2lightwindow/is_fullscreen = False
3memory_usage/timeout = 2000
4custom_margin = 0
5vertical_dockwidget_titlebars = False
6lightwindow/size = (650, 400)
7show_internal_console_if_traceback = True
8memory_usage/enable = True
9single_instance = True
10window/is_maximized = True
11cpu_usage/enable = False
12lightwindow/is_maximized = False
13animated_docks = True
14window/is_fullscreen = False
15cpu_usage/timeout = 2000
16window/size = (1260, 740)
17open_files_port = 21128
18lightwindow/prefs_dialog_size = (745, 411)
19window/prefs_dialog_size = (745, 411)
20window/position = (10, 10)
21lightwindow/position = (30, 30)
22tear_off_menus = False
23vertical_tabs = False
24use_custom_margin = True
27place_holder =
30completion/size = (300, 180)
31cursor/width = 2
34completion/size = (300, 180)
35cursor/width = 2
38working_dir_adjusttocontents = False
39external_editor/gotoline = -goto:
40font/italic = False
41calltips = True
42working_dir_history = 30
43external_editor/path = SciTE
44max_line_count = 300
45shortcut = None
46font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
47codecompletion/enter_key = True
48font/bold = False
49font/size = 10
50codecompletion/auto = False
51wrap = True
52codecompletion/case_sensitive = True
53light_background = True
54codecompletion/show_single = False
57pythonexecutable/default = True
58colorize_sys_stderr = True
59umd/enabled = True
60show_icontext = False
61calltips = True
62matplotlib/backend/value = Qt4Agg
63single_tab = True
64qt/install_inputhook = True
65max_line_count = 500
66pythonstartup/default = True
67font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
68pyqt/ignore_sip_setapi_errors = False
69qt/api = default
70pythonexecutable/custom = False
71font/size = 10
72codecompletion/auto = True
73wrap = True
74umd/verbose = True
75matplotlib/patch = True
76codecompletion/show_single = False
77matplotlib/backend/enabled = True
78monitor/enabled = True
79pythonstartup/custom = False
80light_background = True
81font/italic = False
82codecompletion/enter_key = True
83ets_backend = qt4
84merge_output_channels = True
85show_elapsed_time = False
86pyqt/api_version = 0
87shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+C
88open_python_at_startup = True
89font/bold = False
90umd/namelist = ['guidata', 'guiqwt']
91codecompletion/case_sensitive = True
92object_inspector = True
95show_calltips = True
96pylab = True
97symbolic_math = False
98pylab/inline/height = 4
99open_ipython_at_startup = True
100out_prompt =
101autocall = 0
102in_prompt =
103shortcut = None
104font/bold = False
105startup/run_lines =
106startup/run_file =
107pylab/inline/figure_format = 0
108greedy_completer = False
109pylab/inline/resolution = 72
110font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
111dark_color = False
112ask_before_closing = True
113pylab/backend = 0
114font/size = 10
115light_color = True
116buffer_size = 500
117show_banner = True
118font/italic = False
119pylab/inline/width = 6
120use_gui_completion = True
121use_pager = True
122startup/use_run_file = False
123object_inspector = True
124pylab/autoload = False
127collvalue = False
128truncate = True
129exclude_unsupported = True
130minmax = False
131exclude_uppercase = True
132check_all = False
133exclude_private = True
134autorefresh = True
135inplace = False
136shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+V
137excluded_names = ['nan', 'inf', 'infty', 'little_endian', 'colorbar_doc', 'typecodes', '__builtins__', '__main__', '__doc__', 'NaN', 'Inf', 'Infinity', 'sctypes', 'rcParams', 'rcParamsDefault', 'sctypeNA', 'typeNA', 'False_', 'True_']
138autorefresh/timeout = 2000
139exclude_capitalized = False
140remote_editing = False
143wrapflag = True
144edge_line = True
145add_colons = True
146always_remove_trailing_spaces = False
147auto_unindent = True
148max_recent_files = 20
149onsave_analysis = False
150wrap = False
151indent_chars = *    *
152outline_explorer = True
153show_tab_bar = True
154shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+E
155font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
156codecompletion/auto = True
157fullpath_sorting = True
158font/italic = False
159check_eol_chars = True
160intelligent_backspace = True
161realtime_analysis/timeout = 2500
162todo_list = True
163close_quotes = False
164occurence_highlighting = True
165object_inspector = True
166go_to_definition = True
167tab_stop_width = 40
168tab_always_indent = False
169printer_header/font/bold = False
170codecompletion/show_single = False
171printer_header/font/italic = False
172realtime_analysis = True
173font/bold = False
174printer_header/font/family = ['Ubuntu', 'Sans Serif', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'Bitstream Charter', 'Lucida Grande', 'MS Shell Dlg 2', 'Calibri', 'Verdana', 'Geneva', 'Lucid', 'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'Avant Garde', 'Times', 'sans-serif']
175toolbox_panel = True
176calltips = True
177highlight_current_line = True
178font/size = 10
179edge_line_column = 79
180close_parentheses = True
181save_all_before_run = True
182code_analysis/pyflakes = True
183line_numbers = True
184codecompletion/enter_key = True
185code_analysis/pep8 = False
186printer_header/font/size = 10
187codecompletion/case_sensitive = True
188occurence_highlighting/timeout = 1500
191max_entries = 100
192go_to_eof = True
193font/bold = False
194enable = True
195font/size = 10
196font/italic = False
197wrap = True
198font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
199shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+H
202max_history_entries = 20
203enable = True
204font/italic = False
205rich_text/font/italic = False
206font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
207shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+I
208automatic_import = True
209connect/ipython_console = False
210font/bold = False
211rich_text/font/size = 13
212font/size = 10
213connect/python_console = False
214wrap = True
215connect/editor = False
216rich_text/font/family = ['Ubuntu', 'Sans Serif', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'Bitstream Charter', 'Lucida Grande', 'MS Shell Dlg 2', 'Calibri', 'Verdana', 'Geneva', 'Lucid', 'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'Avant Garde', 'Times', 'sans-serif']
217rich_text/font/bold = False
218math = True
221max_history_entries = 20
222enable = True
223zoom_factor = 0.8
224shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+D
227show_comments = True
228show_fullpath = False
229enable = True
230shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+O
231show_all_files = False
234show_all = False
235name_filters = ['*.py', '*.pyw', '*.ipy', '*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi', '*.c', '*.h', '*.cc', '*.cpp', '*.cxx', '*.h', '*.hh', '*.hpp', '*.hxx', '*.cl', '*.f', '*.for', '*.f77', '*.f90', '*.f95', '*.f2k', '*.pro', '*.m', '*.jl', '*.patch', '*.diff', '*.rej', '*.bat', '*.cmd', '*.txt', '*.txt', '*.rst', '*.po', '*.pot', '*.nsi', '*.nsh', '*.css', '*.htm', '*.html', '*.xml', '*.js', '*.enaml', '*.properties', '*.session', '*.ini', '*.inf', '*.reg', '*.cfg', '*.desktop', '*.txt', '*.png', '*.mat', '*.spydata', '*.tif', '*.jpg', '*.npy', '*.gif', '*.csv', '*.png', '*.ico', '*.svg', 'README', 'INSTALL', 'LICENSE', 'CHANGELOG']
236enable = True
237shortcut = Ctrl+Shift+P
238show_hscrollbar = True
241font/bold = False
242font/size = 10
243font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
244font/italic = False
247font/bold = False
248font/size = 10
249font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
250font/italic = False
253font/bold = False
254font/size = 10
255font/family = ['Ubuntu Mono', 'Monospace', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Consolas', 'Monaco', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'monospace', 'Fixed', 'Terminal']
256font/italic = False
259enable = True
260show_hidden = True
261show_icontext = False
262wrap = True
263name_filters = ['*.py', '*.pyw', '*.ipy', '*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi', '*.c', '*.h', '*.cc', '*.cpp', '*.cxx', '*.h', '*.hh', '*.hpp', '*.hxx', '*.cl', '*.f', '*.for', '*.f77', '*.f90', '*.f95', '*.f2k', '*.pro', '*.m', '*.jl', '*.patch', '*.diff', '*.rej', '*.bat', '*.cmd', '*.txt', '*.txt', '*.rst', '*.po', '*.pot', '*.nsi', '*.nsh', '*.css', '*.htm', '*.html', '*.xml', '*.js', '*.enaml', '*.properties', '*.session', '*.ini', '*.inf', '*.reg', '*.cfg', '*.desktop', '*.txt', '*.png', '*.mat', '*.spydata', '*.tif', '*.jpg', '*.npy', '*.gif', '*.csv', '*.png', '*.ico', '*.svg', 'README', 'INSTALL', 'LICENSE', 'CHANGELOG']
264show_all = False
265shortcut = None
266show_toolbar = True
269enable = True
270exclude_regexp = True
271in_python_path = False
272exclude = ['\\.pyc$|\\.pyo$|\\.orig$|\\.hg|\\.svn|\\bbuild\\b', '\\.pyc$|\\.pyo$|\\.orig$|\\.hg|\\.svn']
273search_text_regexp = True
274more_options = True
275search_text = ['']
276supported_encodings = ['utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', 'cp1252']
277search_text_samples = ['(^|#)[ ]*(TODO|FIXME|XXX|HINT|TIP|@todo)([^#]*)']
278shortcut = None
279include_regexp = True
280include = ['\\.py$|\\.pyw$|\\.ipy$|\\.pyx$|\\.pxd$|\\.pxi$|\\.c$|\\.h$|\\.cc$|\\.cpp$|\\.cxx$|\\.h$|\\.hh$|\\.hpp$|\\.hxx$|\\.cl$|\\.f$|\\.for$|\\.f77$|\\.f90$|\\.f95$|\\.f2k$|\\.pro$|\\.m$|\\.jl$|\\.patch$|\\.diff$|\\.rej$|\\.bat$|\\.cmd$|\\.txt$|\\.txt$|\\.rst$|\\.po$|\\.pot$|\\.nsi$|\\.nsh$|\\.css$|\\.htm$|\\.html$|\\.xml$|\\.js$|\\.enaml$|\\.properties$|\\.session$|\\.ini$|\\.inf$|\\.reg$|\\.cfg$|\\.desktop$|README|INSTALL', '\\.pyw?$|\\.ipy$|\\.txt$|\\.rst$', '.']
283working_dir_adjusttocontents = False
284editor/new/browse_scriptdir = False
285editor/open/auto_set_to_basedir = False
286working_dir_history = 20
287editor/open/browse_scriptdir = True
288editor/new/browse_workdir = True
289editor/open/browse_workdir = False
290startup/use_last_directory = True
291editor/save/auto_set_to_basedir = False
294editor/duplicate line = Shift+Alt+Up
295editor/go to next file = Ctrl+Shift+Tab
296console/clear line = Shift+Escape
297_/switch to outline_explorer = Ctrl+Shift+O
298editor/show/hide outline = Ctrl+Alt+O
299editor/blockcomment = Ctrl+4
300_/maximize plugin = Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M
301_/maximize dockwidget = Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M
302_/close plugin = Shift+Ctrl+F4
303_/close dockwidget = Shift+Ctrl+F4
304_/switch to inspector = Ctrl+Shift+I
305profiler/run profiler = F10
306editor/move line down = Alt+Down
307console/clear shell = Ctrl+L
308pylint/run analysis = F8
309_/switch to onlinehelp = Ctrl+Shift+D
310_/switch to editor = Ctrl+Shift+E
311editor/code completion = Ctrl+Space
312_/switch to variable_explorer = Ctrl+Shift+V
313_/switch to/from layout 3 = Shift+Alt+F3
314_/preferences = Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P
315_/switch to/from layout 1 = Shift+Alt+F1
316editor/run selection = F9
317_/debug step into = Ctrl+F11
318_/fullscreen mode = F11
319editor/toggle comment = Ctrl+1
320editor/go to definition = Ctrl+G
321editor/show/hide project explorer = Ctrl+Alt+P
322_/debug step return = Ctrl+Shift+F11
323editor/new file = Ctrl+N
324_/debug step over = Ctrl+F10
325editor/save all = Ctrl+Shift+S
326editor/unblockcomment = Ctrl+5
327_/debug exit = Ctrl+Shift+F12
328editor/go to previous file = Ctrl+Tab
329editor/next cursor position = Ctrl+Alt+Right
330editor/debug = Ctrl+F5
331editor/copy line = Shift+Alt+Down
332editor/file list management = Ctrl+E
333editor/debug with winpdb = F7
334_/quit = Ctrl+Q
335editor/find next = F3
336editor/move line up = Alt+Up
337console/inspect current object = Ctrl+I
338editor/find previous = Shift+F3
339_/set layout 2 = Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F2
340_/set layout 3 = Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F3
341_/set layout 1 = Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F1
342_/switch to console = Ctrl+Shift+C
343editor/re-run last script = Ctrl+F6
344editor/previous cursor position = Ctrl+Alt+Left
345_/switch to project_explorer = Ctrl+Shift+P
346editor/open file = Ctrl+O
347editor/inspect current object = Ctrl+I
348editor/last edit location = Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left
349editor/print = Ctrl+P
350editor/breakpoint = F12
351editor/find text = Ctrl+F
352editor/list breakpoints = Ctrl+B
353editor/run = F5
354editor/close all = Ctrl+Shift+W
355_/debug continue = Ctrl+F12
356editor/configure = F6
357editor/close file = Ctrl+W
358editor/conditional breakpoint = Shift+F12
359_/switch to/from layout 2 = Shift+Alt+F2
360editor/replace text = Ctrl+H
361editor/save file = Ctrl+S
362editor/go to line = Ctrl+L
363_/switch to historylog = Ctrl+Shift+H
364editor/delete line = Ctrl+D
367names = ['Emacs', 'IDLE', 'Monokai', 'Pydev', 'Scintilla', 'Spyder', 'Spyder/Dark', 'Zenburn']
368monokai/background = #2a2b24
369monokai/currentline = #484848
370monokai/occurence = #666666
371monokai/ctrlclick = #0000ff
372monokai/sideareas = #2a2b24
373monokai/matched_p = #688060
374monokai/unmatched_p = #bd6e76
375monokai/normal = ('#ddddda', False, False)
376monokai/keyword = ('#f92672', False, False)
377monokai/builtin = ('#ae81ff', False, False)
378monokai/definition = ('#a6e22e', False, False)
379monokai/comment = ('#75715e', False, True)
380monokai/string = ('#e6db74', False, False)
381monokai/number = ('#ae81ff', False, False)
382monokai/instance = ('#ddddda', False, True)
383idle/background = #ffffff
384idle/currentline = #eeffdd
385idle/occurence = #e8f2fe
386idle/ctrlclick = #0000ff
387idle/sideareas = #efefef
388idle/matched_p = #99ff99
389idle/unmatched_p = #ff9999
390idle/normal = ('#000000', False, False)
391idle/keyword = ('#ff7700', True, False)
392idle/builtin = ('#900090', False, False)
393idle/definition = ('#0000ff', False, False)
394idle/comment = ('#dd0000', False, True)
395idle/string = ('#00aa00', False, False)
396idle/number = ('#924900', False, False)
397idle/instance = ('#777777', True, True)
398emacs/background = #000000
399emacs/currentline = #2b2b43
400emacs/occurence = #abab67
401emacs/ctrlclick = #0000ff
402emacs/sideareas = #555555
403emacs/matched_p = #009800
404emacs/unmatched_p = #c80000
405emacs/normal = ('#ffffff', False, False)
406emacs/keyword = ('#3c51e8', False, False)
407emacs/builtin = ('#900090', False, False)
408emacs/definition = ('#ff8040', True, False)
409emacs/comment = ('#005100', False, False)
410emacs/string = ('#00aa00', False, True)
411emacs/number = ('#800000', False, False)
412emacs/instance = ('#ffffff', False, True)
413zenburn/background = #3f3f3f
414zenburn/currentline = #333333
415zenburn/occurence = #7a738f
416zenburn/ctrlclick = #0000ff
417zenburn/sideareas = #3f3f3f
418zenburn/matched_p = #688060
419zenburn/unmatched_p = #bd6e76
420zenburn/normal = ('#dcdccc', False, False)
421zenburn/keyword = ('#dfaf8f', True, False)
422zenburn/builtin = ('#efef8f', False, False)
423zenburn/definition = ('#efef8f', False, False)
424zenburn/comment = ('#7f9f7f', False, True)
425zenburn/string = ('#cc9393', False, False)
426zenburn/number = ('#8cd0d3', False, False)
427zenburn/instance = ('#dcdccc', False, True)
428spyder/dark/background = #131926
429spyder/dark/currentline = #2b2b43
430spyder/dark/occurence = #abab67
431spyder/dark/ctrlclick = #0000ff
432spyder/dark/sideareas = #282828
433spyder/dark/matched_p = #009800
434spyder/dark/unmatched_p = #c80000
435spyder/dark/normal = ('#ffffff', False, False)
436spyder/dark/keyword = ('#558eff', False, False)
437spyder/dark/builtin = ('#aa00aa', False, False)
438spyder/dark/definition = ('#ffffff', True, False)
439spyder/dark/comment = ('#7f7f7f', False, False)
440spyder/dark/string = ('#11a642', False, True)
441spyder/dark/number = ('#c80000', False, False)
442spyder/dark/instance = ('#be5f00', False, True)
443scintilla/background = #ffffff
444scintilla/currentline = #eeffdd
445scintilla/occurence = #ffff99
446scintilla/ctrlclick = #0000ff
447scintilla/sideareas = #efefef
448scintilla/matched_p = #99ff99
449scintilla/unmatched_p = #ff9999
450scintilla/normal = ('#000000', False, False)
451scintilla/keyword = ('#00007f', True, False)
452scintilla/builtin = ('#000000', False, False)
453scintilla/definition = ('#007f7f', True, False)
454scintilla/comment = ('#007f00', False, False)
455scintilla/string = ('#7f007f', False, False)
456scintilla/number = ('#007f7f', False, False)
457scintilla/instance = ('#000000', False, True)
458pydev/background = #ffffff
459pydev/currentline = #e8f2fe
460pydev/occurence = #ffff99
461pydev/ctrlclick = #0000ff
462pydev/sideareas = #efefef
463pydev/matched_p = #99ff99
464pydev/unmatched_p = #ff9999
465pydev/normal = ('#000000', False, False)
466pydev/keyword = ('#0000ff', False, False)
467pydev/builtin = ('#900090', False, False)
468pydev/definition = ('#000000', True, False)
469pydev/comment = ('#c0c0c0', False, False)
470pydev/string = ('#00aa00', False, True)
471pydev/number = ('#800000', False, False)
472pydev/instance = ('#000000', False, True)
473spyder/background = #ffffff
474spyder/currentline = #feefff
475spyder/occurence = #ffff99
476spyder/ctrlclick = #0000ff
477spyder/sideareas = #efefef
478spyder/matched_p = #99ff99
479spyder/unmatched_p = #ff9999
480spyder/normal = ('#000000', False, False)
481spyder/keyword = ('#0000ff', False, False)
482spyder/builtin = ('#900090', False, False)
483spyder/definition = ('#000000', True, False)
484spyder/comment = ('#adadad', False, True)
485spyder/string = ('#00aa00', False, False)
486spyder/number = ('#800000', False, False)
487spyder/instance = ('#924900', False, True)