1Metadata-Version: 2.1
2Name: azure-mgmt-network
3Version: 19.0.0
4Summary: Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library for Python
5Home-page: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python
6Author: Microsoft Corporation
7Author-email: azpysdkhelp@microsoft.com
8License: MIT License
9Description: # Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
11        This is the Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library.
12        This package has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
13        For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all).
16        # Usage
18        For code examples, see [Network Management](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/overview/azure/network?view=azure-python-preview)
19        on docs.microsoft.com.
22        # Provide Feedback
24        If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
25        [Issues](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues)
26        section of the project.
29        ![Impressions](https://azure-sdk-impressions.azurewebsites.net/api/impressions/azure-sdk-for-python%2Fazure-mgmt-network%2FREADME.png)
30        # Usage
33        To learn how to use this package, see the [quickstart guide](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt)
37        For docs and references, see [Python SDK References](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/overview/azure/)
38        Code samples for this package can be found at [Network Management](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com.
39        Additional code samples for different Azure services are available at [Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples)
42        # Release History
44        ## 19.0.0 (2021-05-14)
46        **Features**
48          - Model ApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate has a new parameter validated_cert_data
49          - Model ApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate has a new parameter client_cert_issuer_dn
50          - Model VirtualNetwork has a new parameter flow_timeout_in_minutes
51          - Model FrontendIPConfiguration has a new parameter gateway_load_balancer
52          - Model IPAddressAvailabilityResult has a new parameter is_platform_reserved
53          - Model CustomIpPrefix has a new parameter custom_ip_prefix_parent
54          - Model CustomIpPrefix has a new parameter failed_reason
55          - Model CustomIpPrefix has a new parameter child_custom_ip_prefixes
56          - Model CustomIpPrefix has a new parameter authorization_message
57          - Model CustomIpPrefix has a new parameter signed_message
58          - Model VirtualNetworkPeering has a new parameter peering_sync_level
59          - Model VirtualNetworkPeering has a new parameter resource_guid
60          - Model VirtualNetworkPeering has a new parameter do_not_verify_remote_gateways
61          - Model VirtualNetworkPeering has a new parameter type
62          - Model VirtualNetworkPeering has a new parameter remote_virtual_network_address_space
63          - Model Subnet has a new parameter application_gateway_ip_configurations
64          - Model Subnet has a new parameter type
65          - Model LoadBalancingRule has a new parameter backend_address_pools
66          - Model EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation has a new parameter network_manager
67          - Model BastionHost has a new parameter sku
68          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter extended_location
69          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter nat_rules
70          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter enable_bgp_route_translation_for_nat
71          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter workload_type
72          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter private_link_service
73          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter nic_type
74          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter migration_phase
75          - Model Delegation has a new parameter type
76          - Model PublicIPPrefix has a new parameter nat_gateway
77          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter egress_nat_rules
78          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter ingress_nat_rules
79          - Model NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration has a new parameter gateway_load_balancer
80          - Model NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration has a new parameter type
81          - Model AvailablePrivateEndpointType has a new parameter display_name
82          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter delete_option
83          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter nat_gateway
84          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter service_public_ip_address
85          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter linked_public_ip_address
86          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter migration_phase
87          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter preferred_routing_gateway
88          - Model BackendAddressPool has a new parameter tunnel_interfaces
89          - Model ServiceTagInformationPropertiesFormat has a new parameter state
90          - Added operation LoadBalancersOperations.begin_swap_public_ip_addresses
91          - Added operation group VirtualNetworkGatewayNatRulesOperations
93        **Breaking changes**
95          - Operation VirtualNetworkPeeringsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new signature
96          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway no longer has parameter virtual_network_extended_location
98        ## 18.0.0 (2021-03-08)
100        **Features**
102          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter traffic_selector_policies
103          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter virtual_network_extended_location
104          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter v_net_extended_location_resource_id
105          - Model VpnClientConfiguration has a new parameter vpn_authentication_types
106          - Model LoadBalancerBackendAddress has a new parameter subnet
107          - Model ServiceEndpointPolicy has a new parameter kind
108          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter snat
109          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter insights
110          - Added operation VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsOperations.begin_reset_connection
111          - Added operation VpnLinkConnectionsOperations.begin_get_ike_sas
112          - Added operation VpnLinkConnectionsOperations.begin_reset_connection
114        **Breaking changes**
116          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway no longer has parameter extended_location
117          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway no longer has parameter virtual_network_extended_location_resource_id
119        ## 17.1.0 (2021-01-26)
121        **Features**
122          - Model PrivateEndpoint has a new parameter extended_location
123          - Model VpnGateway has a new parameter nat_rules
124          - Model ExpressRouteConnection has a new parameter express_route_gateway_bypass
125          - Model SecurityRule has a new parameter type
126          - Model PrivateLinkService has a new parameter extended_location
127          - Model Route has a new parameter type
128          - Model Route has a new parameter has_bgp_override
129          - Model RouteTable has a new parameter resource_guid
130          - Model VpnSiteLinkConnection has a new parameter ingress_nat_rules
131          - Model VpnSiteLinkConnection has a new parameter vpn_link_connection_mode
132          - Model VpnSiteLinkConnection has a new parameter egress_nat_rules
133          - Model BackendAddressPool has a new parameter location
134          - Model CustomIpPrefix has a new parameter extended_location
135          - Added operation ExpressRouteGatewaysOperations.begin_update_tags
136          - Added operation VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsOperations.begin_get_ike_sas
137          - Added operation group NatRulesOperations
139        ## 17.0.0 (2020-11-25)
141        **Features**
143          - Model PublicIPPrefix has a new parameter extended_location
144          - Model PublicIPPrefixSku has a new parameter tier
145          - Model NatRule has a new parameter translated_fqdn
146          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter extended_location
147          - Model ApplicationRule has a new parameter terminate_tls
148          - Model ApplicationRule has a new parameter web_categories
149          - Model ApplicationRule has a new parameter target_urls
150          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter connection_mode
151          - Model LoadBalancer has a new parameter extended_location
152          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter extended_location
153          - Model LoadBalancerSku has a new parameter tier
154          - Model VirtualNetwork has a new parameter extended_location
155          - Model P2SVpnGateway has a new parameter is_routing_preference_internet
156          - Model IpGroup has a new parameter firewall_policies
157          - Model VpnGateway has a new parameter is_routing_preference_internet
158          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter extended_location
159          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter virtual_network_extended_location_resource_id
160          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntity has a new parameter connection_mode
161          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter sku
162          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter transport_security
163          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter identity
164          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter intrusion_detection
165          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter allow_branch_to_branch_traffic
166          - Model PublicIPAddressSku has a new parameter tier
167          - Model ServiceTagsListResult has a new parameter next_link
168          - Model LoadBalancerBackendAddress has a new parameter load_balancer_frontend_ip_configuration
169          - Added operation NetworkInterfacesOperations.list_cloud_service_network_interfaces
170          - Added operation NetworkInterfacesOperations.get_cloud_service_network_interface
171          - Added operation NetworkInterfacesOperations.list_cloud_service_role_instance_network_interfaces
172          - Added operation PublicIPAddressesOperations.list_cloud_service_role_instance_public_ip_addresses
173          - Added operation PublicIPAddressesOperations.list_cloud_service_public_ip_addresses
174          - Added operation PublicIPAddressesOperations.get_cloud_service_public_ip_address
175          - Added operation group WebCategoriesOperations
177        **Breaking changes**
179          - Operation ConnectionMonitorsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new signature
180          - Model VirtualHub no longer has parameter enable_virtual_router_route_propogation
182        ## 16.0.0 (2020-09-15)
184        **Features**
186          - Model VirtualNetworkPeering has a new parameter remote_bgp_communities
187          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter virtual_router_asn
188          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter routing_state
189          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter ip_configurations
190          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter virtual_router_ips
191          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter enable_virtual_router_route_propogation
192          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter bgp_connections
193          - Model FirewallPolicyRule has a new parameter description
194          - Model ExpressRouteLinkMacSecConfig has a new parameter sci_state
195          - Model VpnGateway has a new parameter ip_configurations
196          - Model P2SConnectionConfiguration has a new parameter enable_internet_security
197          - Model ConnectionMonitorEndpoint has a new parameter type
198          - Model ConnectionMonitorEndpoint has a new parameter coverage_level
199          - Model ConnectionMonitorEndpoint has a new parameter scope
200          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter rule_collection_groups
201          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter dns_settings
202          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter dscp_configuration
203          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter address_prefix
204          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter cloud_init_configuration_blobs
205          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter boot_strap_configuration_blobs
206          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter cloud_init_configuration
207          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter inbound_security_rules
208          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter nva_sku
209          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance has a new parameter virtual_appliance_sites
210          - Model ConnectionMonitorTcpConfiguration has a new parameter destination_port_behavior
211          - Model ApplicationGatewayHttpListener has a new parameter ssl_profile
212          - Model P2SVpnGateway has a new parameter custom_dns_servers
213          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter private_link_configurations
214          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter trusted_client_certificates
215          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
216          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter ssl_profiles
217          - Model HubIPAddresses has a new parameter public_i_ps
218          - Model PublicIPPrefix has a new parameter custom_ip_prefix
219          - Model ApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfiguration has a new parameter private_link_configuration
220          - Model VpnSite has a new parameter o365_policy
221          - Model ConnectivityHop has a new parameter previous_links
222          - Model ConnectivityHop has a new parameter previous_hop_ids
223          - Model ConnectivityHop has a new parameter links
224          - Added operation ExpressRoutePortsOperations.generate_loa
225          - Added operation FlowLogsOperations.update_tags
226          - Added operation HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsOperations.begin_create_or_update
227          - Added operation HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsOperations.begin_delete
228          - Added operation VpnGatewaysOperations.begin_stop_packet_capture
229          - Added operation VpnGatewaysOperations.begin_start_packet_capture
230          - Added operation VpnGatewaysOperations.begin_update_tags
231          - Added operation VpnConnectionsOperations.begin_stop_packet_capture
232          - Added operation VpnConnectionsOperations.begin_start_packet_capture
233          - Added operation PrivateLinkServicesOperations.begin_check_private_link_service_visibility_by_resource_group
234          - Added operation PrivateLinkServicesOperations.begin_check_private_link_service_visibility
235          - Added operation VirtualHubsOperations.begin_get_effective_virtual_hub_routes
236          - Added operation P2SVpnGatewaysOperations.begin_reset
237          - Added operation P2SVpnGatewaysOperations.begin_update_tags
238          - Added operation group CustomIPPrefixesOperations
239          - Added operation group VirtualApplianceSitesOperations
240          - Added operation group DscpConfigurationOperations
241          - Added operation group VirtualHubIpConfigurationOperations
242          - Added operation group VirtualHubBgpConnectionOperations
243          - Added operation group InboundSecurityRuleOperations
244          - Added operation group VirtualApplianceSkusOperations
245          - Added operation group ApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkResourcesOperations
246          - Added operation group ApplicationGatewayPrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations
247          - Added operation group FirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupsOperations
248          - Added operation group VirtualHubBgpConnectionsOperations
250        **Breaking changes**
252          - Model VirtualHub no longer has parameter virtual_network_connections
253          - Model FirewallPolicyRule no longer has parameter priority
254          - Model FirewallPolicy no longer has parameter transport_security
255          - Model FirewallPolicy no longer has parameter rule_groups
256          - Model FirewallPolicy no longer has parameter intrusion_system_mode
257          - Model FirewallPolicy no longer has parameter identity
258          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance no longer has parameter boot_strap_configuration_blob
259          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance no longer has parameter sku
260          - Model NetworkVirtualAppliance no longer has parameter cloud_init_configuration_blob
261          - Model NatRuleCondition no longer has parameter terminate_tls
262          - Model HubIPAddresses no longer has parameter public_ip_addresses
263          - Model ApplicationRuleCondition no longer has parameter target_urls
264          - Removed operation VpnGatewaysOperations.update_tags
265          - Removed operation PrivateLinkServicesOperations.check_private_link_service_visibility_by_resource_group
266          - Removed operation PrivateLinkServicesOperations.check_private_link_service_visibility
267          - Removed operation P2SVpnGatewaysOperations.update_tags
269        ## 16.0.0b1 (2020-06-17)
271        This is beta preview version.
272        For detailed changelog please refer to equivalent stable version 10.2.0 (https://pypi.org/project/azure-mgmt-network/10.2.0/)
274        This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
276        **General breaking changes**
278        - Credential system has been completly revamped:
280          - `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/
281          - `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential`
283        - The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of
284          supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/master/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)
285        - You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead
286        - Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`.
287        - Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed).
288        - Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:
290          - `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user
291          - For a complete set of
292          supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/master/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)
294        **General new features**
296        - Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready.
297        - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client.
298        - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/master/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview.
301        ## 10.2.0 (2020-04-10)
303        **Features**
305          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter routing_configuration
306          - Model NatRuleCondition has a new parameter terminate_tls
307          - Model HubVirtualNetworkConnection has a new parameter routing_configuration
308          - Model ExpressRouteConnection has a new parameter routing_configuration
309          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter transport_security
310          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter identity
311          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter threat_intel_whitelist
312          - Model ApplicationRuleCondition has a new parameter target_urls
313          - Model P2SConnectionConfiguration has a new parameter routing_configuration
314          - Model BackendAddressPool has a new parameter load_balancer_backend_addresses
315          - Added operation LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsOperations.create_or_update
316          - Added operation LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolsOperations.delete
317          - Added operation group HubRouteTablesOperations
319        ## 10.1.0 (2020-04-10)
321        **Features**
323          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter dpd_timeout_seconds
324          - Model FirewallPolicy has a new parameter intrusion_system_mode
325          - Model Subnet has a new parameter ip_allocations
326          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter force_firewall_policy_association
327          - Model PrivateEndpoint has a new parameter custom_dns_configs
328          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter dpd_timeout_seconds
329          - Model VpnClientConfiguration has a new parameter radius_servers
330          - Model VirtualNetwork has a new parameter ip_allocations
331          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter security_partner_provider
332          - Model VpnServerConfiguration has a new parameter radius_servers
333          - Added operation group PrivateDnsZoneGroupsOperations
334          - Added operation group SecurityPartnerProvidersOperations
335          - Added operation group IpAllocationsOperations
337        ## 10.0.0 (2020-03-31)
339        **Features**
341          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter use_local_azure_ip_address
342          - Model NetworkRuleCondition has a new parameter source_ip_groups
343          - Model NetworkRuleCondition has a new parameter destination_ip_groups
344          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfiguration has a new parameter private_ip_address
345          - Model BgpSettings has a new parameter bgp_peering_addresses
346          - Model ExpressRouteCircuitConnection has a new parameter ipv6_circuit_connection_config
347          - Model ApplicationGatewayHttpListener has a new parameter host_names
348          - Model ApplicationRuleCondition has a new parameter source_ip_groups
349          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter enable_private_ip_address
350          - Model LocalNetworkGateway has a new parameter fqdn
351          - Model VpnSiteLink has a new parameter fqdn
352          - Model NetworkSecurityGroup has a new parameter flow_logs
353          - Added operation NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin.put_bastion_shareable_link
354          - Added operation NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin.get_bastion_shareable_link
355          - Added operation NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin.delete_bastion_shareable_link
356          - Added operation NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin.disconnect_active_sessions
357          - Added operation NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin.get_active_sessions
358          - Added operation group NetworkVirtualAppliancesOperations
360        **Breaking changes**
362          - Model ApplicationGatewayHttpListener no longer has parameter hostnames
364        ## 9.0.0 (2020-01-17)
366        **Features**
368          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter ip_groups
369          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter
370            management_ip_configuration
371          - Model ConnectionMonitorResult has a new parameter endpoints
372          - Model ConnectionMonitorResult has a new parameter
373            connection_monitor_type
374          - Model ConnectionMonitorResult has a new parameter
375            test_configurations
376          - Model ConnectionMonitorResult has a new parameter test_groups
377          - Model ConnectionMonitorResult has a new parameter outputs
378          - Model ConnectionMonitorResult has a new parameter notes
379          - Model AzureFirewallIPConfiguration has a new parameter type
380          - Model ConnectionMonitor has a new parameter endpoints
381          - Model ConnectionMonitor has a new parameter test_configurations
382          - Model ConnectionMonitor has a new parameter test_groups
383          - Model ConnectionMonitor has a new parameter outputs
384          - Model ConnectionMonitor has a new parameter notes
385          - Model DdosSettings has a new parameter protected_ip
386          - Model ApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleActionSet has a new parameter
387            url_configuration
388          - Added operation
389            P2sVpnGatewaysOperations.disconnect_p2s_vpn_connections
390          - Added operation
391            VirtualNetworkGatewaysOperations.disconnect_virtual_network_gateway_vpn_connections
392          - Added operation group FlowLogsOperations
394        **Breaking changes**
396          - Operation
397            ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsOperations.create_or_update has a
398            new signature
399          - Model ConnectionMonitorParameters has a new signature
401        ## 8.0.0 (2019-11-12)
403        **Features**
405          - Model PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState has a new parameter
406            actions_required
407          - Model ConnectivityParameters has a new parameter
408            preferred_ip_version
410        **Breaking changes**
412          - Model PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState no longer has parameter
413            action_required
415        ## 7.0.0 (2019-10-22)
417        **Features**
419          - Model ApplicationGatewayHttpListener has a new parameter hostnames
420          - Model ApplicationGatewayHttpListener has a new parameter
421            firewall_policy
422          - Model ApplicationGatewayPathRule has a new parameter
423            firewall_policy
424          - Model P2SVpnGateway has a new parameter
425            p2_sconnection_configurations
426          - Model VpnServerConfiguration has a new parameter
427            vpn_client_root_certificates
428          - Model VpnServerConfiguration has a new parameter
429            radius_server_root_certificates
430          - Model VpnServerConfiguration has a new parameter
431            radius_client_root_certificates
432          - Model VpnServerConfiguration has a new parameter
433            vpn_client_revoked_certificates
434          - Model ExpressRouteConnection has a new parameter
435            enable_internet_security
436          - Model AzureFirewallApplicationRule has a new parameter
437            source_ip_groups
438          - Model WebApplicationFirewallPolicy has a new parameter
439            path_based_rules
440          - Model WebApplicationFirewallPolicy has a new parameter
441            http_listeners
442          - Model PrivateLinkService has a new parameter enable_proxy_protocol
443          - Model AzureFirewallNetworkRule has a new parameter
444            destination_ip_groups
445          - Model AzureFirewallNetworkRule has a new parameter
446            source_ip_groups
447          - Model AzureFirewallNetworkRule has a new parameter
448            destination_fqdns
449          - Model VirtualWAN has a new parameter virtual_wan_type
450          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter sku
451          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter virtual_hub_route_table_v2s
452          - Model AzureFirewallNatRule has a new parameter translated_fqdn
453          - Model AzureFirewallNatRule has a new parameter source_ip_groups
454          - Model PrivateEndpointConnection has a new parameter link_identifier
455          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter additional_properties
456          - Added operation RouteFiltersOperations.update_tags
457          - Added operation ServiceEndpointPoliciesOperations.update_tags
458          - Added operation
459            PrivateLinkServicesOperations.get_private_endpoint_connection
460          - Added operation
461            PrivateLinkServicesOperations.list_private_endpoint_connections
462          - Added operation group VirtualHubRouteTableV2sOperations
463          - Added operation group IpGroupsOperations
465        **Breaking changes**
467          - Operation AzureFirewallsOperations.update_tags has a new signature
468          - Operation
469            ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationsOperations.create_or_update has a
470            new signature
471          - Model P2SVpnGateway no longer has parameter
472            p2s_connection_configurations
473          - Model VpnServerConfiguration no longer has parameter
474            vpn_server_config_vpn_client_root_certificates
475          - Model VpnServerConfiguration no longer has parameter
476            vpn_server_config_radius_client_root_certificates
477          - Model VpnServerConfiguration no longer has parameter
478            vpn_server_config_vpn_client_revoked_certificates
479          - Model VpnServerConfiguration no longer has parameter
480            vpn_server_config_radius_server_root_certificates
481          - Removed operation RouteFiltersOperations.update
482          - Removed operation VirtualRoutersOperations.update
483          - Removed operation RouteFilterRulesOperations.update
484          - Removed operation VirtualRouterPeeringsOperations.update
485          - Removed operation FirewallPoliciesOperations.update_tags
486          - Removed operation ServiceEndpointPoliciesOperations.update
488        ## 6.0.0 (2019-10-09)
490        **Features**
492          - Model VirtualNetwork has a new parameter bgp_communities
493          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter azure_firewall
494          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter security_provider_name
495          - Model P2SVpnGateway has a new parameter
496            p2s_connection_configurations
497          - Model P2SVpnGateway has a new parameter vpn_server_configuration
498          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter sku
499          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter
500            inbound_dns_forwarding_endpoint
501          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter
502            enable_dns_forwarding
503          - Added operation
504            P2sVpnGatewaysOperations.get_p2s_vpn_connection_health_detailed
505          - Added operation
506            NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin.generatevirtualwanvpnserverconfigurationvpnprofile
507          - Added operation group VpnServerConfigurationsOperations
508          - Added operation group
509            VpnServerConfigurationsAssociatedWithVirtualWanOperations
510          - Added operation group AvailableServiceAliasesOperations
512        **Breaking changes**
514          - Model WebApplicationFirewallPolicy has a new required parameter
515            managed_rules
516          - Model P2SVpnGateway no longer has parameter
517            vpn_client_address_pool
518          - Model P2SVpnGateway no longer has parameter custom_routes
519          - Model P2SVpnGateway no longer has parameter
520            p2_svpn_server_configuration
521          - Model VirtualWAN no longer has parameter security_provider_name
522          - Model VirtualWAN no longer has parameter
523            p2_svpn_server_configurations
524          - Model PolicySettings has a new signature
526        ## 5.1.0 (2019-10-03)
528        **Features**
530          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter
531            vpn_gateway_generation
532          - Model ExpressRoutePort has a new parameter identity
533          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter
534            traffic_selector_policies
535          - Model ExpressRouteLink has a new parameter mac_sec_config
536          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntity has a new parameter
537            traffic_selector_policies
538          - Model NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration has a new parameter
539            private_link_connection_properties
540          - Model ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule has a new parameter
541            priority
542          - Added operation
543            VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsOperations.stop_packet_capture
544          - Added operation
545            VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsOperations.start_packet_capture
546          - Added operation ConnectionMonitorsOperations.update_tags
547          - Added operation
548            VirtualNetworkGatewaysOperations.stop_packet_capture
549          - Added operation
550            VirtualNetworkGatewaysOperations.start_packet_capture
551          - Added operation group VirtualRoutersOperations
552          - Added operation group VirtualRouterPeeringsOperations
554        ## 5.0.0 (2019-08-27)
556        **Features**
558          - Model PrivateLinkServiceIpConfiguration has a new parameter primary
559          - Model PrivateLinkServiceIpConfiguration has a new parameter etag
560          - Model PrivateLinkServiceIpConfiguration has a new parameter type
561          - Model PrivateLinkServiceIpConfiguration has a new parameter id
562          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter virtual_hub
563          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter hub_ip_addresses
564          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter firewall_policy
565          - Model PrivateLinkServiceConnection has a new parameter
566            provisioning_state
567          - Model PrivateLinkServiceConnection has a new parameter etag
568          - Model PrivateLinkServiceConnection has a new parameter type
569          - Model PublicIPPrefix has a new parameter
570            load_balancer_frontend_ip_configuration
571          - Model ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe has a new parameter
572            backend_address_pool
573          - Model ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe has a new parameter
574            backend_http_settings
575          - Model PrivateEndpointConnection has a new parameter
576            provisioning_state
577          - Model PrivateEndpointConnection has a new parameter etag
578          - Model PrivateEndpointConnection has a new parameter type
579          - Added operation SubnetsOperations.unprepare_network_policies
580          - Added operation group FirewallPolicyRuleGroupsOperations
581          - Added operation group FirewallPoliciesOperations
583        **Breaking changes**
585          - Model PrivateLinkServiceIpConfiguration no longer has parameter
586            public_ip_address
587          - Model ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe no longer has parameter
588            backend_pool_name
589          - Model ApplicationGatewayOnDemandProbe no longer has parameter
590            backend_http_setting_name
592        ## 4.0.0 (2019-07-19)
594        **Features**
596          - Model Subnet has a new parameter
597            private_link_service_network_policies
598          - Model Subnet has a new parameter
599            private_endpoint_network_policies
600          - Model VpnSite has a new parameter vpn_site_links
601          - Model LoadBalancingRule has a new parameter type
602          - Model BackendAddressPool has a new parameter outbound_rules
603          - Model BackendAddressPool has a new parameter type
604          - Model InboundNatPool has a new parameter type
605          - Model OutboundRule has a new parameter type
606          - Model InboundNatRule has a new parameter type
607          - Model Probe has a new parameter type
608          - Model FrontendIPConfiguration has a new parameter
609            private_ip_address_version
610          - Model FrontendIPConfiguration has a new parameter type
611          - Model AvailablePrivateEndpointType has a new parameter name
612          - Model AvailablePrivateEndpointType has a new parameter
613            resource_name
614          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter vpn_link_connections
615          - Added operation
616            AvailablePrivateEndpointTypesOperations.list_by_resource_group
617          - Added operation AzureFirewallsOperations.update_tags
618          - Added operation
619            PrivateLinkServicesOperations.check_private_link_service_visibility_by_resource_group
620          - Added operation
621            PrivateLinkServicesOperations.list_auto_approved_private_link_services
622          - Added operation
623            PrivateLinkServicesOperations.check_private_link_service_visibility
624          - Added operation
625            PrivateLinkServicesOperations.list_auto_approved_private_link_services_by_resource_group
626          - Added operation group VpnLinkConnectionsOperations
627          - Added operation group VpnSiteLinkConnectionsOperations
628          - Added operation group VpnSiteLinksOperations
630        **Breaking changes**
632          - Operation SubnetsOperations.prepare_network_policies has a new
633            signature
634          - Model PrepareNetworkPoliciesRequest no longer has parameter
635            resource_group_name
636          - Model AvailablePrivateEndpointType no longer has parameter
637            service_name
638          - Removed operation group
639            AvailableResourceGroupPrivateEndpointTypesOperations
641        ## 3.0.0 (2019-05-24)
643        **Features**
645          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter private_endpoint
646          - Model ServiceAssociationLink has a new parameter type
647          - Model ServiceAssociationLink has a new parameter allow_delete
648          - Model ServiceAssociationLink has a new parameter locations
649          - Model Subnet has a new parameter private_endpoints
650          - Model PatchRouteFilter has a new parameter ipv6_peerings
651          - Model ExpressRouteCircuitPeering has a new parameter type
652          - Model ApplicationGatewayProbe has a new parameter port
653          - Model RouteFilter has a new parameter ipv6_peerings
654          - Model ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization has a new parameter type
655          - Model PeerExpressRouteCircuitConnection has a new parameter type
656          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter zones
657          - Model ResourceNavigationLink has a new parameter type
658          - Model ExpressRouteCircuitConnection has a new parameter type
659          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter
660            use_policy_based_traffic_selectors
661          - Model NatGateway has a new parameter zones
662          - Model VpnClientConfiguration has a new parameter aad_audience
663          - Model VpnClientConfiguration has a new parameter aad_issuer
664          - Model VpnClientConfiguration has a new parameter aad_tenant
665          - Added operation
666            VirtualNetworkGatewaysOperations.get_vpnclient_connection_health
667          - Added operation
668            P2sVpnGatewaysOperations.get_p2s_vpn_connection_health
669          - Added operation VpnGatewaysOperations.reset
670          - Added operation group BastionHostsOperations
671          - Added operation group NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin
672          - Added operation group PrivateLinkServicesOperations
673          - Added operation group
674            AvailableResourceGroupPrivateEndpointTypesOperations
675          - Added operation group ServiceAssociationLinksOperations
676          - Added operation group ResourceNavigationLinksOperations
677          - Added operation group ServiceTagsOperations
678          - Added operation group PrivateEndpointsOperations
679          - Added operation group AvailablePrivateEndpointTypesOperations
681        **Breaking changes**
683          - Model NetworkInterface no longer has parameter interface_endpoint
684          - Model Subnet no longer has parameter interface_endpoints
685          - Removed operation group InterfaceEndpointsOperations
687        **General Breaking changes**
689        This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might*
690        introduce breaking changes if you were importing from the v20xx_yy_zz
691        API folders. In summary, some modules were incorrectly
692        visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed several issues
693        caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be used in the
694        first place.
696          - NetworkManagementClient cannot be imported from
697            `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz.network_management_client`
698            anymore (import from `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz` works like
699            before)
700          - NetworkManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved from
701            `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz.network_management_client` to
702            `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz`
703          - A model `MyClass` from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported
704            anymore using `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz.models.my_class`
705            (import from `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz.models` works like
706            before)
707          - An operation class `MyClassOperations` from an `operations`
708            sub-module cannot be imported anymore using
709            `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz.operations.my_class_operations`
710            (import from `azure.mgmt.network.v20xx_yy_zz.operations` works
711            like before)
713        Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default.
714        You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or
715        use no more than one client per process.
717        ## 2.7.0 (2019-04-25)
719        **Features**
721          - Model P2SVpnGateway has a new parameter custom_routes
722          - Model Subnet has a new parameter nat_gateway
723          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter
724            use_local_azure_ip_address
725          - Model EffectiveRoute has a new parameter
726            disable_bgp_route_propagation
727          - Model VirtualNetworkGateway has a new parameter custom_routes
728          - Added operation
729            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.backend_health_on_demand
730          - Added operation DdosProtectionPlansOperations.update_tags
731          - Added operation group NatGatewaysOperations
733        **Bug fixes and preview API updates**
735          - Parameter output_blob_sas_url of model
736            GetVpnSitesConfigurationRequest is now required
737          - Operation VpnSitesConfigurationOperations.download has a new
738            signature
739          - Model ExpressRouteCircuit no longer has parameter
740            allow_global_reach
742        ## 2.6.0 (2019-03-21)
744        **Features**
746          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter firewall_policy
747          - Model ApplicationGatewayBackendHealthServer has a new parameter
748            health_probe_log
749          - Model ExpressRouteCircuitPeering has a new parameter
750            peered_connections
751          - Model ExpressRouteCircuit has a new parameter global_reach_enabled
752          - Added operation group PeerExpressRouteCircuitConnectionsOperations
753          - Added operation group WebApplicationFirewallPoliciesOperations
755        **Bugfixes**
757          - Fix incorrect operation
758            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.list_available_request_headers
759          - Fix incorrect operation
760            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.list_available_server_variables
761          - Fix incorrect operation
762            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.list_available_response_headers
764        ## 2.6.0rc1 (2019-02-15)
766        **Features**
768          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter threat_intel_mode
769          - Model ApplicationGatewayRewriteRule has a new parameter conditions
770          - Model ApplicationGatewayRewriteRule has a new parameter
771            rule_sequence
772          - Model ApplicationGatewayAutoscaleConfiguration has a new parameter
773            max_capacity
774          - Added operation SubnetsOperations.prepare_network_policies
776        ## 2.5.1 (2019-01-15)
778        **Features**
780          - Add missing ddos_custom_policies operations
782        ## 2.5.0 (2019-01-04)
784        **Features**
786          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter ddos_settings
787          - Added operation
788            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.list_available_request_headers
789          - Added operation
790            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.list_available_server_variables
791          - Added operation
792            ApplicationGatewaysOperations.list_available_response_headers
793          - Added operation ApplicationSecurityGroupsOperations.update_tags
795        ## 2.4.0 (2018-11-27)
797        **Features**
799          - Model ApplicationGatewaySslCertificate has a new parameter
800            key_vault_secret_id
801          - Model ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule has a new parameter
802            rewrite_rule_set
803          - Model FlowLogInformation has a new parameter format
804          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter identity
805          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter rewrite_rule_sets
806          - Model TrafficAnalyticsConfigurationProperties has a new parameter
807            traffic_analytics_interval
808          - Model ApplicationGatewayPathRule has a new parameter
809            rewrite_rule_set
810          - Model ApplicationGatewayUrlPathMap has a new parameter
811            default_rewrite_rule_set
813        **Breaking changes**
815          - Model ApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate no longer has
816            parameter keyvault_secret_id (replaced by key_vault_secret_id)
818        ## 2.3.0 (2018-11-07)
820        **Features**
822          - Model ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration has a
823            new parameter exclusions
824          - Model ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration has a
825            new parameter file_upload_limit_in_mb
826          - Model ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration has a
827            new parameter max_request_body_size_in_kb
828          - Model ApplicationGatewayHttpListener has a new parameter
829            custom_error_configurations
830          - Model ExpressRouteCircuit has a new parameter bandwidth_in_gbps
831          - Model ExpressRouteCircuit has a new parameter stag
832          - Model ExpressRouteCircuit has a new parameter express_route_port
833          - Model EvaluatedNetworkSecurityGroup has a new parameter applied_to
834          - Model NetworkConfigurationDiagnosticResult has a new parameter
835            profile
836          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter
837            custom_error_configurations
838          - Added operation group LoadBalancerOutboundRulesOperations
839          - Added operation group ExpressRouteLinksOperations
840          - Added operation group ExpressRoutePortsOperations
841          - Added operation group ExpressRoutePortsLocationsOperations
843        **Breaking changes**
845          - Model NetworkConfigurationDiagnosticResult no longer has parameter
846            traffic_query
847          - Operation
848            NetworkWatchersOperations.get_network_configuration_diagnostic
849            has a new signature (no longer takes target_resource_id, queries,
850            but a NetworkConfigurationDiagnosticParameters instance)
852        ## 2.2.1 (2018-09-14)
854        **Bugfixes**
856          - Fix unexpected exception with network_profiles.delete
858        ## 2.2.0 (2018-09-11)
860        Default API version is now 2018-08-01
862        **Features**
864          - Model AzureFirewall has a new parameter nat_rule_collections
865          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter route_table
866          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter virtual_network_connections
867          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter p2_svpn_gateway
868          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter express_route_gateway
869          - Model VirtualHub has a new parameter vpn_gateway
870          - Model VirtualWAN has a new parameter allow_vnet_to_vnet_traffic
871          - Model VirtualWAN has a new parameter
872            p2_svpn_server_configurations
873          - Model VirtualWAN has a new parameter
874            office365_local_breakout_category
875          - Model VirtualWAN has a new parameter
876            allow_branch_to_branch_traffic
877          - Model VirtualWAN has a new parameter security_provider_name
878          - Model VpnSite has a new parameter is_security_site
879          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter connection_bandwidth
880          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter enable_internet_security
881          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter
882            vpn_connection_protocol_type
883          - Model VpnConnection has a new parameter enable_rate_limiting
884          - Model ServiceEndpointPolicy has a new parameter subnets
885          - Model AzureFirewallApplicationRule has a new parameter fqdn_tags
886          - Model AzureFirewallApplicationRule has a new parameter target_fqdns
887          - Model VpnGateway has a new parameter vpn_gateway_scale_unit
888          - Model ApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings has a new parameter
889            trusted_root_certificates
890          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter
891            connection_protocol
892          - Model ExpressRouteCircuitPeering has a new parameter
893            express_route_connection
894          - Model Subnet has a new parameter delegations
895          - Model Subnet has a new parameter address_prefixes
896          - Model Subnet has a new parameter ip_configuration_profiles
897          - Model Subnet has a new parameter service_association_links
898          - Model Subnet has a new parameter interface_endpoints
899          - Model Subnet has a new parameter purpose
900          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter
901            trusted_root_certificates
902          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter tap_configurations
903          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter hosted_workloads
904          - Model NetworkInterface has a new parameter interface_endpoint
905          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntity has a new parameter
906            connection_protocol
907          - Model HubVirtualNetworkConnection has a new parameter
908            enable_internet_security
909          - Model NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration has a new parameter
910            virtual_network_taps
911          - Added operation
912            VirtualNetworkGatewaysOperations.reset_vpn_client_shared_key
913          - Added operation group ExpressRouteConnectionsOperations
914          - Added operation group AzureFirewallFqdnTagsOperations
915          - Added operation group VirtualNetworkTapsOperations
916          - Added operation group NetworkProfilesOperations
917          - Added operation group P2sVpnServerConfigurationsOperations
918          - Added operation group AvailableDelegationsOperations
919          - Added operation group InterfaceEndpointsOperations
920          - Added operation group P2sVpnGatewaysOperations
921          - Added operation group AvailableResourceGroupDelegationsOperations
922          - Added operation group ExpressRouteGatewaysOperations
923          - Added operation group NetworkInterfaceTapConfigurationsOperations
925        **Breaking changes**
927          - Model VirtualHub no longer has parameter
928            hub_virtual_network_connections
929          - Model VpnConnection no longer has parameter
930            connection_bandwidth_in_mbps
931          - Model AzureFirewallApplicationRule no longer has parameter
932            target_urls
933          - Model VpnGateway no longer has parameter policies
934          - Model AzureFirewallIPConfiguration no longer has parameter
935            internal_public_ip_address
936          - Model ApplicationGatewayAutoscaleConfiguration has a new signature
937          - Renamed virtual_wa_ns to virtual_wans
939        ## 2.1.0 (2018-08-28)
941        Default API version is now 2018-07-01
943        **Features**
945          - Model ExpressRouteCircuit has a new parameter allow_global_reach
946          - Model PublicIPAddress has a new parameter public_ip_prefix
947          - Model BackendAddressPool has a new parameter outbound_rule
948            (replaces outbound_nat_rule)
949          - Model FrontendIPConfiguration has a new parameter outbound_rules
950            (replaces outbound_nat_rule)
951          - Model FrontendIPConfiguration has a new parameter public_ip_prefix
952          - Model LoadBalancingRule has a new parameter enable_tcp_reset
953          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntity has a new parameter
954            express_route_gateway_bypass
955          - Model VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection has a new parameter
956            express_route_gateway_bypass
957          - Model Subnet has a new parameter service_endpoint_policies
958          - Model InboundNatPool has a new parameter enable_tcp_reset
959          - Model LoadBalancer has a new parameter outbound_rules (replaces
960            outbound_nat_rule)
961          - Model InboundNatRule has a new parameter enable_tcp_reset
962          - Added operation group ServiceEndpointPolicyDefinitionsOperations
963          - Added operation group ServiceEndpointPoliciesOperations
964          - Added operation group PublicIPPrefixesOperations
966        **Breaking changes**
968          - Model BackendAddressPool no longer has parameter outbound_nat_rule
969            (now outbound_rules)
970          - Model FrontendIPConfiguration no longer has parameter
971            outbound_nat_rules (now outbound_rules)
972          - Model LoadBalancer no longer has parameter outbound_nat_rules (now
973            outbound_rules)
975        ## 2.0.1 (2018-08-07)
977        **Bugfixes**
979          - Fix packet_captures.get_status empty output
981        ## 2.0.0 (2018-07-27)
983        **Features**
985          - Supports now 2018-06-01 and 2018-04-01. 2018-06-01 is the new
986            default.
987          - Client class can be used as a context manager to keep the underlying
988            HTTP session open for performance
990        **Features starting 2018-04-01**
992          - Model FlowLogInformation has a new parameter
993            flow_analytics_configuration
994          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter enable_fips
995          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter
996            autoscale_configuration
997          - Model ApplicationGateway has a new parameter zones
998          - Model ConnectionSharedKey has a new parameter id
999          - Added operation group HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsOperations
1000          - Added operation group AzureFirewallsOperations
1001          - Added operation group VirtualHubsOperations
1002          - Added operation group VpnGatewaysOperations
1003          - Added operation group VpnSitesOperations
1004          - Added operation group VirtualWANsOperations
1005          - Added operation group VpnSitesConfigurationOperations
1006          - Added operation group VpnConnectionsOperations
1008        **Breaking changes starting 2018-04-01**
1010          - Operation
1011            VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionsOperations.set_shared_key has a
1012            new parameter "id"
1013          - Operation DdosProtectionPlansOperations.create_or_update parameter
1014            "parameters" has been flatten to "tags/location"
1016        **Breaking changes starting 2018-06-01**
1018          - The new class VpnConnection introduced in 2018-04-01 renamed
1019            "connection_bandwidth" to "connection_bandwidth_in_mbps"
1021        ## 2.0.0rc3 (2018-06-14)
1023        **Bugfixes**
1025          - API version 2018-02-01 enum Probe now supports HTTPS (standard SKU
1026            load balancer)
1027          - API version 2015-06-15 adding missing "primary" in
1028            NetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration
1030        ## 2.0.0rc2 (2018-04-03)
1032        **Features**
1034          - All clients now support Azure profiles.
1035          - API version 2018-02-01 is now the default
1036          - Express Route Circuit Connection (considered preview)
1037          - Express Route Provider APIs
1038          - GetTopologyOperation supports query parameter
1039          - Feature work for setting Custom IPsec/IKE policy for Virtual Network
1040            Gateway point-to-site clients
1041          - DDoS Protection Plans
1043        ## 2.0.0rc1 (2018-03-07)
1045        **General Breaking changes**
1047        This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might*
1048        introduce breaking changes.
1050          - Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All
1051            positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To
1052            keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for
1053            Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for
1054            keyword-only arguments.
1055          - Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to
1056            improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered.
1057            While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important,
1058            and are documented here:
1059            <https://docs.python.org/3/library/enum.html#others> At a glance:
1060              - "is" should not be used at all.
1061              - "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string
1062                formatting will return `NameOfEnum.stringvalue`. Format syntax
1063                should be prefered.
1064          - New Long Running Operation:
1065              - Return type changes from
1066                `msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller` to
1067                `msrest.polling.LROPoller`. External API is the same.
1068              - Return type is now **always** a `msrest.polling.LROPoller`,
1069                regardless of the optional parameters used.
1070              - The behavior has changed when using `raw=True`. Instead of
1071                returning the initial call result as `ClientRawResponse`,
1072                without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling,
1073                the final resource will be returned as a `ClientRawResponse`.
1074              - New `polling` parameter. The default behavior is
1075                `Polling=True` which will poll using ARM algorithm. When
1076                `Polling=False`, the response of the initial call will be
1077                returned without polling.
1078              - `polling` parameter accepts instances of subclasses of
1079                `msrest.polling.PollingMethod`.
1080              - `add_done_callback` will no longer raise if called after
1081                polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right
1082                away.
1084        **Network Breaking changes**
1086          - Operation network_watcher.get_topology changed method signature
1088        **Features**
1090          - Add API Version 2018-01-01. Not default yet in this version.
1091          - Add ConnectionMonitor operation group (2017-10/11-01)
1092          - Add target_virtual_network / target_subnet to topology_parameter
1093            (2017-10/11-01)
1094          - Add idle_timeout_in_minutes / enable_floating_ip to
1095            inbound_nat_pool (2017-11-01)
1097        **Bugfixes**
1099          - Fix peer_asn validation rules (2017-10/11-01)
1101        ## 1.7.1 (2017-12-20)
1103        **Bugfixes**
1105        Fix `SecurityRule` constructor parameters order to respect the one
1106        used until 1.5.0. This indeed introduces a breaking change for users of
1107        1.6.0 and 1.7.0, but this constructor signature change was not expected,
1108        and following semantic versionning all 1.x versions should follow the
1109        same signature.
1111        This fixes third party library, like Ansible, that expects (for
1112        excellent reasons) this SDK to follow strictly semantic versionning with
1113        regards to breaking changes and have their dependency system asking for
1114        `>=1.0;<2.0`
1116        ## 1.7.0 (2017-12-14)
1118        **Features**
1120          - Add iptag. IpTag is way to restrict the range of IPaddresses to be
1121            allocated.
1122          - Default API version is now 2017-11-01
1124        **Bug fixes**
1126          - Added valid ASN range in ExpressRouteCircuitPeering (#1672)
1128        ## 1.6.0 (2017-11-28)
1130        **Bug fixes**
1132          - Accept space in location for "usage" (i.e. "west us").
1133          - sourceAddressPrefix, sourceAddressPrefixes and
1134            sourceApplicationSecurityGroups are mutually exclusive and one only
1135            is needed, meaning none of them is required by itself. Thus,
1136            sourceAddressPrefix is not required anymore.
1137          - destinationAddressPrefix, destinationAddressPrefixes and
1138            destinationApplicationSecurityGroups are mutually exclusive and one
1139            only is needed, meaning none of them is required by itself. Thus,
1140            destinationAddressPrefix is not required anymore.
1141          - Client now accept unicode string as a valid subscription_id
1142            parameter
1143          - Restore missing azure.mgmt.network.__version__
1145        **Features**
1147          - Client now accept a "profile" parameter to define API version per
1148            operation group.
1149          - Add update_tags to most of the resources
1150          - Add operations group to list all available rest API operations
1151          - NetworkInterfaces_ListVirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfigurations
1152          - NetworkInterfaces_GetVirtualMachineScaleSetIpConfiguration
1154        ## 1.5.0 (2017-09-26)
1156        **Features**
1158          - Availability Zones
1159          - Add network_watchers.get_azure_reachability_report
1160          - Add network_watchers.list_available_providers
1161          - Add virtual_network_gateways.supported_vpn_devices
1162          - Add virtual_network_gateways.vpn_device_configuration_script
1164        ## 1.5.0rc1 (2017-09-18)
1166        **Features**
1168          - Add ApiVersion 2017-09-01 (new default)
1169          - Add application_security_groups (ASG) operations group
1170          - Add ASG to network_interface operations
1171          - Add ASG to IP operations
1172          - Add source/destination ASGs to network security rules
1173          - Add DDOS protection and VM protection to vnet operations
1175        **Bug fix**
1177          - check_dns_name_availability now correctly defines
1178            "domain_name_label" as required and not optional
1180        ## 1.4.0 (2017-08-23)
1182        **Features**
1184          - Add ApiVersion 2017-08-01 (new default)
1185          - Added in both 2017-08-01 and 2017-06-01:
1186              - virtual_network_gateways.list_connections method
1187              - default_security_rules operations group
1188              - inbound_nat_rules operations group
1189              - load_balancer_backend_address_pools operations group
1190              - load_balancer_frontend_ip_configurations operations group
1191              - load_balancer_load_balancing_rules operations group
1192              - load_balancer_network_interfaces operations group
1193              - load_balancer_probes operations group
1194              - network_interface_ip_configurations operations group
1195              - network_interface_load_balancers operations group
1196              - EffectiveNetworkSecurityGroup.tag_map attribute
1197              - EffectiveNetworkSecurityRule.source_port_ranges attribute
1198              - EffectiveNetworkSecurityRule.destination_port_ranges attribute
1199              - EffectiveNetworkSecurityRule.source_address_prefixes attribute
1200              - EffectiveNetworkSecurityRule.destination_address_prefixes
1201                attribute
1202              - SecurityRule.source_port_ranges attribute
1203              - SecurityRule.destination_port_ranges attribute
1204              - SecurityRule.source_address_prefixes attribute
1205              - SecurityRule.destination_address_prefixes attribute
1206          - Added in 2017-08-01 only
1207              - PublicIPAddress.sku
1208              - LoadBalancer.sku
1210        **Changes on preview**
1212        >   - "available_private_access_services" is renamed
1213        >     "available_endpoint_services"
1214        >   - "radius_secret" parsing fix (was unable to work in 1.3.0)
1216        ## 1.3.0 (2017-07-10)
1218        **Preview features**
1220          - Adding "available_private_access_services" operation group
1221            (preview)
1222          - Adding "radius_secret" in Virtual Network Gateway (preview)
1224        **Bug Fixes**
1226          - VMSS Network ApiVersion fix in 2017-06-01 (point to 2017-03-30)
1228        ## 1.2.0 (2017-07-03)
1230        **Features**
1232        Adding the following features to both 2017-03-01 and 2017-06-01:
1234          - express route ipv6
1235          - VMSS Network (get, list, etc.)
1236          - VMSS Public IP (get, list, etc.)
1238        ## 1.1.0 (2017-06-27)
1240        **Features**
1242          - Add list_usage in virtual networks (2017-03-01)
1243          - Add ApiVersion 2017-06-01 (new default)
1245        This new ApiVersion is for new Application Gateway features:
1247        >   - ApplicationGateway Ssl Policy custom cipher suites support [new
1248        >     properties added to Sslpolicy Property of
1249        >     ApplciationGatewayPropertiesFormat]
1250        >   - Get AvailableSslOptions api [new resource
1251        >     ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions and child resource
1252        >     ApplicationGatewayPredefinedPolicy]
1253        >   - Redirection support [new child resource
1254        >     ApplicationGatewayRedirectConfiguration for Application Gateway,
1255        >     new properties in UrlPathMap, PathRules and RequestRoutingRule]
1256        >   - Azure Websites feature support [new properties in
1257        >     ApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettingsPropertiesFormat,
1258        >     ApplicationGatewayProbePropertiesFormat, schema for property
1259        >     ApplicationGatewayProbeHealthResponseMatch]
1261        ## 1.0.0 (2017-05-15)
1263          - Tag 1.0.0rc3 as stable (same content)
1265        ## 1.0.0rc3 (2017-05-03)
1267        **Features**
1269          - Added check connectivity api to network watcher
1271        ## 1.0.0rc2 (2017-04-18)
1273        **Features**
1275          - Add ApiVersion 2016-12-01 and 2017-03-01
1276          - 2017-03-01 is now default ApiVersion
1278        **Bugfixes**
1280          - Restore access to NetworkWatcher and PacketCapture from 2016-09-01
1282        ## 1.0.0rc1 (2017-04-11)
1284        **Features**
1286        To help customers with sovereign clouds (not general Azure), this
1287        version has official multi ApiVersion support for 2015-06-15 and
1288        2016-09-01
1290        ## 0.30.1 (2017-03-27)
1292          - Add NetworkWatcher
1293          - Add PacketCapture
1294          - Add new methods to Virtualk Network Gateway
1295              - get_bgp_peer_status
1296              - get_learned_routes
1297              - get_advertised_routes
1299        ## 0.30.0 (2016-11-01)
1301          - Initial preview release. Based on API version 2016-09-01.
1303        ## 0.20.0 (2015-08-31)
1305          - Initial preview release. Based on API version 2015-05-01-preview.
1307Platform: UNKNOWN
1308Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
1309Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
1310Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
1311Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
1312Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
1313Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
1314Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
1315Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
1316Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
1317Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
1318Description-Content-Type: text/markdown