1 package jep.test;
3 import jep.Interpreter;
4 import jep.JepConfig;
5 import jep.JepException;
6 import jep.MainInterpreter;
7 import jep.PyConfig;
8 import jep.SubInterpreter;
10 /**
11  * A test class for verifying that Jep can correctly configure the global Python
12  * interpreter with specific flags before actually starting the interpreter.
13  * This test exercises PyConfig options to match Python command line arguments
14  * and checks the output against sys.flags.
15  *
16  * TODO: If you wanted to be extra-thorough you could write tests that don't
17  * explicitly trust sys.flags, e.g. verify that when setting
18  * Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag that a .pyc or .pyo is not actually written out.
19  *
20  * Created: June 2016
21  *
22  * @author Nate Jensen
23  * @since 3.6
24  * @see "https://github.com/ninia/jep/issues/49"
25  */
26 public class TestPreInitVariables {
main(String[] args)28     public static void main(String[] args) throws JepException {
29         PyConfig pyConfig = new PyConfig();
30         // pyConfig.setIgnoreEnvironmentFlag(1);
31         // TODO fix test so no site flag can be tested
32         // pyConfig.setNoSiteFlag(1);
33         pyConfig.setNoUserSiteDirectory(1);
34         // verbose prints out too much, when it's on, it's clear it's on
35         // pyConfig.setVerboseFlag(1);
36         pyConfig.setOptimizeFlag(1);
37         pyConfig.setDontWriteBytecodeFlag(1);
38         pyConfig.setHashRandomizationFlag(1);
39         MainInterpreter.setInitParams(pyConfig);
40         try (Interpreter interp = new SubInterpreter(
41                 new JepConfig().addIncludePaths("."))) {
42             interp.eval("import sys");
43             // assert 1 == ((Number)
44             // jep.getValue("sys.flags.ignore_environment"))
45             // .intValue();
46             assert 0 == ((Number) interp.getValue("sys.flags.no_site")).intValue();
47             assert 1 == ((Number) interp.getValue("sys.flags.no_user_site"))
48                     .intValue();
49             assert 0 == ((Number) interp.getValue("sys.flags.verbose")).intValue();
50             assert 1 == ((Number) interp.getValue("sys.flags.optimize"))
51                     .intValue();
52             assert 1 == ((Number) interp.getValue("sys.flags.dont_write_bytecode"))
53                     .intValue();
54             assert 1 == ((Number) interp.getValue("sys.flags.hash_randomization"))
55                     .intValue();
56         } catch (Throwable e) {
57             e.printStackTrace();
58             System.exit(1);
59         }
60         System.exit(0);
61     }
63 }