1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5# Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
6# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer
10from ...vss_client import VssClient
11from . import models
14class ServiceHooksClient(VssClient):
15    """ServiceHooks
16    :param str base_url: Service URL
17    :param Authentication creds: Authenticated credentials.
18    """
20    def __init__(self, base_url=None, creds=None):
21        super(ServiceHooksClient, self).__init__(base_url, creds)
22        client_models = {k: v for k, v in models.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, type)}
23        self._serialize = Serializer(client_models)
24        self._deserialize = Deserializer(client_models)
26    resource_area_identifier = None
28    def get_consumer_action(self, consumer_id, consumer_action_id, publisher_id=None):
29        """GetConsumerAction.
30        Get details about a specific consumer action.
31        :param str consumer_id: ID for a consumer.
32        :param str consumer_action_id: ID for a consumerActionId.
33        :param str publisher_id:
34        :rtype: :class:`<ConsumerAction> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.ConsumerAction>`
35        """
36        route_values = {}
37        if consumer_id is not None:
38            route_values['consumerId'] = self._serialize.url('consumer_id', consumer_id, 'str')
39        if consumer_action_id is not None:
40            route_values['consumerActionId'] = self._serialize.url('consumer_action_id', consumer_action_id, 'str')
41        query_parameters = {}
42        if publisher_id is not None:
43            query_parameters['publisherId'] = self._serialize.query('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
44        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
45                              location_id='c3428e90-7a69-4194-8ed8-0f153185ee0d',
46                              version='4.1',
47                              route_values=route_values,
48                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
49        return self._deserialize('ConsumerAction', response)
51    def list_consumer_actions(self, consumer_id, publisher_id=None):
52        """ListConsumerActions.
53        Get a list of consumer actions for a specific consumer.
54        :param str consumer_id: ID for a consumer.
55        :param str publisher_id:
56        :rtype: [ConsumerAction]
57        """
58        route_values = {}
59        if consumer_id is not None:
60            route_values['consumerId'] = self._serialize.url('consumer_id', consumer_id, 'str')
61        query_parameters = {}
62        if publisher_id is not None:
63            query_parameters['publisherId'] = self._serialize.query('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
64        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
65                              location_id='c3428e90-7a69-4194-8ed8-0f153185ee0d',
66                              version='4.1',
67                              route_values=route_values,
68                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
69        return self._deserialize('[ConsumerAction]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
71    def get_consumer(self, consumer_id, publisher_id=None):
72        """GetConsumer.
73        Get a specific consumer service. Optionally filter out consumer actions that do not support any event types for the specified publisher.
74        :param str consumer_id: ID for a consumer.
75        :param str publisher_id:
76        :rtype: :class:`<Consumer> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Consumer>`
77        """
78        route_values = {}
79        if consumer_id is not None:
80            route_values['consumerId'] = self._serialize.url('consumer_id', consumer_id, 'str')
81        query_parameters = {}
82        if publisher_id is not None:
83            query_parameters['publisherId'] = self._serialize.query('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
84        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
85                              location_id='4301c514-5f34-4f5d-a145-f0ea7b5b7d19',
86                              version='4.1',
87                              route_values=route_values,
88                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
89        return self._deserialize('Consumer', response)
91    def list_consumers(self, publisher_id=None):
92        """ListConsumers.
93        Get a list of available service hook consumer services. Optionally filter by consumers that support at least one event type from the specific publisher.
94        :param str publisher_id:
95        :rtype: [Consumer]
96        """
97        query_parameters = {}
98        if publisher_id is not None:
99            query_parameters['publisherId'] = self._serialize.query('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
100        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
101                              location_id='4301c514-5f34-4f5d-a145-f0ea7b5b7d19',
102                              version='4.1',
103                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
104        return self._deserialize('[Consumer]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
106    def get_subscription_diagnostics(self, subscription_id):
107        """GetSubscriptionDiagnostics.
108        [Preview API]
109        :param str subscription_id:
110        :rtype: :class:`<SubscriptionDiagnostics> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.SubscriptionDiagnostics>`
111        """
112        route_values = {}
113        if subscription_id is not None:
114            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
115        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
116                              location_id='3b36bcb5-02ad-43c6-bbfa-6dfc6f8e9d68',
117                              version='4.1-preview.1',
118                              route_values=route_values)
119        return self._deserialize('SubscriptionDiagnostics', response)
121    def update_subscription_diagnostics(self, update_parameters, subscription_id):
122        """UpdateSubscriptionDiagnostics.
123        [Preview API]
124        :param :class:`<UpdateSubscripitonDiagnosticsParameters> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.UpdateSubscripitonDiagnosticsParameters>` update_parameters:
125        :param str subscription_id:
126        :rtype: :class:`<SubscriptionDiagnostics> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.SubscriptionDiagnostics>`
127        """
128        route_values = {}
129        if subscription_id is not None:
130            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
131        content = self._serialize.body(update_parameters, 'UpdateSubscripitonDiagnosticsParameters')
132        response = self._send(http_method='PUT',
133                              location_id='3b36bcb5-02ad-43c6-bbfa-6dfc6f8e9d68',
134                              version='4.1-preview.1',
135                              route_values=route_values,
136                              content=content)
137        return self._deserialize('SubscriptionDiagnostics', response)
139    def get_event_type(self, publisher_id, event_type_id):
140        """GetEventType.
141        Get a specific event type.
142        :param str publisher_id: ID for a publisher.
143        :param str event_type_id:
144        :rtype: :class:`<EventTypeDescriptor> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.EventTypeDescriptor>`
145        """
146        route_values = {}
147        if publisher_id is not None:
148            route_values['publisherId'] = self._serialize.url('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
149        if event_type_id is not None:
150            route_values['eventTypeId'] = self._serialize.url('event_type_id', event_type_id, 'str')
151        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
152                              location_id='db4777cd-8e08-4a84-8ba3-c974ea033718',
153                              version='4.1',
154                              route_values=route_values)
155        return self._deserialize('EventTypeDescriptor', response)
157    def list_event_types(self, publisher_id):
158        """ListEventTypes.
159        Get the event types for a specific publisher.
160        :param str publisher_id: ID for a publisher.
161        :rtype: [EventTypeDescriptor]
162        """
163        route_values = {}
164        if publisher_id is not None:
165            route_values['publisherId'] = self._serialize.url('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
166        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
167                              location_id='db4777cd-8e08-4a84-8ba3-c974ea033718',
168                              version='4.1',
169                              route_values=route_values)
170        return self._deserialize('[EventTypeDescriptor]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
172    def get_notification(self, subscription_id, notification_id):
173        """GetNotification.
174        Get a specific notification for a subscription.
175        :param str subscription_id: ID for a subscription.
176        :param int notification_id:
177        :rtype: :class:`<Notification> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Notification>`
178        """
179        route_values = {}
180        if subscription_id is not None:
181            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
182        if notification_id is not None:
183            route_values['notificationId'] = self._serialize.url('notification_id', notification_id, 'int')
184        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
185                              location_id='0c62d343-21b0-4732-997b-017fde84dc28',
186                              version='4.1',
187                              route_values=route_values)
188        return self._deserialize('Notification', response)
190    def get_notifications(self, subscription_id, max_results=None, status=None, result=None):
191        """GetNotifications.
192        Get a list of notifications for a specific subscription. A notification includes details about the event, the request to and the response from the consumer service.
193        :param str subscription_id: ID for a subscription.
194        :param int max_results: Maximum number of notifications to return. Default is **100**.
195        :param str status: Get only notifications with this status.
196        :param str result: Get only notifications with this result type.
197        :rtype: [Notification]
198        """
199        route_values = {}
200        if subscription_id is not None:
201            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
202        query_parameters = {}
203        if max_results is not None:
204            query_parameters['maxResults'] = self._serialize.query('max_results', max_results, 'int')
205        if status is not None:
206            query_parameters['status'] = self._serialize.query('status', status, 'str')
207        if result is not None:
208            query_parameters['result'] = self._serialize.query('result', result, 'str')
209        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
210                              location_id='0c62d343-21b0-4732-997b-017fde84dc28',
211                              version='4.1',
212                              route_values=route_values,
213                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
214        return self._deserialize('[Notification]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
216    def query_notifications(self, query):
217        """QueryNotifications.
218        Query for notifications. A notification includes details about the event, the request to and the response from the consumer service.
219        :param :class:`<NotificationsQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.NotificationsQuery>` query:
220        :rtype: :class:`<NotificationsQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.NotificationsQuery>`
221        """
222        content = self._serialize.body(query, 'NotificationsQuery')
223        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
224                              location_id='1a57562f-160a-4b5c-9185-905e95b39d36',
225                              version='4.1',
226                              content=content)
227        return self._deserialize('NotificationsQuery', response)
229    def query_input_values(self, input_values_query, publisher_id):
230        """QueryInputValues.
231        :param :class:`<InputValuesQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.InputValuesQuery>` input_values_query:
232        :param str publisher_id:
233        :rtype: :class:`<InputValuesQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.InputValuesQuery>`
234        """
235        route_values = {}
236        if publisher_id is not None:
237            route_values['publisherId'] = self._serialize.url('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
238        content = self._serialize.body(input_values_query, 'InputValuesQuery')
239        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
240                              location_id='d815d352-a566-4dc1-a3e3-fd245acf688c',
241                              version='4.1',
242                              route_values=route_values,
243                              content=content)
244        return self._deserialize('InputValuesQuery', response)
246    def get_publisher(self, publisher_id):
247        """GetPublisher.
248        Get a specific service hooks publisher.
249        :param str publisher_id: ID for a publisher.
250        :rtype: :class:`<Publisher> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Publisher>`
251        """
252        route_values = {}
253        if publisher_id is not None:
254            route_values['publisherId'] = self._serialize.url('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
255        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
256                              location_id='1e83a210-5b53-43bc-90f0-d476a4e5d731',
257                              version='4.1',
258                              route_values=route_values)
259        return self._deserialize('Publisher', response)
261    def list_publishers(self):
262        """ListPublishers.
263        Get a list of publishers.
264        :rtype: [Publisher]
265        """
266        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
267                              location_id='1e83a210-5b53-43bc-90f0-d476a4e5d731',
268                              version='4.1')
269        return self._deserialize('[Publisher]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
271    def query_publishers(self, query):
272        """QueryPublishers.
273        Query for service hook publishers.
274        :param :class:`<PublishersQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.PublishersQuery>` query:
275        :rtype: :class:`<PublishersQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.PublishersQuery>`
276        """
277        content = self._serialize.body(query, 'PublishersQuery')
278        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
279                              location_id='99b44a8a-65a8-4670-8f3e-e7f7842cce64',
280                              version='4.1',
281                              content=content)
282        return self._deserialize('PublishersQuery', response)
284    def create_subscription(self, subscription):
285        """CreateSubscription.
286        Create a subscription.
287        :param :class:`<Subscription> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Subscription>` subscription: Subscription to be created.
288        :rtype: :class:`<Subscription> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Subscription>`
289        """
290        content = self._serialize.body(subscription, 'Subscription')
291        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
292                              location_id='fc50d02a-849f-41fb-8af1-0a5216103269',
293                              version='4.1',
294                              content=content)
295        return self._deserialize('Subscription', response)
297    def delete_subscription(self, subscription_id):
298        """DeleteSubscription.
299        Delete a specific service hooks subscription.
300        :param str subscription_id: ID for a subscription.
301        """
302        route_values = {}
303        if subscription_id is not None:
304            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
305        self._send(http_method='DELETE',
306                   location_id='fc50d02a-849f-41fb-8af1-0a5216103269',
307                   version='4.1',
308                   route_values=route_values)
310    def get_subscription(self, subscription_id):
311        """GetSubscription.
312        Get a specific service hooks subscription.
313        :param str subscription_id: ID for a subscription.
314        :rtype: :class:`<Subscription> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Subscription>`
315        """
316        route_values = {}
317        if subscription_id is not None:
318            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
319        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
320                              location_id='fc50d02a-849f-41fb-8af1-0a5216103269',
321                              version='4.1',
322                              route_values=route_values)
323        return self._deserialize('Subscription', response)
325    def list_subscriptions(self, publisher_id=None, event_type=None, consumer_id=None, consumer_action_id=None):
326        """ListSubscriptions.
327        Get a list of subscriptions.
328        :param str publisher_id: ID for a subscription.
329        :param str event_type: Maximum number of notifications to return. Default is 100.
330        :param str consumer_id: ID for a consumer.
331        :param str consumer_action_id: ID for a consumerActionId.
332        :rtype: [Subscription]
333        """
334        query_parameters = {}
335        if publisher_id is not None:
336            query_parameters['publisherId'] = self._serialize.query('publisher_id', publisher_id, 'str')
337        if event_type is not None:
338            query_parameters['eventType'] = self._serialize.query('event_type', event_type, 'str')
339        if consumer_id is not None:
340            query_parameters['consumerId'] = self._serialize.query('consumer_id', consumer_id, 'str')
341        if consumer_action_id is not None:
342            query_parameters['consumerActionId'] = self._serialize.query('consumer_action_id', consumer_action_id, 'str')
343        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
344                              location_id='fc50d02a-849f-41fb-8af1-0a5216103269',
345                              version='4.1',
346                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
347        return self._deserialize('[Subscription]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
349    def replace_subscription(self, subscription, subscription_id=None):
350        """ReplaceSubscription.
351        Update a subscription. <param name="subscriptionId">ID for a subscription that you wish to update.</param>
352        :param :class:`<Subscription> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Subscription>` subscription:
353        :param str subscription_id:
354        :rtype: :class:`<Subscription> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Subscription>`
355        """
356        route_values = {}
357        if subscription_id is not None:
358            route_values['subscriptionId'] = self._serialize.url('subscription_id', subscription_id, 'str')
359        content = self._serialize.body(subscription, 'Subscription')
360        response = self._send(http_method='PUT',
361                              location_id='fc50d02a-849f-41fb-8af1-0a5216103269',
362                              version='4.1',
363                              route_values=route_values,
364                              content=content)
365        return self._deserialize('Subscription', response)
367    def create_subscriptions_query(self, query):
368        """CreateSubscriptionsQuery.
369        Query for service hook subscriptions.
370        :param :class:`<SubscriptionsQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.SubscriptionsQuery>` query:
371        :rtype: :class:`<SubscriptionsQuery> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.SubscriptionsQuery>`
372        """
373        content = self._serialize.body(query, 'SubscriptionsQuery')
374        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
375                              location_id='c7c3c1cf-9e05-4c0d-a425-a0f922c2c6ed',
376                              version='4.1',
377                              content=content)
378        return self._deserialize('SubscriptionsQuery', response)
380    def create_test_notification(self, test_notification, use_real_data=None):
381        """CreateTestNotification.
382        Sends a test notification. This is useful for verifying the configuration of an updated or new service hooks subscription.
383        :param :class:`<Notification> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Notification>` test_notification:
384        :param bool use_real_data: Only allow testing with real data in existing subscriptions.
385        :rtype: :class:`<Notification> <service-hooks.v4_1.models.Notification>`
386        """
387        query_parameters = {}
388        if use_real_data is not None:
389            query_parameters['useRealData'] = self._serialize.query('use_real_data', use_real_data, 'bool')
390        content = self._serialize.body(test_notification, 'Notification')
391        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
392                              location_id='1139462c-7e27-4524-a997-31b9b73551fe',
393                              version='4.1',
394                              query_parameters=query_parameters,
395                              content=content)
396        return self._deserialize('Notification', response)