1 /*
2  * video.h
3  *
4  * Video interface class.
5  *
6  * Portable Windows Library
7  *
8  * Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
9  *
10  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
11  * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
12  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
13  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
14  *
15  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
16  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
17  * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  * The Original Code is Portable Windows Library.
21  *
22  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
23  *
24  * Portions are Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
25  * All Rights Reserved.
26  *
27  * Contributor(s): Derek Smithies (derek@indranet.co.nz)
28  *
29  * $Revision: 24459 $
30  * $Author: shorne $
31  * $Date: 2010-06-06 08:59:59 -0500 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010) $
32  */
34 #ifndef PTLIB_VIDEO_H
35 #define PTLIB_VIDEO_H
37 #ifdef P_USE_PRAGMA
38 #pragma interface
39 #endif
41 #include <ptbuildopts.h>
43 #if P_VIDEO
45 #include <ptlib/videoio.h>
47 /**A class representing a video channel. This class is provided mainly for
48    the playback or recording of video on the system.
50    Note that this video channel is implicitly a series of frames in YUV411P format.
51    No conversion is performed on data to/from the channel.
52  */
53 class PVideoChannel : public PChannel
54 {
55   PCLASSINFO(PVideoChannel, PChannel);
57   public:
58   /**@name Construction */
59   //@{
60     enum Directions {
61       Recorder,
62       Player
63     };
65     /// Create a video channel.
66     PVideoChannel();
68     /** Create a video channel.
69         Create a reference to the video drivers for the platform.
70       */
71     PVideoChannel(
72       const PString & device,   ///< Name of video driver/device
73       Directions dir            ///< Video I/O direction
74     );
75     //
77     ~PVideoChannel();
78     // Destroy and close the video driver
79   //@}
81   /**@name Open functions */
82   //@{
83     /**Open the specified device for playing or recording. The device name is
84        platform specific and is as returned in the GetDevices() function.
86        @return
87        true if the video device is valid for playing/recording.
88      */
89     PBoolean Open(
90       const PString & device,   ///< Name of video driver/device
91       Directions dir            ///< Video I/O direction
92     );
94     /** return True if one (or both) of the video device class pointers
95        is non NULL. If either pointer is non NULL, then a device is ready
96        to be written to, which indicates this channel is open.
97     */
98      PBoolean IsOpen() const;
100     /**Get all of the names for video devices/drivers that are available on
101        this platform. Note that a named device may not necessarily do both
102        playing and recording so the arrays returned with the <code>dir</code>
103        parameter in each value is not necessarily the same.
105        @return
106        An array of platform dependent strings for each video player/recorder.
107      */
108     static PStringArray GetDeviceNames(
109       Directions dir    ///< Video I/O direction
110     )  ;
112     /**Get the name for the default video devices/driver that is on this
113        platform. Note that a named device may not necessarily do both
114        playing and recording so the arrays returned with the <code>dir</code>
115        parameter in each value is not necessarily the same.
117        @return
118        A platform dependent string for the video player/recorder.
119      */
120     static PString GetDefaultDevice(
121       Directions dir    // Video I/O direction
122     );
123     //@}
126     /**Return the width of the currently selected grabbing device.
127      */
128     virtual PINDEX  GetGrabWidth();
130     /**Return the height of the currently selected grabbing device.
131      */
132     virtual PINDEX  GetGrabHeight();
134     virtual PBoolean Read(void * buf, PINDEX  len);
135       // Low level read from the video channel. This function will block until the
136       // requested number of characters were read.
139     /**Low level write to the channel, which is data to be rendered to the
140        local video display device.
141        */
142     PBoolean Write(const void * buf,  //Pointer to the image data to be rendered
143                PINDEX      len);
145     /** Low level write to the video channel with marker. .
146      */
147     virtual PBoolean Write(
148       const void * buf,  ///< Pointer to a block of memory to write.
149       PINDEX len,        ///< Number of bytes to write.
150 	  void * mark        ///< Unique Marker to identify write
151     );
153     /**Cause the referenced data to be drawn to the
154        previously defined media
155      */
156     virtual PBoolean Redraw(const void * frame);
158     /**Return the previously specified width.
159      */
160     PINDEX  GetRenderWidth();
162     /**Return the previously specified height.
163      */
164     PINDEX  GetRenderHeight();
166     /**Specify the width and height of the video stream, which is to be
167        rendered onto the previously specified device.
168      */
169     virtual void SetRenderFrameSize(int width, int height);
171    /**Specify the width and height of the video stream, which is to be
172        rendered onto the previously specified device including sample aspect ratio.
173      */
174     virtual void SetRenderFrameSize(int width, int height,int sarwidth, int sarheight);
176     /**Specifiy the width and height of the video stream, which is to be
177        extracted from the previously specified device.
178      */
179     virtual void SetGrabberFrameSize(int width, int height);
181     /**Attach a user specific class for rendering video
183        If keepCurrent is true, an abort is caused when the program attempts to attach
184        a new player when there is already a video player attached.
186        If keepCurrent is false, the existing video player is deleted before attaching
187        the new player.
188      */
189     virtual void AttachVideoPlayer(PVideoOutputDevice * device, PBoolean keepCurrent = true);
191     /**Attach a user specific class for acquiring video
193       If keepCurrent is true, an abort is caused when the program attempts to attach
194        a new reader when there is already a video reader attached.
196        If keepCurrent is false, the existing video reader is deleted before attaching
197        the new reader.
198      */
199     virtual void AttachVideoReader(PVideoInputDevice * device, PBoolean keepCurrent = true);
201     /**Return a pointer to the class for acquiring video
202      */
203     virtual PVideoInputDevice *GetVideoReader();
205     /**Return a pointer to the class for displaying video
206      */
207     virtual PVideoOutputDevice *GetVideoPlayer();
209     /**See if the grabber is open
210      */
211     virtual PBoolean IsGrabberOpen();
213     /**See if the rendering device is open
214      */
215     virtual PBoolean IsRenderOpen();
217 	/**Allow the outputdevice decide whether the
218 		decoder should ignore decode hence not render
219 		any output. This does not mean the video channel is closed
220 		just to not decode and render any frames.
221 	  */
222 	virtual PBoolean DisableDecode();
224     /**Get data from the attached inputDevice, and display on the
225        attached ouptutDevice.
226     */
227     PBoolean DisplayRawData(void *videoBuffer);
229     /**Destroy the attached grabber class.
230      */
231     virtual void CloseVideoReader();
233     /**Destroy the attached video display class.
234      */
235     virtual void CloseVideoPlayer();
237     /**Restrict others from using this video channel.
238      */
239     void RestrictAccess();
241     /**Allow free access to this video channel.
242      */
243     void EnableAccess();
245     /**Toggle the vertical flip state of the video grabber.
246     */
247     PBoolean ToggleVFlipInput();
249      /**Flow Control information
250        Pass data to the channel for flowControl determination.
251       */
252     virtual bool FlowControl(const void * flowData);
254  protected:
256     Directions       direction;
258     PString          deviceName;     ///Specified video device name, eg /dev/video0.
259     PVideoInputDevice  *mpInput;    /// For grabbing video from the camera.
260     PVideoOutputDevice *mpOutput;   /// For displaying video on the screen.
262     PMutex           accessMutex;   // Ensure that only task is accesing
263                                     // members in this video channel.
264   private:
265     void Construct();
268 // Include platform dependent part of class
269 #ifdef _WIN32
270 #include "msos/ptlib/video.h"
271 #else
272 #include "unix/ptlib/video.h"
273 #endif
274 };
276 #endif // P_VIDEO
278 #endif // PTLIB_VIDEO_H
281 // End Of File ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////