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40 #include "qpixelformat.h"
44 /*!
45     \class QPixelFormat
46     \inmodule QtGui
47     \since 5.4
48     \brief QPixelFormat is a class for describing different pixel
49     layouts in graphics buffers.
51     In Qt there is a often a need to represent the layout of the pixels in a
52     graphics buffer. Internally QPixelFormat stores everything in a 64 bit
53     datastructure. This gives performance but also some limitations.
55     QPixelFormat can describe 5 color channels and 1 alpha channel, each can use
56     6 bits to describe the size of the color channel.
58     The position of the alpha channel is described with a separate enum. This is
59     to make it possible to describe QImage formats like ARGB32, and also
60     describe typical OpenGL formats like RBGA8888.
62     How pixels are suppose to be read is determined by the TypeInterpretation
63     enum.  It describes if color values are suppose to be read byte per byte,
64     or if a pixel is suppose to be read as a complete int and then masked.
65     \sa TypeInterpretation
67     There is no support for describing YUV's macro pixels. Instead a list of YUV
68     formats has been made. When a QPixelFormat is describing a YUV format, the
69     bitsPerPixel value has been deduced by the YUV Layout enum. Also, the color
70     channels should all be set to zero except the fifth color channel that
71     should store the bitsPerPixel value.
72 */
74 /*!
75     \enum QPixelFormat::ColorModel
77     This enum type is used to describe the color model of the pixelformat.
78     Alpha was added in 5.5.
80     \value RGB The color model is RGB.
82     \value BGR This is logically the opposite endian version of RGB. However,
83     for ease of use it has its own model.
85     \value Indexed The color model uses a color palette.
87     \value Grayscale The color model is Grayscale.
89     \value CMYK The color model is CMYK.
91     \value HSL The color model is HSL.
93     \value HSV The color model is HSV.
95     \value YUV The color model is YUV.
97     \value Alpha There is no color model, only alpha is used.
98 */
100 /*!
101     \enum QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage
103     This enum describes if the alpha channel is used or not. Sometimes the
104     pixelformat will have a size for the alpha channel, but the pixel format
105     does actually not use the alpha channel. For example  RGB32 is such a
106     format. The RGB channels are 8 bits each, and there is no alpha channel.
107     But the complete size for each pixel is 32. Therefore the alpha channel size
108     is 8, but the alpha channel is ignored. Its important to note that in such
109     situations the position of the alpha channel is significant.
111     \value IgnoresAlpha The alpha channel is not used.
113     \value UsesAlpha    The alpha channel is used.
114 */
116 /*!
117     \enum QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition
119     This enum type is used to describe the alpha channels position relative to the
120     color channels.
122     \value AtBeginning The alpha channel will be put in front of the color
123                        channels . E.g. ARGB.
125     \value AtEnd       The alpha channel will be put in the back of the color
126                        channels. E.g. RGBA.
127 */
129 /*!
130     \enum QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied
132     This enum type describes the boolean state if the alpha channel is multiplied
133     into the color channels or not.
135     \value NotPremultiplied The alpha channel is not multiplied into the color channels.
137     \value Premultiplied    The alpha channel is multiplied into the color channels.
138 */
140 /*!
141     \enum QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation
143     This enum describes how each pixel is interpreted. If a pixel is read as a
144     full 32 bit unsigned integer and then each channel is masked out, or if
145     each byte is read as unsigned char values. Typically QImage formats
146     interpret one pixel as an unsigned integer and then the color channels are
147     masked out. OpenGL on the other hand typically interpreted pixels "one byte
148     after the other", Ie. unsigned byte.
150     QImage also have the format Format_RGBA8888 (and its derivatives), where
151     the pixels are interpreted as unsigned bytes. OpenGL has extensions that makes it
152     possible to upload pixel buffers in an unsigned integer format.
154     \image qpixelformat-argb32buffer.png An unsigned integer ARGB32 pixel.
156     The image above shows a ARGB pixel in memory read as an unsigned integer.
157     However, if this pixel was read byte for byte on a little endian system the
158     first byte would be the byte containing the B-channel. The next byte would
159     be the G-channel, then the R-channel and finally the A-channel. This shows
160     that on little endian systems, how each pixel is interpreted is significant
161     for integer formats. This is not the case on big endian systems.
163     \value UnsignedInteger
164     \value UnsignedShort
165     \value UnsignedByte
166     \value FloatingPoint
167 */
169 /*!
170     \enum QPixelFormat::ByteOrder
172     This enum describes the ByteOrder of the pixel format. This enum is mostly
173     ignored but have some use cases for YUV formats. BGR formats have their own
174     color model, and should not be described by using the opposite endianness
175     on an RGB format.
177     \value LittleEndian        The byte order is little endian.
178     \value BigEndian           The byte order is big endian.
179     \value CurrentSystemEndian This enum will not be stored, but is converted in
180                                the constructor to the endian enum that matches
181                                the enum of the current system.
183 */
185 /*!
186     \enum QPixelFormat::YUVLayout
188     YUV is not represented by describing the size of the color channels. This is
189     because YUV often use macro pixels, making the concept of sperate color channels
190     invalid. Instead the different YUV layouts are described with this enum.
192     \value YUV444
193     \value YUV422
194     \value YUV411
195     \value YUV420P
196     \value YUV420SP
197     \value YV12
198     \value UYVY
199     \value YUYV
200     \value NV12
201     \value NV21
202     \value IMC1
203     \value IMC2
204     \value IMC3
205     \value IMC4
206     \value Y8
207     \value Y16
208 */
210 /*!
211     \fn QPixelFormat::QPixelFormat()
213     Creates a null pixelformat. This format maps to QImage::Format_Invalid.
214 */
216 /*!
217     \fn QPixelFormat::QPixelFormat(ColorModel colorModel,
218                                    uchar firstSize,
219                                    uchar secondSize,
220                                    uchar thirdSize,
221                                    uchar fourthSize,
222                                    uchar fifthSize,
223                                    uchar alphaSize,
224                                    AlphaUsage alphaUsage,
225                                    AlphaPosition alphaPosition,
226                                    AlphaPremultiplied premultiplied,
227                                    TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation,
228                                    ByteOrder byteOrder = CurrentSystemEndian,
229                                    uchar subEnum = 0)
231     Creates a QPixelFormat which assigns its data to the attributes.
232     \a colorModel will be put into a buffer which is 4 bits long.
234     \a firstSize \a secondSize \a thirdSize \a fourthSize \a fifthSize \a
235     alphaSize are all meant to represent the size of a channel. The channels will
236     be used for different uses dependent on the \a colorModel. For RGB the
237     firstSize will represent the Red channel. On CMYK it will represent the
238     value of the Cyan channel.
240     \a alphaUsage represents if the alpha channel is used or not.
242     \a alphaPosition is the position of the alpha channel.
244     \a premultiplied represents if the alpha channel is already multiplied with
245     the color channels.
247     \a typeInterpretation is how the pixel is interpreted.
249     \a byteOrder represents the endianness of the pixelformat. This defaults to
250     CurrentSystemEndian.
252     \a subEnum is used for colorModels that have to store some extra
253     information with supplying an extra enum. This is used by YUV to store the
254     YUV type The default value is 0.
255 */
257 /*!
258     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatRgba(uchar redSize,
259                                       uchar greenSize,
260                                       uchar blueSize,
261                                       uchar alphaSize,
262                                       QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage,
263                                       QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition,
264                                       QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied premultiplied = QPixelFormat::NotPremultiplied,
265                                       QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::UnsignedInteger)
266     \relates QPixelFormat
268     Constructor function making an RGB pixelformat. \a redSize \a greenSize \a
269     blueSize represent the size of each color channel. \a alphaSize describes
270     the alpha channel size and its position is described with \a alphaPosition.
271     \a alphaUsage is used to determine if the alpha channel is used or not.
272     Setting the alpha channel size to 8 and alphaUsage to IgnoresAlpha is how
273     it is possible to create a 32 bit format where the rgb channels only use 24
274     bits combined. \a premultiplied \a typeInterpretation are
275     accessible with accessors with the same name.
277     \sa QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation
278 */
280 /*!
281     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatGrayscale(uchar channelSize,
282                                            QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::UnsignedInteger)
283     \relates QPixelFormat
285     Constructor function for creating a Grayscale format. Monochrome formats can be
286     described by passing 1 to \a channelSize. Its also possible to define very
287     accurate grayscale formats using doubles to describe each pixel by passing 8
288     as \a channelSize and FloatingPoint as \a typeInterpretation.
290     \sa QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation
291 */
293 /*!
294     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatAlpha(uchar channelSize,
295                                            QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::UnsignedInteger)
296     \relates QPixelFormat
297     \since 5.5
299     Constructor function for creating an Alpha format. A mask format can be
300     described by passing 1 to \a channelSize. Its also possible to define very
301     accurate alpha formats using doubles to describe each pixel by passing 8
302     as \a channelSize and FloatingPoint as \a typeInterpretation.
304     \sa QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation
305 */
308 /*!
309     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatCmyk(uchar channelSize,
310                                       uchar alphaSize = 0,
311                                       QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage = QPixelFormat::IgnoresAlpha,
312                                       QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition = QPixelFormat::AtBeginning,
313                                       QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::UnsignedInteger)
314     \relates QPixelFormat
316     Constructor function for creating CMYK formats. The channel count will be 4 or
317     5 depending on if \a alphaSize is bigger than zero or not. The CMYK color
318     channels will all be set to the value of \a channelSize.
320     \a alphaUsage \a alphaPosition and \a typeInterpretation are all accessible with
321     the accessors with the same name.
323     \sa QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation
324 */
326 /*!
327     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatHsl(uchar channelSize,
328                                      uchar alphaSize = 0,
329                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage = QPixelFormat::IgnoresAlpha,
330                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition = QPixelFormat::AtBeginning,
331                                      QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::FloatingPoint)
332     \relates QPixelFormat
334     Constructor function for creating HSL formats. The channel count will be 3 or 4
335     depending on if \a alphaSize is bigger than 0.
337     \a channelSize will set the hueSize saturationSize and lightnessSize to the same value.
339     \a alphaUsage \a alphaPosition and \a typeInterpretation are all accessible with
340     the accessors with the same name.
341 */
343 /*!
344     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatHsv(uchar channelSize,
345                                      uchar alphaSize = 0,
346                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage = QPixelFormat::IgnoresAlpha,
347                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition = QPixelFormat::AtBeginning,
348                                      QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::FloatingPoint)
349     \relates QPixelFormat
351     Constructor function for creating HSV formats. The channel count will be 3 or 4
352     depending on if \a alphaSize is bigger than 0.
354     \a channelSize will set the hueSize saturationSize and brightnessSize to the same value.
356     \a alphaUsage \a alphaPosition and \a typeInterpretation are all accessible with
357     the accessors with the same name.
358 */
360 /*!
361     \fn QPixelFormat qPixelFormatYuv(QPixelFormat::YUVLayout yuvLayout,
362                                      uchar alphaSize = 0,
363                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage = QPixelFormat::IgnoresAlpha,
364                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition = QPixelFormat::AtBeginning,
365                                      QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied premultiplied = QPixelFormat::NotPremultiplied,
366                                      QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation = QPixelFormat::UnsignedByte,
367                                      QPixelFormat::ByteOrder byteOrder = QPixelFormat::LittleEndian)
368     \relates QPixelFormat
370     Constructor function for creating a QPixelFormat describing a YUV format with
371     \a yuvLayout.  \a alphaSize describes the size of a potential alpha channel
372     and is position is described with \a alphaPosition. The "first" "second" ..
373     "fifth" channels are all set to 0. \a alphaUsage \a premultiplied \a
374     typeInterpretation and \a byteOrder will work as with other formats.
375 */
377 /*!
378     \fn ColorModel QPixelFormat::colorModel() const
380     Accessor function for getting the colorModel.
381 */
383 /*!
384     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::channelCount() const
386     Accessor function for getting the channelCount. Channel Count is deduced
387     by color channels with a size > 0 and if the size of the alpha channel is > 0.
388 */
390 /*!
391     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::redSize() const
393     Accessor function for the size of the red color channel.
394 */
396 /*!
397     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::greenSize() const
399     Accessor function for the size of the green color channel.
400 */
402 /*!
403     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::blueSize() const
405     Accessor function for the size of the blue color channel.
406 */
408 /*!
409     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::cyanSize() const
411     Accessor function for the cyan color channel.
412 */
414 /*!
415     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::magentaSize() const
417     Accessor function for the megenta color channel.
418 */
420 /*!
421     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::yellowSize() const
423     Accessor function for the yellow color channel.
424 */
426 /*!
427     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::blackSize() const
429     Accessor function for the black/key color channel.
430 */
432 /*!
433     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::hueSize() const
435     Accessor function for the hue channel size.
436 */
438 /*!
439     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::saturationSize() const
441     Accessor function for the saturation channel size.
442 */
444 /*!
445     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::lightnessSize() const
447     Accessor function for the lightness channel size.
448 */
450 /*!
451     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::brightnessSize() const
453     Accessor function for the brightness channel size.
454 */
456 /*!
457     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::alphaSize() const
459     Accessor function for the alpha channel size.
460 */
462 /*!
463     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::bitsPerPixel() const
465     Accessor function for the bits used per pixel. This function returns the
466     sum of the color channels + the size of the alpha channel.
467 */
469 /*!
470     \fn AlphaPremultiplied QPixelFormat::premultiplied() const
472     Accessor function for the AlphaPremultiplied enum. This indicates if the
473     alpha channel is multiplied in to the color channels.
475 */
477 /*!
478     \fn TypeInterpretation QPixelFormat::typeInterpretation() const
480     Accessor function for the type representation of a color channel or a pixel.
482     \sa TypeInterpretation
483 */
485 /*!
486     \fn ByteOrder QPixelFormat::byteOrder() const
488     The byte order is almost always set the byte order of the current
489     system. However, it can be useful to describe some YUV formats. This
490     function should never return QPixelFormat::CurrentSystemEndian as this
491     value is translated to a endian value in the constructor.
492 */
494 /*!
495     \fn AlphaUsage QPixelFormat::alphaUsage() const
497     Accessor function for alphaUsage.
498 */
500 /*!
501     \fn AlphaPosition QPixelFormat::alphaPosition() const
503     Accessor function for alphaPosition.
504 */
506 /*!
507     \fn YUVLayout QPixelFormat::yuvLayout() const
509     Accessor function for the YUVLayout. It is difficult to describe the color
510     channels of a YUV pixel format since YUV color model uses macro pixels.
511     Instead the layout of the pixels are stored as an enum.
512 */
514 /*!
515     \fn uchar QPixelFormat::subEnum() const
517     Accessor for the datapart which contains subEnums
518     This is the same as the yuvLayout() function.
520     \sa yuvLayout()
521     \internal
522 */
524 Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QPixelFormat) == sizeof(quint64));
527 namespace QtPrivate {
QPixelFormat_createYUV(QPixelFormat::YUVLayout yuvLayout,uchar alphaSize,QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage,QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition,QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied premultiplied,QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation,QPixelFormat::ByteOrder byteOrder)528     QPixelFormat QPixelFormat_createYUV(QPixelFormat::YUVLayout yuvLayout,
529                                         uchar alphaSize,
530                                         QPixelFormat::AlphaUsage alphaUsage,
531                                         QPixelFormat::AlphaPosition alphaPosition,
532                                         QPixelFormat::AlphaPremultiplied premultiplied,
533                                         QPixelFormat::TypeInterpretation typeInterpretation,
534                                         QPixelFormat::ByteOrder byteOrder)
535     {
536         uchar bits_per_pixel = 0;
537         switch (yuvLayout) {
538         case QPixelFormat::YUV444:
539             bits_per_pixel = 24;
540             break;
541         case QPixelFormat::YUV422:
542             bits_per_pixel = 16;
543             break;
544         case QPixelFormat::YUV411:
545         case QPixelFormat::YUV420P:
546         case QPixelFormat::YUV420SP:
547         case QPixelFormat::YV12:
548             bits_per_pixel = 12;
549             break;
550         case QPixelFormat::UYVY:
551         case QPixelFormat::YUYV:
552             bits_per_pixel = 16;
553             break;
554         case QPixelFormat::NV12:
555         case QPixelFormat::NV21:
556             bits_per_pixel = 12;
557             break;
558         case QPixelFormat::IMC1:
559         case QPixelFormat::IMC2:
560         case QPixelFormat::IMC3:
561         case QPixelFormat::IMC4:
562             bits_per_pixel = 12;
563             break;
564         case QPixelFormat::Y8:
565             bits_per_pixel = 8;
566             break;
567         case QPixelFormat::Y16:
568             bits_per_pixel = 16;
569             break;
570         }
572         return QPixelFormat(QPixelFormat::YUV,
573                             0, 0, 0, 0,
574                             bits_per_pixel,
575                             alphaSize,
576                             alphaUsage,
577                             alphaPosition,
578                             premultiplied,
579                             typeInterpretation,
580                             byteOrder,
581                             yuvLayout);
582     }
583 }