1#!/usr/bin/env python
3$URL: svn+ssh://svn.mems-exchange.org/repos/trunk/durus/durus $
4$Id: durus 30032 2007-09-02 18:30:57Z dbinger $
6from code import InteractiveConsole
7from durus.client_storage import ClientStorage
8from durus.connection import Connection
9from durus.file_storage import FileStorage, TempFileStorage
10from durus.logger import log, logger, direct_output
11from durus.storage_server import DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_GCBYTES
12from durus.storage_server import SocketAddress
13from durus.storage_server import StorageServer, wait_for_server
14from durus.utils import int8_to_str, str_to_int8, write
15from optparse import OptionParser
16from optparse import OptionParser
17from pprint import pprint
18from time import sleep
19from types import ModuleType
20import os
21import socket
22import sys
25def configure_readline(namespace, history_path):
26    try:
27        import readline, rlcompleter, atexit
28        readline.set_completer(
29            rlcompleter.Completer(namespace=namespace).complete)
30        readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
31        def save_history(history_path=history_path):
32            readline.write_history_file(history_path)
33        atexit.register(save_history)
34        if os.path.exists(history_path):
35            readline.read_history_file(history_path)
36    except ImportError:
37        pass
39def interactive_client(file, address, cache_size, readonly, repair,
40                       startup):
41    if file:
42        storage = FileStorage(file, readonly=readonly, repair=repair)
43        description = file
44    else:
45        socket_address = SocketAddress.new(address)
46        wait_for_server(address=socket_address)
47        storage = ClientStorage(address=socket_address)
48        description = socket_address
49    connection = Connection(storage, cache_size=cache_size)
50    console_module = ModuleType('__console__')
51    sys.modules['__console__'] = console_module
52    namespace = {'connection': connection,
53                 'root': connection.get_root(),
54                 'get': connection.get,
55                 'sys': sys,
56                 'os': os,
57                 'int8_to_str': int8_to_str,
58                 'str_to_int8': str_to_int8,
59                 'pp': pprint}
60    vars(console_module).update(namespace)
61    configure_readline(
62        vars(console_module), os.path.expanduser("~/.durushistory"))
63    console = InteractiveConsole(vars(console_module))
64    if startup:
65        console.runsource('execfile("%s")' % os.path.expanduser(startup))
66    help = ('    connection -> the Connection\n'
67            '    root       -> the root instance')
68    console.interact('Durus %s\n%s' % (description, help))
70def client_main():
71    from optparse import OptionParser
72    parser = OptionParser()
73    parser.set_description("Opens a client connection to a Durus server.")
74    parser.add_option(
75        '--file', dest="file", default=None,
76        help="If this is not given, the storage is through a Durus server.")
77    parser.add_option(
78        '--port', dest="port", default=DEFAULT_PORT,
79        type="int",
80        help="Port the server is on. (default=%s)" % DEFAULT_PORT)
81    parser.add_option(
82        '--host', dest="host", default=DEFAULT_HOST,
83        help="Host of the server. (default=%s)" % DEFAULT_HOST)
84    parser.add_option(
85        '--address', dest="address", default=None,
86        help=(
87            "Address of the server.\n"
88            "If given, this is the path to a Unix domain socket for "
89            "the server."))
90    parser.add_option(
91        '--cache_size', dest="cache_size", default=10000, type="int",
92        help="Size of client cache (default=10000)")
93    parser.add_option(
94        '--repair', dest='repair', action='store_true',
95        help=('Repair the filestorage by truncating to remove anything '
96              'that is malformed.  Without this option, errors '
97              'will cause the program to report and terminate without '
98              'attempting any repair.'))
99    parser.add_option(
100        '--readonly', dest='readonly', action='store_true',
101        help='Open the file in read-only mode.')
102    parser.add_option(
103        '--startup', dest='startup',
104        default=os.environ.get('DURUSSTARTUP', ''),
105        help=('Full path to a python startup file to execute on startup.'
106              '(default=DURUSSTARTUP from environment, if set)')
107        )
108    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
109    if options.address is None:
110        address = (options.host, options.port)
111    else:
112        address = options.address
113    interactive_client(options.file, address,
114                       options.cache_size, options.readonly, options.repair,
115                       options.startup)
117def get_storage(file, repair, readonly):
118    if file:
119        return FileStorage(file, repair=repair, readonly=readonly)
120    else:
121        return TempFileStorage()
123def start_durus(logfile, logginglevel, address, storage, gcbytes):
124    if logfile is None:
125        logfile = sys.stderr
126    else:
127        logfile = open(logfile, 'a+')
128    direct_output(logfile)
129    logger.setLevel(logginglevel)
130    socket_address = SocketAddress.new(address)
131    if isinstance(storage, FileStorage):
132        log(20, 'Storage file=%s address=%s',
133            storage.get_filename(), socket_address)
134    StorageServer(storage, address=socket_address, gcbytes=gcbytes).serve()
136def stop_durus(address):
137    socket_address = SocketAddress.new(address)
138    sock = socket_address.get_connected_socket()
139    if sock is None:
140        log(20, "Durus server %s doesn't seem to be running." %
141            str(address))
142        return False
143    write(sock, 'Q') # graceful exit message
144    sock.close()
145    # Try to wait until the address is free.
146    for attempt in range(20):
147        sleep(0.5)
148        sock = socket_address.get_connected_socket()
149        if sock is None:
150            break
151        sock.close()
152    return True
154def run_durus_main():
155    parser = OptionParser()
156    parser.set_description('Run a Durus Server')
157    parser.add_option(
158        '--port', dest='port', default=DEFAULT_PORT, type='int',
159        help='Port to listen on. (default=%s)' % DEFAULT_PORT)
160    parser.add_option(
161        '--file', dest='file', default=None,
162        help=('If not given, the storage is in a new temporary file.'))
163    parser.add_option(
164        '--host', dest='host', default=DEFAULT_HOST,
165        help='Host to listen on. (default=%s)' % DEFAULT_HOST)
166    parser.add_option(
167        '--gcbytes', dest='gcbytes', default=DEFAULT_GCBYTES, type='int',
168        help=('Trigger garbage collection after this many commits. (default=%s)' %
169            DEFAULT_GCBYTES))
170    if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
171        parser.add_option(
172            '--address', dest="address", default=None,
173            help=(
174                "Address of the server.\n"
175                "If given, this is the path to a Unix domain socket for "
176                "the server."))
177        parser.add_option(
178            '--owner', dest="owner", default=None,
179            help="Owner of the Unix domain socket (the --address value).")
180        parser.add_option(
181            '--group', dest="group", default=None,
182            help="group of the Unix domain socket (the --address value).")
183        parser.add_option(
184            '--umask', dest="umask", default=None, type="int",
185            help="umask for the Unix domain socket (the --address value).")
186    logginglevel = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
187    parser.add_option(
188        '--logginglevel', dest='logginglevel', default=logginglevel, type='int',
189        help=('Logging level. Lower positive numbers log more. (default=%s)' %
190              logginglevel))
191    parser.add_option(
192        '--logfile', dest='logfile', default=None,
193        help=('Log file. (default=stderr)'))
194    parser.add_option(
195        '--repair', dest='repair', action='store_true',
196        help=('Repair the filestorage by truncating to remove anything '
197              'that is malformed.  Without this option, errors '
198              'will cause the program to report and terminate without '
199              'attempting any repair.'))
200    parser.add_option(
201        '--readonly', dest='readonly', action='store_true',
202        help='Open the file in read-only mode.')
203    parser.add_option(
204        '--stop', dest='stop', action='store_true',
205        help='Instead of starting the server, try to stop a running one.')
206    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
207    if getattr(options, 'address', None) is None:
208        address = SocketAddress.new((options.host, options.port))
209    else:
210        address = SocketAddress.new(address=options.address,
211            owner=options.owner, group=options.group, umask=options.umask)
212    if not options.stop:
213        start_durus(options.logfile,
214                    options.logginglevel,
215                    address,
216                    get_storage(options.file, options.repair, options.readonly),
217                    options.gcbytes)
218    else:
219        stop_durus(address)
221def pack_storage_main():
222    parser = OptionParser()
223    parser.set_description("Packs a Durus storage.")
224    parser.add_option(
225        '--file', dest="file", default=None,
226        help="If this is not given, the storage is through a Durus server.")
227    parser.add_option(
228        '--port', dest="port", default=DEFAULT_PORT,
229        type="int",
230        help="Port the server is on. (default=%s)" % DEFAULT_PORT)
231    parser.add_option(
232        '--host', dest="host", default=DEFAULT_HOST,
233        help="Host of the server. (default=%s)" % DEFAULT_HOST)
234    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
235    if options.file is None:
236        wait_for_server(options.host, options.port)
237        storage = ClientStorage(host=options.host, port=options.port)
238    else:
239        storage = FileStorage(options.file)
240    connection = Connection(storage)
241    connection.pack()
243def usage():
244    sys.stdout.write(
245        'durus [ -c | -s | -p ] [ -h ] [<specific options>]\n'
246        '    -s   Start or stop a Durus storage server.\n'
247        '    -c   Start a low-level interactive client.\n'
248        '    -p   Pack a storage file.\n'
249        '    -h   Get help on specific options.\n')
251def main():
252    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
253        usage()
254    else:
255        arg = sys.argv[1]
256        sys.argv[1:] = sys.argv[2:]
257        if arg == '-c':
258            client_main()
259        elif arg == '-s':
260            run_durus_main()
261        elif arg == '-p':
262            pack_storage_main()
263        else:
264            usage()
267if __name__ == '__main__':
268    main()