1 /* Copyright radare2 - 2014-2021 - pancake, ret2libc */
3 #include <r_core.h>
4 #include <r_cons.h>
5 #include <r_util/r_graph_drawable.h>
6 #include <ctype.h>
7 #include <limits.h>
9 static int mousemode = 0;
10 static int disMode = 0;
11 static int discroll = 0;
12 static bool graphCursor = false;
13 static const char *mousemodes[] = {
14 	"canvas-y",
15 	"canvas-x",
16 	"node-y",
17 	"node-x",
18 	NULL
19 };
23 #define BORDER 3
24 #define BORDER_WIDTH 4
25 #define BORDER_HEIGHT 3
26 #define MARGIN_TEXT_X 2
27 #define MARGIN_TEXT_Y 2
30 #define MIN_NODE_WIDTH 22
32 #define TITLE_LEN 128
33 #define DEFAULT_SPEED 1
34 #define PAGEKEY_SPEED (h / 2)
35 /* 15 */
36 #define MINIGRAPH_NODE_TEXT_CUR "<@@@@@@>"
40 #define MININODE_MIN_WIDTH 16
42 #define ZOOM_STEP 10
43 #define ZOOM_DEFAULT 100
45 #define BODY_OFFSETS    0x1
46 #define BODY_SUMMARY    0x2
47 #define BODY_COMMENTS   0x4
49 #define NORMALIZE_MOV(x) ((x) < 0 ? -1 : ((x) > 0 ? 1 : 0))
51 #define hash_set(sdb, k, v) (sdb_num_set (sdb, sdb_fmt ("%"PFMT64u, (ut64) (size_t) (k)), (ut64) (size_t) (v), 0))
52 #define hash_get(sdb, k) (sdb_num_get (sdb, sdb_fmt ("%"PFMT64u, (ut64) (size_t) (k)), NULL))
53 #define hash_get_rnode(sdb, k) ((RGraphNode *) (size_t) hash_get (sdb, k))
54 #define hash_get_rlist(sdb, k) ((RList *) (size_t) hash_get (sdb, k))
55 #define hash_get_int(sdb, k) ((int) hash_get (sdb, k))
56 /* don't use macros for this */
57 #define get_anode(gn) ((gn)? (RANode *) (gn)->data: NULL)
59 #define graph_foreach_anode(list, it, pos, anode)\
60 	if (list) for ((it) = (list)->head; (it) && ((pos) = (it)->data) && (pos) && ((anode) = (RANode *) (pos)->data); (it) = (it)->n)
62 struct len_pos_t {
63 	int len;
64 	int pos;
65 };
67 struct dist_t {
68 	const RGraphNode *from;
69 	const RGraphNode *to;
70 	int dist;
71 };
73 struct g_cb {
74 	RAGraph *graph;
75 	RANodeCallback node_cb;
76 	RAEdgeCallback edge_cb;
77 	void *data;
78 };
80 typedef struct ascii_edge_t {
81 	RANode *from;
82 	RANode *to;
83 	RList *x, *y;
84 	int is_reversed;
85 } AEdge;
87 struct layer_t {
88 	int n_nodes;
89 	RGraphNode **nodes;
90 	int position;
91 	int height;
92 	int width;
93 	int gap;
94 };
96 struct agraph_refresh_data {
97 	RCore *core;
98 	RAGraph *g;
99 	RAnalFunction **fcn;
100 	bool follow_offset;
101 	int fs;
102 };
104 struct r_agraph_location {
105 	int x;
106 	int y;
107 };
109 #define G(x, y) r_cons_canvas_gotoxy (g->can, x, y)
110 #define W(x) r_cons_canvas_write (g->can, x)
111 #define F(x, y, x2, y2, c) r_cons_canvas_fill (g->can, x, y, x2, y2, c)
is_offset(const RAGraph * g)113 static bool is_offset(const RAGraph *g) {
114 	return g->mode == R_AGRAPH_MODE_OFFSET;
115 }
is_mini(const RAGraph * g)117 static bool is_mini(const RAGraph *g) {
118 	return g->mode == R_AGRAPH_MODE_MINI;
119 }
is_tiny(const RAGraph * g)121 static bool is_tiny(const RAGraph *g) {
122 	return g->is_tiny || g->mode == R_AGRAPH_MODE_TINY;
123 }
is_summary(const RAGraph * g)125 static bool is_summary(const RAGraph *g) {
126 	return g->mode == R_AGRAPH_MODE_SUMMARY;
127 }
is_comments(const RAGraph * g)129 static bool is_comments(const RAGraph *g) {
130 	return g->mode == R_AGRAPH_MODE_COMMENTS;
131 }
next_mode(int mode)133 static int next_mode(int mode) {
134 	return (mode + 1) % R_AGRAPH_MODE_MAX;
135 }
prev_mode(int mode)137 static int prev_mode(int mode) {
138 	return (mode + R_AGRAPH_MODE_MAX - 1) % R_AGRAPH_MODE_MAX;
139 }
agraph_get_title(const RAGraph * g,RANode * n,bool in)141 static RGraphNode *agraph_get_title(const RAGraph *g, RANode *n, bool in) {
142 	if (!n) {
143 		return NULL;
144 	}
145 	if (n->title && *n->title) {
146 		return n->gnode;
147 	}
148 	const RList *outnodes = in? n->gnode->in_nodes : n->gnode->out_nodes;
149 	RGraphNode *gn;
150 	RListIter *iter;
152 	r_list_foreach (outnodes, iter, gn) {
153 		RANode *an = gn->data;
154 		return agraph_get_title (g, an, in);
155 	}
156 	return NULL;
157 }
mode2opts(const RAGraph * g)159 static int mode2opts(const RAGraph *g) {
160 	int opts = 0;
161 	if (is_offset (g)) {
162 		opts |= BODY_OFFSETS;
163 	}
164 	if (is_comments (g)) {
165 		opts |= BODY_COMMENTS;
166 	}
167 	if (is_summary (g)) {
168 		opts |= BODY_SUMMARY;
169 	}
170 	return opts;
171 }
173 // duplicated from visual.c
rotateAsmemu(RCore * core)174 static void rotateAsmemu(RCore *core) {
175 	const bool isEmuStr = r_config_get_i (core->config, "emu.str");
176 	const bool isEmu = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.emu");
177 	if (isEmu) {
178 		if (isEmuStr) {
179 			r_config_set (core->config, "emu.str", "false");
180 		} else {
181 			r_config_set (core->config, "asm.emu", "false");
182 		}
183 	} else {
184 		r_config_set (core->config, "emu.str", "true");
185 	}
186 }
showcursor(RCore * core,int x)188 static void showcursor(RCore *core, int x) {
189 	if (!x) {
190 		int wheel = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel");
191 		if (wheel) {
192 			r_cons_enable_mouse (true);
193 		}
194 	} else {
195 		r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
196 	}
197 	r_cons_show_cursor (x);
198 }
get_title(ut64 addr)200 static char *get_title(ut64 addr) {
201 	return r_str_newf ("0x%"PFMT64x, addr);
202 }
204 static int agraph_refresh(struct agraph_refresh_data *grd);
update_node_dimension(const RGraph * g,int is_mini,int zoom,int edgemode,bool callgraph,int layout)206 static void update_node_dimension(const RGraph *g, int is_mini, int zoom, int edgemode, bool callgraph, int layout) {
207 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g);
208 	RGraphNode *gn;
209 	RListIter *it;
210 	RANode *n;
211 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
212 		if (is_mini) {
213 			n->h = 1;
215 		} else if (n->is_mini) {
216 			n->h = 1;
217 			n->w = MININODE_MIN_WIDTH;
218 		} else {
219 			n->w = r_str_bounds (n->body, (int *) &n->h);
220 			ut32 len = strlen (n->title) + MARGIN_TEXT_X;
221 			if (len > INT_MAX) {
222 				len = INT_MAX;
223 			}
224 			if (len > n->w) {
225 				n->w = len;
226 			}
227 			// n->w = n->w; //R_MIN (n->w, (int)len);
228 			n->w += BORDER_WIDTH;
229 			n->h += BORDER_HEIGHT;
230 			/* scale node by zoom */
231 			n->w = R_MAX (MIN_NODE_WIDTH, (n->w * zoom) / 100);
232 			n->h = R_MAX (MIN_NODE_HEIGHT, (n->h * zoom) / 100);
234 			if (edgemode == 2 && !callgraph) {
235 				if (!layout) {
236 					n->w = R_MAX (n->w, (r_list_length (n->gnode->out_nodes) * 2 + 1) + R_EDGES_X_INC * 2);
237 					n->w = R_MAX (n->w, (r_list_length (n->gnode->in_nodes) * 2 + 1) + R_EDGES_X_INC * 2);
238 				} else {
239 					n->h = R_MAX (n->h, (r_list_length (n->gnode->out_nodes) + 1) + R_EDGES_X_INC);
240 					n->h = R_MAX (n->h, (r_list_length (n->gnode->in_nodes) + 1) + R_EDGES_X_INC);
241 				}
242 			}
243 		}
244 	}
245 }
append_shortcut(const RAGraph * g,char * title,char * nodetitle,int left)247 static void append_shortcut (const RAGraph *g, char *title, char *nodetitle, int left) {
248 	const char *shortcut = sdb_const_get (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.shortcut", nodetitle), 0);
249 	if (shortcut) {
250 		size_t n = strlen (title);
251 		if (g->can->color) {
252 			// XXX: do not hardcode color here
253 			snprintf (title + n, left, "%s", sdb_fmt (Color_YELLOW"[o%s]"Color_RESET,  shortcut));
254 		} else {
255 			snprintf (title + n, left, "%s", sdb_fmt ("[o%s]", shortcut));
256 		}
257 	}
258 }
mini_RANode_print(const RAGraph * g,const RANode * n,int cur,bool details)260 static void mini_RANode_print(const RAGraph *g, const RANode *n, int cur, bool details) {
261 	char title[TITLE_LEN];
262 	int x, delta_x = 0;
264 	if (!G (n->x + MINIGRAPH_NODE_CENTER_X, n->y) &&
265 	    !G (n->x + MINIGRAPH_NODE_CENTER_X + n->w, n->y)) {
266 		return;
267 	}
269 	x = n->x + MINIGRAPH_NODE_CENTER_X + g->can->sx;
270 	if (x < 0) {
271 		delta_x = -x;
272 	}
273 	if (!G (n->x + MINIGRAPH_NODE_CENTER_X + delta_x, n->y)) {
274 		return;
275 	}
277 	if (details) {
278 		if (cur) {
279 			W (&MINIGRAPH_NODE_TEXT_CUR[delta_x]);
280 			(void) G (-g->can->sx, -g->can->sy + 2);
281 			snprintf (title, sizeof (title) - 1,
282 				"[ %s ]", n->title);
283 			W (title);
284 			if (discroll > 0) {
285 				char *body = r_str_ansi_crop (n->body, 0, discroll, -1, -1);
286 				(void) G (-g->can->sx, -g->can->sy + 3);
287 				W (body);
288 				free (body);
289 			} else {
290 				(void) G (-g->can->sx, -g->can->sy + 3);
291 				W (n->body);
292 			}
293 		} else {
294 			char *str = "____";
295 			if (n->title) {
296 				int l = strlen (n->title);
297 				str = n->title;
298 				if (l > MINIGRAPH_NODE_TITLE_LEN) {
299 					str += l - MINIGRAPH_NODE_TITLE_LEN;
300 				}
301 			}
302 			if (g->can->color) {
303 				snprintf (title, sizeof (title) - 1, "%s__%s__", Color_RESET, str);
304 			} else {
305 				snprintf (title, sizeof (title) - 1, "__%s__", str);
306 			}
307 			append_shortcut (g, title, n->title, sizeof (title) - strlen (title));
308 			W (r_str_ansi_crop (title, delta_x, 0, 20, 1));
309 		}
310 	} else {
311 		snprintf (title, sizeof (title) - 1,
312 			cur? "[ %s ]": "  %s  ", n->title);
313 		W (title);
314 	}
315 	return;
316 }
tiny_RANode_print(const RAGraph * g,const RANode * n,int cur)318 static void tiny_RANode_print(const RAGraph *g, const RANode *n, int cur) {
319 	G (n->x, n->y);
320 	RCons *cons = r_cons_singleton ();
321 	char *circle = cons->use_utf8 ? UTF_CIRCLE :"()";
322 	if (cur) {
323 		W ("##");
324 	} else {
325 		W (circle);
326 	}
327 }
get_node_color(int color,int cur)329 static char *get_node_color(int color, int cur) {
330         RCons *cons = r_cons_singleton ();
331         if (color == -1) {
332                 return cur ? cons->context->pal.graph_box2 : cons->context->pal.graph_box;
333         }
334         return color ? (\
335                 color==R_ANAL_DIFF_TYPE_MATCH ? cons->context->pal.graph_diff_match:
336                 color==R_ANAL_DIFF_TYPE_UNMATCH? cons->context->pal.graph_diff_unmatch : cons->context->pal.graph_diff_new): cons->context->pal.graph_diff_unknown;
337 }
normal_RANode_print(const RAGraph * g,const RANode * n,int cur)339 static void normal_RANode_print(const RAGraph *g, const RANode *n, int cur) {
340 	ut32 center_x = 0, center_y = 0;
341 	ut32 delta_x = 0, delta_txt_x = 0;
342 	ut32 delta_y = 0, delta_txt_y = 0;
343 	char title[TITLE_LEN];
344 	char *body;
345 	int x, y;
346 	int color = n->difftype;
347 	const bool showTitle = g->show_node_titles;
348 	const bool showBody = g->show_node_body;
350 	x = n->x + g->can->sx;
351 	y = n->y + g->can->sy;
352 	if (x + MARGIN_TEXT_X < 0) {
353 		delta_x = -(x + MARGIN_TEXT_X);
354 	}
355 	if (x + n->w < -MARGIN_TEXT_X) {
356 		return;
357 	}
358 	if (y < -1) {
359 		delta_y = R_MIN (n->h - BORDER_HEIGHT - 1, -y - MARGIN_TEXT_Y);
360 	}
361 	/* print the title */
362 	if (showTitle) {
363 		if (cur) {
364 			snprintf (title, sizeof (title) - 1, "[%s]", n->title);
365 		} else {
366 			char *color = g->can->color ? Color_RESET : "";
367 			snprintf (title, sizeof (title) - 1, " %s%s ", color, n->title);
368 			append_shortcut (g, title, n->title, sizeof (title) - strlen (title));
369 		}
370 		if ((delta_x < strlen (title)) && G (n->x + MARGIN_TEXT_X + delta_x, n->y + 1)) {
371 			char *res = r_str_ansi_crop (title, delta_x, 0, n->w - BORDER_WIDTH, 1);
372 			W (res);
373 			W (Color_RESET);
374 			free (res);
375 		}
376 	}
378 	/* print the body */
379 	if (g->zoom > ZOOM_DEFAULT) {
380 		center_x = (g->zoom - ZOOM_DEFAULT) / 10;
381 		center_y = (g->zoom - ZOOM_DEFAULT) / 30;
382 		delta_txt_x = R_MIN (delta_x, center_x);
383 		delta_txt_y = R_MIN (delta_y, center_y);
384 	}
385 	if (showBody) {
386 		if (G (n->x + MARGIN_TEXT_X + delta_x + center_x - delta_txt_x,
387 					n->y + MARGIN_TEXT_Y + delta_y + center_y - delta_txt_y)) {
388 			ut32 body_x = center_x >= delta_x? 0: delta_x - center_x;
389 			ut32 body_y = center_y >= delta_y? 0: delta_y - center_y;
390 			ut32 body_h = BORDER_HEIGHT >= n->h? 1: n->h - BORDER_HEIGHT;
392 			if (g->zoom < ZOOM_DEFAULT) {
393 				body_h--;
394 			}
395 			if (body_y + 1 <= body_h) {
396 				body = r_str_ansi_crop (n->body,
397 						body_x, body_y,
398 						n->w - BORDER_WIDTH,
399 						body_h);
400 				if (body) {
401 					W (body);
402 					if (g->zoom < ZOOM_DEFAULT) {
403 						W ("\n");
404 					}
405 					free (body);
406 				} else {
407 					W (n->body);
408 				}
409 			}
410 			/* print some dots when the body is cropped because of zoom */
411 			if (n->body && *n->body) {
412 				if (body_y <= body_h && g->zoom < ZOOM_DEFAULT) {
413 					char *dots = "...";
414 					if (delta_x < strlen (dots)) {
415 						dots += delta_x;
416 						W (dots);
417 					}
418 				}
419 			}
420 		}
421 	}
423 	// TODO: check if node is traced or not and show proper color
424 	// This info must be stored inside RANode* from RCore*
425 	if (g->show_node_bubble) {
426 		r_cons_canvas_circle (g->can, n->x, n->y, n->w, n->h, get_node_color (color, cur));
427 	} else {
428 		r_cons_canvas_box (g->can, n->x, n->y, n->w, n->h, get_node_color (color, cur));
429 	}
430 	if (n->color) {
431 		const char *pad = r_str_pad ('#', n->w);
432 		char *f = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s", n->color, pad, Color_RESET);
433 		G (n->x, n->y);
434 		W (f);
435 	}
436 }
get_crossing_matrix(const RGraph * g,const struct layer_t layers[],int maxlayer,int i,int from_up,int * n_rows)438 static int **get_crossing_matrix(const RGraph *g,
439                                  const struct layer_t layers[],
440                                  int maxlayer, int i, int from_up,
441                                  int *n_rows) {
442 	int j, len = layers[i].n_nodes;
444 	int **m = R_NEWS0 (int *, len);
445 	if (!m) {
446 		return NULL;
447 	}
448 	for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
449 		m[j] = R_NEWS0 (int, len);
450 		if (!m[j]) {
451 			goto err_row;
452 		}
453 	}
454 	/* calculate crossings between layer i and layer i-1 */
455 	/* consider the crossings generated by each pair of edges */
456 	if (i > 0 && from_up) {
457 		if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
458 			goto err_row;
459 		}
460 		for (j = 0; j < layers[i - 1].n_nodes; j++) {
461 			const RGraphNode *gj = layers[i - 1].nodes[j];
462 			const RList *neigh = r_graph_get_neighbours (g, gj);
463 			RGraphNode *gk;
464 			RListIter *itk;
466 			r_list_foreach (neigh, itk, gk) {
467 				int s;
468 				// skip self-loop
469 				if (gj == gk) {
470 					continue;
471 				}
472 				for (s = 0; s < j; s++) {
473 					const RGraphNode *gs = layers[i - 1].nodes[s];
474 					const RList *neigh_s = r_graph_get_neighbours (g, gs);
475 					RGraphNode *gt;
476 					RListIter *itt;
478 					r_list_foreach (neigh_s, itt, gt) {
479 						const RANode *ak, *at; /* k and t should be "indexes" on layer i */
480 						if (gt == gk || gt == gs) {
481 							continue;
482 						}
483 						ak = get_anode (gk);
484 						at = get_anode (gt);
485 						if (ak->layer != i || at->layer != i) {
486 							// this should never happen
487 							// but it happens if we do graph.dummy = false, so better hide it for now
488 #if 0
489 							eprintf ("(WARNING) \"%s\" (%d) or \"%s\" (%d) are not on the right layer (%d)\n",
490 								ak->title, ak->layer,
491 								at->title, at->layer,
492 								i);
493 #endif
494 							continue;
495 						}
496 						m[ak->pos_in_layer][at->pos_in_layer]++;
497 					}
498 				}
499 			}
500 		}
501 	}
503 	/* calculate crossings between layer i and layer i+1 */
504 	if (i < maxlayer - 1 && !from_up) {
505 		if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
506 			goto err_row;
507 		}
508 		for (j = 0; j < layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
509 			const RGraphNode *gj = layers[i].nodes[j];
510 			const RList *neigh = r_graph_get_neighbours (g, gj);
511 			const RANode *ak, *aj = get_anode (gj);
512 			RGraphNode *gk;
513 			RListIter *itk;
515 			if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
516 				goto err_row;
517 			}
518 			graph_foreach_anode (neigh, itk, gk, ak) {
519 				int s;
520 				for (s = 0; s < layers[i].n_nodes; s++) {
521 					const RGraphNode *gs = layers[i].nodes[s];
522 					const RList *neigh_s;
523 					RGraphNode *gt;
524 					RListIter *itt;
525 					const RANode *at, *as = get_anode (gs);
527 					if (gs == gj) {
528 						continue;
529 					}
530 					neigh_s = r_graph_get_neighbours (g, gs);
531 					graph_foreach_anode (neigh_s, itt, gt, at) {
532 						if (at->pos_in_layer < ak->pos_in_layer) {
533 							m[aj->pos_in_layer][as->pos_in_layer]++;
534 						}
535 					}
536 				}
537 			}
538 		}
539 	}
541 	if (n_rows) {
542 		*n_rows = len;
543 	}
544 	return m;
546 err_row:
547 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
548 		free (m[i]);
549 	}
550 	free (m);
551 	return NULL;
552 }
layer_sweep(const RGraph * g,const struct layer_t layers[],int maxlayer,int i,int from_up)554 static int layer_sweep(const RGraph *g, const struct layer_t layers[],
555                        int maxlayer, int i, int from_up) {
556 	RGraphNode *u, *v;
557 	const RANode *au, *av;
558 	int n_rows, j, changed = false;
559 	int len = layers[i].n_nodes;
561 	int **cross_matrix = get_crossing_matrix (g, layers, maxlayer, i, from_up, &n_rows);
562 	if (!cross_matrix) {
563 		return -1; // ERROR HAPPENS
564 	}
566 	for (j = 0; j < len - 1; j++) {
567 		int auidx, avidx;
569 		u = layers[i].nodes[j];
570 		v = layers[i].nodes[j + 1];
571 		au = get_anode (u);
572 		av = get_anode (v);
573 		auidx = au->pos_in_layer;
574 		avidx = av->pos_in_layer;
576 		if (cross_matrix[auidx][avidx] > cross_matrix[avidx][auidx]) {
577 			/* swap elements */
578 			layers[i].nodes[j] = v;
579 			layers[i].nodes[j + 1] = u;
580 			changed = true;
581 		}
582 	}
584 	/* update position in the layer of each node. During the swap of some
585 	 * elements we didn't swap also the pos_in_layer because the cross_matrix
586 	 * is indexed by it, so do it now! */
587 	for (j = 0; j < layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
588 		RANode *n = get_anode (layers[i].nodes[j]);
589 		n->pos_in_layer = j;
590 	}
592 	for (j = 0; j < n_rows; j++) {
593 		free (cross_matrix[j]);
594 	}
595 	free (cross_matrix);
596 	return changed;
597 }
view_cyclic_edge(const RGraphEdge * e,const RGraphVisitor * vis)599 static void view_cyclic_edge(const RGraphEdge *e, const RGraphVisitor *vis) {
600 	const RAGraph *g = (RAGraph *) vis->data;
601 	RGraphEdge *new_e = R_NEW0 (RGraphEdge);
602 	if (!new_e) {
603 		return;
604 	}
605 	new_e->from = e->from;
606 	new_e->to = e->to;
607 	new_e->nth = e->nth;
608 	r_list_append (g->back_edges, new_e);
609 }
view_dummy(const RGraphEdge * e,const RGraphVisitor * vis)611 static void view_dummy(const RGraphEdge *e, const RGraphVisitor *vis) {
612 	const RANode *a = get_anode (e->from);
613 	const RANode *b = get_anode (e->to);
614 	RList *long_edges = (RList *) vis->data;
615 	if (!a || !b) {
616 		return;
617 	}
618 	if (R_ABS (a->layer - b->layer) > 1) {
619 		RGraphEdge *new_e = R_NEW0 (RGraphEdge);
620 		if (!new_e) {
621 			return;
622 		}
623 		new_e->from = e->from;
624 		new_e->to = e->to;
625 		new_e->nth = e->nth;
626 		r_list_append (long_edges, new_e);
627 	}
628 }
630 /* find a set of edges that, removed, makes the graph acyclic */
631 /* invert the edges identified in the previous step */
remove_cycles(RAGraph * g)632 static void remove_cycles(RAGraph *g) {
633 	RGraphVisitor cyclic_vis = {
635 	};
636 	const RGraphEdge *e;
637 	const RListIter *it;
639 	g->back_edges = r_list_new ();
640 	cyclic_vis.back_edge = (RGraphEdgeCallback) view_cyclic_edge;
641 	cyclic_vis.data = g;
642 	r_graph_dfs (g->graph, &cyclic_vis);
644 	r_list_foreach (g->back_edges, it, e) {
645 		RANode *from = e->from? get_anode (e->from): NULL;
646 		RANode *to = e->to? get_anode (e->to): NULL;
647 		if (from && to) {
648 			r_agraph_del_edge (g, from, to);
649 			r_agraph_add_edge_at (g, to, from, e->nth);
650 		}
651 	}
652 }
add_sorted(RGraphNode * n,RGraphVisitor * vis)654 static void add_sorted(RGraphNode *n, RGraphVisitor *vis) {
655 	RList *l = (RList *) vis->data;
656 	r_list_prepend (l, n);
657 }
659 /* assign a layer to each node of the graph.
660  *
661  * It visits the nodes of the graph in the topological sort, so that every time
662  * you visit a node, you can be sure that you have already visited all nodes
663  * that can lead to that node and thus you can easily compute the layer based
664  * on the layer of these "parent" nodes. */
assign_layers(const RAGraph * g)665 static void assign_layers(const RAGraph *g) {
666 	RGraphVisitor layer_vis = {
668 	};
669 	const RGraphNode *gn;
670 	const RListIter *it;
671 	RANode *n;
672 	RList *topological_sort = r_list_new ();
674 	layer_vis.data = topological_sort;
675 	layer_vis.finish_node = (RGraphNodeCallback) add_sorted;
676 	r_graph_dfs (g->graph, &layer_vis);
678 	graph_foreach_anode (topological_sort, it, gn, n) {
679 		const RList *innodes = r_graph_innodes (g->graph, gn);
680 		RListIter *it;
681 		RGraphNode *prev;
682 		RANode *preva;
684 		n->layer = 0;
685 		graph_foreach_anode (innodes, it, prev, preva) {
686 			if (preva->layer + 1 > n->layer) {
687 				n->layer = preva->layer + 1;
688 			}
689 		}
690 	}
692 	r_list_free (topological_sort);
693 }
find_edge(const RGraphEdge * a,const RGraphEdge * b)695 static int find_edge(const RGraphEdge *a, const RGraphEdge *b) {
696 	return a->from == b->to && a->to == b->from? 0: 1;
697 }
is_reversed(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphEdge * e)699 static bool is_reversed(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphEdge *e) {
700 	return (bool)r_list_find (g->back_edges, e, (RListComparator) find_edge);
701 }
703 /* add dummy nodes when there are edges that span multiple layers */
create_dummy_nodes(RAGraph * g)704 static void create_dummy_nodes(RAGraph *g) {
705 	if (!g->dummy) {
706 		return;
707 	}
708 	RGraphVisitor dummy_vis = {
710 	};
711 	const RListIter *it;
712 	const RGraphEdge *e;
714 	g->long_edges = r_list_newf ((RListFree)free);
715 	dummy_vis.data = g->long_edges;
716 	dummy_vis.tree_edge = (RGraphEdgeCallback) view_dummy;
717 	dummy_vis.fcross_edge = (RGraphEdgeCallback) view_dummy;
718 	r_graph_dfs (g->graph, &dummy_vis);
720 	r_list_foreach (g->long_edges, it, e) {
721 		RANode *from = get_anode (e->from);
722 		RANode *to = get_anode (e->to);
723 		int diff_layer = R_ABS (from->layer - to->layer);
724 		RANode *prev = get_anode (e->from);
725 		int i, nth = e->nth;
727 		r_agraph_del_edge (g, from, to);
728 		for (i = 1; i < diff_layer; i++) {
729 			RANode *dummy = r_agraph_add_node (g, NULL, NULL, NULL);
730 			if (!dummy) {
731 				return;
732 			}
733 			dummy->is_dummy = true;
734 			dummy->layer = from->layer + i;
735 			dummy->is_reversed = is_reversed (g, e);
736 			dummy->w = 1;
737 			r_agraph_add_edge_at (g, prev, dummy, nth);
739 			prev = dummy;
740 			nth = -1;
741 		}
742 		r_graph_add_edge (g->graph, prev->gnode, e->to);
743 	}
744 }
746 /* create layers and assign an initial ordering of the nodes into them */
create_layers(RAGraph * g)747 static void create_layers(RAGraph *g) {
748 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
749 	RGraphNode *gn;
750 	const RListIter *it;
751 	RANode *n;
752 	int i;
754 	/* identify max layer */
755 	g->n_layers = 0;
756 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
757 		if (n->layer > g->n_layers) {
758 			g->n_layers = n->layer;
759 		}
760 	}
762 	/* create a starting ordering of nodes for each layer */
763 	g->n_layers++;
764 	if (sizeof (struct layer_t) * g->n_layers < g->n_layers) {
765 		return;
766 	}
767 	g->layers = R_NEWS0 (struct layer_t, g->n_layers);
769 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
770 		g->layers[n->layer].n_nodes++;
771 	}
773 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
774 		if (sizeof (RGraphNode *) * g->layers[i].n_nodes < g->layers[i].n_nodes) {
775 			continue;
776 		}
777 		g->layers[i].nodes = R_NEWS0 (RGraphNode *,
778 			1 + g->layers[i].n_nodes);
779 		g->layers[i].position = 0;
780 	}
781 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
782 		n->pos_in_layer = g->layers[n->layer].position;
783 		g->layers[n->layer].nodes[g->layers[n->layer].position++] = gn;
784 	}
785 }
787 /* layer-by-layer sweep */
788 /* it permutes each layer, trying to find the best ordering for each layer
789  * to minimize the number of crossing edges */
minimize_crossings(const RAGraph * g)790 static void minimize_crossings(const RAGraph *g) {
791 	int i, cross_changed, max_changes = 4096;
793 	do {
794 		cross_changed = false;
795 		max_changes--;
797 		for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
798 			int rc = layer_sweep (g->graph, g->layers, g->n_layers, i, true);
799 			if (rc == -1) {
800 				return;
801 			}
802 			cross_changed |= !!rc;
803 		}
804 	} while (cross_changed && max_changes);
806 	max_changes = 4096;
808 	do {
809 		cross_changed = false;
810 		max_changes--;
812 		for (i = g->n_layers - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
813 			int rc = layer_sweep (g->graph, g->layers, g->n_layers, i, false);
814 			if (rc == -1) {
815 				return;
816 			}
817 			cross_changed |= !!rc;
818 		}
819 	} while (cross_changed && max_changes);
820 }
find_dist(const struct dist_t * a,const struct dist_t * b)822 static int find_dist(const struct dist_t *a, const struct dist_t *b) {
823 	return a->from == b->from && a->to == b->to? 0: 1;
824 }
826 /* returns the distance between two nodes */
827 /* if the distance between two nodes were explicitly set, returns that;
828  * otherwise calculate the distance of two nodes on the same layer */
dist_nodes(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphNode * a,const RGraphNode * b)829 static int dist_nodes(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphNode *a, const RGraphNode *b) {
830 	struct dist_t d;
831 	const RANode *aa, *ab;
832 	RListIter *it;
833 	int res = 0;
835 	if (g->dists) {
836 		d.from = a;
837 		d.to = b;
838 		it = r_list_find (g->dists, &d, (RListComparator) find_dist);
839 		if (it) {
840 			struct dist_t *old = (struct dist_t *) r_list_iter_get_data (it);
841 			return old->dist;
842 		}
843 	}
845 	aa = get_anode (a);
846 	ab = get_anode (b);
847 	if (aa && ab && aa->layer == ab->layer) {
848 		int i;
850 		res = aa == ab && !aa->is_reversed? HORIZONTAL_NODE_SPACING: 0;
851 		for (i = aa->pos_in_layer; i < ab->pos_in_layer; i++) {
852 			const RGraphNode *cur = g->layers[aa->layer].nodes[i];
853 			const RGraphNode *next = g->layers[aa->layer].nodes[i + 1];
854 			const RANode *anext = get_anode (next);
855 			const RANode *acur = get_anode (cur);
856 			int found = false;
858 			if (g->dists) {
859 				d.from = cur;
860 				d.to = next;
861 				it = r_list_find (g->dists, &d, (RListComparator) find_dist);
862 				if (it) {
863 					struct dist_t *old = (struct dist_t *) r_list_iter_get_data (it);
864 					res += old->dist;
865 					found = true;
866 				}
867 			}
869 			if (acur && anext && !found) {
870 				int space = HORIZONTAL_NODE_SPACING;
871 				if (acur->is_reversed && anext->is_reversed) {
872 					if (!acur->is_reversed) {
873 						res += acur->w / 2;
874 					} else if (!anext->is_reversed) {
875 						res += anext->w / 2;
876 					}
877 					res += 1;
878 				} else {
879 					res += acur->w / 2 + anext->w / 2 + space;
880 				}
881 			}
882 		}
883 	}
885 	return res;
886 }
888 /* explicitly set the distance between two nodes on the same layer */
set_dist_nodes(const RAGraph * g,int l,int cur,int next)889 static void set_dist_nodes(const RAGraph *g, int l, int cur, int next) {
890 	struct dist_t *d, find_el;
891 	const RGraphNode *vi, *vip;
892 	const RANode *avi, *avip;
893 	RListIter *it;
895 	if (!g->dists) {
896 		return;
897 	}
898 	vi = g->layers[l].nodes[cur];
899 	vip = g->layers[l].nodes[next];
900 	avi = get_anode (vi);
901 	avip = get_anode (vip);
903 	find_el.from = vi;
904 	find_el.to = vip;
905 	it = r_list_find (g->dists, &find_el, (RListComparator) find_dist);
906 	d = it? (struct dist_t *) r_list_iter_get_data (it): R_NEW0 (struct dist_t);
908 	d->from = vi;
909 	d->to = vip;
910 	d->dist = (avip && avi)? avip->x - avi->x: 0;
911 	if (!it) {
912 		r_list_push (g->dists, d);
913 	}
914 }
is_valid_pos(const RAGraph * g,int l,int pos)916 static int is_valid_pos(const RAGraph *g, int l, int pos) {
917 	return pos >= 0 && pos < g->layers[l].n_nodes;
918 }
920 /* computes the set of vertical classes in the graph */
921 /* if v is an original node, L(v) = { v }
922  * if v is a dummy node, L(v) is the set of all the dummies node that belongs
923  *      to the same long edge */
compute_vertical_nodes(const RAGraph * g)924 static Sdb *compute_vertical_nodes(const RAGraph *g) {
925 	Sdb *res = sdb_new0 ();
926 	int i, j;
928 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
929 		for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
930 			RGraphNode *gn = g->layers[i].nodes[j];
931 			const RList *Ln = hash_get_rlist (res, gn);
932 			const RANode *an = get_anode (gn);
934 			if (!Ln) {
935 				RList *vert = r_list_new ();
936 				hash_set (res, gn, vert);
937 				if (an->is_dummy) {
938 					RGraphNode *next = gn;
939 					const RANode *anext = get_anode (next);
941 					while (anext->is_dummy) {
942 						r_list_append (vert, next);
943 						next = r_graph_nth_neighbour (g->graph, next, 0);
944 						if (!next) {
945 							break;
946 						}
947 						anext = get_anode (next);
948 					}
949 				} else {
950 					r_list_append (vert, gn);
951 				}
952 			}
953 		}
954 	}
956 	return res;
957 }
959 /* computes left or right classes, used to place dummies node */
960 /* classes respect three properties:
961  * - v E C
962  * - w E C => L(v) is a subset of C
963  * - w E C, the s+(w) exists and is not in any class yet => s+(w) E C */
compute_classes(const RAGraph * g,Sdb * v_nodes,int is_left,int * n_classes)964 static RList **compute_classes(const RAGraph *g, Sdb *v_nodes, int is_left, int *n_classes) {
965 	int i, j, c;
966 	RList **res = R_NEWS0 (RList *, g->n_layers);
967 	RGraphNode *gn;
968 	const RListIter *it;
969 	RANode *n;
971 	graph_foreach_anode (r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph), it, gn, n) {
972 		n->klass = -1;
973 	}
975 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
976 		c = i;
978 		for (j = is_left? 0: g->layers[i].n_nodes - 1;
979 		     (is_left && j < g->layers[i].n_nodes) || (!is_left && j >= 0);
980 		     j = is_left? j + 1: j - 1) {
981 			const RGraphNode *gj = g->layers[i].nodes[j];
982 			const RANode *aj = get_anode (gj);
984 			if (aj->klass == -1) {
985 				const RList *laj = hash_get_rlist (v_nodes, gj);
987 				if (!res[c]) {
988 					res[c] = r_list_new ();
989 				}
990 				graph_foreach_anode (laj, it, gn, n) {
991 					r_list_append (res[c], gn);
992 					n->klass = c;
993 				}
994 			} else {
995 				c = aj->klass;
996 			}
997 		}
998 	}
1000 	if (n_classes) {
1001 		*n_classes = g->n_layers;
1002 	}
1003 	return res;
1004 }
cmp_dist(const size_t a,const size_t b)1006 static int cmp_dist(const size_t a, const size_t b) {
1007 	return (a < b) - (a > b);
1008 }
get_sibling(const RAGraph * g,const RANode * n,int is_left,int is_adjust_class)1010 static RGraphNode *get_sibling(const RAGraph *g, const RANode *n, int is_left, int is_adjust_class) {
1011 	RGraphNode *res = NULL;
1012 	int pos = n->pos_in_layer;
1014 	if ((is_left && is_adjust_class) || (!is_left && !is_adjust_class)) {
1015 		pos++;
1016 	} else {
1017 		pos--;
1018 	}
1020 	if (is_valid_pos (g, n->layer, pos)) {
1021 		res = g->layers[n->layer].nodes[pos];
1022 	}
1023 	return res;
1024 }
adjust_class_val(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphNode * gn,const RGraphNode * sibl,Sdb * res,int is_left)1026 static int adjust_class_val(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphNode *gn, const RGraphNode *sibl, Sdb *res, int is_left) {
1027 	if (is_left) {
1028 		return hash_get_int (res, sibl) - hash_get_int (res, gn) - dist_nodes (g, gn, sibl);
1029 	}
1030 	return hash_get_int (res, gn) - hash_get_int (res, sibl) - dist_nodes (g, sibl, gn);
1031 }
1033 /* adjusts the position of previously placed left/right classes */
1034 /* tries to place classes as close as possible */
adjust_class(const RAGraph * g,int is_left,RList ** classes,Sdb * res,int c)1035 static void adjust_class(const RAGraph *g, int is_left, RList **classes, Sdb *res, int c) {
1036 	const RGraphNode *gn;
1037 	const RListIter *it;
1038 	const RANode *an;
1039 	int dist = 0;
1040 	bool is_first = true;
1042 	graph_foreach_anode (classes[c], it, gn, an) {
1043 		const RGraphNode *sibling;
1044 		const RANode *sibl_anode;
1046 		sibling = get_sibling (g, an, is_left, true);
1047 		if (!sibling) {
1048 			continue;
1049 		}
1050 		sibl_anode = get_anode (sibling);
1051 		if (sibl_anode->klass == c) {
1052 			continue;
1053 		}
1054 		int v = adjust_class_val (g, gn, sibling, res, is_left);
1055 		dist = is_first? v: R_MIN (dist, v);
1056 		is_first = false;
1057 	}
1059 	if (is_first) {
1060 		RList *heap = r_list_new ();
1061 		int len;
1063 		graph_foreach_anode (classes[c], it, gn, an) {
1064 			const RList *neigh = r_graph_all_neighbours (g->graph, gn);
1065 			const RGraphNode *gk;
1066 			const RListIter *itk;
1067 			const RANode *ak;
1069 			graph_foreach_anode (neigh, itk, gk, ak) {
1070 				if (ak->klass < c) {
1071 					size_t d = (ak->x - an->x);
1072 					if (d > 0) {
1073 						r_list_append (heap, (void *) d);
1074 					}
1075 				}
1076 			}
1077 		}
1079 		len = r_list_length (heap);
1080 		if (len == 0) {
1081 			dist = 0;
1082 		} else {
1083 			r_list_sort (heap, (RListComparator) cmp_dist);
1084 			dist = (int) (size_t) r_list_get_n (heap, len / 2);
1085 		}
1087 		r_list_free (heap);
1088 	}
1090 	graph_foreach_anode (classes[c], it, gn, an) {
1091 		const int old_val = hash_get_int (res, gn);
1092 		const int new_val = is_left? old_val + dist: old_val - dist;
1093 		hash_set (res, gn, new_val);
1094 	}
1095 }
place_nodes_val(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphNode * gn,const RGraphNode * sibl,Sdb * res,int is_left)1097 static int place_nodes_val(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphNode *gn, const RGraphNode *sibl, Sdb *res, int is_left) {
1098 	if (is_left) {
1099 		return hash_get_int (res, sibl) + dist_nodes (g, sibl, gn);
1100 	}
1101 	return hash_get_int (res, sibl) - dist_nodes (g, gn, sibl);
1102 }
place_nodes_sel_p(int newval,int oldval,int is_first,int is_left)1104 static int place_nodes_sel_p(int newval, int oldval, int is_first, int is_left) {
1105 	if (is_first) {
1106 		return newval;
1107 	}
1108 	if (is_left) {
1109 		return R_MAX (oldval, newval);
1110 	}
1111 	return R_MIN (oldval, newval);
1112 }
1114 /* places left/right the nodes of a class */
place_nodes(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphNode * gn,int is_left,Sdb * v_nodes,RList ** classes,Sdb * res,Sdb * placed)1115 static void place_nodes(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphNode *gn, int is_left, Sdb *v_nodes, RList **classes, Sdb *res, Sdb *placed) {
1116 	const RList *lv = hash_get_rlist (v_nodes, gn);
1117 	int p = 0, v, is_first = true;
1118 	const RGraphNode *gk;
1119 	const RListIter *itk;
1120 	const RANode *ak;
1122 	graph_foreach_anode (lv, itk, gk, ak) {
1123 		const RGraphNode *sibling;
1124 		const RANode *sibl_anode;
1126 		sibling = get_sibling (g, ak, is_left, false);
1127 		if (!sibling) {
1128 			continue;
1129 		}
1130 		sibl_anode = get_anode (sibling);
1131 		if (ak->klass == sibl_anode->klass) {
1132 			if (!hash_get (placed, sibling)) {
1133 				place_nodes (g, sibling, is_left, v_nodes, classes, res, placed);
1134 			}
1136 			v = place_nodes_val (g, gk, sibling, res, is_left);
1137 			p = place_nodes_sel_p (v, p, is_first, is_left);
1138 			is_first = false;
1139 		}
1140 	}
1142 	if (is_first) {
1143 		p = is_left? 0: 50;
1144 	}
1146 	graph_foreach_anode (lv, itk, gk, ak) {
1147 		hash_set (res, gk, p);
1148 		hash_set (placed, gk, true);
1149 	}
1150 }
1152 /* computes the position to the left/right of all the nodes */
compute_pos(const RAGraph * g,int is_left,Sdb * v_nodes)1153 static Sdb *compute_pos(const RAGraph *g, int is_left, Sdb *v_nodes) {
1154 	int n_classes, i;
1156 	RList **classes = compute_classes (g, v_nodes, is_left, &n_classes);
1157 	if (!classes) {
1158 		return NULL;
1159 	}
1161 	Sdb *res = sdb_new0 ();
1162 	Sdb *placed = sdb_new0 ();
1163 	for (i = 0; i < n_classes; i++) {
1164 		const RGraphNode *gn;
1165 		const RListIter *it;
1167 		r_list_foreach (classes[i], it, gn) {
1168 			if (!hash_get_rnode (placed, gn)) {
1169 				place_nodes (g, gn, is_left, v_nodes, classes, res, placed);
1170 			}
1171 		}
1173 		adjust_class (g, is_left, classes, res, i);
1174 	}
1176 	sdb_free (placed);
1177 	for (i = 0; i < n_classes; i++) {
1178 		if (classes[i]) {
1179 			r_list_free (classes[i]);
1180 		}
1181 	}
1182 	free (classes);
1183 	return res;
1184 }
free_vertical_nodes_cb(void * user UNUSED,const char * k UNUSED,const char * v)1186 static int free_vertical_nodes_cb(void *user UNUSED, const char *k UNUSED, const char *v) {
1187 	r_list_free ((RList *) (size_t) sdb_atoi (v));
1188 	return 1;
1189 }
1191 /* calculates position of all nodes, but in particular dummies nodes */
1192 /* computes two different placements (called "left"/"right") and set the final
1193  * position of each node to the average of the values in the two placements */
place_dummies(const RAGraph * g)1194 static void place_dummies(const RAGraph *g) {
1195 	const RList *nodes;
1196 	const RGraphNode *gn;
1197 	const RListIter *it;
1198 	RANode *n;
1200 	Sdb *vertical_nodes = compute_vertical_nodes (g);
1201 	if (!vertical_nodes) {
1202 		return;
1203 	}
1204 	Sdb *xminus = compute_pos (g, true, vertical_nodes);
1205 	if (!xminus) {
1206 		goto xminus_err;
1207 	}
1208 	Sdb *xplus = compute_pos (g, false, vertical_nodes);
1209 	if (!xplus) {
1210 		goto xplus_err;
1211 	}
1213 	nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
1214 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
1215 		n->x = (hash_get_int (xminus, gn) + hash_get_int (xplus, gn)) / 2;
1216 	}
1218 	sdb_free (xplus);
1219 xplus_err:
1220 	sdb_free (xminus);
1221 xminus_err:
1222 	sdb_foreach (vertical_nodes, (SdbForeachCallback)free_vertical_nodes_cb, NULL);
1223 	sdb_free (vertical_nodes);
1224 }
get_right_dummy(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphNode * n)1226 static RGraphNode *get_right_dummy(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n) {
1227 	const RANode *an = get_anode (n);
1228 	if (!an) {
1229 		return NULL;
1230 	}
1231 	int k, layer = an->layer;
1233 	for (k = an->pos_in_layer + 1; k < g->layers[layer].n_nodes; k++) {
1234 		RGraphNode *gk = g->layers[layer].nodes[k];
1235 		const RANode *ak = get_anode (gk);
1236 		if (!ak) {
1237 			break;
1238 		}
1240 		if (ak->is_dummy) {
1241 			return gk;
1242 		}
1243 	}
1244 	return NULL;
1245 }
adjust_directions(const RAGraph * g,int i,int from_up,Sdb * D,Sdb * P)1247 static void adjust_directions(const RAGraph *g, int i, int from_up, Sdb *D, Sdb *P) {
1248 	const RGraphNode *vm = NULL, *wm = NULL;
1249 	const RANode *vma = NULL, *wma = NULL;
1250 	int j, d = from_up? 1: -1;
1252 	if (i + d < 0 || i + d >= g->n_layers) {
1253 		return;
1254 	}
1255 	for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i + d].n_nodes; j++) {
1256 		const RGraphNode *wp, *vp = g->layers[i + d].nodes[j];
1257 		const RANode *wpa, *vpa = get_anode (vp);
1259 		if (!vpa || !vpa->is_dummy) {
1260 			continue;
1261 		}
1262 		if (from_up) {
1263 			wp = r_list_get_n (r_graph_innodes (g->graph, vp), 0);
1264 		} else {
1265 			wp = r_graph_nth_neighbour (g->graph, vp, 0);
1266 		}
1267 		wpa = get_anode (wp);
1268 		if (!wpa || !wpa->is_dummy) {
1269 			continue;
1270 		}
1271 		if (vm) {
1272 			int p = hash_get_int (P, wm);
1273 			int k;
1275 			for (k = wma->pos_in_layer + 1; k < wpa->pos_in_layer; k++) {
1276 				const RGraphNode *w = g->layers[wma->layer].nodes[k];
1277 				const RANode *aw = get_anode (w);
1278 				if (aw && aw->is_dummy) {
1279 					p &= hash_get_int (P, w);
1280 				}
1281 			}
1282 			if (p) {
1283 				hash_set (D, vm, from_up);
1284 				for (k = vma->pos_in_layer + 1; k < vpa->pos_in_layer; k++) {
1285 					const RGraphNode *v = g->layers[vma->layer].nodes[k];
1286 					const RANode *av = get_anode (v);
1287 					if (av && av->is_dummy) {
1288 						hash_set (D, v, from_up);
1289 					}
1290 				}
1291 			}
1292 		}
1293 		vm = vp;
1294 		wm = wp;
1295 		vma = get_anode (vm);
1296 		wma = get_anode (wm);
1297 	}
1298 }
1300 /* find a placement for a single node */
place_single(const RAGraph * g,int l,const RGraphNode * bm,const RGraphNode * bp,int from_up,int va)1301 static void place_single(const RAGraph *g, int l, const RGraphNode *bm, const RGraphNode *bp, int from_up, int va) {
1302 	const RGraphNode *gk, *v = g->layers[l].nodes[va];
1303 	const RANode *ak;
1304 	RANode *av = get_anode (v);
1305 	if (!av) {
1306 		return;
1307 	}
1308 	const RListIter *itk;
1310 	const RList *neigh = from_up
1311 	        ? r_graph_innodes (g->graph, v)
1312 		: r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, v);
1314 	int len = r_list_length (neigh);
1315 	if (len == 0) {
1316 		return;
1317 	}
1319 	int sum_x = 0;
1320 	graph_foreach_anode (neigh, itk, gk, ak) {
1321 		if (ak->is_reversed) {
1322 			len--;
1323 			continue;
1324 		}
1325 		sum_x += ak->x;
1326 	}
1328 	if (len == 0) {
1329 		return;
1330 	}
1331 	if (av) {
1332 		av->x = sum_x / len;
1333 	}
1334 	if (bm) {
1335 		const RANode *bma = get_anode (bm);
1336 		av->x = R_MAX (av->x, bma->x + dist_nodes (g, bm, v));
1337 	}
1338 	if (bp) {
1339 		const RANode *bpa = get_anode (bp);
1340 		av->x = R_MIN (av->x, bpa->x - dist_nodes (g, v, bp));
1341 	}
1342 }
RM_listcmp(const struct len_pos_t * a,const struct len_pos_t * b)1344 static int RM_listcmp(const struct len_pos_t *a, const struct len_pos_t *b) {
1345 	return (a->pos < b->pos) - (a->pos > b->pos);
1346 }
RP_listcmp(const struct len_pos_t * a,const struct len_pos_t * b)1348 static int RP_listcmp(const struct len_pos_t *a, const struct len_pos_t *b) {
1349 	return (a->pos > b->pos) - (a->pos < b->pos);
1350 }
collect_changes(const RAGraph * g,int l,const RGraphNode * b,int from_up,int s,int e,RList * list,int is_left)1352 static void collect_changes(const RAGraph *g, int l, const RGraphNode *b, int from_up, int s, int e, RList *list, int is_left) {
1353 	const RGraphNode *vt = g->layers[l].nodes[e - 1];
1354 	const RGraphNode *vtp = g->layers[l].nodes[s];
1355 	struct len_pos_t *cx;
1356 	int i;
1358 	RListComparator lcmp = is_left? (RListComparator) RM_listcmp: (RListComparator) RP_listcmp;
1360 	for (i = is_left? s: e - 1; (is_left && i < e) || (!is_left && i >= s); i = is_left? i + 1: i - 1) {
1361 		const RGraphNode *v, *vi = g->layers[l].nodes[i];
1362 		const RANode *av, *avi = get_anode (vi);
1363 		const RList *neigh;
1364 		const RListIter *it;
1365 		int c = 0;
1367 		if (!avi) {
1368 			continue;
1369 		}
1370 		neigh = from_up
1371 		        ? r_graph_innodes (g->graph, vi)
1372 			: r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, vi);
1374 		graph_foreach_anode (neigh, it, v, av) {
1375 			if ((is_left && av->x >= avi->x) || (!is_left && av->x <= avi->x)) {
1376 				c++;
1377 			} else {
1378 				cx = R_NEW (struct len_pos_t);
1379 				c--;
1380 				cx->len = 2;
1381 				cx->pos = av->x;
1382 				if (is_left) {
1383 					cx->pos += dist_nodes (g, vi, vt);
1384 				} else {
1385 					cx->pos -= dist_nodes (g, vtp, vi);
1386 				}
1387 				r_list_add_sorted (list, cx, lcmp);
1388 			}
1389 		}
1391 		cx = R_NEW0 (struct len_pos_t);
1392 		cx->len = c;
1393 		cx->pos = avi->x;
1394 		if (is_left) {
1395 			cx->pos += dist_nodes (g, vi, vt);
1396 		} else {
1397 			cx->pos -= dist_nodes (g, vtp, vi);
1398 		}
1399 		r_list_add_sorted (list, cx, lcmp);
1400 	}
1402 	if (b) {
1403 		const RANode *ab = get_anode (b);
1404 		cx = R_NEW (struct len_pos_t);
1405 		if (cx) {
1406 			cx->len = is_left? INT_MAX: INT_MIN;
1407 			cx->pos = ab->x;
1408 			if (is_left) {
1409 				cx->pos += dist_nodes (g, b, vt);
1410 			} else {
1411 				cx->pos -= dist_nodes (g, vtp, b);
1412 			}
1413 			r_list_add_sorted (list, cx, lcmp);
1414 		}
1415 	}
1416 }
combine_sequences(const RAGraph * g,int l,const RGraphNode * bm,const RGraphNode * bp,int from_up,int a,int r)1418 static void combine_sequences(const RAGraph *g, int l, const RGraphNode *bm, const RGraphNode *bp, int from_up, int a, int r) {
1419 	RList *Rm = r_list_new (), *Rp = r_list_new ();
1420 	const RGraphNode *vt, *vtp;
1421 	RANode *at, *atp;
1422 	int rm, rp, t, m, i;
1423 	Rm->free = (RListFree) free;
1424 	Rp->free = (RListFree) free;
1426 	t = (a + r) / 2;
1427 	vt = g->layers[l].nodes[t - 1];
1428 	vtp = g->layers[l].nodes[t];
1429 	at = get_anode (vt);
1430 	atp = get_anode (vtp);
1432 	collect_changes (g, l, bm, from_up, a, t, Rm, true);
1433 	collect_changes (g, l, bp, from_up, t, r, Rp, false);
1434 	rm = rp = 0;
1436 	m = dist_nodes (g, vt, vtp);
1437 	if (at && atp) {
1438 		while (atp->x - at->x < m) {
1439 			if (atp->x == at->x) {
1440 				int step = m / 2;
1441 				at->x -= step;
1442 				atp->x += m - step;
1443 			} else {
1444 				if (rm < rp) {
1445 					if (r_list_empty (Rm)) {
1446 						at->x = atp->x - m;
1447 					} else {
1448 						struct len_pos_t *cx = (struct len_pos_t *) r_list_pop (Rm);
1449 						rm = rm + cx->len;
1450 						at->x = R_MAX (cx->pos, atp->x - m);
1451 						free (cx);
1452 					}
1453 				} else {
1454 					if (r_list_empty (Rp)) {
1455 						atp->x = at->x + m;
1456 					} else {
1457 						struct len_pos_t *cx = (struct len_pos_t *) r_list_pop (Rp);
1458 						rp = rp + cx->len;
1459 						atp->x = R_MIN (cx->pos, at->x + m);
1460 						free (cx);
1461 					}
1462 				}
1463 			}
1464 		}
1465 	}
1467 	r_list_free (Rm);
1468 	r_list_free (Rp);
1470 	for (i = t - 2; i >= a; i--) {
1471 		const RGraphNode *gv = g->layers[l].nodes[i];
1472 		RANode *av = get_anode (gv);
1473 		if (av && at) {
1474 			av->x = R_MIN (av->x, at->x - dist_nodes (g, gv, vt));
1475 		}
1476 	}
1478 	for (i = t + 1; i < r; i++) {
1479 		const RGraphNode *gv = g->layers[l].nodes[i];
1480 		RANode *av = get_anode (gv);
1481 		if (av && atp) {
1482 			av->x = R_MAX (av->x, atp->x + dist_nodes (g, vtp, gv));
1483 		}
1484 	}
1485 }
1487 /* places a sequence of consecutive original nodes */
1488 /* it tries to minimize the distance between each node in the sequence and its
1489  * neighbours in the "previous" layer. Those neighbours are considered as
1490  * "fixed". The previous layer depends on the direction used during the layers
1491  * traversal */
place_sequence(const RAGraph * g,int l,const RGraphNode * bm,const RGraphNode * bp,int from_up,int va,int vr)1492 static void place_sequence(const RAGraph *g, int l, const RGraphNode *bm, const RGraphNode *bp, int from_up, int va, int vr) {
1493 	if (vr == va + 1) {
1494 		place_single (g, l, bm, bp, from_up, va);
1495 	} else if (vr > va + 1) {
1496 		int vt = (vr + va) / 2;
1497 		place_sequence (g, l, bm, bp, from_up, va, vt);
1498 		place_sequence (g, l, bm, bp, from_up, vt, vr);
1499 		combine_sequences (g, l, bm, bp, from_up, va, vr);
1500 	}
1501 }
1503 /* finds the placements of nodes while traversing the graph in the given
1504  * direction */
1505 /* places all the sequences of consecutive original nodes in each layer. */
original_traverse_l(const RAGraph * g,Sdb * D,Sdb * P,int from_up)1506 static void original_traverse_l(const RAGraph *g, Sdb *D, Sdb *P, int from_up) {
1507 	int i, k, va, vr;
1509 	for (i = from_up? 0: g->n_layers - 1;
1510 			(from_up && i < g->n_layers) || (!from_up && i >= 0);
1511 			i = from_up? i + 1: i - 1) {
1512 		int j;
1513 		const RGraphNode *bm = NULL;
1514 		const RANode *bma = NULL;
1516 		j = 0;
1517 		while (j < g->layers[i].n_nodes && !bm) {
1518 			const RGraphNode *gn = g->layers[i].nodes[j];
1519 			const RANode *an = get_anode (gn);
1520 			if (an && an->is_dummy) {
1521 				va = 0;
1522 				vr = j;
1523 				bm = gn;
1524 				bma = an;
1525 			}
1526 			j++;
1527 		}
1528 		if (!bm) {
1529 			va = 0;
1530 			vr = g->layers[i].n_nodes;
1531 		}
1532 		place_sequence (g, i, NULL, bm, from_up, va, vr);
1533 		for (k = va; k < vr - 1; k++) {
1534 			set_dist_nodes (g, i, k, k + 1);
1535 		}
1536 		if (is_valid_pos (g, i, vr - 1) && bm) {
1537 			set_dist_nodes (g, i, vr - 1, bma->pos_in_layer);
1538 		}
1539 		while (bm) {
1540 			const RGraphNode *bp = get_right_dummy (g, bm);
1541 			const RANode *bpa = NULL;
1542 			bma = get_anode (bm);
1544 			if (!bp) {
1545 				va = bma->pos_in_layer + 1;
1546 				vr = g->layers[bma->layer].n_nodes;
1547 				place_sequence (g, i, bm, NULL, from_up, va, vr);
1548 				for (k = va; k < vr - 1; k++) {
1549 					set_dist_nodes (g, i, k, k + 1);
1550 				}
1552 				if (is_valid_pos (g, i, va)) {
1553 					set_dist_nodes (g, i, bma->pos_in_layer, va);
1554 				}
1555 			} else if (hash_get_int (D, bm) == from_up) {
1556 				bpa = get_anode (bp);
1557 				va = bma->pos_in_layer + 1;
1558 				vr = bpa->pos_in_layer;
1559 				place_sequence (g, i, bm, bp, from_up, va, vr);
1560 				hash_set (P, bm, true);
1561 			}
1562 			bm = bp;
1563 		}
1564 		adjust_directions (g, i, from_up, D, P);
1565 	}
1566 }
1568 /* computes a final position of original nodes, considering dummies nodes as
1569  * fixed */
1570 /* set the node placements traversing the graph downward and then upward */
place_original(RAGraph * g)1571 static void place_original(RAGraph *g) {
1572 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
1573 	const RGraphNode *gn;
1574 	const RListIter *itn;
1575 	const RANode *an;
1577 	Sdb *D = sdb_new0 ();
1578 	if (!D) {
1579 		return;
1580 	}
1581 	Sdb *P = sdb_new0 ();
1582 	if (!P) {
1583 		sdb_free (D);
1584 		return;
1585 	}
1586 	g->dists = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
1587 	if (!g->dists) {
1588 		sdb_free (D);
1589 		sdb_free (P);
1590 		return;
1591 	}
1593 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, itn, gn, an) {
1594 		if (!an->is_dummy) {
1595 			continue;
1596 		}
1597 		const RGraphNode *right_v = get_right_dummy (g, gn);
1598 		const RANode *right = get_anode (right_v);
1599 		if (right_v && right) {
1600 			hash_set (D, gn, 0);
1601 			int dt_eq = right->x - an->x == dist_nodes (g, gn, right_v);
1602 			hash_set (P, gn, dt_eq);
1603 		}
1604 	}
1606 	original_traverse_l (g, D, P, true);
1607 	original_traverse_l (g, D, P, false);
1609 	r_list_free (g->dists);
1610 	g->dists = NULL;
1611 	sdb_free (P);
1612 	sdb_free (D);
1613 }
1615 #if 0
1616 static void free_anode(RANode *n);
1617 static void remove_dummy_nodes(const RAGraph *g) {
1618 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
1619 	RGraphNode *gn;
1620 	RListIter *it;
1621 	RANode *n;
1623 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
1624 		if (n->is_dummy) {
1625 			r_graph_del_node (g->graph, gn);
1626 			n->gnode = NULL;
1627 			free_anode (n);
1628 		}
1629 	}
1630 }
1631 #endif
set_layer_gap(RAGraph * g)1633 static void set_layer_gap (RAGraph *g) {
1634 	int gap = 0;
1635 	int i = 0, j = 0;
1636 	RListIter *itn;
1637 	RGraphNode *ga, *gb;
1638 	RANode *a, *b;
1639 	const RList *outnodes;
1641 	g->layers[0].gap = 0;
1642 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
1643 		gap = 0;
1644 		if (i + 1 < g->n_layers) {
1645 			g->layers[i+1].gap = gap;
1646 		}
1647 		for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
1648 			ga = g->layers[i].nodes[j];
1649 			if (!ga) {
1650 				continue;
1651 			}
1652 			a = (RANode *) ga->data;
1653 			outnodes = ga->out_nodes;
1655 			if (!outnodes || !a) {
1656 				continue;
1657 			}
1658 			graph_foreach_anode (outnodes, itn, gb, b) {
1659 				if (g->layout == 0) { // vertical layout
1660 					if ((b->x != a->x) || b->layer <= a->layer) {
1661 						gap += 1;
1662 						if (b->layer <= a->layer) {
1663 							g->layers[b->layer].gap += 1;
1664 						}
1665 					} else if ((!a->is_dummy && b->is_dummy) || (a->is_dummy && !b->is_dummy)) {
1666 						gap += 1;
1667 					}
1668 				} else {
1669 					if ((b->y == a->y && b->h != a->h) || b->y != a->y || b->layer <= a->layer) {
1670 						gap += 1;
1671 						if (b->layer <= a->layer) {
1672 							g->layers[b->layer].gap += 1;
1673 						}
1674 					} else if ((!a->is_dummy && b->is_dummy) || (a->is_dummy && !b->is_dummy)) {
1675 						gap += 1;
1676 					}
1677 				}
1678 			}
1679 		}
1680 		if (i + 1 < g->n_layers) {
1681 			g->layers[i+1].gap += gap;
1682 		}
1683 	}
1684 }
fix_back_edge_dummy_nodes(RAGraph * g,RANode * from,RANode * to)1686 static void fix_back_edge_dummy_nodes(RAGraph *g, RANode *from, RANode *to) {
1687 	RANode *v, *tmp = NULL;
1688 	RGraphNode *gv = NULL;
1689 	RListIter *it;
1690 	int i;
1691 	r_return_if_fail (g && from && to);
1692 	const RList *neighbours = r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, to->gnode);
1693 	graph_foreach_anode (neighbours, it, gv, v) {
1694 		tmp = v;
1695 		while (tmp->is_dummy) {
1696 			tmp = (RANode *) (((RGraphNode *)r_list_first (tmp->gnode->out_nodes))->data);
1697 		}
1698 		if (tmp->gnode->idx == from->gnode->idx) {
1699 			break;
1700 		}
1701 		tmp = NULL;
1702 	}
1703 	if (tmp) {
1704 		tmp = v;
1705 		v = to;
1706 		while (tmp->gnode->idx != from->gnode->idx) {
1707 			v = tmp;
1708 			tmp = (RANode *) (((RGraphNode *)r_list_first (v->gnode->out_nodes))->data);
1710 			i = 0;
1711 			while (v->gnode->idx != g->layers[v->layer].nodes[i]->idx) {
1712 				i += 1;
1713 			}
1715 			while (i + 1 < g->layers[v->layer].n_nodes) {
1716 				g->layers[v->layer].nodes[i] = g->layers[v->layer].nodes[i+1];
1717 				i++;
1718 			}
1719 			g->layers[v->layer].nodes[g->layers[v->layer].n_nodes - 1] = 0;
1720 			g->layers[v->layer].n_nodes -= 1;
1722 			r_graph_del_node (g->graph, v->gnode);
1723 		}
1724 	}
1725 }
get_edge_number(const RAGraph * g,RANode * src,RANode * dst,bool outgoing)1727 static int get_edge_number (const RAGraph *g, RANode *src, RANode *dst, bool outgoing) {
1728 	RListIter *itn;
1729 	RGraphNode *gv;
1730 	int cur_nth = 0;
1731 	int nth = 0;
1732 	RANode *v;
1734 	if (outgoing && src->is_dummy) {
1735 		RANode *in = (RANode *) (((RGraphNode *)r_list_first ((src->gnode)->in_nodes))->data);
1736 		cur_nth = get_edge_number (g, in, src, outgoing);
1737 	} else {
1738 		const RList *neighbours = outgoing
1739 			? r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, src->gnode)
1740 			: r_graph_innodes (g->graph, dst->gnode);
1741 		const int exit_edges = r_list_length (neighbours);
1742 		graph_foreach_anode (neighbours, itn, gv, v) {
1743 			cur_nth = nth;
1744 			if (g->is_callgraph) {
1745 				cur_nth = 0;
1746 			} else if (exit_edges == 1) {
1747 				cur_nth = -1;
1748 			}
1749 			if (outgoing && gv->idx == (dst->gnode)->idx) {
1750 				break;
1751 			}
1752 			if (!outgoing && gv->idx == (src->gnode)->idx) {
1753 				break;
1754 			}
1755 			nth++;
1756 		}
1757 	}
1758 	return cur_nth;
1759 }
count_edges(const RAGraph * g,RANode * src,RANode * dst)1761 static int count_edges(const RAGraph *g, RANode *src, RANode *dst) {
1762 	return get_edge_number (g, src, dst, true);
1763 }
backedge_info(RAGraph * g)1765 static void backedge_info(RAGraph *g) {
1766 	int i, j, k;
1767 	int min, max;
1768 	int inedge = 0;
1769 	int outedge = 0;
1770 	if (g->n_layers > ST16_MAX) {
1771 		return;
1772 	}
1774 	int **arr = R_NEWS0 (int *, g->n_layers);
1775 	if (!arr) {
1776 		return;
1777 	}
1778 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
1779 		arr[i] = R_NEWS0 (int, 2);
1780 		if (!arr[i]) {
1781 			goto err;
1782 		}
1783 	}
1785 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
1786 		for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
1787 			RGraphNode *gt = g->layers[i].nodes[j];
1788 			if (!gt) {
1789 				continue;
1790 			}
1791 			RANode *t = (RANode *) gt->data;
1792 			if (!t) {
1793 				continue;
1794 			}
1795 			int tc = g->layout == 0 ? t->x : t->y;
1796 			int tl = g->layout == 0 ? t->w : t->h;
1797 			if (!j) {
1798 				arr[i][0] = tc;
1799 				arr[i][1] = tc + tl;
1800 			}
1802 			if (arr[i][0] > tc) {
1803 				arr[i][0] = tc;
1804 			}
1806 			if (arr[i][1] < tc + tl) {
1807 				arr[i][1] = tc + tl;
1808 			}
1809 		}
1811 		for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
1812 			RANode *a = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[j]);
1813 			if (!a || a->is_dummy) {
1814 				continue;
1815 			}
1817 			const RList *neighbours = r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, a->gnode);
1818 			RGraphNode *gb;
1819 			RANode *b;
1820 			RListIter *itm;
1822 			if (i == 0) {
1823 				inedge += r_list_length (r_graph_innodes (g->graph, a->gnode));
1824 			} else if (i == g->n_layers - 1) {
1825 				outedge += r_list_length (neighbours);
1826 			}
1828 			graph_foreach_anode (neighbours, itm, gb, b) {
1829 				if (b->layer > a->layer) {
1830 					continue;
1831 				}
1833 				int nth = count_edges (g, a, b);
1834 				int xinc = R_EDGES_X_INC + 2 * (nth + 1);
1836 				int ax = g->layout == 0 ? a->x + xinc : a->y + (a->h / 2) + nth;
1837 				int bx = g->layout == 0 ? b->x + xinc : b->y + (b->h / 2) + nth;
1839 				if (g->layout == 0 && nth == 0 && bx > ax) {
1840 					ax += 4;
1841 				}
1843 				min = arr[b->layer][0];
1844 				max = arr[b->layer][1];
1845 				for (k = b->layer; k <= a->layer; k++) {
1846 					if (min > arr[k][0]) {
1847 						min = arr[k][0];
1848 					}
1850 					if (max < arr[k][1]) {
1851 						max = arr[k][1];
1852 					}
1853 				}
1855 				int l = (ax - min) + (bx - min);
1856 				int r = (max - ax) + (max - bx);
1858 				for (k = b->layer; k <= a->layer; k++) {
1859 					if (r < l) {
1860 						arr[k][1] = max + 1;
1861 					} else {
1862 						arr[k][0] = min - 1;
1863 					}
1864 				}
1866 				AEdge *e = R_NEW0 (AEdge);
1867 				if (!e) {
1868 					free (arr);
1869 					return;
1870 				}
1872 				e->is_reversed = true;
1873 				e->from = a;
1874 				e->to = b;
1875 				e->x = r_list_new ();
1876 				e->y = r_list_new ();
1878 				if (r < l) {
1879 					r_list_append ((g->layout == 0 ? e->x : e->y), (void *) (size_t) (max + 1));
1880 				} else {
1881 					r_list_append ((g->layout == 0 ? e->x : e->y), (void *) (size_t) (min - 1));
1882 				}
1884 				r_list_append(g->edges, e);
1885 			}
1886 		}
1887 	}
1889 	//Assumption: layer layout is not changed w.r.t x-coordinate/y-coordinate for horizontal/vertical layout respectively.
1890 	if (inedge) {
1891 		RANode *n = (RANode *)g->layers[0].nodes[0]->data;
1892 		AEdge *e = R_NEW0 (AEdge);
1893 		if (!e) {
1894 			free (arr);
1895 			return;
1896 		}
1897 		e->is_reversed = true;
1898 		e->from = NULL;
1899 		e->to = NULL;
1900 		e->x = r_list_new ();
1901 		e->y = r_list_new ();
1902 		if (g->layout == 0) {
1903 			r_list_append (e->y, (void *) (size_t) (n->y - 1 - inedge));
1904 		} else {
1905 			r_list_append (e->x, (void *) (size_t) (n->x - 1 - inedge));
1906 		}
1907 		r_list_append (g->edges, e);
1908 	}
1910 	if (outedge) {
1911 		RANode *n = (RANode *)g->layers[g->n_layers - 1].nodes[0]->data;
1912 		AEdge *e = R_NEW0 (AEdge);
1913 		if (!e) {
1914 			free (arr);
1915 			return;
1916 		}
1918 		e->is_reversed = true;
1919 		e->from = NULL;
1920 		e->to = NULL;
1921 		e->x = r_list_new ();
1922 		e->y = r_list_new ();
1923 		if (g->layout == 0) {
1924 			r_list_append (e->y, (void *) (size_t) (n->y + g->layers[g->n_layers - 1].height + 2 + outedge));
1925 		} else {
1926 			r_list_append (e->x, (void *) (size_t) (n->x + g->layers[g->n_layers - 1].width + 2 + outedge));
1927 		}
1928 		r_list_append (g->edges, e);
1929 	}
1930  err:
1931 	for (i = i - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1932 		free (arr[i]);
1933 	}
1934 	free (arr);
1935 	return;
1936 }
1938 /* 1) trasform the graph into a DAG
1939  * 2) partition the nodes in layers
1940  * 3) split long edges that traverse multiple layers
1941  * 4) reorder nodes in each layer to reduce the number of edge crossing
1942  * 5) assign x and y coordinates to each node
1943  * 6) restore the original graph, with long edges and cycles */
set_layout(RAGraph * g)1944 static void set_layout(RAGraph *g) {
1945 	int i, j, k;
1947 	r_list_free (g->edges);
1948 	g->edges = r_list_new ();
1950 	remove_cycles (g);
1951 	assign_layers (g);
1952 	create_dummy_nodes (g);
1953 	create_layers (g);
1954 	minimize_crossings (g);
1956 	if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
1957 		r_cons_break_end ();
1958 		return;
1959 	}
1960 	/* identify row height */
1961 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
1962 		int rh = 0;
1963 		int rw = 0;
1964 		for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
1965 			const RANode *n = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[j]);
1966 			if (n->h > rh) {
1967 				rh = n->h;
1968 			}
1969 			if (n->w > rw) {
1970 				rw = n->w;
1971 			}
1972 		}
1973 		g->layers[i].height = rh;
1974 		g->layers[i].width = rw;
1975 	}
1977 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
1978 		for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
1979 			RANode *a = (RANode *) g->layers[i].nodes[j]->data;
1980 			if (a->is_dummy) {
1981 				if (g->layout == 0) {
1982 					a->h = g->layers[i].height;
1983 				} else {
1984 					a->w = g->layers[i].width;
1985 				}
1986 			}
1987 			a->layer_height = g->layers[i].height;
1988 			a->layer_width = g->layers[i].width;
1989 		}
1990 	}
1992 	/* x-coordinate assignment: algorithm based on:
1993 	 * A Fast Layout Algorithm for k-Level Graphs
1994 	 * by C. Buchheim, M. Junger, S. Leipert */
1995 	place_dummies (g);
1996 	place_original (g);
1998 	/* IDEA: need to put this hack because of the way algorithm is implemented.
1999 	 * I think backedges should be restored to their original state instead of
2000 	 * converting them to longedges and adding dummy nodes. */
2001 	const RListIter *it;
2002 	const RGraphEdge *e;
2003 	r_list_foreach (g->back_edges, it, e) {
2004 		RANode *from = e->from? get_anode (e->from): NULL;
2005 		RANode *to = e->to? get_anode (e->to): NULL;
2006 		fix_back_edge_dummy_nodes (g, from, to);
2007 		r_agraph_del_edge (g, to, from);
2008 		r_agraph_add_edge_at (g, from, to, e->nth);
2009 	}
2011 	switch (g->layout) {
2012 	default:
2013 	case 0: // vertical layout
2014 		/* horizontal finalize x coordinate */
2015 		for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
2016 			for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
2017 				RANode *n = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[j]);
2018 				if (n) {
2019 					n->x -= n->w / 2;
2020 					if (g->is_tiny) {
2021 						n->x /= 8;
2022 					}
2023 				}
2024 			}
2025 		}
2027 		set_layer_gap (g);
2029 		/* vertical align */
2030 		for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
2031 			int tmp_y = 0;
2032 			tmp_y = g->layers[0].gap; //TODO: XXX: set properly
2033 			for (k = 1; k <= i; k++) {
2034 				tmp_y += g->layers[k-1].height + g->layers[k].gap + 3; //XXX: should be 4?
2035 			}
2036 			if (g->is_tiny) {
2037 				tmp_y = i;
2038 			}
2039 			for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
2040 				RANode *n = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[j]);
2041 				if (n) {
2042 					n->y = tmp_y;
2043 				}
2044 			}
2045 		}
2046 		break;
2047 	/* experimental */
2048 	case 1: // horizontal layout
2049 		/* vertical y coordinate */
2050 		for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
2051 			for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
2052 				RANode *n = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[j]);
2053 				n->y = 1;
2054 				for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
2055 					RANode *m = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[k]);
2056 					n->y -= (m->h + VERTICAL_NODE_SPACING);
2057 				}
2058 			}
2059 		}
2061 		set_layer_gap (g);
2063 		/* horizontal align */
2064 		for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
2065 			int xval = 1 + g->layers[0].gap + 1;
2066 			for (k = 1; k <= i; k++) {
2067 				xval += g->layers[k-1].width + g->layers[k].gap + 3;
2068 			}
2069 			for (j = 0; j < g->layers[i].n_nodes; j++) {
2070 				RANode *n = get_anode (g->layers[i].nodes[j]);
2071 				n->x = xval;
2072 			}
2073 		}
2074 		break;
2075 	}
2077 	backedge_info (g);
2079 	/* free all temporary structures used during layout */
2080 	for (i = 0; i < g->n_layers; i++) {
2081 		free (g->layers[i].nodes);
2082 	}
2084 	free (g->layers);
2085 	r_list_free (g->long_edges);
2086 	r_list_free (g->back_edges);
2087 	r_cons_break_pop ();
2088 }
get_body(RCore * core,ut64 addr,int size,int opts)2090 static char *get_body(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int size, int opts) {
2091 	char *body;
2092 	RConfigHold *hc = r_config_hold_new (core->config);
2093 	if (!hc) {
2094 		return NULL;
2095 	}
2096 	r_config_hold (hc, "asm.lines", "asm.bytes",
2097 		"asm.cmt.col", "asm.marks", "asm.offset",
2098 		"asm.comments", "asm.cmt.right", "asm.bb.line", NULL);
2099 	const bool o_comments = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.comments");
2100 	const bool o_cmtright = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.cmtright");
2101 	const bool o_bytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.bytes");
2102 	const bool o_flags_in_bytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.flags.inbytes");
2103 	const bool o_graph_offset = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.offset");
2104 	int o_cursor = core->print->cur_enabled;
2105 	if (opts & BODY_COMMENTS) {
2106 		r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, true, false);
2107 		char * res = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "pD %d @ 0x%08"PFMT64x, size, addr);
2108 		res = r_str_replace (res, "; ", "", true);
2109 		// res = r_str_replace (res, "\n", "(\n)", true);
2110 		r_str_trim (res);
2111 		res = r_str_trim_lines (res);
2112 		r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, true, false);
2113 		r_config_hold_restore (hc);
2114 		r_config_hold_free (hc);
2115 		return res;
2116 	}
2117 	const char *cmd = (opts & BODY_SUMMARY)? "pds": "pD";
2119 	// configure options
2120 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bb.line", false);
2121 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines", false);
2122 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col", 0);
2123 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.marks", false);
2124 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.right", (opts & BODY_SUMMARY) || o_cmtright);
2125 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.comments", (opts & BODY_SUMMARY) || o_comments);
2126 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes",
2127 		(opts & (BODY_SUMMARY | BODY_OFFSETS)) || o_bytes || o_flags_in_bytes);
2128 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bb.middle", false);
2129 	core->print->cur_enabled = false;
2131 	if (opts & BODY_OFFSETS || opts & BODY_SUMMARY || o_graph_offset) {
2132 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.offset", true);
2133 	} else {
2134 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.offset", false);
2135 	}
2137 	bool html = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.html");
2138 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.html", 0);
2139 	if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.aeab")) {
2140 		body = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "%s 0x%08"PFMT64x, "aeab", addr);
2141 	} else {
2142 		body = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "%s %d @ 0x%08"PFMT64x, cmd, size, addr);
2143 	}
2144 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.html", html);
2146 	// restore original options
2147 	core->print->cur_enabled = o_cursor;
2148 	r_config_hold_restore (hc);
2149 	r_config_hold_free (hc);
2150 	return body;
2151 }
get_bb_body(RCore * core,RAnalBlock * b,int opts,RAnalFunction * fcn,bool emu,ut64 saved_gp,ut8 * saved_arena)2153 static char *get_bb_body(RCore *core, RAnalBlock *b, int opts, RAnalFunction *fcn, bool emu, ut64 saved_gp, ut8 *saved_arena) {
2154 	if (emu) {
2155 		core->anal->gp = saved_gp;
2156 		if (b->parent_reg_arena) {
2157 			r_reg_arena_poke (core->anal->reg, b->parent_reg_arena);
2158 			R_FREE (b->parent_reg_arena);
2159 			ut64 gp = r_reg_getv (core->anal->reg, "gp");
2160 			if (gp) {
2161 				core->anal->gp = gp;
2162 			}
2163 		} else {
2164 			r_reg_arena_poke (core->anal->reg, saved_arena);
2165 		}
2166 	}
2167 	if (b->parent_stackptr != INT_MAX) {
2168 		core->anal->stackptr = b->parent_stackptr;
2169 	}
2170 	char *body = get_body (core, b->addr, b->size, opts);
2171 	if (b->jump != UT64_MAX) {
2172 		if (b->jump > b->addr) {
2173 			RAnalBlock *jumpbb = r_anal_get_block_at (b->anal, b->jump);
2174 			if (jumpbb && r_list_contains (jumpbb->fcns, fcn)) {
2175 				if (emu && core->anal->last_disasm_reg != NULL && !jumpbb->parent_reg_arena) {
2176 					jumpbb->parent_reg_arena = r_reg_arena_dup (core->anal->reg, core->anal->last_disasm_reg);
2177 				}
2178 				if (jumpbb->parent_stackptr == INT_MAX) {
2179 					jumpbb->parent_stackptr = core->anal->stackptr + b->stackptr;
2180 				}
2181 			}
2182 		}
2183 	}
2184 	if (b->fail != UT64_MAX) {
2185 		if (b->fail > b->addr) {
2186 			RAnalBlock *failbb = r_anal_get_block_at (b->anal, b->fail);
2187 			if (failbb && r_list_contains (failbb->fcns, fcn)) {
2188 				if (emu && core->anal->last_disasm_reg != NULL && !failbb->parent_reg_arena) {
2189 					failbb->parent_reg_arena = r_reg_arena_dup (core->anal->reg, core->anal->last_disasm_reg);
2190 				}
2191 				if (failbb->parent_stackptr == INT_MAX) {
2192 					failbb->parent_stackptr = core->anal->stackptr + b->stackptr;
2193 				}
2194 			}
2195 		}
2196 	}
2197 	return body;
2198 }
bbcmp(RAnalBlock * a,RAnalBlock * b)2200 static int bbcmp(RAnalBlock *a, RAnalBlock *b) {
2201 	return a->addr - b->addr;
2202 }
get_bbupdate(RAGraph * g,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)2204 static void get_bbupdate(RAGraph *g, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
2205 	RAnalBlock *bb;
2206 	RListIter *iter;
2207 	bool emu = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.emu");
2208 	ut64 saved_gp = core->anal->gp;
2209 	ut8 *saved_arena = NULL;
2210 	int saved_stackptr = core->anal->stackptr;
2211 	char *shortcut = 0;
2212 	int shortcuts = 0;
2213 	core->keep_asmqjmps = false;
2215 	if (emu) {
2216 		saved_arena = r_reg_arena_peek (core->anal->reg);
2217 	}
2218 	if (!fcn) {
2219 		R_FREE (saved_arena);
2220 		return;
2221 	}
2222 	r_list_sort (fcn->bbs, (RListComparator) bbcmp);
2224 	shortcuts = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.nodejmps");
2225 	r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, iter, bb) {
2226 		if (bb->addr == UT64_MAX) {
2227 			continue;
2228 		}
2229 		char *body = get_bb_body (core, bb, mode2opts (g), fcn, emu, saved_gp, saved_arena);
2230 		char *title = get_title (bb->addr);
2232 		if (shortcuts) {
2233 			shortcut = r_core_add_asmqjmp (core, bb->addr);
2234 			if (shortcut) {
2235 				sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.shortcut", title), shortcut, 0);
2236 				free (shortcut);
2237 			}
2238 		}
2239 		RANode *node = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
2240 		if (node) {
2241 			free (node->body);
2242 			node->body = body;
2243 		} else {
2244 			free (body);
2245 		}
2246 		R_FREE (node->color);
2247 		if (bb->color.r || bb->color.g || bb->color.b) {
2248 			node->color = r_cons_rgb_str (NULL, -1, &bb->color);
2249 		}
2250 		free (title);
2251 		core->keep_asmqjmps = true;
2252 	}
2254 	if (emu) {
2255 		core->anal->gp = saved_gp;
2256 		if (saved_arena) {
2257 			r_reg_arena_poke (core->anal->reg, saved_arena);
2258 			R_FREE (saved_arena);
2259 		}
2260 	}
2261 	core->anal->stackptr = saved_stackptr;
2262 }
fold_asm_trace(RCore * core,RAGraph * g)2264 static void fold_asm_trace(RCore *core, RAGraph *g) {
2265 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
2266 	RGraphNode *gn;
2267 	RListIter *it;
2268 	RANode *n;
2270 	RANode *curnode = get_anode (g->curnode);
2271 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
2272 		if (curnode == n) {
2273 			n->is_mini = false;
2274 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
2275 			continue;
2276 		}
2277 		ut64 addr = r_num_get (NULL, n->title);
2278 		RDebugTracepoint *tp = r_debug_trace_get (core->dbg, addr);
2279 		n->is_mini = (tp == NULL);
2280 	}
2281 	g->need_update_dim = 1;
2282 	//agraph_refresh (r_cons_singleton ()->event_data);
2283 }
delete_dup_edges(RAGraph * g)2285 static void delete_dup_edges (RAGraph *g) {
2286 	RListIter *it, *in_it, *in_it2, *in_it2_tmp;
2287 	RGraphNode *n, *a, *b;
2288 	r_list_foreach (g->graph->nodes, it, n) {
2289 		r_list_foreach (n->out_nodes, in_it, a) {
2290 			for (in_it2 = in_it->n; in_it2 && (b = in_it2->data, in_it2_tmp = in_it2->n, 1); in_it2 = in_it2_tmp) {
2291 				if (a->idx == b->idx) {
2292 					r_list_delete (n->out_nodes, in_it2);
2293 					r_list_delete_data (n->all_neighbours, b);
2294 					r_list_delete_data (b->in_nodes, n);
2295 					r_list_delete_data (b->all_neighbours, n);
2296 					g->graph->n_edges--;
2297 				}
2298 			}
2299 		}
2300 	}
2301 }
isbbfew(RAnalBlock * curbb,RAnalBlock * bb)2303 static bool isbbfew(RAnalBlock *curbb, RAnalBlock *bb) {
2304 	if (bb->addr == curbb->addr || bb->addr == curbb->jump || bb->addr == curbb->fail) {
2305 		// do nothing
2306 		return true;
2307 	}
2308 	if (curbb->switch_op) {
2309 		RListIter *it;
2310 		RAnalCaseOp *cop;
2311 		r_list_foreach (curbb->switch_op->cases, it, cop) {
2312 			if (cop->addr == bb->addr) {
2313 				return true;
2314 			}
2315 		}
2316 	}
2317 	return false;
2318 }
2320 /* build the RGraph inside the RAGraph g, starting from the Basic Blocks */
get_bbnodes(RAGraph * g,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)2321 static int get_bbnodes(RAGraph *g, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
2322 	RAnalBlock *bb;
2323 	RListIter *iter;
2324 	char *shortcut = NULL;
2325 	int shortcuts = 0;
2326 	bool emu = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.emu");
2327 	bool few = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.few");
2328 	int ret = false;
2329 	ut64 saved_gp = core->anal->gp;
2330 	ut8 *saved_arena = NULL;
2331 	int saved_stackptr = core->anal->stackptr;
2332 	core->keep_asmqjmps = false;
2334 	if (!fcn) {
2335 		return false;
2336 	}
2337 	if (emu) {
2338 		saved_arena = r_reg_arena_peek (core->anal->reg);
2339 	}
2340 	r_list_sort (fcn->bbs, (RListComparator) bbcmp);
2341 	RAnalBlock *curbb = NULL;
2342 	if (few) {
2343 		r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, iter, bb) {
2344 			if (!curbb) {
2345 				curbb = bb;
2346 			}
2347 			if (r_anal_block_contains (bb, core->offset)) {
2348 				curbb = bb;
2349 				break;
2350 			}
2351 		}
2352 	}
2354 	core->keep_asmqjmps = false;
2355 	r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, iter, bb) {
2356 		if (bb->addr == UT64_MAX) {
2357 			continue;
2358 		}
2359 		if (few && !isbbfew (curbb, bb)) {
2360 			continue;
2361 		}
2362 		char *body = get_bb_body (core, bb, mode2opts (g), fcn, emu, saved_gp, saved_arena);
2363 		char *title = get_title (bb->addr);
2364 		char *color = (bb->color.r || bb->color.g || bb->color.b)? r_cons_rgb_str (NULL, -1, &bb->color): NULL;
2365 		RANode *node = r_agraph_add_node (g, title, body, color);
2366 		free (color);
2367 		shortcuts = g->is_interactive ? r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.nodejmps") : false;
2369 		if (shortcuts) {
2370 			shortcut = r_core_add_asmqjmp (core, bb->addr);
2371 			if (shortcut) {
2372 				sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.shortcut", title), shortcut, 0);
2373 				free (shortcut);
2374 			}
2375 		}
2376 		free (body);
2377 		free (title);
2378 		if (!node) {
2379 			goto cleanup;
2380 		}
2381 		core->keep_asmqjmps = true;
2382 	}
2384 	r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, iter, bb) {
2385 		if (bb->addr == UT64_MAX) {
2386 			continue;
2387 		}
2388 		if (few && !isbbfew (curbb, bb)) {
2389 			continue;
2390 		}
2392 		char *title = get_title (bb->addr);
2393 		RANode *u = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
2394 		RANode *v;
2395 		free (title);
2396 		if (bb->jump != UT64_MAX) {
2397 			title = get_title (bb->jump);
2398 			v = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
2399 			free (title);
2400 			r_agraph_add_edge (g, u, v);
2401 		}
2402 		if (bb->fail != UT64_MAX) {
2403 			title = get_title (bb->fail);
2404 			v = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
2405 			free (title);
2406 			r_agraph_add_edge (g, u, v);
2407 		}
2408 		if (bb->switch_op) {
2409 			RListIter *it;
2410 			RAnalCaseOp *cop;
2411 			r_list_foreach (bb->switch_op->cases, it, cop) {
2412 				title = get_title (cop->addr);
2413 				v = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
2414 				free (title);
2415 				r_agraph_add_edge (g, u, v);
2416 			}
2417 		}
2418 	}
2420 	delete_dup_edges (g);
2421 	ret = true;
2423 cleanup:
2424 	if (emu) {
2425 		core->anal->gp = saved_gp;
2426 		if (saved_arena) {
2427 			r_reg_arena_poke (core->anal->reg, saved_arena);
2428 			R_FREE (saved_arena);
2429 		}
2430 	}
2431 	core->anal->stackptr = saved_stackptr;
2432 	return ret;
2433 }
2435 /* build the RGraph inside the RAGraph g, starting from the Call Graph
2436  * information */
get_cgnodes(RAGraph * g,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)2437 static bool get_cgnodes(RAGraph *g, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
2438 	RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
2439 	RANode *node, *fcn_anode;
2440 	RListIter *iter;
2441 	RAnalRef *ref;
2442 	RList *refs;
2443 	if (!f) {
2444 		return false;
2445 	}
2446 	if (!fcn) {
2447 		fcn = f;
2448 	}
2450 	r_core_seek (core, f->addr, true);
2452 	char *title = get_title (fcn->addr);
2453 	fcn_anode = r_agraph_add_node (g, title, "", NULL);
2455 	free (title);
2456 	if (!fcn_anode) {
2457 		return false;
2458 	}
2460 	fcn_anode->x = 10;
2461 	fcn_anode->y = 3;
2463 	refs = r_anal_function_get_refs (fcn);
2464 	r_list_foreach (refs, iter, ref) {
2465 		title = get_title (ref->addr);
2466 		if (r_agraph_get_node (g, title) != NULL) {
2467 			continue;
2468 		}
2469 		free (title);
2471 		int size = 0;
2472 		RAnalBlock *bb = r_anal_bb_from_offset (core->anal, ref->addr);
2473 		if (bb) {
2474 			size = bb->size;
2475 		}
2477 		char *body = get_body (core, ref->addr, size, mode2opts (g));
2478 		title = get_title (ref->addr);
2480 		node = r_agraph_add_node (g, title, body, NULL);
2481 		if (!node) {
2482 			return false;
2483 		}
2485 		free (title);
2486 		free (body);
2488 		node->x = 10;
2489 		node->y = 10;
2491 		r_agraph_add_edge (g, fcn_anode, node);
2492 	}
2493 	r_list_free (refs);
2495 	return true;
2496 }
reload_nodes(RAGraph * g,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)2498 static bool reload_nodes(RAGraph *g, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
2499 	const bool is_c = g->is_callgraph;
2500 	return is_c? get_cgnodes (g, core, fcn): get_bbnodes (g, core, fcn);
2501 }
update_seek(RConsCanvas * can,RANode * n,int force)2503 static void update_seek(RConsCanvas *can, RANode *n, int force) {
2504 	if (!n) {
2505 		return;
2506 	}
2507 	int x = n->x + can->sx;
2508 	int y = n->y + can->sy;
2509 	int w = can->w;
2510 	int h = can->h;
2512 	const bool doscroll = force || y < 0 || y + 5 > h || x + 5 > w || x + n->w + 5 < 0;
2513 	if (doscroll) {
2514 		if (n->w > w) { //too big for centering
2515 			can->sx = -n->x;
2516 		} else {
2517 			can->sx = -n->x - n->w / 2 + w / 2;
2518 		}
2519 		if (n->h > h) { //too big for centering
2520 			can->sy = -n->y;
2521 		} else {
2522 			can->sy = -n->y - n->h / 8 + h / 4;
2523 		}
2524 	}
2525 }
is_near(const RANode * n,int x,int y,int is_next)2527 static int is_near(const RANode *n, int x, int y, int is_next) {
2528 	if (is_next) {
2529 		return (n->y == y && n->x > x) || n->y > y;
2530 	}
2531 	return (n->y == y && n->x < x) || n->y < y;
2532 }
2534 /// XXX is wrong
is_near_h(const RANode * n,int x,int y,int is_next)2535 static int is_near_h(const RANode *n, int x, int y, int is_next) {
2536 	if (is_next) {
2537 		return (n->x == x && n->y > y) || n->x > x;
2538 	}
2539 	return (n->x == x && n->y < y) || n->x < x;
2540 }
find_near_of(const RAGraph * g,const RGraphNode * cur,int is_next)2542 static const RGraphNode *find_near_of(const RAGraph *g, const RGraphNode *cur, int is_next) {
2543 	/* XXX: it's slow */
2544 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
2545 	const RListIter *it;
2546 	const RGraphNode *gn, *resgn = NULL;
2547 	const RANode *n, *acur = cur? get_anode (cur): NULL;
2548 	const int default_v = is_next? INT_MIN: INT_MAX;
2549 	const int start_x = acur? acur->x: default_v;
2550 	const int start_y = acur? acur->y: default_v;
2552 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
2553 		// tab in horizontal layout is not correct, lets force vertical nextnode for now (g->layout == 0)
2554 		bool isNear = true
2555 		              ? is_near (n, start_x, start_y, is_next)
2556 			      : is_near_h (n, start_x, start_y, is_next);
2557 		if (isNear) {
2558 			const RANode *resn;
2560 			if (!resgn) {
2561 				resgn = gn;
2562 				continue;
2563 			}
2565 			resn = get_anode (resgn);
2566 			if ((is_next && resn->y > n->y) || (!is_next && resn->y < n->y)) {
2567 				resgn = gn;
2568 			} else if ((is_next && resn->y == n->y && resn->x > n->x) ||
2569 			           (!is_next && resn->y == n->y && resn->x < n->x)) {
2570 				resgn = gn;
2571 			}
2572 		}
2573 	}
2574 	if (!resgn && cur) {
2575 		resgn = find_near_of (g, NULL, is_next);
2576 	}
2577 	return resgn;
2578 }
update_graph_sizes(RAGraph * g)2580 static void update_graph_sizes(RAGraph *g) {
2581 	RListIter *it;
2582 	RGraphNode *gk;
2583 	RANode *ak, *min_gn, *max_gn;
2584 	int max_x, max_y;
2585 	int delta_x, delta_y;
2586 	AEdge *e;
2588 	g->x = g->y = INT_MAX;
2589 	max_x = max_y = INT_MIN;
2590 	min_gn = max_gn = NULL;
2592 	graph_foreach_anode (r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph), it, gk, ak) {
2593 		const RList *nd = NULL;
2594 		int len;
2595 		if (ak->x < g->x) {
2596 			g->x = ak->x;
2597 		}
2599 		nd = r_graph_innodes (g->graph, gk);
2600 		len = nd ? r_list_length (nd) + 1 : 0;
2601 		if (ak->y - len < g->y) {
2602 			g->y = ak->y - len;
2603 			min_gn = ak;
2604 		}
2606 		if (ak->x + ak->w > max_x) {
2607 			max_x = ak->x + ak->w;
2608 		}
2610 		nd = NULL;
2611 		nd = r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, gk);
2612 		len = nd ? r_list_length (nd) + 2 : 0;
2613 		if (ak->y + ak->h + len > max_y) {
2614 			max_y = ak->y + ak->h + len;
2615 			max_gn = ak;
2616 		}
2617 	}
2618 	/* while calculating the graph size, take into account long edges */
2619 	r_list_foreach (g->edges, it, e) {
2620 		RListIter *kt;
2621 		void *vv;
2622 		int v;
2623 		if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
2624 			break;
2625 		}
2626 		r_list_foreach (e->x, kt, vv) {
2627 			v = (int) (size_t) vv;
2628 			if (v < g->x) {
2629 				g->x = v;
2630 			}
2631 			if (v + 1 > max_x) {
2632 				max_x = v + 1;
2633 			}
2634 		}
2635 		r_list_foreach (e->y, kt, vv) {
2636 			v = (int) (size_t) vv;
2637 			if (v < g->y) {
2638 				g->y = v;
2639 			}
2640 			if (v + 1 > max_y) {
2641 				max_y = v + 1;
2642 			}
2643 		}
2644 	}
2645 	r_cons_break_pop ();
2647 	if (min_gn) {
2648 		const RList *neigh = r_graph_innodes (g->graph, min_gn->gnode);
2649 		if (r_list_length (neigh) > 0) {
2650 			g->y--;
2651 			max_y++;
2652 		}
2653 		if (max_gn) {
2654 			const RList *neigh = r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, min_gn->gnode);
2655 			if (r_list_length (neigh) > 0) {
2656 				max_y++;
2657 			}
2658 		}
2659 	}
2661 	if (g->x != INT_MAX && g->y != INT_MAX) {
2662 		g->w = max_x - g->x;
2663 		if (g->title) {
2664 			size_t len = strlen (g->title);
2665 			if (len > INT_MAX) {
2666 				g->w = INT_MAX;
2667 			}
2668 			if ((int) len > g->w) {
2669 				g->w = len;
2670 			}
2671 		}
2672 		g->h = max_y - g->y;
2673 	} else {
2674 		g->x = g->y = 0;
2675 		g->w = g->h = 0;
2676 	}
2678 	sdb_num_set (g->db, "agraph.w", g->w, 0);
2679 	sdb_num_set (g->db, "agraph.h", g->h, 0);
2680 	/* delta_x, delta_y are needed to make every other x,y coordinates
2681 	 * unsigned, so that we can use sdb_num_ API */
2682 	delta_x = g->x < 0? -g->x: 0;
2683 	delta_y = g->y < 0? -g->y: 0;
2684 	sdb_num_set (g->db, "agraph.delta_x", delta_x, 0);
2685 	sdb_num_set (g->db, "agraph.delta_y", delta_y, 0);
2686 }
r_agraph_set_curnode(RAGraph * g,RANode * a)2688 R_API void r_agraph_set_curnode(RAGraph *g, RANode *a) {
2689 	if (!a) {
2690 		return;
2691 	}
2692 	g->curnode = a->gnode;
2693 	if (a->title) {
2694 		sdb_set (g->db, "agraph.curnode", a->title, 0);
2695 		if (g->on_curnode_change) {
2696 			g->on_curnode_change (a, g->on_curnode_change_data);
2697 		}
2698 	}
2699 }
rebase(RAGraph * g,int v)2701 static ut64 rebase(RAGraph *g, int v) {
2702 	return g->x < 0? -g->x + v: v;
2703 }
agraph_set_layout(RAGraph * g)2705 static void agraph_set_layout(RAGraph *g) {
2706 	RListIter *it;
2707 	RGraphNode *n;
2708 	RANode *a;
2710 	set_layout (g);
2712 	update_graph_sizes (g);
2713 	graph_foreach_anode (r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph), it, n, a) {
2714 		if (a->is_dummy) {
2715 			continue;
2716 		}
2717 		const char *k;
2718 		k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.x", a->title);
2719 		sdb_num_set (g->db, k, rebase (g, a->x), 0);
2720 		k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.y", a->title);
2721 		sdb_num_set (g->db, k, rebase (g, a->y), 0);
2722 		k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.w", a->title);
2723 		sdb_num_set (g->db, k, a->w, 0);
2724 		k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.h", a->title);
2725 		sdb_num_set (g->db, k, a->h, 0);
2726 	}
2727 }
2729 /* set the willing to center the screen on a particular node */
agraph_update_seek(RAGraph * g,RANode * n,int force)2730 static void agraph_update_seek(RAGraph *g, RANode *n, int force) {
2731 	g->update_seek_on = n;
2732 	g->force_update_seek = force;
2733 }
agraph_print_node(const RAGraph * g,RANode * n)2735 static void agraph_print_node(const RAGraph *g, RANode *n) {
2736 	if (n->is_dummy) {
2737 		return;
2738 	}
2739 	const int cur = g->curnode && get_anode (g->curnode) == n;
2740 	const bool isMini = is_mini (g);
2741 	if (g->is_tiny) {
2742 		tiny_RANode_print (g, n, cur);
2743 	} else if (isMini || n->is_mini) {
2744 		mini_RANode_print (g, n, cur, isMini);
2745 	} else {
2746 		normal_RANode_print (g, n, cur);
2747 	}
2748 }
agraph_print_nodes(const RAGraph * g)2750 static void agraph_print_nodes(const RAGraph *g) {
2751 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
2752 	RGraphNode *gn;
2753 	RListIter *it;
2754 	RANode *n;
2756 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, it, gn, n) {
2757 		if (gn != g->curnode) {
2758 			agraph_print_node (g, n);
2759 		}
2760 	}
2762 	/* draw current node now to make it appear on top */
2763 	if (g->curnode) {
2764 		agraph_print_node (g, get_anode (g->curnode));
2765 	}
2766 }
2768 struct tmplayer {
2769 	int layer;
2770 	int edgectr;
2771 	int revedgectr;
2772 	int minx;
2773 	int maxx;
2774 };
2775 struct tmpbackedgeinfo {
2776 	int ax;
2777 	int ay;
2778 	int bx;
2779 	int by;
2780 	int edgectr;
2781 	int fromlayer;
2782 	int tolayer;
2783 	RCanvasLineStyle style;
2784 };
tmplayercmp(const void * a,const void * b)2786 int tmplayercmp (const void *a, const void *b) {
2787 	return ((struct tmplayer *)a)->layer > ((struct tmplayer *)b)->layer;
2788 }
agraph_print_edges_simple(RAGraph * g)2790 static void agraph_print_edges_simple(RAGraph *g) {
2791 	RCanvasLineStyle style = {0};
2792 	RANode *n, *n2;
2793 	RGraphNode *gn, *gn2;
2794 	RListIter *iter, *iter2;
2795 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
2796 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, iter, gn, n) {
2797 		const RList *outnodes = n->gnode->out_nodes;
2798 		graph_foreach_anode (outnodes, iter2, gn2, n2) {
2799 			int sx = n->w / 2;
2800 			int sy = n->h;
2801 			int sx2 = n2->w / 2;
2802 			if (g->is_tiny) {
2803 				sx = 0;
2804 				sy = 0;
2805 				sx2 = 0;
2806 			}
2807 			// TODO: better alignments here
2808 			r_cons_canvas_line (g->can,
2809 				n->x + sx, n->y + sy,
2810 				n2->x + sx2, n2->y, &style);
2812 			if (n2->is_dummy) {
2813 				r_cons_canvas_line (g->can,
2814 					n2->x + sx2, n2->y - 1,
2815 					n2->x + sx2, n2->y + n2->h, &style);
2816 			}
2817 		}
2818 	}
2819 }
first_x_cmp(const void * _a,const void * _b)2821 static int first_x_cmp (const void *_a, const void *_b) {
2822 	RGraphNode *ga = (RGraphNode *)_a;
2823 	RGraphNode *gb = (RGraphNode *)_b;
2824 	RANode *a = (RANode*) ga->data;
2825 	RANode *b = (RANode*) gb->data;
2826 	if (b->y < a->y) {
2827 		return -1;
2828 	}
2829 	if (b->y > a->y) {
2830 		return 1;
2831 	}
2832 	if (a->x < b->x) {
2833 		return 1;
2834 	}
2835 	if (a->x > b->x) {
2836 		return -1;
2837 	}
2838 	return 0;
2839 }
agraph_print_edges(RAGraph * g)2841 static void agraph_print_edges(RAGraph *g) {
2842 	if (!g->edgemode) {
2843 		return;
2844 	}
2845 	if (g->edgemode == 1) {
2846 		agraph_print_edges_simple (g);
2847 		return;
2848 	}
2849 	int out_nth, in_nth, bendpoint;
2850 	RListIter *itn, *itm, *ito;
2851 	RCanvasLineStyle style = {0};
2852 	const RList *nodes = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
2853 	RGraphNode *ga;
2854 	RANode *a;
2856 	RList *lyr = r_list_new ();
2857 	RList *bckedges = r_list_new ();
2858 	struct tmplayer *tl, *tm;
2860 	graph_foreach_anode (nodes, itm, ga, a) {
2861 		const RGraphNode *gb;
2862 		RANode *b;
2863 		RList *neighbours = (RList *)r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, ga);
2864 		int ax, ay, bx, by, a_x_inc, b_x_inc;
2865 		tl = tm = NULL;
2866 		if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
2867 			break;
2868 		}
2870 		r_list_foreach (lyr, ito, tl) {
2871 			if (tl->layer == a->layer) {
2872 				tm = tl;
2873 				if (g->layout == 0) { //vertical layout
2874 					if (tm->minx > a->x) {
2875 						tm->minx = a->x;
2876 					}
2877 					if (tm->maxx < a->x + a->w) {
2878 						tm->maxx = a->x + a->w;
2879 					}
2880 				} else {
2881 					if (tm->minx > a->y) {
2882 						tm->minx = a->y;
2883 					}
2884 					if (tm->maxx < a->y + a->h) {
2885 						tm->maxx = a->y + a->h;
2886 					}
2887 				}
2888 				break;
2889 			}
2890 		}
2892 		if (!tm) {
2893 			tm = R_NEW0 (struct tmplayer);
2894 			if (tm) {
2895 				tm->layer = a->layer;
2896 				tm->edgectr = 0;
2897 				tm->revedgectr = 0;
2898 				if (g->layout == 0) { //vertical layout
2899 					tm->minx = a->x;
2900 					tm->maxx = a->x + a->w;
2901 				} else {
2902 					tm->minx = a->y;
2903 					tm->maxx = a->y + a->h;
2904 				}
2905 				r_list_add_sorted (lyr, tm, tmplayercmp);
2906 			}
2907 		}
2909 		bool many = r_list_length (neighbours) > 2;
2911 		if (many && !g->is_callgraph) {
2912 			ga->out_nodes->sorted = false;
2913 			r_list_sort (neighbours, first_x_cmp);
2914 		}
2916 		graph_foreach_anode (neighbours, itn, gb, b) {
2917 			out_nth = get_edge_number (g, a, b, true);
2918 			in_nth = get_edge_number (g, a, b, false);
2920 			bool parent_many = false;
2921 			if (a->is_dummy) {
2922 				RANode *in = (RANode *) (((RGraphNode *)r_list_first (ga->in_nodes))->data);
2923 				while (in && in->is_dummy) {
2924 					in = (RANode *) (((RGraphNode *)r_list_first ((in->gnode)->in_nodes))->data);
2925 				}
2926 				if (in && in->gnode) {
2927 					parent_many = r_list_length (in->gnode->out_nodes) > 2;
2928 				} else {
2929 					parent_many = false;
2930 				}
2931 			}
2933 			style.dot_style = DOT_STYLE_NORMAL;
2934 			if (many || parent_many) {
2935 				style.color = LINE_UNCJMP;
2936 			} else {
2937 				switch (out_nth) {
2938 				case 0:
2939 					style.color = LINE_TRUE;
2940 					style.dot_style = DOT_STYLE_CONDITIONAL;
2941 					break;
2942 				case 1:
2943 					style.color = LINE_FALSE;
2944 					style.dot_style = DOT_STYLE_CONDITIONAL;
2945 					break;
2946 				case -1:
2947 					style.color = LINE_UNCJMP;
2948 					break;
2949 				default:
2950 					style.color = LINE_NONE;
2951 					break;
2952 				}
2953 			}
2955 			switch (g->layout) {
2956 			case 0:
2957 			default:
2958 				style.symbol = (!g->hints || a->is_dummy) ? LINE_NOSYM_VERT : style.color;
2959 				if (a->y + a->h > b->y) {
2960 					style.dot_style = DOT_STYLE_BACKEDGE;
2961 				}
2963 				a_x_inc = R_EDGES_X_INC + 2 * (out_nth + 1);
2964 				b_x_inc = R_EDGES_X_INC + 2 * (in_nth + 1);
2966 				bx = b->is_dummy ? b->x : (b->x + b_x_inc);
2967 				ay = a->y + a->h;
2968 				by = b->y - 1;
2970 				if (many && !g->is_callgraph) {
2971 					int t = R_EDGES_X_INC + 2 * (neighbours->length + 1);
2972 					ax = a->is_dummy ? a->x : (a->x + a->w/2 + (t/2 - a_x_inc));
2973 					bendpoint = bx < ax ? neighbours->length - out_nth :  out_nth;
2974 				} else {
2975 					ax = a->is_dummy ? a->x : (a->x + a_x_inc);
2976 					bendpoint = tm->edgectr;
2977 				}
2979 				if (!a->is_dummy && itn == neighbours->head && out_nth == 0 && bx > ax) {
2980 					ax += (many && !g->is_callgraph) ? 0 : 4;
2981 				}
2982 				if (a->h < a->layer_height) {
2983 					r_cons_canvas_line (g->can, ax, ay, ax, ay + a->layer_height - a->h, &style);
2984 					ay = a->y + a->layer_height;
2985 					style.symbol = LINE_NOSYM_VERT;
2986 				}
2987 				if (by >= ay) {
2988 					r_cons_canvas_line_square_defined (g->can, ax, ay, bx, by, &style, bendpoint, true);
2989 				} else {
2990 					struct tmpbackedgeinfo *tmp = calloc (1, sizeof (struct tmpbackedgeinfo));
2991 					tmp->ax = ax;
2992 					tmp->bx = bx;
2993 					tmp->ay = ay;
2994 					tmp->by = by;
2995 					tmp->edgectr = bendpoint;
2996 					tmp->fromlayer = a->layer;
2997 					tmp->tolayer = b->layer;
2998 					tmp->style = style;
2999 					r_list_append (bckedges, tmp);
3000 				}
3001 				if (b->is_dummy) {
3002 					style.symbol = LINE_NOSYM_VERT;
3003 					r_cons_canvas_line (g->can, bx, by, bx, b->y + b->h, &style);
3004 				}
3005 				if (b->x != a->x || b->layer <= a->layer || (!a->is_dummy && b->is_dummy) || (a->is_dummy && !b->is_dummy)) {
3006 					if (tm) {
3007 						tm->edgectr++;
3008 					}
3009 				}
3010 				break;
3011 			case 1:
3012 				style.symbol = (!g->hints || a->is_dummy) ? LINE_NOSYM_HORIZ : style.color;
3013 				if (a->x + a->w > b->x) {
3014 					style.dot_style = DOT_STYLE_BACKEDGE;
3015 				}
3017 				ax = a->x;
3018 				if (g->zoom > 0) {
3019 					ax += a->w;
3020 				} else {
3021 					ax ++;
3022 				}
3023 				ay = a->y;
3024 				if (!a->is_dummy && g->zoom > 0) {
3025 					ay += R_EDGES_X_INC + out_nth;
3026 				}
3027 				bx = b->x - 1;
3028 				by = b->y;
3029 				if (!b->is_dummy && g->zoom > 0) {
3030 					by += R_EDGES_X_INC + out_nth;
3031 				}
3033 				if (a->w < a->layer_width) {
3034 					r_cons_canvas_line_square_defined (g->can, ax, ay, a->x + a->layer_width, ay, &style, 0, false);
3035 					ax = a->x;
3036 					if (g->zoom > 1) {
3037 						ax += a->layer_width;
3038 					} else {
3039 						ax += 1;
3040 					}
3041 					style.symbol = LINE_NOSYM_HORIZ;
3042 				}
3043 				if (bx >= ax) {
3044 					r_cons_canvas_line_square_defined (g->can, ax, ay, bx, by, &style, tm->edgectr, false);
3045 				} else {
3046 					struct tmpbackedgeinfo *tmp = calloc (1, sizeof (struct tmpbackedgeinfo));
3047 					if (tmp) {
3048 						tmp->ax = ax;
3049 						tmp->bx = bx;
3050 						tmp->ay = ay;
3051 						tmp->by = by;
3052 						tmp->edgectr = tm->edgectr;
3053 						tmp->fromlayer = a->layer;
3054 						tmp->tolayer = b->layer;
3055 						tmp->style = style;
3056 						r_list_append (bckedges, tmp);
3057 					}
3058 				}
3059 				if (b->is_dummy) {
3060 					style.symbol = LINE_NOSYM_HORIZ;
3061 					r_cons_canvas_line_square_defined (g->can, bx, by, bx + b->layer_width, by, &style, 0, false);
3062 				}
3063 				if ((b->y == a->y && b->h != a->h) || b->y != a->y || b->layer <= a->layer || (!a->is_dummy && b->is_dummy) || (a->is_dummy && !b->is_dummy)) {
3064 					tm->edgectr += 1;
3065 				}
3066 				break;
3067 			}
3068 		}
3069 	}
3071 	struct tmpbackedgeinfo *temp;
3072 	r_list_foreach (bckedges, itm, temp) {
3073 		int leftlen, rightlen;
3074 		int minx = 0, maxx = 0;
3075 		struct tmplayer *tt = NULL;
3076 		tl = r_list_get_n (lyr, temp->fromlayer);
3077 		if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
3078 			break;
3079 		}
3081 		r_list_foreach (lyr, ito, tl) {
3082 			if (tl->layer <= temp->tolayer) {
3083 				tt = tl;
3084 				minx = tl->minx;
3085 				maxx = tl->maxx;
3086 				continue;
3087 			}
3088 			minx = minx < tl->minx ? minx : tl->minx;
3089 			maxx = maxx > tl->maxx ? maxx : tl->maxx;
3090 			if (tl->layer >= temp->fromlayer) {
3091 				break;
3092 			}
3093 		}
3095 		if (tt) {
3096 			tt->revedgectr += 1;
3097 		}
3098 		if (g->layout == 0) {
3099 			leftlen = (temp->ax - minx) + (temp->bx - minx);
3100 			rightlen = (maxx - temp->ax) + (maxx - temp->bx);
3101 		} else {
3102 			leftlen = (temp->ay - minx) + (temp->by - minx);
3103 			rightlen = (maxx - temp->ay) + (maxx - temp->by);
3104 		}
3106 		if (tt) {
3107 			int arg = (rightlen < leftlen)? maxx + 1: minx - 1;
3108 			r_cons_canvas_line_back_edge (g->can, temp->ax, temp->ay, temp->bx, temp->by, &(temp->style), temp->edgectr, arg, tt->revedgectr, !g->layout);
3109 		}
3111 		r_list_foreach (lyr, ito, tl) {
3112 			if (tl->layer < temp->tolayer) {
3113 				continue;
3114 			}
3115 			if (rightlen < leftlen) {
3116 				tl->maxx = maxx + 1;
3117 			} else {
3118 				tl->minx = minx - 1;
3119 			}
3120 			if (tl->layer >= temp->fromlayer) {
3121 				break;
3122 			}
3123 		}
3124 	}
3126 	r_list_foreach (lyr, ito, tl) {
3127 		free (tl);
3128 	}
3130 	r_list_foreach (bckedges, ito, tl) {
3131 		free (tl);
3132 	}
3134 	r_list_free (lyr);
3135 	r_list_free (bckedges);
3136 	r_cons_break_pop ();
3137 }
agraph_toggle_callgraph(RAGraph * g)3139 static void agraph_toggle_callgraph(RAGraph *g) {
3140 	g->is_callgraph = !g->is_callgraph;
3141 	g->need_reload_nodes = true;
3142 	g->force_update_seek = true;
3143 }
agraph_set_zoom(RAGraph * g,int v)3145 static void agraph_set_zoom(RAGraph *g, int v) {
3146 	if (v >= -10) {
3147 		g->is_tiny = false;
3148 		if (v == 0) {
3149 			g->mode = R_AGRAPH_MODE_MINI;
3150 		} else if (v < 0) {
3151 			g->mode = R_AGRAPH_MODE_TINY;
3152 			g->is_tiny = true;
3153 		} else {
3154 			g->mode = R_AGRAPH_MODE_NORMAL;
3155 		}
3156 		const int K = 920;
3157 		if (g->zoom < v) {
3158 			g->can->sy = (g->can->sy * K) / 1000;
3159 		}
3160 		else {
3161 			g->can->sy = (g->can->sy * 1000) / K;
3162 		}
3163 		g->zoom = v;
3164 		g->need_update_dim = true;
3165 		g->need_set_layout = true;
3166 	}
3167 }
3169 /* reload all the info in the nodes, depending on the type of the graph
3170  * (callgraph, CFG, etc.), set the default layout for these nodes and center
3171  * the screen on the selected one */
agraph_reload_nodes(RAGraph * g,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)3172 static bool agraph_reload_nodes(RAGraph *g, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
3173 	r_agraph_reset (g);
3174 	return reload_nodes (g, core, fcn);
3175 }
follow_nth(RAGraph * g,int nth)3177 static void follow_nth(RAGraph *g, int nth) {
3178 	const RGraphNode *cn = r_graph_nth_neighbour (g->graph, g->curnode, nth);
3179 	RANode *a = get_anode (cn);
3181 	while (a && a->is_dummy) {
3182 		cn = r_graph_nth_neighbour (g->graph, a->gnode, 0);
3183 		a = get_anode (cn);
3184 	}
3185 	if (a) {
3186 		r_agraph_set_curnode (g, a);
3187 	}
3188 }
move_current_node(RAGraph * g,int xdiff,int ydiff)3190 static void move_current_node(RAGraph *g, int xdiff, int ydiff) {
3191 	RANode *n = get_anode (g->curnode);
3192 	if (n) {
3193 		if (is_tiny (g)) {
3194 			xdiff = NORMALIZE_MOV (xdiff);
3195 			ydiff = NORMALIZE_MOV (ydiff);
3196 		}
3197 		n->x += xdiff;
3198 		n->y += ydiff;
3199 	}
3200 }
3203 #define K_NEIGHBOURS(x) (sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.neighbours", x->title))
agraph_merge_child(RAGraph * g,int idx)3204 static void agraph_merge_child(RAGraph *g, int idx) {
3205 	const RGraphNode *nn = r_graph_nth_neighbour (g->graph, g->curnode, idx);
3206 	const RGraphNode *cn = g->curnode;
3207 	if (cn && nn) {
3208 		RANode *ann = get_anode (nn);
3209 		RANode *acn = get_anode (cn);
3210 		acn->body = r_str_append (acn->body, ann->title);
3211 		acn->body = r_str_append (acn->body, "\n");
3212 		acn->body = r_str_append (acn->body, ann->body);
3213 		/* remove node from the graph */
3214 		acn->h += ann->h - 3;
3215 		free (ann->body);
3216 		// TODO: do not merge nodes if those have edges targeting them
3217 		// TODO: Add children neighbours to current one
3218 		// nn->body
3219 		// r_agraph_set_curnode (g, get_anode (cn));
3220 		// agraph_refresh (grd);
3221 		// r_agraph_add_edge (g, from, to);
3222 		char *neis = sdb_get (g->db, K_NEIGHBOURS (ann), 0);
3223 		if (neis) {
3224 			sdb_set_owned (g->db, K_NEIGHBOURS (ann), neis, 0);
3225 			r_agraph_del_node (g, ann->title);
3226 			agraph_print_nodes (g);
3227 			agraph_print_edges (g);
3228 		}
3229 	}
3230 	// agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), false);
3231 }
3232 #endif
agraph_toggle_tiny(RAGraph * g)3234 static void agraph_toggle_tiny (RAGraph *g) {
3235 	g->is_tiny = !g->is_tiny;
3236 	g->need_update_dim = 1;
3237 	agraph_refresh (r_cons_singleton ()->event_data);
3238 	agraph_set_layout ((RAGraph *) g);
3239 	//remove_dummy_nodes (g);
3240 }
agraph_toggle_mini(RAGraph * g)3242 static void agraph_toggle_mini(RAGraph *g) {
3243 	RANode *n = get_anode (g->curnode);
3244 	if (n) {
3245 		n->is_mini = !n->is_mini;
3246 	}
3247 	g->need_update_dim = 1;
3248 	agraph_refresh (r_cons_singleton ()->event_data);
3249 	agraph_set_layout ((RAGraph *) g);
3250 }
agraph_follow_innodes(RAGraph * g,bool in)3252 static void agraph_follow_innodes(RAGraph *g, bool in) {
3253 	int count = 0;
3254 	RListIter *iter;
3255 	RANode *an = get_anode (g->curnode);
3256 	if (!an) {
3257 		return;
3258 	}
3259 	const RList *list = in? an->gnode->in_nodes: an->gnode->out_nodes;
3260 	int nth = -1;
3261 	if (r_list_length (list) == 0) {
3262 		return;
3263 	}
3264 	r_cons_gotoxy (0, 2);
3265 	r_cons_printf (in? "Input nodes:\n": "Output nodes:\n");
3266 	RList *options = r_list_newf (NULL);
3267 	RList *gnodes = in? an->gnode->in_nodes: an->gnode->out_nodes;
3268 	RGraphNode *gn;
3269 	r_list_foreach (gnodes, iter, gn) {
3270 		RANode *an = get_anode (gn);
3271 		RGraphNode *gnn = agraph_get_title (g, an, in);
3272 		if (gnn) {
3273 			RANode *nnn = gnn->data;
3274 			RANode *o;
3275 			RListIter *iter2;
3276 			// avoid dupes
3277 			r_list_foreach (options, iter2, o) {
3278 				if (!strcmp (o->title, nnn->title)) {
3279 					continue;
3280 				}
3281 			}
3282 			r_cons_printf ("%d %s\n", count, nnn->title);
3283 			r_list_append (options, nnn);
3284 			count++;
3285 		}
3286 	}
3287 	r_cons_flush ();
3288 	if (r_list_length (list) == 1) {
3289 		nth = 0;
3290 	} else if (r_list_length (list) < 10) {
3291 		// just 1 key
3292 		char ch = r_cons_readchar ();
3293 		if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
3294 			nth =  ch - '0';
3295 		}
3296 	} else {
3297 		r_cons_show_cursor (true);
3298 		r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
3299 		char *nth_string = r_cons_input ("index> ");
3300 		nth = atoi (nth_string);
3301 		if (nth == 0 && *nth_string != '0') {
3302 			nth = -1;
3303 		}
3304 		free (nth_string);
3305 	}
3306 	if (nth != -1) {
3307 		RANode *selected_node = r_list_get_n (options, nth);
3308 		r_agraph_set_curnode (g, selected_node);
3309 	}
3310 	r_list_free (options);
3311 	agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), false);
3312 }
agraph_follow_true(RAGraph * g)3314 static void agraph_follow_true(RAGraph *g) {
3315 	follow_nth (g, 0);
3316 	agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), false);
3317 }
agraph_follow_false(RAGraph * g)3319 static void agraph_follow_false(RAGraph *g) {
3320 	follow_nth (g, 1);
3321 	agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), false);
3322 }
3324 /* seek the next node in visual order */
agraph_next_node(RAGraph * g)3325 static void agraph_next_node(RAGraph *g) {
3326 	RANode *a = get_anode (find_near_of (g, g->curnode, true));
3327 	while (a && a->is_dummy) {
3328 		a = get_anode (find_near_of (g, a->gnode, true));
3329 	}
3330 	r_agraph_set_curnode (g, a);
3331 	agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), false);
3332 }
3334 /* seek the previous node in visual order */
agraph_prev_node(RAGraph * g)3335 static void agraph_prev_node(RAGraph *g) {
3336 	RANode *a = get_anode (find_near_of (g, g->curnode, false));
3337 	while (a && a->is_dummy) {
3338 		a = get_anode (find_near_of (g, a->gnode, false));
3339 	}
3340 	r_agraph_set_curnode (g, a);
3341 	agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), false);
3342 }
agraph_update_title(RCore * core,RAGraph * g,RAnalFunction * fcn)3344 static void agraph_update_title(RCore *core, RAGraph *g, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
3345 	RANode *a = get_anode (g->curnode);
3346 	char *sig = r_core_cmd_str (core, "afcf");
3347 	char *new_title = r_str_newf (
3348 		"%s[0x%08"PFMT64x "]> %s # %s ",
3349 		graphCursor? "(cursor)": "",
3350 		fcn->addr, a? a->title: "", sig);
3351 	r_agraph_set_title (g, new_title);
3352 	free (new_title);
3353 	free (sig);
3354 }
3356 /* look for any change in the state of the graph
3357  * and update what's necessary */
check_changes(RAGraph * g,int is_interactive,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)3358 static bool check_changes(RAGraph *g, int is_interactive, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
3359 	int oldpos[2] = {
3360 		0, 0
3361 	};
3362 	if (g->need_reload_nodes && core) {
3363 		if (!g->update_seek_on && !g->force_update_seek) {
3364 			// save scroll here
3365 			oldpos[0] = g->can->sx;
3366 			oldpos[1] = g->can->sy;
3367 		}
3368 		if (!agraph_reload_nodes (g, core, fcn)) {
3369 			return false;
3370 		}
3371 	}
3372 	if (fcn) {
3373 		agraph_update_title (core, g, fcn);
3374 	}
3375 	if (core && core->config) {
3376 		if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.trace")) {
3377 			// fold all bbs not traced
3378 			fold_asm_trace (core, g);
3379 		}
3380 	}
3381 	if (g->need_update_dim || g->need_reload_nodes || !is_interactive) {
3382 		update_node_dimension (g->graph, is_mini (g), g->zoom, g->edgemode, g->is_callgraph, g->layout);
3383 	}
3384 	if (g->need_set_layout || g->need_reload_nodes || !is_interactive) {
3385 		agraph_set_layout (g);
3386 	}
3387 	if (core) {
3388 		ut64 off = r_anal_get_bbaddr (core->anal, core->offset);
3389 		if (off != UT64_MAX) {
3390 			char *title = get_title (off);
3391 			RANode *cur_anode = get_anode (g->curnode);
3392 			if (fcn && ((is_interactive && !cur_anode) || (cur_anode && strcmp (cur_anode->title, title)))) {
3393 				g->update_seek_on = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
3394 				if (g->update_seek_on) {
3395 					r_agraph_set_curnode (g, g->update_seek_on);
3396 					g->force_update_seek = true;
3397 				}
3398 			}
3399 			free (title);
3400 		}
3401 		g->can->color = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
3402 		g->hints = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.hints");
3403 	}
3404 	if (g->update_seek_on || g->force_update_seek) {
3405 		RANode *n = g->update_seek_on;
3406 		if (!n && g->curnode) {
3407 			n = get_anode (g->curnode);
3408 		}
3409 		if (n) {
3410 			update_seek (g->can, n, g->force_update_seek);
3411 		}
3412 	}
3413 	if (oldpos[0] || oldpos[1]) {
3414 		g->can->sx = oldpos[0];
3415 		g->can->sy = oldpos[1];
3416 	}
3417 	g->need_reload_nodes = false;
3418 	g->need_update_dim = false;
3419 	g->need_set_layout = false;
3420 	g->update_seek_on = NULL;
3421 	g->force_update_seek = false;
3422 	return true;
3423 }
agraph_print(RAGraph * g,int is_interactive,RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)3425 static int agraph_print(RAGraph *g, int is_interactive, RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
3426 	int h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
3427 	bool ret = check_changes (g, is_interactive, core, fcn);
3428 	if (!ret) {
3429 		return false;
3430 	}
3432 	if (is_interactive) {
3433 		r_cons_clear00 ();
3434 	} else {
3435 		/* TODO: limit to screen size when the output is not redirected to file */
3436 		update_graph_sizes (g);
3437 	}
3439 	h = is_interactive? h: g->h + 1;
3440 	w = is_interactive? w: g->w + 2;
3441 	if (!r_cons_canvas_resize (g->can, w, h)) {
3442 		return false;
3443 	}
3444 	// r_cons_canvas_clear (g->can);
3445 	if (!is_interactive) {
3446 		g->can->sx = -g->x;
3447 		g->can->sy = -g->y - 1;
3448 	}
3449 	if (g->is_dis) {
3450 		(void) G (-g->can->sx + 1, -g->can->sy + 2);
3451 		int scr_utf8 = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.utf8");
3452 		int asm_bytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bytes");
3453 		int asm_cmt_right = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.right");
3454 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.utf8", 0);
3455 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", 0);
3456 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.right", 0);
3457 		char *str = r_core_cmd_str (core, "pd $r");
3458 		if (str) {
3459 			W (str);
3460 			free (str);
3461 		}
3462 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.utf8", scr_utf8);
3463 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", asm_bytes);
3464 		r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.right", asm_cmt_right);
3465 	}
3466 	if (g->title && *g->title) {
3467 		g->can->sy ++;
3468 	}
3469 	agraph_print_edges (g);
3470 	agraph_print_nodes (g);
3471 	if (g->title && *g->title) {
3472 		g->can->sy --;
3473 	}
3474 	/* print the graph title */
3475 	(void) G (-g->can->sx, -g->can->sy);
3476 	if (!g->is_tiny) {
3477                 W (g->title);
3478 	}
3479 	if (is_interactive && g->title) {
3480 		int title_len = strlen (g->title);
3481 		r_cons_canvas_fill (g->can, -g->can->sx + title_len, -g->can->sy,
3482 			w - title_len, 1, ' ');
3483 	}
3485 	r_cons_canvas_print_region (g->can);
3487 	if (is_interactive) {
3488 		r_cons_newline ();
3489 		const char *cmdv = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.gprompt");
3490 		bool mustFlush = false;
3491 		r_cons_visual_flush ();
3492 		if (cmdv && *cmdv) {
3493 			r_cons_gotoxy (0, 2);
3494 			r_cons_strcat (Color_RESET);
3495 			r_core_cmd0 (core, cmdv);
3496 			mustFlush = true;
3497 		}
3498 		if (core && core->scr_gadgets) {
3499 			r_core_cmd0 (core, "pg");
3500 		}
3501 		if (mustFlush) {
3502 			r_cons_flush ();
3503 		}
3504 	}
3505 	return true;
3506 }
check_function_modified(RCore * core,RAnalFunction * fcn)3508 static void check_function_modified(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
3509 	if (r_anal_function_was_modified (fcn)) {
3510 		if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.detectwrites")
3511 			|| r_cons_yesno ('y', "Function was modified. Reanalyze? (Y/n)")) {
3512 			r_anal_function_update_analysis (fcn);
3513 		}
3514 	}
3515 }
agraph_refresh(struct agraph_refresh_data * grd)3517 static int agraph_refresh(struct agraph_refresh_data *grd) {
3518 	if (!grd) {
3519 		return 0;
3520 	}
3521 	r_cons_singleton ()->event_data = grd;
3522 	RCore *core = grd->core;
3523 	RAGraph *g = grd->g;
3524 	RAnalFunction *f = NULL;
3525 	RAnalFunction **fcn = grd->fcn;
3527 	if (!fcn) {
3528 		return agraph_print (g, grd->fs, core, NULL);
3529 	}
3531 	// allow to change the current function during debugging
3532 	if (g->is_instep && r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
3533 		// seek only when the graph node changes
3534 		const char *pc = r_reg_get_name (core->dbg->reg, R_REG_NAME_PC);
3535 		RRegItem *r = r_reg_get (core->dbg->reg, pc, -1);
3536 		ut64 addr = r_reg_get_value (core->dbg->reg, r);
3537 		RANode *acur = get_anode (g->curnode);
3539 		addr = r_anal_get_bbaddr (core->anal, addr);
3540 		char *title = get_title (addr);
3541 		if (!acur || strcmp (acur->title, title)) {
3542 			r_core_cmd0 (core, "sr PC");
3543 		}
3544 		free (title);
3545 		g->is_instep = false;
3546 	}
3548 	if (grd->follow_offset) {
3549 		if (r_io_is_valid_offset (core->io, core->offset, 0)) {
3550 			f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
3551 			if (!f) {
3552 				if (!g->is_dis) {
3553 					if (!r_cons_yesno ('y', "\rNo function at 0x%08"PFMT64x". Define it here (Y/n)? ", core->offset)) {
3554 						return 0;
3555 					}
3556 					r_core_cmd0 (core, "af");
3557 				}
3558 				f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
3559 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
3560 			}
3561 			if (f && fcn && f != *fcn) {
3562 				*fcn = f;
3563 				check_function_modified (core, *fcn);
3564 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
3565 				g->force_update_seek = true;
3566 			}
3567 		} else {
3568 			// TODO: maybe go back to avoid seeking from graph view to an scary place?
3569 			r_cons_message ("This is not a valid offset\n");
3570 			r_cons_flush ();
3571 		}
3572 	}
3574 	int res = agraph_print (g, grd->fs, core, *fcn);
3576 	if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.scrollbar")) {
3577 		r_core_print_scrollbar (core);
3578 	}
3580 	return res;
3581 }
agraph_refresh_oneshot(struct agraph_refresh_data * grd)3583 static void agraph_refresh_oneshot(struct agraph_refresh_data *grd) {
3584 	r_core_task_enqueue_oneshot (&grd->core->tasks, (RCoreTaskOneShot) agraph_refresh, grd);
3585 }
agraph_set_need_reload_nodes(struct agraph_refresh_data * grd)3587 static void agraph_set_need_reload_nodes(struct agraph_refresh_data *grd) {
3588 	grd->g->need_reload_nodes = true;
3589 }
agraph_toggle_speed(RAGraph * g,RCore * core)3591 static void agraph_toggle_speed(RAGraph *g, RCore *core) {
3592 	const int alt = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.scroll");
3593 	g->movspeed = g->movspeed == DEFAULT_SPEED? alt: DEFAULT_SPEED;
3594 }
agraph_init(RAGraph * g)3596 static void agraph_init(RAGraph *g) {
3597 	g->is_callgraph = false;
3598 	g->is_instep = false;
3599 	g->need_reload_nodes = true;
3600 	g->show_node_titles = true;
3601 	g->show_node_body = true;
3602 	g->force_update_seek = true;
3603 	g->graph = r_graph_new ();
3604 	g->nodes = sdb_new0 ();
3605 	g->edgemode = 2;
3606 	g->zoom = ZOOM_DEFAULT;
3607 	g->hints = 1;
3608 	g->movspeed = DEFAULT_SPEED;
3609 	g->db = sdb_new0 ();
3610 	r_vector_init (&g->ghits.word_list, sizeof (struct r_agraph_location), NULL, NULL);
3611 }
free_anode(RANode * n)3613 static void free_anode(RANode *n) {
3614 	free (n->title);
3615 	free (n->body);
3616 	free (n);
3617 }
graphNodeMove(RAGraph * g,int dir,int speed)3619 static void graphNodeMove(RAGraph *g, int dir, int speed) {
3620 	int delta = (dir == 'k')? -1: 1;
3621 	if (dir == 'H') {
3622 		return;
3623 	}
3624 	if (dir == 'h' || dir == 'l') {
3625 		// horizontal scroll
3626 		if (is_mini (g)) {
3627 			discroll = 0;
3628 		} else {
3629 			int delta = (dir == 'l')? 1: -1;
3630 			move_current_node (g, speed * delta, 0);
3631 		}
3632 		return;
3633 	}
3634 	RCore *core = NULL;
3635 	// vertical scroll
3636 	if (is_mini (g)) {
3637 		discroll += (delta * speed);
3638 	} else if (g->is_dis) {
3639 		r_core_cmdf (core, "so %d", (delta * 4) * speed);
3640 	} else {
3641 		move_current_node (g, 0, delta * speed);
3642 	}
3643 }
agraph_free_nodes(const RAGraph * g)3645 static void agraph_free_nodes(const RAGraph *g) {
3646 	RListIter *it;
3647 	RGraphNode *n;
3648 	RANode *a;
3650 	graph_foreach_anode (r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph), it, n, a) {
3651 		free_anode (a);
3652 	}
3654 	sdb_free (g->nodes);
3655 }
sdb_set_enc(Sdb * db,const char * key,const char * v,ut32 cas)3657 static void sdb_set_enc(Sdb *db, const char *key, const char *v, ut32 cas) {
3658 	char *estr = sdb_encode ((const void *) v, -1);
3659 	sdb_set (db, key, estr, cas);
3660 	free (estr);
3661 }
agraph_sdb_init(const RAGraph * g)3663 static void agraph_sdb_init(const RAGraph *g) {
3664 	sdb_bool_set (g->db, "agraph.is_callgraph", g->is_callgraph, 0);
3665 	RCons *cons = r_cons_singleton ();
3666 	sdb_set_enc (g->db, "agraph.color_box", cons->context->pal.graph_box, 0);
3667 	sdb_set_enc (g->db, "agraph.color_box2", cons->context->pal.graph_box2, 0);
3668 	sdb_set_enc (g->db, "agraph.color_box3", cons->context->pal.graph_box3, 0);
3669 	sdb_set_enc (g->db, "agraph.color_true", cons->context->pal.graph_true, 0);
3670 	sdb_set_enc (g->db, "agraph.color_false", cons->context->pal.graph_false, 0);
3671 }
r_agraph_get_sdb(RAGraph * g)3673 R_API Sdb *r_agraph_get_sdb(RAGraph *g) {
3674 	g->need_update_dim = true;
3675 	g->need_set_layout = true;
3676 	(void)check_changes (g, false, NULL, NULL);
3677 	// remove_dummy_nodes (g);
3678 	return g->db;
3679 }
r_agraph_print(RAGraph * g)3681 R_API void r_agraph_print(RAGraph *g) {
3682 	agraph_print (g, false, NULL, NULL);
3683 	if (g->graph->n_nodes > 0) {
3684 		r_cons_newline ();
3685 	}
3686 }
r_agraph_print_json(RAGraph * g,PJ * pj)3688 R_API void r_agraph_print_json(RAGraph *g, PJ *pj) {
3689 	RList *nodes = g->graph->nodes, *neighbours = NULL;
3690 	RListIter *it, *itt;
3691 	RGraphNode *node = NULL, *neighbour = NULL;
3692 	if (!pj) {
3693 		return;
3694 	}
3695 	r_list_foreach (nodes, it, node) {
3696 		RANode *anode = (RANode *) node->data;
3697 		char *label = strdup (anode->body);
3698 		pj_o (pj);
3699 		pj_ki (pj, "id", anode->gnode->idx);
3700 		pj_ks (pj, "title", anode->title);
3701 		pj_ks (pj, "body", label);
3702 		pj_k (pj, "out_nodes");
3703 		pj_a (pj);
3704 		neighbours = anode->gnode->out_nodes;
3705 		r_list_foreach (neighbours, itt, neighbour) {
3706 			pj_i (pj, neighbour->idx);
3707 		}
3708 		pj_end (pj);
3709 		pj_end (pj);
3710 		free (label);
3711 	}
3712 }
r_agraph_set_title(RAGraph * g,const char * title)3714 R_API void r_agraph_set_title(RAGraph *g, const char *title) {
3715 	free (g->title);
3716 	g->title = title? strdup (title): NULL;
3717 	sdb_set (g->db, "agraph.title", g->title, 0);
3718 }
r_agraph_add_node(const RAGraph * g,const char * title,const char * body,const char * color)3720 R_API RANode *r_agraph_add_node(const RAGraph *g, const char *title, const char *body, const char *color) {
3721 	RANode *res = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
3722 	if (res) {
3723 		return res;
3724 	}
3725 	res = R_NEW0 (RANode);
3726 	if (!res) {
3727 		return NULL;
3728 	}
3730 	res->title = title? r_str_trunc_ellipsis (title, 255) : strdup ("");
3731 	res->body = body? strdup (body): strdup ("");
3732 	res->layer = -1;
3733 	res->pos_in_layer = -1;
3734 	res->is_dummy = false;
3735 	res->is_reversed = false;
3736 	res->klass = -1;
3737 	res->color = color? strdup (color): NULL;
3738 	res->difftype = -1;
3739 	res->gnode = r_graph_add_node (g->graph, res);
3740 	sdb_num_set (g->nodes, res->title, (ut64) (size_t) res, 0);
3741 	if (res->title) {
3742 		char *s, *estr, *b;
3743 		size_t len;
3744 		sdb_array_add (g->db, "agraph.nodes", res->title, 0);
3745 		b = strdup (res->body);
3746 		len = strlen (b);
3747 		if (len > 0 && b[len - 1] == '\n') {
3748 			b[len - 1] = '\0';
3749 		}
3750 		estr = sdb_encode ((const void *) b, -1);
3751 		//s = sdb_fmt ("base64:%s", estr);
3752 		s = r_str_newf ("base64:%s", estr);
3753 		free (estr);
3754 		free (b);
3755 		sdb_set_owned (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.body", res->title), s, 0);
3756 	}
3757 	return res;
3758 }
r_agraph_del_node(const RAGraph * g,const char * title)3760 R_API bool r_agraph_del_node(const RAGraph *g, const char *title) {
3761 	char *title_trunc = r_str_trunc_ellipsis (title, 255);
3762 	RANode *an, *res = r_agraph_get_node (g, title_trunc);
3763 	free (title_trunc);
3764 	RGraphNode *gn;
3765 	RListIter *it;
3767 	if (!res) {
3768 		return false;
3769 	}
3770 	sdb_set (g->nodes, res->title, NULL, 0);
3771 	sdb_array_remove (g->db, "agraph.nodes", res->title, 0);
3772 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s", res->title), NULL, 0);
3773 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.body", res->title), 0, 0);
3774 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.x", res->title), NULL, 0);
3775 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.y", res->title), NULL, 0);
3776 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.w", res->title), NULL, 0);
3777 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.h", res->title), NULL, 0);
3778 	sdb_set (g->db, sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.neighbours", res->title), NULL, 0);
3780 	const RList *innodes = r_graph_innodes (g->graph, res->gnode);
3781 	graph_foreach_anode (innodes, it, gn, an) {
3782 		const char *key = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.neighbours", an->title);
3783 		sdb_array_remove (g->db, key, res->title, 0);
3784 	}
3786 	r_graph_del_node (g->graph, res->gnode);
3787 	res->gnode = NULL;
3789 	free_anode (res);
3790 	return true;
3791 }
user_node_cb(struct g_cb * user,const char * k UNUSED,const char * v)3793 static int user_node_cb(struct g_cb *user, const char *k UNUSED, const char *v) {
3794 	RANodeCallback cb = user->node_cb;
3795 	void *user_data = user->data;
3796 	RANode *n = (RANode *) (size_t) sdb_atoi (v);
3797 	if (n) {
3798 		cb (n, user_data);
3799 	}
3800 	return 1;
3801 }
user_edge_cb(struct g_cb * user,const char * k UNUSED,const char * v)3803 static int user_edge_cb(struct g_cb *user, const char *k UNUSED, const char *v) {
3804 	RAEdgeCallback cb = user->edge_cb;
3805 	RAGraph *g = user->graph;
3806 	void *user_data = user->data;
3807 	RANode *an, *n = (RANode *) (size_t) sdb_atoi (v);
3808 	if (!n) {
3809 		return 0;
3810 	}
3811 	const RList *neigh = r_graph_get_neighbours (g->graph, n->gnode);
3812 	RListIter *it;
3813 	RGraphNode *gn;
3815 	graph_foreach_anode (neigh, it, gn, an) {
3816 		cb (n, an, user_data);
3817 	}
3818 	return 1;
3819 }
r_agraph_foreach(RAGraph * g,RANodeCallback cb,void * user)3821 R_API void r_agraph_foreach(RAGraph *g, RANodeCallback cb, void *user) {
3822 	struct g_cb u = {
3823 		.node_cb = cb,
3824 		.data = user
3825 	};
3826 	sdb_foreach (g->nodes, (SdbForeachCallback) user_node_cb, &u);
3827 }
r_agraph_foreach_edge(RAGraph * g,RAEdgeCallback cb,void * user)3829 R_API void r_agraph_foreach_edge(RAGraph *g, RAEdgeCallback cb, void *user) {
3830 	struct g_cb u = {
3831 		.graph = g,
3832 		.edge_cb = cb,
3833 		.data = user
3834 	};
3835 	sdb_foreach (g->nodes, (SdbForeachCallback) user_edge_cb, &u);
3836 }
r_agraph_get_first_node(const RAGraph * g)3838 R_API RANode *r_agraph_get_first_node(const RAGraph *g) {
3839 	const RList *l = r_graph_get_nodes (g->graph);
3840 	RGraphNode *rgn = r_list_first (l);
3841 	return get_anode (rgn);
3842 }
r_agraph_get_node(const RAGraph * g,const char * title)3844 R_API RANode *r_agraph_get_node(const RAGraph *g, const char *title) {
3845 	char *title_trunc = title ? r_str_trunc_ellipsis (title, 255) : NULL;
3846 	RANode *node = (RANode *) (size_t) sdb_num_get (g->nodes, title_trunc, NULL);
3847 	free (title_trunc);
3848 	return node;
3849 }
r_agraph_add_edge(const RAGraph * g,RANode * a,RANode * b)3851 R_API void r_agraph_add_edge(const RAGraph *g, RANode *a, RANode *b) {
3852 	r_return_if_fail (g && a && b);
3853 	r_graph_add_edge (g->graph, a->gnode, b->gnode);
3854 	if (a->title && b->title) {
3855 		const char *k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.neighbours", a->title);
3856 		sdb_array_add (g->db, k, b->title, 0);
3857 	}
3858 }
r_agraph_add_edge_at(const RAGraph * g,RANode * a,RANode * b,int nth)3860 R_API void r_agraph_add_edge_at(const RAGraph *g, RANode *a, RANode *b, int nth) {
3861 	r_return_if_fail (g && a && b);
3862 	if (a->title && b->title) {
3863 		const char *k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.neighbours", a->title);
3864 		sdb_array_insert (g->db, k, nth, b->title, 0);
3865 	}
3866 	r_graph_add_edge_at (g->graph, a->gnode, b->gnode, nth);
3867 }
r_agraph_del_edge(const RAGraph * g,RANode * a,RANode * b)3869 R_API void r_agraph_del_edge(const RAGraph *g, RANode *a, RANode *b) {
3870 	r_return_if_fail (g && a && b);
3871 	if (a->title && b->title) {
3872 		const char *k = sdb_fmt ("agraph.nodes.%s.neighbours", a->title);
3873 		sdb_array_remove (g->db, k, b->title, 0);
3874 	}
3875 	r_graph_del_edge (g->graph, a->gnode, b->gnode);
3876 }
r_agraph_reset(RAGraph * g)3878 R_API void r_agraph_reset(RAGraph *g) {
3879 	r_return_if_fail (g);
3880 	agraph_free_nodes (g);
3881 	r_graph_reset (g->graph);
3882 	r_agraph_set_title (g, NULL);
3883 	sdb_reset (g->db);
3884 	if (g->edges) {
3885 		r_list_purge (g->edges);
3886 	}
3887 	g->nodes = sdb_new0 ();
3888 	g->update_seek_on = NULL;
3889 	g->need_reload_nodes = false;
3890 	g->need_set_layout = true;
3891 	g->need_update_dim = true;
3892 	g->x = g->y = g->w = g->h = 0;
3893 	agraph_sdb_init (g);
3894 	g->curnode = NULL;
3895 }
r_agraph_free(RAGraph * g)3897 R_API void r_agraph_free(RAGraph *g) {
3898 	if (g) {
3899 		agraph_free_nodes (g);
3900 		r_graph_free (g->graph);
3901 		r_list_free (g->edges);
3902 		r_agraph_set_title (g, NULL);
3903 		sdb_free (g->db);
3904 		r_cons_canvas_free (g->can);
3905 		free (g);
3906 	}
3907 }
r_agraph_new(RConsCanvas * can)3909 R_API RAGraph *r_agraph_new(RConsCanvas *can) {
3910 	RAGraph *g = R_NEW0 (RAGraph);
3911 	if (!g) {
3912 		return NULL;
3913 	}
3914 	g->can = can;
3915 	g->dummy = true;
3916 	agraph_init (g);
3917 	agraph_sdb_init (g);
3918 	return g;
3919 }
visual_offset(RAGraph * g,RCore * core)3921 static void visual_offset(RAGraph *g, RCore *core) {
3922 	char buf[256];
3923 	int rows;
3924 	r_cons_get_size (&rows);
3925 	r_cons_gotoxy (0, rows);
3926 	r_cons_flush ();
3927 	core->cons->line->prompt_type = R_LINE_PROMPT_OFFSET;
3928 	r_line_set_hist_callback (core->cons->line, &r_line_hist_offset_up, &r_line_hist_offset_down);
3929 	r_line_set_prompt ("[offset]> ");
3930 	strcpy (buf, "s ");
3931 	if (r_cons_fgets (buf + 2, sizeof (buf) - 2, 0, NULL) > 0) {
3932 		if (buf[2] == '.') {
3933 			buf[1] = '.';
3934 		}
3935 		r_core_cmd0 (core, buf);
3936 		r_line_set_hist_callback (core->cons->line, &r_line_hist_cmd_up, &r_line_hist_cmd_down);
3937 	}
3938 	core->cons->line->prompt_type = R_LINE_PROMPT_DEFAULT;
3939 }
goto_asmqjmps(RAGraph * g,RCore * core)3941 static void goto_asmqjmps(RAGraph *g, RCore *core) {
3942 	const char *h = "[Fast goto call/jmp]> ";
3943 	char obuf[R_CORE_ASMQJMPS_LEN_LETTERS + 1];
3944 	int rows, i = 0;
3945 	bool cont;
3947 	r_cons_get_size (&rows);
3948 	r_cons_gotoxy (0, rows);
3949 	r_cons_clear_line (0);
3950 	r_cons_print (Color_RESET);
3951 	r_cons_print (h);
3952 	r_cons_flush ();
3954 	do {
3955 		char ch = r_cons_readchar ();
3956 		obuf[i++] = ch;
3957 		r_cons_printf ("%c", ch);
3958 		cont = isalpha ((ut8) ch) && !islower ((ut8) ch);
3959 	} while (i < R_CORE_ASMQJMPS_LEN_LETTERS && cont);
3960 	r_cons_flush ();
3962 	obuf[i] = '\0';
3963 	ut64 addr = r_core_get_asmqjmps (core, obuf);
3964 	if (addr != UT64_MAX) {
3965 		char *title = get_title (addr);
3966 		RANode *addr_node = r_agraph_get_node (g, title);
3967 		if (addr_node) {
3968 			r_agraph_set_curnode (g, addr_node);
3969 			r_core_seek (core, addr, false);
3970 			agraph_update_seek (g, addr_node, true);
3971 		} else {
3972 			r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, 0);
3973 			r_core_seek (core, addr, false);
3974 		}
3975 		free (title);
3976 	}
3977 }
seek_to_node(RANode * n,RCore * core)3979 static void seek_to_node(RANode *n, RCore *core) {
3980 	ut64 off = r_anal_get_bbaddr (core->anal, core->offset);
3981 	char *title = get_title (off);
3983 	if (title && strcmp (title, n->title)) {
3984 		char *cmd = r_str_newf ("s %s", n->title);
3985 		if (cmd) {
3986 			if (*cmd) {
3987 				r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
3988 			}
3989 			free (cmd);
3990 		}
3991 	}
3992 	free (title);
3993 }
graph_single_step_in(RCore * core,RAGraph * g)3995 static void graph_single_step_in(RCore *core, RAGraph *g) {
3996 	if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
3997 		if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
3998 			// dcu 0xaddr
3999 			r_core_cmdf (core, "dcu 0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset + core->print->cur);
4000 			core->print->cur_enabled = 0;
4001 		} else {
4002 			r_core_cmd (core, "ds", 0);
4003 			r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
4004 		}
4005 	} else {
4006 		r_core_cmd (core, "aes", 0);
4007 		r_core_cmd (core, ".ar*", 0);
4008 	}
4009 	g->is_instep = true;
4010 	g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4011 }
graph_single_step_over(RCore * core,RAGraph * g)4013 static void graph_single_step_over(RCore *core, RAGraph *g) {
4014 	if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
4015 		if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
4016 			r_core_cmd (core, "dcr", 0);
4017 			core->print->cur_enabled = 0;
4018 		} else {
4019 			r_core_cmd (core, "dso", 0);
4020 			r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
4021 		}
4022 	} else {
4023 		r_core_cmd (core, "aeso", 0);
4024 		r_core_cmd (core, ".ar*", 0);
4025 	}
4026 	g->is_instep = true;
4027 	g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4028 }
graph_breakpoint(RCore * core)4030 static void graph_breakpoint(RCore *core) {
4031 	r_core_cmd (core, "dbs $$", 0);
4032 }
graph_continue(RCore * core)4034 static void graph_continue(RCore *core) {
4035 	r_core_cmd (core, "dc", 0);
4036 }
applyDisMode(RCore * core)4037 static void applyDisMode(RCore *core) {
4038 	switch (disMode) {
4039 	case 0:
4040 		r_config_set (core->config, "asm.pseudo", "false");
4041 		r_config_set (core->config, "asm.esil", "false");
4042 		break;
4043 	case 1:
4044 		r_config_set (core->config, "asm.pseudo", "true");
4045 		r_config_set (core->config, "asm.esil", "false");
4046 		break;
4047 	case 2:
4048 		r_config_set (core->config, "asm.pseudo", "false");
4049 		r_config_set (core->config, "asm.esil", "true");
4050 		break;
4051 	}
4052 }
rotateColor(RCore * core)4054 static void rotateColor(RCore *core) {
4055 	int color = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
4056 	if (++color > 2) {
4057 		color = 0;
4058 	}
4059 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.color", color);
4060 }
4062 // dupe in visual.c
toggle_bb(RCore * core,ut64 addr)4063 static bool toggle_bb(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
4064 	RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, addr, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
4065 	if (fcn) {
4066 		RAnalBlock *bb = r_anal_fcn_bbget_in (core->anal, fcn, addr);
4067 		if (bb) {
4068 			bb->folded = !bb->folded;
4069 		} else {
4070 			r_warn_if_reached ();
4071 		}
4072 		return true;
4073 	}
4074 	return false;
4075 }
get_graph_string(RCore * core,RAGraph * g)4077 static char *get_graph_string(RCore *core, RAGraph *g) {
4078 	int c = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
4079 	int u = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.utf8");
4080 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.color", 0);
4081 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.utf8", 0);
4082 	r_core_visual_graph (core, g, NULL, false);
4083 	char *s = strdup (r_cons_get_buffer ());
4084 	r_cons_reset ();
4085 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.color", c);
4086 	r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.utf8", u);
4087 	return s;
4088 }
nextword(RCore * core,RAGraph * g,const char * word)4090 static void nextword(RCore *core, RAGraph *g, const char *word) {
4091 	r_return_if_fail (core && core->graph && g && g->can && word);
4092 	if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (word)) {
4093 		return;
4094 	}
4095 	RAGraphHits *gh = &g->ghits;
4096 	RConsCanvas *can = g->can;
4097 	if (gh->word_list.len && gh->old_word && !strcmp (word, gh->old_word)) {
4098 		if (gh->word_nth >= gh->word_list.len) {
4099 			gh->word_nth = 0;
4100 		}
4102 		struct r_agraph_location *pos = r_vector_index_ptr (&gh->word_list, gh->word_nth);
4103 		gh->word_nth++;
4104 		if (pos) {
4105 			can->sx = -pos->x + can->w / 2;
4106 			can->sy = -pos->y + can->h / 2;
4107 		}
4108 		return;
4109 	} else {
4110 		r_vector_clear (&gh->word_list);
4111 	}
4112 	char *s = get_graph_string (core, g);
4113 	r_cons_clear00 ();
4114 	r_cons_flush ();
4115 	const size_t MAX_COUNT = 4096;
4116 	const char *a = NULL;
4117 	size_t count = 0;
4118 	int x = 0, y = 0;
4119 	for (count = 0; count < MAX_COUNT; count++) {
4120 		a = r_str_str_xy (s, word, a, &x, &y);
4121 		if (!a) {
4122 			break;
4123 		}
4124 		struct r_agraph_location *pos = r_vector_push (&gh->word_list, NULL);
4125 		if (pos) {
4126 			pos->x = x + g->x;
4127 			pos->y = y + g->y;
4128 		}
4129 	}
4130 	free (gh->old_word);
4131 	gh->old_word = strdup (word);
4132 	free (s);
4133 	if (!a && count == 0) {
4134 		return;
4135 	}
4136 	nextword (core, g, word);
4137 }
4139 static const char *help_msg_visual_graph[] = {
4140 	":e cmd.gprompt=agft", "show tinygraph in one side",
4141 	"@",            "toggle graph.layout between 0 and 1",
4142 	"+/-/0",        "zoom in/out/default",
4143 	";",            "add comment in current basic block",
4144 	". (dot)",      "center graph to the current node",
4145 	", (comma)",    "toggle graph.few",
4146 	"^",            "seek to the first bb of the function",
4147 	"=",            "toggle graph.layout",
4148 	":cmd",         "run radare command",
4149 	"'",            "toggle graph.comments",
4150 	"\"",           "toggle graph.refs",
4151 	"#",            "toggle graph.hints",
4152 	"/",            "highlight text",
4153 	"\\",           "scroll the graph canvas to the next highlight location",
4154 	"|",            "set cmd.gprompt",
4155 	"_",            "enter hud selector",
4156 	">",            "show function callgraph (see graph.refs)",
4157 	"<",            "show program callgraph (see graph.refs)",
4158 	"(",            "reverse conditional branch of last instruction in bb",
4159 	")",            "rotate asm.emu and emu.str",
4160 	"Home/End",     "go to the top/bottom of the canvas",
4161 	"Page-UP/DOWN", "scroll canvas up/down",
4162 	"b",            "visual browse things",
4163 	"c",            "toggle graph cursor mode",
4164 	"C",            "toggle scr.colors",
4165 	"d",            "rename function",
4166 	"D",            "toggle the mixed graph+disasm mode",
4167 	"e",            "rotate graph.edges (show/hide edges)",
4168 	"E",            "rotate graph.linemode (square/diagonal lines)",
4169 	"F",            "enter flag selector",
4170 	"g",            "go/seek to given offset",
4171 	"G",            "debug trace callgraph (generated with dtc)",
4172 	"hjkl/HJKL",    "scroll canvas or node depending on graph cursor (uppercase for faster)",
4173 	"i",            "select input nodes by index",
4174 	"I",            "select output node by index",
4175 	"m/M",          "change mouse modes",
4176 	"n/N",          "next/previous scr.nkey (function/flag..)",
4177 	"o([A-Za-z]*)", "follow jmp/call identified by shortcut (like ;[oa])",
4178 	"O",            "toggle asm.pseudo and asm.esil",
4179 	"p/P",          "rotate graph modes (normal, display offsets, minigraph, summary)",
4180 	"q",            "back to Visual mode",
4181 	"r",            "toggle jmphints/leahints",
4182 	"R",            "randomize colors",
4183 	"s/S",          "step / step over",
4184 	"tab",          "select next node",
4185 	"TAB",          "select previous node",
4186 	"t/f",          "follow true/false edges",
4187 	"u/U",          "undo/redo seek",
4188 	"V",            "toggle basicblock / call graphs",
4189 	"w",            "toggle between movements speed 1 and graph.scroll",
4190 	"x/X",          "jump to xref/ref",
4191 	"Y",            "toggle tiny graph",
4192 	"z",            "toggle node folding",
4193 	"Z",            "toggle basic block folding",
4194 	NULL
4195 };
r_core_visual_graph(RCore * core,RAGraph * g,RAnalFunction * _fcn,int is_interactive)4197 R_API int r_core_visual_graph(RCore *core, RAGraph *g, RAnalFunction *_fcn, int is_interactive) {
4198 	if (is_interactive && !r_cons_is_interactive ()) {
4199 		eprintf ("Interactive graph mode requires scr.interactive=true.\n");
4200 		return 0;
4201 	}
4202 	int o_asmqjmps_letter = core->is_asmqjmps_letter;
4203 	int o_vmode = core->vmode;
4204 	int exit_graph = false, is_error = false;
4205 	int update_seek = false;
4206 	struct agraph_refresh_data *grd;
4207 	int okey, key;
4208 	RAnalFunction *fcn = NULL;
4209 	const char *key_s;
4210 	RConsCanvas *can, *o_can = NULL;
4211 	bool graph_allocated = false;
4212 	int movspeed;
4213 	int ret, invscroll;
4214 	RConfigHold *hc = r_config_hold_new (core->config);
4215 	if (!hc) {
4216 		return false;
4217 	}
4218 	r_config_hold (hc, "asm.pseudo", "asm.esil", "asm.cmt.right", NULL);
4220 	int h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
4221 	can = r_cons_canvas_new (w, h);
4222 	if (!can) {
4223 		w = 80;
4224 		h = 25;
4225 		can = r_cons_canvas_new (w, h);
4226 		if (!can) {
4227 			eprintf ("Cannot create RCons.canvas context. Invalid screen "
4228 					"size? See scr.columns + scr.rows\n");
4229 			r_config_hold_free (hc);
4230 			return false;
4231 		}
4232 	}
4233 	can->linemode = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.linemode");
4234 	can->color = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
4236 	if (!g) {
4237 		graph_allocated = true;
4238 		fcn = _fcn? _fcn: r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
4239 		if (!fcn) {
4240 			r_config_hold_restore (hc);
4241 			r_config_hold_free (hc);
4242 			r_cons_canvas_free (can);
4243 			return false;
4244 		}
4245 		check_function_modified (core, fcn);
4246 		g = r_agraph_new (can);
4247 		if (!g) {
4248 			r_cons_canvas_free (can);
4249 			r_config_hold_restore (hc);
4250 			r_config_hold_free (hc);
4251 			return false;
4252 		}
4253 		g->is_tiny = is_interactive == 2;
4254 		g->layout = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.layout");
4255 		g->dummy = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.dummy");
4256 		g->show_node_titles = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.ntitles");
4257 	} else {
4258 		o_can = g->can;
4259 	}
4260 	g->can = can;
4261 	g->movspeed = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.scroll");
4262 	g->show_node_titles = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.ntitles");
4263 	g->show_node_body = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.body");
4264 	g->show_node_bubble = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.bubble");
4265 	g->on_curnode_change = (RANodeCallback) seek_to_node;
4266 	g->on_curnode_change_data = core;
4267 	g->edgemode = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.edges");
4268 	g->hints = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.hints");
4269 	g->is_interactive = is_interactive;
4270 	bool asm_comments = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.comments");
4271 	r_config_set (core->config, "asm.comments",
4272 		r_str_bool (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.comments")));
4274 	/* we want letters as shortcuts for call/jmps */
4275 	core->is_asmqjmps_letter = true;
4276 	core->vmode = true;
4278 	grd = R_NEW0 (struct agraph_refresh_data);
4279 	if (!grd) {
4280 		r_cons_canvas_free (can);
4281 		r_config_hold_restore (hc);
4282 		r_config_hold_free (hc);
4283 		r_agraph_free (g);
4284 		return false;
4285 	}
4286 	grd->g = g;
4287 	grd->fs = is_interactive == 1;
4288 	grd->core = core;
4289 	grd->follow_offset = _fcn == NULL;
4290 	grd->fcn = fcn != NULL? &fcn: NULL;
4291 	ret = agraph_refresh (grd);
4292 	if (!ret || is_interactive != 1) {
4293 		r_cons_newline ();
4294 		exit_graph = true;
4295 		is_error = !ret;
4296 	}
4297 	get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4299 	core->cons->event_resize = NULL; // avoid running old event with new data
4300 	core->cons->event_data = grd;
4301 	core->cons->event_resize = (RConsEvent) agraph_refresh_oneshot;
4303 	r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
4305 	while (!exit_graph && !is_error && !r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
4306 		w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
4307 		invscroll = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.invscroll");
4308 		ret = agraph_refresh (grd);
4310 		if (!ret) {
4311 			is_error = true;
4312 			break;
4313 		}
4314 		showcursor (core, false);
4316 		// r_core_graph_inputhandle()
4317 		okey = r_cons_readchar ();
4318 		key = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (okey);
4320 		if (core->cons->mouse_event) {
4321 			movspeed = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel.speed");
4322 			switch (key) {
4323 			case 'j':
4324 			case 'k':
4325 				switch (mousemode) {
4326 				case 0: break;
4327 				case 1: key = key == 'k'? 'h': 'l'; break;
4328 				case 2: key = key == 'k'? 'J': 'K'; break;
4329 				case 3: key = key == 'k'? 'L': 'H'; break;
4330 				}
4331 				break;
4332 			}
4333 		} else {
4334 			movspeed = g->movspeed;
4335 		}
4336 		const char *cmd;
4337 		switch (key) {
4338 		case '-':
4339 			agraph_set_zoom (g, g->zoom - ZOOM_STEP);
4340 			g->force_update_seek = true;
4341 			break;
4342 		case '+':
4343 			agraph_set_zoom (g, g->zoom + ZOOM_STEP);
4344 			g->force_update_seek = true;
4345 			break;
4346 		case '0':
4347 			agraph_set_zoom (g, ZOOM_DEFAULT);
4348 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4349 			// update scroll (with minor shift)
4350 			break;
4351 			// Those hardcoded keys are useful only for aegi, should add subcommand of ag to set key actions
4352 		case '1':
4353 			r_core_cmd0 (core, "so;.aeg*");
4354 			break;
4355 		case '2':
4356 			r_core_cmd0 (core, "so -1;.aeg*");
4357 			break;
4358 		case '=':
4359 		{         // TODO: edit
4360 			showcursor (core, true);
4361 			const char *cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.gprompt");
4362 			r_line_set_prompt ("cmd.gprompt> ");
4363 			core->cons->line->contents = strdup (cmd);
4364 			const char *buf = r_line_readline ();
4365 			core->cons->line->contents = NULL;
4366 			r_config_set (core->config, "cmd.gprompt", buf);
4367 			showcursor (core, false);
4368 		}
4369 		break;
4370 		case '|':
4371 			{
4372 				int e = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.layout");
4373 				if (++e > 1) {
4374 					e = 0;
4375 				}
4376 				r_config_set_i (core->config, "graph.layout", e);
4377 				g->layout = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.layout");
4378 				g->need_update_dim = true;
4379 				g->need_set_layout = true;
4380 			}
4381 			discroll = 0;
4382 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4383 			break;
4384 		case 'e':
4385 			{
4386 				int e = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.edges");
4387 				e++;
4388 				if (e > 2) {
4389 					e = 0;
4390 				}
4391 				r_config_set_i (core->config, "graph.edges", e);
4392 				g->edgemode = e;
4393 				g->need_update_dim = true;
4394 				get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4395 			}
4396 			break;
4397 		case '\\':
4398 			nextword (core, g, r_config_get (core->config, "scr.highlight"));
4399 			break;
4400 		case 'b':
4401 			r_core_visual_browse (core, "");
4402 			break;
4403 		case 'E':
4404 			{
4405 				int e = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.linemode");
4406 				e--;
4407 				if (e < 0) {
4408 					e = 1;
4409 				}
4410 				r_config_set_i (core->config, "graph.linemode", e);
4411 				g->can->linemode = e;
4412 				get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4413 			}
4414 			break;
4415 		case 13:
4416 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4417 			update_seek = true;
4418 			exit_graph = true;
4419 			break;
4420 		case '>':
4421 			if (fcn && r_cons_yesno ('y', "Compute function callgraph? (Y/n)")) {
4422 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "ag-;.agc* @$FB;.axfg @$FB;aggi");
4423 			}
4424 			break;
4425 		case '<':
4426 			// r_core_visual_refs (core, true, false);
4427 			if (fcn) {
4428 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "ag-;.axtg $FB;aggi");
4429 			}
4430 			break;
4431 		case 'G':
4432 			r_core_cmd0 (core, "ag-;.dtg*;aggi");
4433 			break;
4434 		case 'V':
4435 			if (fcn) {
4436 				agraph_toggle_callgraph (g);
4437 			}
4438 			break;
4439 		case 'Z':
4440 			if (okey == 27) { // shift-tab
4441 				agraph_prev_node (g);
4442 			} else {
4443 				RANode *n = get_anode (g->curnode);
4444 				if (n) {
4445 					ut64 addr = r_num_get (NULL, n->title);
4446 					toggle_bb (core, addr);
4447 					g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4448 				}
4449 			}
4450 			break;
4451 		case 's':
4452 			if (!fcn) {
4453 				break;
4454 			}
4455 			key_s = r_config_get (core->config, "key.s");
4456 			if (key_s && *key_s) {
4457 				r_core_cmd0 (core, key_s);
4458 			} else {
4459 				graph_single_step_in (core, g);
4460 			}
4461 			discroll = 0;
4462 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4463 			break;
4464 		case 'S':
4465 			if (fcn) {
4466 				graph_single_step_over (core, g);
4467 			}
4468 			break;
4469 		case 'x':
4470 		case 'X':
4471 		{
4472 			if (!fcn) {
4473 				break;
4474 			}
4475 			ut64 old_off = core->offset;
4476 			ut64 off = r_anal_get_bbaddr (core->anal, core->offset);
4477 			r_core_seek (core, off, false);
4478 			if ((key == 'x' && !r_core_visual_refs (core, true, true)) ||
4479 			    (key == 'X' && !r_core_visual_refs (core, false, true))) {
4480 				r_core_seek (core, old_off, false);
4481 			}
4482 			break;
4483 		}
4484 		case '@': // tab
4485 			r_config_set_i (core->config, "graph.layout",
4486 				r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.layout")? 0: 1);
4487 			discroll = 0;
4488 			g->layout = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.layout");
4489 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4490 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4491 			break;
4492 		case 9: // tab
4493 			agraph_next_node (g);
4494 			discroll = 0;
4495 			break;
4496 		case '?':
4497 			r_cons_clear00 ();
4498 			RStrBuf *rsb = r_strbuf_new ("");
4499 			r_core_visual_append_help (rsb, "Visual Graph Mode (VV) Help", help_msg_visual_graph);
4500 			ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (rsb), "?");
4501 			r_strbuf_free (rsb);
4502 			break;
4503 		case '"':
4504 			r_config_toggle (core->config, "graph.refs");
4505 			break;
4506 		case '#':
4507 			if (g->mode == R_AGRAPH_MODE_COMMENTS) {
4508 				g->mode = R_AGRAPH_MODE_NORMAL;
4509 			} else {
4510 				g->mode = R_AGRAPH_MODE_COMMENTS;
4511 			}
4512 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4513 			discroll = 0;
4514 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4515 			// r_config_toggle (core->config, "graph.hints");
4516 			break;
4517 		case 'p':
4518 			g->mode = next_mode (g->mode);
4519 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4520 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4521 			break;
4522 		case 'P':
4523 			if (!fcn) {
4524 				break;
4525 			}
4526 			g->mode = prev_mode (g->mode);
4527 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4528 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4529 			break;
4530 		case 'o':
4531 			goto_asmqjmps (g, core);
4532 			break;
4533 		case 'g':
4534 			showcursor (core, true);
4535 			visual_offset (g, core);
4536 			showcursor (core, false);
4537 			break;
4538 		case 'O':
4539 			if (!fcn) {
4540 				break;
4541 			}
4542 			disMode = (disMode + 1) % 3;
4543 			applyDisMode (core);
4544 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4545 			get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4546 			break;
4547 		case 'u':
4548 		{
4549 			if (!fcn) {
4550 				break;
4551 			}
4552 			RIOUndos *undo = r_io_sundo (core->io, core->offset);
4553 			if (undo) {
4554 				r_core_seek (core, undo->off, false);
4555 			} else {
4556 				eprintf ("Cannot undo\n");
4557 			}
4558 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.few")) {
4559 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4560 			}
4561 			break;
4562 		}
4563 		case 'U':
4564 		{
4565 			if (!fcn) {
4566 				break;
4567 			}
4568 			RIOUndos *undo = r_io_sundo_redo (core->io);
4569 			if (undo) {
4570 				r_core_seek (core, undo->off, false);
4571 			} else {
4572 				eprintf ("Cannot redo\n");
4573 			}
4574 			break;
4575 		}
4576 		case 'r':
4577 			if (fcn) {
4578 				g->layout = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.layout");
4579 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4580 			}
4581 			// TODO: toggle shortcut hotkeys
4582 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.call")) {
4583 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "e!asm.hint.call");
4584 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "e!asm.hint.jmp");
4585 			} else if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.jmp")) {
4586 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "e!asm.hint.jmp");
4587 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "e!asm.hint.lea");
4588 			} else if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.lea")) {
4589 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "e!asm.hint.lea");
4590 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "e!asm.hint.call");
4591 			}
4592 			break;
4593 		case 'R':
4594 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.randpal")) {
4595 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "ecr");
4596 			} else {
4597 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "ecn");
4598 			}
4599 			if (!fcn) {
4600 				break;
4601 			}
4602 			g->edgemode = r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.edges");
4603 			get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4604 			break;
4605 		case '$':
4606 			r_core_cmd (core, "dr PC=$$", 0);
4607 			r_core_cmd (core, "sr PC", 0);
4608 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4609 			break;
4610 		case '!':
4611 			r_core_panels_root (core, core->panels_root);
4612 			break;
4613 		case '\'':
4614 			if (fcn) {
4615 				r_config_toggle (core->config, "graph.comments");
4616 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4617 			}
4618 			break;
4619 		case ';':
4620 			if (fcn) {
4621 				showcursor (core, true);
4622 				char buf[256];
4623 				r_line_set_prompt ("[comment]> ");
4624 				if (r_cons_fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), 0, NULL) > 0) {
4625 					r_core_cmdf (core, "\"CC %s\"", buf);
4626 				}
4627 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4628 				showcursor (core, false);
4629 			}
4630 			break;
4631 		case 'C':
4632 			rotateColor (core);
4633 			break;
4634 		case 'm':
4635 			mousemode++;
4636 			if (!mousemodes[mousemode]) {
4637 				mousemode = 0;
4638 			}
4639 			break;
4640 		case 'M':
4641 			mousemode--;
4642 			if (mousemode < 0) {
4643 				mousemode = 3;
4644 			}
4645 			break;
4646 		case '(':
4647 			if (fcn) {
4648 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "wao recj@B:-1");
4649 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4650 			}
4651 			break;
4652 		case ')':
4653 			if (fcn) {
4654 				rotateAsmemu (core);
4655 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4656 			}
4657 			break;
4658 		case 'd':
4659 			{
4660 				showcursor (core, true);
4661 				r_core_visual_define (core, "", 0);
4662 				get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4663 				showcursor (core, false);
4664 			}
4665 			break;
4666 		case 'D':
4667 			g->is_dis = !g->is_dis;
4668 			break;
4669 		case 'n':
4670 			r_core_seek_next (core, r_config_get (core->config, "scr.nkey"));
4671 			break;
4672 		case 'N':
4673 			r_core_seek_previous (core, r_config_get (core->config, "scr.nkey"));
4674 			break;
4675 		case 'Y':
4676 			agraph_toggle_tiny (g);
4677 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4678 			break;
4679 		case 'z':
4680 			agraph_toggle_mini (g);
4681 			discroll = 0;
4682 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4683 			break;
4684 		case 'v':
4685 			r_core_visual_anal (core, NULL);
4686 			break;
4687 		case 'J':
4688 			// copypaste from 'j'
4689 			if (graphCursor) {
4690 				int speed = (okey == 27)? PAGEKEY_SPEED: movspeed;
4691 				graphNodeMove (g, 'j', speed * 2);
4692 			} else {
4693 				can->sy -= (5*movspeed) * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4694 			}
4695 			break;
4696 		case 'K':
4697 			if (graphCursor) {
4698 				int speed = (okey == 27)? PAGEKEY_SPEED: movspeed;
4699 				graphNodeMove (g, 'k', speed * 2);
4700 			} else {
4701 				can->sy += (5*movspeed) * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4702 			}
4703 			break;
4704 		case 'H':
4705 			if (graphCursor) {
4706 				// move node canvas faster
4707 				graphNodeMove (g, 'h', movspeed * 2);
4708 			} else {
4709 				// scroll canvas faster
4710 				if (okey == 27) {
4711 					// handle home key
4712 					const RGraphNode *gn = find_near_of (g, NULL, true);
4713 					g->update_seek_on = get_anode (gn);
4714 				} else {
4715 					can->sx += (5 * movspeed) * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4716 				}
4717 			}
4718 			break;
4719 		case 'L':
4720 			if (graphCursor) {
4721 				graphNodeMove (g, 'l', movspeed * 2);
4722 			} else {
4723 				can->sx -= (5 * movspeed) * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4724 			}
4725 			break;
4726 		case 'c':
4727 			graphCursor = !graphCursor;
4728 			break;
4729 		case 'j':
4730 			if (g->is_dis) {
4731 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "so 1");
4732 			} else {
4733 				if (graphCursor) {
4734 					int speed = (okey == 27)? PAGEKEY_SPEED: movspeed;
4735 					graphNodeMove (g, 'j', speed);
4736 				} else {
4737 					// scroll canvas
4738 					can->sy -= movspeed * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4739 				}
4740 			}
4741 			break;
4742 		case 'k':
4743 			if (g->is_dis) {
4744 				r_core_cmd0 (core, "so -1");
4745 			} else {
4746 				if (graphCursor) {
4747 					int speed = (okey == 27)? PAGEKEY_SPEED: movspeed;
4748 					graphNodeMove (g, 'k', speed);
4749 				} else {
4750 					// scroll canvas
4751 					can->sy += movspeed * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4752 				}
4753 			}
4754 			break;
4755 		case 'l':
4756 			if (graphCursor) {
4757 				int speed = (okey == 27)? PAGEKEY_SPEED: movspeed;
4758 				graphNodeMove (g, 'l', speed);
4759 			} else {
4760 				can->sx -= movspeed * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4761 			}
4762 			break;
4763 		case 'h':
4764 			if (graphCursor) {
4765 				int speed = (okey == 27)? PAGEKEY_SPEED: movspeed;
4766 				graphNodeMove (g, 'h', speed);
4767 			} else {
4768 				can->sx += movspeed * (invscroll? -1: 1);
4769 			}
4770 			break;
4771 		case '^':
4772 			  {
4773 				  RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
4774 				  if (fcn) {
4775 					  r_core_seek (core, fcn->addr, false);
4776 				  }
4777 			  }
4778 			  agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4779 			  break;
4780 		case ',':
4781 			r_config_toggle (core->config, "graph.few");
4782 			g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4783 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4784 			break;
4785 		case '.':
4786 			discroll = 0;
4787 			agraph_update_seek (g, get_anode (g->curnode), true);
4788 			break;
4789 		case 'i':
4790 			agraph_follow_innodes (g, true);
4791 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.few")) {
4792 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4793 			}
4794 			break;
4795 		case 'I':
4796 			agraph_follow_innodes (g, false);
4797 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.few")) {
4798 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4799 			}
4800 			break;
4801 		case 't':
4802 			agraph_follow_true (g);
4803 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.few")) {
4804 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4805 			}
4806 			break;
4807 		case 'T':
4808 			// XXX WIP	agraph_merge_child (g, 0);
4809 			break;
4810 		case 'f':
4811 			agraph_follow_false (g);
4812 			if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "graph.few")) {
4813 				g->need_reload_nodes = true;
4814 			}
4815 			break;
4816 		case 'F':
4817 			if (okey == 27) {
4818 				// handle end key
4819 				const RGraphNode *gn = find_near_of (g, NULL, false);
4820 				g->update_seek_on = get_anode (gn);
4821 			} else {
4822 				// agraph_merge_child (g, 1);
4823 				r_core_visual_trackflags (core);
4824 			}
4825 			break;
4826 		case '/':
4827 			showcursor (core, true);
4828 			r_core_cmd0 (core, "?i highlight;e scr.highlight=`yp`");
4829 			showcursor (core, false);
4830 			break;
4831 		case ':':
4832 			core->cons->event_resize = (RConsEvent)agraph_set_need_reload_nodes;
4833 			r_core_visual_prompt_input (core);
4834 			core->cons->event_resize = (RConsEvent)agraph_refresh_oneshot;
4835 			if (!g) {
4836 				g->need_reload_nodes = true; // maybe too slow and unnecessary sometimes? better be safe and reload
4837 				get_bbupdate (g, core, fcn);
4838 			}
4839 			break;
4840 		case 'w':
4841 			agraph_toggle_speed (g, core);
4842 			break;
4843 		case '_':
4844 			r_core_visual_hudstuff (core);
4845 			break;
4846 		case R_CONS_KEY_F1:
4847 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f1");
4848 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4849 				(void) r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4850 			}
4851 			break;
4852 		case R_CONS_KEY_F2:
4853 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f2");
4854 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4855 				(void) r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4856 			} else {
4857 				graph_breakpoint (core);
4858 			}
4859 			break;
4860 		case R_CONS_KEY_F3:
4861 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f3");
4862 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4863 				(void) r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4864 			}
4865 			break;
4866 		case R_CONS_KEY_F4:
4867 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f4");
4868 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4869 				(void) r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4870 			}
4871 			break;
4872 		case R_CONS_KEY_F5:
4873 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f5");
4874 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4875 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4876 			}
4877 			break;
4878 		case R_CONS_KEY_F6:
4879 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f6");
4880 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4881 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4882 			}
4883 			break;
4884 		case R_CONS_KEY_F7:
4885 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f7");
4886 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4887 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4888 			} else {
4889 				graph_single_step_in (core, g);
4890 			}
4891 			break;
4892 		case R_CONS_KEY_F8:
4893 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f8");
4894 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4895 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4896 			} else {
4897 				graph_single_step_over (core, g);
4898 			}
4899 			break;
4900 		case R_CONS_KEY_F9:
4901 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f9");
4902 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4903 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4904 			} else {
4905 				graph_continue (core);
4906 			}
4907 			break;
4908 		case R_CONS_KEY_F10:
4909 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f10");
4910 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4911 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4912 			}
4913 			break;
4914 		case R_CONS_KEY_F11:
4915 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f11");
4916 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4917 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4918 			}
4919 			break;
4920 		case R_CONS_KEY_F12:
4921 			cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f12");
4922 			if (cmd && *cmd) {
4923 				(void)r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
4924 			}
4925 			break;
4926 		case -1: // EOF
4927 		case ' ':
4928 		case 'Q':
4929 		case 'q':
4930 			if (g->is_callgraph) {
4931 				agraph_toggle_callgraph (g);
4932 			} else {
4933 				exit_graph = true;
4934 			}
4935 			break;
4936 		case 27: // ESC
4937 			if (r_cons_readchar () == 91) {
4938 				if (r_cons_readchar () == 90) {
4939 					agraph_prev_node (g);
4940 				}
4941 			}
4942 			break;
4943 		default:
4944 			break;
4945 		}
4946 	}
4947 	r_vector_fini (&g->ghits.word_list);
4948 	r_cons_break_pop ();
4949 	r_config_set (core->config, "asm.comments", r_str_bool (asm_comments));
4950 	core->cons->event_resize = NULL;
4951 	core->cons->event_data = NULL;
4952 	core->vmode = o_vmode;
4953 	core->is_asmqjmps_letter = o_asmqjmps_letter;
4954 	core->keep_asmqjmps = false;
4956 	free (grd);
4957 	if (graph_allocated) {
4958 		r_agraph_free (g);
4959 	} else {
4960 		g->can = o_can;
4961 	}
4962 	r_config_hold_restore (hc);
4963 	r_config_hold_free (hc);
4964 	if (update_seek) {
4965 		return -1;
4966 	}
4967 	return !is_error;
4968 }
4970 /**
4971  * @brief Create RAGraph from generic RGraph with RGraphNodeInfo as node data
4972  *
4973  * @param graph <RGraphNodeInfo>
4974  * @return RAGraph* NULL if failure
4975  */
create_agraph_from_graph(const RGraph * graph)4976 R_API RAGraph *create_agraph_from_graph(const RGraph/*<RGraphNodeInfo>*/ *graph) {
4977 	r_return_val_if_fail (graph, NULL);
4979 	RAGraph *result_agraph = r_agraph_new (r_cons_canvas_new (1, 1));
4980 	if (!result_agraph) {
4981 		return NULL;
4982 	}
4983 	result_agraph->need_reload_nodes = false;
4984 	// Cache lookup to build edges
4985 	HtPPOptions pointer_options = { 0 };
4986 	HtPP /*<RGraphNode *node, RANode *anode>*/ *hashmap = ht_pp_new_opt (&pointer_options);
4988 	if (!hashmap) {
4989 		r_agraph_free (result_agraph);
4990 		return NULL;
4991 	}
4992 	// List of the new RANodes
4993 	RListIter *iter;
4994 	RGraphNode *node;
4995 	// Traverse the list, create new ANode for each Node
4996 	r_list_foreach (graph->nodes, iter, node) {
4997 		RGraphNodeInfo *info = node->data;
4998 		RANode *a_node = r_agraph_add_node (result_agraph, info->title, info->body, NULL);
4999 		if (!a_node) {
5000 			goto failure;
5001 		}
5002 		ht_pp_insert (hashmap, node, a_node);
5003 	}
5005 	// Traverse the nodes again, now build up the edges
5006 	r_list_foreach (graph->nodes, iter, node) {
5007 		RANode *a_node = ht_pp_find (hashmap, node, NULL);
5008 		if (!a_node) {
5009 			goto failure; // shouldn't happen in correct graph state
5010 		}
5012 		RListIter *neighbour_iter;
5013 		RGraphNode *neighbour;
5014 		r_list_foreach (node->in_nodes, neighbour_iter, neighbour) {
5015 			RANode *a_neighbour = ht_pp_find (hashmap, neighbour, NULL);
5016 			if (!a_neighbour) {
5017 				goto failure;
5018 			}
5019 			r_agraph_add_edge (result_agraph, a_neighbour, a_node);
5020 		}
5021 	}
5023 	ht_pp_free (hashmap);
5024 	return result_agraph;
5025 failure:
5026 	ht_pp_free (hashmap);
5027 	r_agraph_free (result_agraph);
5028 	return NULL;
5029 }