1# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 testtools developers. See LICENSE for details.
3"""All the matchers.
5Matchers, a way to express complex assertions outside the testcase.
7Inspired by 'hamcrest'.
9Matcher provides the abstract API that all matchers need to implement.
11Bundled matchers are listed in __all__: a list can be obtained by running
12$ python -c 'import testtools.matchers; print testtools.matchers.__all__'
15__all__ = [
16    'AfterPreprocessing',
17    'AllMatch',
18    'Always',
19    'Annotate',
20    'AnyMatch',
21    'Contains',
22    'ContainsAll',
23    'ContainedByDict',
24    'ContainsDict',
25    'DirContains',
26    'DirExists',
27    'DocTestMatches',
28    'EndsWith',
29    'Equals',
30    'FileContains',
31    'FileExists',
32    'GreaterThan',
33    'HasLength',
34    'HasPermissions',
35    'Is',
36    'IsDeprecated',
37    'IsInstance',
38    'KeysEqual',
39    'LessThan',
40    'MatchesAll',
41    'MatchesAny',
42    'MatchesDict',
43    'MatchesException',
44    'MatchesListwise',
45    'MatchesPredicate',
46    'MatchesPredicateWithParams',
47    'MatchesRegex',
48    'MatchesSetwise',
49    'MatchesStructure',
50    'Never',
51    'NotEquals',
52    'Not',
53    'PathExists',
54    'Raises',
55    'raises',
56    'SameMembers',
57    'SamePath',
58    'StartsWith',
59    'TarballContains',
60    'Warnings',
61    'WarningMessage'
62    ]
64from ._basic import (
65    Contains,
66    EndsWith,
67    Equals,
68    GreaterThan,
69    HasLength,
70    Is,
71    IsInstance,
72    LessThan,
73    MatchesRegex,
74    NotEquals,
75    SameMembers,
76    StartsWith,
77    )
78from ._const import (
79    Always,
80    Never,
81    )
82from ._datastructures import (
83    ContainsAll,
84    MatchesListwise,
85    MatchesSetwise,
86    MatchesStructure,
87    )
88from ._dict import (
89    ContainedByDict,
90    ContainsDict,
91    KeysEqual,
92    MatchesDict,
93    )
94from ._doctest import (
95    DocTestMatches,
96    )
97from ._exception import (
98    MatchesException,
99    Raises,
100    raises,
101    )
102from ._filesystem import (
103    DirContains,
104    DirExists,
105    FileContains,
106    FileExists,
107    HasPermissions,
108    PathExists,
109    SamePath,
110    TarballContains,
111    )
112from ._higherorder import (
113    AfterPreprocessing,
114    AllMatch,
115    Annotate,
116    AnyMatch,
117    MatchesAll,
118    MatchesAny,
119    MatchesPredicate,
120    MatchesPredicateWithParams,
121    Not,
122    )
123from ._warnings import (
124    IsDeprecated,
125    WarningMessage,
126    Warnings,
127    )
129# XXX: These are not explicitly included in __all__.  It's unclear how much of
130# the public interface they really are.
131from ._impl import (
132    Matcher,
133    Mismatch,
134    MismatchError,
135    )