It was based on the output generated by help2man 1.47.6.
ANYCONFIG_CLI "1" "June 2018" "anyconfig_cli 0.9.5" "User Commands"
anyconfig_cli - manual page for anyconfig_cli 0.9.5
anyconfig_cli [Options...] CONF_PATH_OR_PATTERN_0 [CONF_PATH_OR_PATTERN_1 ..]

--version show program's version number and exit

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-L, --list List supported config types

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Output file path

-I ITYPE, --itype=ITYPE Select type of Input config files from ini, json, xml, yaml [Automatically detected by file ext]

-O OTYPE, --otype=OTYPE Select type of Output config files from ini, json, xml, yaml and so on [Automatically detected by file ext]

-M MERGE, --merge=MERGE Select strategy to merge multiple configs from replace, noreplace, merge_dicts, merge_dicts_and_lists [merge_dicts]

-A ARGS, --args=ARGS Argument configs to override

--atype=ATYPE Explicitly select type of argument to provide configs from ini, json, xml, yaml and so on. If this option is not set, original parser is used: 'K:V' will become {K: V}, 'K:V_0,V_1,..' will become {K: [V_0, V_1, ...]}, and 'K_0:V_0;K_1:V_1' will become {K_0: V_0, K_1: V_1} (where the tyep of K is str, type of V is one of Int, str, etc.

--query=QUERY Specify JMESPath expression to query part of config, for example, if a config {'a': {'b': {'c': 0, 'd': [1, 2, 3]}}} '--query a.b.d[0]' gives 1 and '--query a.b' gives {'c': 0, 'd': [1, 2, 3]}. --get=GET Specify key path to get part of config, for example, if a config {'a': {'b': {'c': 0, 'd': 1}}} '--get a.b.c' gives 0 and '--get a.b' gives {'c': 0, 'd': 1}. --set=GET Specify key path to set (update) part of config, for example, '--set a.b.c=1' to a config {'a': {'b': {'c': 0, 'd': 1}}} gives {'a': {'b': {'c': 1, 'd': 1}}}.

-x, --ignore-missing Ignore missing input files

-T, --template Enable support to load jinja2 based template configuration files

-E, --env Load configuration defaults from environment values

-S SCHEMA, --schema=SCHEMA Specify Schema file[s] path

--validate Only validate input files and do not output. You must specify schema file with -S/--schema option.

--gen-schema Generate JSON schema for givne config file[s] and output it.

-s, --silent Silent or quiet mode

-q, --quiet Same as --silent option

-v, --verbose Verbose mode


List supported configuration types.

anyconfig_cli --list

Load a YAML config /etc/xyz/conf.d/a.conf and dump parsed result to stdout in JSON format by specifying input and output formats explicitly.

anyconfig_cli -I yaml -O json /etc/xyz/conf.d/a.conf

Similar to the previous example but inputs may be multiple files as the input is glob pattern.

anyconfig_cli -I yaml '/etc/xyz/conf.d/*.conf' -o xyz.conf --otype json

Similar to the previous example but configuration specified w/ -A (--args) option added.

anyconfig_cli '/etc/xyz/conf.d/*.json' -o xyz.yml --atype json -A '{"obsoletes": "sysdata", "conflicts": "sysdata-old"}'

Same as the previous example.

anyconfig_cli '/etc/xyz/conf.d/*.json' -o xyz.yml -A obsoletes:sysdata;conflicts:sysdata-old

Load multiple JSON files with merge strategy 'noreplace'.

anyconfig_cli -O json '/etc/foo.d/*.json' -M noreplace

Get the part of input configuration files.

anyconfig_cli '/etc/foo.d/*.json' --get a.b.c

Set the part of input configuration files.

anyconfig_cli '/etc/foo.d/*.json' --set a.b.c=1

Validate input configuration files with JSON schema.

anyconfig_cli --validate -S foo.conf.schema.yml '/etc/foo.d/*.xml'

Generate JSON schema for input configuration files.

anyconfig_cli --gen-schema '/etc/foo.d/*.xml' -o foo.conf.schema.yml

Load environment variables and output it as JSON data.

anyconfig_cli --env -O json

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