1 /*
2 *
3 * Mathematics Subpackage (VrMath)
4 *
5 *
6 * Author: Samuel R. Buss, sbuss@ucsd.edu.
7 * Web page: http://math.ucsd.edu/~sbuss/MathCG
8 *
9 *
10 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
11 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
12 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
13 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
14 subject to the following restrictions:
16 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
17 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
18 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
19 *
20 *
21 */
23 #include "MathMisc.h"
24 #include "LinearR3.h"
25 #include "Spherical.h"
27 // ******************************************************
28 // * VectorR3 class - math library functions				*
29 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
31 const VectorR3 UnitVecIR3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
32 const VectorR3 UnitVecJR3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
33 const VectorR3 UnitVecKR3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
35 const VectorR3 VectorR3::Zero(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
36 const VectorR3 VectorR3::UnitX(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
37 const VectorR3 VectorR3::UnitY(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
38 const VectorR3 VectorR3::UnitZ(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
39 const VectorR3 VectorR3::NegUnitX(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
40 const VectorR3 VectorR3::NegUnitY(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
41 const VectorR3 VectorR3::NegUnitZ(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
43 const Matrix3x3 Matrix3x3::Identity(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
44 const Matrix3x4 Matrix3x4::Identity(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
MaxAbs() const46 double VectorR3::MaxAbs() const
47 {
48 	double m;
49 	m = (x > 0.0) ? x : -x;
50 	if (y > m)
51 		m = y;
52 	else if (-y > m)
53 		m = -y;
54 	if (z > m)
55 		m = z;
56 	else if (-z > m)
57 		m = -z;
58 	return m;
59 }
Set(const Quaternion & q)61 VectorR3& VectorR3::Set(const Quaternion& q)
62 {
63 	double sinhalf = sqrt(Square(q.x) + Square(q.y) + Square(q.z));
64 	if (sinhalf > 0.0)
65 	{
66 		double theta = atan2(sinhalf, q.w);
67 		theta += theta;
68 		this->Set(q.x, q.y, q.z);
69 		(*this) *= (theta / sinhalf);
70 	}
71 	else
72 	{
73 		this->SetZero();
74 	}
75 	return *this;
76 }
78 // *********************************************************************
79 // Rotation routines												   *
80 // *********************************************************************
82 // s.Rotate(theta, u) rotates s and returns s
83 //        rotated theta degrees around unit vector w.
Rotate(double theta,const VectorR3 & w)84 VectorR3& VectorR3::Rotate(double theta, const VectorR3& w)
85 {
86 	double c = cos(theta);
87 	double s = sin(theta);
88 	double dotw = (x * w.x + y * w.y + z * w.z);
89 	double v0x = dotw * w.x;
90 	double v0y = dotw * w.y;  // v0 = provjection onto w
91 	double v0z = dotw * w.z;
92 	double v1x = x - v0x;
93 	double v1y = y - v0y;  // v1 = projection onto plane normal to w
94 	double v1z = z - v0z;
95 	double v2x = w.y * v1z - w.z * v1y;
96 	double v2y = w.z * v1x - w.x * v1z;  // v2 = w * v1 (cross product)
97 	double v2z = w.x * v1y - w.y * v1x;
99 	x = v0x + c * v1x + s * v2x;
100 	y = v0y + c * v1y + s * v2y;
101 	z = v0z + c * v1z + s * v2z;
103 	return (*this);
104 }
106 // Rotate unit vector x in the direction of "dir": length of dir is rotation angle.
107 //		x must be a unit vector.  dir must be perpindicular to x.
RotateUnitInDirection(const VectorR3 & dir)108 VectorR3& VectorR3::RotateUnitInDirection(const VectorR3& dir)
109 {
110 	double theta = dir.NormSq();
111 	if (theta == 0.0)
112 	{
113 		return *this;
114 	}
115 	else
116 	{
117 		theta = sqrt(theta);
118 		double costheta = cos(theta);
119 		double sintheta = sin(theta);
120 		VectorR3 dirUnit = dir / theta;
121 		*this = costheta * (*this) + sintheta * dirUnit;
122 		return (*this);
123 	}
124 }
126 // ******************************************************
127 // * Matrix3x3 class - math library functions			*
128 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
ReNormalize()130 Matrix3x3& Matrix3x3::ReNormalize()  // Re-normalizes nearly orthonormal matrix
131 {
132 	double alpha = m11 * m11 + m21 * m21 + m31 * m31;  // First column's norm squared
133 	double beta = m12 * m12 + m22 * m22 + m32 * m32;   // Second column's norm squared
134 	double gamma = m13 * m13 + m23 * m23 + m33 * m33;  // Third column's norm squared
135 	alpha = 1.0 - 0.5 * (alpha - 1.0);                 // Get mult. factor
136 	beta = 1.0 - 0.5 * (beta - 1.0);
137 	gamma = 1.0 - 0.5 * (gamma - 1.0);
138 	m11 *= alpha;  // Renormalize first column
139 	m21 *= alpha;
140 	m31 *= alpha;
141 	m12 *= beta;  // Renormalize second column
142 	m22 *= beta;
143 	m32 *= beta;
144 	m13 *= gamma;
145 	m23 *= gamma;
146 	m33 *= gamma;
147 	alpha = m11 * m12 + m21 * m22 + m31 * m32;  // First and second column dot product
148 	beta = m11 * m13 + m21 * m23 + m31 * m33;   // First and third column dot product
149 	gamma = m12 * m13 + m22 * m23 + m32 * m33;  // Second and third column dot product
150 	alpha *= 0.5;
151 	beta *= 0.5;
152 	gamma *= 0.5;
153 	double temp1, temp2;
154 	temp1 = m11 - alpha * m12 - beta * m13;  // Update row1
155 	temp2 = m12 - alpha * m11 - gamma * m13;
156 	m13 -= beta * m11 + gamma * m12;
157 	m11 = temp1;
158 	m12 = temp2;
159 	temp1 = m21 - alpha * m22 - beta * m23;  // Update row2
160 	temp2 = m22 - alpha * m21 - gamma * m23;
161 	m23 -= beta * m21 + gamma * m22;
162 	m21 = temp1;
163 	m22 = temp2;
164 	temp1 = m31 - alpha * m32 - beta * m33;  // Update row3
165 	temp2 = m32 - alpha * m31 - gamma * m33;
166 	m33 -= beta * m31 + gamma * m32;
167 	m31 = temp1;
168 	m32 = temp2;
169 	return *this;
170 }
OperatorTimesEquals(const Matrix3x3 & B)172 void Matrix3x3::OperatorTimesEquals(const Matrix3x3& B)  // Matrix product
173 {
174 	double t1, t2;  // temporary values
175 	t1 = m11 * B.m11 + m12 * B.m21 + m13 * B.m31;
176 	t2 = m11 * B.m12 + m12 * B.m22 + m13 * B.m32;
177 	m13 = m11 * B.m13 + m12 * B.m23 + m13 * B.m33;
178 	m11 = t1;
179 	m12 = t2;
181 	t1 = m21 * B.m11 + m22 * B.m21 + m23 * B.m31;
182 	t2 = m21 * B.m12 + m22 * B.m22 + m23 * B.m32;
183 	m23 = m21 * B.m13 + m22 * B.m23 + m23 * B.m33;
184 	m21 = t1;
185 	m22 = t2;
187 	t1 = m31 * B.m11 + m32 * B.m21 + m33 * B.m31;
188 	t2 = m31 * B.m12 + m32 * B.m22 + m33 * B.m32;
189 	m33 = m31 * B.m13 + m32 * B.m23 + m33 * B.m33;
190 	m31 = t1;
191 	m32 = t2;
192 	return;
193 }
Solve(const VectorR3 & u) const195 VectorR3 Matrix3x3::Solve(const VectorR3& u) const  // Returns solution
196 {                                                   // based on Cramer's rule
197 	double sd11 = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32;
198 	double sd21 = m32 * m13 - m12 * m33;
199 	double sd31 = m12 * m23 - m22 * m13;
200 	double sd12 = m31 * m23 - m21 * m33;
201 	double sd22 = m11 * m33 - m31 * m13;
202 	double sd32 = m21 * m13 - m11 * m23;
203 	double sd13 = m21 * m32 - m31 * m22;
204 	double sd23 = m31 * m12 - m11 * m32;
205 	double sd33 = m11 * m22 - m21 * m12;
207 	double detInv = 1.0 / (m11 * sd11 + m12 * sd12 + m13 * sd13);
209 	double rx = (u.x * sd11 + u.y * sd21 + u.z * sd31) * detInv;
210 	double ry = (u.x * sd12 + u.y * sd22 + u.z * sd32) * detInv;
211 	double rz = (u.x * sd13 + u.y * sd23 + u.z * sd33) * detInv;
213 	return (VectorR3(rx, ry, rz));
214 }
216 // ******************************************************
217 // * Matrix3x4 class - math library functions			*
218 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
ReNormalize()220 Matrix3x4& Matrix3x4::ReNormalize()  // Re-normalizes nearly orthonormal matrix
221 {
222 	double alpha = m11 * m11 + m21 * m21 + m31 * m31;  // First column's norm squared
223 	double beta = m12 * m12 + m22 * m22 + m32 * m32;   // Second column's norm squared
224 	double gamma = m13 * m13 + m23 * m23 + m33 * m33;  // Third column's norm squared
225 	alpha = 1.0 - 0.5 * (alpha - 1.0);                 // Get mult. factor
226 	beta = 1.0 - 0.5 * (beta - 1.0);
227 	gamma = 1.0 - 0.5 * (gamma - 1.0);
228 	m11 *= alpha;  // Renormalize first column
229 	m21 *= alpha;
230 	m31 *= alpha;
231 	m12 *= beta;  // Renormalize second column
232 	m22 *= beta;
233 	m32 *= beta;
234 	m13 *= gamma;
235 	m23 *= gamma;
236 	m33 *= gamma;
237 	alpha = m11 * m12 + m21 * m22 + m31 * m32;  // First and second column dot product
238 	beta = m11 * m13 + m21 * m23 + m31 * m33;   // First and third column dot product
239 	gamma = m12 * m13 + m22 * m23 + m32 * m33;  // Second and third column dot product
240 	alpha *= 0.5;
241 	beta *= 0.5;
242 	gamma *= 0.5;
243 	double temp1, temp2;
244 	temp1 = m11 - alpha * m12 - beta * m13;  // Update row1
245 	temp2 = m12 - alpha * m11 - gamma * m13;
246 	m13 -= beta * m11 + gamma * m12;
247 	m11 = temp1;
248 	m12 = temp2;
249 	temp1 = m21 - alpha * m22 - beta * m23;  // Update row2
250 	temp2 = m22 - alpha * m21 - gamma * m23;
251 	m23 -= beta * m21 + gamma * m22;
252 	m21 = temp1;
253 	m22 = temp2;
254 	temp1 = m31 - alpha * m32 - beta * m33;  // Update row3
255 	temp2 = m32 - alpha * m31 - gamma * m33;
256 	m33 -= beta * m31 + gamma * m32;
257 	m31 = temp1;
258 	m32 = temp2;
259 	return *this;
260 }
OperatorTimesEquals(const Matrix3x4 & B)262 void Matrix3x4::OperatorTimesEquals(const Matrix3x4& B)  // Composition
263 {
264 	m14 += m11 * B.m14 + m12 * B.m24 + m13 * B.m34;
265 	m24 += m21 * B.m14 + m22 * B.m24 + m23 * B.m34;
266 	m34 += m31 * B.m14 + m32 * B.m24 + m33 * B.m34;
268 	double t1, t2;  // temporary values
269 	t1 = m11 * B.m11 + m12 * B.m21 + m13 * B.m31;
270 	t2 = m11 * B.m12 + m12 * B.m22 + m13 * B.m32;
271 	m13 = m11 * B.m13 + m12 * B.m23 + m13 * B.m33;
272 	m11 = t1;
273 	m12 = t2;
275 	t1 = m21 * B.m11 + m22 * B.m21 + m23 * B.m31;
276 	t2 = m21 * B.m12 + m22 * B.m22 + m23 * B.m32;
277 	m23 = m21 * B.m13 + m22 * B.m23 + m23 * B.m33;
278 	m21 = t1;
279 	m22 = t2;
281 	t1 = m31 * B.m11 + m32 * B.m21 + m33 * B.m31;
282 	t2 = m31 * B.m12 + m32 * B.m22 + m33 * B.m32;
283 	m33 = m31 * B.m13 + m32 * B.m23 + m33 * B.m33;
284 	m31 = t1;
285 	m32 = t2;
286 }
OperatorTimesEquals(const Matrix3x3 & B)288 void Matrix3x4::OperatorTimesEquals(const Matrix3x3& B)  // Composition
289 {
290 	double t1, t2;  // temporary values
291 	t1 = m11 * B.m11 + m12 * B.m21 + m13 * B.m31;
292 	t2 = m11 * B.m12 + m12 * B.m22 + m13 * B.m32;
293 	m13 = m11 * B.m13 + m12 * B.m23 + m13 * B.m33;
294 	m11 = t1;
295 	m12 = t2;
297 	t1 = m21 * B.m11 + m22 * B.m21 + m23 * B.m31;
298 	t2 = m21 * B.m12 + m22 * B.m22 + m23 * B.m32;
299 	m23 = m21 * B.m13 + m22 * B.m23 + m23 * B.m33;
300 	m21 = t1;
301 	m22 = t2;
303 	t1 = m31 * B.m11 + m32 * B.m21 + m33 * B.m31;
304 	t2 = m31 * B.m12 + m32 * B.m22 + m33 * B.m32;
305 	m33 = m31 * B.m13 + m32 * B.m23 + m33 * B.m33;
306 	m31 = t1;
307 	m32 = t2;
308 }
310 // ******************************************************
311 // * LinearMapR3 class - math library functions			*
312 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
operator *(const LinearMapR3 & A,const LinearMapR3 & B)314 LinearMapR3 operator*(const LinearMapR3& A, const LinearMapR3& B)
315 {
316 	return (LinearMapR3(A.m11 * B.m11 + A.m12 * B.m21 + A.m13 * B.m31,
317 						A.m21 * B.m11 + A.m22 * B.m21 + A.m23 * B.m31,
318 						A.m31 * B.m11 + A.m32 * B.m21 + A.m33 * B.m31,
319 						A.m11 * B.m12 + A.m12 * B.m22 + A.m13 * B.m32,
320 						A.m21 * B.m12 + A.m22 * B.m22 + A.m23 * B.m32,
321 						A.m31 * B.m12 + A.m32 * B.m22 + A.m33 * B.m32,
322 						A.m11 * B.m13 + A.m12 * B.m23 + A.m13 * B.m33,
323 						A.m21 * B.m13 + A.m22 * B.m23 + A.m23 * B.m33,
324 						A.m31 * B.m13 + A.m32 * B.m23 + A.m33 * B.m33));
325 }
Determinant() const327 double LinearMapR3::Determinant() const  // Returns the determinant
328 {
329 	return (m11 * (m22 * m33 - m23 * m32) - m12 * (m21 * m33 - m31 * m23) + m13 * (m21 * m23 - m31 * m22));
330 }
Inverse() const332 LinearMapR3 LinearMapR3::Inverse() const  // Returns inverse
333 {
334 	double sd11 = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32;
335 	double sd21 = m32 * m13 - m12 * m33;
336 	double sd31 = m12 * m23 - m22 * m13;
337 	double sd12 = m31 * m23 - m21 * m33;
338 	double sd22 = m11 * m33 - m31 * m13;
339 	double sd32 = m21 * m13 - m11 * m23;
340 	double sd13 = m21 * m32 - m31 * m22;
341 	double sd23 = m31 * m12 - m11 * m32;
342 	double sd33 = m11 * m22 - m21 * m12;
344 	double detInv = 1.0 / (m11 * sd11 + m12 * sd12 + m13 * sd13);
346 	return (LinearMapR3(sd11 * detInv, sd12 * detInv, sd13 * detInv,
347 						sd21 * detInv, sd22 * detInv, sd23 * detInv,
348 						sd31 * detInv, sd32 * detInv, sd33 * detInv));
349 }
Invert()351 LinearMapR3& LinearMapR3::Invert()  // Converts into inverse.
352 {
353 	double sd11 = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32;
354 	double sd21 = m32 * m13 - m12 * m33;
355 	double sd31 = m12 * m23 - m22 * m13;
356 	double sd12 = m31 * m23 - m21 * m33;
357 	double sd22 = m11 * m33 - m31 * m13;
358 	double sd32 = m21 * m13 - m11 * m23;
359 	double sd13 = m21 * m32 - m31 * m22;
360 	double sd23 = m31 * m12 - m11 * m32;
361 	double sd33 = m11 * m22 - m21 * m12;
363 	double detInv = 1.0 / (m11 * sd11 + m12 * sd12 + m13 * sd13);
365 	m11 = sd11 * detInv;
366 	m12 = sd21 * detInv;
367 	m13 = sd31 * detInv;
368 	m21 = sd12 * detInv;
369 	m22 = sd22 * detInv;
370 	m23 = sd32 * detInv;
371 	m31 = sd13 * detInv;
372 	m32 = sd23 * detInv;
373 	m33 = sd33 * detInv;
375 	return (*this);
376 }
378 // ******************************************************
379 // * AffineMapR3 class - math library functions			*
380 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
operator *(const AffineMapR3 & A,const AffineMapR3 & B)382 AffineMapR3 operator*(const AffineMapR3& A, const AffineMapR3& B)
383 {
384 	return (AffineMapR3(A.m11 * B.m11 + A.m12 * B.m21 + A.m13 * B.m31,
385 						A.m21 * B.m11 + A.m22 * B.m21 + A.m23 * B.m31,
386 						A.m31 * B.m11 + A.m32 * B.m21 + A.m33 * B.m31,
387 						A.m11 * B.m12 + A.m12 * B.m22 + A.m13 * B.m32,
388 						A.m21 * B.m12 + A.m22 * B.m22 + A.m23 * B.m32,
389 						A.m31 * B.m12 + A.m32 * B.m22 + A.m33 * B.m32,
390 						A.m11 * B.m13 + A.m12 * B.m23 + A.m13 * B.m33,
391 						A.m21 * B.m13 + A.m22 * B.m23 + A.m23 * B.m33,
392 						A.m31 * B.m13 + A.m32 * B.m23 + A.m33 * B.m33,
393 						A.m11 * B.m14 + A.m12 * B.m24 + A.m13 * B.m34 + A.m14,
394 						A.m21 * B.m14 + A.m22 * B.m24 + A.m23 * B.m34 + A.m24,
395 						A.m31 * B.m14 + A.m32 * B.m24 + A.m33 * B.m34 + A.m34));
396 }
operator *(const LinearMapR3 & A,const AffineMapR3 & B)398 AffineMapR3 operator*(const LinearMapR3& A, const AffineMapR3& B)
399 {
400 	return (AffineMapR3(A.m11 * B.m11 + A.m12 * B.m21 + A.m13 * B.m31,
401 						A.m21 * B.m11 + A.m22 * B.m21 + A.m23 * B.m31,
402 						A.m31 * B.m11 + A.m32 * B.m21 + A.m33 * B.m31,
403 						A.m11 * B.m12 + A.m12 * B.m22 + A.m13 * B.m32,
404 						A.m21 * B.m12 + A.m22 * B.m22 + A.m23 * B.m32,
405 						A.m31 * B.m12 + A.m32 * B.m22 + A.m33 * B.m32,
406 						A.m11 * B.m13 + A.m12 * B.m23 + A.m13 * B.m33,
407 						A.m21 * B.m13 + A.m22 * B.m23 + A.m23 * B.m33,
408 						A.m31 * B.m13 + A.m32 * B.m23 + A.m33 * B.m33,
409 						A.m11 * B.m14 + A.m12 * B.m24 + A.m13 * B.m34,
410 						A.m21 * B.m14 + A.m22 * B.m24 + A.m23 * B.m34,
411 						A.m31 * B.m14 + A.m32 * B.m24 + A.m33 * B.m34));
412 }
operator *(const AffineMapR3 & A,const LinearMapR3 & B)414 AffineMapR3 operator*(const AffineMapR3& A, const LinearMapR3& B)
415 {
416 	return (AffineMapR3(A.m11 * B.m11 + A.m12 * B.m21 + A.m13 * B.m31,
417 						A.m21 * B.m11 + A.m22 * B.m21 + A.m23 * B.m31,
418 						A.m31 * B.m11 + A.m32 * B.m21 + A.m33 * B.m31,
419 						A.m11 * B.m12 + A.m12 * B.m22 + A.m13 * B.m32,
420 						A.m21 * B.m12 + A.m22 * B.m22 + A.m23 * B.m32,
421 						A.m31 * B.m12 + A.m32 * B.m22 + A.m33 * B.m32,
422 						A.m11 * B.m13 + A.m12 * B.m23 + A.m13 * B.m33,
423 						A.m21 * B.m13 + A.m22 * B.m23 + A.m23 * B.m33,
424 						A.m31 * B.m13 + A.m32 * B.m23 + A.m33 * B.m33,
425 						A.m14,
426 						A.m24,
427 						A.m34));
428 }
Inverse() const430 AffineMapR3 AffineMapR3::Inverse() const  // Returns inverse
431 {
432 	double sd11 = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32;
433 	double sd21 = m32 * m13 - m12 * m33;
434 	double sd31 = m12 * m23 - m22 * m13;
435 	double sd12 = m31 * m23 - m21 * m33;
436 	double sd22 = m11 * m33 - m31 * m13;
437 	double sd32 = m21 * m13 - m11 * m23;
438 	double sd13 = m21 * m32 - m31 * m22;
439 	double sd23 = m31 * m12 - m11 * m32;
440 	double sd33 = m11 * m22 - m21 * m12;
442 	double detInv = 1.0 / (m11 * sd11 + m12 * sd12 + m13 * sd13);
444 	// Make sd's hold the (transpose of) the inverse of the 3x3 part
445 	sd11 *= detInv;
446 	sd12 *= detInv;
447 	sd13 *= detInv;
448 	sd21 *= detInv;
449 	sd22 *= detInv;
450 	sd23 *= detInv;
451 	sd31 *= detInv;
452 	sd32 *= detInv;
453 	sd33 *= detInv;
454 	double sd41 = -(m14 * sd11 + m24 * sd21 + m34 * sd31);
455 	double sd42 = -(m14 * sd12 + m24 * sd22 + m34 * sd32);
456 	double sd43 = -(m14 * sd12 + m24 * sd23 + m34 * sd33);
458 	return (AffineMapR3(sd11, sd12, sd13,
459 						sd21, sd22, sd23,
460 						sd31, sd32, sd33,
461 						sd41, sd42, sd43));
462 }
Invert()464 AffineMapR3& AffineMapR3::Invert()  // Converts into inverse.
465 {
466 	double sd11 = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32;
467 	double sd21 = m32 * m13 - m12 * m33;
468 	double sd31 = m12 * m23 - m22 * m13;
469 	double sd12 = m31 * m23 - m21 * m33;
470 	double sd22 = m11 * m33 - m31 * m13;
471 	double sd32 = m21 * m13 - m11 * m23;
472 	double sd13 = m21 * m32 - m31 * m22;
473 	double sd23 = m31 * m12 - m11 * m32;
474 	double sd33 = m11 * m22 - m21 * m12;
476 	double detInv = 1.0 / (m11 * sd11 + m12 * sd12 + m13 * sd13);
478 	m11 = sd11 * detInv;
479 	m12 = sd21 * detInv;
480 	m13 = sd31 * detInv;
481 	m21 = sd12 * detInv;
482 	m22 = sd22 * detInv;
483 	m23 = sd32 * detInv;
484 	m31 = sd13 * detInv;
485 	m32 = sd23 * detInv;
486 	m33 = sd33 * detInv;
487 	double sd41 = -(m14 * m11 + m24 * m12 + m34 * m13);  // Compare to ::Inverse.
488 	double sd42 = -(m14 * m21 + m24 * m22 + m34 * m23);
489 	double sd43 = -(m14 * m31 + m24 * m32 + m34 * m33);
490 	m14 = sd41;
491 	m24 = sd42;
492 	m34 = sd43;
494 	return (*this);
495 }
497 // **************************************************************
498 // * RotationMapR3 class - math library functions				*
499 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
operator *(const RotationMapR3 & A,const RotationMapR3 & B)501 RotationMapR3 operator*(const RotationMapR3& A, const RotationMapR3& B)
502 // Matrix product (composition)
503 {
504 	return (RotationMapR3(A.m11 * B.m11 + A.m12 * B.m21 + A.m13 * B.m31,
505 						  A.m21 * B.m11 + A.m22 * B.m21 + A.m23 * B.m31,
506 						  A.m31 * B.m11 + A.m32 * B.m21 + A.m33 * B.m31,
507 						  A.m11 * B.m12 + A.m12 * B.m22 + A.m13 * B.m32,
508 						  A.m21 * B.m12 + A.m22 * B.m22 + A.m23 * B.m32,
509 						  A.m31 * B.m12 + A.m32 * B.m22 + A.m33 * B.m32,
510 						  A.m11 * B.m13 + A.m12 * B.m23 + A.m13 * B.m33,
511 						  A.m21 * B.m13 + A.m22 * B.m23 + A.m23 * B.m33,
512 						  A.m31 * B.m13 + A.m32 * B.m23 + A.m33 * B.m33));
513 }
Set(const Quaternion & quat)515 RotationMapR3& RotationMapR3::Set(const Quaternion& quat)
516 {
517 	double wSq = quat.w * quat.w;
518 	double xSq = quat.x * quat.x;
519 	double ySq = quat.y * quat.y;
520 	double zSq = quat.z * quat.z;
521 	double Dqwx = 2.0 * quat.w * quat.x;
522 	double Dqwy = 2.0 * quat.w * quat.y;
523 	double Dqwz = 2.0 * quat.w * quat.z;
524 	double Dqxy = 2.0 * quat.x * quat.y;
525 	double Dqyz = 2.0 * quat.y * quat.z;
526 	double Dqxz = 2.0 * quat.x * quat.z;
527 	m11 = wSq + xSq - ySq - zSq;
528 	m22 = wSq - xSq + ySq - zSq;
529 	m33 = wSq - xSq - ySq + zSq;
530 	m12 = Dqxy - Dqwz;
531 	m21 = Dqxy + Dqwz;
532 	m13 = Dqxz + Dqwy;
533 	m31 = Dqxz - Dqwy;
534 	m23 = Dqyz - Dqwx;
535 	m32 = Dqyz + Dqwx;
536 	return *this;
537 }
Set(const VectorR3 & u,double theta)539 RotationMapR3& RotationMapR3::Set(const VectorR3& u, double theta)
540 {
541 	assert(fabs(u.NormSq() - 1.0) < 2.0e-6);
542 	double c = cos(theta);
543 	double s = sin(theta);
544 	double mc = 1.0 - c;
545 	double xmc = u.x * mc;
546 	double xymc = xmc * u.y;
547 	double xzmc = xmc * u.z;
548 	double yzmc = u.y * u.z * mc;
549 	double xs = u.x * s;
550 	double ys = u.y * s;
551 	double zs = u.z * s;
552 	Matrix3x3::Set(u.x * u.x * mc + c, xymc + zs, xzmc - ys,
553 				   xymc - zs, u.y * u.y * mc + c, yzmc + xs,
554 				   xzmc + ys, yzmc - xs, u.z * u.z * mc + c);
555 	return *this;
556 }
558 // The rotation axis vector u MUST be a UNIT vector!!!
Set(const VectorR3 & u,double s,double c)559 RotationMapR3& RotationMapR3::Set(const VectorR3& u, double s, double c)
560 {
561 	assert(fabs(u.NormSq() - 1.0) < 2.0e-6);
562 	double mc = 1.0 - c;
563 	double xmc = u.x * mc;
564 	double xymc = xmc * u.y;
565 	double xzmc = xmc * u.z;
566 	double yzmc = u.y * u.z * mc;
567 	double xs = u.x * s;
568 	double ys = u.y * s;
569 	double zs = u.z * s;
570 	Matrix3x3::Set(u.x * u.x * mc + c, xymc + zs, xzmc - ys,
571 				   xymc - zs, u.y * u.y * mc + c, yzmc + xs,
572 				   xzmc + ys, yzmc - xs, u.z * u.z * mc + c);
573 	return *this;
574 }
576 // ToAxisAndAngle - find a unit vector in the direction of the rotation axis,
577 //	and the angle theta of rotation.  Returns true if the rotation angle is non-zero,
578 //  and false if it is zero.
ToAxisAndAngle(VectorR3 * u,double * theta) const579 bool RotationMapR3::ToAxisAndAngle(VectorR3* u, double* theta) const
580 {
581 	double alpha = m11 + m22 + m33 - 1.0;
582 	double beta = sqrt(Square(m32 - m23) + Square(m13 - m31) + Square(m21 - m12));
583 	if (beta == 0.0)
584 	{
585 		*u = VectorR3::UnitY;
586 		*theta = 0.0;
587 		return false;
588 	}
589 	else
590 	{
591 		u->Set(m32 - m23, m13 - m31, m21 - m12);
592 		*u /= beta;
593 		*theta = atan2(beta, alpha);
594 		return true;
595 	}
596 }
598 // VrRotate is similar to glRotate.  Returns a matrix (LinearMapR3)
599 //		that will perform the rotation when multiplied on the left.
600 // u is supposed to be a *unit* vector.  Otherwise, the LinearMapR3
601 //		returned will be garbage!
VrRotate(double theta,const VectorR3 & u)602 RotationMapR3 VrRotate(double theta, const VectorR3& u)
603 {
604 	RotationMapR3 ret;
605 	ret.Set(u, theta);
606 	return ret;
607 }
609 // This version of rotate takes the cosine and sine of theta
610 //    instead of theta.  u must still be a unit vector.
VrRotate(double c,double s,const VectorR3 & u)612 RotationMapR3 VrRotate(double c, double s, const VectorR3& u)
613 {
614 	RotationMapR3 ret;
615 	ret.Set(u, s, c);
616 	return ret;
617 }
619 // Returns a RotationMapR3 which rotates the fromVec to be colinear
620 //		with toVec.
VrRotateAlign(const VectorR3 & fromVec,const VectorR3 & toVec)622 RotationMapR3 VrRotateAlign(const VectorR3& fromVec, const VectorR3& toVec)
623 {
624 	VectorR3 crossVec = fromVec;
625 	crossVec *= toVec;
626 	double sinetheta = crossVec.Norm();  // Not yet normalized!
627 	if (sinetheta < 1.0e-40)
628 	{
629 		return (RotationMapR3(
630 			1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
631 			0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
632 			0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
633 	}
634 	crossVec /= sinetheta;  // Normalize the vector
635 	double scale = 1.0 / sqrt(fromVec.NormSq() * toVec.NormSq());
636 	sinetheta *= scale;
637 	double cosinetheta = (fromVec ^ toVec) * scale;
638 	return (VrRotate(cosinetheta, sinetheta, crossVec));
639 }
641 // RotateToMap returns a rotation map which rotates fromVec to have the
642 //		same direction as toVec.
643 // fromVec and toVec should be unit vectors
RotateToMap(const VectorR3 & fromVec,const VectorR3 & toVec)644 RotationMapR3 RotateToMap(const VectorR3& fromVec, const VectorR3& toVec)
645 {
646 	VectorR3 crossVec = fromVec;
647 	crossVec *= toVec;
648 	double sintheta = crossVec.Norm();
649 	double costheta = fromVec ^ toVec;
650 	if (sintheta <= 1.0e-40)
651 	{
652 		if (costheta > 0.0)
653 		{
654 			return (RotationMapR3(
655 				1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
656 				0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
657 				0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
658 		}
659 		else
660 		{
661 			GetOrtho(toVec, crossVec);  // Get arbitrary orthonormal vector
662 			return (VrRotate(costheta, sintheta, crossVec));
663 		}
664 	}
665 	else
666 	{
667 		crossVec /= sintheta;  // Normalize the vector
668 		return (VrRotate(costheta, sintheta, crossVec));
669 	}
670 }
672 // **************************************************************
673 // * RigidMapR3 class - math library functions					*
674 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
676 // The rotation axis vector u MUST be a UNIT vector!!!
SetRotationPart(const VectorR3 & u,double theta)677 RigidMapR3& RigidMapR3::SetRotationPart(const VectorR3& u, double theta)
678 {
679 	assert(fabs(u.NormSq() - 1.0) < 2.0e-6);
680 	double c = cos(theta);
681 	double s = sin(theta);
682 	double mc = 1.0 - c;
683 	double xmc = u.x * mc;
684 	double xymc = xmc * u.y;
685 	double xzmc = xmc * u.z;
686 	double yzmc = u.y * u.z * mc;
687 	double xs = u.x * s;
688 	double ys = u.y * s;
689 	double zs = u.z * s;
690 	Matrix3x4::Set3x3(u.x * u.x * mc + c, xymc + zs, xzmc - ys,
691 					  xymc - zs, u.y * u.y * mc + c, yzmc + xs,
692 					  xzmc + ys, yzmc - xs, u.z * u.z * mc + c);
693 	return *this;
694 }
696 // The rotation axis vector u MUST be a UNIT vector!!!
SetRotationPart(const VectorR3 & u,double s,double c)697 RigidMapR3& RigidMapR3::SetRotationPart(const VectorR3& u, double s, double c)
698 {
699 	assert(fabs(u.NormSq() - 1.0) < 2.0e-6);
700 	double mc = 1.0 - c;
701 	double xmc = u.x * mc;
702 	double xymc = xmc * u.y;
703 	double xzmc = xmc * u.z;
704 	double yzmc = u.y * u.z * mc;
705 	double xs = u.x * s;
706 	double ys = u.y * s;
707 	double zs = u.z * s;
708 	Matrix3x4::Set3x3(u.x * u.x * mc + c, xymc + zs, xzmc - ys,
709 					  xymc - zs, u.y * u.y * mc + c, yzmc + xs,
710 					  xzmc + ys, yzmc - xs, u.z * u.z * mc + c);
711 	return *this;
712 }
714 // CalcGlideRotation - converts a rigid map into an equivalent
715 //	glide rotation (screw motion).  It returns the rotation axis
716 //  as base point u, and a rotation axis v.  The vectors u and v are
717 //  always orthonormal.  v will be a unit vector.
718 //  It also returns the glide distance, which is the translation parallel
719 //  to v.  Further, it returns the signed rotation angle theta (right hand rule
720 //  specifies the direction.
721 // The glide rotation means a rotation around the point u with axis direction v.
722 // Return code "true" if the rotation amount is non-zero.  "false" if pure translation.
CalcGlideRotation(VectorR3 * u,VectorR3 * v,double * glideDist,double * rotation) const723 bool RigidMapR3::CalcGlideRotation(VectorR3* u, VectorR3* v,
724 								   double* glideDist, double* rotation) const
725 {
726 	// Compare to the code for ToAxisAndAngle.
727 	double alpha = m11 + m22 + m33 - 1.0;
728 	double beta = sqrt(Square(m32 - m23) + Square(m13 - m31) + Square(m21 - m12));
729 	if (beta == 0.0)
730 	{
731 		double vN = m14 * m14 + m24 * m24 + m34 * m34;
732 		if (vN > 0.0)
733 		{
734 			vN = sqrt(vN);
735 			v->Set(m14, m24, m34);
736 			*v /= vN;
737 			*glideDist = vN;
738 		}
739 		else
740 		{
741 			*v = VectorR3::UnitX;
742 			*glideDist = 0.0;
743 		}
744 		u->SetZero();
745 		*rotation = 0;
746 		return false;
747 	}
748 	else
749 	{
750 		v->Set(m32 - m23, m13 - m31, m21 - m12);
751 		*v /= beta;  // v - unit vector, rotation axis
752 		*rotation = atan2(beta, alpha);
753 		u->Set(m14, m24, m34);
754 		*glideDist = ((*u) ^ (*v));
755 		VectorR3 temp = *v;
756 		temp *= *glideDist;
757 		*u -= temp;  // Subtract component in direction of rot. axis v
758 		temp = *v;
759 		temp *= *u;
760 		temp /= tan((*rotation) / 2);  // temp = (v \times u) / tan(rotation/2)
761 		*u += temp;
762 		*u *= 0.5;
763 		return true;
764 	}
765 }
767 // ***************************************************************
768 //  Linear Algebra Utilities									 *
769 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
771 // Returns a righthanded orthonormal basis to complement vector u
GetOrtho(const VectorR3 & u,VectorR3 & v,VectorR3 & w)772 void GetOrtho(const VectorR3& u, VectorR3& v, VectorR3& w)
773 {
774 	if (u.x > 0.5 || u.x < -0.5 || u.y > 0.5 || u.y < -0.5)
775 	{
776 		v.Set(u.y, -u.x, 0.0);
777 	}
778 	else
779 	{
780 		v.Set(0.0, u.z, -u.y);
781 	}
782 	v.Normalize();
783 	w = u;
784 	w *= v;
785 	w.Normalize();
786 	// w.NormalizeFast();
787 	return;
788 }
790 // Returns a vector v orthonormal to unit vector u
GetOrtho(const VectorR3 & u,VectorR3 & v)791 void GetOrtho(const VectorR3& u, VectorR3& v)
792 {
793 	if (u.x > 0.5 || u.x < -0.5 || u.y > 0.5 || u.y < -0.5)
794 	{
795 		v.Set(u.y, -u.x, 0.0);
796 	}
797 	else
798 	{
799 		v.Set(0.0, u.z, -u.y);
800 	}
801 	v.Normalize();
802 	return;
803 }
805 // ***************************************************************
806 //  Stream Output Routines										 *
807 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
operator <<(ostream & os,const VectorR3 & u)809 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const VectorR3& u)
810 {
811 	return (os << "<" << u.x << "," << u.y << "," << u.z << ">");
812 }
operator <<(ostream & os,const Matrix3x3 & A)814 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix3x3& A)
815 {
816 	os << " <" << A.m11 << ", " << A.m12 << ", " << A.m13 << ">\n"
817 	   << " <" << A.m21 << ", " << A.m22 << ", " << A.m23 << ">\n"
818 	   << " <" << A.m31 << ", " << A.m32 << ", " << A.m33 << ">\n";
819 	return (os);
820 }
operator <<(ostream & os,const Matrix3x4 & A)822 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix3x4& A)
823 {
824 	os << " <" << A.m11 << ", " << A.m12 << ", " << A.m13
825 	   << "; " << A.m14 << ">\n"
826 	   << " <" << A.m21 << ", " << A.m22 << ", " << A.m23
827 	   << "; " << A.m24 << ">\n"
828 	   << " <" << A.m31 << ", " << A.m32 << ", " << A.m33
829 	   << "; " << A.m34 << ">\n";
830 	return (os);
831 }