1 /*
2  * qca_basic.h - Qt Cryptographic Architecture
3  * Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Justin Karneges <justin@affinix.com>
4  * Copyright (C) 2004-2007  Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>
5  * Copyright (C) 2013-2016  Ivan Romanov <drizt@land.ru>
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
20  * 02110-1301  USA
21  *
22  */
24 /**
25    \file qca_basic.h
27    Header file for classes for cryptographic primitives (basic operations).
29    \note You should not use this header directly from an
30    application. You should just use <tt> \#include \<QtCrypto>
31    </tt> instead.
32 */
34 #ifndef QCA_BASIC_H
35 #define QCA_BASIC_H
37 #include "qca_core.h"
39 #include <QIODevice>
41 namespace QCA {
43 /**
44    \defgroup UserAPI QCA user API
46    This is the main set of QCA classes, intended for use
47    in standard applications.
48 */
50 /**
51    \class Random qca_basic.h QtCrypto
53    Source of random numbers.
55    QCA provides a built in source of random numbers, which
56    can be accessed through this class. You can also use
57    an alternative random number source, by implementing
58    another provider.
60    The normal use of this class is expected to be through the
61    static members - randomChar(), randomInt() and randomArray().
63    \ingroup UserAPI
64  */
65 class QCA_EXPORT Random : public Algorithm
66 {
67 public:
68     /**
69        Standard Constructor
71        \param provider the name of the provider library for the random
72            number generation
73     */
74     Random(const QString &provider = QString());
76     /**
77        Copy constructor
79        \param from the %Random object to copy from
80         */
81     Random(const Random &from);
83     ~Random() override;
85     /**
86    Assignment operator
88    \param from the %Random object to copy state from
89     */
90     Random &operator=(const Random &from);
92     /**
93        Provide a random byte.
95        This method isn't normally required - you should use
96        the static randomChar() method instead.
98        \sa randomChar
99     */
100     uchar nextByte();
102     /**
103        Provide a specified number of random bytes.
105        This method isn't normally required - you should use
106        the static randomArray() method instead.
108        \param size the number of bytes to provide
110        \sa randomArray
111     */
112     SecureArray nextBytes(int size);
114     /**
115        Provide a random character (byte)
117        This is the normal way of obtaining a single random char
118        (i.e. 8 bit byte), as shown below:
119        \code
120 myRandomChar = QCA::Random::randomChar();
121        \endcode
123        If you need a number of bytes, perhaps randomArray() may be of use.
124     */
125     static uchar randomChar();
127     /**
128        Provide a random integer.
130        This is the normal way of obtaining a single random integer,
131        as shown below:
132        \code
133 myRandomInt = QCA::Random::randomInt();
134        \endcode
135     */
136     static int randomInt();
138     /**
139        Provide a specified number of random bytes.
141        \code
142 // build a 30 byte secure array.
143 SecureArray arry = QCA::Random::randomArray(30);
144        \endcode
146        \param size the number of bytes to provide
147     */
148     static SecureArray randomArray(int size);
150 private:
151     class Private;
152     Private *d;
153 };
155 /**
156    \class Hash qca_basic.h QtCrypto
158    General class for hashing algorithms.
160    Hash is the class for the various hashing algorithms
161    within %QCA. SHA256, SHA1 or RIPEMD160 are recommended for
162    new applications, although MD2, MD4, MD5 or SHA0 may be
163    applicable (for interoperability reasons) for some
164    applications.
166    To perform a hash, you create a Hash object, call update()
167    with the data that needs to be hashed, and then call
168    final(), which returns a QByteArray of the hash result. An
169    example (using the SHA1 hash, with 1000 updates of a 1000
170    byte string) is shown below:
172    \code
173 if(!QCA::isSupported("sha1"))
174     printf("SHA1 not supported!\n");
175 else
176 {
177     QByteArray fillerString;
178     fillerString.fill('a', 1000);
180     QCA::Hash shaHash("sha1");
181     for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)
182         shaHash.update(fillerString);
183     QByteArray hashResult = shaHash.final();
184     if ( "34aa973cd4c4daa4f61eeb2bdbad27316534016f" == QCA::arrayToHex(hashResult) )
185     {
186         printf("big SHA1 is OK\n");
187     }
188     else
189     {
190         printf("big SHA1 failed\n");
191     }
192 }
193    \endcode
195    If you only have a simple hash requirement - a single
196    string that is fully available in memory at one time - then
197    you may be better off with one of the convenience
198    methods. So, for example, instead of creating a QCA::Hash
199    object, then doing a single update() and the final() call;
200    you could simply call QCA::Hash("algoName").hash() with the
201    data that you would otherwise have provided to the update()
202    call.
204    For more information on hashing algorithms, see \ref hashing.
206    \ingroup UserAPI
207 */
208 class QCA_EXPORT Hash : public Algorithm, public BufferedComputation
209 {
210 public:
211     /**
212        Constructor
214        \param type label for the type of hash to be
215        created (for example, "sha1" or "md2")
216        \param provider the name of the provider plugin
217        for the subclass (eg "qca-ossl")
218     */
219     explicit Hash(const QString &type, const QString &provider = QString());
221     /**
222        Copy constructor
224        \param from the Hash object to copy from
225         */
226     Hash(const Hash &from);
228     ~Hash() override;
230     /**
231        Assignment operator
233        \param from the Hash object to copy state from
234         */
235     Hash &operator=(const Hash &from);
237     /**
238        Returns a list of all of the hash types available
240        \param provider the name of the provider to get a list from, if one
241        provider is required. If not specified, available hash types from all
242        providers will be returned.
243     */
244     static QStringList supportedTypes(const QString &provider = QString());
246     /**
247        Return the hash type
248     */
249     QString type() const;
251     /**
252        Reset a hash, dumping all previous parts of the
253        message.
255        This method clears (or resets) the hash algorithm,
256        effectively undoing any previous update()
257        calls. You should use this call if you are re-using
258        a Hash sub-class object to calculate additional
259        hashes.
260     */
261     void clear() override;
263     /**
264        Update a hash, adding more of the message contents
265        to the digest. The whole message needs to be added
266        using this method before you call final().
268        If you find yourself only calling update() once,
269        you may be better off using a convenience method
270        such as hash() or hashToString() instead.
272        \param a the byte array to add to the hash
273     */
274     void update(const MemoryRegion &a) override;
276     /**
277        \overload
279        \param a the QByteArray to add to the hash
280     */
281     void update(const QByteArray &a);
283     /**
284        \overload
286        This method is provided to assist with code that
287        already exists, and is being ported to %QCA. You are
288        better off passing a SecureArray (as shown above)
289        if you are writing new code.
291        \param data pointer to a char array
292        \param len the length of the array. If not specified
293        (or specified as a negative number), the length will be
294        determined with strlen(), which may not be what you want
295        if the array contains a null (0x00) character.
296     */
297     void update(const char *data, int len = -1);
299     /**
300        \overload
302        This allows you to read from a file or other
303        I/O device. Note that the device must be already
304        open for reading
306        \param file an I/O device
308        If you are trying to calculate the hash of
309        a whole file (and it isn't already open), you
310        might want to use code like this:
311        \code
312 QFile f( "file.dat" );
313 if ( f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
314 {
315     QCA::Hash hashObj("sha1");
316     hashObj.update( &f );
317     QByteArray output = hashObj.final().toByteArray();
318 }
319        \endcode
320     */
321     void update(QIODevice *file);
323     /**
324        Finalises input and returns the hash result
326        After calling update() with the required data, the
327        hash results are finalised and produced.
329        Note that it is not possible to add further data (with
330        update()) after calling final(), because of the way
331        the hashing works - null bytes are inserted to pad
332        the results up to a fixed size. If you want to
333        reuse the Hash object, you should call clear() and
334        start to update() again.
335     */
336     MemoryRegion final() override;
338     /**
339        %Hash a byte array, returning it as another
340        byte array
342        This is a convenience method that returns the
343        hash of a SecureArray.
345        \code
346 SecureArray sampleArray(3);
347 sampleArray.fill('a');
348 SecureArray outputArray = QCA::Hash("md2")::hash(sampleArray);
349        \endcode
351        \param array the QByteArray to hash
353        If you need more flexibility (e.g. you are constructing
354        a large byte array object just to pass it to hash(), then
355        consider creating an Hash object, and then calling
356        update() and final().
357     */
358     MemoryRegion hash(const MemoryRegion &array);
360     /**
361        %Hash a byte array, returning it as a printable
362        string
364        This is a convenience method that returns the
365        hash of a SecureArray as a hexadecimal
366        representation encoded in a QString.
368        \param array the QByteArray to hash
370        If you need more flexibility, you can create a Hash
371        object, call Hash::update() as required, then call
372        Hash::final(), before using the static arrayToHex() method.
373     */
374     QString hashToString(const MemoryRegion &array);
376 private:
377     class Private;
378     Private *d;
379 };
381 /**
382    \page hashing Hashing Algorithms
384    There are a range of hashing algorithms available in
385    %QCA. Hashing algorithms are used with the Hash and
386    MessageAuthenticationCode classes.
388    The MD2 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as the
389    message and outputs a condensed 128 bit (16 byte)
390    representation of that data stream, known as the message
391    digest. This algorithm is considered slightly more secure than MD5,
392    but is more expensive to compute. Unless backward
393    compatibility or interoperability are considerations, you
394    are better off using the SHA1 or RIPEMD160 hashing algorithms.
395    For more information on %MD2, see B. Kalinski RFC1319 "The %MD2
396    Message-Digest Algorithm". The label for MD2 is "md2".
398    The MD4 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as the
399    message and outputs a condensed 128 bit (16 byte)
400    representation of that data stream, known as the message
401    digest. MD4 is not considered to be secure, based on
402    known attacks. It should only be used for applications where
403    collision attacks are not a consideration (for example, as
404    used in the rsync algorithm for fingerprinting blocks of
405    data). If a secure hash is required, you are better off using
406    the SHA1 or RIPEMD160 hashing algorithms. MD2 and MD5 are both
407    stronger 128 bit hashes.  For more information on MD4, see
408    R. Rivest RFC1320 "The %MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm". The
409    label for MD4 is "md4".
411    The MD5 takes an arbitrary data stream, known as the message
412    and outputs a condensed 128 bit (16 byte) representation of
413    that data stream, known as the message digest. MD5 is not
414    considered to be secure, based on known attacks. It should
415    only be used for applications where collision attacks are not
416    a consideration. If a secure hash is required, you are better
417    off using the SHA1 or RIPEMD160 hashing algorithms.  For more
418    information on MD5, see R. Rivest RFC1321 "The %MD5
419    Message-Digest Algorithm". The label for MD5 is "md5".
421    The RIPEMD160 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known
422    as the message (up to \f$2^{64}\f$ bits in length) and outputs
423    a condensed 160 bit (20 byte) representation of that data
424    stream, known as the message digest. The RIPEMD160 algorithm
425    is considered secure in that it is considered computationally
426    infeasible to find the message that produced the message
427    digest. The label for RIPEMD160 is "ripemd160".
429    The SHA-0 algorithm is a 160 bit hashing function, no longer
430    recommended for new applications because of known (partial)
431    attacks against it. The label for SHA-0 is "sha0".
433    The SHA-1 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as
434    the message (up to \f$2^{64}\f$ bits in length) and outputs a
435    condensed 160 bit (20 byte) representation of that data
436    stream, known as the message digest. SHA-1 is considered
437    secure in that it is considered computationally infeasible to
438    find the message that produced the message digest. For more
439    information on the SHA-1 algorithm,, see Federal Information
440    Processing Standard Publication 180-2 "Specifications for the
441    Secure %Hash Standard", available from
442    http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/. The label for SHA-1 is
443    "sha1".
445    The SHA-224 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as
446    the message (up to \f$2^{64}\f$ bits in length) and outputs a
447    condensed 224 bit (28 byte) representation of that data
448    stream, known as the message digest. SHA-224 is a "cut down"
449    version of SHA-256, and you may be better off using SHA-256 in
450    new designs. The SHA-224 algorithm is considered secure in
451    that it is considered computationally infeasible to find the
452    message that produced the message digest. For more information
453    on SHA-224, see Federal Information Processing Standard
454    Publication 180-2 "Specifications for the Secure %Hash
455    Standard", with change notice 1, available from
456    http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/. The label for SHA-224 is
457    "sha224".
459    The SHA-256 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as
460    the message (up to \f$2^{64}\f$ bits in length) and outputs a
461    condensed 256 bit (32 byte) representation of that data
462    stream, known as the message digest. The SHA-256 algorithm is
463    considered secure in that it is considered computationally
464    infeasible to find the message that produced the message
465    digest. For more information on SHA-256, see Federal
466    Information Processing Standard Publication 180-2
467    "Specifications for the Secure %Hash Standard", available from
468    http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/. The label for SHA-256 is
469    "sha256".
471    The SHA-384 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as
472    the message (up to \f$2^{128}\f$ bits in length) and outputs a
473    condensed 384 bit (48 byte) representation of that data
474    stream, known as the message digest. The SHA-384 algorithm is
475    a "cut down" version of SHA-512, and you may be better off
476    using SHA-512 in new designs. The SHA-384 algorithm is
477    considered secure in that it is considered computationally
478    infeasible to find the message that produced the message
479    digest. For more information on SHA-384, see Federal
480    Information Processing Standard Publication 180-2
481    "Specifications for the Secure %Hash Standard", available from
482    http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/. The label for SHA-384 is
483    "sha384".
485    The SHA-512 algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as
486    the message (up to \f$2^{128}\f$ bits in length) and outputs a
487    condensed 512 bit (64 byte) representation of that data
488    stream, known as the message digest. The SHA-512 algorithm is
489    considered secure in that it is considered computationally
490    infeasible to find the message that produced the message
491    digest. For more information on SHA-512, see Federal
492    Information Processing Standard Publication 180-2
493    "Specifications for the Secure %Hash Standard", available from
494    http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/. The label for SHA-512 is
495    "sha512".
497    The Whirlpool algorithm takes an arbitrary data stream, known as
498    the message (up to \f$2^{256}\f$ bits in length) and outputs a
499    condensed 512 bit (64 byte) representation of that data
500    stream, known as the message digest. The Whirlpool algorithm is
501    considered secure in that it is considered computationally
502    infeasible to find the message that produced the message
503    digest. For more information on Whirlpool, see
504    http://paginas.terra.com.br/informatica/paulobarreto/WhirlpoolPage.html
505    or ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004. The label for Whirlpool is
506    "whirlpool".
507 */
509 /**
510    \page paddingDescription Padding
512    For those Cipher sub-classes that are block based, there are modes
513    that require a full block on encryption and decryption - %Cipher Block
514    Chaining mode and Electronic Code Book modes are good examples.
516    Since real world messages are not always a convenient multiple of a
517    block size, we have to adding <i>padding</i>. There are a number of
518    padding modes that %QCA supports, including not doing any padding
519    at all.
521    If you are not going to use padding, then you can pass
522    QCA::Cipher::NoPadding as the pad argument to the Cipher sub-class,
523    however it is then your responsibility to pass in appropriate data for
524    the mode that you are using.
526    The most common padding scheme is known as PKCS#7 (also PKCS#1), and
527    it specifies that the pad bytes are all equal to the length of the
528    padding ( for example, if you need three pad bytes to complete the block,
529    then the padding is 0x03 0x03 0x03 ). PKCS#5 padding is a subset of
530    PKCS#7 padding for 8 byte block sizes. For explanation, see
531    http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/9043/what-is-the-difference-between-pkcs5-padding-and-pkcs7-padding/9044#9044.
533    On encryption, for algorithm / mode combinations that require
534    padding, you will get a block of ciphertext when the input plain
535    text block is complete. When you call final(), you will get out the
536    ciphertext that corresponds to the last part of the plain text,
537    plus any padding. If you had provided plaintext that matched up
538    with a block size, then the cipher text block is generated from
539    pure padding - you always get at least some padding, to ensure that
540    the padding can be safely removed on decryption.
542    On decryption, for algorithm / mode combinations that use padding,
543    you will get back a block of plaintext when the input ciphertext block
544    is complete. When you call final(), you will get a block that has been
545    stripped of ciphertext.
546 */
548 /**
549    \class Cipher qca_basic.h QtCrypto
551    General class for cipher (encryption / decryption) algorithms.
553    Cipher is the class for the various algorithms that perform
554    low level encryption and decryption within %QCA.
556    AES128, AES192 and AES256 are recommended for new applications.
558    Standard names for ciphers are:
559    - Blowfish - "blowfish"
560    - TripleDES - "tripledes"
561    - DES - "des"
562    - AES128 - "aes128"
563    - AES192 - "aes192"
564    - AES256 - "aes256"
565    - CAST5 (CAST-128) - "cast5"
567    When checking for the availability of a particular kind
568    of cipher operation (e.g. AES128 in CBC mode with PKCS7
569    padding), you append the mode and padding type (in that
570    example "aes128-cbc-pkcs7"). CFB and OFB modes don't use
571    padding, so they are always just the cipher name followed
572    by the mode (e.g. "blowfish-cfb" or "aes192-ofb"). If
573    you are not using padding with CBC mode (i.e. you are
574    ensuring block size operations yourself), just use
575    the cipher name followed by "-cbc" (e.g. "blowfish-cbc"
576    or "aes256-cbc").
578    \ingroup UserAPI
579 */
581 class QCA_EXPORT Cipher : public Algorithm, public Filter
582 {
583 public:
584     /**
585        Mode settings for cipher algorithms.
587        \note ECB is almost never what you want, unless you
588        are trying to implement a %Cipher variation that is not
589        supported by %QCA.
590     */
591     enum Mode
592     {
593         CBC, ///< operate in %Cipher Block Chaining mode
594         CFB, ///< operate in %Cipher FeedBack mode
595         ECB, ///< operate in Electronic Code Book mode
596         OFB, ///< operate in Output FeedBack Mode
597         CTR, ///< operate in CounTer Mode
598         GCM, ///< operate in Galois Counter Mode
599         CCM  ///< operate in Counter with CBC-MAC
600     };
602     /**
603        Padding variations for cipher algorithms.
605        See the \ref paddingDescription description for more details on
606        padding schemes.
607     */
608     enum Padding
609     {
610         DefaultPadding, ///< Default for cipher-mode
611         NoPadding,      ///< Do not use padding
612         PKCS7           ///< Pad using the scheme in PKCS#7
613     };
615     /**
616        Standard constructor
618        \param type the name of the cipher specialisation to use (e.g.
619        "aes128")
620        \param mode the operating Mode to use (e.g. QCA::Cipher::CBC)
621        \param pad the type of Padding to use
622        \param dir the Direction that this Cipher should use (Encode for
623        encryption, Decode for decryption)
624        \param key the SymmetricKey array that is the key
625        \param iv the InitializationVector to use (not used for ECB mode)
626        \param provider the name of the Provider to use
628        \note Padding only applies to CBC and ECB modes.  CFB and OFB
629        ciphertext is always the length of the plaintext.
630     */
631     Cipher(const QString &             type,
632            Mode                        mode,
633            Padding                     pad      = DefaultPadding,
634            Direction                   dir      = Encode,
635            const SymmetricKey &        key      = SymmetricKey(),
636            const InitializationVector &iv       = InitializationVector(),
637            const QString &             provider = QString());
639     /**
640        Standard constructor
642        \param type the name of the cipher specialisation to use (e.g.
643        "aes128")
644        \param mode the operating Mode to use (e.g. QCA::Cipher::CBC)
645        \param pad the type of Padding to use
646        \param dir the Direction that this Cipher should use (Encode for
647        encryption, Decode for decryption)
648        \param key the SymmetricKey array that is the key
649        \param iv the InitializationVector to use (not used for ECB mode)
650        \param tag the AuthTag to use (only for GCM and CCM modes)
651        \param provider the name of the Provider to use
653        \note Padding only applies to CBC and ECB modes.  CFB and OFB
654        ciphertext is always the length of the plaintext.
655     */
656     Cipher(const QString &             type,
657            Mode                        mode,
658            Padding                     pad,
659            Direction                   dir,
660            const SymmetricKey &        key,
661            const InitializationVector &iv,
662            const AuthTag &             tag,
663            const QString &             provider = QString());
665     /**
666        Standard copy constructor
668        \param from the Cipher to copy state from
669     */
670     Cipher(const Cipher &from);
672     ~Cipher() override;
674     /**
675        Assignment operator
677        \param from the Cipher to copy state from
678     */
679     Cipher &operator=(const Cipher &from);
681     /**
682        Returns a list of all of the cipher types available
684        \param provider the name of the provider to get a list from, if one
685        provider is required. If not specified, available cipher types from all
686        providers will be returned.
687     */
688     static QStringList supportedTypes(const QString &provider = QString());
690     /**
691        Return the cipher type
692     */
693     QString type() const;
695     /**
696        Return the cipher mode
697     */
698     Mode mode() const;
700     /**
701        Return the cipher padding type
702     */
703     Padding padding() const;
705     /**
706        Return the cipher direction
707     */
708     Direction direction() const;
710     /**
711        Return acceptable key lengths
712     */
713     KeyLength keyLength() const;
715     /**
716        Test if a key length is valid for the cipher algorithm
718        \param n the key length in bytes
719        \return true if the key would be valid for the current algorithm
720     */
721     bool validKeyLength(int n) const;
723     /**
724        return the block size for the cipher object
725     */
726     int blockSize() const;
728     /**
729        return the authentication tag for the cipher object
730     */
731     AuthTag tag() const;
733     /**
734        reset the cipher object, to allow re-use
735     */
736     void clear() override;
738     /**
739        pass in a byte array of data, which will be encrypted or decrypted
740        (according to the Direction that was set in the constructor or in
741        setup() ) and returned.
743        \param a the array of data to encrypt / decrypt
744     */
745     MemoryRegion update(const MemoryRegion &a) override;
747     /**
748        complete the block of data, padding as required, and returning
749        the completed block
750     */
751     MemoryRegion final() override;
753     /**
754        Test if an update() or final() call succeeded.
756        \return true if the previous call succeeded
757     */
758     bool ok() const override;
760     /**
761        Reset / reconfigure the Cipher
763        You can use this to re-use an existing Cipher, rather than creating
764        a new object with a slightly different configuration.
766        \param dir the Direction that this Cipher should use (Encode for
767        encryption, Decode for decryption)
768        \param key the SymmetricKey array that is the key
769        \param iv the InitializationVector to use (not used for ECB Mode)
771        \note You should not leave iv empty for any Mode except ECB.
772     */
773     void setup(Direction dir, const SymmetricKey &key, const InitializationVector &iv = InitializationVector());
775     /**
776        Reset / reconfigure the Cipher
778        You can use this to re-use an existing Cipher, rather than creating
779        a new object with a slightly different configuration.
781        \param dir the Direction that this Cipher should use (Encode for
782        encryption, Decode for decryption)
783        \param key the SymmetricKey array that is the key
784        \param iv the InitializationVector to use (not used for ECB Mode)
785        \param tag the AuthTag to use (only for GCM and CCM modes)
787        \note You should not leave iv empty for any Mode except ECB.
788     */
789     void setup(Direction dir, const SymmetricKey &key, const InitializationVector &iv, const AuthTag &tag);
791     /**
792        Construct a Cipher type string
794        \param cipherType the name of the algorithm (eg AES128, DES)
795        \param modeType the mode to operate the cipher in (eg QCA::CBC,
796        QCA::CFB)
797        \param paddingType the padding required (eg QCA::NoPadding,
798        QCA::PCKS7)
799     */
800     static QString withAlgorithms(const QString &cipherType, Mode modeType, Padding paddingType);
802 private:
803     class Private;
804     Private *d;
805 };
807 /**
808    \class MessageAuthenticationCode  qca_basic.h QtCrypto
810    General class for message authentication code (MAC) algorithms.
812    MessageAuthenticationCode is a class for accessing the various
813    message authentication code algorithms within %QCA.
814    HMAC using SHA1 ("hmac(sha1)") or HMAC using SHA256 ("hmac(sha256)")
815    is recommended for new applications.
817    Note that if your application is potentially susceptable to "replay
818    attacks" where the message is sent more than once, you should include a
819    counter in the message that is covered by the MAC, and check that the
820    counter is always incremented every time you receive a message and MAC.
822    For more information on HMAC, see H. Krawczyk et al. RFC2104
823    "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication"
825    \ingroup UserAPI
826 */
827 class QCA_EXPORT MessageAuthenticationCode : public Algorithm, public BufferedComputation
828 {
829 public:
830     /**
831        Standard constructor
833        \param type the name of the MAC (and algorithm, if applicable) to
834        use
835        \param key the shared key
836        \param provider the provider to use, if a particular provider is
837        required
838     */
839     MessageAuthenticationCode(const QString &type, const SymmetricKey &key, const QString &provider = QString());
841     /**
842        Standard copy constructor
844        Copies the state (including key) from one MessageAuthenticationCode
845        to another
847        \param from the MessageAuthenticationCode to copy state from
848     */
849     MessageAuthenticationCode(const MessageAuthenticationCode &from);
851     ~MessageAuthenticationCode() override;
853     /**
854        Assignment operator.
856        Copies the state (including key) from one MessageAuthenticationCode
857        to another
859        \param from the MessageAuthenticationCode to assign from.
860     */
861     MessageAuthenticationCode &operator=(const MessageAuthenticationCode &from);
863     /**
864        Returns a list of all of the message authentication code types
865        available
867        \param provider the name of the provider to get a list from, if one
868        provider is required. If not specified, available message authentication
869        codes types from all providers will be returned.
870     */
871     static QStringList supportedTypes(const QString &provider = QString());
873     /**
874        Return the MAC type
875     */
876     QString type() const;
878     /**
879        Return acceptable key lengths
880     */
881     KeyLength keyLength() const;
883     /**
884        Test if a key length is valid for the MAC algorithm
886        \param n the key length in bytes
887        \return true if the key would be valid for the current algorithm
888     */
889     bool validKeyLength(int n) const;
891     /**
892        Reset a MessageAuthenticationCode, dumping all
893        previous parts of the message.
895        This method clears (or resets) the algorithm,
896        effectively undoing any previous update()
897        calls. You should use this call if you are re-using
898        a %MessageAuthenticationCode sub-class object
899        to calculate additional MACs. Note that if the key
900        doesn't need to be changed, you don't need to call
901        setup() again, since the key can just be reused.
902     */
903     void clear() override;
905     /**
906        Update the MAC, adding more of the message contents
907        to the digest. The whole message needs to be added
908        using this method before you call final().
910        \param array the message contents
911     */
912     void update(const MemoryRegion &array) override;
914     /**
915        Finalises input and returns the MAC result
917        After calling update() with the required data, the
918        hash results are finalised and produced.
920        Note that it is not possible to add further data (with
921        update()) after calling final(). If you want to
922        reuse the %MessageAuthenticationCode object, you
923        should call clear() and start to update() again.
924     */
925     MemoryRegion final() override;
927     /**
928        Initialise the MAC algorithm
930        \param key the key to use for the algorithm
931     */
932     void setup(const SymmetricKey &key);
934 private:
935     class Private;
936     Private *d;
937 };
939 /**
940    \class KeyDerivationFunction  qca_basic.h QtCrypto
942    General superclass for key derivation algorithms.
944    %KeyDerivationFunction is a superclass for the various
945    key derivation function algorithms within %QCA. You should
946    not need to use it directly unless you are
947    adding another key derivation capability to %QCA - you should be
948    using a sub-class. PBKDF2 using SHA1 is recommended for new applications.
950    \ingroup UserAPI
952 */
953 class QCA_EXPORT KeyDerivationFunction : public Algorithm
954 {
955 public:
956     /**
957        Standard copy constructor
959        \param from the KeyDerivationFunction to copy from
960     */
961     KeyDerivationFunction(const KeyDerivationFunction &from);
963     ~KeyDerivationFunction() override;
965     /**
966        Assignment operator
968        Copies the state (including key) from one KeyDerivationFunction
969        to another
971        \param from the KeyDerivationFunction to assign from
972     */
973     KeyDerivationFunction &operator=(const KeyDerivationFunction &from);
975     /**
976        Generate the key from a specified secret and salt value
978        \note key length is ignored for some functions
980        \param secret the secret (password or passphrase)
981        \param salt the salt to use
982        \param keyLength the length of key to return
983        \param iterationCount the number of iterations to perform
985        \return the derived key
986     */
987     SymmetricKey makeKey(const SecureArray &         secret,
988                          const InitializationVector &salt,
989                          unsigned int                keyLength,
990                          unsigned int                iterationCount);
992     /**
993        Generate the key from a specified secret and salt value
995        \note key length is ignored for some functions
997        \param secret the secret (password or passphrase)
998        \param salt the salt to use
999        \param keyLength the length of key to return
1000        \param msecInterval the maximum time to compute the key, in milliseconds
1001        \param iterationCount a pointer to store the number of iteration done for the specified time
1003        \return the derived key
1004     */
1005     SymmetricKey makeKey(const SecureArray &         secret,
1006                          const InitializationVector &salt,
1007                          unsigned int                keyLength,
1008                          int                         msecInterval,
1009                          unsigned int *              iterationCount);
1011     /**
1012        Construct the name of the algorithm
1014        You can use this to build a standard name string.
1015        You probably only need this method if you are
1016        creating a new subclass.
1018        \param kdfType the type of key derivation function
1019        \param algType the name of the algorithm to use with the key derivation function
1021        \return the name of the KDF/algorithm pair
1022     */
1023     static QString withAlgorithm(const QString &kdfType, const QString &algType);
1025 protected:
1026     /**
1027        Special constructor for subclass initialisation
1029        \param type the algorithm to create
1030        \param provider the name of the provider to create the key derivation function in.
1031     */
1032     KeyDerivationFunction(const QString &type, const QString &provider);
1034 private:
1035     class Private;
1036     Private *d;
1037 };
1039 /**
1040    \class PBKDF1 qca_basic.h QtCrypto
1042    Password based key derivation function version 1
1044    This class implements Password Based Key Derivation Function version 1,
1045    as specified in RFC2898, and also in PKCS#5.
1047    \ingroup UserAPI
1048 */
1049 class QCA_EXPORT PBKDF1 : public KeyDerivationFunction
1050 {
1051 public:
1052     /**
1053        Standard constructor
1055        \param algorithm the name of the hashing algorithm to use
1056        \param provider the name of the provider to use, if available
1057     */
1058     explicit PBKDF1(const QString &algorithm = QStringLiteral("sha1"), const QString &provider = QString())
1059         : KeyDerivationFunction(withAlgorithm(QStringLiteral("pbkdf1"), algorithm), provider)
1060     {
1061     }
1062 };
1064 /**
1065    \class PBKDF2 qca_basic.h QtCrypto
1067    Password based key derivation function version 2
1069    This class implements Password Based Key Derivation Function version 2,
1070    as specified in RFC2898, and also in PKCS#5.
1072    \ingroup UserAPI
1073 */
1074 class QCA_EXPORT PBKDF2 : public KeyDerivationFunction
1075 {
1076 public:
1077     /**
1078        Standard constructor
1080        \param algorithm the name of the hashing algorithm to use
1081        \param provider the name of the provider to use, if available
1082     */
1083     explicit PBKDF2(const QString &algorithm = QStringLiteral("sha1"), const QString &provider = QString())
1084         : KeyDerivationFunction(withAlgorithm(QStringLiteral("pbkdf2"), algorithm), provider)
1085     {
1086     }
1087 };
1089 /**
1090    \class HKDF qca_basic.h QtCrypto
1091    \since 2.3
1093    HMAC-based extract-and-expand key derivation function
1095    This class implements HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function,
1096    as specified in RFC5869.
1098    \ingroup UserAPI
1099 */
1100 class QCA_EXPORT HKDF : public Algorithm
1101 {
1102 public:
1103     /**
1104        Standard constructor
1106        \param algorithm the name of the hashing algorithm to use
1107        \param provider the name of the provider to use, if available
1108     */
1109     explicit HKDF(const QString &algorithm = QStringLiteral("sha256"), const QString &provider = QString());
1111     /**
1112        Standard copy constructor
1114        \param from the KeyDerivationFunction to copy from
1115     */
1116     HKDF(const HKDF &from);
1118     ~HKDF() override;
1120     /**
1121        Assignment operator
1123        Copies the state (including key) from one HKDF
1124        to another
1126        \param from the HKDF to assign from
1127     */
1128     HKDF &operator=(const HKDF &from);
1130     /**
1131        Generate the key from a specified secret, salt value, and an additional info
1133        \note key length is ignored for some functions
1135        \param secret the secret (password or passphrase)
1136        \param salt the salt to use
1137        \param info the info to use
1138        \param keyLength the length of key to return
1140        \return the derived key
1141     */
1142     SymmetricKey makeKey(const SecureArray &         secret,
1143                          const InitializationVector &salt,
1144                          const InitializationVector &info,
1145                          unsigned int                keyLength);
1146 };
1148 }
1150 #endif