1 // Created on: 2006-05-29
2 // Created by: Alexander GRIGORIEV
3 // Copyright (c) 2006-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #ifndef VrmlData_Group_HeaderFile
17 #define VrmlData_Group_HeaderFile
19 #include <VrmlData_ListOfNode.hxx>
20 #include <VrmlData_DataMapOfShapeAppearance.hxx>
21 #include <Bnd_B3f.hxx>
22 #include <gp_Trsf.hxx>
24 class TopoDS_Shape;
26 /**
27  * Implementation of node "Group"
28  */
30 class VrmlData_Group : public VrmlData_Node
31 {
32  public:
33   typedef VrmlData_ListOfNode::Iterator Iterator;
35   // ---------- PUBLIC METHODS ----------
37   /**
38    * Empty constructor.
39    * @param isTransform
40    *   True if the group of type Transform is defined
41    * @param theAlloc
42    *   Allocator used for the list of children
43    */
VrmlData_Group(const Standard_Boolean isTransform=Standard_False)44   VrmlData_Group (const Standard_Boolean  isTransform = Standard_False)
45     : myIsTransform     (isTransform)
46   {}
48   /**
49    * Constructor.
50    * @param theName
51    *   Name of the Group node
52    * @param isTransform
53    *   True if the group of type Transform is defined
54    * @param theAlloc
55    *   Allocator used for the list of children
56    */
57   Standard_EXPORT VrmlData_Group
58                         (const VrmlData_Scene&   theScene,
59                          const char              * theName,
60                          const Standard_Boolean  isTransform = Standard_False);
62   /**
63    *  Add one node to the Group.
64    */
Handle(VrmlData_Node)65   inline Handle(VrmlData_Node)&
66                 AddNode         (const Handle(VrmlData_Node)& theNode)
67   { return myNodes.Append(theNode); }
69   /**
70    * Remove one node from the Group.
71    * @return
72    *   True if the node was located and removed, False if none removed.
73    */
74   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean
75                 RemoveNode      (const Handle(VrmlData_Node)& theNode);
77   /**
78    * Create iterator on nodes belonging to the Group.
79    */
80   inline Iterator
NodeIterator() const81                 NodeIterator    () const { return Iterator (myNodes); }
83   /**
84    * Query the bounding box.
85    */
86   inline const Bnd_B3f&
Box() const87                 Box             () const { return myBox; }
89   /**
90    * Set the bounding box.
91    */
SetBox(const Bnd_B3f & theBox)92   inline void   SetBox          (const Bnd_B3f& theBox) { myBox = theBox; }
94   /**
95    * Set the transformation. Returns True if the group is Transform type,
96    * otherwise do nothing and return False.
97    */
98   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean
99                 SetTransform    (const gp_Trsf& theTrsf);
101   /**
102    * Query the transform value.
103    * For group without transformation this always returns Identity
104    */
105   inline const gp_Trsf&
GetTransform() const106                 GetTransform     () const { return myTrsf; }
108   /**
109    * Query if the node is Transform type.
110    */
111   inline Standard_Boolean
IsTransform() const112                 IsTransform     () const { return myIsTransform; }
114   /**
115    * Create a copy of this node.
116    * If the parameter is null, a new copied node is created. Otherwise new node
117    * is not created, but rather the given one is modified.
118    */
119   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(VrmlData_Node)
120                 Clone           (const Handle(VrmlData_Node)& theOther) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
122   /**
123    * Fill the Node internal data from the given input stream.
124    */
125   Standard_EXPORT virtual VrmlData_ErrorStatus
126                 Read            (VrmlData_InBuffer& theBuffer) Standard_OVERRIDE;
128   /**
129    * Write the Node to output stream.
130    */
131   Standard_EXPORT virtual VrmlData_ErrorStatus
132                 Write           (const char * thePrefix) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
134   /**
135    * Find a node by its name, inside this Group
136    * @param theName
137    *   Name of the node to search for.
138    * @param theLocation
139    *   Location of the found node with respect to this Group.
140    */
141   Standard_EXPORT Handle(VrmlData_Node)
142                                 FindNode (const char * theName,
143                                           gp_Trsf&     theLocation) const;
145   /**
146    * Get the shape representing the group geometry.
147    */
148   Standard_EXPORT void
149                 Shape           (TopoDS_Shape&                     theShape,
150                                  VrmlData_DataMapOfShapeAppearance * pMapApp);
152  protected:
153   // ---------- PROTECTED METHODS ----------
155   /**
156    * Try to open a file by the given filename, using the search directories
157    * list myVrmlDir of the Scene.
158    */
159   Standard_EXPORT VrmlData_ErrorStatus
160                 openFile        (Standard_IStream&              theStream,
161                                  const TCollection_AsciiString& theFilename);
163  private:
164   // ---------- PRIVATE FIELDS ----------
166   Standard_Boolean      myIsTransform;
167   VrmlData_ListOfNode   myNodes;
168   Bnd_B3f               myBox;
169   gp_Trsf               myTrsf;
171  public:
172 // Declaration of CASCADE RTTI
173 DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(VrmlData_Group,VrmlData_Node)
174 };
176 // Definition of HANDLE object using Standard_DefineHandle.hxx
177 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (VrmlData_Group, VrmlData_Node)
180 #endif