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26 #include "iplugin.h"
27 #include "iplugin_p.h"
28 #include "pluginmanager.h"
29 #include "pluginspec.h"
31 /*!
32     \class ExtensionSystem::IPlugin
33     \inheaderfile extensionsystem/iplugin.h
34     \inmodule QtCreator
35     \ingroup mainclasses
37     \brief The IPlugin class is an abstract base class that must be implemented
38     once for each plugin.
40     A plugin needs to provide meta data in addition to the actual plugin
41     library, so the plugin manager can find the plugin, resolve its
42     dependencies, and load it. For more information, see \l{Plugin Meta Data}.
44     Plugins must provide one implementation of the IPlugin class, located
45     in a library that matches the \c name attribute given in their
46     meta data. The IPlugin implementation must be exported and
47     made known to Qt's plugin system, using the \c Q_PLUGIN_METADATA macro with
48     an IID set to \c "org.qt-project.Qt.QtCreatorPlugin".
50     For more information, see \l{Plugin Life Cycle}.
51 */
53 /*!
54     \enum IPlugin::ShutdownFlag
56     This enum type holds whether the plugin is shut down synchronously or
57     asynchronously.
59     \value SynchronousShutdown
60            The plugin is shut down synchronously.
61     \value AsynchronousShutdown
62            The plugin needs to perform asynchronous
63            actions before it shuts down.
64 */
66 /*!
67     \fn bool ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorString)
68     Called after the plugin has been loaded and the IPlugin instance
69     has been created.
71     The initialize functions of plugins that depend on this plugin are called
72     after the initialize function of this plugin has been called with
73     \a arguments. Plugins should initialize their internal state in this
74     function.
76     Returns whether initialization succeeds. If it does not, \a errorString
77     should be set to a user-readable message describing the reason.
79     \sa extensionsInitialized()
80     \sa delayedInitialize()
81 */
83 /*!
84     \fn void ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
85     Called after the initialize() function has been called,
86     and after both the initialize() and \c extensionsInitialized()
87     functions of plugins that depend on this plugin have been called.
89     In this function, the plugin can assume that plugins that depend on
90     this plugin are fully \e {up and running}. It is a good place to
91     look in the global object pool for objects that have been provided
92     by weakly dependent plugins.
94     \sa initialize()
95     \sa delayedInitialize()
96 */
98 /*!
99     \fn bool ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::delayedInitialize()
100     Called after all plugins' extensionsInitialized() function has been called,
101     and after the \c delayedInitialize() function of plugins that depend on this
102     plugin have been called.
104     The plugins' \c delayedInitialize() functions are called after the
105     application is already running, with a few milliseconds delay to
106     application startup, and between individual \c delayedInitialize()
107     function calls. To avoid unnecessary delays, a plugin should return
108     \c true from the function if it actually implements it, to indicate
109     that the next plugins' \c delayedInitialize() call should be delayed
110     a few milliseconds to give input and paint events a chance to be processed.
112     This function can be used if a plugin needs to do non-trivial setup that doesn't
113     necessarily need to be done directly at startup, but still should be done within a
114     short time afterwards. This can decrease the perceived plugin or application startup
115     time a lot, with very little effort.
117     \sa initialize()
118     \sa extensionsInitialized()
119 */
121 /*!
122     \fn ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::ShutdownFlag ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::aboutToShutdown()
123     Called during a shutdown sequence in the same order as initialization
124     before the plugins get deleted in reverse order.
126     This function should be used to disconnect from other plugins,
127     hide all UI, and optimize shutdown in general.
128     If a plugin needs to delay the real shutdown for a while, for example if
129     it needs to wait for external processes to finish for a clean shutdown,
130     the plugin can return IPlugin::AsynchronousShutdown from this function. This
131     will keep the main event loop running after the aboutToShutdown() sequence
132     has finished, until all plugins requesting asynchronous shutdown have sent
133     the asynchronousShutdownFinished() signal.
135     The default implementation of this function does nothing and returns
136     IPlugin::SynchronousShutdown.
138     Returns IPlugin::AsynchronousShutdown if the plugin needs to perform
139     asynchronous actions before shutdown.
141     \sa asynchronousShutdownFinished()
142 */
144 /*!
145     \fn QObject *ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::remoteCommand(const QStringList &options,
146                                            const QString &workingDirectory,
147                                            const QStringList &arguments)
149     When \QC is executed with the \c -client argument while another \QC instance
150     is running, this function of the plugin is called in the running instance.
152     The \a workingDirectory argument specifies the working directory of the
153     calling process. For example, if you're in a directory, and you execute
154     \c { qtcreator -client file.cpp}, the working directory of the calling
155     process is passed to the running instance and \c {file.cpp} is transformed
156     into an absolute path starting from this directory.
158     Plugin-specific arguments are passed in \a options, while the rest of the
159     arguments are passed in \a arguments.
161     Returns a QObject that blocks the command until it is destroyed, if \c -block
162     is used.
163 */
165 /*!
166     \fn void ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::asynchronousShutdownFinished()
167     Sent by the plugin implementation after an asynchronous shutdown
168     is ready to proceed with the shutdown sequence.
170     \sa aboutToShutdown()
171 */
173 using namespace ExtensionSystem;
175 /*!
176     \internal
177 */
IPlugin()178 IPlugin::IPlugin()
179     : d(new Internal::IPluginPrivate())
180 {
181 }
183 /*!
184     \internal
185 */
~IPlugin()186 IPlugin::~IPlugin()
187 {
188     delete d;
189     d = nullptr;
190 }
192 /*!
193     Returns objects that are meant to be passed on to \l QTest::qExec().
195     This function will be called if the user starts \QC with
196     \c {-test PluginName} or \c {-test all}.
198     The ownership of returned objects is transferred to caller.
199 */
createTestObjects() const200 QVector<QObject *> IPlugin::createTestObjects() const
201 {
202     return {};
203 }
205 /*!
206     Returns the PluginSpec corresponding to this plugin.
207     This is not available in the constructor.
208 */
pluginSpec() const209 PluginSpec *IPlugin::pluginSpec() const
210 {
211     return d->pluginSpec;
212 }