2# This provides a base for the various Constraint subclasses to use. Those
3# Constraint subclasses live next to the slicers. It also contains
4# Constraints for primitive types (int, str).
6# This imports foolscap.tokens, but no other Foolscap modules.
8import six
9from zope.interface import implementer, Interface
11from foolscap.util import ensure_tuple_str
12from foolscap.tokens import Violation, BananaError, SIZE_LIMIT, \
14     tokenNames
16everythingTaster = {
17    # he likes everything
18    STRING: None,
19    LIST: None,
20    INT: None,
21    NEG: None,
22    LONGINT: SIZE_LIMIT, # this limits numbers to about 2**8000, probably ok
24    VOCAB: None,
25    FLOAT: None,
26    OPEN: None,
27    }
28openTaster = {
29    OPEN: None,
30    }
31nothingTaster = {}
33class IConstraint(Interface):
34    pass
35class IRemoteMethodConstraint(IConstraint):
36    def getPositionalArgConstraint(argnum):
37        """Return the constraint for posargs[argnum]. This is called on
38        inbound methods when receiving positional arguments. This returns a
39        tuple of (accept, constraint), where accept=False means the argument
40        should be rejected immediately, regardless of what type it might be."""
41    def getKeywordArgConstraint(argname, num_posargs=0, previous_kwargs=[]):
42        """Return the constraint for kwargs[argname]. The other arguments are
43        used to handle mixed positional and keyword arguments. Returns a
44        tuple of (accept, constraint)."""
46    def checkAllArgs(args, kwargs, inbound):
47        """Submit all argument values for checking. When inbound=True, this
48        is called after the arguments have been deserialized, but before the
49        method is invoked. When inbound=False, this is called just inside
50        callRemote(), as soon as the target object (and hence the remote
51        method constraint) is located.
53        This should either raise Violation or return None."""
54        pass
55    def getResponseConstraint():
56        """Return an IConstraint-providing object to enforce the response
57        constraint. This is called on outbound method calls so that when the
58        response starts to come back, we can start enforcing the appropriate
59        constraint right away."""
60    def checkResults(results, inbound):
61        """Inspect the results of invoking a method call. inbound=False is
62        used on the side that hosts the Referenceable, just after the target
63        method has provided a value. inbound=True is used on the
64        RemoteReference side, just after it has finished deserializing the
65        response.
67        This should either raise Violation or return None."""
70class Constraint(object):
71    """
72    Each __schema__ attribute is turned into an instance of this class, and
73    is eventually given to the unserializer (the 'Unslicer') to enforce as
74    the tokens are arriving off the wire.
75    """
77    taster = everythingTaster
78    """the Taster is a dict that specifies which basic token types are
79    accepted. The keys are typebytes like INT and STRING, while the
80    values are size limits: the body portion of the token must not be
81    longer than LIMIT bytes.
82    """
84    strictTaster = False
85    """If strictTaster is True, taste violations are raised as BananaErrors
86    (indicating a protocol error) rather than a mere Violation.
87    """
89    opentypes = None
90    """opentypes is a list of currently acceptable OPEN token types. None
91    indicates that all types are accepted. An empty list indicates that no
92    OPEN tokens are accepted. These are native strings.
93    """
95    name = None
96    """Used to describe the Constraint in a Violation error message"""
98    def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
99        """Check the token type. Raise an exception if it is not accepted
100        right now, or if the body-length limit is exceeded."""
102        limit = self.taster.get(typebyte, "not in list")
103        if limit == "not in list":
104            if self.strictTaster:
105                raise BananaError("invalid token type: %s" %
106                                  tokenNames[typebyte])
107            else:
108                raise Violation("%s token rejected by %s" %
109                                (tokenNames[typebyte], self.name))
110        if limit and size > limit:
111            raise Violation("%s token too large: %d>%d" %
112                            (tokenNames[typebyte], size, limit))
114    def setNumberTaster(self, maxValue):
115        self.taster = {INT: None,
116                       NEG: None,
117                       LONGINT: None, # TODO
118                       LONGNEG: None,
119                       FLOAT: None,
120                       }
121    def checkOpentype(self, opentype):
122        """Check the OPEN type (the tuple of Index Tokens). Raise an
123        exception if it is not accepted.
124        """
126        if self.opentypes == None:
127            return
128        opentype = ensure_tuple_str(opentype)
130        # shared references are always accepted. checkOpentype() is a defense
131        # against resource-exhaustion attacks, and references don't consume
132        # any more resources than any other token. For inbound method
133        # arguments, the CallUnslicer will perform a final check on all
134        # arguments (after these shared references have been resolved), and
135        # that will get to verify that they have resolved to the correct
136        # type.
138        #if opentype == ReferenceSlicer.opentype:
139        if opentype == ('reference',):
140            return
142        for o in self.opentypes:
143            if len(o) == len(opentype):
144                if o == opentype:
145                    return
146            if len(o) > len(opentype):
147                # we might have a partial match: they haven't flunked yet
148                if opentype == o[:len(opentype)]:
149                    return # still in the running
151        raise Violation("unacceptable OPEN type: %s not in my list %s" %
152                        (opentype, self.opentypes))
154    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
155        """Validate an existing object. Usually objects are validated as
156        their tokens come off the wire, but pre-existing objects may be
157        added to containers if a REFERENCE token arrives which points to
158        them. The older objects were were validated as they arrived (by a
159        different schema), but now they must be re-validated by the new
160        schema.
162        A more naive form of validation would just accept the entire object
163        tree into memory and then run checkObject() on the result. This
164        validation is too late: it is vulnerable to both DoS and
165        made-you-run-code attacks.
167        If inbound=True, this object is arriving over the wire. If
168        inbound=False, this is being called to validate an existing object
169        before it is sent over the wire. This is done as a courtesy to the
170        remote end, and to improve debuggability.
172        Most constraints can use the same checker for both inbound and
173        outbound objects.
174        """
175        # this default form passes everything
176        return
178    COUNTERBYTES = 64 # max size of opencount
180    def OPENBYTES(self, dummy):
181        # an OPEN,type,CLOSE sequence could consume:
182        #  64 (header)
183        #  1 (OPEN)
184        #   64 (header)
185        #   1 (STRING)
186        #   1000 (value)
187        #    or
188        #   64 (header)
189        #   1 (VOCAB)
190        #  64 (header)
191        #  1 (CLOSE)
192        # for a total of 65+1065+65 = 1195
193        return self.COUNTERBYTES+1 + 64+1+1000 + self.COUNTERBYTES+1
195class OpenerConstraint(Constraint):
196    taster = openTaster
198class Any(Constraint):
199    pass # accept everything
201# constraints which describe individual banana tokens
203class ByteStringConstraint(Constraint):
204    opentypes = [] # redundant, as taster doesn't accept OPEN
205    name = "ByteStringConstraint"
207    def __init__(self, maxLength=None, minLength=0):
208        self.maxLength = maxLength
209        self.minLength = minLength
210        self.taster = {STRING: self.maxLength,
211                       VOCAB: None}
213    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
214        if not isinstance(obj, six.binary_type):
215            raise Violation("'%r' is not a bytestring" % (obj,))
216        if self.maxLength != None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
217            raise Violation("string too long (%d > %d)" %
218                            (len(obj), self.maxLength))
219        if len(obj) < self.minLength:
220            raise Violation("string too short (%d < %d)" %
221                            (len(obj), self.minLength))
223class IntegerConstraint(Constraint):
224    opentypes = [] # redundant
225    # taster set in __init__
226    name = "IntegerConstraint"
228    def __init__(self, maxBytes=-1):
229        # -1 means s_int32_t: INT/NEG instead of INT/NEG/LONGINT/LONGNEG
230        # None means unlimited
231        assert maxBytes == -1 or maxBytes == None or maxBytes >= 4
232        self.maxBytes = maxBytes
233        self.taster = {INT: None, NEG: None}
234        if maxBytes != -1:
235            self.taster[LONGINT] = maxBytes
236            self.taster[LONGNEG] = maxBytes
238    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
239        if not isinstance(obj, six.integer_types):
240            raise Violation("'%r' is not a number" % (obj,))
241        if self.maxBytes == -1:
242            if obj >= 2**31 or obj < -2**31:
243                raise Violation("number too large")
244        elif self.maxBytes != None:
245            if abs(obj) >= 2**(8*self.maxBytes):
246                raise Violation("number too large")
248class NumberConstraint(IntegerConstraint):
249    """I accept floats, ints, and longs."""
250    name = "NumberConstraint"
252    def __init__(self, maxBytes=1024):
253        assert maxBytes != -1  # not valid here
254        IntegerConstraint.__init__(self, maxBytes)
255        self.taster[FLOAT] = None
257    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
258        if isinstance(obj, float):
259            return
260        IntegerConstraint.checkObject(self, obj, inbound)
265class Shared(Constraint):
266    name = "Shared"
268    def __init__(self, constraint, refLimit=None):
269        self.constraint = IConstraint(constraint)
270        self.refLimit = refLimit
272#TODO: might be better implemented with a .optional flag
273class Optional(Constraint):
274    name = "Optional"
276    def __init__(self, constraint, default):
277        self.constraint = IConstraint(constraint)
278        self.default = default