1import argparse
2from collections import OrderedDict
3import configparser
4import glob as fileglob
5from io import StringIO
6import os
7import re
8import sys
10import toml
11from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, MutableMapping,  Optional, Sequence,
12                    TextIO, Tuple, Union, cast)
13from typing_extensions import Final
15from mypy import defaults
16from mypy.options import Options, PER_MODULE_OPTIONS
18_CONFIG_VALUE_TYPES = Union[str, bool, int, float, Dict[str, str], List[str], Tuple[int, int]]
22def parse_version(v: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
23    m = re.match(r'\A(\d)\.(\d+)\Z', v)
24    if not m:
25        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
26            "Invalid python version '{}' (expected format: 'x.y')".format(v))
27    major, minor = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
28    if major == 2:
29        if minor != 7:
30            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
31                "Python 2.{} is not supported (must be 2.7)".format(minor))
32    elif major == 3:
33        if minor < defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION_MIN[1]:
34            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
35                "Python 3.{0} is not supported (must be {1}.{2} or higher)".format(minor,
36                                                                    *defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION_MIN))
37    else:
38        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
39            "Python major version '{}' out of range (must be 2 or 3)".format(major))
40    return major, minor
43def try_split(v: Union[str, Sequence[str]], split_regex: str = '[,]') -> List[str]:
44    """Split and trim a str or list of str into a list of str"""
45    if isinstance(v, str):
46        return [p.strip() for p in re.split(split_regex, v)]
48    return [p.strip() for p in v]
51def expand_path(path: str) -> str:
52    """Expand the user home directory and any environment variables contained within
53    the provided path.
54    """
56    return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path))
59def split_and_match_files_list(paths: Sequence[str]) -> List[str]:
60    """Take a list of files/directories (with support for globbing through the glob library).
62    Where a path/glob matches no file, we still include the raw path in the resulting list.
64    Returns a list of file paths
65    """
66    expanded_paths = []
68    for path in paths:
69        path = expand_path(path.strip())
70        globbed_files = fileglob.glob(path, recursive=True)
71        if globbed_files:
72            expanded_paths.extend(globbed_files)
73        else:
74            expanded_paths.append(path)
76    return expanded_paths
79def split_and_match_files(paths: str) -> List[str]:
80    """Take a string representing a list of files/directories (with support for globbing
81    through the glob library).
83    Where a path/glob matches no file, we still include the raw path in the resulting list.
85    Returns a list of file paths
86    """
88    return split_and_match_files_list(paths.split(','))
91def check_follow_imports(choice: str) -> str:
92    choices = ['normal', 'silent', 'skip', 'error']
93    if choice not in choices:
94        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
95            "invalid choice '{}' (choose from {})".format(
96                choice,
97                ', '.join("'{}'".format(x) for x in choices)))
98    return choice
101# For most options, the type of the default value set in options.py is
102# sufficient, and we don't have to do anything here.  This table
103# exists to specify types for values initialized to None or container
104# types.
105ini_config_types = {
106    'python_version': parse_version,
107    'strict_optional_whitelist': lambda s: s.split(),
108    'custom_typing_module': str,
109    'custom_typeshed_dir': expand_path,
110    'mypy_path': lambda s: [expand_path(p.strip()) for p in re.split('[,:]', s)],
111    'files': split_and_match_files,
112    'quickstart_file': expand_path,
113    'junit_xml': expand_path,
114    # These two are for backwards compatibility
115    'silent_imports': bool,
116    'almost_silent': bool,
117    'follow_imports': check_follow_imports,
118    'no_site_packages': bool,
119    'plugins': lambda s: [p.strip() for p in s.split(',')],
120    'always_true': lambda s: [p.strip() for p in s.split(',')],
121    'always_false': lambda s: [p.strip() for p in s.split(',')],
122    'disable_error_code': lambda s: [p.strip() for p in s.split(',')],
123    'enable_error_code': lambda s: [p.strip() for p in s.split(',')],
124    'package_root': lambda s: [p.strip() for p in s.split(',')],
125    'cache_dir': expand_path,
126    'python_executable': expand_path,
127    'strict': bool,
128}  # type: Final[Dict[str, _INI_PARSER_CALLABLE]]
130# Reuse the ini_config_types and overwrite the diff
131toml_config_types = ini_config_types.copy()  # type: Final[Dict[str, _INI_PARSER_CALLABLE]]
133    'python_version': lambda s: parse_version(str(s)),
134    'strict_optional_whitelist': try_split,
135    'mypy_path': lambda s: [expand_path(p) for p in try_split(s, '[,:]')],
136    'files': lambda s: split_and_match_files_list(try_split(s)),
137    'follow_imports': lambda s: check_follow_imports(str(s)),
138    'plugins': try_split,
139    'always_true': try_split,
140    'always_false': try_split,
141    'disable_error_code': try_split,
142    'enable_error_code': try_split,
143    'package_root': try_split,
147def parse_config_file(options: Options, set_strict_flags: Callable[[], None],
148                      filename: Optional[str],
149                      stdout: Optional[TextIO] = None,
150                      stderr: Optional[TextIO] = None) -> None:
151    """Parse a config file into an Options object.
153    Errors are written to stderr but are not fatal.
155    If filename is None, fall back to default config files.
156    """
157    stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
158    stderr = stderr or sys.stderr
160    if filename is not None:
161        config_files = (filename,)  # type: Tuple[str, ...]
162    else:
163        config_files = tuple(map(os.path.expanduser, defaults.CONFIG_FILES))
165    config_parser = configparser.RawConfigParser()
167    for config_file in config_files:
168        if not os.path.exists(config_file):
169            continue
170        try:
171            if is_toml(config_file):
172                toml_data = cast("OrderedDict[str, Any]",
173                                 toml.load(config_file, _dict=OrderedDict))
174                # Filter down to just mypy relevant toml keys
175                toml_data = toml_data.get('tool', {})
176                if 'mypy' not in toml_data:
177                    continue
178                toml_data = OrderedDict({'mypy': toml_data['mypy']})
179                parser = destructure_overrides(toml_data)  # type: MutableMapping[str, Any]
180                config_types = toml_config_types
181            else:
182                config_parser.read(config_file)
183                parser = config_parser
184                config_types = ini_config_types
185        except (toml.TomlDecodeError, configparser.Error, ConfigTOMLValueError) as err:
186            print("%s: %s" % (config_file, err), file=stderr)
187        else:
188            if config_file in defaults.SHARED_CONFIG_FILES and 'mypy' not in parser:
189                continue
190            file_read = config_file
191            options.config_file = file_read
192            break
193    else:
194        return
196    os.environ['MYPY_CONFIG_FILE_DIR'] = os.path.dirname(
197            os.path.abspath(config_file))
199    if 'mypy' not in parser:
200        if filename or file_read not in defaults.SHARED_CONFIG_FILES:
201            print("%s: No [mypy] section in config file" % file_read, file=stderr)
202    else:
203        section = parser['mypy']
204        prefix = '%s: [%s]: ' % (file_read, 'mypy')
205        updates, report_dirs = parse_section(
206            prefix, options, set_strict_flags, section, config_types, stderr)
207        for k, v in updates.items():
208            setattr(options, k, v)
209        options.report_dirs.update(report_dirs)
211    for name, section in parser.items():
212        if name.startswith('mypy-'):
213            prefix = get_prefix(file_read, name)
214            updates, report_dirs = parse_section(
215                prefix, options, set_strict_flags, section, config_types, stderr)
216            if report_dirs:
217                print("%sPer-module sections should not specify reports (%s)" %
218                      (prefix, ', '.join(s + '_report' for s in sorted(report_dirs))),
219                      file=stderr)
220            if set(updates) - PER_MODULE_OPTIONS:
221                print("%sPer-module sections should only specify per-module flags (%s)" %
222                      (prefix, ', '.join(sorted(set(updates) - PER_MODULE_OPTIONS))),
223                      file=stderr)
224                updates = {k: v for k, v in updates.items() if k in PER_MODULE_OPTIONS}
225            globs = name[5:]
226            for glob in globs.split(','):
227                # For backwards compatibility, replace (back)slashes with dots.
228                glob = glob.replace(os.sep, '.')
229                if os.altsep:
230                    glob = glob.replace(os.altsep, '.')
232                if (any(c in glob for c in '?[]!') or
233                        any('*' in x and x != '*' for x in glob.split('.'))):
234                    print("%sPatterns must be fully-qualified module names, optionally "
235                          "with '*' in some components (e.g spam.*.eggs.*)"
236                          % prefix,
237                          file=stderr)
238                else:
239                    options.per_module_options[glob] = updates
242def get_prefix(file_read: str, name: str) -> str:
243    if is_toml(file_read):
244        module_name_str = 'module = "%s"' % '-'.join(name.split('-')[1:])
245    else:
246        module_name_str = name
248    return '%s: [%s]: ' % (file_read, module_name_str)
251def is_toml(filename: str) -> bool:
252    return filename.lower().endswith('.toml')
255def destructure_overrides(toml_data: "OrderedDict[str, Any]") -> "OrderedDict[str, Any]":
256    """Take the new [[tool.mypy.overrides]] section array in the pyproject.toml file,
257    and convert it back to a flatter structure that the existing config_parser can handle.
259    E.g. the following pyproject.toml file:
261        [[tool.mypy.overrides]]
262        module = [
263            "a.b",
264            "b.*"
265        ]
266        disallow_untyped_defs = true
268        [[tool.mypy.overrides]]
269        module = 'c'
270        disallow_untyped_defs = false
272    Would map to the following config dict that it would have gotten from parsing an equivalent
273    ini file:
275        {
276            "mypy-a.b": {
277                disallow_untyped_defs = true,
278            },
279            "mypy-b.*": {
280                disallow_untyped_defs = true,
281            },
282            "mypy-c": {
283                disallow_untyped_defs: false,
284            },
285        }
286    """
287    if 'overrides' not in toml_data['mypy']:
288        return toml_data
290    if not isinstance(toml_data['mypy']['overrides'], list):
291        raise ConfigTOMLValueError("tool.mypy.overrides sections must be an array. Please make "
292                         "sure you are using double brackets like so: [[tool.mypy.overrides]]")
294    result = toml_data.copy()
295    for override in result['mypy']['overrides']:
296        if 'module' not in override:
297            raise ConfigTOMLValueError("toml config file contains a [[tool.mypy.overrides]] "
298                             "section, but no module to override was specified.")
300        if isinstance(override['module'], str):
301            modules = [override['module']]
302        elif isinstance(override['module'], list):
303            modules = override['module']
304        else:
305            raise ConfigTOMLValueError("toml config file contains a [[tool.mypy.overrides]] "
306                             "section with a module value that is not a string or a list of "
307                             "strings")
309        for module in modules:
310            module_overrides = override.copy()
311            del module_overrides['module']
312            old_config_name = 'mypy-%s' % module
313            if old_config_name not in result:
314                result[old_config_name] = module_overrides
315            else:
316                for new_key, new_value in module_overrides.items():
317                    if (new_key in result[old_config_name] and
318                            result[old_config_name][new_key] != new_value):
319                        raise ConfigTOMLValueError("toml config file contains "
320                                         "[[tool.mypy.overrides]] sections with conflicting "
321                                         "values. Module '%s' has two different values for '%s'"
322                                         % (module, new_key))
323                    result[old_config_name][new_key] = new_value
325    del result['mypy']['overrides']
326    return result
329def parse_section(prefix: str, template: Options,
330                  set_strict_flags: Callable[[], None],
331                  section: Mapping[str, Any],
332                  config_types: Dict[str, Any],
333                  stderr: TextIO = sys.stderr
334                  ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, object], Dict[str, str]]:
335    """Parse one section of a config file.
337    Returns a dict of option values encountered, and a dict of report directories.
338    """
339    results = {}  # type: Dict[str, object]
340    report_dirs = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
341    for key in section:
342        invert = False
343        options_key = key
344        if key in config_types:
345            ct = config_types[key]
346        else:
347            dv = None
348            # We have to keep new_semantic_analyzer in Options
349            # for plugin compatibility but it is not a valid option anymore.
350            assert hasattr(template, 'new_semantic_analyzer')
351            if key != 'new_semantic_analyzer':
352                dv = getattr(template, key, None)
353            if dv is None:
354                if key.endswith('_report'):
355                    report_type = key[:-7].replace('_', '-')
356                    if report_type in defaults.REPORTER_NAMES:
357                        report_dirs[report_type] = str(section[key])
358                    else:
359                        print("%sUnrecognized report type: %s" % (prefix, key),
360                              file=stderr)
361                    continue
362                if key.startswith('x_'):
363                    pass  # Don't complain about `x_blah` flags
364                elif key.startswith('no_') and hasattr(template, key[3:]):
365                    options_key = key[3:]
366                    invert = True
367                elif key.startswith('allow') and hasattr(template, 'dis' + key):
368                    options_key = 'dis' + key
369                    invert = True
370                elif key.startswith('disallow') and hasattr(template, key[3:]):
371                    options_key = key[3:]
372                    invert = True
373                elif key == 'strict':
374                    pass  # Special handling below
375                else:
376                    print("%sUnrecognized option: %s = %s" % (prefix, key, section[key]),
377                          file=stderr)
378                if invert:
379                    dv = getattr(template, options_key, None)
380                else:
381                    continue
382            ct = type(dv)
383        v = None  # type: Any
384        try:
385            if ct is bool:
386                if isinstance(section, dict):
387                    v = convert_to_boolean(section.get(key))
388                else:
389                    v = section.getboolean(key)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]  # Until better stub
390                if invert:
391                    v = not v
392            elif callable(ct):
393                if invert:
394                    print("%sCan not invert non-boolean key %s" % (prefix, options_key),
395                          file=stderr)
396                    continue
397                try:
398                    v = ct(section.get(key))
399                except argparse.ArgumentTypeError as err:
400                    print("%s%s: %s" % (prefix, key, err), file=stderr)
401                    continue
402            else:
403                print("%sDon't know what type %s should have" % (prefix, key), file=stderr)
404                continue
405        except ValueError as err:
406            print("%s%s: %s" % (prefix, key, err), file=stderr)
407            continue
408        if key == 'strict':
409            if v:
410                set_strict_flags()
411            continue
412        if key == 'silent_imports':
413            print("%ssilent_imports has been replaced by "
414                  "ignore_missing_imports=True; follow_imports=skip" % prefix, file=stderr)
415            if v:
416                if 'ignore_missing_imports' not in results:
417                    results['ignore_missing_imports'] = True
418                if 'follow_imports' not in results:
419                    results['follow_imports'] = 'skip'
420        if key == 'almost_silent':
421            print("%salmost_silent has been replaced by "
422                  "follow_imports=error" % prefix, file=stderr)
423            if v:
424                if 'follow_imports' not in results:
425                    results['follow_imports'] = 'error'
426        results[options_key] = v
427    return results, report_dirs
430def convert_to_boolean(value: Optional[Any]) -> bool:
431    """Return a boolean value translating from other types if necessary."""
432    if isinstance(value, bool):
433        return value
434    if not isinstance(value, str):
435        value = str(value)
436    if value.lower() not in configparser.RawConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES:
437        raise ValueError('Not a boolean: %s' % value)
438    return configparser.RawConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES[value.lower()]
441def split_directive(s: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
442    """Split s on commas, except during quoted sections.
444    Returns the parts and a list of error messages."""
445    parts = []
446    cur = []  # type: List[str]
447    errors = []
448    i = 0
449    while i < len(s):
450        if s[i] == ',':
451            parts.append(''.join(cur).strip())
452            cur = []
453        elif s[i] == '"':
454            i += 1
455            while i < len(s) and s[i] != '"':
456                cur.append(s[i])
457                i += 1
458            if i == len(s):
459                errors.append("Unterminated quote in configuration comment")
460                cur.clear()
461        else:
462            cur.append(s[i])
463        i += 1
464    if cur:
465        parts.append(''.join(cur).strip())
467    return parts, errors
470def mypy_comments_to_config_map(line: str,
471                                template: Options) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], List[str]]:
472    """Rewrite the mypy comment syntax into ini file syntax.
474    Returns
475    """
476    options = {}
477    entries, errors = split_directive(line)
478    for entry in entries:
479        if '=' not in entry:
480            name = entry
481            value = None
482        else:
483            name, value = [x.strip() for x in entry.split('=', 1)]
485        name = name.replace('-', '_')
486        if value is None:
487            value = 'True'
488        options[name] = value
490    return options, errors
493def parse_mypy_comments(
494        args: List[Tuple[int, str]],
495        template: Options) -> Tuple[Dict[str, object], List[Tuple[int, str]]]:
496    """Parse a collection of inline mypy: configuration comments.
498    Returns a dictionary of options to be applied and a list of error messages
499    generated.
500    """
502    errors = []  # type: List[Tuple[int, str]]
503    sections = {}
505    for lineno, line in args:
506        # In order to easily match the behavior for bools, we abuse configparser.
507        # Oddly, the only way to get the SectionProxy object with the getboolean
508        # method is to create a config parser.
509        parser = configparser.RawConfigParser()
510        options, parse_errors = mypy_comments_to_config_map(line, template)
511        parser['dummy'] = options
512        errors.extend((lineno, x) for x in parse_errors)
514        stderr = StringIO()
515        strict_found = False
517        def set_strict_flags() -> None:
518            nonlocal strict_found
519            strict_found = True
521        new_sections, reports = parse_section(
522            '', template, set_strict_flags, parser['dummy'], ini_config_types, stderr=stderr)
523        errors.extend((lineno, x) for x in stderr.getvalue().strip().split('\n') if x)
524        if reports:
525            errors.append((lineno, "Reports not supported in inline configuration"))
526        if strict_found:
527            errors.append((lineno,
528                           'Setting "strict" not supported in inline configuration: specify it in '
529                           'a configuration file instead, or set individual inline flags '
530                           '(see "mypy -h" for the list of flags enabled in strict mode)'))
532        sections.update(new_sections)
534    return sections, errors
537def get_config_module_names(filename: Optional[str], modules: List[str]) -> str:
538    if not filename or not modules:
539        return ''
541    if not is_toml(filename):
542        return ", ".join("[mypy-%s]" % module for module in modules)
544    return "module = ['%s']" % ("', '".join(sorted(modules)))
547class ConfigTOMLValueError(ValueError):
548    pass