1%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2%% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et
9         do/1,
10         format_error/1]).
13%% exported for test purposes
14-export([compile/2, prepare_tests/1, translate_paths/2, maybe_write_coverdata/1]).
20-define(PROVIDER, ct).
21%% we need to modify app_info state before compile
22-define(DEPS, [lock]).
24%% ===================================================================
25%% Public API
26%% ===================================================================
28-spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}.
29init(State) ->
30    Provider = providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER},
31                                 {module, ?MODULE},
32                                 {deps, ?DEPS},
33                                 {bare, true},
34                                 {example, "rebar3 ct"},
35                                 {short_desc, "Run Common Tests."},
36                                 {desc, "Run Common Tests."},
37                                 {opts, ct_opts(State)},
38                                 {profiles, [test]}]),
39    {ok, rebar_state:add_provider(State, Provider)}.
41-spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}.
42do(State) ->
43    setup_name(State),
44    Tests = prepare_tests(State),
45    case compile(State, Tests) of
46        %% successfully compiled apps
47        {ok, S} ->
48            {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(S),
49            case proplists:get_value(compile_only, RawOpts, false) of
50                true ->
51                    {ok, S};
52                false ->
53                    do(S, Tests)
54            end;
55        %% this should look like a compiler error, not a ct error
56        Error   -> Error
57    end.
59do(State, Tests) ->
60    ?INFO("Running Common Test suites...", []),
61    rebar_paths:set_paths([deps, plugins], State),
63    %% Run ct provider prehooks
64    Providers = rebar_state:providers(State),
65    Cwd = rebar_dir:get_cwd(),
67    %% Run ct provider pre hooks for all project apps and top level project hooks
68    rebar_hooks:run_project_and_app_hooks(Cwd, pre, ?PROVIDER, Providers, State),
70    case Tests of
71        {ok, T} ->
72            case run_tests(State, T) of
73                ok    ->
74                    %% Run ct provider post hooks for all project apps and top level project hooks
75                    rebar_hooks:run_project_and_app_hooks(Cwd, post, ?PROVIDER, Providers, State),
76                    rebar_paths:set_paths([plugins, deps], State),
77                    symlink_to_last_ct_logs(State, T),
78                    {ok, State};
79                Error ->
80                    rebar_paths:set_paths([plugins, deps], State),
81                    symlink_to_last_ct_logs(State, T),
82                    Error
83            end;
84        Error ->
85            rebar_paths:set_paths([plugins, deps], State),
86            Error
87    end.
89run_tests(State, Opts) ->
90    T = translate_paths(State, Opts),
91    Opts1 = setup_logdir(State, T),
92    Opts2 = turn_off_auto_compile(Opts1),
93    ?DEBUG("Running tests with {ct_opts, ~p}.", [Opts2]),
94    {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
95    Result = case proplists:get_value(verbose, RawOpts, false) of
96        true  -> run_test_verbose(Opts2);
97        false -> run_test_quiet(Opts2)
98    end,
99    ok = maybe_write_coverdata(State),
100    Result.
102-spec format_error(any()) -> iolist().
103format_error({error, Reason}) ->
104    io_lib:format("Error running tests:~n  ~p", [Reason]);
105format_error({error_running_tests, Reason}) ->
106    format_error({error, Reason});
107format_error({failures_running_tests, {Failed, AutoSkipped}}) ->
108    io_lib:format("Failures occurred running tests: ~b", [Failed+AutoSkipped]);
109format_error({badconfig, {Msg, {Value, Key}}}) ->
110    io_lib:format(Msg, [Value, Key]);
111format_error({badconfig, Msg}) ->
112    io_lib:format(Msg, []);
113format_error({multiple_errors, Errors}) ->
114    io_lib:format(lists:concat(["Error running tests:"] ++
115                               lists:map(fun(Error) -> "~n  " ++ Error end, Errors)), []);
116format_error({error_reading_testspec, Reason}) ->
117    io_lib:format("Error reading testspec: ~p", [Reason]).
119%% ===================================================================
120%% Internal functions
121%% ===================================================================
123%% @doc Tries to make the symlink `_build/<profile>/logs/last' to the `ct_run' directory
124%% of the last common test run.
125-spec symlink_to_last_ct_logs(rebar_state:t(), list()) -> ok.
126symlink_to_last_ct_logs(State, Opts) ->
127    LogDir = case proplists:get_value(logdir, Opts) of
128        undefined -> filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "logs"]);
129        Dir -> Dir
130    end,
131    {ok, Filenames} = file:list_dir(LogDir),
132    CtRunDirs = lists:filter(fun(S) -> re:run(S, "ct_run", [unicode]) /= nomatch end, Filenames),
133    case CtRunDirs of
134        [] ->
135            % If for some reason there are no such directories, we should not try to set up a link either.
136            ok;
137        _ ->
138            NewestDir = lists:last(lists:sort(CtRunDirs)),
139            Target = filename:join([LogDir, "last"]),
140            Existing = filename:join([LogDir, NewestDir]),
141            case rebar_file_utils:symlink_or_copy(Existing, Target) of
142                ok -> ok;
143                exists ->
144                    %% in case the symlink already exists we remove it
145                    %% and make a new updated one
146                    rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(Target),
147                    rebar_file_utils:symlink_or_copy(Existing, Target);
148                Reason -> ?DIAGNOSTIC("Warning, couldn't make a symlink to ~ts, reason: ~p.", [Target, Reason])
149            end
150    end.
152setup_name(State) ->
153    {Long, Short, Opts} = rebar_dist_utils:find_options(State),
154    rebar_dist_utils:either(Long, Short, Opts).
156prepare_tests(State) ->
157    %% command line test options
158    CmdOpts = cmdopts(State),
159    %% rebar.config test options
160    CfgOpts = cfgopts(State),
161    ProjectApps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
163    %% prioritize tests to run first trying any command line specified
164    %% tests falling back to tests specified in the config file finally
165    %% running a default set if no other tests are present
166    select_tests(State, ProjectApps, CmdOpts, CfgOpts).
168cmdopts(State) ->
169    {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
170    %% filter out opts common_test doesn't know about and convert
171    %% to ct acceptable forms
172    transform_retry(transform_opts(RawOpts, []), State).
174transform_opts([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
175transform_opts([{dir, Dirs}|Rest], Acc) ->
176    transform_opts(Rest, [{dir, split_string(Dirs)}|Acc]);
177transform_opts([{suite, Suites}|Rest], Acc) ->
178    transform_opts(Rest, [{suite, split_string(Suites)}|Acc]);
179transform_opts([{group, Groups}|Rest], Acc) ->
180    transform_opts(Rest, [{group, transform_group(Groups)}|Acc]);
181transform_opts([{testcase, Cases}|Rest], Acc) ->
182    transform_opts(Rest, [{testcase, split_string(Cases)}|Acc]);
183transform_opts([{config, Configs}|Rest], Acc) ->
184    transform_opts(Rest, [{config, split_string(Configs)}|Acc]);
185transform_opts([{spec, Specs}|Rest], Acc) ->
186    transform_opts(Rest, [{spec, split_string(Specs)}|Acc]);
187transform_opts([{include, Includes}|Rest], Acc) ->
188    transform_opts(Rest, [{include, split_string(Includes)}|Acc]);
189transform_opts([{logopts, LogOpts}|Rest], Acc) ->
190    transform_opts(Rest, [{logopts, lists:map(fun(P) -> list_to_atom(P) end, split_string(LogOpts))}|Acc]);
191transform_opts([{force_stop, "true"}|Rest], Acc) ->
192    transform_opts(Rest, [{force_stop, true}|Acc]);
193transform_opts([{force_stop, "false"}|Rest], Acc) ->
194    transform_opts(Rest, [{force_stop, false}|Acc]);
195transform_opts([{force_stop, "skip_rest"}|Rest], Acc) ->
196    transform_opts(Rest, [{force_stop, skip_rest}|Acc]);
197transform_opts([{create_priv_dir, CreatePrivDir}|Rest], Acc) ->
198    transform_opts(Rest, [{create_priv_dir, list_to_atom(CreatePrivDir)}|Acc]);
199%% drop cover from opts, ct doesn't care about it
200transform_opts([{cover, _}|Rest], Acc) ->
201    transform_opts(Rest, Acc);
202%% drop verbose from opts, ct doesn't care about it
203transform_opts([{verbose, _}|Rest], Acc) ->
204    transform_opts(Rest, Acc);
205%% drop fail_fast from opts, ct doesn't care about it
206transform_opts([{fail_fast, _}|Rest], Acc) ->
207    transform_opts(Rest, Acc);
208%% getopt should handle anything else
209transform_opts([Opt|Rest], Acc) ->
210    transform_opts(Rest, [Opt|Acc]).
212%% @private only retry if specified and if no other spec
213%% is given.
214transform_retry(Opts, State) ->
215    case proplists:get_value(retry, Opts, false) andalso
216         not is_any_defined([spec,dir,suite], Opts) of
217        false ->
218            Opts;
219        true ->
220            Path = filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "logs", "retry.spec"]),
221            filelib:is_file(Path) andalso [{spec, Path}|Opts]
222    end.
224split_string(String) ->
225    rebar_string:lexemes(String, [$,]).
227transform_group(String) ->
228    case rebar_string:consult([$[, String, $], $.]) of
229        [Terms] when is_list(Terms) ->
230            Terms;
231        Terms when is_list(Terms) ->
232            Terms;
233        {error, _} ->
234            %% try a normal string split
235            split_string(String)
236    end.
238cfgopts(State) ->
239    case rebar_state:get(State, ct_opts, []) of
240        Opts when is_list(Opts) ->
241            ensure_opts(add_hooks(Opts, State), []);
242        Wrong ->
243            %% probably a single non list term
244            ?PRV_ERROR({badconfig, {"Value `~p' of option `~p' must be a list", {Wrong, ct_opts}}})
245    end.
247ensure_opts([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
248ensure_opts([{cover, _}|Rest], Acc) ->
249    ?WARN("Cover specs not supported. See https://www.rebar3.org/docs/testing/ct/", []),
250    ensure_opts(Rest, Acc);
251ensure_opts([{auto_compile, _}|Rest], Acc) ->
252    ?WARN("Auto compile not supported", []),
253    ensure_opts(Rest, Acc);
254ensure_opts([{suite, Suite}|Rest], Acc) when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ->
255    ensure_opts(Rest, [{suite, Suite}|Acc]);
256ensure_opts([{suite, Suite}|Rest], Acc) when is_atom(Suite) ->
257    ensure_opts(Rest, [{suite, atom_to_list(Suite)}|Acc]);
258ensure_opts([{suite, Suites}|Rest], Acc) ->
259    NewSuites = {suite, lists:map(fun(S) when is_atom(S) -> atom_to_list(S);
260                                     (S) when is_list(S) -> S
261                                  end,
262                                  Suites)},
263    ensure_opts(Rest, [NewSuites|Acc]);
264ensure_opts([{K, V}|Rest], Acc) ->
265    ensure_opts(Rest, [{K, V}|Acc]);
266%% pass through other options, in case of things like config terms
267%% in `ct_opts`
268ensure_opts([V|Rest], Acc) ->
269    ensure_opts(Rest, [V|Acc]).
271add_hooks(Opts, State) ->
272    FailFast = case fails_fast(State) of
273        true -> [cth_fail_fast];
274        false -> []
275    end,
276    case {readable(State), lists:keyfind(ct_hooks, 1, Opts)} of
277        {false, _} ->
278            Opts;
279        {Other, false} ->
280            [{ct_hooks, [cth_readable_failonly, readable_shell_type(Other),
281                         cth_retry] ++ FailFast} | Opts];
282        {Other, {ct_hooks, Hooks}} ->
283            %% Make sure hooks are there once only and add wanted hooks that are not defined yet
284            ReadableHooks = [cth_readable_failonly, readable_shell_type(Other),
285                             cth_retry] ++ FailFast,
286            NewHooks = Hooks ++ [ReadableHook ||
287                ReadableHook <- ReadableHooks,
288                not is_defined(ReadableHook, Hooks)
289            ],
290            lists:keyreplace(ct_hooks, 1, Opts, {ct_hooks, NewHooks})
291    end.
293is_defined(_Key, []) -> false;
294is_defined(Key, [Key | _Hs]) -> true;
295is_defined(Key, [{Key, _Opts} | _Hs]) -> true;
296is_defined(Key, [{Key, _Opts, _Prio} | _Hs]) -> true;
297is_defined(Key, [_ | Hs]) -> is_defined(Key, Hs).
300readable_shell_type(true) -> cth_readable_shell;
301readable_shell_type(compact) -> cth_readable_compact_shell.
303select_tests(_, _, _, {error, _} = Error) -> Error;
304select_tests(State, ProjectApps, CmdOpts, CfgOpts) ->
305    %% set application env if sys_config argument is provided
306    SysConfigs = sys_config_list(CmdOpts, CfgOpts),
307    Configs = lists:flatmap(fun(Filename) ->
308                                rebar_file_utils:consult_config(State, Filename)
309                            end, SysConfigs),
310    %% NB: load the applications (from user directories too) to support OTP < 17
311    %% to our best ability.
312    rebar_paths:set_paths([deps, plugins], State),
313    [application:load(Application) || Config <- Configs, {Application, _} <- Config],
314    rebar_utils:reread_config(Configs, [update_logger]),
316    Opts = merge_opts(CmdOpts,CfgOpts),
317    discover_tests(State, ProjectApps, Opts).
319%% Merge the option lists from command line and rebar.config:
321%% - Options set on the command line will replace the same options if
322%%   set in rebar.config.
324%% - Special care is taken with options that select which tests to
325%%   run - ANY such option on the command line will replace ALL such
326%%   options in the config.
328%%   Note that if 'spec' is given, common_test will ignore all 'dir',
329%%   'suite', 'group' and 'case', so there is no need to explicitly
330%%   remove any options from the command line.
332%%   All faulty combinations of options are also handled by
333%%   common_test and are not taken into account here.
334merge_opts(CmdOpts0, CfgOpts0) ->
335    TestSelectOpts = [spec,dir,suite,group,testcase],
336    CmdOpts = lists:ukeysort(1, CmdOpts0),
337    CfgOpts1 = lists:ukeysort(1, CfgOpts0),
338    CfgOpts = case is_any_defined(TestSelectOpts,CmdOpts) of
339                  false ->
340                      CfgOpts1;
341                  true ->
342                       [Opt || Opt={K,_} <- CfgOpts1,
343                               not lists:member(K,TestSelectOpts)]
344              end,
345    lists:ukeymerge(1, CmdOpts, CfgOpts).
347is_any_defined([Key|Keys],Opts) ->
348    proplists:is_defined(Key,Opts) orelse is_any_defined(Keys,Opts);
349is_any_defined([],_Opts) ->
350    false.
352sys_config_list(CmdOpts, CfgOpts) ->
353    CmdSysConfigs = split_string(proplists:get_value(sys_config, CmdOpts, "")),
354    case proplists:get_value(sys_config, CfgOpts, []) of
355        [H | _]=Configs when is_list(H) ->
356            Configs ++ CmdSysConfigs;
357        [] ->
358            CmdSysConfigs;
359        Configs ->
360            [Configs | CmdSysConfigs]
361    end.
363discover_tests(State, ProjectApps, Opts) ->
364    case is_any_defined([spec,dir,suite],Opts) of
365        %% no tests defined, try using `$APP/test` and `$ROOT/test` as dirs
366        false -> {ok, default_tests(State, ProjectApps) ++ Opts};
367        true  -> {ok, Opts}
368    end.
370default_tests(State, ProjectApps) ->
371    BareTest = filename:join([rebar_state:dir(State), "test"]),
372    F = fun(App) -> rebar_app_info:dir(App) == rebar_state:dir(State) end,
373    AppTests = application_dirs(ProjectApps, []),
374    case filelib:is_dir(BareTest) andalso not lists:any(F, ProjectApps) of
375        %% `test` dir at root of project is already scheduled to be
376        %%  included or `test` does not exist
377        false ->
378            %% The rest of the call-chain expects the list of tests to not be
379            %% empty, thus we drop the parameter in that case entirely.
380            case AppTests of
381                [] ->
382                    [];
383                _ ->
384                    [{dir, AppTests}]
385            end;
386        %% need to add `test` dir at root to dirs to be included
387        true  ->
388            [{dir, AppTests ++ [BareTest]}]
389    end.
391application_dirs([], []) -> [];
392application_dirs([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
393application_dirs([App|Rest], Acc) ->
394    TestDir = filename:join([rebar_app_info:dir(App), "test"]),
395    case filelib:is_dir(TestDir) of
396        true  -> application_dirs(Rest, [TestDir|Acc]);
397        false -> application_dirs(Rest, Acc)
398    end.
400compile(State, {ok, _} = Tests) ->
401    %% inject `ct_first_files`, `ct_compile_opts` and `include` (from `ct_opts`
402    %% and command line options) into the applications to be compiled
403    case inject_ct_state(State, Tests) of
404        {ok, NewState} -> do_compile(NewState);
405        Error          -> Error
406    end;
407%% maybe compile even in the face of errors?
408compile(_State, Error) -> Error.
410do_compile(State) ->
411    ?DEBUG("Re-compiling the project under the test profile with CT options injected...", []),
412    {ok, S} = rebar_prv_compile:do(State),
413    ok = maybe_cover_compile(S),
414    {ok, S}.
416inject_ct_state(State, {ok, Tests}) ->
417    Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
418    case inject_ct_state(State, Tests, Apps, []) of
419        {ok, {NewState, ModdedApps}} ->
420            test_dirs(NewState, ModdedApps, Tests);
421        {error, _} = Error           -> Error
422    end.
424inject_ct_state(State, Tests, [App|Rest], Acc) ->
425    case inject(rebar_app_info:opts(App), State, Tests) of
426        {error, _} = Error -> Error;
427        NewOpts            ->
428            NewApp = rebar_app_info:opts(App, NewOpts),
429            inject_ct_state(State, Tests, Rest, [NewApp|Acc])
430    end;
431inject_ct_state(State, Tests, [], Acc) ->
432    case inject(rebar_state:opts(State), State, Tests) of
433        {error, _} = Error -> Error;
434        NewOpts            ->
435          {ok, {rebar_state:opts(State, NewOpts), lists:reverse(Acc)}}
436    end.
438opts(Opts, Key, Default) ->
439    case rebar_opts:get(Opts, Key, Default) of
440        Vs when is_list(Vs) -> Vs;
441        Wrong ->
442            ?PRV_ERROR({badconfig, {"Value `~p' of option `~p' must be a list", {Wrong, Key}}})
443    end.
445inject(Opts, State, Tests) -> erl_opts(Opts, State, Tests).
447erl_opts(Opts, State, Tests) ->
448    %% append `ct_compile_opts` to app defined `erl_opts`
449    ErlOpts = opts(Opts, erl_opts, []),
450    CTOpts = opts(Opts, ct_compile_opts, []),
451    case add_transforms(append(CTOpts, ErlOpts), State) of
452        {error, _} = Error -> Error;
453        NewErlOpts         -> first_files(rebar_opts:set(Opts, erl_opts, NewErlOpts), Tests)
454    end.
456first_files(Opts, Tests) ->
457    %% append `ct_first_files` to app defined `erl_first_files`
458    FirstFiles = opts(Opts, erl_first_files, []),
459    CTFirstFiles = opts(Opts, ct_first_files, []),
460    case append(CTFirstFiles, FirstFiles) of
461        {error, _} = Error -> Error;
462        NewFirstFiles      -> include_files(rebar_opts:set(Opts, erl_first_files, NewFirstFiles), Tests)
463    end.
465include_files(Opts, Tests) ->
466    %% append include dirs from command line and `ct_opts` to app defined
467    %% `erl_opts`
468    ErlOpts = opts(Opts, erl_opts, []),
469    Includes = proplists:get_value(include, Tests, []),
470    Is = lists:map(fun(I) -> {i, I} end, Includes),
471    case append(Is, ErlOpts) of
472        {error, _} = Error -> Error;
473        NewIncludes        -> ct_macro(rebar_opts:set(Opts, erl_opts, NewIncludes))
474    end.
476ct_macro(Opts) ->
477    ErlOpts = opts(Opts, erl_opts, []),
478    NewOpts = safe_define_ct_macro(ErlOpts),
479    rebar_opts:set(Opts, erl_opts, NewOpts).
481safe_define_ct_macro(Opts) ->
482    %% defining a compile macro twice results in an exception so
483    %% make sure 'COMMON_TEST' is only defined once
484    case test_defined(Opts) of
485       true  -> Opts;
486       false -> [{d, 'COMMON_TEST'}|Opts]
487    end.
489test_defined([{d, 'COMMON_TEST'}|_]) -> true;
490test_defined([{d, 'COMMON_TEST', true}|_]) -> true;
491test_defined([_|Rest]) -> test_defined(Rest);
492test_defined([]) -> false.
494append({error, _} = Error, _) -> Error;
495append(_, {error, _} = Error) -> Error;
496append(A, B) -> A ++ B.
498add_transforms(CTOpts, State) when is_list(CTOpts) ->
499    case readable(State) of
500        false ->
501            CTOpts;
502        Other when Other == true; Other == compact ->
503            ReadableTransform = [{parse_transform, cth_readable_transform}],
504            (CTOpts -- ReadableTransform) ++ ReadableTransform
505    end;
506add_transforms({error, _} = Error, _State) -> Error.
508readable(State) ->
509    {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
510    case proplists:get_value(readable, RawOpts) of
511        "true"  -> true;
512        "false" -> false;
513        "compact" -> compact;
514        undefined -> rebar_state:get(State, ct_readable, compact)
515    end.
517fails_fast(State) ->
518    {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
519    proplists:get_value(fail_fast, RawOpts) == true.
521test_dirs(State, Apps, Opts) ->
522    case proplists:get_value(spec, Opts) of
523        undefined ->
524            case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
525                {undefined, undefined}  ->
526                    {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(State, Apps)};
527                {Suites, undefined} -> set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {suite, Suites});
528                {undefined, Dirs}   -> set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, {dir, Dirs});
529                {Suites, Dir} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
530                    set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, join(Suites, Dir));
531                {Suites, [Dir]} when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
532                    set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, join(Suites, Dir));
533                {_Suites, _Dirs}    -> {error, "Only a single directory may be specified when specifying suites"}
534            end;
535        Spec when is_integer(hd(Spec)) ->
536            spec_test_dirs(State, Apps, [Spec]);
537        Specs ->
538            spec_test_dirs(State, Apps, Specs)
539    end.
541spec_test_dirs(State, Apps, Specs0) ->
542    case get_dirs_from_specs(Specs0) of
543        {ok,{Specs,SuiteDirs}} ->
544            {State1,Apps1} = set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {dir, SuiteDirs}),
545            {State2,Apps2} = set_compile_dirs1(State1, Apps1, {spec, Specs}),
546            [maybe_copy_spec(State2,Apps2,S) || S <- Specs],
547            {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(State2, Apps2)};
548        Error ->
549            Error
550    end.
552join(Suite, Dir) when is_integer(hd(Suite)) ->
553    {suite, [filename:join([Dir, Suite])]};
554join(Suites, Dir) ->
555    {suite, lists:map(fun(S) -> filename:join([Dir, S]) end, Suites)}.
557set_compile_dirs(State, Apps, What) ->
558    {NewState,NewApps} = set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, What),
559    {ok, rebar_state:project_apps(NewState, NewApps)}.
561set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {dir, Dir}) when is_integer(hd(Dir)) ->
562    %% single directory
563    %% insert `Dir` into an app if relative, or the base state if not
564    %% app relative but relative to the root or not at all if outside
565    %% project scope
566    maybe_inject_test_dir(State, [], Apps, Dir);
567set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {dir, Dirs}) ->
568    %% multiple directories
569    F = fun(Dir, {S, A}) -> maybe_inject_test_dir(S, [], A, Dir) end,
570    lists:foldl(F, {State, Apps}, Dirs);
571set_compile_dirs1(State, Apps, {Type, Files}) when Type==spec; Type==suite ->
572    %% specs or suites with dir component
573    Dirs = find_file_dirs(Files),
574    F = fun(Dir, {S, A}) -> maybe_inject_test_dir(S, [], A, Dir) end,
575    lists:foldl(F, {State, Apps}, Dirs).
577find_file_dirs(Files) ->
578    AllDirs = lists:map(fun(F) -> filename:dirname(filename:absname(F)) end, Files),
579    %% eliminate duplicates
580    lists:usort(AllDirs).
582maybe_inject_test_dir(State, AppAcc, [App|Rest], Dir) ->
583    case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(Dir, rebar_app_info:dir(App)) of
584        {ok, []}   ->
585            %% normal operation involves copying the entire directory a
586            %% suite exists in but if the suite is in the app root directory
587            %% the current compiler tries to compile all subdirs including priv
588            %% instead copy only files ending in `.erl' and directories
589            %% ending in `_SUITE_data' into the `_build/PROFILE/lib/APP' dir
590            ok = copy_bare_suites(Dir, rebar_app_info:out_dir(App)),
591            Opts = inject_test_dir(rebar_state:opts(State), rebar_app_info:out_dir(App)),
592            {rebar_state:opts(State, Opts), AppAcc ++ [App]};
593        {ok, Path} ->
594            Opts = inject_test_dir(rebar_app_info:opts(App), Path),
595            {State, AppAcc ++ [rebar_app_info:opts(App, Opts)] ++ Rest};
596        {error, badparent} ->
597            maybe_inject_test_dir(State, AppAcc ++ [App], Rest, Dir)
598    end;
599maybe_inject_test_dir(State, AppAcc, [], Dir) ->
600    case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(Dir, rebar_state:dir(State)) of
601        {ok, []}   ->
602            %% normal operation involves copying the entire directory a
603            %% suite exists in but if the suite is in the root directory
604            %% that results in a loop as we copy `_build' into itself
605            %% instead copy only files ending in `.erl' and directories
606            %% ending in `_SUITE_data' in the `_build/PROFILE/extras' dir
607            ExtrasDir = filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "extras"]),
608            ok = copy_bare_suites(Dir, ExtrasDir),
609            Opts = inject_test_dir(rebar_state:opts(State), ExtrasDir),
610            {rebar_state:opts(State, Opts), AppAcc};
611        {ok, Path} ->
612            Opts = inject_test_dir(rebar_state:opts(State), Path),
613            {rebar_state:opts(State, Opts), AppAcc};
614        {error, badparent} ->
615            {State, AppAcc}
616    end.
618copy_bare_suites(From, To) ->
619    filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([To, "dummy.txt"])),
620    SrcFiles = rebar_utils:find_files(From, ".*\\.[e|h]rl\$", false),
621    DataDirs = lists:filter(fun filelib:is_dir/1,
622                            filelib:wildcard(filename:join([From, "*_SUITE_data"]))),
623    ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r(SrcFiles, To),
624    rebar_file_utils:cp_r(DataDirs, To).
626maybe_copy_spec(State, [App|Apps], Spec) ->
627    case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(filename:dirname(Spec), rebar_app_info:dir(App)) of
628        {ok, []}   ->
629            ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r([Spec],rebar_app_info:out_dir(App));
630        {ok,_} ->
631            ok;
632        {error,badparent} ->
633            maybe_copy_spec(State, Apps, Spec)
634    end;
635maybe_copy_spec(State, [], Spec) ->
636    case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(filename:dirname(Spec), rebar_state:dir(State)) of
637        {ok, []}   ->
638            ExtrasDir = filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "extras"]),
639            ok = rebar_file_utils:cp_r([Spec],ExtrasDir);
640        _R ->
641            ok
642    end.
644inject_test_dir(Opts, Dir) ->
645    %% append specified test targets to app defined `extra_src_dirs`
646    ExtraSrcDirs = rebar_opts:get(Opts, extra_src_dirs, []),
647    rebar_opts:set(Opts, extra_src_dirs, ExtraSrcDirs ++ [Dir]).
649get_dirs_from_specs(Specs) ->
650    case get_tests_from_specs(Specs) of
651        {ok,Tests} ->
652            {SpecLists,NodeRunSkipLists} = lists:unzip(Tests),
653            SpecList = lists:append(SpecLists),
654            NodeRunSkipList = lists:append(NodeRunSkipLists),
655            RunList = lists:append([R || {_,R,_} <- NodeRunSkipList]),
656            DirList = [element(1,R) || R <- RunList],
657            {ok,{SpecList,DirList}};
658        {error,Reason} ->
659            {error,{?MODULE,{error_reading_testspec,Reason}}}
660    end.
662get_tests_from_specs(Specs) ->
663    _ = ct_testspec:module_info(), % make sure ct_testspec is loaded
664    case erlang:function_exported(ct_testspec,get_tests,1) of
665        true ->
666            ct_testspec:get_tests(Specs);
667        false ->
668            case ct_testspec:collect_tests_from_file(Specs,true) of
669                Tests when is_list(Tests) ->
670                    {ok,[{S,ct_testspec:prepare_tests(R)} || {S,R} <- Tests]};
671                Error ->
672                    Error
673            end
674    end.
676translate_paths(State, Opts) ->
677    case proplists:get_value(spec, Opts) of
678        undefined ->
679            case {proplists:get_value(suite, Opts), proplists:get_value(dir, Opts)} of
680                {_Suites, undefined} -> translate_paths(State, suite, Opts, []);
681                {undefined, _Dirs}   -> translate_paths(State, dir, Opts, []);
682                %% both dirs and suites are defined, only translate dir paths
683                _                    -> translate_paths(State, dir, Opts, [])
684            end;
685        _Specs ->
686            translate_paths(State, spec, Opts, [])
687    end.
689translate_paths(_State, _Type, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
690translate_paths(State, Type, [{Type, Val}|Rest], Acc) when is_integer(hd(Val)) ->
691    %% single file or dir
692    translate_paths(State, Type, [{Type, [Val]}|Rest], Acc);
693translate_paths(State, Type, [{Type, Files}|Rest], Acc) ->
694    Apps = rebar_state:project_apps(State),
695    New = {Type, lists:map(fun(File) -> translate(State, Apps, File) end, Files)},
696    translate_paths(State, Type, Rest, [New|Acc]);
697translate_paths(State, Type, [Test|Rest], Acc) ->
698    translate_paths(State, Type, Rest, [Test|Acc]).
700translate(State, [App|Rest], Path) ->
701    case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(Path, rebar_app_info:dir(App)) of
702        {ok, P}            -> filename:join([rebar_app_info:out_dir(App), P]);
703        {error, badparent} -> translate(State, Rest, Path)
704    end;
705translate(State, [], Path) ->
706    case rebar_file_utils:path_from_ancestor(Path, rebar_state:dir(State)) of
707        {ok, P}            -> filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "extras", P]);
708        %% not relative, leave as is
709        {error, badparent} -> Path
710    end.
712-spec handle_keep_logs(file:filename(), pos_integer()) -> ok.
713handle_keep_logs(LogDir, N) ->
714    case file:list_dir(LogDir) of
715        {ok, Filenames} ->
716            Dirs = lists:filter(fun(File) ->
717                        filelib:is_dir(filename:join([LogDir, File]))
718                    end, Filenames) -- ["last"], %% we ignore the symlink as we later handle it
719            case Dirs of
720                %% first time running the tests, there are no logs to delete
721                [] -> ok;
722                %% during the next run we would crash because of keep_logs
723                _ when length(Dirs) >= N ->
724                    SortedDirs = lists:reverse(lists:sort(Dirs)),
725                    %% sort the log dirs and keep the N - 1 newest
726                    {_Keep, Discard} = lists:split(N - 1, SortedDirs),
727                    ?DEBUG("Removing the following directories because keep_logs is in ct_opts: ~p", [Discard]),
728                    [rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(filename:join([LogDir, Dir])) || Dir <- Discard],
729                    ok;
730                %% we still dont have enough log run directories as to crash
731                _ -> ok
732            end;
733        _ -> ok
734    end.
736setup_logdir(State, Opts) ->
737    Logdir = case proplists:get_value(logdir, Opts) of
738        undefined -> filename:join([rebar_dir:base_dir(State), "logs"]);
739        Dir       -> Dir
740    end,
741    filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([Logdir, "dummy.beam"])),
742    case proplists:get_value(keep_logs, Opts) of
743        all -> ok;
744        undefined -> ok;
745        N -> handle_keep_logs(Logdir, N)
746    end,
747    [{logdir, Logdir}|lists:keydelete(logdir, 1, Opts)].
749turn_off_auto_compile(Opts) ->
750    [{auto_compile, false}|lists:keydelete(auto_compile, 1, Opts)].
752run_test_verbose(Opts) -> handle_results(ct:run_test(Opts)).
754run_test_quiet(Opts) ->
755    Pid = self(),
756    Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
757    LogDir = proplists:get_value(logdir, Opts),
758    {_, Monitor} = erlang:spawn_monitor(fun() ->
759        {ok, F} = file:open(filename:join([LogDir, "ct.latest.log"]),
760                            [write]),
761        true = group_leader(F, self()),
762        Pid ! {Ref, ct:run_test(Opts)}
763    end),
764    receive
765        {Ref, Result} -> handle_quiet_results(Opts, Result);
766        {'DOWN', Monitor, _, _, Reason} -> handle_results(?PRV_ERROR(Reason))
767    end.
769handle_results(Results) when is_list(Results) ->
770    Result = lists:foldl(fun sum_results/2, {0, 0, {0,0}}, Results),
771    handle_results(Result);
772handle_results({_, Failed, {_, AutoSkipped}})
773  when Failed > 0 orelse AutoSkipped > 0 ->
774    ?PRV_ERROR({failures_running_tests, {Failed, AutoSkipped}});
775handle_results({error, Reason}) ->
776    ?PRV_ERROR({error_running_tests, Reason});
777handle_results(_) ->
778    ok.
780sum_results({Passed, Failed, {UserSkipped, AutoSkipped}},
781            {Passed2, Failed2, {UserSkipped2, AutoSkipped2}}) ->
782    {Passed+Passed2, Failed+Failed2,
783     {UserSkipped+UserSkipped2, AutoSkipped+AutoSkipped2}};
784sum_results(_, {error, Reason}) ->
785    {error, Reason};
786sum_results(Unknown, _) ->
787    {error, Unknown}.
789handle_quiet_results(_, {error, _} = Result) ->
790    handle_results(Result);
791handle_quiet_results(CTOpts, Results) when is_list(Results) ->
792    _ = [format_result(Result) || Result <- Results],
793    case handle_results(Results) of
794        ?PRV_ERROR({failures_running_tests, _}) = Error ->
795            LogDir = proplists:get_value(logdir, CTOpts),
796            Index = filename:join([LogDir, "index.html"]),
797            ?CONSOLE("Results written to ~p.", [Index]),
798            Error;
799        Other ->
800            Other
801    end;
802handle_quiet_results(CTOpts, Result) ->
803    handle_quiet_results(CTOpts, [Result]).
805format_result({Passed, 0, {0, 0}}) ->
806    ?CONSOLE("All ~p tests passed.", [Passed]);
807format_result({Passed, Failed, Skipped}) ->
808    Format = [format_failed(Failed), format_skipped(Skipped),
809              format_passed(Passed)],
810    ?CONSOLE("~ts", [Format]);
811format_result(_Unknown) ->
812    %% Happens when CT itself encounters a bug
813    ok.
815format_failed(0) ->
816    [];
817format_failed(Failed) ->
818    io_lib:format("Failed ~p tests. ", [Failed]).
820format_passed(Passed) ->
821    io_lib:format("Passed ~p tests. ", [Passed]).
823format_skipped({0, 0}) ->
824    [];
825format_skipped({User, Auto}) ->
826    io_lib:format("Skipped ~p (~p, ~p) tests. ", [User+Auto, User, Auto]).
828maybe_cover_compile(State) ->
829    {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
830    State1 = case proplists:get_value(cover, RawOpts, false) of
831        true  -> rebar_state:set(State, cover_enabled, true);
832        false -> State
833    end,
834    rebar_prv_cover:maybe_cover_compile(State1).
836maybe_write_coverdata(State) ->
837    {RawOpts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State),
838    State1 = case proplists:get_value(cover, RawOpts, false) of
839        true  -> rebar_state:set(State, cover_enabled, true);
840        false -> State
841    end,
842    Name = proplists:get_value(cover_export_name, RawOpts, ?PROVIDER),
843    rebar_prv_cover:maybe_write_coverdata(State1, Name).
845ct_opts(_State) ->
846    [{dir, undefined, "dir", string, help(dir)}, %% comma-separated list
847     {suite, undefined, "suite", string, help(suite)}, %% comma-separated list
848     {group, undefined, "group", string, help(group)}, %% comma-separated list
849     {testcase, undefined, "case", string, help(testcase)}, %% comma-separated list
850     {label, undefined, "label", string, help(label)}, %% String
851     {config, undefined, "config", string, help(config)}, %% comma-separated list
852     {spec, undefined, "spec", string, help(spec)}, %% comma-separated list
853     {join_specs, undefined, "join_specs", boolean, help(join_specs)},
854     {allow_user_terms, undefined, "allow_user_terms", boolean, help(allow_user_terms)}, %% Bool
855     {logdir, undefined, "logdir", string, help(logdir)}, %% dir
856     {logopts, undefined, "logopts", string, help(logopts)}, %% comma-separated list
857     {verbosity, undefined, "verbosity", integer, help(verbosity)}, %% Integer
858     {cover, $c, "cover", {boolean, false}, help(cover)},
859     {cover_export_name, undefined, "cover_export_name", string, help(cover_export_name)},
860     {repeat, undefined, "repeat", integer, help(repeat)}, %% integer
861     {duration, undefined, "duration", string, help(duration)}, % format: HHMMSS
862     {until, undefined, "until", string, help(until)}, %% format: YYMoMoDD[HHMMSS]
863     {force_stop, undefined, "force_stop", string, help(force_stop)}, %% String
864     {basic_html, undefined, "basic_html", boolean, help(basic_html)}, %% Boolean
865     {stylesheet, undefined, "stylesheet", string, help(stylesheet)}, %% String
866     {decrypt_key, undefined, "decrypt_key", string, help(decrypt_key)}, %% String
867     {decrypt_file, undefined, "decrypt_file", string, help(decrypt_file)}, %% String
868     {abort_if_missing_suites, undefined, "abort_if_missing_suites", {boolean, true}, help(abort_if_missing_suites)}, %% Boolean
869     {multiply_timetraps, undefined, "multiply_timetraps", integer, help(multiple_timetraps)}, %% Integer
870     {scale_timetraps, undefined, "scale_timetraps", boolean, help(scale_timetraps)},
871     {create_priv_dir, undefined, "create_priv_dir", string, help(create_priv_dir)},
872     {include, undefined, "include", string, help(include)},
873     {readable, undefined, "readable", string, help(readable)},
874     {verbose, $v, "verbose", boolean, help(verbose)},
875     {name, undefined, "name", atom, help(name)},
876     {sname, undefined, "sname", atom, help(sname)},
877     {setcookie, undefined, "setcookie", atom, help(setcookie)},
878     {sys_config, undefined, "sys_config", string, help(sys_config)}, %% comma-separated list
879     {compile_only, undefined, "compile_only", boolean, help(compile_only)},
880     {retry, undefined, "retry", boolean, help(retry)},
881     {fail_fast, undefined, "fail_fast", {boolean, false}, help(fail_fast)}
882    ].
884help(compile_only) ->
885    "Compile modules in the project with the test configuration but do not run the tests";
886help(dir) ->
887    "List of additional directories containing test suites";
888help(suite) ->
889    "List of test suites to run";
890help(group) ->
891    "List of test groups to run";
892help(testcase) ->
893    "List of test cases to run";
894help(label) ->
895    "Test label";
896help(config) ->
897    "List of config files";
898help(spec) ->
899    "List of test specifications";
900help(join_specs) ->
901    "Merge all test specifications and perform a single test run";
902help(sys_config) ->
903    "List of application config files";
904help(allow_user_terms) ->
905    "Allow user defined config values in config files";
906help(logdir) ->
907    "Log folder";
908help(logopts) ->
909    "Options for common test logging";
910help(verbosity) ->
911    "Verbosity";
912help(cover) ->
913    "Generate cover data";
914help(cover_export_name) ->
915    "Base name of the coverdata file to write";
916help(repeat) ->
917    "How often to repeat tests";
918help(duration) ->
919    "Max runtime (format: HHMMSS)";
920help(until) ->
921    "Run until (format: HHMMSS)";
922help(force_stop) ->
923    "Force stop on test timeout (true | false | skip_rest)";
924help(basic_html) ->
925    "Show basic HTML";
926help(stylesheet) ->
927    "CSS stylesheet to apply to html output";
928help(decrypt_key) ->
929    "Path to key for decrypting config";
930help(decrypt_file) ->
931    "Path to file containing key for decrypting config";
932help(abort_if_missing_suites) ->
933    "Abort if suites are missing";
934help(multiply_timetraps) ->
935    "Multiply timetraps";
936help(scale_timetraps) ->
937    "Scale timetraps";
938help(create_priv_dir) ->
939    "Create priv dir (auto_per_run | auto_per_tc | manual_per_tc)";
940help(include) ->
941    "Directories containing additional include files";
942help(readable) ->
943    "Shows test case names and only displays logs to shell on failures (true | compact | false)";
944help(verbose) ->
945    "Verbose output";
946help(name) ->
947    "Gives a long name to the node";
948help(sname) ->
949    "Gives a short name to the node";
950help(setcookie) ->
951    "Sets the cookie if the node is distributed";
952help(retry) ->
953    "Experimental feature. If any specification for previously failing test is found, runs them.";
954help(fail_fast) ->
955    "Experimental feature. If any test fails, the run is aborted. Since common test does not "
956    "support this natively, we abort the rebar3 run on a failure. This May break CT's disk logging and "
957    "other rebar3 features.";
958help(_) ->
959    "".