1 // Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! Generate files suitable for use with [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org/)
12 //!
13 //! The `render` function generates output (e.g. an `output.dot` file) for
14 //! use with [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org/) by walking a labelled
15 //! graph. (Graphviz can then automatically lay out the nodes and edges
16 //! of the graph, and also optionally render the graph as an image or
17 //! other [output formats](
18 //! http://www.graphviz.org/content/output-formats), such as SVG.)
19 //!
20 //! Rather than impose some particular graph data structure on clients,
21 //! this library exposes two traits that clients can implement on their
22 //! own structs before handing them over to the rendering function.
23 //!
24 //! Note: This library does not yet provide access to the full
25 //! expressiveness of the [DOT language](
26 //! http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html). For example, there are
27 //! many [attributes](http://www.graphviz.org/content/attrs) related to
28 //! providing layout hints (e.g. left-to-right versus top-down, which
29 //! algorithm to use, etc). The current intention of this library is to
30 //! emit a human-readable .dot file with very regular structure suitable
31 //! for easy post-processing.
32 //!
33 //! # Examples
34 //!
35 //! The first example uses a very simple graph representation: a list of
36 //! pairs of ints, representing the edges (the node set is implicit).
37 //! Each node label is derived directly from the int representing the node,
38 //! while the edge labels are all empty strings.
39 //!
40 //! This example also illustrates how to use `Cow<[T]>` to return
41 //! an owned vector or a borrowed slice as appropriate: we construct the
42 //! node vector from scratch, but borrow the edge list (rather than
43 //! constructing a copy of all the edges from scratch).
44 //!
45 //! The output from this example renders five nodes, with the first four
46 //! forming a diamond-shaped acyclic graph and then pointing to the fifth
47 //! which is cyclic.
48 //!
49 //! ```rust
50 //! use std::borrow::Cow;
51 //! use std::io::Write;
52 //!
53 //! type Nd = isize;
54 //! type Ed = (isize,isize);
55 //! struct Edges(Vec<Ed>);
56 //!
57 //! pub fn render_to<W: Write>(output: &mut W) {
58 //!     let edges = Edges(vec!((0,1), (0,2), (1,3), (2,3), (3,4), (4,4)));
59 //!     dot::render(&edges, output).unwrap()
60 //! }
61 //!
62 //! impl<'a> dot::Labeller<'a, Nd, Ed> for Edges {
63 //!     fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> { dot::Id::new("example1").unwrap() }
64 //!
65 //!     fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Nd) -> dot::Id<'a> {
66 //!         dot::Id::new(format!("N{}", *n)).unwrap()
67 //!     }
68 //! }
69 //!
70 //! impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a, Nd, Ed> for Edges {
71 //!     fn nodes(&self) -> dot::Nodes<'a,Nd> {
72 //!         // (assumes that |N| \approxeq |E|)
73 //!         let &Edges(ref v) = self;
74 //!         let mut nodes = Vec::with_capacity(v.len());
75 //!         for &(s,t) in v {
76 //!             nodes.push(s); nodes.push(t);
77 //!         }
78 //!         nodes.sort();
79 //!         nodes.dedup();
80 //!         Cow::Owned(nodes)
81 //!     }
82 //!
83 //!     fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a,Ed> {
84 //!         let &Edges(ref edges) = self;
85 //!         Cow::Borrowed(&edges[..])
86 //!     }
87 //!
88 //!     fn source(&self, e: &Ed) -> Nd { e.0 }
89 //!
90 //!     fn target(&self, e: &Ed) -> Nd { e.1 }
91 //! }
92 //!
93 //! # pub fn main() { render_to(&mut Vec::new()) }
94 //! ```
95 //!
96 //! ```no_run
97 //! # pub fn render_to<W:std::io::Write>(output: &mut W) { unimplemented!() }
98 //! pub fn main() {
99 //!     use std::fs::File;
100 //!     let mut f = File::create("example1.dot").unwrap();
101 //!     render_to(&mut f)
102 //! }
103 //! ```
104 //!
105 //! Output from first example (in `example1.dot`):
106 //!
107 //! ```ignore
108 //! digraph example1 {
109 //!     N0[label="N0"];
110 //!     N1[label="N1"];
111 //!     N2[label="N2"];
112 //!     N3[label="N3"];
113 //!     N4[label="N4"];
114 //!     N0 -> N1[label=""];
115 //!     N0 -> N2[label=""];
116 //!     N1 -> N3[label=""];
117 //!     N2 -> N3[label=""];
118 //!     N3 -> N4[label=""];
119 //!     N4 -> N4[label=""];
120 //! }
121 //! ```
122 //!
123 //! The second example illustrates using `node_label` and `edge_label` to
124 //! add labels to the nodes and edges in the rendered graph. The graph
125 //! here carries both `nodes` (the label text to use for rendering a
126 //! particular node), and `edges` (again a list of `(source,target)`
127 //! indices).
128 //!
129 //! This example also illustrates how to use a type (in this case the edge
130 //! type) that shares substructure with the graph: the edge type here is a
131 //! direct reference to the `(source,target)` pair stored in the graph's
132 //! internal vector (rather than passing around a copy of the pair
133 //! itself). Note that this implies that `fn edges(&'a self)` must
134 //! construct a fresh `Vec<&'a (usize,usize)>` from the `Vec<(usize,usize)>`
135 //! edges stored in `self`.
136 //!
137 //! Since both the set of nodes and the set of edges are always
138 //! constructed from scratch via iterators, we use the `collect()` method
139 //! from the `Iterator` trait to collect the nodes and edges into freshly
140 //! constructed growable `Vec` values (rather use the `into`
141 //! from the `IntoCow` trait as was used in the first example
142 //! above).
143 //!
144 //! The output from this example renders four nodes that make up the
145 //! Hasse-diagram for the subsets of the set `{x, y}`. Each edge is
146 //! labelled with the &sube; character (specified using the HTML character
147 //! entity `&sube`).
148 //!
149 //! ```rust
150 //! use std::io::Write;
151 //!
152 //! type Nd = usize;
153 //! type Ed<'a> = &'a (usize, usize);
154 //! struct Graph { nodes: Vec<&'static str>, edges: Vec<(usize,usize)> }
155 //!
156 //! pub fn render_to<W: Write>(output: &mut W) {
157 //!     let nodes = vec!("{x,y}","{x}","{y}","{}");
158 //!     let edges = vec!((0,1), (0,2), (1,3), (2,3));
159 //!     let graph = Graph { nodes: nodes, edges: edges };
160 //!
161 //!     dot::render(&graph, output).unwrap()
162 //! }
163 //!
164 //! impl<'a> dot::Labeller<'a, Nd, Ed<'a>> for Graph {
165 //!     fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> { dot::Id::new("example2").unwrap() }
166 //!     fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Nd) -> dot::Id<'a> {
167 //!         dot::Id::new(format!("N{}", n)).unwrap()
168 //!     }
169 //!     fn node_label<'b>(&'b self, n: &Nd) -> dot::LabelText<'b> {
170 //!         dot::LabelText::LabelStr(self.nodes[*n].into())
171 //!     }
172 //!     fn edge_label<'b>(&'b self, _: &Ed) -> dot::LabelText<'b> {
173 //!         dot::LabelText::LabelStr("&sube;".into())
174 //!     }
175 //! }
176 //!
177 //! impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a, Nd, Ed<'a>> for Graph {
178 //!     fn nodes(&self) -> dot::Nodes<'a,Nd> { (0..self.nodes.len()).collect() }
179 //!     fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a,Ed<'a>> { self.edges.iter().collect() }
180 //!     fn source(&self, e: &Ed) -> Nd { e.0 }
181 //!     fn target(&self, e: &Ed) -> Nd { e.1 }
182 //! }
183 //!
184 //! # pub fn main() { render_to(&mut Vec::new()) }
185 //! ```
186 //!
187 //! ```no_run
188 //! # pub fn render_to<W:std::io::Write>(output: &mut W) { unimplemented!() }
189 //! pub fn main() {
190 //!     use std::fs::File;
191 //!     let mut f = File::create("example2.dot").unwrap();
192 //!     render_to(&mut f)
193 //! }
194 //! ```
195 //!
196 //! The third example is similar to the second, except now each node and
197 //! edge now carries a reference to the string label for each node as well
198 //! as that node's index. (This is another illustration of how to share
199 //! structure with the graph itself, and why one might want to do so.)
200 //!
201 //! The output from this example is the same as the second example: the
202 //! Hasse-diagram for the subsets of the set `{x, y}`.
203 //!
204 //! ```rust
205 //! use std::io::Write;
206 //!
207 //! type Nd<'a> = (usize, &'a str);
208 //! type Ed<'a> = (Nd<'a>, Nd<'a>);
209 //! struct Graph { nodes: Vec<&'static str>, edges: Vec<(usize,usize)> }
210 //!
211 //! pub fn render_to<W: Write>(output: &mut W) {
212 //!     let nodes = vec!("{x,y}","{x}","{y}","{}");
213 //!     let edges = vec!((0,1), (0,2), (1,3), (2,3));
214 //!     let graph = Graph { nodes: nodes, edges: edges };
215 //!
216 //!     dot::render(&graph, output).unwrap()
217 //! }
218 //!
219 //! impl<'a> dot::Labeller<'a, Nd<'a>, Ed<'a>> for Graph {
220 //!     fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> { dot::Id::new("example3").unwrap() }
221 //!     fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Nd<'a>) -> dot::Id<'a> {
222 //!         dot::Id::new(format!("N{}", n.0)).unwrap()
223 //!     }
224 //!     fn node_label<'b>(&'b self, n: &Nd<'b>) -> dot::LabelText<'b> {
225 //!         let &(i, _) = n;
226 //!         dot::LabelText::LabelStr(self.nodes[i].into())
227 //!     }
228 //!     fn edge_label<'b>(&'b self, _: &Ed<'b>) -> dot::LabelText<'b> {
229 //!         dot::LabelText::LabelStr("&sube;".into())
230 //!     }
231 //! }
232 //!
233 //! impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a, Nd<'a>, Ed<'a>> for Graph {
234 //!     fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a,Nd<'a>> {
235 //!         self.nodes.iter().map(|s| &s[..]).enumerate().collect()
236 //!     }
237 //!     fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a,Ed<'a>> {
238 //!         self.edges.iter()
239 //!             .map(|&(i,j)|((i, &self.nodes[i][..]),
240 //!                           (j, &self.nodes[j][..])))
241 //!             .collect()
242 //!     }
243 //!     fn source(&self, e: &Ed<'a>) -> Nd<'a> { e.0 }
244 //!     fn target(&self, e: &Ed<'a>) -> Nd<'a> { e.1 }
245 //! }
246 //!
247 //! # pub fn main() { render_to(&mut Vec::new()) }
248 //! ```
249 //!
250 //! ```no_run
251 //! # pub fn render_to<W:std::io::Write>(output: &mut W) { unimplemented!() }
252 //! pub fn main() {
253 //!     use std::fs::File;
254 //!     let mut f = File::create("example3.dot").unwrap();
255 //!     render_to(&mut f)
256 //! }
257 //! ```
258 //!
259 //! # References
260 //!
261 //! * [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org/)
262 //!
263 //! * [DOT language](http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html)
265 #![crate_name = "dot"]
266 #![crate_type = "rlib"]
267 #![crate_type = "dylib"]
268 #![doc(html_logo_url = "https://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
269        html_favicon_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
270        html_root_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/")]
272 use self::LabelText::*;
274 use std::borrow::Cow;
275 use std::io::prelude::*;
276 use std::io;
278 /// The text for a graphviz label on a node or edge.
279 pub enum LabelText<'a> {
280     /// This kind of label preserves the text directly as is.
281     ///
282     /// Occurrences of backslashes (`\`) are escaped, and thus appear
283     /// as backslashes in the rendered label.
284     LabelStr(Cow<'a, str>),
286     /// This kind of label uses the graphviz label escString type:
287     /// http://www.graphviz.org/content/attrs#kescString
288     ///
289     /// Occurrences of backslashes (`\`) are not escaped; instead they
290     /// are interpreted as initiating an escString escape sequence.
291     ///
292     /// Escape sequences of particular interest: in addition to `\n`
293     /// to break a line (centering the line preceding the `\n`), there
294     /// are also the escape sequences `\l` which left-justifies the
295     /// preceding line and `\r` which right-justifies it.
296     EscStr(Cow<'a, str>),
298     /// This uses a graphviz [HTML string label][html]. The string is
299     /// printed exactly as given, but between `<` and `>`. **No
300     /// escaping is performed.**
301     ///
302     /// [html]: http://www.graphviz.org/content/node-shapes#html
303     HtmlStr(Cow<'a, str>),
304 }
306 /// The style for a node or edge.
307 /// See http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html#k:style for descriptions.
308 /// Note that some of these are not valid for edges.
309 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
310 pub enum Style {
311     None,
312     Invisible,
313     Solid,
314     Dashed,
315     Dotted,
316     Bold,
317     Rounded,
318     Diagonals,
319     Filled,
320     Striped,
321     Wedged,
322 }
324 impl Style {
as_slice(self) -> &'static str325     pub fn as_slice(self) -> &'static str {
326         match self {
327             Style::None => "",
328             Style::Invisible => "invis",
329             Style::Solid => "solid",
330             Style::Dashed => "dashed",
331             Style::Dotted => "dotted",
332             Style::Bold => "bold",
333             Style::Rounded => "rounded",
334             Style::Diagonals => "diagonals",
335             Style::Filled => "filled",
336             Style::Striped => "striped",
337             Style::Wedged => "wedged",
338         }
339     }
340 }
342 // There is a tension in the design of the labelling API.
343 //
344 // For example, I considered making a `Labeller<T>` trait that
345 // provides labels for `T`, and then making the graph type `G`
346 // implement `Labeller<Node>` and `Labeller<Edge>`. However, this is
347 // not possible without functional dependencies. (One could work
348 // around that, but I did not explore that avenue heavily.)
349 //
350 // Another approach that I actually used for a while was to make a
351 // `Label<Context>` trait that is implemented by the client-specific
352 // Node and Edge types (as well as an implementation on Graph itself
353 // for the overall name for the graph). The main disadvantage of this
354 // second approach (compared to having the `G` type parameter
355 // implement a Labelling service) that I have encountered is that it
356 // makes it impossible to use types outside of the current crate
357 // directly as Nodes/Edges; you need to wrap them in newtype'd
358 // structs. See e.g. the `No` and `Ed` structs in the examples. (In
359 // practice clients using a graph in some other crate would need to
360 // provide some sort of adapter shim over the graph anyway to
361 // interface with this library).
362 //
363 // Another approach would be to make a single `Labeller<N,E>` trait
364 // that provides three methods (graph_label, node_label, edge_label),
365 // and then make `G` implement `Labeller<N,E>`. At first this did not
366 // appeal to me, since I had thought I would need separate methods on
367 // each data variant for dot-internal identifiers versus user-visible
368 // labels. However, the identifier/label distinction only arises for
369 // nodes; graphs themselves only have identifiers, and edges only have
370 // labels.
371 //
372 // So in the end I decided to use the third approach described above.
374 /// `Id` is a Graphviz `ID`.
375 pub struct Id<'a> {
376     name: Cow<'a, str>,
377 }
379 impl<'a> Id<'a> {
380     /// Creates an `Id` named `name`.
381     ///
382     /// The caller must ensure that the input conforms to an
383     /// identifier format: it must be a non-empty string made up of
384     /// alphanumeric or underscore characters, not beginning with a
385     /// digit (i.e. the regular expression `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*`).
386     ///
387     /// (Note: this format is a strict subset of the `ID` format
388     /// defined by the DOT language.  This function may change in the
389     /// future to accept a broader subset, or the entirety, of DOT's
390     /// `ID` format.)
391     ///
392     /// Passing an invalid string (containing spaces, brackets,
393     /// quotes, ...) will return an empty `Err` value.
new<Name: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(name: Name) -> Result<Id<'a>, ()>394     pub fn new<Name: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(name: Name) -> Result<Id<'a>, ()> {
395         let name = name.into();
396         {
397             let mut chars = name.chars();
398             match chars.next() {
399                 Some(c) if is_letter_or_underscore(c) => {}
400                 _ => return Err(()),
401             }
402             if !chars.all(is_constituent) {
403                 return Err(())
404             }
405         }
406         return Ok(Id{ name: name });
408         fn is_letter_or_underscore(c: char) -> bool {
409             in_range('a', c, 'z') || in_range('A', c, 'Z') || c == '_'
410         }
411         fn is_constituent(c: char) -> bool {
412             is_letter_or_underscore(c) || in_range('0', c, '9')
413         }
414         fn in_range(low: char, c: char, high: char) -> bool {
415             low as usize <= c as usize && c as usize <= high as usize
416         }
417     }
as_slice(&'a self) -> &'a str419     pub fn as_slice(&'a self) -> &'a str {
420         &*self.name
421     }
name(self) -> Cow<'a, str>423     pub fn name(self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
424         self.name
425     }
426 }
428 /// Each instance of a type that implements `Label<C>` maps to a
429 /// unique identifier with respect to `C`, which is used to identify
430 /// it in the generated .dot file. They can also provide more
431 /// elaborate (and non-unique) label text that is used in the graphviz
432 /// rendered output.
434 /// The graph instance is responsible for providing the DOT compatible
435 /// identifiers for the nodes and (optionally) rendered labels for the nodes and
436 /// edges, as well as an identifier for the graph itself.
437 pub trait Labeller<'a,N,E> {
438     /// Must return a DOT compatible identifier naming the graph.
graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a>439     fn graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a>;
441     /// Maps `n` to a unique identifier with respect to `self`. The
442     /// implementer is responsible for ensuring that the returned name
443     /// is a valid DOT identifier.
node_id(&'a self, n: &N) -> Id<'a>444     fn node_id(&'a self, n: &N) -> Id<'a>;
446     /// Maps `n` to one of the [graphviz `shape` names][1]. If `None`
447     /// is returned, no `shape` attribute is specified.
448     ///
449     /// [1]: http://www.graphviz.org/content/node-shapes
node_shape(&'a self, _node: &N) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>450     fn node_shape(&'a self, _node: &N) -> Option<LabelText<'a>> {
451         None
452     }
454     /// Maps `n` to a label that will be used in the rendered output.
455     /// The label need not be unique, and may be the empty string; the
456     /// default is just the output from `node_id`.
node_label(&'a self, n: &N) -> LabelText<'a>457     fn node_label(&'a self, n: &N) -> LabelText<'a> {
458         LabelStr(self.node_id(n).name())
459     }
461     /// Maps `e` to a label that will be used in the rendered output.
462     /// The label need not be unique, and may be the empty string; the
463     /// default is in fact the empty string.
edge_label(&'a self, e: &E) -> LabelText<'a>464     fn edge_label(&'a self, e: &E) -> LabelText<'a> {
465         let _ignored = e;
466         LabelStr("".into())
467     }
469     /// Maps `n` to a style that will be used in the rendered output.
node_style(&'a self, _n: &N) -> Style470     fn node_style(&'a self, _n: &N) -> Style {
471         Style::None
472     }
474     /// Maps `n` to one of the [graphviz `color` names][1]. If `None`
475     /// is returned, no `color` attribute is specified.
476     ///
477     /// [1]: https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/doc/info/colors.html
node_color(&'a self, _node: &N) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>478     fn node_color(&'a self, _node: &N) -> Option<LabelText<'a>> {
479         None
480     }
482     /// Maps `e` to arrow style that will be used on the end of an edge.
483     /// Defaults to default arrow style.
edge_end_arrow(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Arrow484     fn edge_end_arrow(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Arrow {
485         Arrow::default()
486     }
488     /// Maps `e` to arrow style that will be used on the end of an edge.
489     /// Defaults to default arrow style.
edge_start_arrow(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Arrow490     fn edge_start_arrow(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Arrow {
491         Arrow::default()
492     }
494     /// Maps `e` to a style that will be used in the rendered output.
edge_style(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Style495     fn edge_style(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Style {
496         Style::None
497     }
499     /// Maps `e` to one of the [graphviz `color` names][1]. If `None`
500     /// is returned, no `color` attribute is specified.
501     ///
502     /// [1]: https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/doc/info/colors.html
edge_color(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>503     fn edge_color(&'a self, _e: &E) -> Option<LabelText<'a>> {
504         None
505     }
507     /// The kind of graph, defaults to `Kind::Digraph`.
508     #[inline]
kind(&self) -> Kind509     fn kind(&self) -> Kind {
510         Kind::Digraph
511     }
512 }
514 /// Escape tags in such a way that it is suitable for inclusion in a
515 /// Graphviz HTML label.
escape_html(s: &str) -> String516 pub fn escape_html(s: &str) -> String {
517     s
518         .replace("&", "&amp;")
519         .replace("\"", "&quot;")
520         .replace("<", "&lt;")
521         .replace(">", "&gt;")
522 }
524 impl<'a> LabelText<'a> {
label<S:Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(s: S) -> LabelText<'a>525     pub fn label<S:Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(s: S) -> LabelText<'a> {
526         LabelStr(s.into())
527     }
escaped<S:Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(s: S) -> LabelText<'a>529     pub fn escaped<S:Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(s: S) -> LabelText<'a> {
530         EscStr(s.into())
531     }
html<S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(s: S) -> LabelText<'a>533     pub fn html<S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>>(s: S) -> LabelText<'a> {
534         HtmlStr(s.into())
535     }
escape_char<F>(c: char, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(char)537     fn escape_char<F>(c: char, mut f: F)
538         where F: FnMut(char)
539     {
540         match c {
541             // not escaping \\, since Graphviz escString needs to
542             // interpret backslashes; see EscStr above.
543             '\\' => f(c),
544             _ => for c in c.escape_default() {
545                 f(c)
546             },
547         }
548     }
escape_str(s: &str) -> String549     fn escape_str(s: &str) -> String {
550         let mut out = String::with_capacity(s.len());
551         for c in s.chars() {
552             LabelText::escape_char(c, |c| out.push(c));
553         }
554         out
555     }
escape_default(s: &str) -> String557     fn escape_default(s: &str) -> String {
558         s.chars().flat_map(|c| c.escape_default()).collect()
559     }
561     /// Renders text as string suitable for a label in a .dot file.
562     /// This includes quotes or suitable delimeters.
to_dot_string(&self) -> String563     pub fn to_dot_string(&self) -> String {
564         match self {
565             &LabelStr(ref s) => format!("\"{}\"", LabelText::escape_default(s)),
566             &EscStr(ref s) => format!("\"{}\"", LabelText::escape_str(&s[..])),
567             &HtmlStr(ref s) => format!("<{}>", s),
568         }
569     }
571     /// Decomposes content into string suitable for making EscStr that
572     /// yields same content as self.  The result obeys the law
573     /// render(`lt`) == render(`EscStr(lt.pre_escaped_content())`) for
574     /// all `lt: LabelText`.
pre_escaped_content(self) -> Cow<'a, str>575     fn pre_escaped_content(self) -> Cow<'a, str> {
576         match self {
577             EscStr(s) => s,
578             LabelStr(s) => if s.contains('\\') {
579                 LabelText::escape_default(&*s).into()
580             } else {
581                 s
582             },
583             HtmlStr(s) => s,
584         }
585     }
587     /// Puts `prefix` on a line above this label, with a blank line separator.
prefix_line(self, prefix: LabelText) -> LabelText<'static>588     pub fn prefix_line(self, prefix: LabelText) -> LabelText<'static> {
589         prefix.suffix_line(self)
590     }
592     /// Puts `suffix` on a line below this label, with a blank line separator.
suffix_line(self, suffix: LabelText) -> LabelText<'static>593     pub fn suffix_line(self, suffix: LabelText) -> LabelText<'static> {
594         let mut prefix = self.pre_escaped_content().into_owned();
595         let suffix = suffix.pre_escaped_content();
596         prefix.push_str(r"\n\n");
597         prefix.push_str(&suffix[..]);
598         EscStr(prefix.into())
599     }
600 }
603 /// This structure holds all information that can describe an arrow connected to
604 /// either start or end of an edge.
605 #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
606 pub struct Arrow {
607     pub arrows: Vec<ArrowShape>,
608 }
610 use self::ArrowShape::*;
612 impl Arrow {
613     /// Return `true` if this is a default arrow.
is_default(&self) -> bool614     fn is_default(&self) -> bool {
615         self.arrows.is_empty()
616     }
618     /// Arrow constructor which returns a default arrow
default() -> Arrow619     pub fn default() -> Arrow {
620         Arrow {
621             arrows: vec![],
622         }
623     }
625     /// Arrow constructor which returns an empty arrow
none() -> Arrow626     pub fn none() -> Arrow {
627         Arrow {
628             arrows: vec![NoArrow],
629         }
630     }
632     /// Arrow constructor which returns a regular triangle arrow, without modifiers
normal() -> Arrow633     pub fn normal() -> Arrow {
634         Arrow {
635             arrows: vec![ArrowShape::normal()]
636         }
637     }
639     /// Arrow constructor which returns an arrow created by a given ArrowShape.
from_arrow(arrow: ArrowShape) -> Arrow640     pub fn from_arrow(arrow: ArrowShape) -> Arrow {
641         Arrow {
642             arrows: vec![arrow],
643         }
644     }
646     /// Function which converts given arrow into a renderable form.
to_dot_string(&self) -> String647     pub fn to_dot_string(&self) -> String {
648         let mut cow = String::new();
649         for arrow in &self.arrows {
650             cow.push_str(&arrow.to_dot_string());
651         };
652         cow
653     }
654 }
657 impl Into<Arrow> for [ArrowShape; 2] {
into(self) -> Arrow658     fn into(self) -> Arrow {
659         Arrow {
660             arrows: vec![self[0], self[1]],
661         }
662     }
663 }
664 impl Into<Arrow> for [ArrowShape; 3] {
into(self) -> Arrow665     fn into(self) -> Arrow {
666         Arrow {
667             arrows: vec![self[0], self[1], self[2]],
668         }
669     }
670 }
671 impl Into<Arrow> for [ArrowShape; 4] {
into(self) -> Arrow672     fn into(self) -> Arrow {
673         Arrow {
674             arrows: vec![self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3]],
675         }
676     }
677 }
679 /// Arrow modifier that determines if the shape is empty or filled.
680 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
681 pub enum Fill {
682     Open,
683     Filled,
684 }
686 impl Fill {
as_slice(self) -> &'static str687     pub fn as_slice(self) -> &'static str {
688         match self {
689             Fill::Open => "o",
690             Fill::Filled => "",
691         }
692     }
693 }
695 /// Arrow modifier that determines if the shape is clipped.
696 /// For example `Side::Left` means only left side is visible.
697 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
698 pub enum Side {
699     Left,
700     Right,
701     Both,
702 }
704 impl Side {
as_slice(self) -> &'static str705     pub fn as_slice(self) -> &'static str {
706         match self {
707             Side::Left  => "l",
708             Side::Right => "r",
709             Side::Both  => "",
710         }
711     }
712 }
715 /// This enumeration represents all possible arrow edge
716 /// as defined in [grapviz documentation](http://www.graphviz.org/content/arrow-shapes).
717 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
718 pub enum ArrowShape {
719     /// No arrow will be displayed
720     NoArrow,
721     /// Arrow that ends in a triangle. Basically a normal arrow.
722     /// NOTE: there is error in official documentation, this supports both fill and side clipping
723     Normal(Fill, Side),
724     /// Arrow ending in a small square box
725     Box(Fill, Side),
726     /// Arrow ending in a three branching lines also called crow's foot
727     Crow(Side),
728     /// Arrow ending in a curve
729     Curve(Side),
730     /// Arrow ending in an inverted curve
731     ICurve(Fill, Side),
732     /// Arrow ending in an diamond shaped rectangular shape.
733     Diamond(Fill, Side),
734     /// Arrow ending in a circle.
735     Dot(Fill),
736     /// Arrow ending in an inverted triangle.
737     Inv(Fill, Side),
738     /// Arrow ending with a T shaped arrow.
739     Tee(Side),
740     /// Arrow ending with a V shaped arrow.
741     Vee(Side),
742 }
743 impl ArrowShape {
744     /// Constructor which returns no arrow.
none() -> ArrowShape745     pub fn none() -> ArrowShape {
746         ArrowShape::NoArrow
747     }
749     /// Constructor which returns normal arrow.
normal() -> ArrowShape750     pub fn normal() -> ArrowShape {
751         ArrowShape::Normal(Fill::Filled, Side::Both)
752     }
754     /// Constructor which returns a regular box arrow.
boxed() -> ArrowShape755     pub fn boxed() -> ArrowShape {
756         ArrowShape::Box(Fill::Filled, Side::Both)
757     }
759     /// Constructor which returns a regular crow arrow.
crow() -> ArrowShape760     pub fn crow() -> ArrowShape {
761         ArrowShape::Crow(Side::Both)
762     }
764     /// Constructor which returns a regular curve arrow.
curve() -> ArrowShape765     pub fn curve() -> ArrowShape {
766         ArrowShape::Curve(Side::Both)
767     }
769     /// Constructor which returns an inverted curve arrow.
icurve() -> ArrowShape770     pub fn icurve() -> ArrowShape {
771         ArrowShape::ICurve(Fill::Filled, Side::Both)
772     }
774     /// Constructor which returns a diamond arrow.
diamond() -> ArrowShape775     pub fn diamond() -> ArrowShape {
776         ArrowShape::Diamond(Fill::Filled, Side::Both)
777     }
779     /// Constructor which returns a circle shaped arrow.
dot() -> ArrowShape780     pub fn dot() -> ArrowShape {
781         ArrowShape::Diamond(Fill::Filled, Side::Both)
782     }
784     /// Constructor which returns an inverted triangle arrow.
inv() -> ArrowShape785     pub fn inv() -> ArrowShape {
786         ArrowShape::Inv(Fill::Filled, Side::Both)
787     }
789     /// Constructor which returns a T shaped arrow.
tee() -> ArrowShape790     pub fn tee() -> ArrowShape {
791         ArrowShape::Tee(Side::Both)
792     }
794     /// Constructor which returns a V shaped arrow.
vee() -> ArrowShape795     pub fn vee() -> ArrowShape {
796         ArrowShape::Vee(Side::Both)
797     }
799     /// Function which renders given ArrowShape into a String for displaying.
to_dot_string(&self) -> String800     pub fn to_dot_string(&self) -> String {
801         let mut res = String::new();
802         match *self {
803             Box(fill, side) | ICurve(fill, side)| Diamond(fill, side) |
804             Inv(fill, side) | Normal(fill, side)=> {
805                 res.push_str(fill.as_slice());
806                 match side {
807                     Side::Left | Side::Right => res.push_str(side.as_slice()),
808                     Side::Both => {},
809                 };
810             },
811             Dot(fill)       => res.push_str(fill.as_slice()),
812             Crow(side) | Curve(side) | Tee(side)
813             | Vee(side) => {
814                 match side {
815                     Side::Left | Side::Right => res.push_str(side.as_slice()),
816                     Side::Both => {},
817                 }
818             }
819             NoArrow => {},
820         };
821         match *self {
822             NoArrow         => res.push_str("none"),
823             Normal(_, _)    => res.push_str("normal"),
824             Box(_, _)       => res.push_str("box"),
825             Crow(_)         => res.push_str("crow"),
826             Curve(_)        => res.push_str("curve"),
827             ICurve(_, _)    => res.push_str("icurve"),
828             Diamond(_, _)   => res.push_str("diamond"),
829             Dot(_)          => res.push_str("dot"),
830             Inv(_, _)       => res.push_str("inv"),
831             Tee(_)          => res.push_str("tee"),
832             Vee(_)          => res.push_str("vee"),
833         };
834         res
835     }
836 }
838 pub type Nodes<'a,N> = Cow<'a,[N]>;
839 pub type Edges<'a,E> = Cow<'a,[E]>;
841 /// Graph kind determines if `digraph` or `graph` is used as keyword
842 /// for the graph.
843 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
844 pub enum Kind {
845     Digraph,
846     Graph,
847 }
849 impl Kind {
850     /// The keyword to use to introduce the graph.
851     /// Determines which edge syntax must be used, and default style.
keyword(&self) -> &'static str852     fn keyword(&self) -> &'static str {
853         match *self {
854             Kind::Digraph => "digraph",
855             Kind::Graph => "graph"
856         }
857     }
859     /// The edgeop syntax to use for this graph kind.
edgeop(&self) -> &'static str860     fn edgeop(&self) -> &'static str {
861         match *self {
862             Kind::Digraph => "->",
863             Kind::Graph => "--",
864         }
865     }
866 }
868 // (The type parameters in GraphWalk should be associated items,
869 // when/if Rust supports such.)
871 /// GraphWalk is an abstraction over a graph = (nodes,edges)
872 /// made up of node handles `N` and edge handles `E`, where each `E`
873 /// can be mapped to its source and target nodes.
874 ///
875 /// The lifetime parameter `'a` is exposed in this trait (rather than
876 /// introduced as a generic parameter on each method declaration) so
877 /// that a client impl can choose `N` and `E` that have substructure
878 /// that is bound by the self lifetime `'a`.
879 ///
880 /// The `nodes` and `edges` method each return instantiations of
881 /// `Cow<[T]>` to leave implementers the freedom to create
882 /// entirely new vectors or to pass back slices into internally owned
883 /// vectors.
884 pub trait GraphWalk<'a, N: Clone, E: Clone> {
885     /// Returns all the nodes in this graph.
nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, N>886     fn nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, N>;
887     /// Returns all of the edges in this graph.
edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, E>888     fn edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, E>;
889     /// The source node for `edge`.
source(&'a self, edge: &E) -> N890     fn source(&'a self, edge: &E) -> N;
891     /// The target node for `edge`.
target(&'a self, edge: &E) -> N892     fn target(&'a self, edge: &E) -> N;
893 }
895 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
896 pub enum RenderOption {
897     NoEdgeLabels,
898     NoNodeLabels,
899     NoEdgeStyles,
900     NoEdgeColors,
901     NoNodeStyles,
902     NoNodeColors,
903     NoArrows,
904 }
906 /// Returns vec holding all the default render options.
default_options() -> Vec<RenderOption>907 pub fn default_options() -> Vec<RenderOption> {
908     vec![]
909 }
911 /// Renders graph `g` into the writer `w` in DOT syntax.
912 /// (Simple wrapper around `render_opts` that passes a default set of options.)
render<'a, N: Clone + 'a, E: Clone + 'a, G: Labeller<'a, N, E> + GraphWalk<'a, N, E>, W: Write> (g: &'a G, w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>913 pub fn render<'a,
914               N: Clone + 'a,
915               E: Clone + 'a,
916               G: Labeller<'a, N, E> + GraphWalk<'a, N, E>,
917               W: Write>
918     (g: &'a G,
919      w: &mut W)
920      -> io::Result<()> {
921     render_opts(g, w, &[])
922 }
924 /// Renders graph `g` into the writer `w` in DOT syntax.
925 /// (Main entry point for the library.)
render_opts<'a, N: Clone + 'a, E: Clone + 'a, G: Labeller<'a, N, E> + GraphWalk<'a, N, E>, W: Write> (g: &'a G, w: &mut W, options: &[RenderOption]) -> io::Result<()>926 pub fn render_opts<'a,
927                    N: Clone + 'a,
928                    E: Clone + 'a,
929                    G: Labeller<'a, N, E> + GraphWalk<'a, N, E>,
930                    W: Write>
931     (g: &'a G,
932      w: &mut W,
933      options: &[RenderOption])
934      -> io::Result<()> {
935     fn writeln<W: Write>(w: &mut W, arg: &[&str]) -> io::Result<()> {
936         for &s in arg {
937             try!(w.write_all(s.as_bytes()));
938         }
939         write!(w, "\n")
940     }
942     fn indent<W: Write>(w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
943         w.write_all(b"    ")
944     }
946     try!(writeln(w, &[g.kind().keyword(), " ", g.graph_id().as_slice(), " {"]));
947     for n in g.nodes().iter() {
948         let colorstring;
950         try!(indent(w));
951         let id = g.node_id(n);
953         let escaped = &g.node_label(n).to_dot_string();
954         let shape;
956         let mut text = vec![id.as_slice()];
958         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoNodeLabels) {
959             text.push("[label=");
960             text.push(escaped);
961             text.push("]");
962         }
964         let style = g.node_style(n);
965         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoNodeStyles) && style != Style::None {
966             text.push("[style=\"");
967             text.push(style.as_slice());
968             text.push("\"]");
969         }
971         let color = g.node_color(n);
972         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoNodeColors) {
973             if let Some(c) = color {
974                 colorstring = c.to_dot_string();
975                 text.push("[color=");
976                 text.push(&colorstring);
977                 text.push("]");
978             }
979         }
981         if let Some(s) = g.node_shape(n) {
982             shape = s.to_dot_string();
983             text.push("[shape=");
984             text.push(&shape);
985             text.push("]");
986         }
988         text.push(";");
989         try!(writeln(w, &text));
990     }
992     for e in g.edges().iter() {
993         let colorstring;
994         let escaped_label = &g.edge_label(e).to_dot_string();
995         let start_arrow = g.edge_start_arrow(e);
996         let end_arrow = g.edge_end_arrow(e);
997         let start_arrow_s = start_arrow.to_dot_string();
998         let end_arrow_s = end_arrow.to_dot_string();
1000         try!(indent(w));
1001         let source = g.source(e);
1002         let target = g.target(e);
1003         let source_id = g.node_id(&source);
1004         let target_id = g.node_id(&target);
1006         let mut text = vec![source_id.as_slice(), " ",
1007                             g.kind().edgeop(), " ",
1008                             target_id.as_slice()];
1010         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoEdgeLabels) {
1011             text.push("[label=");
1012             text.push(escaped_label);
1013             text.push("]");
1014         }
1016         let style = g.edge_style(e);
1017         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoEdgeStyles) && style != Style::None {
1018             text.push("[style=\"");
1019             text.push(style.as_slice());
1020             text.push("\"]");
1021         }
1023         let color = g.edge_color(e);
1024         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoEdgeColors) {
1025             if let Some(c) = color {
1026                 colorstring = c.to_dot_string();
1027                 text.push("[color=");
1028                 text.push(&colorstring);
1029                 text.push("]");
1030             }
1031         }
1033         if !options.contains(&RenderOption::NoArrows) &&
1034             (!start_arrow.is_default() || !end_arrow.is_default()) {
1035             text.push("[");
1036             if !end_arrow.is_default() {
1037                 text.push("arrowhead=\"");
1038                 text.push(&end_arrow_s);
1039                 text.push("\"");
1040             }
1041             if !start_arrow.is_default() {
1042                 text.push(" dir=\"both\" arrowtail=\"");
1043                 text.push(&start_arrow_s);
1044                 text.push("\"");
1045             }
1047             text.push("]");
1048         }
1050         text.push(";");
1051         try!(writeln(w, &text));
1052     }
1054     writeln(w, &["}"])
1055 }
1057 #[cfg(test)]
1058 mod tests {
1059     use self::NodeLabels::*;
1060     use super::{Id, Labeller, Nodes, Edges, GraphWalk, render, Style, Kind};
1061     use super::LabelText::{self, LabelStr, EscStr, HtmlStr};
1062     use super::{Arrow, ArrowShape, Side};
1063     use std::io;
1064     use std::io::prelude::*;
1066     /// each node is an index in a vector in the graph.
1067     type Node = usize;
1068     struct Edge {
1069         from: usize,
1070         to: usize,
1071         label: &'static str,
1072         style: Style,
1073         start_arrow: Arrow,
1074         end_arrow: Arrow,
1075         color: Option<&'static str>,
1076     }
edge(from: usize, to: usize, label: &'static str, style: Style, color: Option<&'static str>) -> Edge1078     fn edge(from: usize, to: usize, label: &'static str, style: Style, color: Option<&'static str>) -> Edge {
1079         Edge {
1080             from: from,
1081             to: to,
1082             label: label,
1083             style: style,
1084             start_arrow: Arrow::default(),
1085             end_arrow: Arrow::default(),
1086             color: color,
1088         }
1089     }
edge_with_arrows(from: usize, to: usize, label: &'static str, style:Style, start_arrow: Arrow, end_arrow: Arrow, color: Option<&'static str>) -> Edge1091     fn edge_with_arrows(from: usize, to: usize, label: &'static str, style:Style,
1092         start_arrow: Arrow, end_arrow: Arrow, color: Option<&'static str>) -> Edge {
1093         Edge {
1094             from: from,
1095             to: to,
1096             label: label,
1097             style: style,
1098             start_arrow: start_arrow,
1099             end_arrow: end_arrow,
1100             color: color,
1101         }
1102     }
1105     struct LabelledGraph {
1106         /// The name for this graph. Used for labelling generated `digraph`.
1107         name: &'static str,
1109         /// Each node is an index into `node_labels`; these labels are
1110         /// used as the label text for each node. (The node *names*,
1111         /// which are unique identifiers, are derived from their index
1112         /// in this array.)
1113         ///
1114         /// If a node maps to None here, then just use its name as its
1115         /// text.
1116         node_labels: Vec<Option<&'static str>>,
1118         node_styles: Vec<Style>,
1120         /// Each edge relates a from-index to a to-index along with a
1121         /// label; `edges` collects them.
1122         edges: Vec<Edge>,
1123     }
1125     // A simple wrapper around LabelledGraph that forces the labels to
1126     // be emitted as EscStr.
1127     struct LabelledGraphWithEscStrs {
1128         graph: LabelledGraph,
1129     }
1131     enum NodeLabels<L> {
1132         AllNodesLabelled(Vec<L>),
1133         UnlabelledNodes(usize),
1134         SomeNodesLabelled(Vec<Option<L>>),
1135     }
1137     type Trivial = NodeLabels<&'static str>;
1139     impl NodeLabels<&'static str> {
into_opt_strs(self) -> Vec<Option<&'static str>>1140         fn into_opt_strs(self) -> Vec<Option<&'static str>> {
1141             match self {
1142                 UnlabelledNodes(len) => vec![None; len],
1143                 AllNodesLabelled(lbls) => lbls.into_iter().map(|l| Some(l)).collect(),
1144                 SomeNodesLabelled(lbls) => lbls.into_iter().collect(),
1145             }
1146         }
len(&self) -> usize1148         fn len(&self) -> usize {
1149             match self {
1150                 &UnlabelledNodes(len) => len,
1151                 &AllNodesLabelled(ref lbls) => lbls.len(),
1152                 &SomeNodesLabelled(ref lbls) => lbls.len(),
1153             }
1154         }
1155     }
1157     impl LabelledGraph {
new(name: &'static str, node_labels: Trivial, edges: Vec<Edge>, node_styles: Option<Vec<Style>>) -> LabelledGraph1158         fn new(name: &'static str,
1159                node_labels: Trivial,
1160                edges: Vec<Edge>,
1161                node_styles: Option<Vec<Style>>)
1162                -> LabelledGraph {
1163             let count = node_labels.len();
1164             LabelledGraph {
1165                 name: name,
1166                 node_labels: node_labels.into_opt_strs(),
1167                 edges: edges,
1168                 node_styles: match node_styles {
1169                     Some(nodes) => nodes,
1170                     None => vec![Style::None; count],
1171                 },
1172             }
1173         }
1174     }
1176     impl LabelledGraphWithEscStrs {
new(name: &'static str, node_labels: Trivial, edges: Vec<Edge>) -> LabelledGraphWithEscStrs1177         fn new(name: &'static str,
1178                node_labels: Trivial,
1179                edges: Vec<Edge>)
1180                -> LabelledGraphWithEscStrs {
1181             LabelledGraphWithEscStrs { graph: LabelledGraph::new(name, node_labels, edges, None) }
1182         }
1183     }
id_name<'a>(n: &Node) -> Id<'a>1185     fn id_name<'a>(n: &Node) -> Id<'a> {
1186         Id::new(format!("N{}", *n)).unwrap()
1187     }
1189     impl<'a> Labeller<'a, Node, &'a Edge> for LabelledGraph {
graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a>1190         fn graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a> {
1191             Id::new(&self.name[..]).unwrap()
1192         }
node_id(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Id<'a>1193         fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Id<'a> {
1194             id_name(n)
1195         }
node_label(&'a self, n: &Node) -> LabelText<'a>1196         fn node_label(&'a self, n: &Node) -> LabelText<'a> {
1197             match self.node_labels[*n] {
1198                 Some(ref l) => LabelStr((*l).into()),
1199                 None => LabelStr(id_name(n).name()),
1200             }
1201         }
edge_label(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> LabelText<'a>1202         fn edge_label(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> LabelText<'a> {
1203             LabelStr(e.label.into())
1204         }
node_style(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Style1205         fn node_style(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Style {
1206             self.node_styles[*n]
1207         }
edge_style(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Style1208         fn edge_style(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Style {
1209             e.style
1210         }
edge_color(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>1211         fn edge_color(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>
1212         {
1213             match e.color {
1214                 Some(l) => {
1215                     Some(LabelStr((*l).into()))
1216                 },
1217                 None => None,
1218             }
1219         }
edge_end_arrow(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Arrow1220         fn edge_end_arrow(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Arrow {
1221             e.end_arrow.clone()
1222         }
edge_start_arrow(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Arrow1224         fn edge_start_arrow(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Arrow {
1225             e.start_arrow.clone()
1226         }
1227     }
1229     impl<'a> Labeller<'a, Node, &'a Edge> for LabelledGraphWithEscStrs {
graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a>1230         fn graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a> {
1231             self.graph.graph_id()
1232         }
node_id(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Id<'a>1233         fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Id<'a> {
1234             self.graph.node_id(n)
1235         }
node_label(&'a self, n: &Node) -> LabelText<'a>1236         fn node_label(&'a self, n: &Node) -> LabelText<'a> {
1237             match self.graph.node_label(n) {
1238                 LabelStr(s) | EscStr(s) | HtmlStr(s) => EscStr(s),
1239             }
1240         }
node_color(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>1241         fn node_color(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Option<LabelText<'a>> {
1242             match self.graph.node_color(n) {
1243                 Some(LabelStr(s)) | Some(EscStr(s)) | Some(HtmlStr(s)) => Some(EscStr(s)),
1244                 None => None,
1245             }
1246         }
edge_label(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> LabelText<'a>1247         fn edge_label(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> LabelText<'a> {
1248             match self.graph.edge_label(e) {
1249                 LabelStr(s) | EscStr(s) | HtmlStr(s) => EscStr(s),
1250             }
1251         }
edge_color(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Option<LabelText<'a>>1252         fn edge_color(&'a self, e: &&'a Edge) -> Option<LabelText<'a>> {
1253             match self.graph.edge_color(e) {
1254                 Some(LabelStr(s)) | Some(EscStr(s)) | Some(HtmlStr(s)) => Some(EscStr(s)),
1255                 None => None,
1256             }
1257         }
1258     }
1260     impl<'a> GraphWalk<'a, Node, &'a Edge> for LabelledGraph {
nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, Node>1261         fn nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, Node> {
1262             (0..self.node_labels.len()).collect()
1263         }
edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, &'a Edge>1264         fn edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, &'a Edge> {
1265             self.edges.iter().collect()
1266         }
source(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node1267         fn source(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node {
1268             edge.from
1269         }
target(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node1270         fn target(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node {
1271             edge.to
1272         }
1273     }
1275     impl<'a> GraphWalk<'a, Node, &'a Edge> for LabelledGraphWithEscStrs {
nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, Node>1276         fn nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, Node> {
1277             self.graph.nodes()
1278         }
edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, &'a Edge>1279         fn edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, &'a Edge> {
1280             self.graph.edges()
1281         }
source(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node1282         fn source(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node {
1283             edge.from
1284         }
target(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node1285         fn target(&'a self, edge: &&'a Edge) -> Node {
1286             edge.to
1287         }
1288     }
test_input(g: LabelledGraph) -> io::Result<String>1290     fn test_input(g: LabelledGraph) -> io::Result<String> {
1291         let mut writer = Vec::new();
1292         render(&g, &mut writer).unwrap();
1293         let mut s = String::new();
1294         try!(Read::read_to_string(&mut &*writer, &mut s));
1295         Ok(s)
1296     }
1298     // All of the tests use raw-strings as the format for the expected outputs,
1299     // so that you can cut-and-paste the content into a .dot file yourself to
1300     // see what the graphviz visualizer would produce.
1302     #[test]
empty_graph()1303     fn empty_graph() {
1304         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(0);
1305         let r = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("empty_graph", labels, vec![], None));
1306         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1307 r#"digraph empty_graph {
1308 }
1309 "#);
1310     }
1312     #[test]
single_node()1313     fn single_node() {
1314         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(1);
1315         let r = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("single_node", labels, vec![], None));
1316         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1317 r#"digraph single_node {
1318     N0[label="N0"];
1319 }
1320 "#);
1321     }
1323     #[test]
single_node_with_style()1324     fn single_node_with_style() {
1325         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(1);
1326         let styles = Some(vec![Style::Dashed]);
1327         let r = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("single_node", labels, vec![], styles));
1328         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1329 r#"digraph single_node {
1330     N0[label="N0"][style="dashed"];
1331 }
1332 "#);
1333     }
1335     #[test]
single_edge()1336     fn single_edge() {
1337         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(2);
1338         let result = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("single_edge",
1339                                                    labels,
1340                                                    vec![edge(0, 1, "E", Style::None, None)],
1341                                                    None));
1342         assert_eq!(result.unwrap(),
1343 r#"digraph single_edge {
1344     N0[label="N0"];
1345     N1[label="N1"];
1346     N0 -> N1[label="E"];
1347 }
1348 "#);
1349     }
1351     #[test]
single_edge_with_style()1352     fn single_edge_with_style() {
1353         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(2);
1354         let result = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("single_edge",
1355                                                    labels,
1356                                                    vec![edge(0, 1, "E", Style::Bold, Some("red"))],
1357                                                    None));
1358         assert_eq!(result.unwrap(),
1359 r#"digraph single_edge {
1360     N0[label="N0"];
1361     N1[label="N1"];
1362     N0 -> N1[label="E"][style="bold"][color="red"];
1363 }
1364 "#);
1365     }
1367     #[test]
test_some_labelled()1368     fn test_some_labelled() {
1369         let labels: Trivial = SomeNodesLabelled(vec![Some("A"), None]);
1370         let styles = Some(vec![Style::None, Style::Dotted]);
1371         let result = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("test_some_labelled",
1372                                                    labels,
1373                                                    vec![edge(0, 1, "A-1", Style::None, None)],
1374                                                    styles));
1375         assert_eq!(result.unwrap(),
1376 r#"digraph test_some_labelled {
1377     N0[label="A"];
1378     N1[label="N1"][style="dotted"];
1379     N0 -> N1[label="A-1"];
1380 }
1381 "#);
1382     }
1384     #[test]
single_cyclic_node()1385     fn single_cyclic_node() {
1386         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(1);
1387         let r = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("single_cyclic_node",
1388                                               labels,
1389                                               vec![edge(0, 0, "E", Style::None, None)],
1390                                               None));
1391         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1392 r#"digraph single_cyclic_node {
1393     N0[label="N0"];
1394     N0 -> N0[label="E"];
1395 }
1396 "#);
1397     }
1399     #[test]
hasse_diagram()1400     fn hasse_diagram() {
1401         let labels = AllNodesLabelled(vec!("{x,y}", "{x}", "{y}", "{}"));
1402         let r = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("hasse_diagram",
1403                                               labels,
1404                                               vec![edge(0, 1, "", Style::None, Some("green")),
1405                                                    edge(0, 2, "", Style::None, Some("blue")),
1406                                                    edge(1, 3, "", Style::None, Some("red")),
1407                                                    edge(2, 3, "", Style::None, Some("black"))],
1408                                               None));
1409         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1410 r#"digraph hasse_diagram {
1411     N0[label="{x,y}"];
1412     N1[label="{x}"];
1413     N2[label="{y}"];
1414     N3[label="{}"];
1415     N0 -> N1[label=""][color="green"];
1416     N0 -> N2[label=""][color="blue"];
1417     N1 -> N3[label=""][color="red"];
1418     N2 -> N3[label=""][color="black"];
1419 }
1420 "#);
1421     }
1423     #[test]
left_aligned_text()1424     fn left_aligned_text() {
1425         let labels = AllNodesLabelled(vec!(
1426             "if test {\
1427            \\l    branch1\
1428            \\l} else {\
1429            \\l    branch2\
1430            \\l}\
1431            \\lafterward\
1432            \\l",
1433             "branch1",
1434             "branch2",
1435             "afterward"));
1437         let mut writer = Vec::new();
1439         let g = LabelledGraphWithEscStrs::new("syntax_tree",
1440                                               labels,
1441                                               vec![edge(0, 1, "then", Style::None, None),
1442                                                    edge(0, 2, "else", Style::None, None),
1443                                                    edge(1, 3, ";", Style::None, None),
1444                                                    edge(2, 3, ";", Style::None, None)]);
1446         render(&g, &mut writer).unwrap();
1447         let mut r = String::new();
1448         Read::read_to_string(&mut &*writer, &mut r).unwrap();
1450         assert_eq!(r,
1451 r#"digraph syntax_tree {
1452     N0[label="if test {\l    branch1\l} else {\l    branch2\l}\lafterward\l"];
1453     N1[label="branch1"];
1454     N2[label="branch2"];
1455     N3[label="afterward"];
1456     N0 -> N1[label="then"];
1457     N0 -> N2[label="else"];
1458     N1 -> N3[label=";"];
1459     N2 -> N3[label=";"];
1460 }
1461 "#);
1462     }
1464     #[test]
simple_id_construction()1465     fn simple_id_construction() {
1466         let id1 = Id::new("hello");
1467         match id1 {
1468             Ok(_) => {}
1469             Err(..) => panic!("'hello' is not a valid value for id anymore"),
1470         }
1471     }
1473     #[test]
test_some_arrow()1474     fn test_some_arrow() {
1475         let labels: Trivial = SomeNodesLabelled(vec![Some("A"), None]);
1476         let styles = Some(vec![Style::None, Style::Dotted]);
1477         let start  = Arrow::default();
1478         let end    = Arrow::from_arrow(ArrowShape::crow());
1479         let result = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("test_some_labelled",
1480                                                    labels,
1481                                                    vec![edge_with_arrows(0, 1, "A-1", Style::None, start, end, None)],
1482                                                    styles));
1483         assert_eq!(result.unwrap(),
1484 r#"digraph test_some_labelled {
1485     N0[label="A"];
1486     N1[label="N1"][style="dotted"];
1487     N0 -> N1[label="A-1"][arrowhead="crow"];
1488 }
1489 "#);
1490     }
1492     #[test]
test_some_arrows()1493     fn test_some_arrows() {
1494         let labels: Trivial = SomeNodesLabelled(vec![Some("A"), None]);
1495         let styles = Some(vec![Style::None, Style::Dotted]);
1496         let start  = Arrow::from_arrow(ArrowShape::tee());
1497         let end    = Arrow::from_arrow(ArrowShape::Crow(Side::Left));
1498         let result = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("test_some_labelled",
1499                                                    labels,
1500                                                    vec![edge_with_arrows(0, 1, "A-1", Style::None, start, end, None)],
1501                                                    styles));
1502         assert_eq!(result.unwrap(),
1503 r#"digraph test_some_labelled {
1504     N0[label="A"];
1505     N1[label="N1"][style="dotted"];
1506     N0 -> N1[label="A-1"][arrowhead="lcrow" dir="both" arrowtail="tee"];
1507 }
1508 "#);
1509     }
1511     #[test]
invisible()1512     fn invisible() {
1513         let labels: Trivial = UnlabelledNodes(1);
1514         let r = test_input(LabelledGraph::new("single_cyclic_node",
1515                                               labels,
1516                                               vec![edge(0, 0, "E", Style::Invisible, None)],
1517                                               Some(vec![Style::Invisible])));
1518         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1519                    r#"digraph single_cyclic_node {
1520     N0[label="N0"][style="invis"];
1521     N0 -> N0[label="E"][style="invis"];
1522 }
1523 "#);
1524     }
1526     #[test]
badly_formatted_id()1527     fn badly_formatted_id() {
1528         let id2 = Id::new("Weird { struct : ure } !!!");
1529         match id2 {
1530             Ok(_) => panic!("graphviz id suddenly allows spaces, brackets and stuff"),
1531             Err(..) => {}
1532         }
1533     }
1535     type SimpleEdge = (Node, Node);
1537     struct DefaultStyleGraph {
1538         /// The name for this graph. Used for labelling generated graph
1539         name: &'static str,
1540         nodes: usize,
1541         edges: Vec<SimpleEdge>,
1542         kind: Kind,
1543     }
1545     impl DefaultStyleGraph {
new(name: &'static str, nodes: usize, edges: Vec<SimpleEdge>, kind: Kind) -> DefaultStyleGraph1546         fn new(name: &'static str,
1547                nodes: usize,
1548                edges: Vec<SimpleEdge>,
1549                kind: Kind)
1550                -> DefaultStyleGraph {
1551             assert!(!name.is_empty());
1552             DefaultStyleGraph {
1553                 name: name,
1554                 nodes: nodes,
1555                 edges: edges,
1556                 kind: kind,
1557             }
1558         }
1559     }
1561     impl<'a> Labeller<'a, Node, &'a SimpleEdge> for DefaultStyleGraph {
graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a>1562         fn graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a> {
1563             Id::new(&self.name[..]).unwrap()
1564         }
node_id(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Id<'a>1565         fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Node) -> Id<'a> {
1566             id_name(n)
1567         }
kind(&self) -> Kind1568         fn kind(&self) -> Kind {
1569             self.kind
1570         }
1571     }
1573     impl<'a> GraphWalk<'a, Node, &'a SimpleEdge> for DefaultStyleGraph {
nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, Node>1574         fn nodes(&'a self) -> Nodes<'a, Node> {
1575             (0..self.nodes).collect()
1576         }
edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, &'a SimpleEdge>1577         fn edges(&'a self) -> Edges<'a, &'a SimpleEdge> {
1578             self.edges.iter().collect()
1579         }
source(&'a self, edge: &&'a SimpleEdge) -> Node1580         fn source(&'a self, edge: &&'a SimpleEdge) -> Node {
1581             edge.0
1582         }
target(&'a self, edge: &&'a SimpleEdge) -> Node1583         fn target(&'a self, edge: &&'a SimpleEdge) -> Node {
1584             edge.1
1585         }
1586     }
test_input_default(g: DefaultStyleGraph) -> io::Result<String>1588     fn test_input_default(g: DefaultStyleGraph) -> io::Result<String> {
1589         let mut writer = Vec::new();
1590         render(&g, &mut writer).unwrap();
1591         let mut s = String::new();
1592         try!(Read::read_to_string(&mut &*writer, &mut s));
1593         Ok(s)
1594     }
1596     #[test]
default_style_graph()1597     fn default_style_graph() {
1598         let r = test_input_default(
1599             DefaultStyleGraph::new("g", 4,
1600                                    vec![(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)],
1601                                    Kind::Graph));
1602         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1603 r#"graph g {
1604     N0[label="N0"];
1605     N1[label="N1"];
1606     N2[label="N2"];
1607     N3[label="N3"];
1608     N0 -- N1[label=""];
1609     N0 -- N2[label=""];
1610     N1 -- N3[label=""];
1611     N2 -- N3[label=""];
1612 }
1613 "#);
1614     }
1616     #[test]
default_style_digraph()1617     fn default_style_digraph() {
1618         let r = test_input_default(
1619             DefaultStyleGraph::new("di", 4,
1620                                    vec![(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)],
1621                                    Kind::Digraph));
1622         assert_eq!(r.unwrap(),
1623 r#"digraph di {
1624     N0[label="N0"];
1625     N1[label="N1"];
1626     N2[label="N2"];
1627     N3[label="N3"];
1628     N0 -> N1[label=""];
1629     N0 -> N2[label=""];
1630     N1 -> N3[label=""];
1631     N2 -> N3[label=""];
1632 }
1633 "#);
1634     }
1635 }