all the keys for the dictionary.
975       */
976     PArray<K> GetKeys() const
977     {
978       PArray<K> keys;
979       AbstractGetKeys(keys);
980       return keys;
981     }
982   //@}
984     typedef std::pair<K, D *> value_type;
986   protected:
987     PDictionary(int dummy, const PDictionary * c)
988       : PAbstractDictionary(dummy, c) { }
989 };
992 /**Declare a dictionary class.
993    This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractDictionary class,
994    customised for a particular key type \b K and data object type \b D.
995    This macro closes the class declaration off so no additional members can
996    be added.
998    If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
999    of the <code>PDictionary</code> template class.
1001    See the <code>PDictionary</code> class and <code>PDECLARE_DICTIONARY</code> macro for
1002    more information.
1003  */
1004 #define PDICTIONARY(cls, K, D) typedef PDictionary<K, D> cls
1007 /**Begin declaration of dictionary class.
1008    This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractDictionary class,
1009    customised for a particular key type \b K and data object type \b D.
1011    If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
1012    of the <code>PDictionary</code> template class. If templates are not being used
1013    then the macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of types.
1014    The resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either case.
1016    See the <code>PDictionary</code> and <code>PAbstractDictionary</code> classes for more
1017    information.
1018  */
1019 #define PDECLARE_DICTIONARY(cls, K, D) \
1020   PDICTIONARY(cls##_PTemplate, K, D); \
1021   PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate) \
1022   protected: \
1023     cls(int dummy, const cls * c) \
1024       : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { } \
1025   public: \
1026     cls() \
1027       : cls##_PTemplate() { } \
1028     virtual PObject * Clone() const \
1029       { return PNEW cls(0, this); } \
1032 /**This template class maps the <code>PAbstractDictionary</code> to a specific key
1033    type and a <code>POrdinalKey</code> data type. The functions in this class
1034    primarily do all the appropriate casting of types.
1036    Note that if templates are not used the <code>PDECLARE_ORDINAL_DICTIONARY</code>
1037    macro will simulate the template instantiation.
1038  */
1039 template <class K> class POrdinalDictionary : public PAbstractDictionary
1040 {
1041   PCLASSINFO(POrdinalDictionary, PAbstractDictionary);
1043   public:
1044   /**@name Construction */
1045   //@{
1046     /**Create a new, empty, dictionary.
1048        Note that by default, objects placed into the dictionary will be
1049        deleted when removed or when all references to the dictionary are
1050        destroyed.
1051      */
1052     POrdinalDictionary()
1053       : PAbstractDictionary() { }
1054   //@}
1056   /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
1057   //@{
1058     /**Make a complete duplicate of the dictionary. Note that all objects in
1059        the array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the
1060        dictionary.
1061      */
1062     virtual PObject * Clone() const
1063       { return PNEW POrdinalDictionary(0, this); }
1064   //@}
1066   /**@name New functions for class */
1067   //@{
1068     /**Get the object contained in the dictionary at the \p key
1069        position. The hash table is used to locate the data quickly via the
1070        hash function provided by the key.
1072        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
1073        access is very fast.
1075        @return
1076        reference to the object indexed by the key.
1077      */
1078     PINDEX operator[](
1079       const K & key   // Key to look for in the dictionary.
1080     ) const
1081       { return (POrdinalKey &)GetRefAt(key); }
1083     /**Determine if the value of the object is contained in the hash table. The
1084        object values are compared, not the pointers.  So the objects in the
1085        collection must correctly implement the <code>PObject::Compare()</code>
1086        function. The hash table is used to locate the entry.
1088        @return
1089        true if the object value is in the dictionary.
1090      */
1091     PBoolean Contains(
1092       const K & key   ///< Key to look for in the dictionary.
1093     ) const { return AbstractContains(key); }
1095     virtual POrdinalKey * GetAt(
1096       const K & key   ///< Key for position in dictionary to get object.
1097     ) const { return (POrdinalKey *)AbstractGetAt(key); }
1098     /* Get the object at the specified key position. If the key was not in the
1099        collection then NULL is returned.
1101        @return
1102        pointer to object at the specified key.
1103      */
1105     /**Set the data at the specified ordinal index position in the dictionary.
1107        The ordinal position in the dictionary is determined by the hash values
1108        of the keys and the order of insertion.
1110        @return
1111        true if the new object could be placed into the dictionary.
1112      */
1113     virtual PBoolean SetDataAt(
1114       PINDEX index,   ///< Ordinal index in the dictionary.
1115       PINDEX ordinal  ///< New ordinal value to put into the dictionary.
1116       ) { return PAbstractDictionary::SetDataAt(index, PNEW POrdinalKey(ordinal)); }
1118     /**Add a new object to the collection. If the objects value is already in
1119        the dictionary then the object is overrides the previous value. If the
1120        <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the old object is also deleted.
1122        The object is placed in the an ordinal position dependent on the keys
1123        hash function. Subsequent searches use the hash function to speed access
1124        to the data item.
1126        @return
1127        true if the object was successfully added.
1128      */
1129     virtual PBoolean SetAt(
1130       const K & key,  ///< Key for position in dictionary to add object.
1131       PINDEX ordinal  ///< New ordinal value to put into the dictionary.
1132     ) { return AbstractSetAt(key, PNEW POrdinalKey(ordinal)); }
1134     /**Remove an object at the specified key. The returned pointer is then
1135        removed using the <code>SetAt()</code> function to set that key value to
1136        NULL. If the <code>AllowDeleteObjects</code> option is set then the
1137        object is also deleted.
1139        @return
1140        pointer to the object being removed, or NULL if it was deleted.
1141      */
1142     virtual PINDEX RemoveAt(
1143       const K & key   ///< Key for position in dictionary to get object.
1144     ) { PINDEX ord = *GetAt(key); AbstractSetAt(key, NULL); return ord; }
1146     /**Get the key in the dictionary at the ordinal index position.
1148        The ordinal position in the dictionary is determined by the hash values
1149        of the keys and the order of insertion.
1151        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
1152        access is very fast.
1154        @return
1155        reference to key at the index position.
1156      */
1157     const K & GetKeyAt(
1158       PINDEX index  ///< Ordinal position in dictionary for key.
1159     ) const
1160       { return (const K &)AbstractGetKeyAt(index); }
1162     /**Get the data in the dictionary at the ordinal index position.
1164        The ordinal position in the dictionary is determined by the hash values
1165        of the keys and the order of insertion.
1167        The last key/data pair is remembered by the class so that subseqent
1168        access is very fast.
1170        @return
1171        reference to data at the index position.
1172      */
1173     PINDEX GetDataAt(
1174       PINDEX index  ///< Ordinal position in dictionary for data.
1175     ) const
1176       { return (POrdinalKey &)AbstractGetDataAt(index); }
1177   //@}
1179   protected:
1180     POrdinalDictionary(int dummy, const POrdinalDictionary * c)
1181       : PAbstractDictionary(dummy, c) { }
1182 };
1185 /**Declare an ordinal dictionary class.
1186    This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractDictionary class,
1187    customised for a particular key type \b K and data object type of
1188    <code>POrdinalKey</code>. This macro closes the class declaration off so no
1189    additional members can be added.
1191    If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
1192    of the <code>POrdinalDictionary</code> template class.
1194    See the <code>POrdinalDictionary</code> class and
1195    <code>PDECLARE_ORDINAL_DICTIONARY</code> macro for more information.
1196  */
1197 #define PORDINAL_DICTIONARY(cls, K) typedef POrdinalDictionary<K> cls
1200 /**Begin declaration of an ordinal dictionary class.
1201    This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
1202    customised for a particular key type \b K and data object type of
1203    <code>POrdinalKey</code>.
1205    If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
1206    of the <code>POrdinalDictionary</code> template class. If templates are not being
1207    used then the macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of
1208    types. The resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either
1209    case.
1211    See the <code>POrdinalDictionary</code> and <code>PAbstractDictionary</code> classes
1212    for more information.
1213  */
1215   PORDINAL_DICTIONARY(cls##_PTemplate, K); \
1216   PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, POrdinalDictionary<K>) \
1217   protected: \
1218     cls(int dummy, const cls * c) \
1219       : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { } \
1220   public: \
1221     cls() \
1222       : cls##_PTemplate() { } \
1223     virtual PObject * Clone() const \
1224       { return PNEW cls(0, this); } \
1227 #endif // PTLIB_DICT_H
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