1 //! `hir_expand` deals with macro expansion.
2 //!
3 //! Specifically, it implements a concept of `MacroFile` -- a file whose syntax
4 //! tree originates not from the text of some `FileId`, but from some macro
5 //! expansion.
7 pub mod db;
8 pub mod ast_id_map;
9 pub mod name;
10 pub mod hygiene;
11 pub mod builtin_attr_macro;
12 pub mod builtin_derive_macro;
13 pub mod builtin_fn_macro;
14 pub mod proc_macro;
15 pub mod quote;
16 pub mod eager;
18 use base_db::ProcMacroKind;
19 use either::Either;
21 pub use mbe::{ExpandError, ExpandResult, Origin};
23 use std::{hash::Hash, iter, sync::Arc};
25 use base_db::{impl_intern_key, salsa, CrateId, FileId, FileRange};
26 use syntax::{
27     algo::{self, skip_trivia_token},
28     ast::{self, AstNode, HasAttrs},
29     Direction, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken,
30 };
32 use crate::{
33     ast_id_map::FileAstId,
34     builtin_attr_macro::BuiltinAttrExpander,
35     builtin_derive_macro::BuiltinDeriveExpander,
36     builtin_fn_macro::{BuiltinFnLikeExpander, EagerExpander},
37     db::TokenExpander,
38     proc_macro::ProcMacroExpander,
39 };
41 /// Input to the analyzer is a set of files, where each file is identified by
42 /// `FileId` and contains source code. However, another source of source code in
43 /// Rust are macros: each macro can be thought of as producing a "temporary
44 /// file". To assign an id to such a file, we use the id of the macro call that
45 /// produced the file. So, a `HirFileId` is either a `FileId` (source code
46 /// written by user), or a `MacroCallId` (source code produced by macro).
47 ///
48 /// What is a `MacroCallId`? Simplifying, it's a `HirFileId` of a file
49 /// containing the call plus the offset of the macro call in the file. Note that
50 /// this is a recursive definition! However, the size_of of `HirFileId` is
51 /// finite (because everything bottoms out at the real `FileId`) and small
52 /// (`MacroCallId` uses the location interning. You can check details here:
53 /// <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_interning>).
54 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
55 pub struct HirFileId(HirFileIdRepr);
57 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
58 enum HirFileIdRepr {
59     FileId(FileId),
60     MacroFile(MacroFile),
61 }
62 impl From<FileId> for HirFileId {
from(id: FileId) -> Self63     fn from(id: FileId) -> Self {
64         HirFileId(HirFileIdRepr::FileId(id))
65     }
66 }
67 impl From<MacroFile> for HirFileId {
from(id: MacroFile) -> Self68     fn from(id: MacroFile) -> Self {
69         HirFileId(HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(id))
70     }
71 }
73 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
74 pub struct MacroFile {
75     pub macro_call_id: MacroCallId,
76 }
78 /// `MacroCallId` identifies a particular macro invocation, like
79 /// `println!("Hello, {}", world)`.
80 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
81 pub struct MacroCallId(salsa::InternId);
82 impl_intern_key!(MacroCallId);
84 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
85 pub struct MacroCallLoc {
86     pub def: MacroDefId,
87     pub(crate) krate: CrateId,
88     eager: Option<EagerCallInfo>,
89     pub kind: MacroCallKind,
90 }
92 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
93 pub struct MacroDefId {
94     pub krate: CrateId,
95     pub kind: MacroDefKind,
96     pub local_inner: bool,
97 }
99 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
100 pub enum MacroDefKind {
101     Declarative(AstId<ast::Macro>),
102     BuiltIn(BuiltinFnLikeExpander, AstId<ast::Macro>),
103     // FIXME: maybe just Builtin and rename BuiltinFnLikeExpander to BuiltinExpander
104     BuiltInAttr(BuiltinAttrExpander, AstId<ast::Macro>),
105     BuiltInDerive(BuiltinDeriveExpander, AstId<ast::Macro>),
106     BuiltInEager(EagerExpander, AstId<ast::Macro>),
107     ProcMacro(ProcMacroExpander, ProcMacroKind, AstId<ast::Fn>),
108 }
110 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
111 struct EagerCallInfo {
112     /// NOTE: This can be *either* the expansion result, *or* the argument to the eager macro!
113     arg_or_expansion: Arc<tt::Subtree>,
114     included_file: Option<FileId>,
115 }
117 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
118 pub enum MacroCallKind {
119     FnLike {
120         ast_id: AstId<ast::MacroCall>,
121         expand_to: ExpandTo,
122     },
123     Derive {
124         ast_id: AstId<ast::Item>,
125         derive_name: Box<str>,
126         /// Syntactical index of the invoking `#[derive]` attribute.
127         ///
128         /// Outer attributes are counted first, then inner attributes. This does not support
129         /// out-of-line modules, which may have attributes spread across 2 files!
130         derive_attr_index: u32,
131     },
132     Attr {
133         ast_id: AstId<ast::Item>,
134         attr_name: Box<str>,
135         attr_args: (tt::Subtree, mbe::TokenMap),
136         /// Syntactical index of the invoking `#[attribute]`.
137         ///
138         /// Outer attributes are counted first, then inner attributes. This does not support
139         /// out-of-line modules, which may have attributes spread across 2 files!
140         invoc_attr_index: u32,
141     },
142 }
144 impl HirFileId {
145     /// For macro-expansion files, returns the file original source file the
146     /// expansion originated from.
original_file(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> FileId147     pub fn original_file(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> FileId {
148         match self.0 {
149             HirFileIdRepr::FileId(file_id) => file_id,
150             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
151                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
152                 let file_id = match &loc.eager {
153                     Some(EagerCallInfo { included_file: Some(file), .. }) => (*file).into(),
154                     _ => loc.kind.file_id(),
155                 };
156                 file_id.original_file(db)
157             }
158         }
159     }
expansion_level(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> u32161     pub fn expansion_level(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> u32 {
162         let mut level = 0;
163         let mut curr = self;
164         while let HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) = curr.0 {
165             let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
167             level += 1;
168             curr = loc.kind.file_id();
169         }
170         level
171     }
173     /// If this is a macro call, returns the syntax node of the call.
call_node(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxNode>>174     pub fn call_node(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxNode>> {
175         match self.0 {
176             HirFileIdRepr::FileId(_) => None,
177             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
178                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
179                 Some(loc.kind.to_node(db))
180             }
181         }
182     }
184     /// Return expansion information if it is a macro-expansion file
expansion_info(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<ExpansionInfo>185     pub fn expansion_info(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<ExpansionInfo> {
186         match self.0 {
187             HirFileIdRepr::FileId(_) => None,
188             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
189                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
191                 let arg_tt = loc.kind.arg(db)?;
193                 let def = loc.def.ast_id().left().and_then(|id| {
194                     let def_tt = match id.to_node(db) {
195                         ast::Macro::MacroRules(mac) => mac.token_tree()?,
196                         ast::Macro::MacroDef(mac) => mac.body()?,
197                     };
198                     Some(InFile::new(id.file_id, def_tt))
199                 });
200                 let attr_input_or_mac_def = def.or_else(|| match loc.kind {
201                     MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, invoc_attr_index, .. } => {
202                         let tt = ast_id
203                             .to_node(db)
204                             .attrs()
205                             .nth(invoc_attr_index as usize)?
206                             .token_tree()?;
207                         Some(InFile::new(ast_id.file_id, tt))
208                     }
209                     _ => None,
210                 });
212                 let macro_def = db.macro_def(loc.def).ok()?;
213                 let (parse, exp_map) = db.parse_macro_expansion(macro_file).value?;
214                 let macro_arg = db.macro_arg(macro_file.macro_call_id)?;
216                 Some(ExpansionInfo {
217                     expanded: InFile::new(self, parse.syntax_node()),
218                     arg: InFile::new(loc.kind.file_id(), arg_tt),
219                     attr_input_or_mac_def,
220                     macro_arg_shift: mbe::Shift::new(&macro_arg.0),
221                     macro_arg,
222                     macro_def,
223                     exp_map,
224                 })
225             }
226         }
227     }
229     /// Indicate it is macro file generated for builtin derive
is_builtin_derive(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<InFile<ast::Item>>230     pub fn is_builtin_derive(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<InFile<ast::Item>> {
231         match self.0 {
232             HirFileIdRepr::FileId(_) => None,
233             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
234                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
235                 let item = match loc.def.kind {
236                     MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(..) => loc.kind.to_node(db),
237                     _ => return None,
238                 };
239                 Some(item.with_value(ast::Item::cast(item.value.clone())?))
240             }
241         }
242     }
is_custom_derive(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> bool244     pub fn is_custom_derive(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> bool {
245         match self.0 {
246             HirFileIdRepr::FileId(_) => false,
247             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
248                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
249                 match loc.def.kind {
250                     MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(_, ProcMacroKind::CustomDerive, _) => true,
251                     _ => false,
252                 }
253             }
254         }
255     }
257     /// Return whether this file is an include macro
is_include_macro(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> bool258     pub fn is_include_macro(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> bool {
259         match self.0 {
260             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
261                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
262                 matches!(loc.eager, Some(EagerCallInfo { included_file: Some(_), .. }))
263             }
264             _ => false,
265         }
266     }
268     /// Return whether this file is an include macro
is_attr_macro(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> bool269     pub fn is_attr_macro(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> bool {
270         match self.0 {
271             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(macro_file) => {
272                 let loc: MacroCallLoc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(macro_file.macro_call_id);
273                 matches!(loc.kind, MacroCallKind::Attr { .. })
274             }
275             _ => false,
276         }
277     }
is_macro(self) -> bool279     pub fn is_macro(self) -> bool {
280         matches!(self.0, HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(_))
281     }
macro_file(self) -> Option<MacroFile>283     pub fn macro_file(self) -> Option<MacroFile> {
284         match self.0 {
285             HirFileIdRepr::FileId(_) => None,
286             HirFileIdRepr::MacroFile(m) => Some(m),
287         }
288     }
289 }
291 impl MacroDefId {
as_lazy_macro( self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, krate: CrateId, kind: MacroCallKind, ) -> MacroCallId292     pub fn as_lazy_macro(
293         self,
294         db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
295         krate: CrateId,
296         kind: MacroCallKind,
297     ) -> MacroCallId {
298         db.intern_macro_call(MacroCallLoc { def: self, krate, eager: None, kind })
299     }
ast_id(&self) -> Either<AstId<ast::Macro>, AstId<ast::Fn>>301     pub fn ast_id(&self) -> Either<AstId<ast::Macro>, AstId<ast::Fn>> {
302         let id = match &self.kind {
303             MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(.., id) => return Either::Right(*id),
304             MacroDefKind::Declarative(id)
305             | MacroDefKind::BuiltIn(_, id)
306             | MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(_, id)
307             | MacroDefKind::BuiltInDerive(_, id)
308             | MacroDefKind::BuiltInEager(_, id) => id,
309         };
310         Either::Left(*id)
311     }
is_proc_macro(&self) -> bool313     pub fn is_proc_macro(&self) -> bool {
314         matches!(self.kind, MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(..))
315     }
is_attribute(&self) -> bool317     pub fn is_attribute(&self) -> bool {
318         matches!(
319             self.kind,
320             MacroDefKind::BuiltInAttr(..) | MacroDefKind::ProcMacro(_, ProcMacroKind::Attr, _)
321         )
322     }
323 }
325 // FIXME: attribute indices do not account for `cfg_attr`, which means that we'll strip the whole
326 // `cfg_attr` instead of just one of the attributes it expands to
328 impl MacroCallKind {
329     /// Returns the file containing the macro invocation.
file_id(&self) -> HirFileId330     fn file_id(&self) -> HirFileId {
331         match self {
332             MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => ast_id.file_id,
333             MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, .. } | MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, .. } => {
334                 ast_id.file_id
335             }
336         }
337     }
to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> InFile<SyntaxNode>339     pub fn to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> InFile<SyntaxNode> {
340         match self {
341             MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => {
342                 ast_id.with_value(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone())
343             }
344             MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, .. } | MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, .. } => {
345                 ast_id.with_value(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone())
346             }
347         }
348     }
arg(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<SyntaxNode>350     fn arg(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<SyntaxNode> {
351         match self {
352             MacroCallKind::FnLike { ast_id, .. } => {
353                 Some(ast_id.to_node(db).token_tree()?.syntax().clone())
354             }
355             MacroCallKind::Derive { ast_id, .. } | MacroCallKind::Attr { ast_id, .. } => {
356                 Some(ast_id.to_node(db).syntax().clone())
357             }
358         }
359     }
expand_to(&self) -> ExpandTo361     fn expand_to(&self) -> ExpandTo {
362         match self {
363             MacroCallKind::FnLike { expand_to, .. } => *expand_to,
364             MacroCallKind::Derive { .. } => ExpandTo::Items,
365             MacroCallKind::Attr { .. } => ExpandTo::Items, // is this always correct?
366         }
367     }
368 }
370 impl MacroCallId {
as_file(self) -> HirFileId371     pub fn as_file(self) -> HirFileId {
372         MacroFile { macro_call_id: self }.into()
373     }
374 }
376 /// ExpansionInfo mainly describes how to map text range between src and expanded macro
377 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
378 pub struct ExpansionInfo {
379     expanded: InFile<SyntaxNode>,
380     /// The argument TokenTree or item for attributes
381     arg: InFile<SyntaxNode>,
382     /// The `macro_rules!` or attribute input.
383     attr_input_or_mac_def: Option<InFile<ast::TokenTree>>,
385     macro_def: Arc<TokenExpander>,
386     macro_arg: Arc<(tt::Subtree, mbe::TokenMap)>,
387     /// A shift built from `macro_arg`'s subtree, relevant for attributes as the item is the macro arg
388     /// and as such we need to shift tokens if they are part of an attributes input instead of their item.
389     macro_arg_shift: mbe::Shift,
390     exp_map: Arc<mbe::TokenMap>,
391 }
393 impl ExpansionInfo {
expanded(&self) -> InFile<SyntaxNode>394     pub fn expanded(&self) -> InFile<SyntaxNode> {
395         self.expanded.clone()
396     }
call_node(&self) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxNode>>398     pub fn call_node(&self) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxNode>> {
399         Some(self.arg.with_value(self.arg.value.parent()?))
400     }
402     /// Map a token down from macro input into the macro expansion.
403     ///
404     /// The inner workings of this function differ slightly depending on the type of macro we are dealing with:
405     /// - declarative:
406     ///     For declarative macros, we need to accommodate for the macro definition site(which acts as a second unchanging input)
407     ///     , as tokens can mapped in and out of it.
408     ///     To do this we shift all ids in the expansion by the maximum id of the definition site giving us an easy
409     ///     way to map all the tokens.
410     /// - attribute:
411     ///     Attributes have two different inputs, the input tokentree in the attribute node and the item
412     ///     the attribute is annotating. Similarly as for declarative macros we need to do a shift here
413     ///     as well. Currently this is done by shifting the attribute input by the maximum id of the item.
414     /// - function-like and derives:
415     ///     Both of these only have one simple call site input so no special handling is required here.
map_token_down( &self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, item: Option<ast::Item>, token: InFile<&SyntaxToken>, ) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxToken>> + '_>416     pub fn map_token_down(
417         &self,
418         db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
419         item: Option<ast::Item>,
420         token: InFile<&SyntaxToken>,
421     ) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxToken>> + '_> {
422         assert_eq!(token.file_id, self.arg.file_id);
423         let token_id_in_attr_input = if let Some(item) = item {
424             // check if we are mapping down in an attribute input
425             // this is a special case as attributes can have two inputs
426             let call_id = self.expanded.file_id.macro_file()?.macro_call_id;
427             let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(call_id);
429             let token_range = token.value.text_range();
430             match &loc.kind {
431                 MacroCallKind::Attr { attr_args, invoc_attr_index, .. } => {
432                     let attr = item.attrs().nth(*invoc_attr_index as usize)?;
433                     match attr.token_tree() {
434                         Some(token_tree)
435                             if token_tree.syntax().text_range().contains_range(token_range) =>
436                         {
437                             let attr_input_start =
438                                 token_tree.left_delimiter_token()?.text_range().start();
439                             let relative_range =
440                                 token.value.text_range().checked_sub(attr_input_start)?;
441                             // shift by the item's tree's max id
442                             let token_id = self
443                                 .macro_arg_shift
444                                 .shift(attr_args.1.token_by_range(relative_range)?);
445                             Some(token_id)
446                         }
447                         _ => None,
448                     }
449                 }
450                 _ => None,
451             }
452         } else {
453             None
454         };
456         let token_id = match token_id_in_attr_input {
457             Some(token_id) => token_id,
458             // the token is not inside an attribute's input so do the lookup in the macro_arg as ususal
459             None => {
460                 let relative_range =
461                     token.value.text_range().checked_sub(self.arg.value.text_range().start())?;
462                 let token_id = self.macro_arg.1.token_by_range(relative_range)?;
463                 // conditionally shift the id by a declaratives macro definition
464                 self.macro_def.map_id_down(token_id)
465             }
466         };
468         let tokens = self
469             .exp_map
470             .ranges_by_token(token_id, token.value.kind())
471             .flat_map(move |range| self.expanded.value.covering_element(range).into_token());
473         Some(tokens.map(move |token| self.expanded.with_value(token)))
474     }
476     /// Map a token up out of the expansion it resides in into the arguments of the macro call of the expansion.
map_token_up( &self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, token: InFile<&SyntaxToken>, ) -> Option<(InFile<SyntaxToken>, Origin)>477     pub fn map_token_up(
478         &self,
479         db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
480         token: InFile<&SyntaxToken>,
481     ) -> Option<(InFile<SyntaxToken>, Origin)> {
482         // Fetch the id through its text range,
483         let token_id = self.exp_map.token_by_range(token.value.text_range())?;
484         // conditionally unshifting the id to accommodate for macro-rules def site
485         let (mut token_id, origin) = self.macro_def.map_id_up(token_id);
487         let call_id = self.expanded.file_id.macro_file()?.macro_call_id;
488         let loc = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(call_id);
490         // Attributes are a bit special for us, they have two inputs, the input tokentree and the annotated item.
491         let (token_map, tt) = match &loc.kind {
492             MacroCallKind::Attr { attr_args: (_, arg_token_map), .. } => {
493                 // try unshifting the the token id, if unshifting fails, the token resides in the non-item attribute input
494                 // note that the `TokenExpander::map_id_up` earlier only unshifts for declarative macros, so we don't double unshift with this
495                 match self.macro_arg_shift.unshift(token_id) {
496                     Some(unshifted) => {
497                         token_id = unshifted;
498                         (arg_token_map, self.attr_input_or_mac_def.clone()?.syntax().cloned())
499                     }
500                     None => (&self.macro_arg.1, self.arg.clone()),
501                 }
502             }
503             _ => match origin {
504                 mbe::Origin::Call => (&self.macro_arg.1, self.arg.clone()),
505                 mbe::Origin::Def => match (&*self.macro_def, &self.attr_input_or_mac_def) {
506                     (TokenExpander::DeclarativeMacro { def_site_token_map, .. }, Some(tt)) => {
507                         (def_site_token_map, tt.syntax().cloned())
508                     }
509                     _ => panic!("`Origin::Def` used with non-`macro_rules!` macro"),
510                 },
511             },
512         };
514         let range = token_map.first_range_by_token(token_id, token.value.kind())?;
515         let token =
516             tt.value.covering_element(range + tt.value.text_range().start()).into_token()?;
517         Some((tt.with_value(token), origin))
518     }
519 }
521 /// `AstId` points to an AST node in any file.
522 ///
523 /// It is stable across reparses, and can be used as salsa key/value.
524 // FIXME: isn't this just a `Source<FileAstId<N>>` ?
525 pub type AstId<N> = InFile<FileAstId<N>>;
527 impl<N: AstNode> AstId<N> {
to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> N528     pub fn to_node(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> N {
529         let root = db.parse_or_expand(self.file_id).unwrap();
530         db.ast_id_map(self.file_id).get(self.value).to_node(&root)
531     }
532 }
534 /// `InFile<T>` stores a value of `T` inside a particular file/syntax tree.
535 ///
536 /// Typical usages are:
537 ///
538 /// * `InFile<SyntaxNode>` -- syntax node in a file
539 /// * `InFile<ast::FnDef>` -- ast node in a file
540 /// * `InFile<TextSize>` -- offset in a file
541 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
542 pub struct InFile<T> {
543     pub file_id: HirFileId,
544     pub value: T,
545 }
547 impl<T> InFile<T> {
new(file_id: HirFileId, value: T) -> InFile<T>548     pub fn new(file_id: HirFileId, value: T) -> InFile<T> {
549         InFile { file_id, value }
550     }
552     // Similarly, naming here is stupid...
with_value<U>(&self, value: U) -> InFile<U>553     pub fn with_value<U>(&self, value: U) -> InFile<U> {
554         InFile::new(self.file_id, value)
555     }
map<F: FnOnce(T) -> U, U>(self, f: F) -> InFile<U>557     pub fn map<F: FnOnce(T) -> U, U>(self, f: F) -> InFile<U> {
558         InFile::new(self.file_id, f(self.value))
559     }
as_ref(&self) -> InFile<&T>560     pub fn as_ref(&self) -> InFile<&T> {
561         self.with_value(&self.value)
562     }
file_syntax(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> SyntaxNode563     pub fn file_syntax(&self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> SyntaxNode {
564         db.parse_or_expand(self.file_id).expect("source created from invalid file")
565     }
566 }
568 impl<T: Clone> InFile<&T> {
cloned(&self) -> InFile<T>569     pub fn cloned(&self) -> InFile<T> {
570         self.with_value(self.value.clone())
571     }
572 }
574 impl<T> InFile<Option<T>> {
transpose(self) -> Option<InFile<T>>575     pub fn transpose(self) -> Option<InFile<T>> {
576         let value = self.value?;
577         Some(InFile::new(self.file_id, value))
578     }
579 }
581 impl InFile<SyntaxNode> {
ancestors_with_macros( self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxNode>> + Clone + '_582     pub fn ancestors_with_macros(
583         self,
584         db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
585     ) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxNode>> + Clone + '_ {
586         iter::successors(Some(self), move |node| match node.value.parent() {
587             Some(parent) => Some(node.with_value(parent)),
588             None => {
589                 let parent_node = node.file_id.call_node(db)?;
590                 Some(parent_node)
591             }
592         })
593     }
595     /// Skips the attributed item that caused the macro invocation we are climbing up
ancestors_with_macros_skip_attr_item( self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxNode>> + '_596     pub fn ancestors_with_macros_skip_attr_item(
597         self,
598         db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
599     ) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxNode>> + '_ {
600         iter::successors(Some(self), move |node| match node.value.parent() {
601             Some(parent) => Some(node.with_value(parent)),
602             None => {
603                 let parent_node = node.file_id.call_node(db)?;
604                 if node.file_id.is_attr_macro(db) {
605                     // macro call was an attributed item, skip it
606                     // FIXME: does this fail if this is a direct expansion of another macro?
607                     parent_node.map(|node| node.parent()).transpose()
608                 } else {
609                     Some(parent_node)
610                 }
611             }
612         })
613     }
614 }
616 impl<'a> InFile<&'a SyntaxNode> {
617     /// Falls back to the macro call range if the node cannot be mapped up fully.
original_file_range(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> FileRange618     pub fn original_file_range(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> FileRange {
619         if let Some(res) = self.original_file_range_opt(db) {
620             return res;
621         }
623         // Fall back to whole macro call.
624         let mut node = self.cloned();
625         while let Some(call_node) = node.file_id.call_node(db) {
626             node = call_node;
627         }
629         let orig_file = node.file_id.original_file(db);
630         assert_eq!(node.file_id, orig_file.into());
632         FileRange { file_id: orig_file, range: node.value.text_range() }
633     }
635     /// Attempts to map the syntax node back up its macro calls.
original_file_range_opt(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<FileRange>636     pub fn original_file_range_opt(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<FileRange> {
637         match ascend_node_border_tokens(db, self) {
638             Some(InFile { file_id, value: (first, last) }) => {
639                 let original_file = file_id.original_file(db);
640                 let range = first.text_range().cover(last.text_range());
641                 if file_id != original_file.into() {
642                     tracing::error!("Failed mapping up more for {:?}", range);
643                     return None;
644                 }
645                 Some(FileRange { file_id: original_file, range })
646             }
647             _ if !self.file_id.is_macro() => Some(FileRange {
648                 file_id: self.file_id.original_file(db),
649                 range: self.value.text_range(),
650             }),
651             _ => None,
652         }
653     }
654 }
656 fn ascend_node_border_tokens(
657     db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
658     InFile { file_id, value: node }: InFile<&SyntaxNode>,
659 ) -> Option<InFile<(SyntaxToken, SyntaxToken)>> {
660     let expansion = file_id.expansion_info(db)?;
662     // the input node has only one token ?
663     let first = skip_trivia_token(node.first_token()?, Direction::Next)?;
664     let last = skip_trivia_token(node.last_token()?, Direction::Prev)?;
665     let is_single_token = first == last;
667     node.descendants().find_map(|it| {
668         let first = skip_trivia_token(it.first_token()?, Direction::Next)?;
669         let first = ascend_call_token(db, &expansion, InFile::new(file_id, first))?;
671         let last = skip_trivia_token(it.last_token()?, Direction::Prev)?;
672         let last = ascend_call_token(db, &expansion, InFile::new(file_id, last))?;
674         if (!is_single_token && first == last) || (first.file_id != last.file_id) {
675             return None;
676         }
678         Some(InFile::new(first.file_id, (first.value, last.value)))
679     })
680 }
ascend_call_token( db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, expansion: &ExpansionInfo, token: InFile<SyntaxToken>, ) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxToken>>682 fn ascend_call_token(
683     db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
684     expansion: &ExpansionInfo,
685     token: InFile<SyntaxToken>,
686 ) -> Option<InFile<SyntaxToken>> {
687     let (mapped, origin) = expansion.map_token_up(db, token.as_ref())?;
688     if origin != Origin::Call {
689         return None;
690     }
691     if let Some(info) = mapped.file_id.expansion_info(db) {
692         return ascend_call_token(db, &info, mapped);
693     }
694     Some(mapped)
695 }
697 impl InFile<SyntaxToken> {
ancestors_with_macros( self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxNode>> + '_698     pub fn ancestors_with_macros(
699         self,
700         db: &dyn db::AstDatabase,
701     ) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<SyntaxNode>> + '_ {
702         self.value.parent().into_iter().flat_map({
703             let file_id = self.file_id;
704             move |parent| InFile::new(file_id, parent).ancestors_with_macros(db)
705         })
706     }
707 }
709 impl<N: AstNode> InFile<N> {
descendants<T: AstNode>(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<T>>710     pub fn descendants<T: AstNode>(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = InFile<T>> {
711         self.value.syntax().descendants().filter_map(T::cast).map(move |n| self.with_value(n))
712     }
original_ast_node(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<InFile<N>>714     pub fn original_ast_node(self, db: &dyn db::AstDatabase) -> Option<InFile<N>> {
715         match ascend_node_border_tokens(db, self.syntax()) {
716             Some(InFile { file_id, value: (first, last) }) => {
717                 let original_file = file_id.original_file(db);
718                 if file_id != original_file.into() {
719                     let range = first.text_range().cover(last.text_range());
720                     tracing::error!("Failed mapping up more for {:?}", range);
721                     return None;
722                 }
723                 let anc = algo::least_common_ancestor(&first.parent()?, &last.parent()?)?;
724                 Some(InFile::new(file_id, anc.ancestors().find_map(N::cast)?))
725             }
726             _ if !self.file_id.is_macro() => Some(self),
727             _ => None,
728         }
729     }
syntax(&self) -> InFile<&SyntaxNode>731     pub fn syntax(&self) -> InFile<&SyntaxNode> {
732         self.with_value(self.value.syntax())
733     }
734 }
736 /// In Rust, macros expand token trees to token trees. When we want to turn a
737 /// token tree into an AST node, we need to figure out what kind of AST node we
738 /// want: something like `foo` can be a type, an expression, or a pattern.
739 ///
740 /// Naively, one would think that "what this expands to" is a property of a
741 /// particular macro: macro `m1` returns an item, while macro `m2` returns an
742 /// expression, etc. That's not the case -- macros are polymorphic in the
743 /// result, and can expand to any type of the AST node.
744 ///
745 /// What defines the actual AST node is the syntactic context of the macro
746 /// invocation. As a contrived example, in `let T![*] = T![*];` the first `T`
747 /// expands to a pattern, while the second one expands to an expression.
748 ///
749 /// `ExpandTo` captures this bit of information about a particular macro call
750 /// site.
751 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
752 pub enum ExpandTo {
753     Statements,
754     Items,
755     Pattern,
756     Type,
757     Expr,
758 }
760 impl ExpandTo {
from_call_site(call: &ast::MacroCall) -> ExpandTo761     pub fn from_call_site(call: &ast::MacroCall) -> ExpandTo {
762         use syntax::SyntaxKind::*;
764         let syn = call.syntax();
766         let parent = match syn.parent() {
767             Some(it) => it,
768             None => return ExpandTo::Statements,
769         };
771         match parent.kind() {
772             MACRO_ITEMS | SOURCE_FILE | ITEM_LIST => ExpandTo::Items,
773             MACRO_STMTS | EXPR_STMT | STMT_LIST => ExpandTo::Statements,
774             MACRO_PAT => ExpandTo::Pattern,
775             MACRO_TYPE => ExpandTo::Type,
781             | BIN_EXPR => ExpandTo::Expr,
782             LET_STMT => {
783                 // FIXME: Handle LHS Pattern
784                 ExpandTo::Expr
785             }
787             _ => {
788                 // Unknown , Just guess it is `Items`
789                 ExpandTo::Items
790             }
791         }
792     }
793 }