1import re
2import sys
3import warnings
5import typing  # for typing.Type, which conflicts with types.Type
6from typing import (
7    Tuple, Union, TypeVar, Callable, Sequence, Optional, Any, Dict, cast, List, overload
9from typing_extensions import Final, Literal, overload
11from mypy.sharedparse import (
12    special_function_elide_names, argument_elide_name,
14from mypy.nodes import (
15    MypyFile, Node, ImportBase, Import, ImportAll, ImportFrom, FuncDef,
16    OverloadedFuncDef, OverloadPart,
17    ClassDef, Decorator, Block, Var, OperatorAssignmentStmt,
18    ExpressionStmt, AssignmentStmt, ReturnStmt, RaiseStmt, AssertStmt,
19    DelStmt, BreakStmt, ContinueStmt, PassStmt, GlobalDecl,
20    WhileStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt, TryStmt, WithStmt,
21    TupleExpr, GeneratorExpr, ListComprehension, ListExpr, ConditionalExpr,
22    DictExpr, SetExpr, NameExpr, IntExpr, StrExpr, BytesExpr, UnicodeExpr,
23    FloatExpr, CallExpr, SuperExpr, MemberExpr, IndexExpr, SliceExpr, OpExpr,
24    UnaryExpr, LambdaExpr, ComparisonExpr, AssignmentExpr,
25    StarExpr, YieldFromExpr, NonlocalDecl, DictionaryComprehension,
26    SetComprehension, ComplexExpr, EllipsisExpr, YieldExpr, Argument,
27    AwaitExpr, TempNode, Expression, Statement,
29    check_arg_names,
30    FakeInfo,
32from mypy.types import (
33    Type, CallableType, AnyType, UnboundType, TupleType, TypeList, EllipsisType, CallableArgument,
34    TypeOfAny, Instance, RawExpressionType, ProperType, UnionType,
36from mypy import defaults
37from mypy import message_registry, errorcodes as codes
38from mypy.errors import Errors
39from mypy.options import Options
40from mypy.reachability import mark_block_unreachable
43    # pull this into a final variable to make mypyc be quiet about the
44    # the default argument warning
45    PY_MINOR_VERSION = sys.version_info[1]  # type: Final
47    # Check if we can use the stdlib ast module instead of typed_ast.
48    if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
49        import ast as ast3
50        assert 'kind' in ast3.Constant._fields, \
51               "This 3.8.0 alpha (%s) is too old; 3.8.0a3 required" % sys.version.split()[0]
52        # TODO: Num, Str, Bytes, NameConstant, Ellipsis are deprecated in 3.8.
53        # TODO: Index, ExtSlice are deprecated in 3.9.
54        from ast import (
55            AST,
56            Call,
57            FunctionType,
58            Name,
59            Attribute,
60            Ellipsis as ast3_Ellipsis,
61            Starred,
62            NameConstant,
63            Expression as ast3_Expression,
64            Str,
65            Bytes,
66            Index,
67            Num,
68            UnaryOp,
69            USub,
70        )
72        def ast3_parse(source: Union[str, bytes], filename: str, mode: str,
73                       feature_version: int = PY_MINOR_VERSION) -> AST:
74            return ast3.parse(source, filename, mode,
75                              type_comments=True,  # This works the magic
76                              feature_version=feature_version)
78        NamedExpr = ast3.NamedExpr
79        Constant = ast3.Constant
80    else:
81        from typed_ast import ast3
82        from typed_ast.ast3 import (
83            AST,
84            Call,
85            FunctionType,
86            Name,
87            Attribute,
88            Ellipsis as ast3_Ellipsis,
89            Starred,
90            NameConstant,
91            Expression as ast3_Expression,
92            Str,
93            Bytes,
94            Index,
95            Num,
96            UnaryOp,
97            USub,
98        )
100        def ast3_parse(source: Union[str, bytes], filename: str, mode: str,
101                       feature_version: int = PY_MINOR_VERSION) -> AST:
102            return ast3.parse(source, filename, mode, feature_version=feature_version)
104        # These don't exist before 3.8
105        NamedExpr = Any
106        Constant = Any
107except ImportError:
108    try:
109        from typed_ast import ast35  # type: ignore[attr-defined]  # noqa: F401
110    except ImportError:
111        print('The typed_ast package is not installed.\n'
112              'You can install it with `python3 -m pip install typed-ast`.',
113              file=sys.stderr)
114    else:
115        print('You need a more recent version of the typed_ast package.\n'
116              'You can update to the latest version with '
117              '`python3 -m pip install -U typed-ast`.',
118              file=sys.stderr)
119    sys.exit(1)
121N = TypeVar('N', bound=Node)
123# There is no way to create reasonable fallbacks at this stage,
124# they must be patched later.
125MISSING_FALLBACK = FakeInfo("fallback can't be filled out until semanal")  # type: Final
126_dummy_fallback = Instance(MISSING_FALLBACK, [], -1)  # type: Final
128TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR = 'syntax error in type comment'  # type: Final
130INVALID_TYPE_IGNORE = 'Invalid "type: ignore" comment'  # type: Final
132TYPE_IGNORE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'[^#]*#\s*type:\s*ignore\s*(.*)')
135def parse(source: Union[str, bytes],
136          fnam: str,
137          module: Optional[str],
138          errors: Optional[Errors] = None,
139          options: Optional[Options] = None) -> MypyFile:
141    """Parse a source file, without doing any semantic analysis.
143    Return the parse tree. If errors is not provided, raise ParseError
144    on failure. Otherwise, use the errors object to report parse errors.
145    """
146    raise_on_error = False
147    if errors is None:
148        errors = Errors()
149        raise_on_error = True
150    if options is None:
151        options = Options()
152    errors.set_file(fnam, module)
153    is_stub_file = fnam.endswith('.pyi')
154    try:
155        if is_stub_file:
156            feature_version = defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION[1]
157        else:
158            assert options.python_version[0] >= 3
159            feature_version = options.python_version[1]
160        # Disable deprecation warnings about \u
161        with warnings.catch_warnings():
162            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
163            ast = ast3_parse(source, fnam, 'exec', feature_version=feature_version)
165        tree = ASTConverter(options=options,
166                            is_stub=is_stub_file,
167                            errors=errors,
168                            ).visit(ast)
169        tree.path = fnam
170        tree.is_stub = is_stub_file
171    except SyntaxError as e:
172        # alias to please mypyc
173        is_py38_or_earlier = sys.version_info < (3, 9)
174        if is_py38_or_earlier and e.filename == "<fstring>":
175            # In Python 3.8 and earlier, syntax errors in f-strings have lineno relative to the
176            # start of the f-string. This would be misleading, as mypy will report the error as the
177            # lineno within the file.
178            e.lineno = None
179        errors.report(e.lineno if e.lineno is not None else -1, e.offset, e.msg, blocker=True,
180                      code=codes.SYNTAX)
181        tree = MypyFile([], [], False, {})
183    if raise_on_error and errors.is_errors():
184        errors.raise_error()
186    return tree
189def parse_type_ignore_tag(tag: Optional[str]) -> Optional[List[str]]:
190    """Parse optional "[code, ...]" tag after "# type: ignore".
192    Return:
193     * [] if no tag was found (ignore all errors)
194     * list of ignored error codes if a tag was found
195     * None if the tag was invalid.
196    """
197    if not tag or tag.strip() == '' or tag.strip().startswith('#'):
198        # No tag -- ignore all errors.
199        return []
200    m = re.match(r'\s*\[([^]#]*)\]\s*(#.*)?$', tag)
201    if m is None:
202        # Invalid "# type: ignore" comment.
203        return None
204    return [code.strip() for code in m.group(1).split(',')]
207def parse_type_comment(type_comment: str,
208                       line: int,
209                       column: int,
210                       errors: Optional[Errors],
211                       assume_str_is_unicode: bool = True,
212                       ) -> Tuple[Optional[List[str]], Optional[ProperType]]:
213    """Parse type portion of a type comment (+ optional type ignore).
215    Return (ignore info, parsed type).
216    """
217    try:
218        typ = ast3_parse(type_comment, '<type_comment>', 'eval')
219    except SyntaxError:
220        if errors is not None:
221            stripped_type = type_comment.split("#", 2)[0].strip()
222            err_msg = '{} "{}"'.format(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, stripped_type)
223            errors.report(line, column, err_msg, blocker=True, code=codes.SYNTAX)
224            return None, None
225        else:
226            raise
227    else:
228        extra_ignore = TYPE_IGNORE_PATTERN.match(type_comment)
229        if extra_ignore:
230            # Typeshed has a non-optional return type for group!
231            tag = cast(Any, extra_ignore).group(1)  # type: Optional[str]
232            ignored = parse_type_ignore_tag(tag)  # type: Optional[List[str]]
233            if ignored is None:
234                if errors is not None:
235                    errors.report(line, column, INVALID_TYPE_IGNORE, code=codes.SYNTAX)
236                else:
237                    raise SyntaxError
238        else:
239            ignored = None
240        assert isinstance(typ, ast3_Expression)
241        converted = TypeConverter(errors,
242                                  line=line,
243                                  override_column=column,
244                                  assume_str_is_unicode=assume_str_is_unicode,
245                                  is_evaluated=False).visit(typ.body)
246        return ignored, converted
249def parse_type_string(expr_string: str, expr_fallback_name: str,
250                      line: int, column: int, assume_str_is_unicode: bool = True) -> ProperType:
251    """Parses a type that was originally present inside of an explicit string,
252    byte string, or unicode string.
254    For example, suppose we have the type `Foo["blah"]`. We should parse the
255    string expression "blah" using this function.
257    If `assume_str_is_unicode` is set to true, this function will assume that
258    `Foo["blah"]` is equivalent to `Foo[u"blah"]`. Otherwise, it assumes it's
259    equivalent to `Foo[b"blah"]`.
261    The caller is responsible for keeping track of the context in which the
262    type string was encountered (e.g. in Python 3 code, Python 2 code, Python 2
263    code with unicode_literals...) and setting `assume_str_is_unicode` accordingly.
264    """
265    try:
266        _, node = parse_type_comment(expr_string.strip(), line=line, column=column, errors=None,
267                                     assume_str_is_unicode=assume_str_is_unicode)
268        if isinstance(node, UnboundType) and node.original_str_expr is None:
269            node.original_str_expr = expr_string
270            node.original_str_fallback = expr_fallback_name
271            return node
272        elif isinstance(node, UnionType):
273            return node
274        else:
275            return RawExpressionType(expr_string, expr_fallback_name, line, column)
276    except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
277        # Note: the parser will raise a `ValueError` instead of a SyntaxError if
278        # the string happens to contain things like \x00.
279        return RawExpressionType(expr_string, expr_fallback_name, line, column)
282def is_no_type_check_decorator(expr: ast3.expr) -> bool:
283    if isinstance(expr, Name):
284        return expr.id == 'no_type_check'
285    elif isinstance(expr, Attribute):
286        if isinstance(expr.value, Name):
287            return expr.value.id == 'typing' and expr.attr == 'no_type_check'
288    return False
291class ASTConverter:
292    def __init__(self,
293                 options: Options,
294                 is_stub: bool,
295                 errors: Errors) -> None:
296        # 'C' for class, 'F' for function
297        self.class_and_function_stack = []  # type: List[Literal['C', 'F']]
298        self.imports = []  # type: List[ImportBase]
300        self.options = options
301        self.is_stub = is_stub
302        self.errors = errors
304        self.type_ignores = {}  # type: Dict[int, List[str]]
306        # Cache of visit_X methods keyed by type of visited object
307        self.visitor_cache = {}  # type: Dict[type, Callable[[Optional[AST]], Any]]
309    def note(self, msg: str, line: int, column: int) -> None:
310        self.errors.report(line, column, msg, severity='note', code=codes.SYNTAX)
312    def fail(self,
313             msg: str,
314             line: int,
315             column: int,
316             blocker: bool = True) -> None:
317        if blocker or not self.options.ignore_errors:
318            self.errors.report(line, column, msg, blocker=blocker, code=codes.SYNTAX)
320    def visit(self, node: Optional[AST]) -> Any:
321        if node is None:
322            return None
323        typeobj = type(node)
324        visitor = self.visitor_cache.get(typeobj)
325        if visitor is None:
326            method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
327            visitor = getattr(self, method)
328            self.visitor_cache[typeobj] = visitor
329        return visitor(node)
331    def set_line(self, node: N, n: Union[ast3.expr, ast3.stmt, ast3.ExceptHandler]) -> N:
332        node.line = n.lineno
333        node.column = n.col_offset
334        node.end_line = getattr(n, "end_lineno", None) if isinstance(n, ast3.expr) else None
335        return node
337    def translate_opt_expr_list(self, l: Sequence[Optional[AST]]) -> List[Optional[Expression]]:
338        res = []  # type: List[Optional[Expression]]
339        for e in l:
340            exp = self.visit(e)
341            res.append(exp)
342        return res
344    def translate_expr_list(self, l: Sequence[AST]) -> List[Expression]:
345        return cast(List[Expression], self.translate_opt_expr_list(l))
347    def get_lineno(self, node: Union[ast3.expr, ast3.stmt]) -> int:
348        if (isinstance(node, (ast3.AsyncFunctionDef, ast3.ClassDef, ast3.FunctionDef))
349                and node.decorator_list):
350            return node.decorator_list[0].lineno
351        return node.lineno
353    def translate_stmt_list(self,
354                            stmts: Sequence[ast3.stmt],
355                            ismodule: bool = False) -> List[Statement]:
356        # A "# type: ignore" comment before the first statement of a module
357        # ignores the whole module:
358        if (ismodule and stmts and self.type_ignores
359                and min(self.type_ignores) < self.get_lineno(stmts[0])):
360            self.errors.used_ignored_lines[self.errors.file].add(min(self.type_ignores))
361            block = Block(self.fix_function_overloads(self.translate_stmt_list(stmts)))
362            mark_block_unreachable(block)
363            return [block]
365        res = []  # type: List[Statement]
366        for stmt in stmts:
367            node = self.visit(stmt)
368            res.append(node)
370        return res
372    def translate_type_comment(self,
373                               n: Union[ast3.stmt, ast3.arg],
374                               type_comment: Optional[str]) -> Optional[ProperType]:
375        if type_comment is None:
376            return None
377        else:
378            lineno = n.lineno
379            extra_ignore, typ = parse_type_comment(type_comment,
380                                                   lineno,
381                                                   n.col_offset,
382                                                   self.errors)
383            if extra_ignore is not None:
384                self.type_ignores[lineno] = extra_ignore
385            return typ
387    op_map = {
388        ast3.Add: '+',
389        ast3.Sub: '-',
390        ast3.Mult: '*',
391        ast3.MatMult: '@',
392        ast3.Div: '/',
393        ast3.Mod: '%',
394        ast3.Pow: '**',
395        ast3.LShift: '<<',
396        ast3.RShift: '>>',
397        ast3.BitOr: '|',
398        ast3.BitXor: '^',
399        ast3.BitAnd: '&',
400        ast3.FloorDiv: '//'
401    }  # type: Final[Dict[typing.Type[AST], str]]
403    def from_operator(self, op: ast3.operator) -> str:
404        op_name = ASTConverter.op_map.get(type(op))
405        if op_name is None:
406            raise RuntimeError('Unknown operator ' + str(type(op)))
407        else:
408            return op_name
410    comp_op_map = {
411        ast3.Gt: '>',
412        ast3.Lt: '<',
413        ast3.Eq: '==',
414        ast3.GtE: '>=',
415        ast3.LtE: '<=',
416        ast3.NotEq: '!=',
417        ast3.Is: 'is',
418        ast3.IsNot: 'is not',
419        ast3.In: 'in',
420        ast3.NotIn: 'not in'
421    }  # type: Final[Dict[typing.Type[AST], str]]
423    def from_comp_operator(self, op: ast3.cmpop) -> str:
424        op_name = ASTConverter.comp_op_map.get(type(op))
425        if op_name is None:
426            raise RuntimeError('Unknown comparison operator ' + str(type(op)))
427        else:
428            return op_name
430    def as_block(self, stmts: List[ast3.stmt], lineno: int) -> Optional[Block]:
431        b = None
432        if stmts:
433            b = Block(self.fix_function_overloads(self.translate_stmt_list(stmts)))
434            b.set_line(lineno)
435        return b
437    def as_required_block(self, stmts: List[ast3.stmt], lineno: int) -> Block:
438        assert stmts  # must be non-empty
439        b = Block(self.fix_function_overloads(self.translate_stmt_list(stmts)))
440        b.set_line(lineno)
441        return b
443    def fix_function_overloads(self, stmts: List[Statement]) -> List[Statement]:
444        ret = []  # type: List[Statement]
445        current_overload = []  # type: List[OverloadPart]
446        current_overload_name = None  # type: Optional[str]
447        for stmt in stmts:
448            if (current_overload_name is not None
449                    and isinstance(stmt, (Decorator, FuncDef))
450                    and stmt.name == current_overload_name):
451                current_overload.append(stmt)
452            else:
453                if len(current_overload) == 1:
454                    ret.append(current_overload[0])
455                elif len(current_overload) > 1:
456                    ret.append(OverloadedFuncDef(current_overload))
458                if isinstance(stmt, Decorator):
459                    current_overload = [stmt]
460                    current_overload_name = stmt.name
461                else:
462                    current_overload = []
463                    current_overload_name = None
464                    ret.append(stmt)
466        if len(current_overload) == 1:
467            ret.append(current_overload[0])
468        elif len(current_overload) > 1:
469            ret.append(OverloadedFuncDef(current_overload))
470        return ret
472    def in_method_scope(self) -> bool:
473        return self.class_and_function_stack[-2:] == ['C', 'F']
475    def translate_module_id(self, id: str) -> str:
476        """Return the actual, internal module id for a source text id.
478        For example, translate '__builtin__' in Python 2 to 'builtins'.
479        """
480        if id == self.options.custom_typing_module:
481            return 'typing'
482        elif id == '__builtin__' and self.options.python_version[0] == 2:
483            # HACK: __builtin__ in Python 2 is aliases to builtins. However, the implementation
484            #   is named __builtin__.py (there is another layer of translation elsewhere).
485            return 'builtins'
486        return id
488    def visit_Module(self, mod: ast3.Module) -> MypyFile:
489        self.type_ignores = {}
490        for ti in mod.type_ignores:
491            parsed = parse_type_ignore_tag(ti.tag)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
492            if parsed is not None:
493                self.type_ignores[ti.lineno] = parsed
494            else:
495                self.fail(INVALID_TYPE_IGNORE, ti.lineno, -1)
496        body = self.fix_function_overloads(self.translate_stmt_list(mod.body, ismodule=True))
497        return MypyFile(body,
498                        self.imports,
499                        False,
500                        self.type_ignores,
501                        )
503    # --- stmt ---
504    # FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args,
505    #             stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment)
506    # arguments = (arg* args, arg? vararg, arg* kwonlyargs, expr* kw_defaults,
507    #              arg? kwarg, expr* defaults)
508    def visit_FunctionDef(self, n: ast3.FunctionDef) -> Union[FuncDef, Decorator]:
509        return self.do_func_def(n)
511    # AsyncFunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args,
512    #                  stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns, string? type_comment)
513    def visit_AsyncFunctionDef(self, n: ast3.AsyncFunctionDef) -> Union[FuncDef, Decorator]:
514        return self.do_func_def(n, is_coroutine=True)
516    def do_func_def(self, n: Union[ast3.FunctionDef, ast3.AsyncFunctionDef],
517                    is_coroutine: bool = False) -> Union[FuncDef, Decorator]:
518        """Helper shared between visit_FunctionDef and visit_AsyncFunctionDef."""
519        self.class_and_function_stack.append('F')
520        no_type_check = bool(n.decorator_list and
521                             any(is_no_type_check_decorator(d) for d in n.decorator_list))
523        lineno = n.lineno
524        args = self.transform_args(n.args, lineno, no_type_check=no_type_check)
526        posonlyargs = [arg.arg for arg in getattr(n.args, "posonlyargs", [])]
527        arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
528        arg_names = [arg.variable.name for arg in args]  # type: List[Optional[str]]
529        arg_names = [None if argument_elide_name(name) or name in posonlyargs else name
530                     for name in arg_names]
531        if special_function_elide_names(n.name):
532            arg_names = [None] * len(arg_names)
533        arg_types = []  # type: List[Optional[Type]]
534        if no_type_check:
535            arg_types = [None] * len(args)
536            return_type = None
537        elif n.type_comment is not None:
538            try:
539                func_type_ast = ast3_parse(n.type_comment, '<func_type>', 'func_type')
540                assert isinstance(func_type_ast, FunctionType)
541                # for ellipsis arg
542                if (len(func_type_ast.argtypes) == 1 and
543                        isinstance(func_type_ast.argtypes[0], ast3_Ellipsis)):
544                    if n.returns:
545                        # PEP 484 disallows both type annotations and type comments
546                        self.fail(message_registry.DUPLICATE_TYPE_SIGNATURES, lineno, n.col_offset)
547                    arg_types = [a.type_annotation
548                                 if a.type_annotation is not None
549                                 else AnyType(TypeOfAny.unannotated)
550                                 for a in args]
551                else:
552                    # PEP 484 disallows both type annotations and type comments
553                    if n.returns or any(a.type_annotation is not None for a in args):
554                        self.fail(message_registry.DUPLICATE_TYPE_SIGNATURES, lineno, n.col_offset)
555                    translated_args = (TypeConverter(self.errors,
556                                                     line=lineno,
557                                                     override_column=n.col_offset)
558                                       .translate_expr_list(func_type_ast.argtypes))
559                    arg_types = [a if a is not None else AnyType(TypeOfAny.unannotated)
560                                for a in translated_args]
561                return_type = TypeConverter(self.errors,
562                                            line=lineno).visit(func_type_ast.returns)
564                # add implicit self type
565                if self.in_method_scope() and len(arg_types) < len(args):
566                    arg_types.insert(0, AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form))
567            except SyntaxError:
568                stripped_type = n.type_comment.split("#", 2)[0].strip()
569                err_msg = '{} "{}"'.format(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, stripped_type)
570                self.fail(err_msg, lineno, n.col_offset)
571                if n.type_comment and n.type_comment[0] not in ["(", "#"]:
572                    self.note('Suggestion: wrap argument types in parentheses',
573                              lineno, n.col_offset)
574                arg_types = [AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)] * len(args)
575                return_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
576        else:
577            arg_types = [a.type_annotation for a in args]
578            return_type = TypeConverter(self.errors, line=n.returns.lineno
579                                        if n.returns else lineno).visit(n.returns)
581        for arg, arg_type in zip(args, arg_types):
582            self.set_type_optional(arg_type, arg.initializer)
584        func_type = None
585        if any(arg_types) or return_type:
586            if len(arg_types) != 1 and any(isinstance(t, EllipsisType)
587                                           for t in arg_types):
588                self.fail("Ellipses cannot accompany other argument types "
589                          "in function type signature", lineno, n.col_offset)
590            elif len(arg_types) > len(arg_kinds):
591                self.fail('Type signature has too many arguments', lineno, n.col_offset,
592                          blocker=False)
593            elif len(arg_types) < len(arg_kinds):
594                self.fail('Type signature has too few arguments', lineno, n.col_offset,
595                          blocker=False)
596            else:
597                func_type = CallableType([a if a is not None else
598                                          AnyType(TypeOfAny.unannotated) for a in arg_types],
599                                         arg_kinds,
600                                         arg_names,
601                                         return_type if return_type is not None else
602                                         AnyType(TypeOfAny.unannotated),
603                                         _dummy_fallback)
605        func_def = FuncDef(n.name,
606                       args,
607                       self.as_required_block(n.body, lineno),
608                       func_type)
609        if isinstance(func_def.type, CallableType):
610            # semanal.py does some in-place modifications we want to avoid
611            func_def.unanalyzed_type = func_def.type.copy_modified()
612        if is_coroutine:
613            func_def.is_coroutine = True
614        if func_type is not None:
615            func_type.definition = func_def
616            func_type.line = lineno
618        if n.decorator_list:
619            if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
620                # Before 3.8, [typed_]ast the line number points to the first decorator.
621                # In 3.8, it points to the 'def' line, where we want it.
622                lineno += len(n.decorator_list)
623                end_lineno = None  # type: Optional[int]
624            else:
625                # Set end_lineno to the old pre-3.8 lineno, in order to keep
626                # existing "# type: ignore" comments working:
627                end_lineno = n.decorator_list[0].lineno + len(n.decorator_list)
629            var = Var(func_def.name)
630            var.is_ready = False
631            var.set_line(lineno)
633            func_def.is_decorated = True
634            func_def.set_line(lineno, n.col_offset, end_lineno)
635            func_def.body.set_line(lineno)  # TODO: Why?
637            deco = Decorator(func_def, self.translate_expr_list(n.decorator_list), var)
638            first = n.decorator_list[0]
639            deco.set_line(first.lineno, first.col_offset)
640            retval = deco  # type: Union[FuncDef, Decorator]
641        else:
642            # FuncDef overrides set_line -- can't use self.set_line
643            func_def.set_line(lineno, n.col_offset)
644            retval = func_def
645        self.class_and_function_stack.pop()
646        return retval
648    def set_type_optional(self, type: Optional[Type], initializer: Optional[Expression]) -> None:
649        if self.options.no_implicit_optional:
650            return
651        # Indicate that type should be wrapped in an Optional if arg is initialized to None.
652        optional = isinstance(initializer, NameExpr) and initializer.name == 'None'
653        if isinstance(type, UnboundType):
654            type.optional = optional
656    def transform_args(self,
657                       args: ast3.arguments,
658                       line: int,
659                       no_type_check: bool = False,
660                       ) -> List[Argument]:
661        new_args = []
662        names = []  # type: List[ast3.arg]
663        args_args = getattr(args, "posonlyargs", []) + args.args
664        args_defaults = args.defaults
665        num_no_defaults = len(args_args) - len(args_defaults)
666        # positional arguments without defaults
667        for a in args_args[:num_no_defaults]:
668            new_args.append(self.make_argument(a, None, ARG_POS, no_type_check))
669            names.append(a)
671        # positional arguments with defaults
672        for a, d in zip(args_args[num_no_defaults:], args_defaults):
673            new_args.append(self.make_argument(a, d, ARG_OPT, no_type_check))
674            names.append(a)
676        # *arg
677        if args.vararg is not None:
678            new_args.append(self.make_argument(args.vararg, None, ARG_STAR, no_type_check))
679            names.append(args.vararg)
681        # keyword-only arguments with defaults
682        for a, kd in zip(args.kwonlyargs, args.kw_defaults):
683            new_args.append(self.make_argument(
684                a,
685                kd,
686                ARG_NAMED if kd is None else ARG_NAMED_OPT,
687                no_type_check))
688            names.append(a)
690        # **kwarg
691        if args.kwarg is not None:
692            new_args.append(self.make_argument(args.kwarg, None, ARG_STAR2, no_type_check))
693            names.append(args.kwarg)
695        check_arg_names([arg.variable.name for arg in new_args], names, self.fail_arg)
697        return new_args
699    def make_argument(self, arg: ast3.arg, default: Optional[ast3.expr], kind: int,
700                      no_type_check: bool) -> Argument:
701        if no_type_check:
702            arg_type = None
703        else:
704            annotation = arg.annotation
705            type_comment = arg.type_comment
706            if annotation is not None and type_comment is not None:
707                self.fail(message_registry.DUPLICATE_TYPE_SIGNATURES, arg.lineno, arg.col_offset)
708            arg_type = None
709            if annotation is not None:
710                arg_type = TypeConverter(self.errors, line=arg.lineno).visit(annotation)
711            else:
712                arg_type = self.translate_type_comment(arg, type_comment)
713        return Argument(Var(arg.arg), arg_type, self.visit(default), kind)
715    def fail_arg(self, msg: str, arg: ast3.arg) -> None:
716        self.fail(msg, arg.lineno, arg.col_offset)
718    # ClassDef(identifier name,
719    #  expr* bases,
720    #  keyword* keywords,
721    #  stmt* body,
722    #  expr* decorator_list)
723    def visit_ClassDef(self, n: ast3.ClassDef) -> ClassDef:
724        self.class_and_function_stack.append('C')
725        keywords = [(kw.arg, self.visit(kw.value))
726                    for kw in n.keywords if kw.arg]
728        cdef = ClassDef(n.name,
729                        self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
730                        None,
731                        self.translate_expr_list(n.bases),
732                        metaclass=dict(keywords).get('metaclass'),
733                        keywords=keywords)
734        cdef.decorators = self.translate_expr_list(n.decorator_list)
735        # Set end_lineno to the old mypy 0.700 lineno, in order to keep
736        # existing "# type: ignore" comments working:
737        if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
738            cdef.line = n.lineno + len(n.decorator_list)
739            cdef.end_line = n.lineno
740        else:
741            cdef.line = n.lineno
742            cdef.end_line = n.decorator_list[0].lineno if n.decorator_list else None
743        cdef.column = n.col_offset
744        self.class_and_function_stack.pop()
745        return cdef
747    # Return(expr? value)
748    def visit_Return(self, n: ast3.Return) -> ReturnStmt:
749        node = ReturnStmt(self.visit(n.value))
750        return self.set_line(node, n)
752    # Delete(expr* targets)
753    def visit_Delete(self, n: ast3.Delete) -> DelStmt:
754        if len(n.targets) > 1:
755            tup = TupleExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.targets))
756            tup.set_line(n.lineno)
757            node = DelStmt(tup)
758        else:
759            node = DelStmt(self.visit(n.targets[0]))
760        return self.set_line(node, n)
762    # Assign(expr* targets, expr? value, string? type_comment, expr? annotation)
763    def visit_Assign(self, n: ast3.Assign) -> AssignmentStmt:
764        lvalues = self.translate_expr_list(n.targets)
765        rvalue = self.visit(n.value)
766        typ = self.translate_type_comment(n, n.type_comment)
767        s = AssignmentStmt(lvalues, rvalue, type=typ, new_syntax=False)
768        return self.set_line(s, n)
770    # AnnAssign(expr target, expr annotation, expr? value, int simple)
771    def visit_AnnAssign(self, n: ast3.AnnAssign) -> AssignmentStmt:
772        line = n.lineno
773        if n.value is None:  # always allow 'x: int'
774            rvalue = TempNode(AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form), no_rhs=True)  # type: Expression
775            rvalue.line = line
776            rvalue.column = n.col_offset
777        else:
778            rvalue = self.visit(n.value)
779        typ = TypeConverter(self.errors, line=line).visit(n.annotation)
780        assert typ is not None
781        typ.column = n.annotation.col_offset
782        s = AssignmentStmt([self.visit(n.target)], rvalue, type=typ, new_syntax=True)
783        return self.set_line(s, n)
785    # AugAssign(expr target, operator op, expr value)
786    def visit_AugAssign(self, n: ast3.AugAssign) -> OperatorAssignmentStmt:
787        s = OperatorAssignmentStmt(self.from_operator(n.op),
788                                   self.visit(n.target),
789                                   self.visit(n.value))
790        return self.set_line(s, n)
792    # For(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment)
793    def visit_For(self, n: ast3.For) -> ForStmt:
794        target_type = self.translate_type_comment(n, n.type_comment)
795        node = ForStmt(self.visit(n.target),
796                       self.visit(n.iter),
797                       self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
798                       self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno),
799                       target_type)
800        return self.set_line(node, n)
802    # AsyncFor(expr target, expr iter, stmt* body, stmt* orelse, string? type_comment)
803    def visit_AsyncFor(self, n: ast3.AsyncFor) -> ForStmt:
804        target_type = self.translate_type_comment(n, n.type_comment)
805        node = ForStmt(self.visit(n.target),
806                       self.visit(n.iter),
807                       self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
808                       self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno),
809                       target_type)
810        node.is_async = True
811        return self.set_line(node, n)
813    # While(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
814    def visit_While(self, n: ast3.While) -> WhileStmt:
815        node = WhileStmt(self.visit(n.test),
816                         self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
817                         self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno))
818        return self.set_line(node, n)
820    # If(expr test, stmt* body, stmt* orelse)
821    def visit_If(self, n: ast3.If) -> IfStmt:
822        lineno = n.lineno
823        node = IfStmt([self.visit(n.test)],
824                      [self.as_required_block(n.body, lineno)],
825                      self.as_block(n.orelse, lineno))
826        return self.set_line(node, n)
828    # With(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment)
829    def visit_With(self, n: ast3.With) -> WithStmt:
830        target_type = self.translate_type_comment(n, n.type_comment)
831        node = WithStmt([self.visit(i.context_expr) for i in n.items],
832                        [self.visit(i.optional_vars) for i in n.items],
833                        self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
834                        target_type)
835        return self.set_line(node, n)
837    # AsyncWith(withitem* items, stmt* body, string? type_comment)
838    def visit_AsyncWith(self, n: ast3.AsyncWith) -> WithStmt:
839        target_type = self.translate_type_comment(n, n.type_comment)
840        s = WithStmt([self.visit(i.context_expr) for i in n.items],
841                     [self.visit(i.optional_vars) for i in n.items],
842                     self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
843                     target_type)
844        s.is_async = True
845        return self.set_line(s, n)
847    # Raise(expr? exc, expr? cause)
848    def visit_Raise(self, n: ast3.Raise) -> RaiseStmt:
849        node = RaiseStmt(self.visit(n.exc), self.visit(n.cause))
850        return self.set_line(node, n)
852    # Try(stmt* body, excepthandler* handlers, stmt* orelse, stmt* finalbody)
853    def visit_Try(self, n: ast3.Try) -> TryStmt:
854        vs = [
855            self.set_line(NameExpr(h.name), h) if h.name is not None else None for h in n.handlers
856        ]
857        types = [self.visit(h.type) for h in n.handlers]
858        handlers = [self.as_required_block(h.body, h.lineno) for h in n.handlers]
860        node = TryStmt(self.as_required_block(n.body, n.lineno),
861                       vs,
862                       types,
863                       handlers,
864                       self.as_block(n.orelse, n.lineno),
865                       self.as_block(n.finalbody, n.lineno))
866        return self.set_line(node, n)
868    # Assert(expr test, expr? msg)
869    def visit_Assert(self, n: ast3.Assert) -> AssertStmt:
870        node = AssertStmt(self.visit(n.test), self.visit(n.msg))
871        return self.set_line(node, n)
873    # Import(alias* names)
874    def visit_Import(self, n: ast3.Import) -> Import:
875        names = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]
876        for alias in n.names:
877            name = self.translate_module_id(alias.name)
878            asname = alias.asname
879            if asname is None and name != alias.name:
880                # if the module name has been translated (and it's not already
881                # an explicit import-as), make it an implicit import-as the
882                # original name
883                asname = alias.name
884            names.append((name, asname))
885        i = Import(names)
886        self.imports.append(i)
887        return self.set_line(i, n)
889    # ImportFrom(identifier? module, alias* names, int? level)
890    def visit_ImportFrom(self, n: ast3.ImportFrom) -> ImportBase:
891        assert n.level is not None
892        if len(n.names) == 1 and n.names[0].name == '*':
893            mod = n.module if n.module is not None else ''
894            i = ImportAll(mod, n.level)  # type: ImportBase
895        else:
896            i = ImportFrom(self.translate_module_id(n.module) if n.module is not None else '',
897                           n.level,
898                           [(a.name, a.asname) for a in n.names])
899        self.imports.append(i)
900        return self.set_line(i, n)
902    # Global(identifier* names)
903    def visit_Global(self, n: ast3.Global) -> GlobalDecl:
904        g = GlobalDecl(n.names)
905        return self.set_line(g, n)
907    # Nonlocal(identifier* names)
908    def visit_Nonlocal(self, n: ast3.Nonlocal) -> NonlocalDecl:
909        d = NonlocalDecl(n.names)
910        return self.set_line(d, n)
912    # Expr(expr value)
913    def visit_Expr(self, n: ast3.Expr) -> ExpressionStmt:
914        value = self.visit(n.value)
915        node = ExpressionStmt(value)
916        return self.set_line(node, n)
918    # Pass
919    def visit_Pass(self, n: ast3.Pass) -> PassStmt:
920        s = PassStmt()
921        return self.set_line(s, n)
923    # Break
924    def visit_Break(self, n: ast3.Break) -> BreakStmt:
925        s = BreakStmt()
926        return self.set_line(s, n)
928    # Continue
929    def visit_Continue(self, n: ast3.Continue) -> ContinueStmt:
930        s = ContinueStmt()
931        return self.set_line(s, n)
933    # --- expr ---
935    def visit_NamedExpr(self, n: NamedExpr) -> AssignmentExpr:
936        s = AssignmentExpr(self.visit(n.target), self.visit(n.value))
937        return self.set_line(s, n)
939    # BoolOp(boolop op, expr* values)
940    def visit_BoolOp(self, n: ast3.BoolOp) -> OpExpr:
941        # mypy translates (1 and 2 and 3) as (1 and (2 and 3))
942        assert len(n.values) >= 2
943        op_node = n.op
944        if isinstance(op_node, ast3.And):
945            op = 'and'
946        elif isinstance(op_node, ast3.Or):
947            op = 'or'
948        else:
949            raise RuntimeError('unknown BoolOp ' + str(type(n)))
951        # potentially inefficient!
952        return self.group(op, self.translate_expr_list(n.values), n)
954    def group(self, op: str, vals: List[Expression], n: ast3.expr) -> OpExpr:
955        if len(vals) == 2:
956            e = OpExpr(op, vals[0], vals[1])
957        else:
958            e = OpExpr(op, vals[0], self.group(op, vals[1:], n))
959        return self.set_line(e, n)
961    # BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right)
962    def visit_BinOp(self, n: ast3.BinOp) -> OpExpr:
963        op = self.from_operator(n.op)
965        if op is None:
966            raise RuntimeError('cannot translate BinOp ' + str(type(n.op)))
968        e = OpExpr(op, self.visit(n.left), self.visit(n.right))
969        return self.set_line(e, n)
971    # UnaryOp(unaryop op, expr operand)
972    def visit_UnaryOp(self, n: ast3.UnaryOp) -> UnaryExpr:
973        op = None
974        if isinstance(n.op, ast3.Invert):
975            op = '~'
976        elif isinstance(n.op, ast3.Not):
977            op = 'not'
978        elif isinstance(n.op, ast3.UAdd):
979            op = '+'
980        elif isinstance(n.op, ast3.USub):
981            op = '-'
983        if op is None:
984            raise RuntimeError('cannot translate UnaryOp ' + str(type(n.op)))
986        e = UnaryExpr(op, self.visit(n.operand))
987        return self.set_line(e, n)
989    # Lambda(arguments args, expr body)
990    def visit_Lambda(self, n: ast3.Lambda) -> LambdaExpr:
991        body = ast3.Return(n.body)
992        body.lineno = n.body.lineno
993        body.col_offset = n.body.col_offset
995        e = LambdaExpr(self.transform_args(n.args, n.lineno),
996                       self.as_required_block([body], n.lineno))
997        e.set_line(n.lineno, n.col_offset)  # Overrides set_line -- can't use self.set_line
998        return e
1000    # IfExp(expr test, expr body, expr orelse)
1001    def visit_IfExp(self, n: ast3.IfExp) -> ConditionalExpr:
1002        e = ConditionalExpr(self.visit(n.test),
1003                            self.visit(n.body),
1004                            self.visit(n.orelse))
1005        return self.set_line(e, n)
1007    # Dict(expr* keys, expr* values)
1008    def visit_Dict(self, n: ast3.Dict) -> DictExpr:
1009        e = DictExpr(list(zip(self.translate_opt_expr_list(n.keys),
1010                              self.translate_expr_list(n.values))))
1011        return self.set_line(e, n)
1013    # Set(expr* elts)
1014    def visit_Set(self, n: ast3.Set) -> SetExpr:
1015        e = SetExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.elts))
1016        return self.set_line(e, n)
1018    # ListComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)
1019    def visit_ListComp(self, n: ast3.ListComp) -> ListComprehension:
1020        e = ListComprehension(self.visit_GeneratorExp(cast(ast3.GeneratorExp, n)))
1021        return self.set_line(e, n)
1023    # SetComp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)
1024    def visit_SetComp(self, n: ast3.SetComp) -> SetComprehension:
1025        e = SetComprehension(self.visit_GeneratorExp(cast(ast3.GeneratorExp, n)))
1026        return self.set_line(e, n)
1028    # DictComp(expr key, expr value, comprehension* generators)
1029    def visit_DictComp(self, n: ast3.DictComp) -> DictionaryComprehension:
1030        targets = [self.visit(c.target) for c in n.generators]
1031        iters = [self.visit(c.iter) for c in n.generators]
1032        ifs_list = [self.translate_expr_list(c.ifs) for c in n.generators]
1033        is_async = [bool(c.is_async) for c in n.generators]
1034        e = DictionaryComprehension(self.visit(n.key),
1035                                    self.visit(n.value),
1036                                    targets,
1037                                    iters,
1038                                    ifs_list,
1039                                    is_async)
1040        return self.set_line(e, n)
1042    # GeneratorExp(expr elt, comprehension* generators)
1043    def visit_GeneratorExp(self, n: ast3.GeneratorExp) -> GeneratorExpr:
1044        targets = [self.visit(c.target) for c in n.generators]
1045        iters = [self.visit(c.iter) for c in n.generators]
1046        ifs_list = [self.translate_expr_list(c.ifs) for c in n.generators]
1047        is_async = [bool(c.is_async) for c in n.generators]
1048        e = GeneratorExpr(self.visit(n.elt),
1049                          targets,
1050                          iters,
1051                          ifs_list,
1052                          is_async)
1053        return self.set_line(e, n)
1055    # Await(expr value)
1056    def visit_Await(self, n: ast3.Await) -> AwaitExpr:
1057        v = self.visit(n.value)
1058        e = AwaitExpr(v)
1059        return self.set_line(e, n)
1061    # Yield(expr? value)
1062    def visit_Yield(self, n: ast3.Yield) -> YieldExpr:
1063        e = YieldExpr(self.visit(n.value))
1064        return self.set_line(e, n)
1066    # YieldFrom(expr value)
1067    def visit_YieldFrom(self, n: ast3.YieldFrom) -> YieldFromExpr:
1068        e = YieldFromExpr(self.visit(n.value))
1069        return self.set_line(e, n)
1071    # Compare(expr left, cmpop* ops, expr* comparators)
1072    def visit_Compare(self, n: ast3.Compare) -> ComparisonExpr:
1073        operators = [self.from_comp_operator(o) for o in n.ops]
1074        operands = self.translate_expr_list([n.left] + n.comparators)
1075        e = ComparisonExpr(operators, operands)
1076        return self.set_line(e, n)
1078    # Call(expr func, expr* args, keyword* keywords)
1079    # keyword = (identifier? arg, expr value)
1080    def visit_Call(self, n: Call) -> CallExpr:
1081        args = n.args
1082        keywords = n.keywords
1083        keyword_names = [k.arg for k in keywords]
1084        arg_types = self.translate_expr_list(
1085            [a.value if isinstance(a, Starred) else a for a in args] +
1086            [k.value for k in keywords])
1087        arg_kinds = ([ARG_STAR if type(a) is Starred else ARG_POS for a in args] +
1088                     [ARG_STAR2 if arg is None else ARG_NAMED for arg in keyword_names])
1089        e = CallExpr(self.visit(n.func),
1090                     arg_types,
1091                     arg_kinds,
1092                     cast('List[Optional[str]]', [None] * len(args)) + keyword_names)
1093        return self.set_line(e, n)
1095    # Constant(object value) -- a constant, in Python 3.8.
1096    def visit_Constant(self, n: Constant) -> Any:
1097        val = n.value
1098        e = None  # type: Any
1099        if val is None:
1100            e = NameExpr('None')
1101        elif isinstance(val, str):
1102            e = StrExpr(n.s)
1103        elif isinstance(val, bytes):
1104            e = BytesExpr(bytes_to_human_readable_repr(n.s))
1105        elif isinstance(val, bool):  # Must check before int!
1106            e = NameExpr(str(val))
1107        elif isinstance(val, int):
1108            e = IntExpr(val)
1109        elif isinstance(val, float):
1110            e = FloatExpr(val)
1111        elif isinstance(val, complex):
1112            e = ComplexExpr(val)
1113        elif val is Ellipsis:
1114            e = EllipsisExpr()
1115        else:
1116            raise RuntimeError('Constant not implemented for ' + str(type(val)))
1117        return self.set_line(e, n)
1119    # Num(object n) -- a number as a PyObject.
1120    def visit_Num(self, n: ast3.Num) -> Union[IntExpr, FloatExpr, ComplexExpr]:
1121        # The n field has the type complex, but complex isn't *really*
1122        # a parent of int and float, and this causes isinstance below
1123        # to think that the complex branch is always picked. Avoid
1124        # this by throwing away the type.
1125        val = n.n  # type: object
1126        if isinstance(val, int):
1127            e = IntExpr(val)  # type: Union[IntExpr, FloatExpr, ComplexExpr]
1128        elif isinstance(val, float):
1129            e = FloatExpr(val)
1130        elif isinstance(val, complex):
1131            e = ComplexExpr(val)
1132        else:
1133            raise RuntimeError('num not implemented for ' + str(type(val)))
1134        return self.set_line(e, n)
1136    # Str(string s)
1137    def visit_Str(self, n: Str) -> Union[UnicodeExpr, StrExpr]:
1138        # Hack: assume all string literals in Python 2 stubs are normal
1139        # strs (i.e. not unicode).  All stubs are parsed with the Python 3
1140        # parser, which causes unprefixed string literals to be interpreted
1141        # as unicode instead of bytes.  This hack is generally okay,
1142        # because mypy considers str literals to be compatible with
1143        # unicode.
1144        e = StrExpr(n.s)
1145        return self.set_line(e, n)
1147    # JoinedStr(expr* values)
1148    def visit_JoinedStr(self, n: ast3.JoinedStr) -> Expression:
1149        # Each of n.values is a str or FormattedValue; we just concatenate
1150        # them all using ''.join.
1151        empty_string = StrExpr('')
1152        empty_string.set_line(n.lineno, n.col_offset)
1153        strs_to_join = ListExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.values))
1154        strs_to_join.set_line(empty_string)
1155        # Don't make unnecessary join call if there is only one str to join
1156        if len(strs_to_join.items) == 1:
1157            return self.set_line(strs_to_join.items[0], n)
1158        join_method = MemberExpr(empty_string, 'join')
1159        join_method.set_line(empty_string)
1160        result_expression = CallExpr(join_method,
1161                                     [strs_to_join],
1162                                     [ARG_POS],
1163                                     [None])
1164        return self.set_line(result_expression, n)
1166    # FormattedValue(expr value)
1167    def visit_FormattedValue(self, n: ast3.FormattedValue) -> Expression:
1168        # A FormattedValue is a component of a JoinedStr, or it can exist
1169        # on its own. We translate them to individual '{}'.format(value)
1170        # calls. Format specifier and conversion information is passed along
1171        # to allow mypyc to support f-strings with format specifiers and conversions.
1172        val_exp = self.visit(n.value)
1173        val_exp.set_line(n.lineno, n.col_offset)
1174        conv_str = '' if n.conversion is None or n.conversion < 0 else '!' + chr(n.conversion)
1175        format_string = StrExpr('{' + conv_str + ':{}}')
1176        format_spec_exp = self.visit(n.format_spec) if n.format_spec is not None else StrExpr('')
1177        format_string.set_line(n.lineno, n.col_offset)
1178        format_method = MemberExpr(format_string, 'format')
1179        format_method.set_line(format_string)
1180        result_expression = CallExpr(format_method,
1181                                     [val_exp, format_spec_exp],
1182                                     [ARG_POS, ARG_POS],
1183                                     [None, None])
1184        return self.set_line(result_expression, n)
1186    # Bytes(bytes s)
1187    def visit_Bytes(self, n: ast3.Bytes) -> Union[BytesExpr, StrExpr]:
1188        e = BytesExpr(bytes_to_human_readable_repr(n.s))
1189        return self.set_line(e, n)
1191    # NameConstant(singleton value)
1192    def visit_NameConstant(self, n: NameConstant) -> NameExpr:
1193        e = NameExpr(str(n.value))
1194        return self.set_line(e, n)
1196    # Ellipsis
1197    def visit_Ellipsis(self, n: ast3_Ellipsis) -> EllipsisExpr:
1198        e = EllipsisExpr()
1199        return self.set_line(e, n)
1201    # Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx)
1202    def visit_Attribute(self, n: Attribute) -> Union[MemberExpr, SuperExpr]:
1203        value = n.value
1204        member_expr = MemberExpr(self.visit(value), n.attr)
1205        obj = member_expr.expr
1206        if (isinstance(obj, CallExpr) and
1207                isinstance(obj.callee, NameExpr) and
1208                obj.callee.name == 'super'):
1209            e = SuperExpr(member_expr.name, obj)  # type: Union[MemberExpr, SuperExpr]
1210        else:
1211            e = member_expr
1212        return self.set_line(e, n)
1214    # Subscript(expr value, slice slice, expr_context ctx)
1215    def visit_Subscript(self, n: ast3.Subscript) -> IndexExpr:
1216        e = IndexExpr(self.visit(n.value), self.visit(n.slice))
1217        self.set_line(e, n)
1218        # alias to please mypyc
1219        is_py38_or_earlier = sys.version_info < (3, 9)
1220        if (
1221            isinstance(n.slice, ast3.Slice) or
1222            (is_py38_or_earlier and isinstance(n.slice, ast3.ExtSlice))
1223        ):
1224            # Before Python 3.9, Slice has no line/column in the raw ast. To avoid incompatibility
1225            # visit_Slice doesn't set_line, even in Python 3.9 on.
1226            # ExtSlice also has no line/column info. In Python 3.9 on, line/column is set for
1227            # e.index when visiting n.slice.
1228            e.index.line = e.line
1229            e.index.column = e.column
1230        return e
1232    # Starred(expr value, expr_context ctx)
1233    def visit_Starred(self, n: Starred) -> StarExpr:
1234        e = StarExpr(self.visit(n.value))
1235        return self.set_line(e, n)
1237    # Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx)
1238    def visit_Name(self, n: Name) -> NameExpr:
1239        e = NameExpr(n.id)
1240        return self.set_line(e, n)
1242    # List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)
1243    def visit_List(self, n: ast3.List) -> Union[ListExpr, TupleExpr]:
1244        expr_list = [self.visit(e) for e in n.elts]  # type: List[Expression]
1245        if isinstance(n.ctx, ast3.Store):
1246            # [x, y] = z and (x, y) = z means exactly the same thing
1247            e = TupleExpr(expr_list)  # type: Union[ListExpr, TupleExpr]
1248        else:
1249            e = ListExpr(expr_list)
1250        return self.set_line(e, n)
1252    # Tuple(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)
1253    def visit_Tuple(self, n: ast3.Tuple) -> TupleExpr:
1254        e = TupleExpr(self.translate_expr_list(n.elts))
1255        return self.set_line(e, n)
1257    # --- slice ---
1259    # Slice(expr? lower, expr? upper, expr? step)
1260    def visit_Slice(self, n: ast3.Slice) -> SliceExpr:
1261        return SliceExpr(self.visit(n.lower),
1262                         self.visit(n.upper),
1263                         self.visit(n.step))
1265    # ExtSlice(slice* dims)
1266    def visit_ExtSlice(self, n: ast3.ExtSlice) -> TupleExpr:
1267        # cast for mypyc's benefit on Python 3.9
1268        return TupleExpr(self.translate_expr_list(cast(Any, n).dims))
1270    # Index(expr value)
1271    def visit_Index(self, n: Index) -> Node:
1272        # cast for mypyc's benefit on Python 3.9
1273        return self.visit(cast(Any, n).value)
1276class TypeConverter:
1277    def __init__(self,
1278                 errors: Optional[Errors],
1279                 line: int = -1,
1280                 override_column: int = -1,
1281                 assume_str_is_unicode: bool = True,
1282                 is_evaluated: bool = True,
1283                 ) -> None:
1284        self.errors = errors
1285        self.line = line
1286        self.override_column = override_column
1287        self.node_stack = []  # type: List[AST]
1288        self.assume_str_is_unicode = assume_str_is_unicode
1289        self.is_evaluated = is_evaluated
1291    def convert_column(self, column: int) -> int:
1292        """Apply column override if defined; otherwise return column.
1294        Column numbers are sometimes incorrect in the AST and the column
1295        override can be used to work around that.
1296        """
1297        if self.override_column < 0:
1298            return column
1299        else:
1300            return self.override_column
1302    def invalid_type(self, node: AST, note: Optional[str] = None) -> RawExpressionType:
1303        """Constructs a type representing some expression that normally forms an invalid type.
1304        For example, if we see a type hint that says "3 + 4", we would transform that
1305        expression into a RawExpressionType.
1307        The semantic analysis layer will report an "Invalid type" error when it
1308        encounters this type, along with the given note if one is provided.
1310        See RawExpressionType's docstring for more details on how it's used.
1311        """
1312        return RawExpressionType(
1313            None,
1314            'typing.Any',
1315            line=self.line,
1316            column=getattr(node, 'col_offset', -1),
1317            note=note,
1318        )
1320    @overload
1321    def visit(self, node: ast3.expr) -> ProperType: ...
1323    @overload
1324    def visit(self, node: Optional[AST]) -> Optional[ProperType]: ...
1326    def visit(self, node: Optional[AST]) -> Optional[ProperType]:
1327        """Modified visit -- keep track of the stack of nodes"""
1328        if node is None:
1329            return None
1330        self.node_stack.append(node)
1331        try:
1332            method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__
1333            visitor = getattr(self, method, None)
1334            if visitor is not None:
1335                return visitor(node)
1336            else:
1337                return self.invalid_type(node)
1338        finally:
1339            self.node_stack.pop()
1341    def parent(self) -> Optional[AST]:
1342        """Return the AST node above the one we are processing"""
1343        if len(self.node_stack) < 2:
1344            return None
1345        return self.node_stack[-2]
1347    def fail(self, msg: str, line: int, column: int) -> None:
1348        if self.errors:
1349            self.errors.report(line, column, msg, blocker=True, code=codes.SYNTAX)
1351    def note(self, msg: str, line: int, column: int) -> None:
1352        if self.errors:
1353            self.errors.report(line, column, msg, severity='note', code=codes.SYNTAX)
1355    def translate_expr_list(self, l: Sequence[ast3.expr]) -> List[Type]:
1356        return [self.visit(e) for e in l]
1358    def visit_raw_str(self, s: str) -> Type:
1359        # An escape hatch that allows the AST walker in fastparse2 to
1360        # directly hook into the Python 3.5 type converter in some cases
1361        # without needing to create an intermediary `Str` object.
1362        _, typ = parse_type_comment(s.strip(),
1363                                    self.line,
1364                                    -1,
1365                                    self.errors,
1366                                    self.assume_str_is_unicode)
1367        return typ or AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
1369    def visit_Call(self, e: Call) -> Type:
1370        # Parse the arg constructor
1371        f = e.func
1372        constructor = stringify_name(f)
1374        if not isinstance(self.parent(), ast3.List):
1375            note = None
1376            if constructor:
1377                note = "Suggestion: use {0}[...] instead of {0}(...)".format(constructor)
1378            return self.invalid_type(e, note=note)
1379        if not constructor:
1380            self.fail("Expected arg constructor name", e.lineno, e.col_offset)
1382        name = None  # type: Optional[str]
1383        default_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
1384        typ = default_type  # type: Type
1385        for i, arg in enumerate(e.args):
1386            if i == 0:
1387                converted = self.visit(arg)
1388                assert converted is not None
1389                typ = converted
1390            elif i == 1:
1391                name = self._extract_argument_name(arg)
1392            else:
1393                self.fail("Too many arguments for argument constructor",
1394                          f.lineno, f.col_offset)
1395        for k in e.keywords:
1396            value = k.value
1397            if k.arg == "name":
1398                if name is not None:
1399                    self.fail('"{}" gets multiple values for keyword argument "name"'.format(
1400                        constructor), f.lineno, f.col_offset)
1401                name = self._extract_argument_name(value)
1402            elif k.arg == "type":
1403                if typ is not default_type:
1404                    self.fail('"{}" gets multiple values for keyword argument "type"'.format(
1405                        constructor), f.lineno, f.col_offset)
1406                converted = self.visit(value)
1407                assert converted is not None
1408                typ = converted
1409            else:
1410                self.fail(
1411                    'Unexpected argument "{}" for argument constructor'.format(k.arg),
1412                    value.lineno, value.col_offset)
1413        return CallableArgument(typ, name, constructor, e.lineno, e.col_offset)
1415    def translate_argument_list(self, l: Sequence[ast3.expr]) -> TypeList:
1416        return TypeList([self.visit(e) for e in l], line=self.line)
1418    def _extract_argument_name(self, n: ast3.expr) -> Optional[str]:
1419        if isinstance(n, Str):
1420            return n.s.strip()
1421        elif isinstance(n, NameConstant) and str(n.value) == 'None':
1422            return None
1423        self.fail('Expected string literal for argument name, got {}'.format(
1424            type(n).__name__), self.line, 0)
1425        return None
1427    def visit_Name(self, n: Name) -> Type:
1428        return UnboundType(n.id, line=self.line, column=self.convert_column(n.col_offset))
1430    def visit_BinOp(self, n: ast3.BinOp) -> Type:
1431        if not isinstance(n.op, ast3.BitOr):
1432            return self.invalid_type(n)
1434        left = self.visit(n.left)
1435        right = self.visit(n.right)
1436        return UnionType([left, right],
1437                         line=self.line,
1438                         column=self.convert_column(n.col_offset),
1439                         is_evaluated=self.is_evaluated,
1440                         uses_pep604_syntax=True)
1442    def visit_NameConstant(self, n: NameConstant) -> Type:
1443        if isinstance(n.value, bool):
1444            return RawExpressionType(n.value, 'builtins.bool', line=self.line)
1445        else:
1446            return UnboundType(str(n.value), line=self.line, column=n.col_offset)
1448    # Only for 3.8 and newer
1449    def visit_Constant(self, n: Constant) -> Type:
1450        val = n.value
1451        if val is None:
1452            # None is a type.
1453            return UnboundType('None', line=self.line)
1454        if isinstance(val, str):
1455            # Parse forward reference.
1456            if (n.kind and 'u' in n.kind) or self.assume_str_is_unicode:
1457                return parse_type_string(n.s, 'builtins.unicode', self.line, n.col_offset,
1458                                         assume_str_is_unicode=self.assume_str_is_unicode)
1459            else:
1460                return parse_type_string(n.s, 'builtins.str', self.line, n.col_offset,
1461                                         assume_str_is_unicode=self.assume_str_is_unicode)
1462        if val is Ellipsis:
1463            # '...' is valid in some types.
1464            return EllipsisType(line=self.line)
1465        if isinstance(val, bool):
1466            # Special case for True/False.
1467            return RawExpressionType(val, 'builtins.bool', line=self.line)
1468        if isinstance(val, (int, float, complex)):
1469            return self.numeric_type(val, n)
1470        if isinstance(val, bytes):
1471            contents = bytes_to_human_readable_repr(val)
1472            return RawExpressionType(contents, 'builtins.bytes', self.line, column=n.col_offset)
1473        # Everything else is invalid.
1474        return self.invalid_type(n)
1476    # UnaryOp(op, operand)
1477    def visit_UnaryOp(self, n: UnaryOp) -> Type:
1478        # We support specifically Literal[-4] and nothing else.
1479        # For example, Literal[+4] or Literal[~6] is not supported.
1480        typ = self.visit(n.operand)
1481        if isinstance(typ, RawExpressionType) and isinstance(n.op, USub):
1482            if isinstance(typ.literal_value, int):
1483                typ.literal_value *= -1
1484                return typ
1485        return self.invalid_type(n)
1487    def numeric_type(self, value: object, n: AST) -> Type:
1488        # The node's field has the type complex, but complex isn't *really*
1489        # a parent of int and float, and this causes isinstance below
1490        # to think that the complex branch is always picked. Avoid
1491        # this by throwing away the type.
1492        if isinstance(value, int):
1493            numeric_value = value  # type: Optional[int]
1494            type_name = 'builtins.int'
1495        else:
1496            # Other kinds of numbers (floats, complex) are not valid parameters for
1497            # RawExpressionType so we just pass in 'None' for now. We'll report the
1498            # appropriate error at a later stage.
1499            numeric_value = None
1500            type_name = 'builtins.{}'.format(type(value).__name__)
1501        return RawExpressionType(
1502            numeric_value,
1503            type_name,
1504            line=self.line,
1505            column=getattr(n, 'col_offset', -1),
1506        )
1508    # These next three methods are only used if we are on python <
1509    # 3.8, using typed_ast.  They are defined unconditionally because
1510    # mypyc can't handle conditional method definitions.
1512    # Num(number n)
1513    def visit_Num(self, n: Num) -> Type:
1514        return self.numeric_type(n.n, n)
1516    # Str(string s)
1517    def visit_Str(self, n: Str) -> Type:
1518        # Note: we transform these fallback types into the correct types in
1519        # 'typeanal.py' -- specifically in the named_type_with_normalized_str method.
1520        # If we're analyzing Python 3, that function will translate 'builtins.unicode'
1521        # into 'builtins.str'. In contrast, if we're analyzing Python 2 code, we'll
1522        # translate 'builtins.bytes' in the method below into 'builtins.str'.
1524        # Do a getattr because the field doesn't exist in 3.8 (where
1525        # this method doesn't actually ever run.) We can't just do
1526        # an attribute access with a `# type: ignore` because it would be
1527        # unused on < 3.8.
1528        kind = getattr(n, 'kind')  # type: str  # noqa
1530        if 'u' in kind or self.assume_str_is_unicode:
1531            return parse_type_string(n.s, 'builtins.unicode', self.line, n.col_offset,
1532                                     assume_str_is_unicode=self.assume_str_is_unicode)
1533        else:
1534            return parse_type_string(n.s, 'builtins.str', self.line, n.col_offset,
1535                                     assume_str_is_unicode=self.assume_str_is_unicode)
1537    # Bytes(bytes s)
1538    def visit_Bytes(self, n: Bytes) -> Type:
1539        contents = bytes_to_human_readable_repr(n.s)
1540        return RawExpressionType(contents, 'builtins.bytes', self.line, column=n.col_offset)
1542    # Subscript(expr value, slice slice, expr_context ctx)  # Python 3.8 and before
1543    # Subscript(expr value, expr slice, expr_context ctx)  # Python 3.9 and later
1544    def visit_Subscript(self, n: ast3.Subscript) -> Type:
1545        if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):  # Really 3.9a5 or later
1546            sliceval = n.slice  # type: Any
1547            if (isinstance(sliceval, ast3.Slice) or
1548                (isinstance(sliceval, ast3.Tuple) and
1549                 any(isinstance(x, ast3.Slice) for x in sliceval.elts))):
1550                self.fail(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, self.line, getattr(n, 'col_offset', -1))
1551                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
1552        else:
1553            # Python 3.8 or earlier use a different AST structure for subscripts
1554            if not isinstance(n.slice, Index):
1555                self.fail(TYPE_COMMENT_SYNTAX_ERROR, self.line, getattr(n, 'col_offset', -1))
1556                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
1557            sliceval = n.slice.value
1559        empty_tuple_index = False
1560        if isinstance(sliceval, ast3.Tuple):
1561            params = self.translate_expr_list(sliceval.elts)
1562            if len(sliceval.elts) == 0:
1563                empty_tuple_index = True
1564        else:
1565            params = [self.visit(sliceval)]
1567        value = self.visit(n.value)
1568        if isinstance(value, UnboundType) and not value.args:
1569            return UnboundType(value.name, params, line=self.line, column=value.column,
1570                               empty_tuple_index=empty_tuple_index)
1571        else:
1572            return self.invalid_type(n)
1574    def visit_Tuple(self, n: ast3.Tuple) -> Type:
1575        return TupleType(self.translate_expr_list(n.elts), _dummy_fallback,
1576                         implicit=True, line=self.line, column=self.convert_column(n.col_offset))
1578    # Attribute(expr value, identifier attr, expr_context ctx)
1579    def visit_Attribute(self, n: Attribute) -> Type:
1580        before_dot = self.visit(n.value)
1582        if isinstance(before_dot, UnboundType) and not before_dot.args:
1583            return UnboundType("{}.{}".format(before_dot.name, n.attr), line=self.line)
1584        else:
1585            return self.invalid_type(n)
1587    # Ellipsis
1588    def visit_Ellipsis(self, n: ast3_Ellipsis) -> Type:
1589        return EllipsisType(line=self.line)
1591    # List(expr* elts, expr_context ctx)
1592    def visit_List(self, n: ast3.List) -> Type:
1593        assert isinstance(n.ctx, ast3.Load)
1594        return self.translate_argument_list(n.elts)
1597def stringify_name(n: AST) -> Optional[str]:
1598    if isinstance(n, Name):
1599        return n.id
1600    elif isinstance(n, Attribute):
1601        sv = stringify_name(n.value)
1602        if sv is not None:
1603            return "{}.{}".format(sv, n.attr)
1604    return None  # Can't do it.
1607def bytes_to_human_readable_repr(b: bytes) -> str:
1608    """Converts bytes into some human-readable representation. Unprintable
1609    bytes such as the nul byte are escaped. For example:
1611        >>> b = bytes([102, 111, 111, 10, 0])
1612        >>> s = bytes_to_human_readable_repr(b)
1613        >>> print(s)
1614        foo\n\x00
1615        >>> print(repr(s))
1616        'foo\\n\\x00'
1617    """
1618    return repr(b)[2:-1]