2Find modules used by a script, using bytecode analysis.
4Based on the stdlib modulefinder by Thomas Heller and Just van Rossum,
5but uses a graph data structure and 2.3 features
7XXX: Verify all calls to _import_hook (and variants) to ensure that
8imports are done in the right way.
10from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
12#FIXME: To decrease the likelihood of ModuleGraph exceeding the recursion limit
13#and hence unpredictably raising fatal exceptions, increase the recursion
14#limit at PyInstaller startup (i.e., in the
15#PyInstaller.building.build_main.build() function). For details, see:
16#    https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/1919#issuecomment-216016176
18import pkg_resources
20import ast
21import codecs
22import dis
23import imp
24import marshal
25import os
26import pkgutil
27import sys
28import re
29from collections import deque, namedtuple
30from struct import unpack
31import warnings
33from altgraph.ObjectGraph import ObjectGraph
34from altgraph import GraphError
36from . import util
37from . import zipio
38from ._compat import get_instructions, BytesIO, StringIO, \
39     pathname2url, _cOrd, _READ_MODE
42BOM = codecs.BOM_UTF8.decode('utf-8')
45#FIXME: Leverage this rather than magic numbers below.
48Constant instructing the builtin `__import__()` function to attempt both
49absolute and relative imports.
53#FIXME: Leverage this rather than magic numbers below.
56Constant instructing the builtin `__import__()` function to attempt only
57absolute imports.
61#FIXME: Leverage this rather than magic numbers below.
63    ABSOLUTE_OR_RELATIVE_IMPORT_LEVEL if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else
66Constant instructing the builtin `__import__()` function to attempt the default
67import style specific to the active Python interpreter.
69Specifically, under:
71* Python 2, this defaults to attempting both absolute and relative imports.
72* Python 3, this defaults to attempting only absolute imports.
75# TODO: Refactor all uses of explicit filetypes in this module *AND* of the
76# imp.get_suffixes() function to use this dictionary instead. Unfortunately,
77# tests for explicit filetypes (e.g., ".py") are non-portable. Under Windows,
78# for example, both the ".py" *AND* ".pyw" filetypes signify valid uncompiled
79# Python modules.
80# TODO: The imp.get_suffixes() function (in fact, the entire "imp" package) has
81# been deprecated as of Python 3.3 by the importlib.machinery.all_suffixes()
82# function, which largely performs the same role. Unfortunately, the latter
83# function was only introduced with Python 3.3. Since PyInstaller requires
84# Python >= 3.3 when running under Python 3, refactor this as follows:
86# * Under Python 2, continue calling imp.get_suffixes().
87# * Under Python 3, call importlib.machinery.all_suffixes() instead.
89    filetype: (filetype, open_mode, imp_type)
90    for filetype, open_mode, imp_type in imp.get_suffixes()
93Dictionary mapping the filetypes of importable files to the 3-tuple of metadata
94describing such files returned by the `imp.get_suffixes()` function whose first
95element is that filetype.
97This dictionary simplifies platform-portable importation of importable files,
100* Uncompiled modules suffixed by `.py` (as well as `.pyw` under Windows).
101* Compiled modules suffixed by either `.pyc` or `.pyo`.
102* C extensions suffixed by the platform-specific shared library filetype (e.g.,
103  `.so` under Linux, `.dll` under Windows).
105The keys of this dictionary are `.`-prefixed filetypes (e.g., `.py`, `.so');
106the values of this dictionary are 3-tuples whose:
1081. First element is the same `.`-prefixed filetype.
1091. Second element is the mode to be passed to the `open()` built-in to open
110   files of that filetype under the current platform and Python interpreter
111   (e.g., `rU` for the `.py` filetype under Python 2, `r` for the same
112   filetype under Python 3).
1131. Third element is a magic number specific to the `imp` module (e.g.,
114   `imp.C_EXTENSION` for filetypes corresponding to C extensions).
119# Modulegraph does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
120# handle packagepath modifications packages make at runtime.  Therefore there
121# is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a
122# package, and it will be honored.
124# Note this is a mapping is lists of paths.
125_packagePathMap = {}
127# Prefix used in magic .pth files used by setuptools to create namespace
128# packages without an __init__.py file.
130# The value is a list of such prefixes as the prefix varies with versions of
131# setuptools.
133    # setuptools 31.0.0
134    ("import sys, types, os;has_mfs = sys.version_info > (3, 5);"
135         "p = os.path.join(sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('"),
136    # distribute 0.6.10
137    ("import sys,types,os; p = os.path.join("
138         "sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('"),
139    # setuptools 0.6c9, distribute 0.6.12
140    ("import sys,new,os; p = os.path.join(sys._getframe("
141         "1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('"),
142    # setuptools 28.1.0
143    ("import sys, types, os;p = os.path.join("
144         "sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('"),
145    # setuptools 28.7.0
146    ("import sys, types, os;pep420 = sys.version_info > (3, 3);"
147         "p = os.path.join(sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('"),
151class InvalidRelativeImportError (ImportError):
152    pass
155def _namespace_package_path(fqname, pathnames, path=None):
156    """
157    Return the __path__ for the python package in *fqname*.
159    This function uses setuptools metadata to extract information
160    about namespace packages from installed eggs.
161    """
162    working_set = pkg_resources.WorkingSet(path)
164    path = list(pathnames)
166    for dist in working_set:
167        if dist.has_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'):
168            namespaces = dist.get_metadata(
169                    'namespace_packages.txt').splitlines()
170            if fqname in namespaces:
171                nspath = os.path.join(dist.location, *fqname.split('.'))
172                if nspath not in path:
173                    path.append(nspath)
175    return path
177_strs = re.compile(r'''^\s*["']([A-Za-z0-9_]+)["'],?\s*''')  # "<- emacs happy
180def _eval_str_tuple(value):
181    """
182    Input is the repr of a tuple of strings, output
183    is that tuple.
185    This only works with a tuple where the members are
186    python identifiers.
187    """
188    if not (value.startswith('(') and value.endswith(')')):
189        raise ValueError(value)
191    orig_value = value
192    value = value[1:-1]
194    result = []
195    while value:
196        m = _strs.match(value)
197        if m is None:
198            raise ValueError(orig_value)
200        result.append(m.group(1))
201        value = value[len(m.group(0)):]
203    return tuple(result)
206def _path_from_importerror(exc, default):
207    # This is a hack, but sadly enough the necessary information
208    # isn't available otherwise.
209    m = re.match(r'^No module named (\S+)$', str(exc))
210    if m is not None:
211        return m.group(1)
213    return default
216def os_listdir(path):
217    """
218    Deprecated name
219    """
220    warnings.warn(
221        "Use zipio.listdir instead of os_listdir",
222        DeprecationWarning)
223    return zipio.listdir(path)
226def _code_to_file(co):
227    """ Convert code object to a .pyc pseudo-file """
228    if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
229        header = imp.get_magic() + (b'\0' * 12)
230    elif sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
231        header = imp.get_magic() + (b'\0' * 8)
232    else:
233        header = imp.get_magic() + (b'\0' * 4)
234    return BytesIO(header + marshal.dumps(co))
237def moduleInfoForPath(path):
238    for (ext, readmode, typ) in imp.get_suffixes():
239        if path.endswith(ext):
240            return os.path.basename(path)[:-len(ext)], readmode, typ
241    return None
244def AddPackagePath(packagename, path):
245    warnings.warn(
246        "Use addPackagePath instead of AddPackagePath",
247        DeprecationWarning)
248    addPackagePath(packagename, path)
251def addPackagePath(packagename, path):
252    paths = _packagePathMap.get(packagename, [])
253    paths.append(path)
254    _packagePathMap[packagename] = paths
257_replacePackageMap = {}
260# This ReplacePackage mechanism allows modulefinder to work around the
261# way the _xmlplus package injects itself under the name "xml" into
262# sys.modules at runtime by calling ReplacePackage("_xmlplus", "xml")
263# before running ModuleGraph.
264def ReplacePackage(oldname, newname):
265    warnings.warn("use replacePackage instead of ReplacePackage",
266            DeprecationWarning)
267    replacePackage(oldname, newname)
270def replacePackage(oldname, newname):
271    _replacePackageMap[oldname] = newname
274#FIXME: What is this? Do we actually need this? This appears to provide
275#significantly more fine-grained metadata than PyInstaller will ever require.
276#It consumes a great deal of space (slots or no slots), since we store an
277#instance of this class for each edge of the graph.
278class DependencyInfo (namedtuple("DependencyInfo",
279                      ["conditional", "function", "tryexcept", "fromlist"])):
280    __slots__ = ()
282    def _merged(self, other):
283        if (not self.conditional and not self.function and not self.tryexcept) \
284           or (not other.conditional and not other.function and not other.tryexcept):
285            return DependencyInfo(
286                conditional=False,
287                function=False,
288                tryexcept=False,
289                fromlist=self.fromlist and other.fromlist)
291        else:
292            return DependencyInfo(
293                    conditional=self.conditional or other.conditional,
294                    function=self.function or other.function,
295                    tryexcept=self.tryexcept or other.tryexcept,
296                    fromlist=self.fromlist and other.fromlist)
299#FIXME: Shift the following Node class hierarchy into a new
300#"PyInstaller.lib.modulegraph.node" module. This module is much too long.
301#FIXME: Refactor "_deferred_imports" from a tuple into a proper lightweight
302#class leveraging "__slots__". If not for backward compatibility, we'd just
303#leverage a named tuple -- but this should do just as well.
304#FIXME: Move the "packagepath" attribute into the "Package" class. Only
305#packages define the "__path__" special attribute. The codebase currently
306#erroneously tests whether "module.packagepath is not None" to determine
307#whether a node is a package or not. However, "isinstance(module, Package)" is
308#a significantly more reliable test. Refactor the former into the latter.
309class Node(object):
310    """
311    Abstract base class (ABC) of all objects added to a `ModuleGraph`.
313    Attributes
314    ----------
315    code : codeobject
316        Code object of the pure-Python module corresponding to this graph node
317        if any _or_ `None` otherwise.
318    graphident : str
319        Synonym of `identifier` required by the `ObjectGraph` superclass of the
320        `ModuleGraph` class. For readability, the `identifier` attribute should
321        typically be used instead.
322    filename : str
323        Absolute path of this graph node's corresponding module, package, or C
324        extension if any _or_ `None` otherwise.
325    identifier : str
326        Fully-qualified name of this graph node's corresponding module,
327        package, or C extension.
328    packagepath : str
329        List of the absolute paths of all directories comprising this graph
330        node's corresponding package. If this is a:
331        * Non-namespace package, this list contains exactly one path.
332        * Namespace package, this list contains one or more paths.
333    _deferred_imports : list
334        List of all target modules imported by the source module corresponding
335        to this graph node whole importations have been deferred for subsequent
336        processing in between calls to the `_ModuleGraph._scan_code()` and
337        `_ModuleGraph._process_imports()` methods for this source module _or_
338        `None` otherwise. Each element of this list is a 3-tuple
339        `(have_star, _safe_import_hook_args, _safe_import_hook_kwargs)`
340        collecting the importation of a target module from this source module
341        for subsequent processing, where:
342        * `have_star` is a boolean `True` only if this is a `from`-style star
343          import (e.g., resembling `from {target_module_name} import *`).
344        * `_safe_import_hook_args` is a (typically non-empty) sequence of all
345          positional arguments to be passed to the `_safe_import_hook()` method
346          to add this importation to the graph.
347        * `_safe_import_hook_kwargs` is a (typically empty) dictionary of all
348          keyword arguments to be passed to the `_safe_import_hook()` method
349          to add this importation to the graph.
350        Unlike functional languages, Python imposes a maximum depth on the
351        interpreter stack (and hence recursion). On breaching this depth,
352        Python raises a fatal `RuntimeError` exception. Since `ModuleGraph`
353        parses imports recursively rather than iteratively, this depth _was_
354        commonly breached before the introduction of this list. Python
355        environments installing a large number of modules (e.g., Anaconda) were
356        particularly susceptible. Why? Because `ModuleGraph` concurrently
357        descended through both the abstract syntax trees (ASTs) of all source
358        modules being parsed _and_ the graph of all target modules imported by
359        these source modules being built. The stack thus consisted of
360        alternating layers of AST and graph traversal. To unwind such
361        alternation and effectively halve the stack depth, `ModuleGraph` now
362        descends through the abstract syntax tree (AST) of each source module
363        being parsed and adds all importations originating within this module
364        to this list _before_ descending into the graph of these importations.
365        See pyinstaller/pyinstaller/#1289 for further details.
366    _global_attr_names : set
367        Set of the unqualified names of all global attributes (e.g., classes,
368        variables) defined in the pure-Python module corresponding to this
369        graph node if any _or_ the empty set otherwise. This includes the names
370        of all attributes imported via `from`-style star imports from other
371        existing modules (e.g., `from {target_module_name} import *`). This
372        set is principally used to differentiate the non-ignorable importation
373        of non-existent submodules in a package from the ignorable importation
374        of existing global attributes defined in that package's pure-Python
375        `__init__` submodule in `from`-style imports (e.g., `bar` in
376        `from foo import bar`, which may be either a submodule or attribute of
377        `foo`), as such imports ambiguously allow both. This set is _not_ used
378        to differentiate submodules from attributes in `import`-style imports
379        (e.g., `bar` in `import foo.bar`, which _must_ be a submodule of
380        `foo`), as such imports unambiguously allow only submodules.
381    _starimported_ignored_module_names : set
382        Set of the fully-qualified names of all existing unparsable modules
383        that the existing parsable module corresponding to this graph node
384        attempted to perform one or more "star imports" from. If this module
385        either does _not_ exist or does but is unparsable, this is the empty
386        set. Equivalently, this set contains each fully-qualified name
387        `{trg_module_name}` for which:
388        * This module contains an import statement of the form
389          `from {trg_module_name} import *`.
390        * The module whose name is `{trg_module_name}` exists but is _not_
391          parsable by `ModuleGraph` (e.g., due to _not_ being pure-Python).
392        **This set is currently defined but otherwise ignored.**
393    _submodule_basename_to_node : dict
394        Dictionary mapping from the unqualified name of each submodule
395        contained by the parent module corresponding to this graph node to that
396        submodule's graph node. If this dictionary is non-empty, this parent
397        module is typically but _not_ always a package (e.g., the non-package
398        `os` module containing the `os.path` submodule).
399    """
401    __slots__ = [
402        'code',
403        'filename',
404        'graphident',
405        'identifier',
406        'packagepath',
407        '_deferred_imports',
408        '_global_attr_names',
409        '_starimported_ignored_module_names',
410        '_submodule_basename_to_node',
411    ]
413    def __init__(self, identifier):
414        """
415        Initialize this graph node.
417        Parameters
418        ----------
419        identifier : str
420            Fully-qualified name of this graph node's corresponding module,
421            package, or C extension.
422        """
424        self.code = None
425        self.filename = None
426        self.graphident = identifier
427        self.identifier = identifier
428        self.packagepath = None
429        self._deferred_imports = None
430        self._global_attr_names = set()
431        self._starimported_ignored_module_names = set()
432        self._submodule_basename_to_node = dict()
435    def is_global_attr(self, attr_name):
436        """
437        `True` only if the pure-Python module corresponding to this graph node
438        defines a global attribute (e.g., class, variable) with the passed
439        name.
441        If this module is actually a package, this method instead returns
442        `True` only if this package's pure-Python `__init__` submodule defines
443        such a global attribute. In this case, note that this package may still
444        contain an importable submodule of the same name. Callers should
445        attempt to import this attribute as a submodule of this package
446        _before_ assuming this attribute to be an ignorable global. See
447        "Examples" below for further details.
449        Parameters
450        ----------
451        attr_name : str
452            Unqualified name of the attribute to be tested.
454        Returns
455        ----------
456        bool
457            `True` only if this module defines this global attribute.
459        Examples
460        ----------
461        Consider a hypothetical module `foo` containing submodules `bar` and
462        `__init__` where the latter assigns `bar` to be a global variable
463        (possibly star-exported via the special `__all__` global variable):
465        >>> # In "foo.__init__":
466        >>> bar = 3.1415
468        Python 2 and 3 both permissively permit this. This method returns
469        `True` in this case (i.e., when called on the `foo` package's graph
470        node, passed the attribute name `bar`) despite the importability of the
471        `foo.bar` submodule.
472        """
474        return attr_name in self._global_attr_names
477    def is_submodule(self, submodule_basename):
478        """
479        `True` only if the parent module corresponding to this graph node
480        contains the submodule with the passed name.
482        If `True`, this parent module is typically but _not_ always a package
483        (e.g., the non-package `os` module containing the `os.path` submodule).
485        Parameters
486        ----------
487        submodule_basename : str
488            Unqualified name of the submodule to be tested.
490        Returns
491        ----------
492        bool
493            `True` only if this parent module contains this submodule.
494        """
496        return submodule_basename in self._submodule_basename_to_node
499    def add_global_attr(self, attr_name):
500        """
501        Record the global attribute (e.g., class, variable) with the passed
502        name to be defined by the pure-Python module corresponding to this
503        graph node.
505        If this module is actually a package, this method instead records this
506        attribute to be defined by this package's pure-Python `__init__`
507        submodule.
509        Parameters
510        ----------
511        attr_name : str
512            Unqualified name of the attribute to be added.
513        """
515        self._global_attr_names.add(attr_name)
518    def add_global_attrs_from_module(self, target_module):
519        """
520        Record all global attributes (e.g., classes, variables) defined by the
521        target module corresponding to the passed graph node to also be defined
522        by the source module corresponding to this graph node.
524        If the source module is actually a package, this method instead records
525        these attributes to be defined by this package's pure-Python `__init__`
526        submodule.
528        Parameters
529        ----------
530        target_module : Node
531            Graph node of the target module to import attributes from.
532        """
534        self._global_attr_names.update(target_module._global_attr_names)
537    def add_submodule(self, submodule_basename, submodule_node):
538        """
539        Add the submodule with the passed name and previously imported graph
540        node to the parent module corresponding to this graph node.
542        This parent module is typically but _not_ always a package (e.g., the
543        non-package `os` module containing the `os.path` submodule).
545        Parameters
546        ----------
547        submodule_basename : str
548            Unqualified name of the submodule to add to this parent module.
549        submodule_node : Node
550            Graph node of this submodule.
551        """
553        self._submodule_basename_to_node[submodule_basename] = submodule_node
556    def get_submodule(self, submodule_basename):
557        """
558        Graph node of the submodule with the passed name in the parent module
559        corresponding to this graph node.
561        If this parent module does _not_ contain this submodule, an exception
562        is raised. Else, this parent module is typically but _not_ always a
563        package (e.g., the non-package `os` module containing the `os.path`
564        submodule).
566        Parameters
567        ----------
568        module_basename : str
569            Unqualified name of the submodule to retrieve.
571        Returns
572        ----------
573        Node
574            Graph node of this submodule.
575        """
577        return self._submodule_basename_to_node[submodule_basename]
580    def get_submodule_or_none(self, submodule_basename):
581        """
582        Graph node of the submodule with the passed unqualified name in the
583        parent module corresponding to this graph node if this module contains
584        this submodule _or_ `None`.
586        This parent module is typically but _not_ always a package (e.g., the
587        non-package `os` module containing the `os.path` submodule).
589        Parameters
590        ----------
591        submodule_basename : str
592            Unqualified name of the submodule to retrieve.
594        Returns
595        ----------
596        Node
597            Graph node of this submodule if this parent module contains this
598            submodule _or_ `None`.
599        """
601        return self._submodule_basename_to_node.get(submodule_basename)
604    def remove_global_attr_if_found(self, attr_name):
605        """
606        Record the global attribute (e.g., class, variable) with the passed
607        name if previously recorded as defined by the pure-Python module
608        corresponding to this graph node to be subsequently undefined by the
609        same module.
611        If this module is actually a package, this method instead records this
612        attribute to be undefined by this package's pure-Python `__init__`
613        submodule.
615        This method is intended to be called on globals previously defined by
616        this module that are subsequently undefined via the `del` built-in by
617        this module, thus "forgetting" or "undoing" these globals.
619        For safety, there exists no corresponding `remove_global_attr()`
620        method. While defining this method is trivial, doing so would invite
621        `KeyError` exceptions on scanning valid Python that lexically deletes a
622        global in a scope under this module's top level (e.g., in a function)
623        _before_ defining this global at this top level. Since `ModuleGraph`
624        cannot and should not (re)implement a full-blown Python interpreter,
625        ignoring out-of-order deletions is the only sane policy.
627        Parameters
628        ----------
629        attr_name : str
630            Unqualified name of the attribute to be removed.
631        """
633        if self.is_global_attr(attr_name):
634            self._global_attr_names.remove(attr_name)
637    def __cmp__(self, other):
638        try:
639            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
640        except AttributeError:
641            return NotImplemented
643        return cmp(self.graphident, otherIdent)  # noqa: F821
645    def __eq__(self, other):
646        try:
647            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
648        except AttributeError:
649            return False
651        return self.graphident == otherIdent
653    def __ne__(self, other):
654        try:
655            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
656        except AttributeError:
657            return True
659        return self.graphident != otherIdent
661    def __lt__(self, other):
662        try:
663            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
664        except AttributeError:
665            return NotImplemented
667        return self.graphident < otherIdent
669    def __le__(self, other):
670        try:
671            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
672        except AttributeError:
673            return NotImplemented
675        return self.graphident <= otherIdent
677    def __gt__(self, other):
678        try:
679            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
680        except AttributeError:
681            return NotImplemented
683        return self.graphident > otherIdent
685    def __ge__(self, other):
686        try:
687            otherIdent = getattr(other, 'graphident')
688        except AttributeError:
689            return NotImplemented
691        return self.graphident >= otherIdent
693    def __hash__(self):
694        return hash(self.graphident)
696    def infoTuple(self):
697        return (self.identifier,)
699    def __repr__(self):
700        return '%s%r' % (type(self).__name__, self.infoTuple())
703# TODO: This indirection is, frankly, unnecessary. The
704# ModuleGraph.alias_module() should directly add the desired AliasNode instance
705# to the graph rather than indirectly adding an Alias instance to the
706# "lazynodes" dictionary.
707class Alias(str):
708    """
709    Placeholder aliasing an existing source module to a non-existent target
710    module (i.e., the desired alias).
712    For obscure reasons, this class subclasses `str`. Each instance of this
713    class is the fully-qualified name of the existing source module being
714    aliased. Unlike the related `AliasNode` class, instances of this class are
715    _not_ actual nodes and hence _not_ added to the graph; they only facilitate
716    communication between the `ModuleGraph.alias_module()` and
717    `ModuleGraph.findNode()` methods.
718    """
721class AliasNode(Node):
722    """
723    Graph node representing the aliasing of an existing source module under a
724    non-existent target module name (i.e., the desired alias).
725    """
727    def __init__(self, name, node):
728        """
729        Initialize this alias.
731        Parameters
732        ----------
733        name : str
734            Fully-qualified name of the non-existent target module to be
735            created (as an alias of the existing source module).
736        node : Node
737            Graph node of the existing source module being aliased.
738        """
739        super(AliasNode, self).__init__(name)
741        #FIXME: Why only some? Why not *EVERYTHING* except "graphident", which
742        #must remain equal to "name" for lookup purposes? This is, after all,
743        #an alias. The idea is for the two nodes to effectively be the same.
745        # Copy some attributes from this source module into this target alias.
746        for attr_name in (
747            'identifier', 'packagepath',
748            '_global_attr_names', '_starimported_ignored_module_names',
749            '_submodule_basename_to_node'):
750            if hasattr(node, attr_name):
751                setattr(self, attr_name, getattr(node, attr_name))
754    def infoTuple(self):
755        return (self.graphident, self.identifier)
758class BadModule(Node):
759    pass
762class ExcludedModule(BadModule):
763    pass
766class MissingModule(BadModule):
767    pass
770class InvalidRelativeImport (BadModule):
771    def __init__(self, relative_path, from_name):
772        identifier = relative_path
773        if relative_path.endswith('.'):
774            identifier += from_name
775        else:
776            identifier += '.' + from_name
777        super(InvalidRelativeImport, self).__init__(identifier)
778        self.relative_path = relative_path
779        self.from_name = from_name
781    def infoTuple(self):
782        return (self.relative_path, self.from_name)
785class Script(Node):
786    def __init__(self, filename):
787        super(Script, self).__init__(filename)
788        self.filename = filename
790    def infoTuple(self):
791        return (self.filename,)
794class BaseModule(Node):
795    def __init__(self, name, filename=None, path=None):
796        super(BaseModule, self).__init__(name)
797        self.filename = filename
798        self.packagepath = path
800    def infoTuple(self):
801        return tuple(filter(None, (self.identifier, self.filename, self.packagepath)))
804class BuiltinModule(BaseModule):
805    pass
808class SourceModule(BaseModule):
809    pass
812class InvalidSourceModule(SourceModule):
813    pass
816class CompiledModule(BaseModule):
817    pass
820class InvalidCompiledModule(BaseModule):
821    pass
824class Extension(BaseModule):
825    pass
828class Package(BaseModule):
829    """
830    Graph node representing a non-namespace package.
831    """
832    pass
835class NamespacePackage(Package):
836    """
837    Graph node representing a namespace package.
838    """
839    pass
842class RuntimeModule(BaseModule):
843    """
844    Graph node representing a non-package Python module dynamically defined at
845    runtime.
847    Most modules are statically defined on-disk as standard Python files.
848    Some modules, however, are dynamically defined in-memory at runtime
849    (e.g., `gi.repository.Gst`, dynamically defined by the statically
850    defined `gi.repository.__init__` module).
852    This node represents such a runtime module. Since this is _not_ a package,
853    all attempts to import submodules from this module in `from`-style import
854    statements (e.g., the `queue` submodule in `from six.moves import queue`)
855    will be silently ignored.
857    To ensure that the parent package of this module if any is also imported
858    and added to the graph, this node is typically added to the graph by
859    calling the `ModuleGraph.add_module()` method.
860    """
861    pass
864class RuntimePackage(Package):
865    """
866    Graph node representing a non-namespace Python package dynamically defined
867    at runtime.
869    Most packages are statically defined on-disk as standard subdirectories
870    containing `__init__.py` files. Some packages, however, are dynamically
871    defined in-memory at runtime (e.g., `six.moves`, dynamically defined by
872    the statically defined `six` module).
874    This node represents such a runtime package. All attributes imported from
875    this package in `from`-style import statements that are submodules of this
876    package (e.g., the `queue` submodule in `from six.moves import queue`) will
877    be imported rather than ignored.
879    To ensure that the parent package of this package if any is also imported
880    and added to the graph, this node is typically added to the graph by
881    calling the `ModuleGraph.add_module()` method.
882    """
883    pass
886#FIXME: Safely removable. We don't actually use this anywhere. After removing
887#this class, remove the corresponding entry from "compat".
888class FlatPackage(BaseModule):
889    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
890        warnings.warn(
891            "This class will be removed in a future version of modulegraph",
892            DeprecationWarning)
893        super(FlatPackage, *args, **kwds)
896#FIXME: Safely removable. We don't actually use this anywhere. After removing
897#this class, remove the corresponding entry from "compat".
898class ArchiveModule(BaseModule):
899    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
900        warnings.warn(
901            "This class will be removed in a future version of modulegraph",
902            DeprecationWarning)
903        super(FlatPackage, *args, **kwds)
906# HTML templates for ModuleGraph generator
907header = """\
908<!DOCTYPE html>
910  <head>
911    <meta charset="UTF-8">
912    <title>%(TITLE)s</title>
913    <style>
914      .node { padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em; border-top: thin grey dotted; }
915      .moduletype { font: smaller italic }
916      .node a { text-decoration: none; color: #006699; }
917      .node a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #2f0099; }
918    </style>
919  </head>
920  <body>
921    <h1>%(TITLE)s</h1>"""
922entry = """
923<div class="node">
924  <a name="%(NAME)s"></a>
925  %(CONTENT)s
927contpl = """<tt>%(NAME)s</tt> <span class="moduletype">%(TYPE)s</span>"""
928contpl_linked = """\
929<a target="code" href="%(URL)s" type="text/plain"><tt>%(NAME)s</tt></a>
930<span class="moduletype">%(TYPE)s</span>"""
931imports = """\
932  <div class="import">
934  %(LINKS)s
935  </div>
937footer = """
938  </body>
942def _ast_names(names):
943    result = []
944    for nm in names:
945        if isinstance(nm, ast.alias):
946            result.append(nm.name)
947        else:
948            result.append(nm)
950    result = [r for r in result if r != '__main__']
951    return result
954def uniq(seq):
955    """Remove duplicates from a list, preserving order"""
956    # Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/480214
957    seen = set()
958    seen_add = seen.add
959    return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
962if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
968class _Visitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
969    def __init__(self, graph, module):
970        self._graph = graph
971        self._module = module
972        self._level = DEFAULT_IMPORT_LEVEL
973        self._in_if = [False]
974        self._in_def = [False]
975        self._in_tryexcept = [False]
977    @property
978    def in_if(self):
979        return self._in_if[-1]
981    @property
982    def in_def(self):
983        return self._in_def[-1]
985    @property
986    def in_tryexcept(self):
987        return self._in_tryexcept[-1]
990    def _collect_import(self, name, fromlist, level):
991        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
992            if name == '__future__' and 'absolute_import' in (fromlist or ()):
993                self._level = 0
995        have_star = False
996        if fromlist is not None:
997            fromlist = uniq(fromlist)
998            if '*' in fromlist:
999                fromlist.remove('*')
1000                have_star = True
1002        # Record this import as originating from this module for subsequent
1003        # handling by the _process_imports() method.
1004        self._module._deferred_imports.append(
1005            (have_star,
1006             (name, self._module, fromlist, level),
1007             {'edge_attr': DependencyInfo(
1008                 conditional=self.in_if,
1009                 tryexcept=self.in_tryexcept,
1010                 function=self.in_def,
1011                 fromlist=False)}))
1014    def visit_Import(self, node):
1015        for nm in _ast_names(node.names):
1016            self._collect_import(nm, None, self._level)
1018    def visit_ImportFrom(self, node):
1019        level = node.level if node.level != 0 else self._level
1020        self._collect_import(node.module or '', _ast_names(node.names), level)
1022    def visit_If(self, node):
1023        self._in_if.append(True)
1024        self.generic_visit(node)
1025        self._in_if.pop()
1027    def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
1028        self._in_def.append(True)
1029        self.generic_visit(node)
1030        self._in_def.pop()
1032    visit_AsyncFunctionDef = visit_FunctionDef
1034    def visit_Try(self, node):
1035        self._in_tryexcept.append(True)
1036        self.generic_visit(node)
1037        self._in_tryexcept.pop()
1039    def visit_TryExcept(self, node):
1040        self._in_tryexcept.append(True)
1041        self.generic_visit(node)
1042        self._in_tryexcept.pop()
1044    def visit_Expression(self, node):
1045        # Expression node's cannot contain import statements or
1046        # other nodes that are relevant for us.
1047        pass
1049    # Expression isn't actually used as such in AST trees,
1050    # therefore define visitors for all kinds of expression nodes.
1051    visit_BoolOp = visit_Expression
1052    visit_BinOp = visit_Expression
1053    visit_UnaryOp = visit_Expression
1054    visit_Lambda = visit_Expression
1055    visit_IfExp = visit_Expression
1056    visit_Dict = visit_Expression
1057    visit_Set = visit_Expression
1058    visit_ListComp = visit_Expression
1059    visit_SetComp = visit_Expression
1060    visit_ListComp = visit_Expression
1061    visit_GeneratorExp = visit_Expression
1062    visit_Compare = visit_Expression
1063    visit_Yield = visit_Expression
1064    visit_YieldFrom = visit_Expression
1065    visit_Await = visit_Expression
1066    visit_Call = visit_Expression
1067    visit_Await = visit_Expression
1070class ModuleGraph(ObjectGraph):
1071    """
1072    Directed graph whose nodes represent modules and edges represent
1073    dependencies between these modules.
1074    """
1077    def createNode(self, cls, name, *args, **kw):
1078        m = self.findNode(name)
1080        if m is None:
1081            #assert m is None, m
1082            m = super(ModuleGraph, self).createNode(cls, name, *args, **kw)
1084        return m
1087    def __init__(self, path=None, excludes=(), replace_paths=(), implies=(), graph=None, debug=0):
1088        super(ModuleGraph, self).__init__(graph=graph, debug=debug)
1089        if path is None:
1090            path = sys.path
1091        self.path = path
1092        self.lazynodes = {}
1093        # excludes is stronger than implies
1094        self.lazynodes.update(dict(implies))
1095        for m in excludes:
1096            self.lazynodes[m] = None
1097        self.replace_paths = replace_paths
1099        self.set_setuptools_nspackages()
1100        # Maintain own list of package path mappings in the scope of Modulegraph
1101        # object.
1102        self._package_path_map = _packagePathMap
1104    def set_setuptools_nspackages(self):
1105        # This is used when running in the test-suite
1106        self.nspackages = self._calc_setuptools_nspackages()
1108    def _calc_setuptools_nspackages(self):
1109        # Setuptools has some magic handling for namespace
1110        # packages when using 'install --single-version-externally-managed'
1111        # (used by system packagers and also by pip)
1112        #
1113        # When this option is used namespace packages are writting to
1114        # disk *without* an __init__.py file, which means the regular
1115        # import machinery will not find them.
1116        #
1117        # We therefore explicitly look for the hack used by
1118        # setuptools to get this kind of namespace packages to work.
1120        pkgmap = {}
1122        try:
1123            from pkgutil import ImpImporter
1124        except ImportError:
1125            try:
1126                from _pkgutil import ImpImporter
1127            except ImportError:
1128                ImpImporter = pkg_resources.ImpWrapper
1130        if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3):
1131            import importlib.machinery
1132            ImpImporter = importlib.machinery.FileFinder
1134        for entry in self.path:
1135            importer = pkg_resources.get_importer(entry)
1137            if isinstance(importer, ImpImporter):
1138                try:
1139                    ldir = os.listdir(entry)
1140                except os.error:
1141                    continue
1143                for fn in ldir:
1144                    if fn.endswith('-nspkg.pth'):
1145                        with open(os.path.join(entry, fn), _READ_MODE) as fp:
1146                            for ln in fp:
1147                                for pfx in _SETUPTOOLS_NAMESPACEPKG_PTHs:
1148                                    if ln.startswith(pfx):
1149                                        try:
1150                                            start = len(pfx)-2
1151                                            stop = ln.index(')', start)+1
1152                                        except ValueError:
1153                                            continue
1155                                        pkg = _eval_str_tuple(ln[start:stop])
1156                                        identifier = ".".join(pkg)
1157                                        subdir = os.path.join(entry, *pkg)
1158                                        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(subdir, '__init__.py')):
1159                                            # There is a real __init__.py,
1160                                            # ignore the setuptools hack
1161                                            continue
1163                                        if identifier in pkgmap:
1164                                            pkgmap[identifier].append(subdir)
1165                                        else:
1166                                            pkgmap[identifier] = [subdir]
1167                                        break
1169        return pkgmap
1171    def implyNodeReference(self, node, other, edge_data=None):
1172        """
1173        Create a reference from the passed source node to the passed other node,
1174        implying the former to depend upon the latter.
1176        While the source node _must_ be an existing graph node, the target node
1177        may be either an existing graph node _or_ a fully-qualified module name.
1178        In the latter case, the module with that name and all parent packages of
1179        that module will be imported _without_ raising exceptions and for each
1180        newly imported module or package:
1182        * A new graph node will be created for that module or package.
1183        * A reference from the passed source node to that module or package will
1184          be created.
1186        This method allows dependencies between Python objects _not_ importable
1187        with standard techniques (e.g., module aliases, C extensions).
1189        Parameters
1190        ----------
1191        node : str
1192            Graph node for this reference's source module or package.
1193        other : {Node, str}
1194            Either a graph node _or_ fully-qualified name for this reference's
1195            target module or package.
1196        """
1198        if isinstance(other, Node):
1199            self._updateReference(node, other, edge_data)
1200        else:
1201            if isinstance(other, tuple):
1202                raise ValueError(other)
1203            others = self._safe_import_hook(other, node, None)
1204            for other in others:
1205                self._updateReference(node, other, edge_data)
1207    def getReferences(self, fromnode):
1208        """
1209        Yield all nodes that `fromnode` dependes on (that is,
1210        all modules that `fromnode` imports.
1211        """
1213        node = self.findNode(fromnode)
1214        out_edges, _ = self.get_edges(node)
1215        return out_edges
1217    def getReferers(self, tonode, collapse_missing_modules=True):
1218        node = self.findNode(tonode)
1219        _, in_edges = self.get_edges(node)
1221        if collapse_missing_modules:
1222            for n in in_edges:
1223                if isinstance(n, MissingModule):
1224                    for n in self.getReferers(n, False):
1225                        yield n
1227                else:
1228                    yield n
1230        else:
1231            for n in in_edges:
1232                yield n
1234    def hasEdge(self, fromnode, tonode):
1235        """ Return True iff there is an edge from 'fromnode' to 'tonode' """
1236        fromnode = self.findNode(fromnode)
1237        tonode = self.findNode(tonode)
1239        return self.graph.edge_by_node(fromnode, tonode) is not None
1241    def foldReferences(self, packagenode):
1242        """
1243        Create edges to/from `packagenode` based on the edges to/from all
1244        submodules of that package _and_ then hide the graph nodes
1245        corresponding to those submodules.
1246        """
1248        pkg = self.findNode(packagenode)
1250        for n in self.nodes():
1251            if not n.identifier.startswith(pkg.identifier + '.'):
1252                continue
1254            iter_out, iter_inc = self.get_edges(n)
1255            for other in iter_out:
1256                if other.identifier.startswith(pkg.identifier + '.'):
1257                    continue
1259                if not self.hasEdge(pkg, other):
1260                    # Ignore circular dependencies
1261                    self._updateReference(pkg, other, 'pkg-internal-import')
1263            for other in iter_inc:
1264                if other.identifier.startswith(pkg.identifier + '.'):
1265                    # Ignore circular dependencies
1266                    continue
1268                if not self.hasEdge(other, pkg):
1269                    self._updateReference(other, pkg, 'pkg-import')
1271            self.graph.hide_node(n)
1273    # TODO: unfoldReferences(pkg) that restore the submodule nodes and
1274    #       removes 'pkg-import' and 'pkg-internal-import' edges. Care should
1275    #       be taken to ensure that references are correct if multiple packages
1276    #       are folded and then one of them in unfolded
1278    def _updateReference(self, fromnode, tonode, edge_data):
1279        try:
1280            ed = self.edgeData(fromnode, tonode)
1281        except (KeyError, GraphError):  # XXX: Why 'GraphError'
1282            return self.createReference(fromnode, tonode, edge_data)
1284        if not (isinstance(ed, DependencyInfo) and isinstance(edge_data, DependencyInfo)):
1285            self.updateEdgeData(fromnode, tonode, edge_data)
1286        else:
1287            self.updateEdgeData(fromnode, tonode, ed._merged(edge_data))
1289    def createReference(self, fromnode, tonode, edge_data='direct'):
1290        """
1291        Create a reference from fromnode to tonode
1292        """
1293        return super(ModuleGraph, self).createReference(fromnode, tonode, edge_data=edge_data)
1295    def findNode(self, name, create_nspkg=True):
1296        """
1297        Graph node uniquely identified by the passed fully-qualified module
1298        name if this module has been added to the graph _or_ `None` otherwise.
1300        If (in order):
1302        . A namespace package with this identifier exists _and_ the passed
1303          `create_nspkg` parameter is `True`, this package will be
1304          instantiated and returned.
1305        . A lazy node with this identifier and:
1306          * No dependencies exists, this node will be instantiated and
1307            returned.
1308          * Dependencies exists, this node and all transitive dependencies of
1309            this node be instantiated and this node returned.
1310        . A non-lazy node with this identifier exists, this node will be
1311          returned as is.
1313        Parameters
1314        ----------
1315        name : str
1316            Fully-qualified name of the module whose graph node is to be found.
1317        create_nspkg : bool
1318            Whether or not to implicitly instantiate namespace packages. If
1319            `True` _and_ this name is that of a previously registered namespace
1320            package (i.e., in `self.nspackages`) not already added to the
1321            graph, this package will be added to the graph. Defaults to `True`.
1323        Returns
1324        ----------
1325        Node
1326            Graph node of this module if added to the graph _or_ `None`
1327            otherwise.
1328        """
1330        data = super(ModuleGraph, self).findNode(name)
1332        if data is not None:
1333            return data
1335        if name in self.lazynodes:
1336            deps = self.lazynodes.pop(name)
1338            if deps is None:
1339                # excluded module
1340                m = self.createNode(ExcludedModule, name)
1341            elif isinstance(deps, Alias):
1342                other = self._safe_import_hook(deps, None, None).pop()
1343                m = self.createNode(AliasNode, name, other)
1344                self.implyNodeReference(m, other)
1345            else:
1346                m = self._safe_import_hook(name, None, None).pop()
1347                for dep in deps:
1348                    self.implyNodeReference(m, dep)
1350            return m
1352        if name in self.nspackages and create_nspkg:
1353            # name is a --single-version-externally-managed
1354            # namespace package (setuptools/distribute)
1355            pathnames = self.nspackages.pop(name)
1356            m = self.createNode(NamespacePackage, name)
1358            # FIXME: The filename must be set to a string to ensure that py2app
1359            # works, it is not clear yet why that is. Setting to None would be
1360            # cleaner.
1361            m.filename = '-'
1362            m.packagepath = _namespace_package_path(name, pathnames, self.path)
1364            # As per comment at top of file, simulate runtime packagepath additions.
1365            m.packagepath = m.packagepath + self._package_path_map.get(name, [])
1366            return m
1368        return None
1371    def run_script(self, pathname, caller=None):
1372        """
1373        Create a node by path (not module name).  It is expected to be a Python
1374        source file, and will be scanned for dependencies.
1375        """
1376        self.msg(2, "run_script", pathname)
1378        pathname = os.path.realpath(pathname)
1379        m = self.findNode(pathname)
1380        if m is not None:
1381            return m
1383        if sys.version_info[0] != 2:
1384            with open(pathname, 'rb') as fp:
1385                encoding = util.guess_encoding(fp)
1387            with open(pathname, _READ_MODE, encoding=encoding) as fp:
1388                contents = fp.read() + '\n'
1389            if contents.startswith(BOM):
1390                # Ignore BOM at start of input
1391                contents = contents[1:]
1393        else:
1394            with open(pathname, _READ_MODE) as fp:
1395                contents = fp.read() + '\n'
1397        co_ast = compile(contents, pathname, 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST, True)
1398        co = compile(co_ast, pathname, 'exec', 0, True)
1399        m = self.createNode(Script, pathname)
1400        self._updateReference(caller, m, None)
1401        self._scan_code(m, co, co_ast)
1402        m.code = co
1403        if self.replace_paths:
1404            m.code = self._replace_paths_in_code(m.code)
1405        return m
1408    #FIXME: For safety, the "source_module" parameter should default to the
1409    #root node of the current graph if unpassed. This parameter currently
1410    #defaults to None, thus disconnected modules imported in this manner (e.g.,
1411    #hidden imports imported by depend.analysis.initialize_modgraph()).
1412    def import_hook(
1413        self,
1414        target_module_partname,
1415        source_module=None,
1416        target_attr_names=None,
1417        level=DEFAULT_IMPORT_LEVEL,
1418        edge_attr=None,
1419    ):
1420        """
1421        Import the module with the passed name, all parent packages of this
1422        module, _and_ all submodules and attributes in this module with the
1423        passed names from the previously imported caller module signified by
1424        the passed graph node.
1426        Unlike most import methods (e.g., `_safe_import_hook()`), this method
1427        is designed to be publicly called by both external and internal
1428        callers and hence is public.
1430        Parameters
1431        ----------
1432        target_module_partname : str
1433            Partially-qualified name of the target module to be imported. See
1434            `_safe_import_hook()` for further details.
1435        source_module : Node
1436            Graph node for the previously imported **source module** (i.e.,
1437            module containing the `import` statement triggering the call to
1438            this method) _or_ `None` if this module is to be imported in a
1439            "disconnected" manner. **Passing `None` is _not_ recommended.**
1440            Doing so produces a disconnected graph in which the graph node
1441            created for the module to be imported will be disconnected and
1442            hence unreachable from all other nodes -- which frequently causes
1443            subtle issues in external callers (namely PyInstaller, which
1444            silently ignores unreachable nodes).
1445        target_attr_names : list
1446            List of the unqualified names of all submodules and attributes to
1447            be imported from the module to be imported if this is a "from"-
1448            style import (e.g., `[encode_base64, encode_noop]` for the import
1449            `from email.encoders import encode_base64, encode_noop`) _or_
1450            `None` otherwise.
1451        level : int
1452            Whether to perform an absolute or relative import. See
1453            `_safe_import_hook()` for further details.
1455        Returns
1456        ----------
1457        list
1458            List of the graph nodes created for all modules explicitly imported
1459            by this call, including the passed module and all submodules listed
1460            in `target_attr_names` _but_ excluding all parent packages
1461            implicitly imported by this call. If `target_attr_names` is `None`
1462            or the empty list, this is guaranteed to be a list of one element:
1463            the graph node created for the passed module.
1465        Raises
1466        ----------
1467        ImportError
1468            If the target module to be imported is unimportable.
1469        """
1470        self.msg(3, "_import_hook", target_module_partname, source_module, source_module, level)
1472        source_package = self._determine_parent(source_module)
1473        target_package, target_module_partname = self._find_head_package(
1474            source_package, target_module_partname, level)
1475        target_module = self._load_tail(target_package, target_module_partname)
1476        target_modules = [target_module]
1478        # If this is a "from"-style import *AND* this target module is
1479        # actually a package, import all submodules of this package specified
1480        # by the "import" half of this import (e.g., the submodules "bar" and
1481        # "car" of the target package "foo" in "from foo import bar, car").
1482        #
1483        # If this target module is a non-package, it could still contain
1484        # importable submodules (e.g., the non-package `os` module containing
1485        # the `os.path` submodule). In this case, these submodules are already
1486        # imported by this target module's pure-Python code. Since our import
1487        # scanner already detects such imports, these submodules need *NOT* be
1488        # reimported here.
1489        if target_attr_names and isinstance(target_module, Package):
1490            for target_submodule in self._import_importable_package_submodules(
1491                target_module, target_attr_names):
1492                if target_submodule not in target_modules:
1493                    target_modules.append(target_submodule)
1495        # Add an edge from this source module to each target module.
1496        for target_module in target_modules:
1497            self._updateReference(
1498                source_module, target_module, edge_data=edge_attr)
1500        return target_modules
1503    def _determine_parent(self, caller):
1504        """
1505        Determine the package containing a node.
1506        """
1507        self.msgin(4, "determine_parent", caller)
1509        parent = None
1510        if caller:
1511            pname = caller.identifier
1513            if isinstance(caller, Package):
1514                parent = caller
1516            elif '.' in pname:
1517                pname = pname[:pname.rfind('.')]
1518                parent = self.findNode(pname)
1520            elif caller.packagepath:
1521                # XXX: I have no idea why this line
1522                # is necessary.
1523                parent = self.findNode(pname)
1525        self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
1526        return parent
1529    def _find_head_package(
1530        self,
1531        source_package,
1532        target_module_partname,
1533        level=DEFAULT_IMPORT_LEVEL):
1534        """
1535        Import the target package providing the target module with the passed
1536        name to be subsequently imported from the previously imported source
1537        package corresponding to the passed graph node.
1539        Parameters
1540        ----------
1541        source_package : Package
1542            Graph node for the previously imported **source package** (i.e.,
1543            package containing the module containing the `import` statement
1544            triggering the call to this method) _or_ `None` if this module is
1545            to be imported in a "disconnected" manner. **Passing `None` is
1546            _not_ recommended.** See the `_import_hook()` method for further
1547            details.
1548        target_module_partname : str
1549            Partially-qualified name of the target module to be imported. See
1550            `_safe_import_hook()` for further details.
1551        level : int
1552            Whether to perform absolute or relative imports. See the
1553            `_safe_import_hook()` method for further details.
1555        Returns
1556        ----------
1557        (target_package, target_module_tailname)
1558            2-tuple describing the imported target package, where:
1559            * `target_package` is the graph node created for this package.
1560            * `target_module_tailname` is the unqualified name of the target
1561              module to be subsequently imported (e.g., `text` when passed a
1562              `target_module_partname` of `email.mime.text`).
1564        Raises
1565        ----------
1566        ImportError
1567            If the package to be imported is unimportable.
1568        """
1569        self.msgin(4, "find_head_package", source_package, target_module_partname, level)
1571        #FIXME: Rename all local variable names to something sensible. No,
1572        #"p_fqdn" is not a sensible name.
1574        # If this target module is a submodule...
1575        if '.' in target_module_partname:
1576            target_module_headname, target_module_tailname = (
1577                target_module_partname.split('.', 1))
1578        # Else, this target module is a top-level module.
1579        else:
1580            target_module_headname = target_module_partname
1581            target_module_tailname = ''
1583        # If attempting both absolute and relative imports...
1584        if level == ABSOLUTE_OR_RELATIVE_IMPORT_LEVEL:
1585            if source_package:
1586                target_package_name = source_package.identifier + '.' + target_module_headname
1587            else:
1588                target_package_name = target_module_headname
1589        # Else if attempting only absolute imports...
1590        elif level == ABSOLUTE_IMPORT_LEVEL:
1591            target_package_name = target_module_headname
1593            # Absolute import, ignore the parent
1594            source_package = None
1595        # Else if attempting only relative imports...
1596        else:
1597            if source_package is None:
1598                self.msg(2, "Relative import outside of package")
1599                raise InvalidRelativeImportError(
1600                    "Relative import outside of package (name=%r, parent=%r, level=%r)" % (
1601                        target_module_partname, source_package, level))
1603            for i in range(level - 1):
1604                if '.' not in source_package.identifier:
1605                    self.msg(2, "Relative import outside of package")
1606                    raise InvalidRelativeImportError(
1607                        "Relative import outside of package (name=%r, parent=%r, level=%r)" % (
1608                            target_module_partname, source_package, level))
1610                p_fqdn = source_package.identifier.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
1611                new_parent = self.findNode(p_fqdn)
1612                if new_parent is None:
1613                    #FIXME: Repetition detected. Exterminate. Exterminate.
1614                    self.msg(2, "Relative import outside of package")
1615                    raise InvalidRelativeImportError(
1616                        "Relative import outside of package (name=%r, parent=%r, level=%r)" % (
1617                            target_module_partname, source_package, level))
1619                assert new_parent is not source_package, (
1620                    new_parent, source_package)
1621                source_package = new_parent
1623            if target_module_headname:
1624                target_package_name = (
1625                    source_package.identifier + '.' + target_module_headname)
1626            else:
1627                target_package_name = source_package.identifier
1629        # Graph node of this target package.
1630        target_package = self._safe_import_module(
1631            target_module_headname, target_package_name, source_package)
1633        #FIXME: Why exactly is this necessary again? This doesn't quite seem
1634        #right but maybe it is. Shouldn't absolute imports only be performed if
1635        #the passed "level" is either "ABSOLUTE_IMPORT_LEVEL" or
1636        #"ABSOLUTE_OR_RELATIVE_IMPORT_LEVEL" -- or, more succinctly:
1637        #
1638        #    if level < 1:
1640        # If this target package is *NOT* importable and a source package was
1641        # passed, attempt to import this target package as an absolute import.
1642        if target_package is None and source_package is not None:
1643            target_package_name = target_module_headname
1644            source_package = None
1646            # Graph node for the target package, again.
1647            target_package = self._safe_import_module(
1648                target_module_headname, target_package_name, source_package)
1650        # If this target package is importable, return this package.
1651        if target_package is not None:
1652            self.msgout(4, "find_head_package ->", (target_package, target_module_tailname))
1653            return target_package, target_module_tailname
1655        # Else, raise an exception.
1656        self.msgout(4, "raise ImportError: No module named", target_package_name)
1657        raise ImportError("No module named " + target_package_name)
1660    def _load_tail(self, package, submodule_name):
1661        """
1662        Import the submodule with the passed name and all parent packages of
1663        this module from the previously imported parent package corresponding
1664        to the passed graph node.
1666        Parameters
1667        ----------
1668        package : Package
1669            Graph node of the previously imported package containing this
1670            submodule.
1671        submodule_name : str
1672            Name of the submodule to be imported in either qualified (e.g.,
1673            `email.mime.base`) or unqualified (e.g., `base`) form.
1675        Returns
1676        ----------
1677        Node
1678            Graph node created for this submodule.
1680        Raises
1681        ----------
1682        ImportError
1683            If this submodule is unimportable.
1684        """
1685        self.msgin(4, "load_tail", package, submodule_name)
1687        submodule = package
1688        while submodule_name:
1689            i = submodule_name.find('.')
1690            if i < 0:
1691                i = len(submodule_name)
1692            head, submodule_name = submodule_name[:i], submodule_name[i+1:]
1693            mname = "%s.%s" % (submodule.identifier, head)
1694            submodule = self._safe_import_module(head, mname, submodule)
1696            if submodule is None:
1697                # FIXME: Why do we no longer return a MissingModule instance?
1698                # result = self.createNode(MissingModule, mname)
1699                self.msgout(4, "raise ImportError: No module named", mname)
1700                raise ImportError("No module named " + repr(mname))
1702        self.msgout(4, "load_tail ->", submodule)
1703        return submodule
1706    #FIXME: Refactor from a generator yielding graph nodes into a non-generator
1707    #returning a list or tuple of all yielded graph nodes. This method is only
1708    #called once above and the return value of that call is only iterated over
1709    #as a list or tuple. There's no demonstrable reason for this to be a
1710    #generator. Generators are great for their intended purposes (e.g., as
1711    #continuations). This isn't one of those purposes.
1712    def _import_importable_package_submodules(self, package, attr_names):
1713        """
1714        Generator importing and yielding each importable submodule (of the
1715        previously imported package corresponding to the passed graph node)
1716        whose unqualified name is in the passed list.
1718        Elements of this list that are _not_ importable submodules of this
1719        package are either:
1721        * Ignorable attributes (e.g., classes, globals) defined at the top
1722          level of this package's `__init__` submodule, which will be ignored.
1723        * Else, unignorable unimportable submodules, in which case an
1724          exception is raised.
1726        Parameters
1727        ----------
1728        package : Package
1729            Graph node of the previously imported package containing the
1730            modules to be imported and yielded.
1732        attr_names : list
1733            List of the unqualified names of all attributes of this package to
1734            attempt to import as submodules. This list will be internally
1735            converted into a set, safely ignoring any duplicates in this list
1736            (e.g., reducing the "from"-style import
1737            `from foo import bar, car, far, bar, car, far` to merely
1738            `from foo import bar, car, far`).
1740        Yields
1741        ----------
1742        Node
1743            Graph node created for the currently imported submodule.
1745        Raises
1746        ----------
1747        ImportError
1748            If any attribute whose name is in `attr_names` is neither:
1749            * An importable submodule of this package.
1750            * An ignorable global attribute (e.g., class, variable) defined at
1751              the top level of this package's `__init__` submodule.
1752            In this case, this attribute _must_ be an unimportable submodule of
1753            this package.
1754        """
1756        # Ignore duplicate submodule names in the passed list.
1757        attr_names = set(attr_names)
1758        self.msgin(4, "_import_importable_package_submodules", package, attr_names)
1760        #FIXME: This test *SHOULD* be superfluous and hence safely removable.
1761        #The higher-level _scan_bytecode() and _collect_import() methods
1762        #already guarantee "*" characters to be removed from fromlists.
1763        if '*' in attr_names:
1764            attr_names.update(self._find_all_submodules(package))
1765            attr_names.remove('*')
1767        # self.msg(4, '_import_importable_package_submodules (global attrs)', package.identifier, package._global_attr_names)
1769        # For the name of each attribute to be imported from this package...
1770        for attr_name in attr_names:
1771            # self.msg(4, '_import_importable_package_submodules (fromlist attr)', package.identifier, attr_name)
1773            # Graph node of this attribute if this attribute is a previously
1774            # imported module or None otherwise.
1775            submodule = package.get_submodule_or_none(attr_name)
1777            # If this attribute is *NOT* a previously imported module, attempt
1778            # to import this attribute as a submodule of this package.
1779            if submodule is None:
1780                # Fully-qualified name of this submodule.
1781                submodule_name = package.identifier + '.' + attr_name
1783                # Graph node of this submodule if importable or None otherwise.
1784                submodule = self._safe_import_module(
1785                    attr_name, submodule_name, package)
1787                # If this submodule is unimportable...
1788                if submodule is None:
1789                    # If this attribute is a global (e.g., class, variable)
1790                    # defined at the top level of this package's "__init__"
1791                    # submodule, this importation is safely ignorable. Do so
1792                    # and skip to the next attribute.
1793                    #
1794                    # This behaviour is non-conformant with Python behaviour,
1795                    # which is bad, but is required to sanely handle all
1796                    # possible edge cases, which is good. In Python, a global
1797                    # attribute defined at the top level of a package's
1798                    # "__init__" submodule shadows a submodule of the same name
1799                    # in that package. Attempting to import that submodule
1800                    # instead imports that attribute; thus, that submodule is
1801                    # effectively unimportable. In this method and elsewhere,
1802                    # that submodule is tested for first and hence shadows that
1803                    # attribute -- the opposite logic. Attempts to import that
1804                    # attribute are mistakenly seen as attempts to import that
1805                    # submodule! Why?
1806                    #
1807                    # Edge cases. PyInstaller (and by extension ModuleGraph)
1808                    # only cares about module imports. Global attribute imports
1809                    # are parsed only as the means to this ends and are
1810                    # otherwise ignorable. The cost of erroneously shadowing:
1811                    #
1812                    # * Submodules by attributes is significant. Doing so
1813                    #   prevents such submodules from being frozen and hence
1814                    #   imported at application runtime.
1815                    # * Attributes by submodules is insignificant. Doing so
1816                    #   could erroneously freeze such submodules despite their
1817                    #   never being imported at application runtime. However,
1818                    #   ModuleGraph is incapable of determining with certainty
1819                    #   that Python logic in another module other than the
1820                    #   "__init__" submodule containing these attributes does
1821                    #   *NOT* delete these attributes and hence unshadow these
1822                    #   submodules, which would then become importable at
1823                    #   runtime and require freezing. Hence, ModuleGraph *MUST*
1824                    #   permissively assume submodules of the same name as
1825                    #   attributes to be unshadowed elsewhere and require
1826                    #   freezing -- even if they do not.
1827                    #
1828                    # It is practically difficult (albeit technically feasible)
1829                    # for ModuleGraph to determine whether or not the target
1830                    # attribute names of "from"-style import statements (e.g.,
1831                    # "bar" and "car" in "from foo import bar, car") refer to
1832                    # non-ignorable submodules or ignorable non-module globals
1833                    # during opcode scanning. Distinguishing these two cases
1834                    # during opcode scanning would require a costly call to the
1835                    # _find_module() method, which would subsequently be
1836                    # repeated during import-graph construction. This could be
1837                    # ameliorated with caching, which itself would require
1838                    # costly space consumption and developer time.
1839                    #
1840                    # Since opcode scanning fails to distinguish these two
1841                    # cases, this and other methods subsequently called at
1842                    # import-graph construction time (e.g.,
1843                    # _safe_import_hook()) must do so. Since submodules of the
1844                    # same name as attributes must assume to be unshadowed
1845                    # elsewhere and require freezing, the only solution is to
1846                    # attempt to import an attribute as a non-ignorable module
1847                    # *BEFORE* assuming an attribute to be an ignorable
1848                    # non-module. Which is what this and other methods do.
1849                    #
1850                    # See Package.is_global_attr() for similar discussion.
1851                    if package.is_global_attr(attr_name):
1852                        self.msg(4, '_import_importable_package_submodules: ignoring from-imported global', package.identifier, attr_name)
1853                        continue
1854                    # Else, this attribute is an unimportable submodule. Since
1855                    # this is *NOT* safely ignorable, raise an exception.
1856                    else:
1857                        raise ImportError("No module named " + submodule_name)
1859            # Yield this submodule's graph node to the caller.
1860            yield submodule
1862        self.msgin(4, "_import_importable_package_submodules ->")
1865    def _find_all_submodules(self, m):
1866        if not m.packagepath:
1867            return
1868        # 'suffixes' used to be a list hardcoded to [".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"].
1869        # But we must also collect Python extension modules - although
1870        # we cannot separate normal dlls from Python extensions.
1871        for path in m.packagepath:
1872            try:
1873                names = zipio.listdir(path)
1874            except (os.error, IOError):
1875                self.msg(2, "can't list directory", path)
1876                continue
1877            for info in (moduleInfoForPath(p) for p in names):
1878                if info is None:
1879                    continue
1880                if info[0] != '__init__':
1881                    yield info[0]
1884    def alias_module(self, src_module_name, trg_module_name):
1885        """
1886        Alias the source module to the target module with the passed names.
1888        This method ensures that the next call to findNode() given the target
1889        module name will resolve this alias. This includes importing and adding
1890        a graph node for the source module if needed as well as adding a
1891        reference from the target to source module.
1893        Parameters
1894        ----------
1895        src_module_name : str
1896            Fully-qualified name of the existing **source module** (i.e., the
1897            module being aliased).
1898        trg_module_name : str
1899            Fully-qualified name of the non-existent **target module** (i.e.,
1900            the alias to be created).
1901        """
1902        self.msg(3, 'alias_module "%s" -> "%s"' % (src_module_name, trg_module_name))
1903        # print('alias_module "%s" -> "%s"' % (src_module_name, trg_module_name))
1904        assert isinstance(src_module_name, str), '"%s" not a module name.' % str(src_module_name)
1905        assert isinstance(trg_module_name, str), '"%s" not a module name.' % str(trg_module_name)
1907        # If the target module has already been added to the graph as either a
1908        # non-alias or as a different alias, raise an exception.
1909        trg_module = self.findNode(trg_module_name)
1910        if trg_module is not None and not (
1911           isinstance(trg_module, AliasNode) and
1912           trg_module.identifier == src_module_name):
1913            raise ValueError(
1914                'Target module "%s" already imported as "%s".' % (
1915                    trg_module_name, trg_module))
1917        # See findNode() for details.
1918        self.lazynodes[trg_module_name] = Alias(src_module_name)
1921    def add_module(self, module):
1922        """
1923        Add the passed module node to the graph if not already added.
1925        If that module has a parent module or package with a previously added
1926        node, this method also adds a reference from this module node to its
1927        parent node and adds this module node to its parent node's namespace.
1929        This high-level method wraps the low-level `addNode()` method, but is
1930        typically _only_ called by graph hooks adding runtime module nodes. For
1931        all other node types, the `import_module()` method should be called.
1933        Parameters
1934        ----------
1935        module : BaseModule
1936            Graph node of the module to be added.
1937        """
1938        self.msg(3, 'add_module', module)
1940        # If no node exists for this module, add such a node.
1941        module_added = self.findNode(module.identifier)
1942        if module_added is None:
1943            self.addNode(module)
1944        else:
1945            assert module == module_added, 'New module %r != previous %r.' % (module, module_added)
1947        # If this module has a previously added parent, reference this module to
1948        # its parent and add this module to its parent's namespace.
1949        parent_name, _, module_basename = module.identifier.rpartition('.')
1950        if parent_name:
1951            parent = self.findNode(parent_name)
1952            if parent is None:
1953                self.msg(4, 'add_module parent not found:', parent_name)
1954            else:
1955                self.createReference(module, parent)
1956                parent.add_submodule(module_basename, module)
1959    def append_package_path(self, package_name, directory):
1960        """
1961        Modulegraph does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
1962        handle packagepath '__path__' modifications packages make at runtime.
1964        Therefore there is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths
1965        in this map for a package, and it will be honored.
1967        NOTE: This method has to be called before a package is resolved by
1968              modulegraph.
1970        Parameters
1971        ----------
1972        module : str
1973            Fully-qualified module name.
1974        directory : str
1975            Absolute or relative path of the directory to append to the
1976            '__path__' attribute.
1977        """
1979        paths = self._package_path_map.setdefault(package_name, [])
1980        paths.append(directory)
1983    def _safe_import_module(
1984        self, module_partname, module_name, parent_module):
1985        """
1986        Create a new graph node for the module with the passed name under the
1987        parent package signified by the passed graph node _without_ raising
1988        `ImportError` exceptions.
1990        If this module has already been imported, this module's existing graph
1991        node will be returned; else if this module is importable, a new graph
1992        node will be added for this module and returned; else this module is
1993        unimportable, in which case `None` will be returned. Like the
1994        `_safe_import_hook()` method, this method does _not_ raise
1995        `ImportError` exceptions when this module is unimportable.
1997        Parameters
1998        ----------
1999        module_partname : str
2000            Unqualified name of the module to be imported (e.g., `text`).
2001        module_name : str
2002            Fully-qualified name of this module (e.g., `email.mime.text`).
2003        parent_module : Package
2004            Graph node of the previously imported parent module containing this
2005            submodule _or_ `None` if this is a top-level module (i.e.,
2006            `module_name` contains no `.` delimiters). This parent module is
2007            typically but _not_ always a package (e.g., the `os.path` submodule
2008            contained by the `os` module).
2010        Returns
2011        ----------
2012        Node
2013            Graph node created for this module _or_ `None` if this module is
2014            unimportable.
2015        """
2016        self.msgin(3, "safe_import_module", module_partname, module_name, parent_module)
2018        # If this module has *NOT* already been imported, do so.
2019        module = self.findNode(module_name)
2020        if module is None:
2021            # List of the absolute paths of all directories to be searched for
2022            # this module. This effectively defaults to "sys.path".
2023            search_dirs = None
2025            # Open file handle providing the physical contents of this module.
2026            file_handle = None
2028            # If this module has a parent package...
2029            if parent_module is not None:
2030                # ...with a list of the absolute paths of all directories
2031                # comprising this package, prefer that to "sys.path".
2032                if parent_module.packagepath is not None:
2033                    search_dirs = parent_module.packagepath
2034                # Else, something is horribly wrong. Return emptiness.
2035                else:
2036                    self.msgout(3, "safe_import_module -> None (parent_parent.packagepath is None)")
2037                    return None
2039            try:
2040                try:
2041                    file_handle, pathname, metadata = self._find_module(
2042                        module_partname, search_dirs, parent_module)
2043                except ImportError as exc:
2044                    self.msgout(3, "safe_import_module -> None (%r)" % exc)
2045                    return None
2047                module = self._load_module(
2048                    module_name, file_handle, pathname, metadata)
2049            finally:
2050                if file_handle is not None:
2051                    file_handle.close()
2053        # If this is a submodule rather than top-level module...
2054        if parent_module is not None:
2055            self.msg(4, "safe_import_module create reference", module, "->", parent_module)
2057            # Add an edge from this submodule to its parent module.
2058            self._updateReference(
2059                module, parent_module, edge_data=DependencyInfo(
2060                    conditional=False,
2061                    fromlist=False,
2062                    function=False,
2063                    tryexcept=False,
2064            ))
2066            # Add this submodule to its parent module.
2067            parent_module.add_submodule(module_partname, module)
2069        # Return this module.
2070        self.msgout(3, "safe_import_module ->", module)
2071        return module
2074    #FIXME: For clarity, rename method parameters to:
2075    #    def _load_module(self, module_name, file_handle, pathname, imp_info):
2076    def _load_module(self, fqname, fp, pathname, info):
2077        suffix, mode, typ = info
2078        self.msgin(2, "load_module", fqname, fp and "fp", pathname)
2080        if typ == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
2081            if isinstance(mode, (list, tuple)):
2082                packagepath = mode
2083            else:
2084                packagepath = []
2086            m = self._load_package(fqname, pathname, packagepath)
2087            self.msgout(2, "load_module ->", m)
2088            return m
2090        if typ == imp.PY_SOURCE:
2091            contents = fp.read()
2092            if isinstance(contents, bytes):
2093                contents += b'\n'
2094            else:
2095                contents += '\n'
2097            try:
2098                co = compile(contents, pathname, 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST, True)
2099                if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 5):
2100                    # In Python 3.5 some syntax problems with async
2101                    # functions are only reported when compiling to bytecode
2102                    compile(co, '-', 'exec', 0, True)
2103            except SyntaxError:
2104                co = None
2105                cls = InvalidSourceModule
2106                self.msg(2, "load_module: InvalidSourceModule", pathname)
2108            else:
2109                cls = SourceModule
2111        elif typ == imp.PY_COMPILED:
2112            data = fp.read(4)
2113            magic = imp.get_magic()
2114            if data != magic:
2115                self.msg(2, "load_module: InvalidCompiledModule, "
2116                         "bad magic number", pathname, data, magic)
2117                co = None
2118                cls = InvalidCompiledModule
2119            else:
2120                if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
2121                    fp.read(12)
2122                elif sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
2123                    fp.read(8)
2124                else:
2125                    fp.read(4)
2126                try:
2127                    co = marshal.loads(fp.read())
2128                    cls = CompiledModule
2129                except Exception as exc:
2130                    self.msg(2, "load_module: InvalidCompiledModule, "
2131                             "Cannot load code", pathname, exc)
2132                    co = None
2133                    cls = InvalidCompiledModule
2135        elif typ == imp.C_BUILTIN:
2136            cls = BuiltinModule
2137            co = None
2139        else:
2140            cls = Extension
2141            co = None
2143        m = self.createNode(cls, fqname)
2144        m.filename = pathname
2145        if co is not None:
2146            try:
2147                if isinstance(co, ast.AST):
2148                    co_ast = co
2149                    co = compile(co_ast, pathname, 'exec', 0, True)
2150                else:
2151                    co_ast = None
2152                self._scan_code(m, co, co_ast)
2154                if self.replace_paths:
2155                    co = self._replace_paths_in_code(co)
2156                m.code = co
2157            except SyntaxError:
2158                self.msg(1, "load_module: SyntaxError in ", pathname)
2159                cls = InvalidSourceModule
2160                m = self.createNode(cls, fqname)
2162        self.msgout(2, "load_module ->", m)
2163        return m
2166    def _safe_import_hook(
2167        self, target_module_partname, source_module, target_attr_names,
2168        level=DEFAULT_IMPORT_LEVEL, edge_attr=None):
2169        """
2170        Import the module with the passed name and all parent packages of this
2171        module from the previously imported caller module signified by the
2172        passed graph node _without_ raising `ImportError` exceptions.
2174        This method wraps the lowel-level `_import_hook()` method. On catching
2175        an `ImportError` exception raised by that method, this method creates
2176        and adds a `MissingNode` instance describing the unimportable module to
2177        the graph instead.
2179        Parameters
2180        ----------
2181        target_module_partname : str
2182            Partially-qualified name of the module to be imported. If `level`
2183            is:
2184            * `ABSOLUTE_OR_RELATIVE_IMPORT_LEVEL` (e.g., the Python 2 default)
2185              or a positive integer (e.g., an explicit relative import), the
2186              fully-qualified name of this module is the concatenation of the
2187              fully-qualified name of the caller module's package and this
2188              parameter.
2189            * `ABSOLUTE_IMPORT_LEVEL` (e.g., the Python 3 default), this name
2190              is already fully-qualified.
2191            * A non-negative integer (e.g., `1`), this name is typically the
2192              empty string. In this case, this is a "from"-style relative
2193              import (e.g., "from . import bar") and the fully-qualified name
2194              of this module is dynamically resolved by import machinery.
2195        source_module : Node
2196            Graph node for the previously imported **caller module** (i.e.,
2197            module containing the `import` statement triggering the call to
2198            this method) _or_ `None` if this module is to be imported in a
2199            "disconnected" manner. **Passing `None` is _not_ recommended.**
2200            Doing so produces a disconnected graph in which the graph node
2201            created for the module to be imported will be disconnected and
2202            hence unreachable from all other nodes -- which frequently causes
2203            subtle issues in external callers (e.g., PyInstaller, which
2204            silently ignores unreachable nodes).
2205        target_attr_names : list
2206            List of the unqualified names of all submodules and attributes to
2207            be imported via a `from`-style import statement from this target
2208            module if any (e.g., the list `[encode_base64, encode_noop]` for
2209            the import `from email.encoders import encode_base64, encode_noop`)
2210            _or_ `None` otherwise. Ignored unless `source_module` is the graph
2211            node of a package (i.e., is an instance of the `Package` class).
2212            Why? Because:
2213            * Consistency. The `_import_importable_package_submodules()`
2214              method accepts a similar list applicable only to packages.
2215            * Efficiency. Unlike packages, modules cannot physically contain
2216              submodules. Hence, any target module imported via a `from`-style
2217              import statement as an attribute from another target parent
2218              module must itself have been imported in that target parent
2219              module. The import statement responsible for that import must
2220              already have been previously parsed by `ModuleGraph`, in which
2221              case that target module will already be frozen by PyInstaller.
2222              These imports are safely ignorable here.
2223        level : int
2224            Whether to perform an absolute or relative import. This parameter
2225            corresponds exactly to the parameter of the same name accepted by
2226            the `__import__()` built-in: "The default is -1 which indicates
2227            both absolute and relative imports will be attempted. 0 means only
2228            perform absolute imports. Positive values for level indicate the
2229            number of parent directories to search relative to the directory of
2230            the module calling `__import__()`." Defaults to -1 under Python 2
2231            and 0 under Python 3. Since this default depends on the major
2232            version of the current Python interpreter, depending on this
2233            default can result in unpredictable and non-portable behaviour.
2234            Callers are strongly recommended to explicitly pass this parameter
2235            rather than implicitly accept this default.
2237        Returns
2238        ----------
2239        list
2240            List of the graph nodes created for all modules explicitly imported
2241            by this call, including the passed module and all submodules listed
2242            in `target_attr_names` _but_ excluding all parent packages
2243            implicitly imported by this call. If `target_attr_names` is either
2244            `None` or the empty list, this is guaranteed to be a list of one
2245            element: the graph node created for the passed module. As above,
2246            `MissingNode` instances are created for all unimportable modules.
2247        """
2248        self.msg(3, "_safe_import_hook", target_module_partname, source_module, target_attr_names, level)
2250        def is_swig_candidate():
2251            return (source_module is not None and
2252                    target_attr_names is None and
2253                    level == ABSOLUTE_IMPORT_LEVEL and
2254                    type(source_module) is SourceModule and
2255                    target_module_partname ==
2256                      '_' + source_module.identifier.rpartition('.')[2] and
2257                    sys.version_info[0] == 3)
2259        def is_swig_wrapper(source_module):
2260            # TODO Define a new function util.open_text_file() performing
2261            # this logic, which is repeated numerous times in this module.
2262            # FIXME: Actually, can't we just use the new compat.open()
2263            # function to reliably open text files in a portable manner?
2264            with open(source_module.filename, 'rb') as source_module_file:
2265                encoding = util.guess_encoding(source_module_file)
2266            with open(source_module.filename, _READ_MODE, encoding=encoding) \
2267                    as source_module_file:
2268                first_line = source_module_file.readline()
2269            self.msg(5, 'SWIG wrapper candidate first line: %r' % (first_line))
2270            return "automatically generated by SWIG" in first_line
2273        # List of the graph nodes created for all target modules both
2274        # imported by and returned from this call, whose:
2275        #
2276        # * First element is the graph node for the core target module
2277        #   specified by the "target_module_partname" parameter.
2278        # * Remaining elements are the graph nodes for all target submodules
2279        #   specified by the "target_attr_names" parameter.
2280        target_modules = None
2282        # True if this is a Python 2-style implicit relative import of a
2283        # SWIG-generated C extension. False if we checked and it is not SWIG.
2284        # None if we haven't checked yet.
2285        is_swig_import = None
2287        # Attempt to import this target module in the customary way.
2288        try:
2289            target_modules = self.import_hook(
2290                target_module_partname, source_module,
2291                target_attr_names=None, level=level, edge_attr=edge_attr)
2292        # Failing that, defer to custom module importers handling non-standard
2293        # import schemes (namely, SWIG).
2294        except InvalidRelativeImportError:
2295            self.msgout(2, "Invalid relative import", level,
2296                        target_module_partname, target_attr_names)
2297            result = []
2298            for sub in target_attr_names or '*':
2299                m = self.createNode(InvalidRelativeImport,
2300                                    '.' * level + target_module_partname, sub)
2301                self._updateReference(source_module, m, edge_data=edge_attr)
2302                result.append(m)
2303            return result
2304        except ImportError as msg:
2305            # If this is an absolute top-level import under Python 3 and if the
2306            # name to be imported is the caller's name prefixed by "_", this
2307            # could be a SWIG-generated Python 2-style implicit relative import.
2308            # SWIG-generated files contain functions named swig_import_helper()
2309            # importing dynamic libraries residing in the same directory. For
2310            # example, a SWIG-generated caller module "csr.py" might resemble:
2311            #
2312            #     # This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
2313            #     ...
2314            #     def swig_import_helper():
2315            #         ...
2316            #         try:
2317            #             fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_csr',
2318            #                   [dirname(__file__)])
2319            #         except ImportError:
2320            #             import _csr
2321            #             return _csr
2322            #
2323            # While there exists no reasonable means for modulegraph to parse
2324            # the call to imp.find_module(), the subsequent implicit relative
2325            # import is trivially parsable. This import is prohibited under
2326            # Python 3, however, and thus parsed only if the caller's file is
2327            # parsable plaintext (as indicated by a filetype of ".py") and the
2328            # first line of this file is the above SWIG header comment.
2329            #
2330            # The constraint that this library's name be the caller's name
2331            # prefixed by '_' is explicitly mandated by SWIG and thus a
2332            # reliable indicator of "SWIG-ness". The SWIG documentation states:
2333            # "When linking the module, the name of the output file has to match
2334            #  the name of the module prefixed by an underscore."
2335            #
2336            # Only source modules (e.g., ".py"-suffixed files) are SWIG import
2337            # candidates. All other node types are safely ignorable.
2338            if is_swig_candidate():
2339                self.msg(
2340                    4,
2341                    'SWIG import candidate (name=%r, caller=%r, level=%r)' % (
2342                        target_module_partname, source_module, level))
2343                is_swig_import = is_swig_wrapper(source_module)
2344                if is_swig_import:
2345                    # Convert this Python 2-compliant implicit relative
2346                    # import prohibited by Python 3 into a Python
2347                    # 3-compliant explicit relative "from"-style import for
2348                    # the duration of this function call by overwriting the
2349                    # original parameters passed to this call.
2350                    target_attr_names = [target_module_partname]
2351                    target_module_partname = ''
2352                    level = 1
2353                    self.msg(2,
2354                             'SWIG import (caller=%r, fromlist=%r, level=%r)'
2355                             % (source_module, target_attr_names, level))
2356                    # Import this target SWIG C extension's package.
2357                    try:
2358                        target_modules = self.import_hook(
2359                            target_module_partname, source_module,
2360                            target_attr_names=None,
2361                            level=level,
2362                            edge_attr=edge_attr)
2363                    except ImportError as msg:
2364                        self.msg(2, "SWIG ImportError:", str(msg))
2366            # If this module remains unimportable...
2367            if target_modules is None:
2368                self.msg(2, "ImportError:", str(msg))
2370                # Add this module as a MissingModule node.
2371                target_module = self.createNode(
2372                    MissingModule,
2373                    _path_from_importerror(msg, target_module_partname))
2374                self._updateReference(
2375                    source_module, target_module, edge_data=edge_attr)
2377                # Initialize this list to this node.
2378                target_modules = [target_module]
2380        # Ensure that the above logic imported exactly one target module.
2381        assert len(target_modules) == 1, (
2382            'Expected import_hook() to'
2383            'return only one module but received: {}'.format(target_modules))
2385        # Target module imported above.
2386        target_module = target_modules[0]
2388        if isinstance(target_module, MissingModule) \
2389           and is_swig_import is None and is_swig_candidate() \
2390           and is_swig_wrapper(source_module):
2391            # if this possible swig C module was previously imported from
2392            # a python module other than its corresponding swig python
2393            # module, then it may have been considered a MissingModule.
2394            # Try to reimport it now. For details see pull-request #2578
2395            # and issue #1522.
2396            #
2397            # If this module was takes as a SWIG candidate above, but failed
2398            # to import, this would be a MissingModule, too. Thus check if
2399            # this was the case (is_swig_import would be not None) to avoid
2400            # recursion error. If `is_swig_import` is None and we are still a
2401            # swig candidate then that means we haven't properly imported this
2402            # swig module yet so do that below.
2403            #
2404            # Remove the MissingModule node from the graph so that we can
2405            # attempt a reimport and avoid collisions. This node should be
2406            # fine to remove because the proper module will be imported and
2407            # added to the graph in the next line (call to _safe_import_hook).
2408            self.removeNode(target_module)
2409            # Reimport the SWIG C module relative to the wrapper
2410            target_modules = self._safe_import_hook(
2411                target_module_partname, source_module,
2412                target_attr_names=None, level=1, edge_attr=edge_attr)
2413            # return the output regardless because it would just be
2414            # duplicating the processing below
2415            return target_modules
2417        if isinstance(edge_attr, DependencyInfo):
2418            edge_attr = edge_attr._replace(fromlist=True)
2420        # If this is a "from"-style import *AND* this target module is a
2421        # package, import all attributes listed by the "import" clause of this
2422        # import that are submodules of this package. If this target module is
2423        # *NOT* a package, these attributes are always ignorable globals (e.g.,
2424        # classes, variables) defined at the top level of this module.
2425        #
2426        # If this target module is a non-package, it could still contain
2427        # importable submodules (e.g., the non-package `os` module containing
2428        # the `os.path` submodule). In this case, these submodules are already
2429        # imported by this target module's pure-Python code. Since our import
2430        # scanner already detects these imports, these submodules need *NOT* be
2431        # reimported here. (Doing so would be harmless but inefficient.)
2432        if target_attr_names and isinstance(target_module, Package):
2433            # For the name of each attribute imported from this target package
2434            # into this source module...
2435            for target_submodule_partname in target_attr_names:
2436                #FIXME: Is this optimization *REALLY* an optimization or at all
2437                #necessary? The findNode() method called below should already
2438                #be heavily optimized, in which case this optimization here is
2439                #premature, senseless, and should be eliminated.
2441                # If this attribute is a previously imported submodule of this
2442                # target module, optimize this edge case.
2443                if target_module.is_submodule(target_submodule_partname):
2444                    # Graph node for this submodule.
2445                    target_submodule = target_module.get_submodule(
2446                        target_submodule_partname)
2448                    #FIXME: What? Shouldn't "target_submodule" *ALWAYS* be
2449                    #non-None here? Assert this to be non-None instead.
2450                    if target_submodule is not None:
2451                        #FIXME: Why does duplication matter? List searches are
2452                        #mildly expensive.
2454                        # If this submodule has not already been added to the
2455                        # list of submodules to be returned, do so.
2456                        if target_submodule not in target_modules:
2457                            self._updateReference(
2458                                source_module,
2459                                target_submodule,
2460                                edge_data=edge_attr)
2461                            target_modules.append(target_submodule)
2462                        continue
2464                # Fully-qualified name of this submodule.
2465                target_submodule_name = (
2466                    target_module.identifier + '.' + target_submodule_partname)
2468                # Graph node of this submodule if previously imported or None.
2469                target_submodule = self.findNode(target_submodule_name)
2471                # If this submodule has not been imported, do so as if this
2472                # submodule were the only attribute listed by the "import"
2473                # clause of this import (e.g., as "from foo import bar" rather
2474                # than "from foo import car, far, bar").
2475                if target_submodule is None:
2476                    # Attempt to import this submodule.
2477                    try:
2478                        # Ignore the list of graph nodes returned by this
2479                        # method. If both this submodule's package and this
2480                        # submodule are importable, this method returns a
2481                        # 2-element list whose second element is this
2482                        # submodule's graph node. However, if this submodule's
2483                        # package is importable but this submodule is not,
2484                        # this submodule is either:
2485                        #
2486                        # * An ignorable global attribute defined at the top
2487                        #   level of this package's "__init__" submodule. In
2488                        #   this case, this method returns a 1-element list
2489                        #   without raising an exception.
2490                        # * A non-ignorable unimportable submodule. In this
2491                        #   case, this method raises an "ImportError".
2492                        #
2493                        # While the first two cases are disambiguatable by the
2494                        # length of this list, doing so would render this code
2495                        # dependent on import_hook() details subject to change.
2496                        # Instead, call findNode() to decide the truthiness.
2497                        self.import_hook(
2498                            target_module_partname, source_module,
2499                            target_attr_names=[target_submodule_partname],
2500                            level=level,
2501                            edge_attr=edge_attr)
2503                        # Graph node of this submodule imported by the prior
2504                        # call if importable or None otherwise.
2505                        target_submodule = self.findNode(target_submodule_name)
2507                        # If this submodule does not exist, this *MUST* be an
2508                        # ignorable global attribute defined at the top level
2509                        # of this package's "__init__" submodule.
2510                        if target_submodule is None:
2511                            # Assert this to actually be the case.
2512                            assert target_module.is_global_attr(
2513                                target_submodule_partname), (
2514                                'No global named {} in {}.__init__'.format(
2515                                    target_submodule_partname,
2516                                    target_module.identifier))
2518                            # Skip this safely ignorable importation to the
2519                            # next attribute. See similar logic in the body of
2520                            # _import_importable_package_submodules().
2521                            self.msg(4, '_safe_import_hook', 'ignoring imported non-module global', target_module.identifier, target_submodule_partname)
2522                            continue
2524                        # If this is a SWIG C extension, instruct PyInstaller
2525                        # to freeze this extension under its unqualified rather
2526                        # than qualified name (e.g., as "_csr" rather than
2527                        # "scipy.sparse.sparsetools._csr"), permitting the
2528                        # implicit relative import in its parent SWIG module to
2529                        # successfully find this extension.
2530                        if is_swig_import:
2531                            # If a graph node with this name already exists,
2532                            # avoid collisions by emitting an error instead.
2533                            if self.findNode(target_submodule_partname):
2534                                self.msg(
2535                                    2,
2536                                    'SWIG import error: %r basename %r '
2537                                    'already exists' % (
2538                                        target_submodule_name,
2539                                        target_submodule_partname))
2540                            else:
2541                                self.msg(
2542                                    4,
2543                                    'SWIG import renamed from %r to %r' % (
2544                                        target_submodule_name,
2545                                        target_submodule_partname))
2546                                target_submodule.identifier = (
2547                                    target_submodule_partname)
2548                    # If this submodule is unimportable, add a MissingModule.
2549                    except ImportError as msg:
2550                        self.msg(2, "ImportError:", str(msg))
2551                        target_submodule = self.createNode(
2552                            MissingModule, target_submodule_name)
2554                # Add this submodule to its package.
2555                target_module.add_submodule(
2556                    target_submodule_partname, target_submodule)
2557                if target_submodule is not None:
2558                    self._updateReference(
2559                        target_module, target_submodule, edge_data=edge_attr)
2560                    self._updateReference(
2561                        source_module, target_submodule, edge_data=edge_attr)
2563                    if target_submodule not in target_modules:
2564                        target_modules.append(target_submodule)
2566        # Return the list of all target modules imported by this call.
2567        return target_modules
2570    def _scan_code(
2571        self,
2572        module,
2573        module_code_object,
2574        module_code_object_ast=None):
2575        """
2576        Parse and add all import statements from the passed code object of the
2577        passed source module to this graph, recursively.
2579        **This method is at the root of all `ModuleGraph` recursion.**
2580        Recursion begins here and ends when all import statements in all code
2581        objects of all modules transitively imported by the source module
2582        passed to the first call to this method have been added to the graph.
2583        Specifically, this method:
2585        1. If the passed `module_code_object_ast` parameter is non-`None`,
2586           parses all import statements from this object.
2587        2. Else, parses all import statements from the passed
2588           `module_code_object` parameter.
2589        1. For each such import statement:
2590           1. Adds to this `ModuleGraph` instance:
2591              1. Nodes for all target modules of these imports.
2592              1. Directed edges from this source module to these target
2593                 modules.
2594           2. Recursively calls this method with these target modules.
2596        Parameters
2597        ----------
2598        module : Node
2599            Graph node of the module to be parsed.
2600        module_code_object : PyCodeObject
2601            Code object providing this module's disassembled Python bytecode.
2602            Ignored unless `module_code_object_ast` is `None`.
2603        module_code_object_ast : optional[ast.AST]
2604            Optional abstract syntax tree (AST) of this module if any or `None`
2605            otherwise. Defaults to `None`, in which case the passed
2606            `module_code_object` is parsed instead.
2607        """
2609        # For safety, guard against multiple scans of the same module by
2610        # resetting this module's list of deferred target imports. While
2611        # uncommon, this edge case can occur due to:
2612        #
2613        # * Dynamic package replacement via the replacePackage() function. For
2614        #   example, the real "_xmlplus" package dynamically replaces itself
2615        #   with the fake "xml" package into the "sys.modules" cache of all
2616        #   currently loaded modules at runtime.
2617        module._deferred_imports = []
2619        # Parse all imports from this module *BEFORE* adding these imports to
2620        # the graph. If an AST is provided, parse that rather than this
2621        # module's code object.
2622        if module_code_object_ast is not None:
2623            # Parse this module's AST for imports.
2624            self._scan_ast(module, module_code_object_ast)
2626            # Parse this module's code object for all relevant non-imports
2627            # (e.g., global variable declarations and undeclarations).
2628            self._scan_bytecode(
2629                module, module_code_object, is_scanning_imports=False)
2630        # Else, parse this module's code object for imports.
2631        else:
2632            self._scan_bytecode(
2633                module, module_code_object, is_scanning_imports=True)
2635        # Add all imports parsed above to this graph.
2636        self._process_imports(module)
2639    def _scan_ast(self, module, module_code_object_ast):
2640        """
2641        Parse and add all import statements from the passed abstract syntax
2642        tree (AST) of the passed source module to this graph, non-recursively.
2644        Parameters
2645        ----------
2646        module : Node
2647            Graph node of the module to be parsed.
2648        module_code_object_ast : ast.AST
2649            Abstract syntax tree (AST) of this module to be parsed.
2650        """
2652        visitor = _Visitor(self, module)
2653        visitor.visit(module_code_object_ast)
2655    #FIXME: Optimize. Global attributes added by this method are tested by
2656    #other methods *ONLY* for packages, implying this method should scan and
2657    #handle opcodes pertaining to global attributes (e.g.,
2658    #"STORE_NAME", "DELETE_GLOBAL") only if the passed "module"
2659    #object is an instance of the "Package" class. For all other module types,
2660    #these opcodes should simply be ignored.
2661    #
2662    #After doing so, the "Node._global_attr_names" attribute and all methods
2663    #using this attribute (e.g., Node.is_global()) should be moved from the
2664    #"Node" superclass to the "Package" subclass.
2665    def _scan_bytecode(
2666        self, module, module_code_object, is_scanning_imports):
2667        """
2668        Parse and add all import statements from the passed code object of the
2669        passed source module to this graph, non-recursively.
2671        This method parses all reasonably parsable operations (i.e., operations
2672        that are both syntactically and semantically parsable _without_
2673        requiring Turing-complete interpretation) directly or indirectly
2674        involving module importation from this code object. This includes:
2676        * `IMPORT_NAME`, denoting an import statement. Ignored unless
2677          the passed `is_scanning_imports` parameter is `True`.
2678        * `STORE_NAME` and `STORE_GLOBAL`, denoting the
2679          declaration of a global attribute (e.g., class, variable) in this
2680          module. This method stores each such declaration for subsequent
2681          lookup. While global attributes are usually irrelevant to import
2682          parsing, they remain the only means of distinguishing erroneous
2683          non-ignorable attempts to import non-existent submodules of a package
2684          from successful ignorable attempts to import existing global
2685          attributes of a package's `__init__` submodule (e.g., the `bar` in
2686          `from foo import bar`, which is either a non-ignorable submodule of
2687          `foo` or an ignorable global attribute of `foo.__init__`).
2688        * `DELETE_NAME` and `DELETE_GLOBAL`, denoting the
2689          undeclaration of a previously declared global attribute in this
2690          module.
2692        Since `ModuleGraph` is _not_ intended to replicate the behaviour of a
2693        full-featured Turing-complete Python interpreter, this method ignores
2694        operations that are _not_ reasonably parsable from this code object --
2695        even those directly or indirectly involving module importation. This
2696        includes:
2698        * `STORE_ATTR(namei)`, implementing `TOS.name = TOS1`. If `TOS` is the
2699          name of a target module currently imported into the namespace of the
2700          passed source module, this opcode would ideally be parsed to add that
2701          global attribute to that target module. Since this addition only
2702          conditionally occurs on the importation of this source module and
2703          execution of the code branch in this module performing this addition,
2704          however, that global _cannot_ be unconditionally added to that target
2705          module. In short, only Turing-complete behaviour suffices.
2706        * `DELETE_ATTR(namei)`, implementing `del TOS.name`. If `TOS` is the
2707          name of a target module currently imported into the namespace of the
2708          passed source module, this opcode would ideally be parsed to remove
2709          that global attribute from that target module. Again, however, only
2710          Turing-complete behaviour suffices.
2712        Parameters
2713        ----------
2714        module : Node
2715            Graph node of the module to be parsed.
2716        module_code_object : PyCodeObject
2717            Code object of the module to be parsed.
2718        is_scanning_imports : bool
2719            `True` only if this method is parsing import statements from
2720            `IMPORT_NAME` opcodes. If `False`, no import statements will be
2721            parsed. This parameter is typically:
2722            * `True` when parsing this module's code object for such imports.
2723            * `False` when parsing this module's abstract syntax tree (AST)
2724              (rather than code object) for such imports. In this case, that
2725              parsing will have already parsed import statements, which this
2726              parsing must avoid repeating.
2727        """
2728        level = None
2729        fromlist = None
2731        # 'deque' is a list-like container with fast appends, pops on
2732        # either end, and automatically discarding elements too much.
2733        prev_insts = deque(maxlen=2)
2734        for inst in util.iterate_instructions(module_code_object):
2735            if not inst:
2736                continue
2737            # If this is an import statement originating from this module,
2738            # parse this import.
2739            #
2740            # Note that the related "IMPORT_FROM" opcode need *NOT* be parsed.
2741            # "IMPORT_NAME" suffices. For further details, see
2742            #     http://probablyprogramming.com/2008/04/14/python-import_name
2743            if inst.opname == 'IMPORT_NAME':
2744                # If this method is ignoring import statements, skip to the
2745                # next opcode.
2746                if not is_scanning_imports:
2747                    continue
2749                assert prev_insts[-2].opname == 'LOAD_CONST'
2750                assert prev_insts[-1].opname == 'LOAD_CONST'
2752                # Python >=2.5: LOAD_CONST flags, LOAD_CONST names, IMPORT_NAME name
2753                level = prev_insts[-2].argval
2754                fromlist = prev_insts[-1].argval
2756                assert fromlist is None or type(fromlist) is tuple
2757                target_module_partname = inst.argval
2759                #FIXME: The exact same logic appears in _collect_import(),
2760                #which isn't particularly helpful. Instead, defer this logic
2761                #until later by:
2762                #
2763                #* Refactor the "_deferred_imports" list to contain 2-tuples
2764                #  "(_safe_import_hook_args, _safe_import_hook_kwargs)" rather
2765                #  than 3-tuples "(have_star, _safe_import_hook_args,
2766                #  _safe_import_hook_kwargs)".
2767                #* Stop prepending these tuples by a "have_star" boolean both
2768                #  here, in _collect_import(), and in _process_imports().
2769                #* Shift the logic below to _process_imports().
2770                #* Remove the same logic from _collect_import().
2771                have_star = False
2772                if fromlist is not None:
2773                    fromlist = uniq(fromlist)
2774                    if '*' in fromlist:
2775                        fromlist.remove('*')
2776                        have_star = True
2778                # Record this import as originating from this module for
2779                # subsequent handling by the _process_imports() method.
2780                module._deferred_imports.append((
2781                    have_star,
2782                    (target_module_partname, module, fromlist, level),
2783                    {}
2784                ))
2786            elif inst.opname in ('STORE_NAME', 'STORE_GLOBAL'):
2787                # If this is the declaration of a global attribute (e.g.,
2788                # class, variable) in this module, store this declaration for
2789                # subsequent lookup. See method docstring for further details.
2790                #
2791                # Global attributes are usually irrelevant to import parsing, but
2792                # remain the only means of distinguishing erroneous non-ignorable
2793                # attempts to import non-existent submodules of a package from
2794                # successful ignorable attempts to import existing global
2795                # attributes of a package's "__init__" submodule (e.g., the "bar"
2796                # in "from foo import bar", which is either a non-ignorable
2797                # submodule of "foo" or an ignorable global attribute of
2798                # "foo.__init__").
2799                name = inst.argval
2800                module.add_global_attr(name)
2802            elif inst.opname in ('DELETE_NAME', 'DELETE_GLOBAL'):
2803                # If this is the undeclaration of a previously declared global
2804                # attribute (e.g., class, variable) in this module, remove that
2805                # declaration to prevent subsequent lookup. See method docstring
2806                # for further details.
2807                name = inst.argval
2808                module.remove_global_attr_if_found(name)
2810            prev_insts.append(inst)
2813    def _process_imports(self, source_module):
2814        """
2815        Graph all target modules whose importations were previously parsed from
2816        the passed source module by a prior call to the `_scan_code()` method
2817        and methods call by that method (e.g., `_scan_ast()`,
2818        `_scan_bytecode()`, `_scan_bytecode_stores()`).
2820        Parameters
2821        ----------
2822        source_module : Node
2823            Graph node of the source module to graph target imports for.
2824        """
2826        # If this source module imported no target modules, noop.
2827        if not source_module._deferred_imports:
2828            return
2830        # For each target module imported by this source module...
2831        for have_star, import_info, kwargs in source_module._deferred_imports:
2832            # Graph node of the target module specified by the "from" portion
2833            # of this "from"-style star import (e.g., an import resembling
2834            # "from {target_module_name} import *") or ignored otherwise.
2835            target_module = self._safe_import_hook(*import_info, **kwargs)[0]
2837            # If this is a "from"-style star import, process this import.
2838            if have_star:
2839                #FIXME: Sadly, the current approach to importing attributes
2840                #from "from"-style star imports is... simplistic. This should
2841                #be revised as follows. If this target module is:
2842                #
2843                #* A package:
2844                #  * Whose "__init__" submodule defines the "__all__" global
2845                #    attribute, only attributes listed by this attribute should
2846                #    be imported.
2847                #  * Else, *NO* attributes should be imported.
2848                #* A non-package:
2849                #  * Defining the "__all__" global attribute, only attributes
2850                #    listed by this attribute should be imported.
2851                #  * Else, only public attributes whose names are *NOT*
2852                #    prefixed by "_" should be imported.
2853                source_module.add_global_attrs_from_module(target_module)
2855                source_module._starimported_ignored_module_names.update(
2856                    target_module._starimported_ignored_module_names)
2858                # If this target module has no code object and hence is
2859                # unparsable, record its name for posterity.
2860                if target_module.code is None:
2861                    target_module_name = import_info[0]
2862                    source_module._starimported_ignored_module_names.add(
2863                        target_module_name)
2865        # For safety, prevent these imports from being reprocessed.
2866        source_module._deferred_imports = None
2869    def _load_package(self, fqname, pathname, pkgpath):
2870        """
2871        Called only when an imp.PKG_DIRECTORY is found
2872        """
2873        self.msgin(2, "load_package", fqname, pathname, pkgpath)
2874        newname = _replacePackageMap.get(fqname)
2875        if newname:
2876            fqname = newname
2878        ns_pkgpath = _namespace_package_path(fqname, pkgpath or [], self.path)
2879        if ns_pkgpath or pkgpath:
2880            # this is a namespace package
2881            m = self.createNode(NamespacePackage, fqname)
2882            m.filename = '-'
2883            m.packagepath = ns_pkgpath
2884        else:
2885            m = self.createNode(Package, fqname)
2886            m.filename = pathname
2887            # PEP-302-compliant loaders return the pathname of the
2888            # `__init__`-file, not the packge directory.
2889            if os.path.basename(pathname).startswith('__init__.'):
2890                pathname = os.path.dirname(pathname)
2891            m.packagepath = [pathname] + ns_pkgpath
2893        # As per comment at top of file, simulate runtime packagepath additions.
2894        m.packagepath = m.packagepath + self._package_path_map.get(fqname, [])
2896        try:
2897            self.msg(2, "find __init__ for %s"%(m.packagepath,))
2898            fp, buf, stuff = self._find_module("__init__", m.packagepath, parent=m)
2899        except ImportError:
2900            pass
2902        else:
2903            try:
2904                self.msg(2, "load __init__ for %s"%(m.packagepath,))
2905                self._load_module(fqname, fp, buf, stuff)
2906            finally:
2907                if fp is not None:
2908                    fp.close()
2909        self.msgout(2, "load_package ->", m)
2910        return m
2913    def _find_module(self, name, path, parent=None):
2914        """
2915        3-tuple describing the physical location of the module with the passed
2916        name if this module is physically findable _or_ raise `ImportError`.
2918        This high-level method wraps the low-level `modulegraph.find_module()`
2919        function with additional support for graph-based module caching.
2921        Parameters
2922        ----------
2923        name : str
2924            Fully-qualified name of the Python module to be found.
2925        path : list
2926            List of the absolute paths of all directories to search for this
2927            module _or_ `None` if the default path list `self.path` is to be
2928            searched.
2929        parent : Node
2930            Package containing this module if this module is a submodule of a
2931            package _or_ `None` if this is a top-level module.
2933        Returns
2934        ----------
2935        (file_handle, filename, metadata)
2936            See `modulegraph._find_module()` for details.
2938        Raises
2939        ----------
2940        ImportError
2941            If this module is _not_ found.
2942        """
2944        if parent is not None:
2945            # assert path is not None
2946            fullname = parent.identifier + '.' + name
2947        else:
2948            fullname = name
2950        node = self.findNode(fullname)
2951        if node is not None:
2952            self.msg(3, "find_module: already included?", node)
2953            raise ImportError(name)
2955        if path is None:
2956            if name in sys.builtin_module_names:
2957                return (None, None, ("", "", imp.C_BUILTIN))
2959            path = self.path
2961        return self._find_module_path(fullname, name, path)
2964    def _find_module_path(self, fullname, module_name, search_dirs):
2965        """
2966        3-tuple describing the physical location of the module with the passed
2967        name if this module is physically findable _or_ raise `ImportError`.
2969        This low-level function is a variant on the standard `imp.find_module()`
2970        function with additional support for:
2972        * Multiple search paths. The passed list of absolute paths will be
2973          iteratively searched for the first directory containing a file
2974          corresponding to this module.
2975        * Compressed (e.g., zipped) packages.
2977        For efficiency, the higher level `ModuleGraph._find_module()` method
2978        wraps this function with support for module caching.
2980        Parameters
2981        ----------
2982        module_name : str
2983            Fully-qualified name of the module to be found.
2984        search_dirs : list
2985            List of the absolute paths of all directories to search for this
2986            module (in order). Searching will halt at the first directory
2987            containing this module.
2989        Returns
2990        ----------
2991        (file_handle, filename, metadata)
2992            3-tuple describing the physical location of this module, where:
2993            * `file_handle` is an open read-only file handle from which the
2994              on-disk contents of this module may be read if this is a
2995              pure-Python module or `None` otherwise (e.g., if this is a
2996              package or C extension).
2997            * `filename` is the absolute path of this file.
2998            * `metadata` is itself a 3-tuple `(filetype, open_mode, imp_type)`.
2999              See the `_IMPORTABLE_FILETYPE_TO_METADATA` dictionary for
3000              details.
3002        Raises
3003        ----------
3004        ImportError
3005            If this module is _not_ found.
3006        """
3007        self.msgin(4, "_find_module_path <-", fullname, search_dirs)
3009        # TODO: Under:
3010        #
3011        # * Python 3.3, the following logic should be replaced by logic
3012        #   leveraging only the "importlib" module.
3013        # * Python 3.4, the following logic should be replaced by a call to
3014        #   importlib.util.find_spec().
3016        # Top-level 3-tuple to be returned.
3017        path_data = None
3019        # File handle to be returned.
3020        file_handle = None
3022        # List of the absolute paths of all directories comprising the
3023        # namespace package to which this module belongs if any.
3024        namespace_dirs = []
3026        try:
3027            for search_dir in search_dirs:
3028                # PEP 302-compliant importer making loaders for this directory.
3029                importer = pkgutil.get_importer(search_dir)
3031                # If this directory is not importable, continue.
3032                if importer is None:
3033                    # self.msg(4, "_find_module_path importer not found", search_dir)
3034                    continue
3036                # Get the PEP 302-compliant loader object loading this module.
3037                #
3038                # If this importer defines the PEP 302-compliant find_loader()
3039                # method, prefer that.
3040                if hasattr(importer, 'find_loader'):
3041                    loader, loader_namespace_dirs = importer.find_loader(
3042                        module_name)
3043                    namespace_dirs.extend(loader_namespace_dirs)
3044                # Else if this importer defines the Python 2-specific
3045                # find_module() method, fall back to that. Despite the method
3046                # name, this method returns a loader rather than a module.
3047                elif hasattr(importer, 'find_module'):
3048                    loader = importer.find_module(module_name)
3049                # Else, raise an exception.
3050                else:
3051                    raise ImportError(
3052                        "Module %r importer %r loader unobtainable" % (module_name, importer))
3054                # If this module is not loadable from this directory, continue.
3055                if loader is None:
3056                    # self.msg(4, "_find_module_path loader not found", search_dir)
3057                    continue
3059                # 3-tuple of metadata to be returned.
3060                metadata = None
3062                # Absolute path of this module. If this module resides in a
3063                # compressed archive, this is the absolute path of this module
3064                # after extracting this module from that archive and hence
3065                # should not exist; else, this path should typically exist.
3066                pathname = None
3068                # If this loader defines the PEP 302-compliant get_filename()
3069                # method, preferably call that method first. Most if not all
3070                # loaders (including zipimporter objects) define this method.
3071                if hasattr(loader, 'get_filename'):
3072                    pathname = loader.get_filename(module_name)
3073                # Else if this loader provides a "path" attribute, defer to that.
3074                elif hasattr(loader, 'path'):
3075                    pathname = loader.path
3076                # Else, raise an exception.
3077                else:
3078                    raise ImportError(
3079                        "Module %r loader %r path unobtainable" % (module_name, loader))
3081                # If no path was found, this is probably a namespace package. In
3082                # such case, continue collecting namespace directories.
3083                if pathname is None:
3084                    self.msg(4, "_find_module_path path not found", pathname)
3085                    continue
3087                # If this loader defines the PEP 302-compliant is_package()
3088                # method returning True, this is a non-namespace package.
3089                if hasattr(loader, 'is_package') and loader.is_package(module_name):
3090                    metadata = ('', '', imp.PKG_DIRECTORY)
3091                # Else, this is either a module or C extension.
3092                else:
3093                    # In either case, this path must have a filetype.
3094                    filetype = os.path.splitext(pathname)[1]
3095                    if not filetype:
3096                        raise ImportError(
3097                            'Non-package module %r path %r has no filetype' % (module_name, pathname))
3099                    # 3-tuple of metadata specific to this filetype.
3100                    metadata = _IMPORTABLE_FILETYPE_TO_METADATA.get(
3101                        filetype, None)
3102                    if metadata is None:
3103                        raise ImportError(
3104                            'Non-package module %r filetype %r unrecognized' % (pathname, filetype))
3106                    # See "_IMPORTABLE_FILETYPE_TO_METADATA" for details.
3107                    open_mode = metadata[1]
3108                    imp_type = metadata[2]
3110                    # If this is a C extension, leave this path unopened.
3111                    if imp_type == imp.C_EXTENSION:
3112                        pass
3113                    # Else, this is a module.
3114                    #
3115                    # If this loader defines the PEP 302-compliant get_source()
3116                    # method, open the returned string as a file-like buffer.
3117                    elif imp_type == imp.PY_SOURCE and hasattr(loader, 'get_source'):
3118                        file_handle = StringIO(loader.get_source(module_name))
3119                    # If this loader defines the PEP 302-compliant get_code()
3120                    # method, open the returned object as a file-like buffer.
3121                    elif imp_type == imp.PY_COMPILED and hasattr(loader, 'get_code'):
3122                        try:
3123                            code_object = loader.get_code(module_name)
3124                            if code_object is None:
3125                                file_handle = BytesIO(b'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')
3126                            else:
3127                                file_handle = _code_to_file(code_object)
3128                        except ImportError:
3129                            # post-bone the ImportError until load_module
3130                            file_handle = BytesIO(b'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')
3131                    # If this is an uncompiled file under Python 3, open this
3132                    # file for encoding-aware text reading.
3133                    elif imp_type == imp.PY_SOURCE and sys.version_info[0] == 3:
3134                        with open(pathname, 'rb') as file_handle:
3135                            encoding = util.guess_encoding(file_handle)
3136                        file_handle = open(
3137                            pathname, open_mode, encoding=encoding)
3138                    # Else, this is either a compiled file or an uncompiled
3139                    # file under Python 2. In either case, open this file.
3140                    else:
3141                        file_handle = open(pathname, open_mode)
3143                # Return such metadata.
3144                path_data = (file_handle, pathname, metadata)
3145                break
3146            # Else if this is a namespace package, return such metadata.
3147            else:
3148                if namespace_dirs:
3149                    path_data = (None, namespace_dirs[0], (
3150                        '', namespace_dirs, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY))
3151        except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
3152            self.msgout(1, "_find_module_path -> unicode error", exc)
3153        # Ensure that exceptions are logged, as this function is typically
3154        # called by the import_module() method which squelches ImportErrors.
3155        except Exception as exc:
3156            self.msgout(4, "_find_module_path -> exception", exc)
3157            raise
3159        # If this module was not found, raise an exception.
3160        self.msgout(4, "_find_module_path ->", path_data)
3161        if path_data is None:
3162            raise ImportError("No module named " + repr(module_name))
3164        return path_data
3167    def create_xref(self, out=None):
3168        global header, footer, entry, contpl, contpl_linked, imports
3169        if out is None:
3170            out = sys.stdout
3171        scripts = []
3172        mods = []
3173        for mod in self.flatten():
3174            name = os.path.basename(mod.identifier)
3175            if isinstance(mod, Script):
3176                scripts.append((name, mod))
3177            else:
3178                mods.append((name, mod))
3179        scripts.sort()
3180        mods.sort()
3181        scriptnames = [sn for sn, m in scripts]
3182        scripts.extend(mods)
3183        mods = scripts
3185        title = "modulegraph cross reference for " + ', '.join(scriptnames)
3186        print(header % {"TITLE": title}, file=out)
3188        def sorted_namelist(mods):
3189            lst = [os.path.basename(mod.identifier) for mod in mods if mod]
3190            lst.sort()
3191            return lst
3192        for name, m in mods:
3193            content = ""
3194            if isinstance(m, BuiltinModule):
3195                content = contpl % {"NAME": name,
3196                                    "TYPE": "<i>(builtin module)</i>"}
3197            elif isinstance(m, Extension):
3198                content = contpl % {"NAME": name,
3199                                    "TYPE": "<tt>%s</tt>" % m.filename}
3200            else:
3201                url = pathname2url(m.filename or "")
3202                content = contpl_linked % {"NAME": name, "URL": url,
3203                                           'TYPE': m.__class__.__name__}
3204            oute, ince = map(sorted_namelist, self.get_edges(m))
3205            if oute:
3206                links = []
3207                for n in oute:
3208                    links.append("""  <a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (n, n))
3209                # #8226 = bullet-point; can't use html-entities since the
3210                # test-suite uses xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser, which
3211                # does't supprot them.
3212                links = " &#8226; ".join(links)
3213                content += imports % {"HEAD": "imports", "LINKS": links}
3214            if ince:
3215                links = []
3216                for n in ince:
3217                    links.append("""  <a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (n, n))
3218                # #8226 = bullet-point; can't use html-entities since the
3219                # test-suite uses xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser, which
3220                # does't supprot them.
3221                links = " &#8226; ".join(links)
3222                content += imports % {"HEAD": "imported by", "LINKS": links}
3223            print(entry % {"NAME": name, "CONTENT": content}, file=out)
3224        print(footer, file=out)
3226    def itergraphreport(self, name='G', flatpackages=()):
3227        # XXX: Can this be implemented using Dot()?
3228        nodes = list(map(self.graph.describe_node, self.graph.iterdfs(self)))
3229        describe_edge = self.graph.describe_edge
3230        edges = deque()
3231        packagenodes = set()
3232        packageidents = {}
3233        nodetoident = {}
3234        inpackages = {}
3235        mainedges = set()
3237        # XXX - implement
3238        flatpackages = dict(flatpackages)
3240        def nodevisitor(node, data, outgoing, incoming):
3241            if not isinstance(data, Node):
3242                return {'label': str(node)}
3243            #if isinstance(d, (ExcludedModule, MissingModule, BadModule)):
3244            #    return None
3245            s = '<f0> ' + type(data).__name__
3246            for i, v in enumerate(data.infoTuple()[:1], 1):
3247                s += '| <f%d> %s' % (i, v)
3248            return {'label': s, 'shape': 'record'}
3251        def edgevisitor(edge, data, head, tail):
3252            # XXX: This method nonsense, the edge
3253            # data is never initialized.
3254            if data == 'orphan':
3255                return {'style': 'dashed'}
3256            elif data == 'pkgref':
3257                return {'style': 'dotted'}
3258            return {}
3260        yield 'digraph %s {\ncharset="UTF-8";\n' % (name,)
3261        attr = dict(rankdir='LR', concentrate='true')
3262        cpatt = '%s="%s"'
3263        for item in attr.items():
3264            yield '\t%s;\n' % (cpatt % item,)
3266        # find all packages (subgraphs)
3267        for (node, data, outgoing, incoming) in nodes:
3268            nodetoident[node] = getattr(data, 'identifier', None)
3269            if isinstance(data, Package):
3270                packageidents[data.identifier] = node
3271                inpackages[node] = set([node])
3272                packagenodes.add(node)
3274        # create sets for subgraph, write out descriptions
3275        for (node, data, outgoing, incoming) in nodes:
3276            # update edges
3277            for edge in (describe_edge(e) for e in outgoing):
3278                edges.append(edge)
3280            # describe node
3281            yield '\t"%s" [%s];\n' % (
3282                node,
3283                ','.join([
3284                    (cpatt % item) for item in
3285                    nodevisitor(node, data, outgoing, incoming).items()
3286                ]),
3287            )
3289            inside = inpackages.get(node)
3290            if inside is None:
3291                inside = inpackages[node] = set()
3292            ident = nodetoident[node]
3293            if ident is None:
3294                continue
3295            pkgnode = packageidents.get(ident[:ident.rfind('.')])
3296            if pkgnode is not None:
3297                inside.add(pkgnode)
3299        graph = []
3300        subgraphs = {}
3301        for key in packagenodes:
3302            subgraphs[key] = []
3304        while edges:
3305            edge, data, head, tail = edges.popleft()
3306            if ((head, tail)) in mainedges:
3307                continue
3308            mainedges.add((head, tail))
3309            tailpkgs = inpackages[tail]
3310            common = inpackages[head] & tailpkgs
3311            if not common and tailpkgs:
3312                usepkgs = sorted(tailpkgs)
3313                if len(usepkgs) != 1 or usepkgs[0] != tail:
3314                    edges.append((edge, data, head, usepkgs[0]))
3315                    edges.append((edge, 'pkgref', usepkgs[-1], tail))
3316                    continue
3317            if common:
3318                common = common.pop()
3319                if tail == common:
3320                    edges.append((edge, data, tail, head))
3321                elif head == common:
3322                    subgraphs[common].append((edge, 'pkgref', head, tail))
3323                else:
3324                    edges.append((edge, data, common, head))
3325                    edges.append((edge, data, common, tail))
3327            else:
3328                graph.append((edge, data, head, tail))
3330        def do_graph(edges, tabs):
3331            edgestr = tabs + '"%s" -> "%s" [%s];\n'
3332            # describe edge
3333            for (edge, data, head, tail) in edges:
3334                attribs = edgevisitor(edge, data, head, tail)
3335                yield edgestr % (
3336                    head,
3337                    tail,
3338                    ','.join([(cpatt % item) for item in attribs.items()]),
3339                )
3341        for g, edges in subgraphs.items():
3342            yield '\tsubgraph "cluster_%s" {\n' % (g,)
3343            yield '\t\tlabel="%s";\n' % (nodetoident[g],)
3344            for s in do_graph(edges, '\t\t'):
3345                yield s
3346            yield '\t}\n'
3348        for s in do_graph(graph, '\t'):
3349            yield s
3351        yield '}\n'
3353    def graphreport(self, fileobj=None, flatpackages=()):
3354        if fileobj is None:
3355            fileobj = sys.stdout
3356        fileobj.writelines(self.itergraphreport(flatpackages=flatpackages))
3358    def report(self):
3359        """Print a report to stdout, listing the found modules with their
3360        paths, as well as modules that are missing, or seem to be missing.
3361        """
3362        print()
3363        print("%-15s %-25s %s" % ("Class", "Name", "File"))
3364        print("%-15s %-25s %s" % ("-----", "----", "----"))
3365        for m in sorted(self.flatten(), key=lambda n: n.identifier):
3366            print("%-15s %-25s %s" % (type(m).__name__, m.identifier, m.filename or ""))
3368    def _replace_paths_in_code(self, co):
3369        new_filename = original_filename = os.path.normpath(co.co_filename)
3370        for f, r in self.replace_paths:
3371            f = os.path.join(f, '')
3372            r = os.path.join(r, '')
3373            if original_filename.startswith(f):
3374                new_filename = r + original_filename[len(f):]
3375                break
3377        else:
3378            return co
3380        consts = list(co.co_consts)
3381        for i in range(len(consts)):
3382            if isinstance(consts[i], type(co)):
3383                consts[i] = self._replace_paths_in_code(consts[i])
3385        code_func = type(co)
3387        if hasattr(co, 'co_kwonlyargcount'):
3388            return code_func(
3389                        co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
3390                        co.co_stacksize, co.co_flags, co.co_code,
3391                        tuple(consts), co.co_names, co.co_varnames,
3392                        new_filename, co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno,
3393                        co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars, co.co_cellvars)
3394        else:
3395            return code_func(
3396                        co.co_argcount, co.co_nlocals, co.co_stacksize,
3397                        co.co_flags, co.co_code, tuple(consts), co.co_names,
3398                        co.co_varnames, new_filename, co.co_name,
3399                        co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab,
3400                        co.co_freevars, co.co_cellvars)