1# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
2# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
3# a copy of the License at
5#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
9# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
11# under the License.
13import abc
14import json
16import six
18from keystoneauth1 import _utils as utils
19from keystoneauth1 import access
20from keystoneauth1 import exceptions
21from keystoneauth1.identity import base
23_logger = utils.get_logger(__name__)
25__all__ = ('Auth', 'AuthMethod', 'AuthConstructor', 'BaseAuth')
29class BaseAuth(base.BaseIdentityPlugin):
30    """Identity V3 Authentication Plugin.
32    :param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authentication.
33    :param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping.
34    :param string system_scope: System information to scope to.
35    :param string domain_id: Domain ID for domain scoping.
36    :param string domain_name: Domain name for domain scoping.
37    :param string project_id: Project ID for project scoping.
38    :param string project_name: Project name for project scoping.
39    :param string project_domain_id: Project's domain ID for project.
40    :param string project_domain_name: Project's domain name for project.
41    :param bool reauthenticate: Allow fetching a new token if the current one
42                                is going to expire. (optional) default True
43    :param bool include_catalog: Include the service catalog in the returned
44                                 token. (optional) default True.
45    """
47    def __init__(self, auth_url,
48                 trust_id=None,
49                 system_scope=None,
50                 domain_id=None,
51                 domain_name=None,
52                 project_id=None,
53                 project_name=None,
54                 project_domain_id=None,
55                 project_domain_name=None,
56                 reauthenticate=True,
57                 include_catalog=True):
58        super(BaseAuth, self).__init__(auth_url=auth_url,
59                                       reauthenticate=reauthenticate)
60        self.trust_id = trust_id
61        self.system_scope = system_scope
62        self.domain_id = domain_id
63        self.domain_name = domain_name
64        self.project_id = project_id
65        self.project_name = project_name
66        self.project_domain_id = project_domain_id
67        self.project_domain_name = project_domain_name
68        self.include_catalog = include_catalog
70    @property
71    def token_url(self):
72        """The full URL where we will send authentication data."""
73        return '%s/auth/tokens' % self.auth_url.rstrip('/')
75    @abc.abstractmethod
76    def get_auth_ref(self, session, **kwargs):
77        return None
79    @property
80    def has_scope_parameters(self):
81        """Return true if parameters can be used to create a scoped token."""
82        return (self.domain_id or self.domain_name or
83                self.project_id or self.project_name or
84                self.trust_id or self.system_scope)
87class Auth(BaseAuth):
88    """Identity V3 Authentication Plugin.
90    :param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authentication.
91    :param list auth_methods: A collection of methods to authenticate with.
92    :param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping.
93    :param string domain_id: Domain ID for domain scoping.
94    :param string domain_name: Domain name for domain scoping.
95    :param string project_id: Project ID for project scoping.
96    :param string project_name: Project name for project scoping.
97    :param string project_domain_id: Project's domain ID for project.
98    :param string project_domain_name: Project's domain name for project.
99    :param bool reauthenticate: Allow fetching a new token if the current one
100                                is going to expire. (optional) default True
101    :param bool include_catalog: Include the service catalog in the returned
102                                 token. (optional) default True.
103    :param bool unscoped: Force the return of an unscoped token. This will make
104                          the keystone server return an unscoped token even if
105                          a default_project_id is set for this user.
106    """
108    def __init__(self, auth_url, auth_methods, **kwargs):
109        self.unscoped = kwargs.pop('unscoped', False)
110        super(Auth, self).__init__(auth_url=auth_url, **kwargs)
111        self.auth_methods = auth_methods
113    def add_method(self, method):
114        """Add an additional initialized AuthMethod instance."""
115        self.auth_methods.append(method)
117    def get_auth_ref(self, session, **kwargs):
118        headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
119        body = {'auth': {'identity': {}}}
120        ident = body['auth']['identity']
121        rkwargs = {}
123        for method in self.auth_methods:
124            name, auth_data = method.get_auth_data(
125                session, self, headers, request_kwargs=rkwargs)
126            # NOTE(adriant): Methods like ReceiptMethod don't
127            # want anything added to the request data, so they
128            # explicitly return None, which we check for.
129            if name:
130                ident.setdefault('methods', []).append(name)
131                ident[name] = auth_data
133        if not ident:
134            raise exceptions.AuthorizationFailure(
135                'Authentication method required (e.g. password)')
137        mutual_exclusion = [bool(self.domain_id or self.domain_name),
138                            bool(self.project_id or self.project_name),
139                            bool(self.trust_id),
140                            bool(self.unscoped)]
142        if sum(mutual_exclusion) > 1:
143            raise exceptions.AuthorizationFailure(
144                message='Authentication cannot be scoped to multiple'
145                        ' targets. Pick one of: project, domain, '
146                        'trust or unscoped')
148        if self.domain_id:
149            body['auth']['scope'] = {'domain': {'id': self.domain_id}}
150        elif self.domain_name:
151            body['auth']['scope'] = {'domain': {'name': self.domain_name}}
152        elif self.project_id:
153            body['auth']['scope'] = {'project': {'id': self.project_id}}
154        elif self.project_name:
155            scope = body['auth']['scope'] = {'project': {}}
156            scope['project']['name'] = self.project_name
158            if self.project_domain_id:
159                scope['project']['domain'] = {'id': self.project_domain_id}
160            elif self.project_domain_name:
161                scope['project']['domain'] = {'name': self.project_domain_name}
162        elif self.trust_id:
163            body['auth']['scope'] = {'OS-TRUST:trust': {'id': self.trust_id}}
164        elif self.unscoped:
165            body['auth']['scope'] = 'unscoped'
166        elif self.system_scope:
167            # NOTE(lbragstad): Right now it's only possible to have role
168            # assignments on the entire system. In the future that might change
169            # so that users and groups can have roles on parts of the system,
170            # like a specific service in a specific region. If that happens,
171            # this will have to be accounted for here. Until then we'll only
172            # support scoping to the entire system.
173            if self.system_scope == 'all':
174                body['auth']['scope'] = {'system': {'all': True}}
176        token_url = self.token_url
178        if not self.auth_url.rstrip('/').endswith('v3'):
179            token_url = '%s/v3/auth/tokens' % self.auth_url.rstrip('/')
181        # NOTE(jamielennox): we add nocatalog here rather than in token_url
182        # directly as some federation plugins require the base token_url
183        if not self.include_catalog:
184            token_url += '?nocatalog'
186        _logger.debug('Making authentication request to %s', token_url)
187        resp = session.post(token_url, json=body, headers=headers,
188                            authenticated=False, log=False, **rkwargs)
190        try:
191            _logger.debug(json.dumps(resp.json()))
192            resp_data = resp.json()
193        except ValueError:
194            raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(response=resp)
196        if 'token' not in resp_data:
197            raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(response=resp)
199        return access.AccessInfoV3(auth_token=resp.headers['X-Subject-Token'],
200                                   body=resp_data)
202    def get_cache_id_elements(self):
203        if not self.auth_methods:
204            return None
206        params = {'auth_url': self.auth_url,
207                  'domain_id': self.domain_id,
208                  'domain_name': self.domain_name,
209                  'project_id': self.project_id,
210                  'project_name': self.project_name,
211                  'project_domain_id': self.project_domain_id,
212                  'project_domain_name': self.project_domain_name,
213                  'trust_id': self.trust_id}
215        for method in self.auth_methods:
216            try:
217                elements = method.get_cache_id_elements()
218            except NotImplementedError:
219                return None
221            params.update(elements)
223        return params
227class AuthMethod(object):
228    """One part of a V3 Authentication strategy.
230    V3 Tokens allow multiple methods to be presented when authentication
231    against the server. Each one of these methods is implemented by an
232    AuthMethod.
234    Note: When implementing an AuthMethod use the method_parameters
235    and do not use positional arguments. Otherwise they can't be picked up by
236    the factory method and don't work as well with AuthConstructors.
237    """
239    _method_parameters = []
241    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
242        for param in self._method_parameters:
243            setattr(self, param, kwargs.pop(param, None))
245        if kwargs:
246            msg = "Unexpected Attributes: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
247            raise AttributeError(msg)
249    @classmethod
250    def _extract_kwargs(cls, kwargs):
251        """Remove parameters related to this method from other kwargs."""
252        return dict([(p, kwargs.pop(p, None))
253                     for p in cls._method_parameters])
255    @abc.abstractmethod
256    def get_auth_data(self, session, auth, headers, **kwargs):
257        """Return the authentication section of an auth plugin.
259        :param session: The communication session.
260        :type session: keystoneauth1.session.Session
261        :param base.Auth auth: The auth plugin calling the method.
262        :param dict headers: The headers that will be sent with the auth
263                             request if a plugin needs to add to them.
264        :return: The identifier of this plugin and a dict of authentication
265                 data for the auth type.
266        :rtype: tuple(string, dict)
267        """
269    def get_cache_id_elements(self):
270        """Get the elements for this auth method that make it unique.
272        These elements will be used as part of the
273        :py:meth:`keystoneauth1.plugin.BaseIdentityPlugin.get_cache_id` to
274        allow caching of the auth plugin.
276        Plugins should override this if they want to allow caching of their
277        state.
279        To avoid collision or overrides the keys of the returned dictionary
280        should be prefixed with the plugin identifier. For example the password
281        plugin returns its username value as 'password_username'.
282        """
283        raise NotImplementedError()
287class AuthConstructor(Auth):
288    """Abstract base class for creating an Auth Plugin.
290    The Auth Plugin created contains only one authentication method. This
291    is generally the required usage.
293    An AuthConstructor creates an AuthMethod based on the method's
294    arguments and the auth_method_class defined by the plugin. It then
295    creates the auth plugin with only that authentication method.
296    """
298    _auth_method_class = None
300    def __init__(self, auth_url, *args, **kwargs):
301        method_kwargs = self._auth_method_class._extract_kwargs(kwargs)
302        method = self._auth_method_class(*args, **method_kwargs)
303        super(AuthConstructor, self).__init__(auth_url, [method], **kwargs)